The Brussels Post, 1888-6-29, Page 7JUNE `?tl, 11+88.
¢80mft01nu'ay.,33saarrscei'E:v%mar^casr,z�.-msuu;slrm0515' "� _
Er that umotohod solinou, But T kuoy of E4110 was itcousto11ec1 to sayq. , conic. lJy 11000 llentatcad hail endeliod
e , that wig g that will oq you more good Acldie was too wrapped up in herself his sermon, and faottit had completed
to think much about others. her mysterious fancywork; and they
Savo queer littlo chuckling laughs, both were ready for the festivities of
which no one understood, M1. Dimmorly Christmas-ove.
gave no sign that ho noted anything 011- Mr. Dimpnerly was a great stickler for
usual going on, the old Vaiglish customs, and always had
Besides, Lottho was very circumspect the Yulo Log brought in with great corm
when in the premium of others, and mealy. With his own hands lie suspended
Honistead unconsciously followed tho the mistletoe from sho chandelier in tho
suggostinn of her manner. Thus oven hall, which ho always obtained from
lynx -eyed Bello could seldom lay her Dimmorly Manor in l+luglaud. Lottie,
linger an anything and say,
Mono is without t
stead btuna
h w
sonoL• ; conclusive. ilam, when, vitla v vaC1tYnet in
But if over there was an earthly ely. kegTling with his years, lie sprang down
Rican, llotusteadand Lottio dwelt initdim- and gave her a sounding kiss in honor of
fag the romahndor of tho molt. Not that the ancient custom.
they ivoro much togotlior, or had much "There," ho said, "that pays 1)10 for
to say to each other by word of month. all my trouble and expenso. But you
Scarcely another opportunity occurred will got another kiss hero that you will
for one of their momoutousprivate talks, like bettor, from some ono oleo, Before I
for Ino ]'orrest's vigilauco had baoomo tako tho mistletoe down."
sleepless indeed. "iyoll, uncle," said. Loftin, laughing
Bosictos, lIemsteacl was shut up in his and rubbing Ler tingling cheek, "I hope
room most of sho tinio, engaged on it won't bo an explosion like yours was,
another sermon. For Bo. Beams was or ib will alarm the lronsoliold. "
quite ill, and the student had been ask. "Ino careful, or it may attract morn
eel to preach again. He gladly complied attention than mine;" and he departed
with the request, for ho was most with his queer, chuckling laugh.
anxious to 00000011 thio dreary impression
110 had made tho previous Sabbath.
Lottio, too, 1V58 )nuch in her room, at
work ou aontctliing which no ono was.
pornlittecl to see. But littlo was thought
of this, for the llotts0 was full of tho
mystery that always prevails just boforo
Cliristmas. Silvery ono was chorishing
fmloco1111, and often transparent littlo
secrets, which were 80013 to be proclaim.
od, if not on 1110 "house -top," on the
tree -top of tho fragrant cedar that al.
together, and so do I. strong, and rowdy hacl beou selected and arranged
g g, yet so gentle," said Lottio, in tho back parlor, suggesting to all the
Lob us look into this matter," ho .gratefully looking up at him ovo: her
blessedness of both giving enol 006010 -
said, sympathetically, sitting down in a shoulder. •
than oitllor, ity your present cloprosslon..
Will you wait for mo ton minutes?"
73y R. P, ROE, "Yes, lougor than that," 1311° said,
1111'.(11031 010 with a littlo emphatic nod.
r • I10 at ouco started for the house with
" n.) MRn lie BURNED mvAx, 0PT.A'fia great strides.
A 1111(81NUT 001111 " ETC. "1317 dop1,rossion is not very great at
the 1pr080110 m0m0nt,' sho chirped, and
giving a spring she alightod on the fallen
T h for
• ad bot
trot as a bad might. t
'fa110w my Own boort,' hied ? Was
thoro.ovor more delightful doctriuotltan
that? But bless mo, whither is it
loading 2 I dare not think, and I .vont
And so to keep 11er4011 warm 11 'Lilo
waiting she belaucod up and 4o1n1 011
the fallen tree, tr111int Snatches of song
as a rocl•broastod•robin might twitter on
its spray.
away, and not very amiably either, I
Soon s110 saw Ler ghostly advisor
Mar. And yet I s110111d like a few speeding towards her in anotllor guise.
crumbs of comfort. I scarooly under- A stout rocking -chair was au his shoulder
stand myself. Monday and yesterday I and skates dangling from Lis Banal, and
0118 130 strangely happy that I segued sho ran to moot Ilam with autieipatiu"
to laevo entered on a naw lifo, and to- delight. A. littlo later, Dan, who hail
,lay :1 am as wicked and lniserablo a boon oblivious of proceedings thus far,
littlo sinner as over broathed. Tho idea was startled by sexing Lottie rash by
of my being a real Christian—I nowt him, comfortably ensconced on a rook -
was larthor from it. I'vo had nothing ing-ollair and propelled by Iiemstcad's
but ]scan and hateful thoughts shim I powerful strokes. This was a groat
awoke." change 101 the bettor, and ha hailed it
"And fs this not ' trouble worth vociferously. Hemstoaelgood-1laturodly
naming'? In my jodgr:,ent it is a most pub rho boy in his sister's lap, and then
8er1008 ono" sent thorn whirling about the pond, iu a
way that almost took their breaths.
But ho carefully 811101(10d thorn from ac-
'It's strange how you can ha so
ltt.i g that."
130 gave hien anothor of Ler quick,
t: 1 lilt ih 1
Ingo oaks o tho onos o beet
.ou him11c+e1 is moved ho fi • t d Lar to
vv ve
- trays by weaving about Lor the "spell
cl truth," It was a look akin to that of
a child who 1080)1s by an iutuitivo glance
whom it may trust, Altos a lnon0ut,
sho said:
If you worn loss kind, loss simple
anti smcero, I should indeed soul you
" Do you t1)11)11 80 ?" she said grate.
fully. "But thou I'm provoked that I
can bo so changeable. Dan just said 'I
wish you could be the same two days
companionable way on the fallen tree "I haven't tho famtost wish to harm
hosido her. " Lot us try to disentangle you," he replied, smiling.
this web of complex and changing fool- " That I should ever have wished to
in . As the physician treats the itis• harm hire l" she thought, with a tinge
of remorse.
After a half-hour of grand sport, the
setting stn romindod them that it was
ordered body, you know ft is my
cliesis1 01 calling to minister to the dia.
quieted mind. The first step is to dia•
clover the cause of trouble, if possible: time to rotten.
and remove that. Can you not think or " Flow do you feel now ?" ho asked.
1301310 cause of your present feelings 2" "My face must bo your answer," she
Lottie averted her faoo in dismay, said, turning to him features glowing
and thought " What shall Ido 2 I caul with exorcise and Happiness.
tell him tbo cause."
"Because you sox," continued Idem.
stead, in the most philosophical spirit:
"whon anything unpleasant and de-
pressing occurs, ono of your temporamena
is apt to tako a gloomy, morbid limy of
everytbiug for a time.'
" I think you aro right," she said,
Now, I see no proof," ho continued,
with reassuring heartiness, " that you
are not a real Christianhooaus° you are
unhappy, or oven because yon have hard
hateful thoughts, as you call thorn. You
evidently do not welcome those hateful
thoughts. The question as to whether
you aro a Christian, is to be settled on
entirely different grounds. Havo you
"A beautiful answer, ' he said impul-
eiv0ly. " In color and brightness it is
the rofleotian of tho sunset thoro."
"I admit," she answered shyly, "that
its brightnoss has a western cause. Bat
speaking of color reminds me of soma.
thing ;" and her eyes bwiuldecl most
mirthfully, as she caught a glimpse of
somothieg around his neck. " What
Seavo you dono with my colors, that I
gavo yon last night ? T know you wore
them ilgalratively in your face this
morning when Miss IVIartollso enchanted
you; but where are they, literally ?
Now a knight is supposed to be very
car01111 of a lady's colors if ho ac6011t5
"1 havo boon ; and Miss Martell has
thrown off allegiance to that most mor- novor seen your colors."
ciftil and sympathetic of friends that " Chi, those so manifest this morning
you led mo to see last Stmclay as vividly were hers. I understand now. But
as I now see you ?" where aro mine ?"
Lottio shook hor hoed, but said ro- "X cannot tell you. But Choy aro
morscfully,"Butt have scarcely thought safe," .
of Hina to -clay." "Yon threw thole away." ateerel'
"Best assured, Ho has thought of"Nevor."
you. I now undorstand how Ho has I o way., then, can't you toll mo whore
sympathy for tho least grief of the toast they a1:o ?"
of 1118 chaldron." ° Bocanse—because. Wall, I can't;
"If I am one, I am the very least one so yon no0t1 not aslt me."
of all," sho said ]nimbly, " If you don't tell me, I'll find out for
"I like that," ho implied with a smile ; myg0lf,"
" Paul said ho was the thief of sinners,
and ho meant it too. That was au ox•
rollout symptom." crimson fringe rising above your °o at.
Aglimmerofasmile dawned onLottic's He put his hand. hastily to his neck,
face. • and felt tiro ribbon that his stooping
"And now," hie continuedhesibatingly, posture and violent oxoroiso had forced
as if approaching a dolicato subject, "1 into a prominence that dofiod furthor
think I know the cause of your troublo concealment; than turned away laugh-
aud depression. Will you permit m0 to ing, and, with his face now vying with
speak of it?" the sensot, said c .
Again she averted hor faoo in coda- "you havo caught ono ostrich hieing
Sion, but said faintly: with its Bead in the sand."
"As my spiritual physician I salvos° Hor merry laugh trilled liko the song
you must." of a birch, as sho oxalaimod:
" I think you naturally felt greatly " 0 guilt, gout, the western shy is
. disappointed that Mr. De Forrest actod polo compared with thy cheeks."
tho part he did last evening." Thou, taking his arm in a way'that
This s ooeh pub Lottie at ease at would halo won an anchorite, she added,
ouco, and- slag turnod to him in apparent. with a dainty blending of misolliof and
frankness, but with something of her moaning, "1, too, am an ostrich tonight
old iusincority, and said : —that is, in my appetite. I can ravo-
"You cannot," ho said confidently.
"Mr. Iiomstead, what is that queer
" I confess that I was,
" You could not bo otherwise," he
said, in a low tone.
"What would you adviso me to do ?"
sho asked demurely.
It was now his turn to be embarrassed,
and he found that he had got himself
into a dilemma. Tho color doopenod in
his faco as he hesitated how to answer.
Silo watched. him furtively bat Boatels.
ingly. At last he said, with sadden
impetuosity, as if ho cot11c1 nob rostraiu
himself :
"I would either mak° a mala of him
or break with him forover, It's horrible
that a girl like 70081101nd aro irrovooably
bound to such pardon me."
Again Lottio averted her faoo, while
a dozen rainbows danced in hor moist
But sho managocl to say, " Which do
yon think I had bettor do?"
Ho tried to catch her eye, but she
would not permit him. Ator a moment
he sprang up and said, with something
of her own brusqueness,
"Yon had better follow your own
<' That is what Mts. Diimm said," she
exclaimed, struck by the coincidence.
"You and 1FIrs. Dlimm aro alike in
many rospoots, but X teat sho world
would not regard eib1ior of you as sho
befit of cotmsollors.
, " Whenovor I have taken counsel of
tho world, T Imam got into trouble, Miss
"Thero,'that is just what sho said
ag11111. Are you two m eilhueion ?"
" Only as all truth agroes with itsoll,"
110 unmoved, laughing.
" Wall, perhaps it would bo best to
follow the advioo of two such sincere
counsellors, who aro richly gifted with
tho wisdom of sho other world, if not of
this. Year talk hall clone ma mom good
than I. timid Immo boliovocl, iT,ow 1S it
that it always turns out so? I'm in.
alined to 1)1811810 that your paelor51 visite
will do anode good than y0u1 8081110518 "
" Nolo have ally on mo in rogercl to
nes for Supper:
"' I, too, am an ostrich?' What did
she mean by that?" and Housteacl
ponclolod ovor this ornithologioal'prob-
lem for bouts after.
AROUND 0I10 rain Loa.
Lottic's radiant face at sapper, in con-
trast with her clouded ono at dinner,
again puzzl0d certain members of the
housohold, and Do Forrest, to his dis-
gust, learned that while he slept sho had
again been with Homstoad - Ho resolved
on sleopless vigilance until tho lrizewas
secured,, and montally cursed 4110 ill-
starred 'visit to the country over and
over again.
Bello was cool and cynical outwardly,
but was really perplexed as to what
ought to be done. With all her faults,
sho had 0,5106010 affection for hor friend;
and was shroud enough to percievo that
this affair witli Ilelnstoad promisod to
bo moro serione than Lottie's passing
2rcno1uutts bad boon previously. Bat with
1lerrisual weakness and irresolution, sho
hosltetod and waited, Mioawbor•hike, to
sox What would " turn up."
Thio impression grew on Mrs. March-
mont that Lottio was fascinating leer
n01)110w; and yet just how to intotfore
sho did not soo. It was rather dolicato
bushuoss to spools, with nothing moro
tatigiblo than what olio had yet soon. ad; and,141th 0110 0hal et lig w1 0 0 „ Now T lrotast against inrinoudoos "
That, Lottio herself was becoming t sin. near to weave a 110w sp011.a Boson tbuos I g full upon 11or Paco as 1f ilio were silo
0or01, attached to a young1ua 1 ofday, g cried Lottio."711 is thio Frenchman, as Y
8 if how would h(ut o nt, it is man all ovor the world, who olangos ono ho was looking for aftor a11, Tiffs
occurtos 11lling and prose° M could mot self 2 Ito was too r.suocll too nn• iris mind, Adam first said ha wouldn't ,ppuzzled Ninon greatly and sho asked
court a lady of rh:s, M5 ohmgnt s 1 orogen in to uiuleratand whet was cab tho a) )lo and then ho did 1" herself, Now, can it bo that I am tho
knees of pro prlety and flvnoss of tl1ispo ggnilag on in lits own heart. •blas sho „ 1V1io apple,
,10110 at1t1101111 for that ono dro's looking actor 2 At last it
It lyes onl, Lottio s ulvoi orate disp0• 1'lthorto uulutowlt and oostathc 811(81 of .. Y 50on1011 that tho stranger wished to
talon to flet." As to hobble's "moods Paradise thrills tho 110art, will analysis
and ()notions, sho smllod at t11o111 with bo Ilio first olfort of tho weary pilgrnns
cool iucliffeten00, as far as sho noticed who at lash have reached their rest 4
tl t all. " Young pooplopasgtleoll„1t Tho clays and hours ilod away midi
And yob, while seemingly separated,
what moment passed when thoy were
not together? How vain was De For -
rest's vigilance—how futile Mrs. March -
moat's precautions. Lottio was the
mus0 that sat at I•Icrostead's side; and
every tins° ho lifted his eyes from the
vapor his vivid fancy saw her face glow-
ing like the sunset, and beaming upon
Sho inspired his sermon. ncon-
sciously,howrote it for her alone, lotting
hor meed and spiritual state color the
lino of thought which his toil naturally
suggested ; and a fresh, hope -imparting,
Christmas sermon it promised to be—a
veritable gospel. He unconsciously was
learning the priceless advantage to a
clergyman of pastoral visitation ; for, in
cliecavering and meeting the needs of
ono heart all aro touched—so near akin
is humanity. •
And as Lottio stitched away at an odd
bit of fancy work- Peary different from
anything that ever taxed her dainty
shill boforo—strange gleams flitted
SODOM hor faoo. At times lair °yes
would sparkle with mirth as sho lived
ovor scones in -which the student was
ovor the chief actor ; and again she
would grow palo, mud her breath come
quick and short, as hor fanny portrayed
him—w115u iu the darkness he could not
have been seen by human eyes—far out
among the ico upon the river. Then
again, hor face) would grow comically
pitiful, as ilio murmured :
"I could havo brought him to quiche'.
than thele. I cold have given him a
stimulant more potent than the forty.
year-old braudy of which uuclo is so
proud. I'vo found out my power' over
Then her face would light up with
exultation as she oxclaimeci, "Ch, it's
grand to have such powerover a strong,
reohl endowed man to be able to move
od ltmustea,f. C, -'i-
" Well," pe081611 cl X.ottior "if it isn't
just so written, I know ouougli of human
nature to be surd that was just bow it
" Cu with tho story," oriod Mr. Dim-
ulerly. " Comm :Flies Martell."
"The afternoon of sho foto came,"
said Alice, " emit Ninon's 111011110/ was
depressed with a boding of evil.
Whom shall 1 send with tlieo,
111y child ? my heart fails me ha sending
hioo 111rnm,'
,,r .
�Ohr h Pierre shall hlttl brother 1c to t
t x o
Inc.' said Ninon. ' He's an odd child,
and talks to tho saints and angels mom
than to us. If ho goes with mo, the
saints 1611 talcs caro of us both.'
" This secmo(1 to striko sho mothor
as true, and sho 11•a) comforted; au(1
the pale, little boy, til itlt largo, spiritual
oyes that appeared to look into thio
other -world, took Lis sists's hand with-
out oven a nils flitting across his sad
Moo ; :end they started for tho fete."
Now, Miss itfarcllmont," said Miss
Martell, with a graceful inclination to
And tiro pale little boy, with big,
Lotti() oohed after bhtn with inuldcu av11•like eyes," continued Addio fiip-
iutelligouco, and asked herself, "Now, partly, " stalked along as if goiug to a
what sloes lie mean by that? Does hue immoral, wl,iloNinou Jxhpped and danced
suspect anything?" at his sale. But soon tho young girl's
At the dinner-tablo Mr. D miserly in. steps grew slower and slower, and
clulged in a loug homily on the import- het face thoughtful, and the began to
anco of trooping up, old customs, and question hor lnet110r's words—that she
ended with a sly, significant glance at was too much of a childto have alovor;
Lottio, which brought tho color into her and by the time she 0ca0110d tho village
face. liut during the afternoon silo foil- ;,Ween, she gave her pretty hoed a toss
eel all tho devices of De Forrest to got as the said, ' We'll see about this.
her snider the mistletoe bough, and yet, Monitor doesn't know everything.' "
with such grace that, however (limp. " Now Belle."
pointed, he could not become angry. As "But poor little Ninon," said Belle,
for Ilemsteacl, ho was far too diilidont
to attempt any such strategy, much as
ho would like to solemnize the venerable
And so at last Christmas -eve came;
and with it a few guests. Harcourt and
Bliss Martoll had been specially invited;
for the faot of their engagement had
transpired at once, and Bios. Marcbmont
hastouod to assure them, by this invita-
tion, that she had no regrets or resent-
ment. Not for the wonccl would she
havo Miss Malted imagine that any
matornal projects had been frustrated.
Iiareourt, grateful for all tholdndness
ho lead rammed at Mrs. Marchmont's,
indi:cod Alice to accept; and so their
iilnmfued faces were added to the circle
that gathered around the yule log iu the
largo dining -room that bad been cleared
for games and clanoing.
And in spite of the incongruous ele-
ments composing that circle, 1t made,
with the crackling fire playing on happY
faces and Christmas decorations, a
pretty picture—one that might cony
a paean into willingness to honor the
plaid Christian festival.
After some old - fashioned country
clauses—through which even Hemstoad
had been induced to blunder, to Lottie's
infinite delight—they sat down to nuts,
apples, and eider. Billets of hickory
were piled higher than ovor against the
"soon beca11lo sadly howildered, for
there were so many people all talking
at Once, and they pushed against and
jostled her as if she were very small
and iusi5lniiicant indeed, and silo begau
to thiole that her moidtet was right, and
that sho 11'1)8 ouly a child ; and she
grow frightened and vvis1ied herself
home again. But idle kept fast hold of
the hand of her brother whom tho saints
loved, amen felt that as long as ho was
with her she was sato. Finally they were
pushed and jostled to a quiet nook on
the edgo of the green, hider a tree, and
bore they sat down. Soon tho dancing
commenced, and Ninon amused herself
by criticising the people, and making re.
marks to her brother about their dress
and planner. Bu , ho did not seem to
hear he;:. Baal bis ayes were cited on the
ahoy, as if 110 sae- Memo that was
wonderful there than she upon the
village green."
" Mr. Do Forrest, you next."
" But as Ninon sat thoro smiling and
talking More to herself than to her
queer little brother, who didn't listen,
the young men began to notice her, and
to nudge each other and to ask who she
Was; for in truth she remincled every
one of a halt -blown rose. Ent no ono
know who oho was, and 110 one had ever
seen hor before. non tho handsomest
young man in tho village—inched ha
groat y No log; amen never did the was the one at which all the girls 1vore
sacred flange light up fairer end happier setting their caps—syeppadfoticarcl and
faces than those of Alice Martell tools a deliberate survey, and soon was
and Lottio Marsden. And yob they convinced that, among all the village
wer0 as dilemrmnt as could bo. Ono was maidens, there was not a faco as fair as
tho lily, and the othor the rose. Har. Ninon's. And while he looked at her,
court and. lIomstoacl also looked es if Ninon from under hor long lashes as
some angelic 1nossonger had brought intently watched him. At last the
tbom " tidings of great joy." young man made up his mind, and
Harcourt and Alio° sat together; but said to himself, 'I will bo hor lover
Lottio, with seeming 1porvorsones5, got for this afternoon,' and in amannertbat
as far away as possablo. But it was was the very embodiment of grace, he
only seaming, for she sat whore she stepped up to her and said :
could look Homstoad full in the face, ' " My pretty maiden, wilt thou dance
and play with hen at your will by some and, with her brilliant oyes, indulge in with lee ?'"
mystic inflnonoe too subtle for prying , lovo's mystic tolograpby without re- And De Forrest bowed to Lottio to
oyes to seo. 1 can lift him into the skies straiut, continuo. It was strango how the
by a senile. 1 can oast him into tllo Now was the time for Mr. Dimmorly foolish litho story was gaining the
depths by a frown. If 1 but touch his to spino out; and he proposed that broathloss interest of all present—all
hand, tho giant trembles. Ho would be some ono should common( a story, and 1110 more so because each 0310 was 1111-
a Hercules in my services and yet I've carry lb forlvarcl to a certain point, thou consciously colouring their bit of the
got him just there "—and she depressed stop abruptly, while sono ouo olse took mosaic with' his or her individuality.
hor littlo thumb as confidently as a it up for a brief time, whon, in like Lottio's manner by no means tended to
.Roman empress might to some gladia- : manner, itwould again bo droppod that allay this ilnlerest, as she began her part
torfah slavo. another might contiuuie it, so that oath of the impromptu tale. She was a
Then her face would change in smith ono who was willing might have a natural actress, and, for the moment,
and piquant transition to the expression chanco to contribute. became littlo Ninon. Tho scene had
of equally comic distross, as she sighed, You 00mul01100i Mr. Iarcourt," said becomo present to her vivid fancy, and
" But alas 1 wh000 am I? Right under Mr. Dimmorlys by some process that cannot ho explain -
his big thumb, whether he knows it or After a pr0fa0e of hemming, the young ed, she impressed ib upon the minds of
not. How it will all onil I Clare not man said
the others as real. They saw the
think," "Once upon a time, fn a village in crowded village groan, the petite little
When her jewelled watch indicated tho soutb of France, it was arraugod maidou and het weird brother sitting
that rho timo for dinner or supper was that shore should boa gonoral foto and upon its edge as she began.
near, sho would make the most bewitch- danco on tho village groen the afternoon "And Ninon shyly raised her dark
fug of toilets, and laugh at herself for ! before Christmas. Little Ninon was a oyes to the face of sho handsomest
doing so, querying : peasant's daughtor, and sho was only young man of all tho village, at whom
"1Vhat is tho use of conquering one fourtoon. If alio worn petite, she was tho girls worn setting their caps, and
ovor and over again, who is alreadyhelp- also piquant amen grotty= said, a trills coldly
g p " Very good, very good," cried a "' I'm only e, littlo child who has
loss at your foot?" come to see. Go thywas.'
Aucl yet the admiration of Hemst°ads chorus of voices ; and a round of an- Y
boauty-loving oyes was swooter inccuse 1 ]pause stimulated tho narrator.
"Anil the handsome youngman stalk -
than all the flattery sho had ever re. ' "But until this occasion, Ninon had • ed away, haughty and offended, and tho
coiled before. ! always boon kept at home as a child ; : youths o£ the village nudged each other
And what hours of dainty ethereal but, aftoo intorminablo coaxiugs she ob. and smiled and wondered and said,
banqueting were those 1prosaic meals in twined hor mother's permission to go to Sho must be a' princess in disguise, or
Ibm. Marohmont's clium -room. The the foto. Now her mothor was a widow, she would dance with him whom all tho
corpulent, eolorod waiter served the ; and it so happonod that sho could not girls covet.' So no one ols0 would.
othors, but airy -winged lova attouclod go with hor daughter, and after sho had venture to speak to her. But Ninon for
them, bearing from ono to another , given her consent, had not one whom awhile was contont to bo left alone to
g lances, tones, accents, of the dl.vinost I sho could send with hot' child as a pro. , watch all the funny people and their
flavor. teetor. Bat Ninon w185 fu such glee Haat funny ways. She didn't see any ono
De Forrest notocl and chafed over this j hot
bdof the heart to take , that she as alasloe become cce onscious that
subtle intorchango. Bello and Mrs. promise.
Marehmont saw it also, and Mo. Dim- ! "'Nov, mother, toll mo what shall I ; MO who seemed a stranger like herself
merley's quoin: chuckling laugh was ; say w11en sho boys, and perhaps sono of ; was watching her, and she began to
hoard with . increasingfrequency. But the v017 young men, ask me to dance look not like curiously
s looksat hina. atat all. At s dress waalio s
what could bo done? Lottio's and IIotn• W' ' them
stead's actions worn propriety itself. " 1 littlo h lit who vary plain , not a b
Mrs. 141arohmont could not say, "You
must not look or speak to each other."
They might as well have sought to pit' u'n75 1
vent two clouds in a summer slcy from Ciro tllino then, and coma home.' has oyes wet° so ivory that Ninon was
exchanging Choir lightnings, "' Now, mallet door, am I not almost . afraid of him. But a moment later,
Heinstoacl was in a maze. Tho past old 0110ugh to havo a lovor ?'
when his oyes rested on 1101, they bo•
and future had lost tboir oxidate() to ' Lovor indeod I Silly chinch, but came so kind and gentle that sho
hint, and ho was living in the glorified yesterday I rocked thou lu the cradlo by n 00 d hooww rryl£o boffin hoc use,
prosont. Ho no moro coolly roalizod the there, I'm a fool to lob Oleo go.' I g
situation than would ono 111 an eostatia • gnintlioi• h0u121 uhau 011x01 tniud,lost
a ; no onoke i t0 talk ho to. asa Bub he0150and
eined ilhad
popular. suporsbition, and was bewitch thing which women 50001int06 clo, (van
Say, I'm only a i o child it smart and gaylike
halo Como to sox. Go thy hays,' that of t110 other young men. Besides,
"' But supp1�ose Choy don't go their 110 was so tall and grave; and once,
?' vented .Ninon. when some ono said a rude word to him,
Banco. In ono 501150 fro verified the
1 t 11 vol in ]Prance----"
quest of some one, for ho would loop all
around among the roost) ` but 50011 bis
Oyes -mild come bath and rest so vest.
in t] o IIiblo auavFeled Lottio speak to her,
„ but hadn't tho coua)0,
stoutly at �wlliolr Utero was a great i and this amused Ninon vastly, Twice
o ip10y1ot. ; ha advanced, faltered, a11t1 then 1'Otroat•
. 101(35' a • e, , - " Miss Marmite. t mals modern com- ; ;to 1111 CONT X0100. ; ..
('1011 5,1,185308 as thoy (10 thio measles,' t4o3osirdav-thio clay boforo L'liristmatt• q
m01101,0514 iii a111p11fving'tlrot0:0t,"1attg13'
Oc uO8q .S oq_