The Brussels Post, 1888-6-29, Page 66 THE BRUSSELS 1,'OST ItralterearatnaMeettenatealea ` t.Cnl"pCl'Itltc1s rofe5, Nine times in ten the elan tell volunteers the information that lit) is ober le not to be believed. That the W.C.T.U. le an netiv organization is proved by the fac1s tbet its national president, M.1 Frances E. Willard, has receive, to do their duty. Cineinnetti has recently had n siincwhat aitnilitir experience, and now Ybiledelnlhie fella in line to give it flat denial to that popular fallacy. If elle eau close more than 4,000 saloons in It o single night, whet is to hinder her oloatug the odd 1,84(1 which re. ulnen ? is it a feet that 1,8.40 s=t• e loon -keepers with their bar•tondere, ; end rho very small minority of their t customers who might unite with them, would be able to defy the altthoritiee of the second city of the Union Anarebiets and recently imported 1 - foroignero may resist filo law, but Americans and the desoondanai of over 15,000 invitations to teeter( under its auspices during the pas twelve }pare. Luther Beu.son the Indiana tem perfume orator, is described a second Gough, Ho was once n for saken druulcard. but reformed, um is now a consistent church member sale of druhk find their voice drowned amid tho general ;!eman for clear declarations of hostilit" The Methodist church has wits • practical unanimity declared it purpose by the pulpit, by the pr ) naturalized eltfzeus are a law ithi•l, ,ing people. All that is uecesoery to melte the enforcement of any law poetiblc in Ode country is that the ilea iteoif ahonia be righteous, and e that the perscue appointed to en- force it should be faithful and coma s ngeous.—N. Y. 1Vitness He is n heavyset man, with a • de , bass voice and raven black hair. The eliurebei, aro making them wives heard with no nnoertnir sound on the suppression of tin drink traffic. A few faebionabl preachers who condone the nee ancoma stroll person is disorderly or riotous, 0 No person licensed in this die. tract aiutll eull'er or permit to be kept in bar ur but houeu or prom -tem, nuy billtnrd tables, any faro bank, rouge et noir, roulette table, dice, cards, dominoes, droughts m• any dovioo or devices for gmwbling ; nor eulior or permit any pool selling ml; gambling of any hind to bit morrimd on therein or tlierenpon, nor any raffles or lottery, skittles, bowihug Alley, or nuy (leek() fur the drinks or oiberwiee whetaoever. 7. No keeper or landlord of a tavuru, or shop keeper for sale by retail, licensed by Ude 13unrd, -shall employ no b•tr ten dor, clerk or nl:eol, for the purpose of selling liquor, any person under the ego of 21 years, nor than give, sell or (abenrise (i,poeo of. to nuy cbi1,1, or to any minor, or apprentice, under tho age of 10 year:, any in. toxientiog lirptor whatever, without a written order from his or her d ; parente, or ono of them, guerditn or 'nester, or from n medical prima REGULATIONS boner, nor shell emelt holders of licenses seller or pormit :toy such tit Oar board of rlr,nre ('on"nlsrloaerr' for the Sale or tipirituone and Err—gild. by all legitimate means to ha ie t.111gr`hn!Aron-mil DP:- Wei W- riisi o culeate the responsibility of all Christian men and good citizen:: to For defining the conditions and subordinate political party alliances qualificetimis requisite to obtain to the great work of securing the tavern Itemises for the retail, witbiu abolition of the accursed liquor the municipality, of spirituous, fer- traffic The Presbyterian General merited or other manufactured lig- Assembly at Halifax has, by n uta. uora, and also Shop Licenses for the jority of one hundred and forty-nine sale by retail, within the munici• to ten, declared that total urohib- pality of the district, of such liquore ition is the most effective form of in shops or places other than tar - temperance legislation, and urges erne, inns, alehouses, beer•houses, on all members of the ohurch to use or places of public entertainment, all legitimate means to secure such For defining tho persons to whom legislation. The Synod of this dio- cese seems inclined to take a step forward on ibis subject, and the smaller religious bodies are certain- ly not behind the foremost of these such licenses may be issued and continued during the year. Por regulating the taverns and shops to be licensed ; and for fixing and de- fining the duties, powers and prlvi• great ones. Those who so express. leges of the Inspector of the Die - ed themselves arc iu direct eontaot met, with the conseieuco of the people. The maid Board have passed and Among the masses of the people, do hereby pass and adopt the fol. and in this they differ from the lux lowing Resolutions, viz. : uncus classes, no glamor surrounds 1. Every application or petition the wine cup. It has no social for a License must show—(1) That status. The minister who (lanolin. he or she is the bona fide owner of resit has no quarrel with his so. the business to be carried on in the cial surroundings. The etiug of pretniees sought to be licensed; that tho liquor curse bas no gilded cot. he or elle is solvent at the time of oring, nor are Its dire effects hidden application. (2) That his or her by curtains and cushions. In these -intention is to carry on the business declarations we hear the ary of all in his or her name, daring the next that is religious and moral and ensuing license year for which the manly in the land. The next thing license is to be granted. (8) Tbat is for the spirit that has declared he or she is at present able to com- itself in the churches to come Into ply ;and will comply with the law action at the polls, and to require of and ragulatione at present and any both parties prohibition candidates, ! time in force in the district affecting and the promise of prohibition ; the license and licensed premises. measures and a prohibition law.— 2. In all towns in said district Montreal Witness. 'Gault tavern keeper shall have in the premises sough) to be licensed, in PHILADELPHIA'S EKPE.BI• permanent order, and maintain dur- MENT. ing the license year, at least 12 bed Over four thousand saloons were rooms, sitting rooms, properly closed in Philadelphia last Thurs- day at midnight, because their pro prhetore had not been able to secure licenses under the new law. Only 1,840 now remain out of nearly heated and furnished for public use, and in addition to family and do- mestic requirements, and shall also keep and maintain stabling to ac- commodate at least 20 horaos, un- less olhereiee specially permitted 8,000. This is certainly a step in by the Board, and shall have and at the right direction, if it can only be all times keep on hand a good sup. nisintained. But let it be dietiucb. ply of hay, °hie and straw. In all ly remembered that this reduction is not due to high license. If that were the case, it would not be a gain, for experience proves that the large profits secured by the remain. ing saloons would tempt others, and then still others, to pay the high fee, until, in the end, there would be, for all practical purposes, as many as before, And by this pro- cess the income from license fees is continually increased until it be• comes so important a source of rev- enue that it is almost impossible to get voters to abolish it. No, are• duction of the saloons by Increasing the foo is not a grain. i ling sufficient to accommodate at In Pbilatlel least 10 home, with sufhoient hay, townships and incorporated villages tritium the said district, the pro- prietor of each tavern shall have in the premises sought to be licensed, in permanent order, and maiutain during the currency of the licence your, at least 4 bedrooms and at least 1 siting -room, properly boated and furnished in the discretion and according to the directions of the License Inspectsr for the said dis- trict, for public nee and in addition to the requirements for the pro• prietor and his or her family, and shall also have and maintain slab- pbia there were many oats and clean therefor. ether saloon keepers who would 8. Each tavern in the said dis- gladly have pald the higher fee. I1 triot shall have and maintain in was not the cost of a lieeuee that connection with the premieee, clean closed their (core ; it was the fact that under the Brooke law the granting of lioeueee is placed at the direction of the judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, In Philadel- phia judges thought it their duty to exercise the wide discretion grant. 1sl to them in such it manner as to bencfat the community by rofnsing licenses to alt applicants who could be shown to have violated the excise !pace in the raft, ,Lot us have n Brooks law in New York, without the high•liconee fea• ture, and we will accept it as a de- tided improvement on the present law, even though wo aro aware that where the judges aro in sympathy with the saloon keopers they can . use their cheer:Aiou in a different u. Tho landlord, or person in manner to that in which the Philp - charge of it liceneedl tavern in this delpbin judges have usod tlicw, district, abaft, nt any time of rho At the worst, the sale of liquors night or day, admit to such tavern could not be much more ttnrestriet• and lodge nud entertain all bona eel than it is now in this city. fiche travellers arriving from or going Moot people hold it to bo a truism on n journey, who tender payment ova commodious water closets and urinals, to the satisfaction of the License Inspector for the district, which shall be oonetantly iiopt clean and orderly, - 4. Every applicant for a shop license, at the commencement and during the ourrenoy of the license year, must bo possessed of premieee wherein he or she proposes to carry on businces, to bo entirely devoted to tho conduct of the business so licensed, snob promises having no communication, directly or indirect• ly, from the interior, with any other busineso promises, and no person having promises not satisfactory in thio respect to the License Inspector aball receive a license. that a prohibitory law could not be enforced in large cities, Mayor Hewitt once clotted all the saloone in Now York for two or three Sun• days by simply requrriug the police for such accommodation, or upon production of an order from any Mayor, itoove or lfagfetrate, guar. anteeing payment therefor, except ; in such eases where the conduct ofi quoit, stay in or loiter about tris or her tavern or chop, unless in the caee of a :event such child, minor or apprentice, shall be .t b (un He traveller or boarder therein, anti in such case snob persons must be ex- cluded from the bar•romi. 8. No keeper or landlord of any tavern, and no keeper of any shop for retail sale of liquors, shall, ou i any pretence whatever, give, sell or otherwise dispose of any intoxicat• ing liquor to any person or persons in a state of intoxication, or to any person who is a drunkard, or to any member of the family or house. hold, or to any wife or husband, apprentice, or child, or employee, or agent of any drunkard, or to any person concerning whom written notice from the husband, wife, son or daughter, master or guardian, or from a Justice of the Peace, or the License Inspector of this District, that such person is a drunkard, has been given, nor after receiving a request iu writing not to give, sell or otherwise dispose of iutoxicating liquors to such person, except on the certificate of a duly licensed medical practitiouer, practising in the municipality where such person resides. - 9. No ltcensed tavern -keeper within this Licensed District aha 1 suffer or permit any person or per- sons whomsoever to wrestle, fight, quarrel or wrangle, so as to disturb or annoy guests or travellers at his or her tavern, or whereby the per- sons or property may be endanger- ed, nor shalt any such tavern-keop- er suffer or permit improper dis- turbance, or singing of improper songs, or swearing, or profane or obscene jesting in hie or her tea - ern, 10. The tavern or shop premises must bo kept at all omen clean aid orderly. 11. The barroom in every tav- ern ateru must be in a public part of such premises, with a direct entrance from the street passing snarltavern, and during all hours and days in which the sale or other disposal of liquor is prohibited, the view through the windows into such bar room must not be hidden by any curtain, blind, screen or other contrivance, and the doors leading into such bar. room, either from outside or inside the promises, must be looked, and if at any time when such sales as aforesaid is prohibited, suoh door or doors bo open or unlocked, the same shall be and constitute an of fence against this and the next enb• sequeut regulation. 12. The barroom and all other rootus or places in whibh intoxi- cating liquors are kept in every tavern, shall, each night of the week other than Saturday and Sunday nights, be closed from the hours of 10 o'clock at night until 0 o'clock in rho morning thereafter, and shall be kept closed, and no sale or any disposal of will liquor shall take place, nor shall the drinking of in- toxicating liquors bo allowed there- in, or on the promises, during euoh hours, or during any other hours or dace which, by any scutate or law now or hereafter to be in force in this Province, tho same are to bo kept closed, save and except to such persons as aro entitled by statute to enter. 18. All licensed shops shall bo closed not later than 0 o'clock p. nt, and be kept closed till 0 o'eloclt a, m, (Ivory day of the took except Saturday and Sunday, on which last mentioned days they shall conform to the statutory regulations as to closing and remaining clotted. 14, The following amongst others shall bo duties of ilio Lioonso In• epector :—(1) Ho shall bo the Sac- y rotary of this Board, and nil own. munieatione for the Board may bo directed to him, (2) He shall re'' port to the Board all persons affect od by the Itesolntions heroic eon. tainod and pneeed, who have violet. od the eamo, (8) Ile shall ,prosecute ,JUNE 20, 1588 11.5 2`3 S.RSIETZ 7ilMUCTitS'9C>f8Re7'Stdri:,7a1=0 A'£7dxieFl rZ'Lr V iten:irttr.'tv,rt,rwrivo m- all pl'rstllla I1M'lug en Vlohtkul shell r( guinti"ho. t4) lie shall visit nod iur, eel alt in:eusocl promises in tide 111 1rict At hetet four tinea during each Iio'iii ''n r, end report fully to this Boat 18. The License Inspector shall have 1 otter nt any time to enter nuy 1ieenec•d bongo or preutieos in the Diatrie', for the purpose of inspeo• tion, land to teas with pini euoli por. son or persoi.e for assistance or (YOItET1i1N0 N1s1Y! WALTON PUP P RTOdBB. The nndersiguod desire,' to intimate to tip public that ho hay perohasod the Miami frau 1 t, t lar from John Love and is now prepared to fill orders, by mail or otherwise, uttruetrd to his caro. Satisfaction guaranteed in Pumps, pratiotll'li ns he may doom ueses• Tanks, rOe. { Ave in full blast and a flret-elt:•so easy Of prudent. Repairing ,romptly attended to, Con. i 18. Any person or persona guilty tracts taken f.w digging wells, of Any infraction of any of tba I ,Xl 1 X, - it Rert111111)4 ri tsseu1 by debt 1)oard 'raving been 11 3•oarea at the intsinoss I shall, Ilp:,il conviction befura a feel confident that 1 can snit lily 0116- Police 1Gui.trale, Mayer or nut toiners. Jnetice or Jnetices of the Peace, lin vieg jnlialittion in the Ooupty of Huron, on the oath of any erodible n•ituesa, forfeit and pity n penalty of amt leen thou 8, 20 nlr more than E50 for tine!! °Hence, together with the colas of prosecution ; and upon • default of peymeut thereof forth- with it. shall bo lawfal for each l'olice Jlagietralo, i\i yor, Ju.etice ' j i or ¢ � t envie m 7u arcs of .1e tenon c t a • at. aferateid, to iariie a warrant under nus -or their hand end soil, to levy the said penalty and cost or r The Cranbrook aria Works GIVE ME &TRIAL and bo convinced. y„5. WELSH, 3m 1', nprlotor, Walton. ,L� 9 ' General Blacksmith, cos`} only by dlst!'ese and solo of wishes to intimate to the public generally the goody anti chattels of the person that he does all kinds ofBlncksmithing so convicted, and in caro of tusuf• ficiout (Betrt:is to satisfy tho said penalty and cast or coats only, it shall be lawful for the said Police Magistrate, Mayor, Justice or Jas. Ekes of the Pence convicting, as aforesaid, to commit the person so convicted to the common gaol of the County of l:Inron for no less than 20 days nor more than 40 days, nu. less the filo and costs, and costs of warrants, and conte necidental there- to and to the execution thereof be sooner paid. 17. In ndditiou to the penalty in the next preceding Regihlation ihn• posed for the infraction of any of the Regulations passed by this Board, the license iseuod to any persou convicted ns aforesaid of any suoh infraction, may, upon com- plaint of the License In epeotor of the District, be revoked and can• oelled, subject to the terms in as- cordanee with the provision of ma by a similar procedure enacted by Sections 91 and 92 of seal Chep, 194, R.S.U., 1887. 18. These 'Resolutions shall be printed and n cony thereof delivered by the Inspector to each person to whom a license is issued, and the said copy must bo preserved by the r r A holder of the license, and kept ex- 1 I/CS/'2 _Atall Salt Meats posed in the most public place of his of flatboat quality always on hand unci do• or her shop or tavern, where the livered to Any part of the;adllago tree of same may be conveniently read by oileguis very favorable. all persons who resort to such shop or tavern, , The foregoing Resolutions were severally passed at the Village of Brussels, iu the County of Huron, this 19111 clay of Juno A.D. 1888. Trios. GIBBON, GEO. FORTUNE, }Comm'esion'rs GEO. MURDIE, ) J. R. MILLER, Inspector. in a workmanlike Manner. agons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutlers made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. I make a Specialty of Norio -shoeing. A Call Solicited. r Remember the Stand—NE.an Tarts BhIIDOI• 21 S. Plum. MONEY TO LOAN. PRIV, I E FUNDS. 02.10,000. of Private Funds have ,just been place(' in my hands for In- vestment AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three clays if title is satisfac tory. Apply to e', F. WADE ]/[EAT MARKET Hain Street, - lirnssels A 1 NDRIOW CURRRIE, PROPRIETOR A QIRL18II CONFIDENCE', "0, Kitty ! I've something the best to tell you 1" "No ?" "Oh, but I have, though!" "Do tell me, quiok 1" "You'll uever lisp it to any one 2" "No indeed 1" "I wouldn't have you breathe it for the world 1" "011,1 won't 1" "Not to anyone, remember." "No—hope to die if 1 do," "Well thou --'Ob, ib seems e0 funny!" "Oh, do hurry up and tell me." "I'm afraid you'll tell." "Ob, indeed, indeed I won't," "I'd. never forgive you if you tlid." "Well, but I won't 1 "He might not into it, you know." "Who's be?" "Oh, I forgot 1 How fooliah I am!" "Are you ever going to tell mo 2" "Yes, yes—I said to myself right away that I'd tell you anyhow." "Well, do then," "Well then --oh, you'll bo awful. ly surprised 1" "Oh, do hurry and tell." ' (Well---I--I'm—engaged." "No ?" "Yes 1" "Well, who to 2" "To Charlie Lawson," " Why—Lol—Brigham ?" "I am 1" "Teo, boo, hoc 1" "Isn't it funny 2" "Why, you old darling 1" "Don't you congratulate mo ?" "Of course I do, Charlie's por. ectly lovely I .1:'m awfully glad for ou . bona," "Oh, thanks 1" FAT CATTLE WANTED! Tion which the highest market prion will be paid. /oleo lnal(e a specialty of buyitm hides and eking. Don't forgot the phaco next door to Fletcher'sJewelry Store. A. 0URRl0. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATES, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS DICKSON S- IIAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont. --SOLD FOR - 12,1; Cents Per .Bushel, is-an,e V. MN, Pros, No %or 7lU U A GENUINE SEWING MACHINE —IS ;r1i1±— IR.,AYMCON3) For it is putting other Machines out of doors every week. She is the Lead- er at Geo. Love 84. Co's, BP26s•seis. WM. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting in all its branches, as well as Sign and Orncoi12e12 tai Painting. He has had years of exper- ience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is half sold. Estimates - and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE HIM A CALL. Shop in the old `Posr'Publisbing House, King street, Brussels, Sterling Mnohi, e 0'1 to tally becoming more widely n ul itvorably known, Those who try it oo»tinue Lo use it, No other 00 is more su table for general uso, '11 is well adapted for all Mill Machinery, Reapers, Mowers ani, Threshers 1 .i..sk Your ,.IERCll. NT - for it a Manufactured by McMillan, ]illtl't:d+fa (G Co, ,I,aefrolart ; Branch at Meet men call fretting ft minor hUvr!l+nvl, f)Llkrrio, fault ---a foible and not a vice, But �� �( there is no Viem, e>f,cept it be drunk. v" t?:SI,1? Iii'• A. e 1\/i a J... . L.A 1'��r c� ( o a A P h�0 ssELsl ennos9, which can so utterly destroy cJ tho ponce and happiness of a home, 1I. 1:',1I(At,usnan, Btitel i J. Tonnes, lihlcvittu. ,