HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-29, Page 44
Card --A. Bauslaugb.
Locale -Adam Good.
Local --•A. R. Smith,
NOW York Grocery J. L. Sturdy.
f l)c 111:1155(4z Vast.
' )1}, JUNE 9.9, 1888.
n ,ll e,us to be very little doubt
but that President Cleveland will be re.
elected for the next ('residential terns.
The candidate for the Vice -Presidency
is a Mr. Thurman. The Republicans
have selected Gen. Harrison, of Indiana,
and Levi P. Dloore,,Tef New York. Is
took eight ballots at the Republican Con-
vection, at Chicago, to arrive at a choice.
There were na fewer than nineteen names
=the ballot. There evidently is no lank
of timber to make Presidents of in the
U. S., tvliother it ie the right kind or not
is another question,
TIM abolition of the December session
of the County Council will be a saving of
over 6500 to the Couuty and, from oar
standpoint, none will suffer. This ses-
sion is the light one of the year and eau
THE BRUSSELS 1 -'OST Jj„INE 20, 1888
Vele». a�ccir.•1, _. `�. ait���uansmsstxeloaasseus�aternetas . ,
's�tr-,'ons-:3:ctanssr..w.,.-�, — : +-:^�;-',asevu:,:,•�,<�:s�vss'Isnraa,w�W
took part in the fight 011 the heights of Stratford thieves steal the nozzles off pe,„ 6 1
the ;11nta, for which he received a medal lawn sprinklers. Z+
fruni hies Queen and country, and one During July and August the law offices t1ay0Rta.Iie.1ae11eH nod TrndOMlarlCe as OnTOd
from the Turkish Government. Ue le in St, Marys oloso each day et three Dim nut allathorpataat oaueas to tbn Patent
ado in possession of a medal for servicePerth Tall Assizes will commence in Mee and before the oourta promptly end
A the Northwest rebellion of 1885, and Stratford on Monday, 22n1 October, be- carotollyatrended to, lrponreceipt mad.
]pedal for lonF, g service in the British fore Ron. Mr, justice AIaoll'fnbon. cl er sketch of invention, t metro careful
examinatlon,nnd advise as to patentability
Arnty (BRrd Regiment.) The next session of the Guelph Con.
C.T.R. News Agent O'Neil, of Guelph, forence will be hold in St. Marys, corn.
wile holds the position of Trumpet Major mooring on the tiret 1Chnrnday in June,
tho artillery Brigade, lin,; been ail- 1880.
point,:1 carrier of the mane to and front There will be about 320 candidates
camp. Tho melt matter for poet is hand• write at tho examination far teachora'
ed into tho brigade orderly tent by 0 a.m, certiitcntes to ba hall in July in Strut -
and ' p.m. daily. The delivery in inade ford,
at th , brigade tent at 11 a.m. and 4:80 The 0, P. It, Telegraph Company has
p. m, maxed its office into Catwoll's book store,
It has been cleoided to repeat for tho and appointed Mr. Colwell manager for
eetertainmont of the volunteers the eller- rho Mitchell office.
al festive! IT the public sohool children The autumn sittings of the Court of
that vas given with great eclat a couple Chancery will be hold in Stratford on
of weeks age raider lir. Freeland, muni- Monday, 21th September, before the
eat instructor in the eehaole. There will Hon, Chancellor.
be ne be i ro n chorus of 1,200 school Mise Agnes Knox, B. E., sailed from
children, eeeisted by 150 adults and an New York, in the Herein. She intends
orchestra of 20 piecee, with the addition visiting the principal (Pities, of England,
this time of two splendid military bands Ireland and Scotland before returning,
-the 21st nnd 27th. Father Ryan, one of ler. Kilroy's res,
The ministers of the city banded to. agents, left Stratford the other day for
gether for the purposes of holding nightly Siam, Washington Territory, whore bo
services on the camp•gromtd, but do you will be in ohargo of a parish. Father
know, some of the boys appear to care Ryan is n brilliant and polished speaker.
very little for good things. The Hamilton Spectator has this to
Victoria Lake and its littleistenmer has say of Stratford's pleasure boat :---The
added to oar comfort and has done n owners of the steamer City of Stratford,
inching bminrss since the camp was es- hailing from Stratford, Ontario, and at
tebliehr1 here. present plying ou n surface drain that
Major White, of Arthur, and major runs through that place, want to sell her.
Linda;', of St. Thomas, are the Quarter. She will bo sunt by parcel post to a par-
maind Orderly Officer, respectively, chaser in any part of tho country.
be done without almost any year. The ftt Li1C Ct4mlb
The only man in camp wearing the
very fact of a majority of the Co. Coup- Victoria Cross is Lieut. Kerr of the 29th
cil]ors, who are supposed to understand Batt, He hoe been in 6 engagements.
the work and the necessity of the third
session in the year, voting for its cancel-
lation proves that there ie uo real neces-
sity for it, unless he owlet oases, cspec-
ially when only a mouth elapses before
the next session. Thera is not much
doubt but that the business could be
just as well done, and at a great deal less
expense, if the number of representatives
were reduced about one half.
Fon many years the Methodist Church
left tho work of stationing the ministers
in the hands of Providence and the Ste.
Roiling Committee, and the work was
done, as a rule, in'a most satisfeietory
manner and went on agreeably enough.
In the later 'sora the mtitnt,o system
has worked in, however, and was helped
on by many cities, town; and villages
and not a few pastors. The result was
that the Stationing ' Committee found
a great deal of their work "eat and dried"
beforejthey met. In more instances than
one where the invitation and the Com-
mittee ,lid not connect there was created
an unpleasantness and it is not to be
Lieut. W. E. Mitchell of Company No.
1, 82nd Batt„ has had the honor of re-
presenting Canada as one of the Wim-
bledon team on three different occasions,
and is one of the two successful winners
of the Prince of Wales prize. Lieut. Gib-
son of Hamilton was the other winner,
Lieut. Smith of Hamilton was the other
winner. Lieut. Smith of Company No.
1 was also one of the team in 1886.
The officers of the 88rd are very grate-
ful for the ice furnished to them and if
the donors call around they will be treat-
ed to the best in the house on ice,
Notable among the visitors to the
Damp on Sunday wee Lieut, yon Levet-
zotow, of Berlin, Germany, Wile belongs
to the Emperor's own regiment. His
military dress was mach admired. He
is a young man, but his military appear -
exec indicates that he has been in train-
ing since boyhood. He is of the opinion
that Europe will experience serious
trouble before many months.
Lieut. -Col. T. T. Coleman, command -
leg officer of the 83rd Batt., is a genial
fellow and is the happypossessor of a
waggish .manner which makes him a
favorite among his fellow officers. His
battalion turns out 847 strong this year
and is accompanied by a first class band.
The officers of this battalion have ex.
pended 6605 in procuring white helmets
for the men, which indicates that a
wondered at that when the followingreso- b ttneenal officers ng
feeliof privates. od exists The
lution was presented to the Guelph Con. county of Huron has generously voted
forence of this year it was heartily re. 25 cents a day additional pay to the
ceivud and very generally endorsed. It voluees Colemanrhas halways takeilst in n a deep tinter -
read as follows :-'Resolved, that while est in politics and is regarded es a very
each circuit and citation has the right of sound debater on the questions of the
petition as to the person whom they may lea
wish to labor amongst them, yet it is Captain Jeffers, of No. 8 company, 82nd
strongly recommended that the opinion battalion, is a ppatriotic and loyal fellow._
of the Stationing Committecie respected He ie nn able phyeician and is at present
and loyally submitted to give conwith- located in Cain City, Kansas, and return-
nnce to any invitation coming from with -
ed from there last week to bo present in
in the bounds of the Uoaferuuce," The camp with his company. Few men
itinerant system is superior to that of would sacrifice time and means and
the "call" in operation in other denom- come such a long distance as Dootor Jef-
inations in that it provides a place for fus etas to show their allegiance to the
land of their�;birth.
every minister in the active work; it The boys from Huron must be big
allows a change at the exphation of one, eaters according to the following from
two or three years and thus proves satin. the Clinton News Record :-The volun-
teers are undergoing drill in Stratford
this week. To keep the "boys" from de -
gives the verions stations, and oirouits teriorating while in camp about 30,000
an opportunity of receiving the minis- pomade of bread will be required, and the
tratione of a largo Dumber of men and same amount of meat. Potatoes by the
on the whole, while it may have draw- carload, wood by the 100 cords, not to
backs, it works admirably. Ii is to be speak of hay, oats and the minor require.
ments, such an tea, ooffee, sugar, etc., ate.
hoped the above resolution will have the It will take from 616,000 to 620,000 to
desired effect, if it does not all places keep the boys two weeks.
will have to be placed on a levil and put The camp is notable for the number of
forth Heir best efforts to secure the old veterans who, belong to it. Notable
among these in Private Thomas Brown
minister of their choice. of the 20th Battalion, who served in the
_.,_..e.- _— British army for 21 years. He unlisted
TOI "13088" ENDER CANVAS. in 1844 in 92nd Gordon Highlanders and
— served in the Crimean war. He also
Tuesday evening of lest week saw served in the Persian Campaige in 1856
the members of the different Battalions and received from the English Govern -
and Batteries under canvas on a well sit• ment a medal for his brave services. He
uatod plot of ground about two miles passed through the Indian mutiny and
above the city of Stratford. Some of the served under Sir Henry Havelock and
lands were slightly incapable owing to Sir Colin Campbell. He was present at
too close a connection with ;fella Barley- the taking and re.taking of Oawepore,
cmm, and also was engaged at the neige of Luc -
The strength of the different forces is know. During Ins military career he
given as follows : took port in $2 engagements and was
N,0,0. floe- wounded twice. He received a medal
Deicers. nrd men 555.. for the Indian Campaign and also ono for
LondonBield Battery.,.
ao 0his long eervico and good conduct. Such
Guelph A am48 Battery 13 100 r bravo old hearts have been the safe guard
Met mem: Rides 1
22nd Oxford Rifles 21; 'ret 5 of Britain's liberties and their presence
27th Lambton Infantry 58 020 8 at the camp serves as a constant inspire -
29th Waterloo I t entry 1r. 2011 1 4 tion to the young soldiere.
nd ninon
oe nfaa ry...... Sham fight and military review on
33rd IImon Isftn ry... 23 277 G g Y
100 1890 118
Everything was soon settled down to
business and in spite of the very opproe-
sivo heat that lasted for several days No.
5 Company is faring tolerably well.
There were twelve or fifteen cases of
sunstroke Thursday morning of last week
Five privates of the 22nd Batt. were laid
out by the heat. Privatise J. Benjamin
and Elliott, of No. 7 Company, 22nd
Batt,, were carried in on stretchers. They
recovered in a short time.
Private Arthur Niven, of the 82nd
Batt„ had a very narrow escape from be-
ing drowned while bathing in n pond on
Friday night. Ho was going down for
the last time when rescued.
Lieut. F. H. McCallum, of No. 8 Co„
20th Batt„ (Waterloo) belonged to the
Queen's Own during the Fenian raid, and
was quartered in Stratford for 8 weeks
in June, 1800.
The Camp police force is under Serg-
eant Burns, of D Royal School of In-
fantry, of London.
The Young Women's Christian Aseooi.
ation have a tent upon the grounds.
Thorn aro four Armstrong muzzle
loading guns to each battery.
The volunteers were inspected by (On-
eral Middleton Friday,
Sergeent•Major John Conroy, roy, of Lon-
don, the Brigade Orderly Room Cleric for
District No. I, ltas'lo,,, nn native set-
Ca ell crap Lai o •t-t•a.
Tito heat is causing au unusual number
of deaths its New York.
Alaska is rapidly becoming civilised.
It now has a beer brewery. •
Mr. Parnell was noted as a cricketer
before lie went into polities.
Emperor William and the Czar aro t0
Meet in Russian territory in autumn.
The Austro - Hungarian Delegations
have voted a war credit of nearly 920,•
000,000 -
The Statue of Liberty in New York
harbor wants 6100,000 more to complete
her pedestal.
The Pelllnsns linvo ptuolinead the en-
tire sleeping car system on the Baltimore
& Ohio railway.
The old Grant homesteads near St.
Louis, has been sold to satisfy a mortgage
held by W. II. Vanderbilt.
EmperorFrederiok died within thirty
feet of where he time born, and at exact-
ly the sante hour of the day.
Hao Newton
ratan bySir Is
A letterw
was sold for 9815 in London recently. It
was bought for Trinity College, Cam-
Ono the wonders of Paris is a well
0 of
2,359 feet in depth. Hot water rnshos
out of this well in a stream 114 feet
So many people are knocked down and
killed by horses in New York that it has
been resolved that hereafter all drivers
must have a license.
The Atlanta Constitution notes that
"the lumber used in John Brown's Bal -
lows is still preserved at Harper's Ferry,
and the owner asks 91,000 for it.
A Boston (men bet 050 that a barrel
filled with gas would weigh more than
an empty one. His oyes opened vary
wide when ho saw that it did not weigh
as mush.
In Menominee comity last year the
lumbar operations ran ahead of any pre-
vious record. Thera were 70,000 more
feet of lumber and 0,000,000 more shingles
than in 1856.
At a Minnesota sheep shearing some.
thing bright gleamed out of the mouth of
one panting animal, and upon examin-
ation proved to be handsome gold ring
around the tongue and imbedded in the
flesh of it.
The stealing from the produce oars at
Chicago amount to more than 61,000,000
a year. Thieves get in their work while
the unloading and sweeping is going on.
Hay, potatoes and grain aro stolen, and
aro sold, in many oases, to small com-
mission merohante, who make large
profits on sham.
Baron Albert Rothschild has purchas-
ed the largest mirror telesoope that has
been constructed at Paris for 40,000 flor-
ins. and presented it to the Vienna Ob-
servatory. A. gallery for it has also been
built and endowed by the Baron. The
total cost of this sciontifio gift will
amount to more than 45,000.
Au Evansville, Ind., dispatch gays :
Miss JosiciCarroll, ayoungschool teacher
at Birdseye, Ind,, was killed by fright
Friday night near that pluce. Her bro-
thsr and some boys made a ghost which
they placed in her path as she returned
alone from a neighbors' house, She was
thrown into convulsions and diol ou the
Alfred Richards, an extensive grower
of onulidowers at Buchanan, had nearly
3,000 plants destroyed by cutworms in a
angle night last week. Finding that
they came from a single direotion he
plowed a deep trench on that side of the
field, into which the worms tumbled iu
groat numbere, whore they were captured
and destroyed.
Donald Dinnio, once so well known its
professional athletics in Scotland, the
North of England and America, has been
Friday of this week, after which Inc posing r.0 a model to a Melbourne
break up and the boys in red sculptor, Percival Bali, The sculptor
start Men home on Saturday. has a commission to produce a statue of
are found re the Damp who have Wallace, the hero of Scotland, for the
served in all the recent engagements in Botanical gardens of the city of Ballarat,
whioh England ham been interested, W. and the stalwart Donald is the model.
Huai, of No. 7 company 27th Battalion,
who is a member of the band, has hada Japanese methods in the construction
varied experience that few men aro per- of railroads are somewhat different from
milted to know. In 1871 he joined the those which prevail here. Tho Govern.
let Battalion, 24th foot, and 1877 he merit exercise close supervision, as mel
landed with the regiment at Cape Town, be gathered from a recent report made
South Africa, the regiment being detailed by the • bnited States Consul at Nagasak
to take part in the Zulu war. From to the State Department in relation to
there they marched to Meritebuff and a proposed railway across the Island of
thence to Blood River, Zululand. He Kiusiu, the surveyed line being 270 miles
\vas present at the burial of the Prince long. In the firet plane a company was
Imperial, and his regiment defended organized, in 1886, and then a petition
Rarke's Drift fpr four menthe until re. was sent to the Government asking for a
inforeoments arrived to relieve them, charter, Thie was granted, and the Gov -
They were short of rations and lived for ornment appointed the president of the
considerable time on one biscuit a day. road to servo for ten years and throe
IID wears a modal, the gift of the 73ritish managers from each district—or twelve
Government, as a mark of distillation in all. Those [non havo the full charge
for his bravery in tho Zulu oompaign, of ever preliminary, and with the help
Ile is a genial and affable follow and re. of a Government civil engineer, they
latex his adventures with the Zulus with have caused the line to bo surveyed,
considerable gusto. [naps, plans and estimators made, All
Tho groat heat was bad enough but this has been done, and the Government,
heavy rain is three times worse, approving tele acts, have fixed rho weight
and finality of the rails, the size of rho
Perth, t locomotives, and granted the company
�. t�1 COni1itgr' !NOLO& permission to go on and organise by
electing its directors. Tho estimated
Tho Mitchell Advocate nnd Recorder cost of alto road is about 610,000,000 and
vieo in Uio Crimean 1Var, having been ) have a double l':,welled libel stilt on
1reeent hi the :,icge of 'nbnstopol, and !,paid.
74 ea of Charge. k'°eamoderato, and I wake
no charge unless patent isseeurua. Inform-
ation, advice and spooial references sent oil
application. J, 00. T,1'rTL1LG, Washington
DAC Potent OAlco, 1.17.
• +'cec'ola Vol. $eitiirr,
'1heeubsrrlunrofera for sato bbs Velnatic
k'arro in the Township of [trey, eomprislug
iota 0 and 7, con ,11In. said towneliip. This
Harm contains 200acres and ie wltbin 11 miles
front the thriving Village of Brttesels, with
good gravel r'oadleadtng thereto. About150
acres aro cleared, free 'rent stumps and in it
high state of cultivation. Tire balance fe
tinily wooded. Thin Taxi1 is particularly
wolltonced,uoarly3 the whole of rho femme
being straight nod having boon erected in
1880 nnd'80. On tb o prom ieee there Is a eons
fortable log dwelling house and agoo (Wilma
barn with atone stabling underneath .n
which there is a well with an abundant sup.
plyofexcellent water. Tltoro is likewise
now frame Implement house, 40x20, wolf
lloorod,abovo and below, and. gently sided
and painted. For pnrttoulars apply to the
Proprietor, JAMES DICKSON,
]legistvar,lturon Co.,
1103 • Goderfob,
Returned to Brussels!
desires to state that he has again become
a resident of Brussels and is prepared to
take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter
Work, such as House Building, Barn
Framing, Mill 1Vrighting, do.
He will also make a Specialty of Mov-
ing Buildings.
Estimates Cheerfully Given.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
in ovary instance.
The annual Caledonian Games under the
ausptoeo of the O'oderich Caledonians Socie-
ty will no hold on the magnificent now
grounds of the
MONDAY JULY 2nd, 1888,
Commencing at Io'alocll p.n.
Tor some years the most successful games
ho in Canada have token Place in Gods -
richt and already the indications aro of a
greater animas than over before,
have been added to the Prize List.
For particulars see bills and programs.
All eorraspon donee must be addressed to
Chief. Cor. Saoratory
Field Manager. Local Manager.
4041 Sly 2
A, L. Gibson wants 60,000 the, of good
clean FLEECE WOOL for which ho will
pay the HootiesT 111:.4nasx Plum Ix Con
or trade at the Wroxeter Woolen Mills.
An immense sleeks or Rpientlitl Tweeds,
Flannels, Skirtings, Dragnets, Blank-
ets, Sheeting and Varna orhis own
make (all guaranteed to wear) and great
variety in Fine Tweeds, Flonnols, Over -
coatings, &a
at reasonable figures and good work guar-
anteed. We are bound to maintain our
reputation by satisfactory work and
square dealing.
yq �r s{+°pf�'Y�Gv1( (AV ��7'd�'j`�fl�;�^�A7TL- 7r
Prizes for (1) Bost Fleece Long Wool ;
(21 Best Fleece Fine Wool ; (3) Heaviest
F eeoo cleanness considered.
Wo want your Wool and you want our
goods and our money, so cone and
ae0 116.
al. L. GIBSON,
47 -les Wroxeter Woolen 051010.
Pumps -Pumps M Pumps
Tho old reliable Pump Werke of Brus-
sels still to the front and rushing busi-
nose right along.
always on hand with all the latest im-
provements and guaranteed to
I am prepared to take contracts for
Diggilta/ Wells 02' Cisterns at
Reasonable Routes.
Special Attention given to Ropirblg,
As I us0 only rho boat material, super -
vine all the work and sell at moderato
prices 1 know it will b0 to the advantage
of the public to Ileal with me.
the construction will bo entirely in tho Shop oppoaito P. Scott's blacksmith
]lauds of tho Government, shop, Drill street, Bruzscls.
( AW8 ('GUM111':D 1''lLED ANI)
1, Rai,nbtted un Lot 11, pan, ll, 0 ray,
'1.1[08, Mc O "Sawyer's 110 flow line pis new
patent Set, "Sawyer's Guido," for Rale,
lbia the beet made, se the naw'ors say, Pot-
ent tor gale. Patentee will alines goods to
bo ;rude au ro}•altyq,
r1f08, McQltOitlOR.
31 Jhvssete, Ontario.
!3'f'1.3p1'3 NOr.1'IC: nq
I have for Hale flaws of twelve differ -
Ont kinds. Four different Riede of gang
plop's, eon0lore and cultivators, all of Pat-
erson & (Jo's, Woodstock. Implements
such as light stool binders, Mowers' (front
and rear ant) horse bay rakes. I also
hew A, Murphy ti Go's
Patent Reversable Hay Carriers,
Steel 1111,1 )V,,suleis Trucks, most C'onl•
plate in Comilla,
Topton Bros,' Pett harvester.
13ugt; too. etXre.goaao 0,a1,11 Cetttoece
Several nicely situated village lots
with houses on them for sale, 14 -Saris-
faction guaranteed in the solo of Maple.
Wm. IVIar'tjn.
Ilorel:: Tcsoit 1RnM STUNT.
Another Wonder !
It never was intended, eo far as I eau learn
That either manor woman wore intended
to be bald.
I think you will believe mo,indced I'm sur
you w 111,
If at the "Parte noir WOrlts" you bar
There is ono thing Nature thinks of -let us
thank her all we 01121-
Rlio takes particular trouble with an
She knows a scanty growth of hair, the
gray and whitening looks
Will detract from the beauty of the Moo
But nature hits her laws so strict that you
must never err,
For you'll surely pay the penalty at last
Sustain it, that bounteous head of hair,
Deaner Dorsnwond's Hair iaagle's unsur-
Just try it, your, afflicted, you never wit
The Mame was never yet known to fail;
And the go0dthat it will do you will make
you soon forget
The expenditure a bottle wit entail
This now lemons preparations for invig-
orating are stimulating the growth of tiro
hair is universally accepted as the most
valuable epociOo on the market. All diseas-
es r relieved Orper-
a the soul aro e t a ry p
manse follow
A elope and rapid growth
w111lof ahairet. after atse with
and reser
loo tvo10 soon It
romaine w res the user
aloud to soomc theeach" desired results. ,l
r Meath" sold
ars 'Rai g 1
dru tete nt 81 per bottle, Or six for $5. It
not obtainable in your own locality send di-
rect to rho sole manufacturer, enclosing
prion. A Donal/5mm, Perim Bair Works,
103 and 105'Longo street, Toronto,
For sale by G. A.11cudmau,.L Iforgrcavco
and al Druggists.
V1.501114+050005. 1 s rr.. mn• 1 rn010 Qrltnt:O
April 20 'Circassian ............May 11
April 20 Sarmation Miayl 17
Parisian May 21
:Polynesian Juno 1
Sardinian ...............Juno 7
;Circassian June 15
Sarmatian Juno 21
Parisian Jona 28
;Polynesian July 0
Sardinian July 12
:Circassian . July 00
Sarmatian July 20
Paelolan bug. 2
!Polynesian Aug,10
Sardinian tug. 10
I Circassian Aug. 24
Sarmatian A.00,130
May 11
May 117
May 25
May 31
June 7
Juno. 15
Jane 21
July 12
July 20
July 2O
Aug. 0
Ans. 0
Rales or Passage by 30ni1 Steamers.
Cabin 500, 870 and 880 nocordrng to accom-
modation. Servants in Cabin, 850 Inter-
mediate 880, Steerage 820, potent tlolcots,
Cabin ,&110, 8130 and 9150, Intormadiate,
800. Stcm'ago 840.
1 Byuners. erns, Cit'onesian 0r other en-
trnstaamers, Cabin fifty, sixty and seven-
ty dollar, according ninety.
lag to accommodation, hued dation, ton
[ichors, ninety, Dna y dollred and ton
and Dna hundred and thirty dollars. inter-
modiataslxtydellnre. 8Leerago forty doll-
000 ,
Passougors ono smbnrk at Montreal tbo
day before without increased ohargo, Go
yourself or sand for your 7:10md0. Prepaid
cortsllentes at reduced xates, For full in-
formation apply to
.10. R. GRANT,
Liver' Coonph nt
.81517 lfeadaeh
ICidne)+ ti'nttbl
Skin Diseases,
and all impuri-
ties of the blood
from whatever
COMBO arising,
ni2,7:C= inc. 000111,.
(very small and easy to take.)
Sold everywhere ; price 25 cents,
i.'RtOY 01 Lrtlt'ONE Co., Proprietors,
Woolen Mill.
R. Forsyth Jo Son, formerly of
the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg
to inform the Farmers in this Vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op•
eration a, Woolen 1\611 in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing to
meet a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and care-
fully ended to.
attended t t
The HIUREST PRICE 130.111 for
Wool in Exchange for Tweeds,
Pull Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, -ate,
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ceipt Hook and BO:iseltoid Physician, or the
Book for the Million, contains nearly ON
Pages and sells for 7225 in sloth finding
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and Is justly by him culled
I1 is the result of over half a century's ob-
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CACTION 5 tlnsorupuloue and pirating
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the GENUINE boot-,. See that it Lag oar
name on the title pogo and is copyrighted
by no,
Agents: 00'iutled f nig Terris 1
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Plain Office, Detroit,1[ioh, \Vtxl'ern, 0x7
Published in bath English and German.
A oL6tIve C°1it's.
A Polak sB Cures
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�'j R61 ALL AGES.
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