HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-22, Page 5Jurrm 22, 1888. THE BRUSSELS POST .... .... 1=1=W.1214112114=1,1903.w•.asa, 20/ E.,..,aryertw o, +>mv ,_„ -. 2040 ae_ea=afanw., 5tris lctu�i, 'neper took three. The heaforth boys playod a fast and plucky game, but worn clearly overmatched, rho following are tho teams : Ilorlin Goal, Sbephord : 9',i:lr(^l. 'melts, O. Shantz, Nil lor ; half -honks, d. in'l0223ti Kranz, •1lidca right, /tow. William and David 1Iihco are 11 wily n man Gibson ; centre, Brubaeher ; haft, Forsyth, 'Mary. Seafor th Goal, Mo. a Imp Ln 11luslcnkn. Mr. 'roma; and wife, of East 1'Iam. borough, wore visith,g at John (lobo's Callum ; banks, W. Willis, D. Motion. old ; half -backs, J. Livingston, Mattson, last mods.,A, 11;1,emn ; right, Dewar, 1 nunlnek ; Rev. 1t, Paul, of Br«.nds, one/od centro, 1[tonnldll ; left, W, M[ Donald, J. the pulpit in the Methodist church lest l.ivillgst000. Sunday evanfng, aro ex. • and family x Rev, T. J,e anh J Y Leg oar , Pooled homo this week, 'Lha I n t has beon rather lonely looking for the last few weeks. Miss Ella McNeil, assistant in our school; is at Immo this wools with the measles, Mary A, Sharp has charge of tho little folks in her room, Tho sacramont of the Lord's Suppor will bo obaorvod in the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Roy. T. Rallan- tyne, of Walton, will proaoh the prepar- atory Hammon on Saturday at 11 o'clock. A. W. Pauabaker and wife, left for IIoopolor last -Tuesday morning. They expret to bo away for about two woks. \Ir. Panabaker Intends to spend part of his holidays in the wilds of Muskoka for tho 130;1 it of his health. TIlo annual pie.nie in connection with tho Presbyterian Sunday school will be held in Dilworth's grovo on Monday, July Ind. Addrossos will bo given by Dr. Macdonald, M. P., of Wingbam, and Ilevde. J. T. Logen and D. B. McRae, Dzorri,4. Wheat is beading out and will speedily ripen with this warm weather. James Sharp is erecting anew dwelling on his farm on the 5th line. It will bo a veneered brick and will boaoonvoniont \ and comfortable struatnro adieu aom- pleted. It is said that there de a man living in the southern part of this township who has his ooffin already prepared whenever death may come. Nothing like taking time by the foreloolc. The Sunshine, Ebonezer and Blyth ap- pointments will hold a union pio.nic in lfarohall's grove, 8th cot„ on July 2nd. Addresses are expected from a number of ministers. All are cordially invited. i Last Saturday Robb. Armstrong na- 1 rived home from the Northwest where bo 1 had boon for tho previous five weeks. Ho visited tho leading centres in Manitoba, Northwest Territory and Dakota. His 'son, Wm. J., has taken up land in the ' latter place. Mr. Armstrong has prom- ised to give the readere of Tom Poise his opinion of the West, Last Wednesday forenoon a goodly number of relatives and friends assomb- ' led at the residence of Jno. Robb to wit. nese the nuptials of Eno. Currie and Miss ' Elia Robb. Tho ceremony was perform- ed by Rov. John Ross, 13.A.., of Brussels. Hiss Currie, sister of the groom, and ' Mr. Robb, brother to the bride, perform- ed the duties of bridesmaid and gramma int. After the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Currio took the noon train for tho east followed by the hearty congratu- lations and good wishes of a large circle of friends. Listowel. Hess Bros, now factory on Iekerhnnn St. will bo ready for occupation in Aug- ust. The home club defeated the Harriston cricketers recently by nn innings and 40 00216. Four can of cheese were shipped for ex- port from the station on Monday of last weep. A base ball club under the name of the "Stara" has boon organized. They aro ready for games. Rov. L Campbell has purchased tho residence of Goo. Hess, M. P. P., adjoin- ing the Presbyterian Church property. The price paid wa0 82,600. Mr. Hess goes shortly to Toronto. A meeting of lawn tennis players was held rcoontly resulting in the formation of a club which is making great progress. The officers are .--Hon. Pros., J. W. Scott ; Pres., J, L. Darling ; Vice•Pres., M. Bricker ; Soo. -frons., P. G. Miele. tosh ; Committoo, Messrs. O'Rielly, Kil- vort, and F. W. Hay. Our (wicket club played tho I3olmonts on Monday and Tuesday. The home team wont to bat first. Listowel wont in Tuesday morning and the first innings produced 48, of which O. Hocking made 17 and Smith 10, those being tho only double'5gures. Tho follow on resulted 111 75, Sutherland contributing 20, C. Itaoking 10 and W. J. Hay 10. The Bel. monts' first innings yielded 205 and consequently the Listowels were beaten by an innings and 7.77 runs. At the cots. elusion of the game a challenge was re- ceived from the Veterans, of Philndol- phia, and aooepted. They batted up 100, Nelson getting 17, Captain Vernon 28, North 25 and Captain Green 12. Lis- towel had about an hour and a half to bat in a bad light and pot on 08 for two wioltots,Murphy, not out, making 88; Smith 28 and O. hacking '28. b3ortfoi th. A very heavy thunder storm passed over Soafortin and vicinity last Thurs- day night. Ono 1oue0 was etruolc by the lightning anllthe good nlan oonsidor• ably injured but not fatally. Tho vary sudden death of Mrs. Geo. Dungan, which occurred, after a few hours illness, on Tuesday night of last week, cast a deep sedum over the town. Mr. Dungan, who was in Hamilton attending as dslegate the Foresters' Grand Lodge at the time of her death, has the heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity in his sorrowful beroavemout. Porsooals.—Mrs. H. Ball, Mrs. W. H. Kerr and Mrs. T. Flotoher, of Brussels, havoboon visitingin Seafortll and vicinity for some clays.—Mrs. A. McOutclteon, of Winnipeg, is visitingrelatives town,— Mae. town. Mre. (Dr.) Smith, cildren and nurse go to St. Thomas on an extended visit this week. Mrs. Smith's father, Mr. M0 - Laughlin, who has boon Co. Treasurer fou Elgin Co, ler a numbar of years, is in poor health. --W. M. Gray and A Ches. toy aro doing up Toronto this woolc,-Dr, Mcl(icld and family roamed from Vi- onua last wook, Tho Dr. looks toll and seems pleased over his success. A ganpo of football was played hero on. Saturday, °n the Rocreation grounds, be- twn0n the 13011111 hangers end the Fin. forth Collegiate Instituto Club, which resulted in a victory for the 312(013005 by a P0510 of a to 0, their weight an splen. did forward play protium too 11111011 for tho boys who average only 110 lbs, Only, one gu.tl watt mond during rho first half. tinge, tho 101naintlar being scored in 11e second, and of tln:se ilio vetMal Brit. 111011 11 9111. o The Sonny lemma club ,f L tc ku w defeated Cho home team by 1 to 0. A. lbitsohl of Mildmay, has pnrcllaned tho Winghann pottery and purporee carrying 011 that business. What's wanted: -A Saturday market, Electric light,, Butter order on our streets. Tilt; mill pond and river cleaned nut, Robort Young has bought three lino 1.5 acro Iota from John Mohnen, on Ow cor- ner of Catharine and Patriots Hata for 8285. It, 111. Robinson, of rho Wi0gham foundry, left on Tuesday 011 n buslnoss and pleasure trip through the Algoma Distrlot. G. Shaw and F, Anacreon, appeared before J. P's McKay and Andorson, on a Charge of disturbing the army. They wore each lined 80,85. A jnoior oriolcot club has boon organ- ized in town. A. Stiles Presklent, Halliday Seo.•Treas., and b', Riedon, T. Dodds and P. Halliday managing 00111- mitt.o. The Mayor has nppoiutoll Friday of this week as Civic holiday. An 0xcnr- eion is to take place to Godoriah the soma day under tho auspices of (bo Caledon- ian Society. The Times says :—Tho \fillers' Asso- ciation of Huron, Perth, Bruen, Grey and Wellington mot in Wingbam on Monday last, the attendance being small owing to to change of date as well as its coming in conflict with one or two meetings out- side. Mr. Moyer, of Listowel, ably pro. sided. The first subject discussed was that of railway rates, it being contended that the trade was handicapped by the facilities given for grinding in transit. It was admitted to be neither prudent nor practical to attempt the fixing of rates. It was suggested by W. )3. Hut- ton that at future routings difficulties in the running of mills be brought up and disarmed. Tho question of rho quantity of flour to be given for various kinds of wheat was also ventilated. It was suggested that when so desired a farmer's wheat bo purchased and flour sold him at whoiosalo rates. The next meeting is to be held in Iiarriston some time in August. Blue -vale. Council mot on Tuesday. Mrs. Styles is the guest of Mrs. Lewis this week. Miss Jano C0s0more left on Tuesday horning on n visit to her sister at Zet- lend. The volunteers made our town gay o11 Monday. They were on their way to Stratford. Duncan King lost a colt this week. Tho complaint is general and a number have suffered. Mr. Malloch was in town this week looking into sohool affairs. 110 reports everything satisfactory. Owing to tho hot weather the cheese is suffering. A groat deal of the milk was sent back one day this week. Wo aro glad to sae John Walulsley at work in the old place again. Mr. W has had a long holiday, if siokuess con bo called by that name. J. J. Messer, familiarly known as 'Doc.' of Hamilton is on a visit home this week. Mr. Messer is always a welcome visitor and has the best wishes of his many friends, Some of our townsmen made the re- mark the other day that we would not be "Cooked" much longer. For their bene- fit, we have good authority for our stato- meht that Mr. Charlton, Mr. Cook's suo- eessor, is a strong temperance advocate. Mr. Reading and wife left on Monday morning for the far-famed Manitoba. Mrs, R. has been very poorly lately and It is to be hoped the trip may restore her. They were accompanied by Henry Mc. Hardy, ono well-known round here. Hie genial face aucl hearty laugh will be much missed, and it will- bo sumo time before we get a Bluevalo "boy" to stand bohind the bat. But our loss is Manitoba's gain. Every euacoss fs the worst wish of Tim POST. Rev. 3, S. Cook was laboring uude: a severe cold Sunday morning and evening, but delivered excellent' addresses. In rho evening his remarks were based on the 1st Psalm. IIe showed clearly how ono step lad to another. From "standing in the way of sinners" or "sitting in the seat of the 50100er" 0n and 011 they go, lower and lower they oink in every man's estimation and their own, till, like the chaff, they are driven away. Mr. Cools and lady loft for Moorciield camping ground on Monday, Mr. C. being one of the speakers there. Gre37. The fall wheat is coming out in hoed. Present indications point to a huge yield 01 fruit. A Sunday sohool pic.nio is talked of in oonneotion with Shine's school for Do- minion Day (July 2nd). Ben ball has supplanted foot hall at our schools and a vigorous campaign is predicted for the coming months. The Grey and Morris cheese factory sold their May malt° of oheeso at 81 oents per pound re: nutty, The factory 10 doing well. Last Saturday we wore shown a samplo of flax pulled from Jno, 5teiss' iloltd, 1861 oon., that measured over 22 inches, That is good growth for so backward e season. On Wednesday of this week Jams Mo. Dougall and Thos. Forguson left for the west. The fcrmor goon to Dakota and tho latter to Manitoba, Wo wish 010111 a prosperous timo in their new inshore of no tion . A. pie -oto under tho auspioos of the Young Peoplos' Christian Association of 3(nox church, Oranbrook, will he meld on 'Friday, rho 2031i inet•, in IlSgh Porter's grove north of tho village. A good binge may bo looked for. Samuel Diolcson, postmaster of Sea - forth, has purchased from his rather 110 two 100 -acro farms on the .11112 con, of 111fs township, two and a-balf miles from Brussels, Mr, Dickson 110111 owns 400 acres 01 land bosidos his tatvn property. T,'I'aylo', Leather of S. H, No. 3, intends holding a school pi11alie on Saturday, dare anal, In Jno. Forben' grana Phe day's amusements will con- sist of games, swinging, singing, ap0e01,as, &a. A gond 111110 is expected. Now that ail r:xalll'a1o1,'01de1' 1123 0118- I>10014 of aha East Huron roars' 1na i. tutu to (nelp11 oily and Model firm hou. been arranged for and will bo on Wed- nesday the 27111 innt., a largo number of farmers togothar hill their wives 00110 011,1 slaughters will likely tale udvailtago of it for a days' outing as it will well ro- pey 4110111 and bo anion trip far all. Alexander Steuart, lot 113, con. 10, hoof, in his pont-atria-in a 1100011 hint arrow 23.1 1 n , c 'm s n pas and 02. 1 fu 1 1 halls of vnu r sit 011 a portion of his farm adjoining a croak, while plowing. John Stewart and Jas. Shaw have also some of tltoso old relio:e of rho red neon. 1t is thought that this place mutt have been a camp ground pawn ago. Thera in any quantity of flint to bo found 3n 4110 001110 locality, 'Cho Attwood oorrespondsnb• to the Lis. towel Standard speaks as follows of a parson known to a Inge number )u 1116 township ; J. H. McBain ocoupied the pulpit of the Methodist church hero on Huntley last. I-Ils dieeonsee on "Lord, what wilt thou have mo lode," was rend- ered in a very acceptable style to 110 hearers, and in suelt a manner as to do groat credit to himself. He forcibly pre- sorted tiro rasponsibilty wlidcli flay upon all members of the shuroh to act consist- ently and not play Who hypocrite. Since ilio worst harm clone to the church of Christ was not by those who most open- ly opposed it (like Paul) but by those who neither opposed nor upheld it. Ho exemplified rho differout parts of his ser - 11100 by references to tho different Mei- dente 111 t110 wren of the apostle Paul. Golnceretl News'. Tho German Reichstag 1105 been galled to moot on June 25. The Sultan of Turkey gets 87,500,000 a year for bis services. Robert Browning recently refused 81,- 000 from a Boston pliblishot for a short poem. Tho Russian Government still refuses to have anything to do with the coming Paris exhibition, Tho average Mexican laborer supports ins family on 10 cents por diem, invested in corn and beans. Mark Twain is an enthusiast regard- ing baseball, and attends all the games played at Hartford. Twenty inches is said to be rue narrow• est gauge of railroad doing regular busi- ness in the United States. A nnmbor of young mon in Mich. have formed a company for rho purpose of raising frogs for the Toledo market. A grand exposition of the throe Americas, to bo held at Washington in 1802, in now being projected in Congress. A few figures: During the Democratic Convention 2,151,701 words were sent from St. Louis over the Western Union wire. The autopsy on the late Emperor Frederick showed clearly that his ailment was cancer, his larynx having boon al- most entirely destroyed. The Australian Colonies would like Groat Britain to conclude a treaty with China similar to the treaty between the United States and China. During tho last seven years more than 200,000 acres in England have gone out of cultivation. It means a loss of x300,- 000,000 to the land.ownere and farmers. No foreign officers will bo allowed to attend the Russian military manmnvres this year, and Russian officers have been forbidden to attend similar mancouvres olsewhare. Glasgow will soon be tha s000nd city of the United Kingdom. Its boundaries are to bo extended so as to include a number of populous towns, and itis esti- mated that it will then have a population of nearly 800,000. An undertaker in Breslau, Long Is- land, admitted that ho had sawn off the log of an old resident of the village who died recently. He said that the limb was bent and he had to out it off in order to got the body in the coffin. Versailles is falling into a state of ruin. The statues there are moss -grown, water inftltratos into the arahos of the orangery from the terrace above, and the southern wing of tho palace has so gone to decay that largo stones oftenitnmble from the aoruico, while the roof is hardly a pro. notion from rain. Canadian N e'e-• S. Sarnia will shortly have an all-night telephone service. Wheat stalks 28 inches high have boon shown at Moosejaw. Ottawa County Oounoil will not sub- scribe to the Hull fire releif fund. Petitions for the repeal of the Scott Aot in Bast Elgin are now in circulation. Postmaster -General I11'oLolan is to he sworn in as Lieutenant-Govornor of Nova Scotia on Ally 0. The Mayon of Hull has received a o eque for 8"0,000 from the Msfoior Gov- ornnlout for relief purposos, Rev. L. A. Stafford was elected presi. dont and Rev. Hugh Johnston secretary of the Toronto Methodist Conference. Isaac Onmpbell, formerly of Toronto, was nominatod by the South Winnipeg Liberals for the Legislatures. The will of the lata James Orowthor, barrister, Toronto, who died in April last, has boon admitted to probate. Tho personal estato is valued at 8571,401. Pricee for Canadian cabtle were depress - ad early last week by the arrival togethor at Glasgow of several steamers from Montreal, but they worn firmer towards the end of the week. In St. Catharines some members of the Fres Library Board objected to a book Balled "Inez" and within twenty-four hours 75 people wero after that book, The bookstores wore cloanodout in shortorder and large now lots sent for. The Elgin county council wen shut out of tho courthouse at St, Thomas rill Wednesday because the county judgo took it into bishoad to hold court in that room on that partionlar day. Tho 00nn01110re 011a 1110 people aro mad ovor it. On Wodnosclay Magistrate Bartlot, of Windsor, administorod the oath of allogh- anoo to tho enployos of the post oflie°. The Postmaetor.General of Canada has deoiclod that horoaftor all who aro om. playod in the postal systoin most take tho oath. Tho Owen Sound Barbar by-law 10): 820,000 was carried by 30 votes. :Clic minatory by.iaw for 58,000 was carried. by '176 votes. 'Tito Toronto Methodist Conforooen Monday morning adopted a memorial from Bowmanvillo to tho clloob that ale annual contortion mooting 1,o held in the different 1010,115 00111110 the bounds as well as in Toronto. 0151111'"00(00-•^.•••,. Jr s:�;::•'y"�`••-R••lrYr�,•, ..N: 6 i1=110.212=113,a-, LUL CASJ 66 ,: ':: .;T'� s: CROCKERY, 0.91 GLA SW RE, JUST TO N..ND, Express Wagers, T©y Carts, Baskets, Bans. 0RdOQU Him, PIF .A 1\T :Etc., Etc.ig The Ladies should see "';''the nicely assorted stock of Fans :and Baskets. ._ ...__ .. ...----1.027®`'"' —BIG CUT IN— PHOTO ALBUMS. --AT THE— POST BOOKSTORE. ETC' 1 ETC. y In order to make room for a large Shipment we expect daily from the who reduces the price of goods should be patronized.. We hate re- duced the price of groceries 10 per cent. audl we require an i12 - crease of business to make up for loss of profit. If tate public do not appreciate low prices there is no inducement to sell cheap. If you find a store willing to come down in Arica `viten you mention how cheap you can get the goods- at the Toronto Grocery do not buy there but Como to the Toronto Grocery, because you would have got no reduction but for the Low Prices, at THE TIn i,ITt rt ®CEYn WE I-IkVE 1IADE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN i TEA. WE HAVE' A VERY- --EINE .T PAN. TEA . that we will sell in 5 and 10 lb. lots at '?.71c. THE KETTLE BOILING. We keep the kottle boiling all the time so that everyone eau test this Tea by making themselves a cup. We will guarantee a saving. of 20 per cont. on any Tea you may buy from us: "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."/ Sa 1Ve lurselling b. roin foroa and BTOUmS°--250,, auecl it 800the. Brooestm850forB200o. '30 Boxes of Soap received, Soo the value we are. giving in Soap. Dingman's Electric Soap very cheap. London Electric Soap ;eq. cheap. Jubilee liar Soap very clleall. . Mod f'li 1111i' Cur ants, Mitis at, ttnd a1.1 kiosk nt. 1)riod ,IJ Ut'"".l�rnit g1 Lowest Pl'o�s. f .1 1 1. .Ili 1''01 IlY at 131 a. t��1h ..c .tun Il 1 ab � ls: ...Those '. Y ��nn��, Goods � .. G L9.A7r going � 11 � ,tis 111,,., 101y host.. ti 111111 1, Mackerel, l<. store mut all Calmed Fi ail and 11Ical. al lowest Price. Tlie beat place, to spend your money is at t:be 'Toronto (irocory. ADAM G'VI a