HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-22, Page 44
ertl a (iffereneee present 'hell R
bast year the number el pastoral eller ea
ill that Synod eves reported ea 178 ; for
1e veal' coveredmere tort
184. Last report ave t 1
churches an Matinee supplied 1 ied their
pastors in the Presbytery of St, John
3,1; v.', o� ,.1; "; �'1 ' t31St`�a�°-�. bi i 1 t ellen, week had he not been called ntvay Rev.
Good, tl b t! a quarter of n century ago, and wan a
Locals- -Aileen
Card --R. N. Barrett, 1 1 they vera faithful and scalene minister, beloved by 1
Shawl fouutl_. This OOdce, p b 11 1 umbo of all for his kindly dispositiml.
Coming 1 --Thos. Speer, M.D. d " i' j i 1 by hmr At noon on Monday, while a 11u1nbor
Wood. \\'
Mr. Boyd was settled in Crow:hill about
nlltcct Jelin Carter, as 109tt Of school boyo were ba Bing in the mill
pond, at Mitchell, a little lad named
Fred. Cr. Aitridgs, nearly twelve years of
Wngat fel tale- 11Io1iay Jr Co. „tis report gives 8b, a deeroase of
(.'ash Grocery- Geoeo, Thomson. 23. The l reabytery of Halifax gives
Farm for Aide l. on ,C Bays, now 70, and ate previous report e0 ;
crease 1. Mince Edward Island gaveeve
tentrerauta. -..menu„, smearrato. formerly 08, in the last report 77 ; an in-
{ crease of 9. Miramiahi reported former-
) . l i. ', x`.tt cl A, I{{ ly 49, latterly 451 au increase of R. feyd.
l I soy gives an hlcceaso of 3, the numbers
— in the respective reports being 30 and
Farm! I", J t.NE 22, 1888. 38. Truro gave iu the one report 29, in
its last 86 t an increase of 7, Walluce'
gives an increase of 1, the numbers in
the two reports being 84 and 85. Piotou,
which gave 33 formerly, now gives 85 ;
au increase of 2. The Presbyteriea of
Victoria and Richmond, Lunenbtlrg and
Shelburne and Newfonndlaod show no
change, the numbers respeotive)y being
22, 35 and 2. These two Presbyteries
show an increase of 28, and three give
1th887e same, numbers for the years 1886 and
In the last report to the General As.
sembly it wan stated that there was sitt-
ing accommodation provided for 410,975
persons, This report gives that accom-
modation es for 426,717, being an increase
of 15,742,
The number of families reported last
sincee February lust, of eighty six seems year es being connected with cougrega-
bera. Total members over 400. Reports j tions was 76,226, this year 78,649, an in.
from the delegates of the state of the , ere in b Syn f these far itides 2Q8v-
work were very encouraging. The fol. are in t1Synod of the Mnrfontr Prov -
lowing officers were elected for the ensu• inose ; 12,788 in that of the Montreal and
Ing year : ll,C.T., Bro. Metcalf.; D.C., Ottawa ; 20,728 in that of Toronto and
Bro. J. Buyers ; D.J.T., A. B. Williams ; Kingston ; 19,147 in that of Hamilton
and London, and 4,857 in that of Mani-
toba and the Northwest Territories, to
which are to be added 304 appearing in
delayed returns, making up the sum al-
ready stated. The number of single per.
ons not connected with families of con-
gregations has been reported as 18,261,
an increase of 2,564 on last year's report.
In the last report it was mentioned
that there was an increase of 7,864 of
those attending Sabbath schools and
Bible classes on those attending in 1t585,
The returns for Bate report show a furth-
er increase of 4,650 on those attending in
1886, or an increase for the ttvo years of
about 12,000. The total number in these
classes was 112,940.
The number engaged in Sabbath school
work, including superintendents, teaohers
and other officers, are returned as 12,976,
an increase of about 1,000.
Volumes in libraries, congregational
and Sabbath school, aggregate 183,471,
being a decrease of 210.
The Church has, throughout her
bounds, 349 missionary associations,
with 1 Ladies' Aid, and 396 Woman's
Foreign Missionary Societies, giving a
total of 746 organizations for procuring
contributions for the spread of the Gos-
pel on the wide and needy fields of the
District Temple No. 2.4, I.O.G,T., lust
at Delgrave on Wedne,day, 20th lust., at
11 nom., 1).0 T. 8'. Metcalf in the chair,
There were ever fifty representatives
present. After the opening o4 the meet-
ing Bro. Metcalf made a few remarks
and appointed several committees, P,G.
C.T. lire. J. H. Flagg, of Mitchell, was
called upon and addressed the meeting
fora Ebert time, The Billeting Commit-
tee ]laving reported the Temple adjourned
for (limier to meet again at 2 o'clock
AYT0n250015 ensue .
The seorotary, Bro, Wen. Pollock, re-
ported nineteen lodges in the district,i
thirteen of these reported an increase
Sec.-Treas., Wm. 'Pollack. Delegates
were appointed to the Grand Lodge
which meets next week in Hamilton,
The Lodge then adjourned to meet again
in Blyth ou the third Wednesday in 00.
tober next.
The following is a list of delegates
and the Temples represented: Constance,
No. 440, T, B. Hall and Wm, Carter ;
Loyal, No. 82, E. L. Mason ; Canadian,
No. 154, 14. Burkhoider, D. Armetrong, J,
Buyers and J. Blashill, and Misses L.
Oliver, L. Vanstone, M. Oliver, AI, Kerr
and A. Young; Maple Leaf, No, 837, J.
McQuarry, W. Pollock, Mrs. Metcalf, J.
McKinnon, J, Innis, L. Gray and Samos
Gray ; Leadbury, No, 213, S. B. Will-
iams and A. Clutton ; St. Helens, No.
164, 13. Miller, Mrs. Webb and G. Webb ;
Belgrave, No. 170, Misses Bengough,
Meikeljohn and Mr. Boyce and Rev. Mr.
Burwash.; Londesboro', No. 317, F. Har-
rison ; Westfield, No. 161, J, Ellis, R.
Buchanan, Sas. Hoover and A. Auld.
The General Assembly.
The Committee on Statistic, after
some preliminary remarks, and before
entering on their figures, expressed their
satisfaction with the effect of the injunc-
tion of the Assembly to Presbyteries "to
see to it that the congregatiooe in their
bounds make their year close with the
calendar year." In consequence of this,
the returns this year are said to be very
full and numerous, there being but five
congregations Doming under the head of
delayed returns.
The statistics of the Church are first
dealt with, and it is shown that there are
now 43 Presbyteries on the roll of the
Assembly, cue of which is in India end
not reported upon save under the head of
foreign missions. The number of pas-
toral charges is 778, being 8 more than
for the preceding year, Of these, 184
are in the Synod of the Maritime Prov-
inces, 151 rn that of Montreal and Otta-
wa, 210 in that of Toronto and Kingston,
197 in that of Hamilton and London, and
48 in that of Manitoba and the Northwest
The number of mission stations re-
ported is 429, of which 82 are in the
Presbytery of Barrie, 54 in that of Bruce,
46 in that of Calgary, 11 in that of Rock
Lake, 9 in that of Orangeville, 25 in that
of Regina, 20 in that of Bromley, 17 in
that of St. John, 15 each in those of
Winnipeg and Owen Sound, etc,
The number of vacant oharges is re.
ported at 91 as compared with 94 for the
previous year. Of these, 23 are in the
Maritime Synod, 20 in the Montreal and
Ottawa Synod, 5 each in the Presbyter.
ies of Glengarry and Brookville, 18 in
the Toronto and Kingston Synod, 20 in
the Hamilton and London Synod, and 4
in the Synod of Manitoba and the North-
Last year 823 were reported as having
their names an the rolls of Presbyteries,
including those who were actively engag.
ed in one department or another of the
work of the Church, and those who, from
age or infirmity, had been compelled to
retire from service. This year shows at
increase of 23, the number being 845.
The Presbytery of Montreal has still the
largest number on its roll, 45 ; last year
there were 47. Toronto stands second,
41 ; last year 44. Halifax and Kingston
have each 33. St. John and Barrio each
32, Lanark and Renfrew and Hamilton
each 81 ; and so down to Newfoundland,
with 2.
There are 55 ministers whose names
are not on the rolls of Presbyteries in
whose bounds they reside -14 of these
being in the Presbytery of Toronto, 5 in
that of Barrie, 8 in each of the Preaby.
teriee of Huron, London, Lindsay and
Guelph ; 6 Presbyteries have 2 each, 10
have one with, and 20 have none, This
would give the entire' number of 900 as
the number on Presbytery ralle, which
is precisely the number estimated last
Huron County Notes.
Harry Seymour, Exeter, left last weep
for Australia.
Col. McKnight, . of the 28th Sett„ has
deoided to remove his family from Gode.
rich to Stratford,
P. Strachan, of Goderich, has placed a
set of his lifeboat machinery in the Port
Stanley crew's craft.
Jos. Rattenbury, sr., of Clinton, who
is about 70 years of age, the other day
cut a cord of wood, a single out, in one
J. T. Garrow, Q. C., accompanied by
Mrs. Garrow and his two sons, Ed. and
Chas„ have left Goderich for a trip to
The Gorrie Videtts says:—Goo. Jac-
ques and A. MoClement are under a wager
which can gather the most coppers by the
12th of July.
The Kihaardine Review says :—Con -
elector Quirk is the proud possessor of an
old relic in the shape of a musical clock,
which plays nine tunes. It is 200 years
old, so he says, and is nine feet high.
High Chief Ranger Elliott, of Wing.
ham, and Past High Chief Ranger Long,
of the C. 0.0. P., have been appointed
delegates to the annual meeting of the II.
linens Independent Order of Foresters.
A new Foresters' lodge was instituted
at Belmore on Saturday evening, June 2,
and named Court Tuck, No, 80. Masers.
Strong and Perkins, of Gorrie, wore the
organizers. They meet in the Orange
Two members of the R. H. Baird
Dramatic Co. were made man and wife
in Luoknow one day last week, the con-
tracting parties being John L, Beith and
the young lady travelling under the name
of Nellie Clifton.
A game of baseball between the Huron
Stars, of Blyth, and the Goderiob team,
was played in Goderich Monday, and re.
sulted in favor of the latter club by the
score of 80 to 9. Batteries, Ross and
Symonds, Holmes and Malcolmson.
Perth County Notes.
John Coppin, of Mitchell, has sold his
livery stable to his son Jolty for 94,000.
The average value of land in the town-
ships of this county, as per the equaliza-
tion committee's report, fe over $44.
Tho G. T.R. shops at Stratford will be
closed for the midsummer holidays on
Wednesday evening till Monday, the 9th
of July,
The ladies of Stratford are making ar-
rangements to have a supply of literature
year. scattered among the volunteers during
During the year 40 ministers have do. their stey in that looality.
On Monday of last week, at Milvotton,
mitted their charges, ten were translated two lads, aged about thirteen years, event
to other charges in the acme Presbytery, to the woods to do some revolver praotioe,
and 24 to charges in other bounds during One of them, named Jacobs, was holding
the year. the pistol when it, by some moans, went
The number of students licensed was off and shot the other, named Hasonp-
48, by 15 Presbyteries ; 7 of these by the fins, the son of a hotel.keeper at Milver-
Presbytery of Halifax and Montreal ton, in the breast. The boy is very low
each ; 6 by Kingeton ; 4 by Toronto and although fair hopes are entertained of his
Winnipeg each ; 2 by each of the Presby- recovery.
teries of Lindsay. Owen Sound London, A fatal accident occurred the] other
Chatham and Huron ; 1 enols by Truro, day just outside the limits of St, Marys,
Piston, St. Jahn, Lanark and Renfrew Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Henderson and
and Sarnia, daughter, of the River road, were on a
Thirteen miniate08 were removed by visit to Iris father, who is quite ill, and
death in the course of ilio Year. In the while driving home the hold -book broke,
Presbytery of Toronto 1 died who was in ending alto buggy upon the hor'se's heel%
charge, and 2 who were retired. The The animal began to Irick, striking the
other Presbyteries reporting deathe 000 ehils, who wag sitting at the front of
Sydney, St. John, Glengarry, Brookville, the boggy, upon the head, killing ib in -
Peterborough, Guelph, Terra, London staidly.
Heel Chatham, 1iev, Jatnei 13ovd, Presbyterian min.
The total number of church( ( and stne ister of Crosshill, wbe has Leon ill for
lions supplied by milttslcrs ire 1,831, be, some weeks, (lied on Sunday morning,
Ing 58 mere than the number given in He has been in delieele health for years,
last report; Of those 'dee ere 111 the 1 and some time eine° he applied to the
Hyped of the Maritime Provinces, or oho General Aset'mbly to be placer! on tl
fee g01 beyond his depth and weed
drowned, Hie body was found about an
hour afterwards. The parents of the
child live in the township of Morningtou,
but he had been living in this neighbor -
or nearly a 3010 with au aunt, who
is a teacher in the publlo school, and the
lady was much overcome with grief when
she heard of the poor boy's fate.
Howe's circus was at Millbank on Ii'ri.
day and e. Inge number of swindlers, i
four shell and pea leen, whose aim, it is 1
needless to say, was to fleece those who I
were week enough to try to beat them at
their own game. They generally get
victims and Millbank was no exception,
But although some of the farmers were
duped they were by 110 means cowards
and ou not receiving back the money they
had squandered they showed fight and in
a few minutes a lively fracas was in pro-
gress, reeultieg in 50verel people being
hurt, particularly Jas. Dobson, who re-
ceived several kicks. Constables from
Stratford were telegraphed for but ar-
rived only to find that the mien they were
after had skipped. A large amount of
money was carried away by the swindlers,
one man losing $29 and another $17. A
enbsoription should at once be raised for
those innocent youths (23 and 28 years
old) whose only object was to find out
whore the pea was.
The petition in the Bast Hastings Do.
minion election ease was dismisead by
Judge Rose, the petitioner offering no
Hugh McKay has declined the Quebeo
Legislative Councillorship left variant by
the death of Hon. James Perrier, and J.
IC. Ward, of Montreal, has been appoint.
06 in his stead.
1Tenders wi11 be received at the Presby-
terian Manse, Walton, up till 500x0.47, the
gun day of Jung, for the painting and re-
pairing of Duff's church, Speoiaoations
may be seen at the manse, The Managers
do not bind teem selves to acne``s the lowest
or any tender. JAMES SMILLIn,
48-8 Secretary.
Iota rocio..
Thesubacriberoffers0Or sale his valuable
Farm in the Township of Grey, comprialeg
Iota 0 and 7, con, ll in said township. This
farm contains 200acrea and is within 14 miles
from the thriving village of Brussels, with
good gravel road leading thereto. About150
acres are cleared, froo from stumps and in a
high state of cultivation. The bulanoe is
Hotly hooded. This farm is particularly
wellfencod,nearly the whole of the foneeO
being straight and having been emoted in
1885 and '80. On the premises there is a cone
Sortable log dwelling house and a goo dfram e
barn with stone stabling underneath in
Which thorn is a well with an abundant sup.
ply of excellent water. There is likewise a
floored aboveframe mand below, alement nd neatly sided
and panted. For particulars apply to the
Proprietor, JAMES DIC58030,
Registrar, Huron Co„
1tt8. Goderiob,
The annual Caledonian Games under the
auspices of the Godorloh Caledonians Socie-
ty 00311 be hold on the magnificent new
grainds of the
MONDAY JULY 2nd, 1888,
Commencing at 1 o'clock p.m.
Forsome years the most successful games
hold in Canada have taken place in Gode-
rich and already the indication a are of a
greater success than ever before.
have been added to the Prize List.
For p artioulars see bills and programs,
All oorreepon donee must be addressed t0
Chief. Cor. Secretary
Fiold Manager. Local Manager,
4041 J1y 2
Queen's Hotel, - Brussels,
Tuesday, J u ne 26,1888,
From Sam, to 7 pan., one day only, Fat-
ieuto please Gall early,
SURGEON, &r.,11I.C,P,S,G.S&
L.00.0.D., the Great East
for the treatment of all Chronio Diseases
and pinnace peculiar to Women. ee years
practice. Head Ol11oe—St, Thomas,
The Boater has been ad/tooted In nearly
all of the loading Medical dolled ea and Hoe.
Intel in ]Europe ; has served as Burgeon in
the British Army in the Bast Indies, Surg.
eon in the American Army daring the late
war, from 1801 to Oho close of the game ; hoe
treated all natlosalitioe and oiremmnavigat.
ed tho globe --81s thorough education, large
and varied practice and oxgorfenoo, entitles
him to rank as a 8p ooialiet—eeoond to neve
011 thio Sontinont—for the treatment of
those clangorous and dieloulb diseases that
have baffled the skill of the 1000l physio.
The following diseases, with many others
suooesslu1ly treated I—Asthma, Bronositisy
Oatarth,D15ea00s of the Lungs, Dispepeia,
Diseases of the IEyo and Bal'. Mart Dluoas°,
Epithet; Paralysis, Neryous nobility, 801.
$so, Foyer end Ague, Malarial Affections,.
Rheumatism Sciatica,Syphillls, Str'cturoe,
Septeros,SkloDiscas01,1'ilos, de, 1:11 (tattle,
ity used when required,
PE5Titl012lALa 015 BDp0ATi0N,—The renew•
Ing testimonials and diplomas at my Ulnae,
with many others from nearly all tho lead.
leg medical schools in Barone :—Trinity
Coilago, Park Ss. Sobool of Medicine and
level Cohogo of Surgeons, Dublin ; .Royal
College at Surgeons, Belfast, lipfiend; Roy-
al Collage of Surgeons, Tdinburgph and
Glasgow, Scotland ; I,feentiate in Mtdwifory,
and endorsed by the lslgliest aathorltlas in
the Uniteet Slates anti Domiuion of Canada,
'Ibe ahoy° with many loiters from different
parts of the globe Inc a mill passport
wtthoub re-examination, doubt Or riulbblo—
over every sea, and in every land from the
fOwel t11a1t 11, the former 3'1110. Compftr• tired liht, nisei hie Medication ,llcation 'Would liay0 0 Je Slfp i0II 0 i let
ing the 1'e(1el•ne Of 1110 Iwo years, eoneid mime before themeeting 40 Halifax this weather the date• i p II'O alar ;ped 1'tl-
e ° Shoe kitore8
Fo3lnerly of Goderich, wishes to
inform the Public generally that
lie has opened out a Custom
Boot & Shoe Store
Opposite the American Hotel
and is prepared to take Orclori
for all Kinds of
None but First -Class Wo1'ltmt,.
Employed and a Perfect Fit
Repairing neatly done.
Baby Carriages.
Baby Carriages.
Just to hand a splendid so -
lection of Baby Carriages which
will be sold at very low prices.
in endless variety. I ale pre-
pared to please the public in
this department.
Fine selection of
11100 .heavy Harness
Give me a call.
A. L. Gibson wants 60,000 lbs, of good
clean FLEEO3 WOOL for which ho will
pay the HronEST I7:in10.IT PnraE IN C:tsxr
or trade at the Wroxeter Woolen Mills.
An Immense stock of splendid ,weals,
Flannels, Silirtings, Drirggcts, Blank-
ets, Sheeting and fares o1' his olrrt
1210)10 (a11 guaranteed to wear) and great
variety in Pine Tweeds, Flannels, Ovor-
atetinge, &c.
at reasonable figures and good work guar-
anteed. We aro bound to maintain our
reputation by satisfactory work and
square dealing.
Prizes for (1) Best Fleece Long 'Wool ;
(2) Beet Fleece Pine Wool ; (3) Iietiviest
Fleece (cleanness coneidorod.)
We want your Wool and you want our
goods and our money, so tomo and
000 US,
..1. L. GIBSON,
47.110 Wroxeter Woolen ,tisk.
Pumas -Pumps -Pumps
The old reliable Pump Works of Brute-
eels still to the front and l'uehing busi-
ness right along.
always oIi hand with all the latest im-
provements and guaranteed to
10m prepared to take contracte for
Dirf)ntg Wells or Cisterns at
Reasonable Bates.
S spial Attsttotta Ivan
Ra alri>i (
p �'
AZ I u0o only the best material, sugar -
Vise all the work and eon at moderato
prices I know it will bo to the advantage
of the public to deal with Ins,
Shoji opposite P. Scott's blacksmith
i1iop, Mill street, iBrussels,
t.. negnlated on Let 11, Con, a, (lay,
T74OR. lllt(MEC (Ili iso now ]las nig now
putout saw eat, "Sawyer's Guido," for sale;
Hi, the best made, 00 1,11e sowers say, Pat.
eat 1.'Hal e latent,,,, will allots' goods to
be 11,1,10 on unalOy.
'1'118,6. gtc(1Rl;OCij,
3.1 Brussels, ()tnrio.
1 11)100 for Hale Plows of twelve diffe
e11t kind% four different kinds of pang
plows, :mufflers and cultivators, all of Pat-
erson ds Co'%, Weodetools. Implements
such as light steel binders, mowers (front
and rear out) lmrso hay rakes, 1 also
have A, Murphy & Co'e
Nast Rovorsablo Day Carrioro,
Mee/ 111145 Wootton Tracks, most Com.
Mete in Venetia,
Tolton Bros.' Pea harvester,
.0501.0)1, VTca5Oaua 0,aa Cuttora,
Sev0001 nicely situated village lots
with houses on them for sale, lam" Hatis-
faotiole guaranteed in the sale of imple-
Wn1. Martin.
Uorelt : Tcnrlsymlr STREET,
It never teas intended, so tar as I can learn
That either nlau or woman Wore intended
toyouQ rille
I think believe ma,' ndoed l'm ser
Yell w111,
I1 at the 'Paris Hair Werke" you bar
There is one thing Nature thinks of—let us
She takes per
ticular'trouble with ou
race ;
She knows a scanty growth of hair, the
gra y and whitninWltl detrao1(rim thou beautyy of the face
But nature has her laws so strict that you
must never err,
For you'l surelypay the penalty at last
Sustain 1t, that bounteous head 05 hair,
Dootor Dorenwend's Flair /Eagle's nu000.
Just try 1t, your afflicted, you nes or tail.
The Afagi° wag never yet known t0 fall ;
And the good that it will do you will make
you 05001 forget
The expenditure a bottle oil entail
nitittgtqrtoringatistimuainhe growth of he
hair 1s universally accepted to the most
valuable specific on tho market. All diseast.
es of the scalp aro either relieved or per-
manentlycured. A rich and rapid growth
of hair will follow after judicious and raga.
lar treatment. It remains with the user
alone to sedum the desired results, Br
Doreawon5'e Hair Magi)" is sold by all
druggists at $1 per bottle, or six for 85. If
not obtainable in your own locality sand di-
rect to the solo maanfaeturor, enclosing
prize. A DO10NwEND, Parts Hair Works,
103 and 105 Tonga street, Toronto,
For sale by G. A .Doadmnn.3, Hargreaves
and al Druggists,
1888. SU M MER ARRANGEM ENT. 1888.
1^00][ LlVI:1tr00L, 15711411En. I Pilot QOLen£c
April 20 1Circaseinn -�---_ 177 71
Ii1mp 3.J '1 Par[sialaau .......... ..13T.117
May 11 214
Y l'Olynesian a 1
Mny i7 Sardinian Juno 7
May 25 ;0ireaaelan Juno 15
May 31 Sarmatian Jana 21
Juno 7 ............... Parisian Juuo 28
June915 :Polynesian
Jul' 0
Juaer2l Sardinian July 12
Juno 20 :Circassian ............... July 20
SarmaJuly Pari tatnllt 7uly 20
g" I; 12 Aug
July 20 IPolyuaslan Ang,10, 2
July 20 . Sardinian Aug, 10
Aug. p f0lrcasoian Aug, 24
Bl Sarmatian Aud,1;tO
Bates or Passage by Mali Roamers.
QUE1E0 To LIVEn7051,,
Cabin 000, 570 and $80 aceordiog to accom-
modation, Servants in Cabin, $50. Inter-
mediate 030, Steerage $20. Return tiokets,
Cabin, 8110, $100 and 5150. Intermediate,
$00. Steerage $40.
t ByPolynoslan, Circassian or other ex-
trasteamers, Cabin 500y, sixty and seven
by dollar, according to accommodation, Re-
turn tickets, ninety, ono hundred and ten
and ono hundred and tbirOy dollars. Inter
mQdlate sixty dollars, 8 teerage forty doll-
Passengers can embark at Montreal the
day before without increased charge, Go
YOursolf or certificatesatreducedurates friends.
301.1 in.
formation apply Ito 1
JtTNIi 211, 1885,
,((``ter ES
Livor Cnnipl nt
Siok headache,
Kidney troubl's
Skin Macaw,
and all impuri•
ties of the blood
from whatever
cause arising.
i—ze. Q03 750. (w&t3,. Pa11 $1.4
. �Q.f1i,U,1J1 OT
(very small end easy to take.)
Sold everywhere ; price 20 cents..
UNION MEDICINE ea., Proprietors,
8030N80, ('ANADA-
Woolen Mill.
It Forsyth (h Son, formerly of
the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg
to inform the Farmers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op •
eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing to
meet a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Tho HIGHEST PRICE paid for
Wool in Exchange for Tweeds,
Full Cloths, Flann els, Yarns, etc.
A Trial Solicited I
Satisfactions Guaranteed I
R. Forsyth & Son.
Old Dr, Chaos's New Rocoipt Doak,
Dr. Chase's Third, Last and Complete Re-
ceipt Book and Household Physlolan, or the
Book for the Million, Contains nearly 000
ins Reported efor ll cloth25 in e ma rite edge
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