HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-15, Page 7J UNr l 5, 11;813 m w0...,. c.. „s- ?rare •:•'.xl.: n...,-,,:,, 11ou Loni1.,, Labia, and shn trippocl lightly to i n' disappointment that ho had not come to go JEST ,,,,„,„1.„„,,„„,„,‘„,,„.„,„,,,,„„ loon1130 11atit»Odi l' 3331 111' 1k11c good nightseal the il 81111011 and ofnl�lnl lilial ner 0 rescue e instclds of f1y 0 00 1110 81(010 8 n anguis hHo thought, a n After all my at pane° with all tll0 world, soon fell 0111110 °thorn teak risks from which trip _ anguish of her account, or i's(1 me assets 3 manhoodlwoUlduothavcalirunl(? Could E, F. T1'®� not even n thought, told hor first 10 1011 But she had a (lisagreeablo dr(aun ho have dreamt 111nt 811(3 was in peril, J/are ' •I)oll't think of wo ; tt11d ho felt Again oho saw Ilamstead at :Visa Mar. and stilt havo lot llemstead go without 1' dMin to hot 1d? Thee worts thoughts that had (li1119 •l9+l her daring part of a sleepleaa night and all tho morning, Moreover whc11 hu entered, Addia had. pounced upon him, in 110E usual style, as if alto had lit h11n r. +r. 111 r1g1114 of poa- ae8(i011. Add1(rs manner, together with hor 111ong11118, gave an involuntary Gage of coldness to her greeting which Imo was quick to 1c cognise, while her cordiality to lictnatotul sun„e,(telt to him, as to Lottie, that she alight ho very grntuful. Air. Martell W114 mora than slightly distant, He Wan r.tiff and formal. As cir1umsaltll°eH then appointed to Min lie thought that Ilarconrl had acted a very unworthy part. AIr. Martell naturally •upposod that both Marcourt anal De Forrest were at 1111's,.I(n•chuun1G'a, but that only 1 l010s10ad had been 11111ing to routine to their assiltalce. To Du For. west 110 gave scarcely a thought, put, • iu; (3ytiulatcd that superficial youth at 1118 awn light weight. Ilttt that Mata court, the 8011 of his old au(1 dear friend., T H E BRUSSELS POST .�r•e-�-•r�c .rte. --1(- r • - -s r _ �r ._._•r�"1 mrtrn•�-'°�,.�setvu*.�rrnrr�n;,»w .- ,..�-, M;�rrl� ,ra.. .. �s ,?i:,:�r� ...•�-�^:�.r;. ,. -_.. 1131'11011 OS t11at 1(1.10 I111.40en 901y 0111C (13 HOn LOWS fCUt> m)llg 11039, instead at being iugd llcnlst0a,1 10 her 13050(30 ill taacl of (t DAltr:n r1( 1(l'!t%P1( AV{.1.Y," tt O'ENI:\() polo m11(1 11181011HC101134, his face was himsoiP• lluslied acyl 00. gm', and ho was pleading A cu1.sTKUT nunn," RTC. Mrs. Dlarolnnelt now animatedt1i npou far that -which tilts Icing cannot }pay, 3101 confused scone, and proved that she Sha at woko sobbing, i called horse]£ . now glowed. at white Treat in his grand, was egnal to 1110 occasion. lbwasa sad Slittlofool," and int, to sleep again, oseiteluout. lie was 110 Inapt a man, pity that silo had not imparted to her 1111 in the 11)3(3 ngt110 d lealnlhu1111. but a dant, and would 11(33'° rninacl (laughter a littlo of her ova capability. in 110E mitis m a vagno uncomfortable overytllmfi, sunned his oars, dragged She bad° Do Forrest 11d 1110 still stout ' way. the oar -pins from 1110ir soek0118, 111(311 (31(31 ]!arty 0x.9ailol, early 1I°mstoad at 131 was early clown to brealclnat, for r011(10ring 111,a massive strength utterly "uco to 11133 room, while silo 11d one of 34110 was 1.4 or to speak to 1lewsteac13 1390109-, had not tho cool, wary ex.011110r the maids (lss1910d Miss Martell to beta. and tall eager how she aporIlems(1 his taken command. of Lilo littlo craft and No opportunity wilaLOVOr was given for • heroism. But oltllar 0 exhaustion o this MI -fisted On Sea naushi11,1. 1i11(lat• 1lis any 10 orOltio and allotting 1cenem, greater . But °physicianhiexhaustion 1 s alsilf111 direction the student was; like n I,lrtr1' Mal stood fur n second iu (lis- cm p0werfulengino,with a stook', measure(] neat•, alter 111111lg liar "trail knight" 01:1111,)for 110 didsnot) appear. Hra vary paw• stroko, and tho boat fairly flow, until si(111. 1131 tor+ 1111103', and Own, Mu) aThew nuns nothing iibtor for hor than their oars Htl'ticlC floating ice, 1u1 then scnsihl0 girl, instead. 1(l going off into to iler° i n hingForma's1)301ox r hor they had to slacken up, for to 8tri1(o rl hyste'io8, went li1(o ailash to list aunt's til d had net 'ono, Q assucan0)s ions mass of fee ab their. 81/00(1 would. bo to wino -closet for brandy. But below: Shu allyl if ho had gone, known," ata ; es could Mat it, Mrs. Marchnu3nt had Y sink at ante.ctior witith aim gam an impatient hearing, to " Steady Holl creed the or." hor. t0be cl 0"111 the rescued and too air owml pito unlike her g01111ane88 of tho two •' You pull, I Will stand and 8te0r." i u be aour0ycd to the privacy of their (301•(3 1 toughly razed 80veral rooms, where they cuul(1 at onto recoi'o Preceding (lays. Thorn were little Tho bong was 1 0 y € • things in hor manner which imlicatcd a ]inlay, butglide(1 through without 8erioos 311(1 prosaic treatment that their you- ftmlliug barometer, and suggested that 1(j 1 Now litioll required. Dm day might not pass H0ron01y. " or uevor," cried the oarsman The sal 1It(,foil a which 130ful7 had She learned from iter aunt and nn110 " w lice smiling,,, :levert, case° which slur waulcl that Mr. and Miss Martell were feeling Alice hid ]lac faro au her father's uevcr 1(011 forgot, 01(38 empty, 1 lnreot'uL 11(33- bettor than might have ,beoll oxpoctecl, breast. Lift had growls sbracgoly sweet fug gena for n physician, 102(1 that II°mstead was still spooning. (luring tiro brief thew since, at em. tine slut Mr. Dimmerly 011 the stairs, 510(31/ wny all h° wetted," Said 1(r. 800)11 (a bit hop° had 0 13011(1; and it who took tho inanity from \\'(p 11 r ubsaying Ilii(( Dimn1e1 ly ; " and I glade it my business withiul a b})tor tome tape 1101 almost " wfthiu the grasp of rescuing hands. down with it, iusiilo and nut, and lrc'll ha should get it." " 011 come, groaned g oaned het father. be all right in 1110 morning. Now you Quito early in the forenoon, 31r. Drax - "Groat God, tills is hard." 000 how blood tells. Making a parson tell =This clanghtor felt opal to con1- 'Witli a despairing cry sho beard the of him can't change tho fact of his fug down to the parlor, and after dinner water rush and gurgle wound hot, and coming from an old family. Iia has it was their intoutitnr to rota= 11011111. closed her oyes, not expecting to open boon as bravo to -night as the Dint- •k luxurious loungo 11.118 10110010(1 110(11 tl 1 thousand. ears ago." the blazing wood fire, and on this .hiss 11 ,111,1 11+314' so fall„d in „„1„ly daty. WU'3 31 bitter trial. As he saw hint and Ad(liu to`other, leo thought cout(i11ptnonsly : 'lhcy at'c well mated, (after all. 11,131' attau;0 that my pc:erlesa daughter can Ilam such a regard for 11in1 1" Ile hail become. atvar° of his (lauL;lt- tc•r's preference, though, out of doll. cote regard for her footings ho had feigned blindness. Even had Harcourt known slow greatly they misjudged slim, in his lnsitivo pride he would havo mad° no explanationH ; and he was the last oleo 1-m a. , Forrest, how he mean4 to go to their 1s114u1d be permitted by as good a 111831- agcr as herself. :Clio dinner -1)011 soon hra0gilt 1v010en0 relief to all, breaking t110 1111e11 of awls - Ward constraint, CIiAP1'llLt XXCI:!L T111: 'f I'. elf, "1•' 0'1175, r cam• 1.., -vi 11113,1 Martell improved visibly. fur a ••s, sal moat dial'tossing fear Iuu1 been r0uloved, Though Harcourt might not return her 1n1'e, lie Mei not proved himself unworthy of it, by unmanly regard for per gaud case, if not by uetnal elwltrdicl'. It would. also app1ar that lou c+ tlutn guncral philanthropy ((hist have a(�nn•od him „n, ort 0 .";111'1 not have rioted PS if ("y "11escl,iliis.11,'' 'rho himary heart will )also c.1 n the 1 (1)•111111)8 of regard that fall from 31 0 11 "ul � which alone can ntisl'3'. The (:((((1;11111 l 11 Lhat her old frhd 1(d and playmate had been far from irdiff 'rout to her fate, wag like subtle eat il9 (1111" Wine to 11113 CIO 1l ft lIartall. Hot rising spirits, and )villi to show appreciation of Mfrs. ,1l,src11mu11t'a vonr- tesy, made. here( brslliaut as beautiful at the.diuu(rr table, while Lottie, in con- trast, was silent and dopressl d. '1']» ue1V.11ad1;di. little, saint 500111•:7(3(311• con- HCi0118 that ler 9.0010 reason she was vary :jOalotty and very elnions--Olilotiau7 for width she 51ldoln had 0Ven1 hill,4111C(l cause to clieri911 toward any of hor sex.{ Nor were Airs. 1I1•clmont awl hor j daughter disposed to be very 1r1,nd'v and ru:;pulltive to Miss 1lar'tell's , on 1 mood; but the youllglady was po3sc ata] of that stl•m1gt11 of mines and hlglt-bred courtesy wlrie11 enabled her to fgn0r0 )lis w0n14u"ases and infelicities (11 311°80 ar01101 her, and to shine with her own �„� pure light on all Objects alike. ems ea again 1 w T110111 again to this world, But strong mor gH nvulo a too \ was charmed with ands grasped and Mod hor drenched, But Lottie was not a bit lnter0St0(1 i11 Martell was tenderly plaeecl by ]hor in the world to tell thorn, y we nlel Do li t d helpless form into the boat. the millennial Dimmollys, and patting sabot, who, in joyful gratitude, could her -a fact that ]tis fruulln0ss, mrui° \'V1t11 lniugl(3d lxolno aucl f0ar She look- her arms axotucl hor uncle's neck, in a scarcely talc° his eyes from hor Palo aid Ce plainly 0vi(leut, lice bright thoughts - to natural languor which r 1 solicited corrcepauling encs front Inn,. h ed us, and by the lantcru's light tacos, way that sminised that ancient fossil, face. Beond the 1L5 mnunc t puzzled Alice. She could awl Lottio was relucttantly compelled to uized Frank Homstoad, aha coaxed w•otild follow so terrible a »train, she not help noting with a sncrut Hatis- 1 that 1 'to nvoll h • nun admit to 1lorself that she had 1(r -/•0r be. " My Father," she gasped. "Wont you promis0 mo, unc c> la weaned qui faction, that while polite, e was annoy- " Safe, my darling, thank God," said as 80011 as 110 1s solo you will 0Oln0 out Both father and daughter appreciated • oil. at ,lddio's (lemon5txatmvenpss', and Toro 1((300111 Mrs. ;1larchmont's skalds to Mr, Martell, taking hor into his arms ; and let um know ?" lits. Marchmont's courtesy greatly; and at dales she thought his ey05 sought ]ler be seasoned with Attic salt of such high father's manner had ot•1• .. and they have pulled ani: stout oars. "Safe 1 IM's sato now. Whoever Miss Ma1tell's effort to bo cordial, ov011 man in, too. So WO aro all sofa." hoard of ovcu a half-blooded Dimmorly to Adclio, was quite pathetic, when it is Moo almost as if 1u appeal. But hor flavor.Por the first 11m0 the proud and Bat" Well, I hope so," said 11ho ox -sailor, dying frons a mora faint? Old ago is remenrborocl that sho felt that hor sup- 01V11 allyl her chiller rd him, and he $oon took ]lis toted belle felt, in the presence of another with a littleclopressivedubionsness. " We the only disease that runs in our family, posed rival would harm her more than leave. His face, in which pride and woman, a humiliating sense of her 0w11 shipped a sight o' water co1in' out. my dear. But I will let you know as could the river cold. dejection couteudod for mastery, hannb. inferiority. She clearly recognized that 1 her° $ a good deal of foo ln2uin', ands() soon as he is comfortably asleep. I reproach. hiss Martell was far in advance of her. �{ Lottie 010110 frequent errands to hor de her Inkc a to poach, How could tho student fail in being chopped. up one can skorco see it. I must am going to mance my proper parsons room, and lingered in the hall all she "If lir. Harcourt had only arrived n fascinated? Her mints was the equal of moo in his g Miss Martell," „ • K f 1 oroof a est chunk, qe earlier last o ue how h1(i the Intl 0.r in notice n evening, a t actcultivated. e aro to p without t x'111 'f w til hr ' 1 n could1 as t1(( aand all,mgforce 1(d„ i in boo; 011 alifts; and you o'clocko paoets Lim hishighly. cacao safo out. Moro, Mr. lIomsteacl, you y 1 atom of sooting Iiomstead a mameut said Do Forrest complacently, cad They wore congenial in their views and bale ; 1md you, too, messmata, if yet much bofor(3 ton to -morrow." alauo• Tho impulsive girl's 1(38x01 heart would have haul thee° to than]( instead fooling,and of course. she would be very hain't wed too much water yerselfa Lottio finding ]tor services were not was 330 full of admiration for what 110 of "1(a I'm euro if 11lad 1010nyll that I'll sit wen 1(p toward the bow, whore I needed in Miss \lartell's room, went hacl (sono that she longed to show him you and your fatllor-" grateful. can sets aucl Llull around the ice. Be. down to the lcitchoi, whore she found her appreciation without tho chilling "Hou 1s that ?" asked. Mr. 'Mattel' Lottio's manner had puzzled IIoul ' 1 'tl )Lis cargo wo'vo got to exos5 the half -frozen oarsman -now rigged restraint of observant oyes and critical quickly. " Was not 1Ir. Harcourt spend_ dead greatly. IIo was even more dig- grateful. the oveuirrg hoxe?" appointed than fits had beau over their lc e sic es, wl' t '., + out in the dress -coat and wltito volt of the 'lavas kind o easy and KoerFul, or the colored waiter - aucl tho bravo they'll swamps." coaohman who had put his old 500.0 aft Thus in this 1nHtrinCO tho Ox-Ha110P appeared a special providence, and to such good use. Tiley were being gradually took them out of the ice- royally' cared for by tho cook and launcl- strown'tido in tho coutro of tiro river to foss. The poor iellow who out in the smoother clearer neaterllcatertitsshore. boat had thought that tho hearts of Soon after, clrenelicd and ha11•f1Ozon, 01'0(1 his neighbors wore as cold and they reached :Firs. lrarclmont's boat- hard as 1110 ice that was (destroying house. them, had now forgotten 1315 mi8an- Miss :Iar1101113 powers of endurance thropy, and was making a Supper that, )ver,• nearly exhausted.; and when the c0usulriug tho hoar, would threaten to lantern, Melds aluiy, rovea1011 Harcourt's 111 ,+••'p innry 11m•3a1 mare peril than that pale Lae0, nvlhen she know that it 1vas from which 110 bad escapees. Sho drew his arws that received her in helpless- from Milli-0spociallyy the coachman (31(95, and alio heard slim murmur, '' 1 the uarrativo of tlicir thrilling ex - good and lleriauce, and every moment Hcrostead merciful Cod and I thank Ilflu " in the 1re1V m01'c 11er0i0 ill bps 03305. bluff ears. uo,alc iue0tlug In lushoucst mod as y But ho was so blind to his interests as ''' Qh, no. It nvas from him we first 13roa11 onlog from the others st U)0(cecd- to blan(lor into the pallor when she was learned yotu peril. Ile came tenting ingly (1110 from ; and yet nue x els there an(1 01Ory one else niSo. O1'OL• 111(0 mad, a few moments after tho ingly disinctastefuves tha nd yet 0110 o! ]lad Though it cost her a groat effort, Alice coachman and .lir. I:Iomstoad hacl pony ; chie ine ht le of a evening bac]( from Martell rose instantly and greeted him than li0 (lashe(1 off to the shore, whore Lottie, '1(l opo o Lar a (,.s b not ]ter so cordially as to bring the deopest I soon joined him. I thought at one tongue, wotild suggest es, r nut hfy also pro into his polo Lac o• Mr. Martell 11 ug wo ds sane anythin u th t wo tki. dimglad .:I ants heart craved. But bo had said "good wso h olyd tg his u f li ec (1 n morning." ancl8110 alittle°oldlyrespond- whfclt n, f a grateful 00, H cotticl. otr ad's yl 110 131, " that ho abet e start 0d " good afternoon. " Moreover, site \\ Lou, for any cause, Homsl, 111 was nor into the river with g bettor sun- 1V118 slr(111411, silent and depressed. tiro object of the Ver hourian, Ullo DC- port tltau a aid. su onoul was he to \\'1d 011 coal,] i2 un•s!1, turd Who,, 1,119 13110 tusity 1017 i the very hour and eco 110 get to your 1d. 11 Wo conl(1 only both 1101.50 1 That it 1(3Q33 ltimscll' uct•1:r tttxnfty for his aw]cwar(1 c1J8'iclonco to tuuucl alothor boat nets would have both cutcred ilia lniucl. assert itself, and now ire stood h tho gone. :1.33 it 11'(35, it nvas well I w•as them Iere bearing tuwarcl D0 Forrest, which centro of tho floor, the most angular and to restrain Trim, for Ino seemed bosi,lo way 11lx'aii g but genial, flimsy le(1 him helpless 'r mortals. himself." to believe that alis w,t`r amain deeply Do Forrest looked 0.t him with disdain, T110 rich color nlountpd to 1I1ss Mar - .•'t atortilicd by her la (,,_'a Iac1. ul uluu- hood, and that oho nvas 1111press0(1 be- cause of het relation to one wllo bilis failed so signally the owning before in t11080 g1alitics that 1vomen moat a(.- mfra. While lingering over the dessert, lir. 1Iartell's sleigh was announced. " It was my purpose to 5enld you home," exclaimeel. lira. Marnhmont; " indeed, I had ordered my 110r1e3 to bo at the door within half an hour. " I approciato your kindness," said Mr. Martoll, "but after tho horoio efforts of your amphibious coachman last night, I shodl(1 feel guilty if nue broke iu upon his rest to -day." " I ant glad you recognize iris merit," said lIcnistenrl quicl(ly ; "you ow0 far more to lulu titan to me;" and Ite launched out into the 1(1ost hearty (11iloly- of the 01•aail01'. Thu , for tho lira) tilue, Dottie's old mirthful laugh 1(388 haafl. as she said 1 o FNell, in ono respect, Mr. Hanish:ad, you and the c0,lc1unau aro birds of a feather, mid rare birds at that. i10 gives you all flus credit of tho rosette, Int yolr insist that you hall nothing to clo wits) it, but only went along for Cato- pauyl as it )Vere, 11rt I think 1(30 all 1 . surmtsed 1110 truth whoa you fainted 1 from exhaustion at 1Iiss 1Iartell'8 feet. That nvas a very hlappy chance, and so it all turnfd oat as well as any knight ' ilor, 9 you, Friss," anus the one os• by and thought " I would l•ko to show him tolls taco as she };ane lies fathet a sin It in1Con8ai0r1S. 1 1• L 1 take s au ants- • 1 t f Lc•tn strong reaction of foiiug alto b00am0 sailor, bis yo 13o h a take is an anti- ti liow a gentleman ought to act tmcl0r the al/taco of glad intelligence, Dud 1111 prow thew 013 :cy u. a) u a ois0ttnlstanoes." a long breath °f r0 ie , as i' soma heavy __ d0to lot tho cold sed wet, "thorn's stuff D0 Forrest would have been equal. to buldora had boon lifted. 011O11';11 in him CHAPTER 1i 3gII, as t other young, ggeutlonsumaim a lasc1wouldu't red such receiving all the praise, and as ib was, "Yes." said .\Ir8. Marohmout quietly. go. Su 1110» spells, Him that ho had ill view of his readiness to have saved but at the soma time fixing an obsor- t'ot1)ex night, is all he'll ever bo 'stip• Miss Martell if 110 " harl ouly known,' vaut eye ou t110 young lathy, " I never ^m,. 11E1111911 IND asEEr3Na. 6 could have accoptod, with gratofal coin- saw 1Ir. Ilarcotut so moved boforo." tishoclPor, I'lu a•thiul fug. Bat T ax placency, a gratitude that quito over. Conscious of Mrs. 1Iarchmont's o1) - ]kir, Martell's garments nvero frozen your pardon, 1Miss. ' nvhellnocl the man of deeds. jest, Alice msstared herself at 0000, upon hit, and 110 AVM SO still and numb 1 can forgive you anything to -night, Ilomstcad's confusion was 50 meat as au41 nvfth oquril gniotues5 answered with col(11 that with difficulty he made my brave Follow," said Dottie, blushing l oven to embarrass Miss Martell for a " It would bo strange if it wore other - Lie way n1jr, the batll(1vitL the support of "though you have given Air. Homst° from been acquainted 10 9om0nt, and het face, from reminding ing wise.acquaintedacquaintedDo Forrest soil tho gallant coachman, so nmch credit, ho will giro you more one of a lily, suddenly suggested au ex- childhood." who had sudden] blossomed out int" t0.111orlow. Telco this, and get some- llit0 mice°. Harcourt and FlemsLead thing, to remember this evening by ;' (lmsfte pink rose. Nevertheless, the experieneetl Matron f013010l with their hauls what is mtetermed and sho Slipped a tiveuty-C1011al' bank •But before ho was aware, she had en- y11.rm1HOd danger t0 the match WlliC11 she tete into his hand. 5CO2COC1 him iu au easy nhair at hor would gladly befog about betw0ot hvr a "chair," and boyo dm apparently' "Now hless year sweat oyes," ex- side, alld Nitlii a taot p00011arly Ler llanghbol aucl llarcuurt, and instead oP lifeless form of Miss Martell swiftly to- claimed 11)0 ss. ' clucking aucl bobbing own, had rallied his panic-stricken fife. 'fearing,1LS was the case with the latt('13 ward Mr8. Marobmolt's ro(idbace. The with d Gni rapidity " Has your unties rota 80031. order that he could 1u1 Lottie, she hoped] that alias Martell poor oarsman 1va1 SO glad to be on solid o 1 y i y again take command of them. world be very grateful to IIomstead. gromul l no° more that he was able to kindness that'll nlnlco aya remember the Bub 0.S IJUt111e 5th\Y thOm gra5p111gcach s\1(d so oho ripprarad 111 be, for sho 1101)1)1(3 along ata good pact) byhies 11 14 evening to my crying day.' other's Lands and blushing, ]lel drosm 3011(0(1110 him 50 C11CIlallt111gly, and fps a Tho• wind agaiug 8. 8110 mad pranks t` flow coul(1 you speak so of Mr. Do recurred to hor with the fore° of an time absorb ea h]ul 0.o 00mpintcly that with Lottie's Bair as. she at last stood Forest, 39 1 1" the 1 omit; cook 1.11 i en- ominous propllooy. Homsteacd, in Lis Laths euterc(1 unobserved, and remnin- impatioubly on 3110 piazza, and 31001 ' aa,ed to 1L' 1.raids 1110 coo]( reprcaelt- 50vOr0 attack of iiililclelce, Lad not 11(1 so a fou momout11. Then Itis oyes, lashed nit through the snow to moat fully after Lottio lad tour 130eted any ono on his entrance, but that Prow tilts 11(30111003 ha gaivad conn- Aolnn.itd , , +::id Ow ox-s:nilor5toltitly, o l fallen Lclplossly into Al'iss Dlnrtoll's 13081.2)30 had seemed in gacst of sonr0- $em. 7011y "I've had it on my conscience to iva "OL, 311(3(3]( God, axe safes beak• haucls, and hacl bo°n sod to ]tis cllail thing„ lighted on ]ler 0.8 sho sat s littlo • Hheree S wall:ita i hadn't the heart to Wilts a lamb to tile• slaughter. But bac]( of him, I 1 ' 1 f k Ids has hoard my prayer. Bat 1FIi612 sue such s tam lilt;" rcafL t t1) Lottio tools 1(t 0.5 it Y 1 t 1 t 11iartell-sho is not -H110 18 not shallow state, and 1101st no signal. IN if 110 had ptuposaly 2oglootocl to her, aur] yob what could ho say befaro ' Don't 8uggost such a ailing," groan. 5110 was my darter 110'(l11(33 o to giro s •leak to hor. And whop, a little the 1111? ocl IIarcourt. ' Of COMM she has only. up the 1(1111er, if he was with a nn 1• fainted," hen." later, ale. Diulmerly copnmoncecl a for. Trio boll•talo color was again in his IIomstead could nob spook, oven to As Lottio 1/.15333.31 through tin hall m51 oal0ly, IIomstead with an expr05• face, 1(d his w x(333110'1 ditlidatfp 1°tuvt• Lottie. With White fano and sot teet11' with silent tread, 33110 as- that De Sion of lnte2so allnOyaltCe raised his Ile sought to 11°01/ up to the 0(331, The 111111(1 • deprecatingly, and plosded that oliort ho was 110te pnttmgforth was loss Ilbrrest was in alta 1parlar, and to escape no oto would speak( of what lie had don f 1 11 the h force f hila contimied on 31r'1° her room, miss. again, sho foarocl that all the glorying Elln In O 0 absor 3"0. nil 101 a:CyWO)' much to heart as apparently, , IIo 1(t nutec o spoa ( a that 0' As -w 0 than O r e0r ox 1 0 ink: 0.5 she went 1 words sho meant to say would 1)0 lln- wt11 aO with Miss Martell, he, too,1 what a atr(ln"o blon(ling of wool(• 1(voloomo alter all. was roactiu s1) hour tiltstad brough strain that the last had brought. IIo nose and strength DIE. HenlSaoacl is. Everything had turtlocl out so (lif.- trombled with almost mortal weaknoss Well, I sltouldlilco that. I would like a forently from what sho had antiaipatod as Ito 510w1y mounted tiro piazza stops. man 10 1)o as strong as Sampson that sho, was disappointed about mea. Ho staggorod under his sharp of thou gouorally, but often so wools that he jl and boforo he could colloet his bur den as he crossed the hall. Lottie, would have to loan on m0." a 111 i;or0cl wits sho left the xoom. puzzled by his H1101100 now Saw his Whom did Lot'tio mean by that Inde&• "Aid so it all ends," sho thought deathly pallor with alarm, and instinct- nit° word " man "? It olid not 000((1 to bitterly, as she chafed up and dawn thta ivory stood at his side. hex that tlloro was n very dofinito imago hall, " T 5out him out last night as my "You had better tako Miss Mertoll in hor tnin(1. of one SwbO was Hale and own ' true Knight; wearing my colors. directly to ]tor room," said Miss March- exhauitocl, and whom it would now bo and ho TOHnItOH a0oth011 woman. When a clear privilege to 1311x00 back into I sec him again he brushes post mo to monis"il hero, quick," gaspocl 1loln5boacl; atrongth and vigour. speak to tho ono who, =Mg hitt so he tottered to the nearest sofa, aid, a Sho mot her undo aucl tho physician touch, of course trill bo grateful. 1.9 80 so0oucl latex, lay unconscious at 131158 in the upper hall, and the latter said: ayes fox Lor alono ho 190aP5 my colors h 1Iaxtoll's foot, is Mr, and Miss Martell aro doing as int him fano, and sho raf508 i110 same A11 this (nouout A1ico again becalns, a so ll a1shcould fearful 1 ordeal the Ilou'wo ccon. blood-x031 signal. I was looking forward Oausciou . zlemstead's oonclfbiou dict through. 1)h. As far ns I oat lorasoo, a few to oho 1,10051113° of giving him a welcome mor0 to lovivo hor than all restorabiv05, (las lest and far 0(a pito , a few -bbal lits inlaid vnitio on but tame, and for, Woman -111m, sho thought of him (lays' ' • q 1,11 has not overt spoken to 3no. AftOr mor0 than of horsolf. 13ho sat tip and 0aclainto1 faintly l " 011, can't 5om0thurg bo (sono for lira? .Quick, It looks as if ho had 1 oluod giros his lifts for ns ; and sho 0 arolmd, not far 01901 311 Moo 500 tho at I thova." ' aur patting last night could anything "And 11x. -Mr. IlomHtoad7" faltered havo turnod out moo flat audpro5arc 1" Lottie, tho color mounting into ]ler face : Just at this 11101110nt IIareotu't, who that anxiety had 11111110 iniavollte(1.1y • VMS allOtliOr victim OP 01rCQn19tanC013, r d to and Lott rc too anro 0 polo. • (l n y 1(l utero U 1 " Tho bravos fellow who roscno(1 thorn? ' moot 11y-0110, sled 110 hoe ONn r00111. 13055(on o. I ardour s aoa ss 30 w Now ho is the tight kind of a (lorni1ic- ' Ito 11a41 0110ady called early in tho cornual her bads to 0on5010u5(1085, but not all w111to choler and starch. No morning, to innuivo after tho invalids; only to 800 Ad(1io clinging to Iris axe, 'feat about hila, DVSs 14Iar5dou. IIo's 'i and 110N, fu filo 110Io of sooing Miss thrills of oxpecta101. (310(10 of good °buff, well put to (3311°x• il21(3 11 1, ?lad driven ova' again, d light f 1 1 i in (hnntLalisnl,'' repeatedly asking to bo assured that ho A.1(i, ht's-s5tan(1 a nrartubi(iakf(vt,ancl 13ub1118811ar1011 didnotl(now this, amt Miss AIa:goll caught a gl(mp70 of 1313mr (11:tainln " chht10d fn De llorrest; Was 1101 hill t. r 81110," 1119 110. will bo 111311801! again ;" and 11m old 1115 coming 1104V samba a littlo Tato and hoods 1 and Mrs, llaxCllll'ont was again "that sahib ,e filled CV11s that H110 °'7."hada .11(3'cn yell a o dentin' hrlstla(1 away ililntorpp ootsulcring all tlt4ry had passed 1°d to fear tient snore nvas gain; nu than n+ i.i: reNrlxrru.1 haul clown (31131 k Of+ m0, .• What delightful prose," though tlsr0ugla sleep in hot 1leart 1110x0 was ' Dan L tlliuls 0f neo, Look at DIE. i0 of old could 11(3330 desired," ctl. it ;M r cote nosy oar his heart would This station 1: pd (ch from Lottie permit ;Mato ignore her and • continue 1 'r his couvesation with Hiss Alartoll. And bowlidorcd Ilomstcad morn tlt.ln ever. yet it hall seemed easier to go in a boat What could sho maul Ilut 'Miss MAT. out among the ico thou to think of any tell underatoocl iter hotter, and 1;1(37 11ar way to recognize the pr°senee 0f one, in a koon thrust in return as sho r11)111llgll- cp i.. . w whose oyes ha hada morbid anxiety to , answered: appear well. With tho only mm0111011 that mt. 1',r,itio 8111(3 his dilemnns and, while , Homstead fainted at tho feet of the sho too conuuenced blushing absurdly, wrong lady." would nob hole him, and hor head bona This uuexpoeted retort threw both lower than over Dior ]lot work. 1lemstead and Lottio into disa:1irots "Serves Linn right!" alto thought. oat confusion, w111011 Mrs. Marohmont was ho had only mot mo (31 too hall, I might not slow to observe, and which was not well, I wouldn't havo boon an lolalo." i allay0d by Mr. Dimmorly's crackling At last 11 ni0toall concluded that 110 � 70100, 0.5 110 chuckled, A. wall -flown could safely say "good molting;" and arrow.' ho olid so 'in a very awkward manner over his shoulder, " Did you spook to me?" asked Lottie, as if 5uc1(10uly al01150cl, tints first, and I hopo it will be the last Yes,' he ropliecl, under the painful 1100058i1y of ropeating somothitlg that time I have ever to do anything so had 50011(1011 very flatin tho first place. melodramatic," "I said good morning." " Mr. House +acs must be an ideal !r Oh, oxou80 sae. As it 18 so lobo I bid kni 11 t, as we learn 1110011118 pllra.o,' 111 you good afternoon." oithe11 caw,'" said Lottio. " Ito world Flet mannOr all as 130E nvords 51( have les hollow that he is entirely ital. (1Ronclted 11001 I1-1°01usbea(l11110611.0 132(111011 Batt,11111 his homage to our sex, And, " Well," said Ileustca(1, trying to laugh it off, " all I can say in Holf- defouca is, that in oithor ease my faint could not be spoiled with an c. It tvag volturo another word; and thus Lottio and hoe " tents knight" had the mooting to which, in 1OmOmbranco of tlieir ]part. in g, both had lookodforwai:d with strange i1 But 111 tho o f t loin flaming chocks cs polite 11 more o t to now think of it, ho was vI, i (ped Aunty 1,11uuner than 110 ov00 hag 1)01111 to 1(16" " Now, 11 is:;11 0ra(len," said Iltim8tead relncao11fu11y, '• you two again indulging 1011 ,;r1r CD CD 0 LTI CD CO 00 0 w 0