HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-15, Page 68 E BRUSSELS HOST ,lu:N•E Ir), 1888 ram. winerc.c.,cr.. ciooncese.loci=inswracuassoimomi==4.44.m..laiastzszscras..eaca, r°4".411"4,44ra.212. gemperance tiote5. A.t tbo Prohibition Convention held. at Indianapolis, 9914011 norui hated Clem Cliatou B. ]?it for President, nea John A. Brooks, of :Kansas City, Mo., for vice-president. (ho follortiug platform wire alloyed ; The 1.)rohibition perty, in annual convent ieu aseembled, achno w !Klee. in g Almighty God as the sonreo ,1 till power in government, ,1.,) he rt. 1...e declare : 1. That the manufacture, inipor tation, exportation, traneportetien and sale of alcoholiti beverage., eiteli be made public crimes, and ptruislied as such. 2. TI ch prohibitiou nube secured through amendments to our Nationel and State eoustituitens, enforced by adequate laws iper, sly eupported by adwinietrative ell i thority null to this end the treau izatiou of the Prohibition patty imperatively demanded in sotie nation. 3. That Ivey ewe of licelise t tion of repletion of the. traffie is contrary to good gietelii• meut ; that any party %Illicit slip - Ports regulation licence or tax tintere into en alliance with such male and becomes the actual foe of the States welfare, end that we arrniga the Ilepublieau and Deniociatio parties for their persistent attitude in favor of the license iniquity, whereby they oppose the demand of the people for prohibition, and through open complicity with the liquor traffic defeat tho enaircement of the law. 4. For the immediate abolition of the internal revenue system, where- by our National Government is de- riving support from our greatest national vice. 5. That an adequate publio rev- enue being necessary, it will pro. perly be raised by import duties and by an equitable aBsesement upon the property and the legitimate business of the country ; but import duties ehonla be no reduced that 13, surplus shall be accumulatedin , la Treasury, chid that the burdens cif taxation shall be removed from foods, clothing and other ceniforte and necessaries of life. 0. That civil service appointinente for all civil offices chiefly clerical in their duties should be based upon literal, intellectual and physical qualification, and not upon party service or party necessity. 7. That the right of snffrage rest; en no mere circumstance of race, color, sez or nationality, and that where, from any cam, it has been held from citizens who are of Snit able age and mentally and morally qualified for the exercise of au in- telligent ballot, it should be restored by the people through tho Legisla. tures of the several States, on suoh educational basis as they may deem wise, 8. For the abolition of polygamy and the establishment of uniform laws governing marriage and di- vorce. 7. For prohibiting all combines nuns of capital to control and to in- arease the cost of products for popes lar consumption. 10. For the preservation and de. fence of the Sabbath as a civil insti- tution without oppressing any who religiously observe the same on auy other day than the first day of the week. That arbitration is the Ohriatian, wise and economic method of settling national differ- ences, and the same method ehould, by judicious legislation, bo applied to the eettlemont of disputes be- tween large bodies of employees and employers; that ilia abolition of the saloon would remove tho burdens, moral, phyeical, pecuniary and social, which now oppress labor, and yob it of its earnings, and wonli prove to be the wise and successful way of promoting labor reform, and we invite labor and capital to unite with us for the accomplishment hereof; that monopoly in land is a wrong to tho people, and the public lands shonla be reserved to Actual Settlers, and that men and women ehould receive equal wages for equal work. 11. That; our immigration laws should be so enforoed as to prevent the introduction into our country of al'conviots, inmates of dependent institutions, and of others physical- ly incapacitated for self.support, and that no person should have the bal. lot in any State who is not a citizen of the United States. Recognizing and declaring that prohibition of the liquor traffic has become the don -Linen t issno in nation- al politios, wo invite to hill party fellowship alt those who, on this ono dominant issue, are with lie agreed in the full belief that this party can and will remove sectional differences, promote national unity, end theme the best welfare of ate native land. 7.• ...Hat Ma 6 ileptellile '.41 .1..f t1,o I. It soltutee steedy ant .tronn• and dtv,..•;,. and funs • Roa ow itiel int cendineu, Evona foto- wet mit ilietribute meetly i( Ile. r has in en lift in it to rust a.1.,1 11111i At 110. 1,1 1111)1)0 Will intperfucci.m clistep,.1 ti it. cihp L.Itt 11 lar, f•Itilizer pet ..n it 11, tetiiiiiimy 10 peek, itiel ell. el tint thiough ee easily tee if ,r • pci1 in et it ittand to un 111. seetitint iiautI 13, V1111 brake 1 distributien a.7e for t xpeiiment. There 11.1 1••• bably 1 nie ninny piece, 1,11 f nItar was missed ..e- t.! v. `Pee uneven active horiote to meritniri t field in straight lines, or so eteike out a back furrow as it etioutil hit A tee that is 10 ) Weak fur 1)1.. moth wili teen end twist tit relieve the etraiu ell li. ir 8'101116n,, and the heel driver cabitot ‘1,) istutr 3 10.101 n 4 i $1011.11,i 1)0 (111110. \V hetivi 1 is possib'e (donee it lS hest not 10 piety twice in enc. cosp.pili ills HMCo wity 1 11res nettAl piece thereis000.11.11.e Reel. dead NI in fri ii01r.' w it poiut up to net.trefoi base of the trimmie, it, the Lehi i4 f, is from el 11 is cote pa retie Ply s 04 to fill it up, 1 ,., lee ee es, ;Ey rr.,w 11, f. hoc., pact .•I ....Ill 1... 1,1e, • elowe 1 iteiti, itt 1 eery ite.rte.itt tit 3. 1 arietic of pa r iam.a ill lie.Si it, and from ,itt .1..1 t. Velitl /4314,,itt p1 itt itt, ea; .1)e:tea ill.. tam, e • eritateee p , 1 ti it, 11-111. Wily SW. tt • „ a id; gInt!rrown by tkal, t.' ililiLtslur1.44d, (quiy tt 1111 le usually SUMO 111 Ile spring. 1 be old fashioned open ditoli is iu our climate all expensive tithe 11.1,et,. Every ,I1iit ir it partly filled will' seilitue1.1, It 11VCS Of ttOSS RDA ,011 d (leen from its banite. There is, besides, it 'ato of time in plowing, onluvaung and every other teamwork in s field thus divided. The sooner the open ditch is made intr.) an midi rtirain the better it will bo for the farmer's puree. It leny cost 1 firm, bat it will pay every way. There in a popular craze just now for growing eueflowers. It is quite OS well, since the old fashioned reasons for plantiug them aro as strong as they ever were. They 11131.13 excellent winter feed for hens, and if protected from them while young, the ennflower will rapidly tower up and make a shade for thou in hot eeitther in the pude a hew feels run. The titan 1 is a grose feeder, mid even the heuyard iti net cely too rich for it. It is not °keit in an exelui ively farinito, eeieliburbuod that team help can be hued at any price. When one farmer is buy, alt around him are busy also. Tho farmer atm has his laud thorough ly drained way sometimes hien help to get his orops in early before his ueighborii aro ready to plow. Or they may exclinugo work, One mu tunny helping each other, though the chief avantage comet; to the PLO who gots Inc work. done lirst, fuel ie thin able to keep ahead all through the season. Except for beets and mang which thrive in hot weather, no heating manure should be used for rout crops. Turnips, carrots and parsnips are better maoured tho year before with stable manure tend some mineral fertilizer at seeding time. Too much heat awl nitro- genous manure makes the roots grow faster, besides causing greater injuries from inseets. Rog man- ure is especially trich and heating, and is therefore eepeoially objection able on any ground intended for plantiug in root crepe. 11 18 not beet in planting young orchards to Inuit to labels or to memory. Both may fail. Tho only euro way to know what trees are planted is to make a record at the time of laying the orchard out in a map and marking on that each variety. Some hinds of trees need greatly different treatment than °there, both in pruning and man. uriug. It does not pay to wait un- til the orchard begins bearing to know what varieties 11 18 composed of, as those whose orchards are not mapped nre often obliged to do. All farmers should know that the ellen, est room they cia get 111 1 1.etrie is in the basement. Oa matey 'mounts it is the most valuable, especially for keeping the etock comfortable during cold weather. But there is n fluffier profit in rids- ing barns and putting collars under them. A barn that has stood for pare close to the ground has been during that time not only the liar. ' bor for noxious vermin, but the oc• 1 easion of Bering waste of valuable manure. Much of tho liquid ex. creuient of stook stabled above will .1 eleilizer (mines uneven 1 .1, ••r ,ttin Itt1 mieven ripee• tt 1 titirtit .ritt iig Ci 4.111 is 41 1 JusT von IN. \Vhy it, it 'La 1.).,•0,.! hoot a o'la ',in..) 3 1:011 ? (.0 ti toIsqui..) I), et19,1 0 re 1 It er, it aerniti 1 iiititt ie ti 11 lei . (ch. 1: weigh by io1ig ti •cal • W1.1,11 A ship capsigcs the orew elieuld lie et( plied ;vitt' writing nuverial at once. Tnere are many ho,. P1 :1C04 woeld, but a matt tillould go to Bele?, erlaed t Berne Gentled °tabu are among the moil ern delicacies. The saletnan's usual remiirk is : "Take a cancer ?" '.121e confide. clerk now tali,s his vacation to give his employer a chance to look over hie books. Why is an agreeable young Indy like a spoon in it cup of tea ? 13e• came SUS is iuteetiug. China has only fifteen miles of telegraph The facilities tor circto lilting lies in that neighborhood ave limited. Give me Et hies, dear girl, I can't, she replied ; I don't mind lending you one, but I must have it returned to morrow. A recent unpleasantness between two cultured GinCi111131.1.3116 is .1.1. end.1).31 Si 11 finger chewing tOUriitt netit ')1iwin,,' a»itetl little girl, "why is it they eine. in (mnia 'We'll dine no more,' arid thou go right Hume ana dine ?" ptiputar wriler, spe tamg of ocean telegraph, wonders whether the nr ws transmitted through tho :ealt water will bo fresh. 7CFM11i11111521117:=7,M=111=i=1.1121. TNTL lc- Dr Caveats ,Ite• issues and Trade narIcasuonrod and all other patent causes in tie Patent Oillos and before the Courts proillOtlY and carefolly attended to. Upon receipt o tuna- s). or akotch of invention , make careful examination,and advise as to patentability Pres of Charge. Fees moderate, and I snake no charge u n loss patota is secured. Inform- ation, advice and special references sent on application. .T.11. Mr:VELD, Washington, D.C., U.S. Patent Moo. 10. LIME! Li t.. L El The Oranbrook Lime Works Are in full blast and a first-class I. . —BOLD FOR - 1231 Cents Per Bushel. min 4a-sms tani V. 1.1611ai„ Po15, Returned to Brussels - • _ ROBERT ARMSTRONG dosivos to state that he has again become a resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter Work, such as House Building, Barn Framing, Mill Wrighting, &e. Ho will also make it Specialty of Nov. log Itiendinge, Estimates Cheerfully Given. Sat' sfactIon Guaranteed. jit every instance. 1100T, , , be found under the barns absorbed ' k:e) by the soil, which it converts into the riglitest nitrogenous manure, lita was formorly obttalnetl froni the soil under old buildinge, and it so impregnates earth tinder stables and barns that a lood of it drawn upon the fields will do mono good than an equal quantity of bun - yard manure as usually wide. A farmer who ueoe fertilizers is presumed to know what ho is about. Ulla applies them to fill entire field , it is became previous experieueo has satisfied him that they pay. This being so, it ie important that I. the fertilizer be evenly distribatell eo that tho grotetoat propertiotutto 1 WALTON PUMP FACTORY. ---- Tho undersigned desires to intimate to the public that he has purchased the P1 -11P E.tcrour from John Love and is now prepared to till orders, by mail or onto:wise, intrusted to his auto. Satisfaction guaranteed in Pumps, 1.1.'s.alts, As. Repairing promptly attended tn. (1011., tracts taken for digging wells. • Having been 1i years Mello business T feel confident that T min suit my one - Onions GIVE ME A T 14 (AL and be Convinced, 7. S, itt Proprietor Walton ‘,11A1 .11,41,1 , Unlit Afroot, • nriniNon. :k.NDIthlW GURU 1E, 11401'14 I ETtill Ji esk AND 1)'1,* eats Of the Lost gli.)11ty always on hand IVA 00. lititted 10 an) pert ..1 tho Plop° (roo of sharp,. 4•fl V11T) r‘1,71101/010, • FAT CATTLE WANTED! For wnielt taw highest markt,1 pH., will rod. 18180 4likg.. ail;, 51 btlyieil tito 13 HIttim Don't fret the titi, 011n1 doer illotulior'sJuwolry Storo. A. CURRIE. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Vann Pro- perty, at LOWEST iiATES9 Pi(VAi. AND C OMPANY FUNDS DICKSON & HAYS, ;eolieitors, kruesels, Ont. itvIONEY Tu LOAN PRI-P:17'E IP 6T X D S . of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In - Vestment AT • 7 PER CENT. Borrowerscan have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Applyto E. E.WADE. S PLUM, General Blacksmith, wishes to intimate to the public generally that he does all kinds of Biacksmithing in -a Workmanlike Manner. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed.. I make a Specialty of Horse-sheeing. 01S. .A. Call Solicited. 1:-0-Rentember the rnit 111171 I S. Plum.1 2i 0 Sinr BUT A GENUINE SEWING MACHINE —Is TUE— ArY M 0 1\T JD For it is putting other Machines out of doors every week. She is the Lead- er at Geo. Love & Co's, Bl'USSC18. W M. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting in all its branelicee as well as Si431, ana Ornanteldat Pai 'ding Ho has had yeas of exper- ience and guarantees his work to givo ;satisfaction, A rig well painted is half sold. Esthus,tes and terms cheer- fully given. I GIVE HIM A CALL. Shop in the old 'Pos'et'ubliehing House, King strept,131,1-mols, NEW YORK G 0 C (A/Y1n TN7 tra D2 %.,:y p„,A2 Cali For Eggs, W. COATS. Grist and Flour Mills The undersigned having completed the change from thestone to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has now the Mill in First Class Running Order and will be glad to sol all his old eustomors and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. Flour ana reedJway OA Rand. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. MILNE, FLETOYIER, PRACTICAL WATCHMA1(e111 AND JEWELLER Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to suture your patronage. We aro opening net fulllines in GOLE & SILVIA WATCHES. SILVER PLATED WARE from established mid reliable makere, fully warranted by tel. Clochs of the, . Latest; .Desijas, %V : Wedding Rings, Ladies Qom itings, Droaehos, Earrings, eec. Also have in stock ft fnll line of Violins and Violin Htrings. B, -• Issuer of Marriage License. T. Fletcher. BRUSSELS desire to inform the Public that 1 have Leased the well- known Barash:Es Lzmu Woints from Thos. Town and will run the business next Season. 1 will also continuo to follow my trade as sTor4 El'1:41:AA4,10Ns 11,1141 am proposed to furnish .esti- in a Les for Xobs, &e. BUILDING AND CORNER. STONE always on hand, Satisfactim Guaranteed, A Spselalts, nn, of Itvicklityluir Il Pliistering Lime. W P. ie.: JE I -11;Y ,> l'J101)11lET013.