HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-15, Page 5JUNE 15, 1888,
r-. STSSA=Al.15201:s5a6fpi lira—r. ax„•an:•i re:.1 1,11" :+cr. 1y •µmy„ at .tYaxas x,'1.2 .=eau161211t urr.7rar;2M.
and mhsionury work. After lite appro. 1 Guelph 1lonferenee
oriate hymn "diesel lis ns the Pettit' I .-
of Wnlyhaan dela, rd an exonalingly f1tsturracar row: rr,.z i I
1'nror11m1id inetructivo 11fissitns,eltowittgl11111161 Nn3r mato.( iicrgt mn•TJulfnyn, Jnbrt 11. Dyke. i
Pllor•r i<st. jug and in,pol•taneo, and outlining the blthcl, daulas '1 I ti, nr, 1 p:. h"1-,""1, I
The annual Sabbath School unlortaiu• b0et tholes of enudn.tiug (bent. 'J'111:) I ('Inefrinen ; .1. VV, (Glob), 1'•im.eloo,
motif will 1u ]loll hi hbonuzor church on WWI followed by Oho hymn "0, .L' die, I 1'u 1u t mart U3+, t t r. —Palmerston, 1.
1'ridayovnningof next week, Address• i'ii.. ,,rt stau,lin;;,' after wit;,e, the McAili.t-r. Dre y.,n,Geo 11, Cornish.,
etc, muse) Rv, will Perin 1113 protean', rentor of Gudorich gave scone moot. ce. 1 I. 1,. 1), At thee, S• C. 13,1monds, k .
lirmBeaton,uuwhom ;.11obl. lioholC1111... Tial lioy,I3 for John (kneel; re 1 a,lvfc., a nic.•ruiug oho pecplo's I by'ma,
1(ohoter t,n e,elarrJ,bt((' h:mlllaH. nl
einem in mobilo worship, showing that it
term from the Stratford 1101110, Dud who Wall in bass the duty of oho people to SRC 1 l([nnrlield, dttuun A. 1VeF a.'ltlin, (1. A.
Wrnt /0 1V111, 11ari tu'n told 11 43 1101101; AWL at cwury .;. "i„, th" p,,,, atr poo.. SOirtoo, dohs W. Robinson MAMA ma,
V0111010111 to 1J1otlhciul tow,1nhfp hoe not peoy Hied tltal It n:ns that of the clerg•V. .11seph It Miami, (Jlarristo,.) Taviut.
run away from &re. mor has ha the 1'1114 man to 0ceney the prayer -desk and pill- 1 dale, A, hlbeelemi''oalnlne n 11IoAl`istet,
inteutiol of se doing as both he and Ida pit. Ifo oleo p011311 �1 out that tho Charell n, 11 . r,c .
guardian arc, wall satisilod. iu'endcd that davin.. ,ierviea sh0nil 3,, a I (lot • n Poorer 1'Tenn:3. ,Mount For.
united service and that that' who ilia 1 ;''1' Roht, II, Waddoll, 13.1). ; I#.nben J.
Only deprival 1hc:m:rolv0s 0f on ine: tint 1).0 nun, Bonjami" L, Hutton. Hof. �r.'f�""y" `��
able privilege bat alno robbed God t f th
glory and praleo which is His just dtf ..
The musical part of the service, directed
b? lire, White, was appropriate in seloa•
tt0n and exoollout in 30Vettt101) ; Iowa rile
clay will bo long remembered by all who
participated as a day of edification mod
of blossing, Great probe" in due to tho
pooplo of this per1,il for the kindly
"moon in which they provided for oho
(Iranler•oof . l l f l 1! t 7 1 \I
Two Il111au tramps diseenrsed uluaie
on our streets last wade
Homo of our enterprising citi0 111 are
repairing rim sidewalk opp0(ite their
Iatios. this 1s a move in the right
direction mad tee logic to sue others do
The Young People'e Society in I(nox
(rhumb, which mots every Friday es'on.
Ing. is being largely attended, ,,i'l now
that married or singlo 0211 become mens.
bens your anrrreponclent is going to join.
I behove it is the intention of the Society
to have a pio-nie in Oho uertr future.
S'Jt 0at�3.
John Cuba' is s.tt0uding Conference at
John llaynerd left on r. trip to Mani-
toba last Friday.
Ephraim Cobra and wife aro away at
Owen Sound this wo,,k.
Frook Stretton, of 13rtiseels, has taken
a ailltati01 with W. Doig, jeweller.
1V, Doig, am' entrrprieiug jeweller, is
opOn1ng 0110 a branch ohop in Atwood.
(1,•n, 13rowstor and Will Nelson, former
residents of our village, spent last Sun-
day Isere.
IamCR DIenzics and family left herr: on
Wednesday for their now home in Parry
Sound Dietriat.
Dr, Cala wears ti happy smile on his
face this week. The new comer is a girl.
Tho Dr. has ono for each knee now.
Met cawtrlos.
James \Valmsley is home again.
Tho Presbyterian church is advertising
for a precentor for next year.
The cheese business is getting lively.
Ovor forty 0110000 are now daily made.
Thos. Gibson, jr., of Wroxotor, was
in town on Sunday host. Old friends aro
always welcome, tomo again.
There was no service 10 the Methodist
church last Sunday. Mr. Cook was at
Si:Worth attending conference,
Robt. Duncan lots been laid up with a
sora Lund, paieo11 ivy 11 the trouble. I1
is to ba hoped 4 31. D. will 60011 be around
A Sabbath school phallic it to be hold
'0p p1acc near Blucvale, July 2nrl, in
!h. -motion with Presbyterian Sabbath
Wm. Stewart tats in town Saturday
last. Mr. S. scams to be baking well
alar" he now is, but wily not, there is
not to mora c3"n011031tieu,1 teacher in nor-
Rev. A. Y. Hartley left Tuesday morn-
ing for Hamilton, whore the F'oreotere
hold their minuet [noting. On this toe -
coma there will 1131 nn service in the
1'rc:,;i.y:eriatt church tom 1lnnday.
Your eorreepondeut of last wade had
the Lere.faced audacity last •nnday oven.
ing to walk past ih0 hotel 111 broad day
light, with hie oyes wide open, but not
nobteent with this Ino meet use his oyes
and look etra:gltt at the hotel and seeing;
crowd began wondering why they wore
there, for this he might Motto boon for.
givou, but 11e must ask for information
through Tun. POST, For this he is brand-
ed as a "sneak" and the Item a "slur"
ou the Bluovalo boys. Many striking
elnanges have been notice:( since the Scott
Act repeal, perhaps, none so striking me
this. Slurs have been the ordor of the
day for the last three years and temper•
tome men have had to bear rho brunt of
opposition. To hear the most diabolical
lies that Satan ever invented ; threats
that might torrify the stoutest hoart, yet
they have Hover feared to hear the truth.
Now tho tido is turned and the ent19
have the majority, not content with try-
ing to falsify oho facts before and since
the repeal they would gladly frighten ro-
portors from stating the truth, but as
long as law and jostles holds sway T1s
POST 1nu61 and will hove tho truth. Tho
item referred to contained no "slur" on
tho J3luevalo boys, though it is hardly
necessary to mention thio as the good
common some of oho boys will have told
them before thio, that as thero wore no
Hamas and 110 set time to answer 111.
question it could hardly have been in.
Jowled that way. however, as long as
the words "sneak" and "slur" quoted
above remain, if the cep fits wear it.
On Wednesday of last week the semi-
annual mooting of tho Ituri.Docnnel
Chapter of Huron was held in Trinity
Church, and although tho attendanoe of
clerical and lay delegates was not at all bo taken by tho town of Godorluh u1 con.
what it should have been, oho roasting neotion with tho proposed extension of
wee the most interesting and useful that the 0. P. R. from Guelph. Mayor Sanger
has boon hold i11 ilia deanery for Home occupied tho ohair, and after oxplainiug
time. Following is the list of clergymen tho object of the meeting called for a full
prosont :—'Revs. Rural Dean Craig, B.D., and free dieons0ion of t11,, subject.
Clinton ; S. F. Robinson, Exeter ; W. A. The northern route, vim Listowel, Bros -
Young, BM., Goderioh; 5. H. Moore- sols, Blyth and Manchester, was adorn
house, Wingham ; W. T. Muff, Brussels, cared by Dr. Holmes, 5. T. Garrow, Q.O.,
cud H. A. Thomas, Blyth. Of laymen Soo, Williame and D. McGillicuddy, and
thero wero prosont :—S. Caldwell, Au- the central routo, via Leadbury and Mil.
burn; L. Nothory, 0. Proctor and 5. verton, was espoused by Wm. Onmpboll,
Golly, Bolgravo; T. Soott, W. Magill M. G. Cameron, F. W. Johnston and
and J. Bell, Blyth. An exoollent con- P. MoEwen.
gregatioi aesombled lin oho church and At the oloso of bbo discussion a vote
vote !ovoidal
not earnestly nod audibly share I: hot ` "r vlp,• errns on n u1
9 lI l
( recjv.
'Tramps are plentiful post now.
Statute labor is in progress 0u 101. 3,:
heats this week.
- Where aro you going to spend Do.
minion Day is n rinestion that 30 now
often asked?
Dan Robertson and Jno. ltobert0oo. jr.,
are away at CIodorich this week as jllr4rn
at the Quunty Court.
Tho recent rain have had a very bone.
natal effect on the growing crops, which
aro making rapid progress.
A. great many took in the "big" show
at Brussels last Thursday. It was not
what it wan craoltod up to be.
Thos. MaLauohliu sent a telegram to
lois bmthor last Thursday stating that ho
had shipped 0 colts from Glasgow on the
1Sth. They will probably arrive about
the last of noxi week, if nothing happens.
The Brussels Budget published a rum-
or that a well known farmer resinont in
this township had "skipped" oat. It is
a baro -face:( lie and woe probably known
to be such before it sate the light in the
Brussels "smut" machine.
The Beaver base ball club of S. 5. No.
(4 will play the "Wide Awake's" ou Fri-
day evening on Joseph Frayno's field,
They will also play a match with the
Cranbrook boys on Saturday afternoon
on the farm of Mr. Oster. The boys
play a good game.
,A moo, IIItun.--A real live bear was
sc:,o in different parts of the township
during the past week. His 113ars11ip was
last seen on Friday +evening last on the
farm of Mr. Dark, 12th con., and was
chasoduntil lost sight of in the darkness,
somewhere in the vicinity of the mill
dam near Brussels. Bruin pct to largo
number of rets sportsmen through their
facings n row days ago, some of them
being from Brussels, wo believe. Tho
ground selected by Goneral Br'un was
about one and a quarter miles south emit
of Cranbrook. This ground, beiug soma
what swampy and slightly undulating
with various openings at oouveniant dis-
tances, afforded every opportunity for
clrrl:utary training. Horeb•! C.tiitln.
buyer, who has hada good cloal of exper,
Lame in matters boating on the animal
kingdom, Wag put in command of the
sportsmen. General Bruin, who well
Imcw the timidity of the rportemon,
111,1, 10 too addrese, just simply saying
capture 111u if you can, dead or alive.
Accordingly, in response to a signal from
Marshal Cattlobuyor, tho eham fight Bo-
gan. General Bruin, being an olid veto -
ran as 1vo11 as being up to all the now
kinks of soldiership, anon threw tho
sportsmen into disorder in spite of all
that Lioutouant Legal and lltorshal
Catelobnyer could do, and in this way
they ltopt loading and tiring and =rah.
ing right and left through water and over
brush piles until d33r1tn000 sot in one
stopped further action for that day.
General Bruin, as usual, did not rd00ivo
a scratch, bot the sportsmen, although
all able to answer to the call of Corporal
Darkhair, wore terribly exhausted as well
as being aoratohed and bruised, besides
having their. °lathes badly torn, sumo of
them in snob queer pla00s that they had
to seok their homes under cover of dark.
1089 in order t0 avoid being soon by the
popalaoe. General 131011 Inas not yet
handed iu his report, but it is hinted that
ho stated that if these fellows wero put
through in the above mentioned manner
ones a week for about three months they
would be able to take third, or perhaps
second, place in an omergonay, but of
course tho General had to pass 011 to
other places, his time boing linutecl,
C. P. R. Extension.
Avon attended hooting of tho citisous
of Godorioll was held in Victoria Hall an
s, iu Samuel F w r s i 1t.
t � , . 1 II .d at 1 . Clifford,
Walker. Glen', n, Adam Giazior. Koa•
ilwnrth, Findley M. Smith, (Alrtl1nly
Grand Valley, Thos. J. Sabine. Yemen'',
A, Scratch, Cedarville, T. J. Smith.
Jnhto 4(11., °halation ; 11. 1I. \i'nddell,
\Ver.3tt:mros 1)t ruler.-1Valkortou, J,
('olling ; David. D, Holston, Wm, Tindall,
Geo. yl','tson, Hopei. ',Midway, Henry
Borry. .Hanover, J. Galloway ; Andrew
3 larke,,
Sup'd. Elmwood, Thos. Legate;
Juin, (harper, Sopa, (hamlasll.) Choi.
h'y, Rohl, Phillips. Dobbington, Wm.
R1n�1•,n,:u ; Tf„cry J. Millar, 9t1p'd, Tara,
d"Jul 'fattier South. Arkwright, liouj,
I3ho•lock ; Francis BI. Blather'', Henry
Ball, Sapid. Eden Grove, Thornes. R.
Fydoll. Paisley, E. S. Rupert, M.A.
Port Elgin, T. C. Stevenson ; Hamilton
Leith, Snp'rt, (Saugeon.) Sangeon, Wm.
Savage. Alex. 3. Irwin recommended. to
College. J. Galloway, Chairman ; J. T.
Smith, Fin. -Seo.
Owes Homo Dta'lnrrr.—Owen Sound,
70sep11 W. Halmos, Wesley 11. Herr ,
Win. 13. Danford, Snp'd ; Sylvester L.
Herr, Sup'y, (Annan.) Brookholm, Eb-
enezer Teskoy. Chatsworth, 11obt. H.
hall. Allenford, N. S. Burwash. Wood.
forb, J. Ball, Kemble, Dixon Sharp.
Hepworth, Jabez J. Noble. Wiarton,
Goo, Louuds. Colpoy's Bay, W. Glazier.
Lion's Head, Andrew J. Parker. Dyer's
Bay, S. E. Noblo. Tobermorey, (ono
to bo sent.) Caps Croaker, J'. S. Cor-
coran. J. W. Halmos, Chairman ; R. II.
Hall, Fin.•Sno.
M,uitoatu Dlsra10T.—Markdale, Geo.
Buegin. Plesherton, J. Walker Shilton,
B.A. Dundalk, Wm. B. Moos. Melanc-
ton, Robert 0. Burton. L'agoni•'s, 3. II.
Watts ; David Auld, Sup'd, (Toronto.)
Pricovillo, Wm. Ottawoll. Holland Cen-
tro, Geo. Hartley. Walter's Palls. John
W. Sanderson. Euphrasia, Robt. Hoak.
ing. G. Buggin, Chairman ; J. W. Shit.
ton, Fin. -Sec.
The following circular has been sone
by the Provincial Treasurer (who now
Las °barge of the license branch) to the
inspectors of licenses in those ooanties
where tho Scott Aot has been ropenled,
the proclamation bringing tho repeal
votes into effect having been issued by
the Dominion Government :
Pl:oveNcr.AL. Tmsasveen'e DEPARTMENT,
Ltroxsz Bo,oeen,
Toronto, May, 1888.
Sni,--'Ll10 Federal Government ]laving
19803 a proolanation bringing in force
Go, veto on the 1' peal of the Scott Aot in
your district, the quoation of the lseue of
licenses has been under consideration by
Ude Government, which has conolnded
that in the public interests and in order
to prevent 1110 eetablishlnent of houses
for Ibo illicit solo of liquor, that licenses
n1.oultl iaatle with ns little delay as poss.
iblo, notwithstanding that itis imposaiblo
for the present year to comply with all
the formalities required. by section 11 of
the Liquor License Aot of Ontario.
Licenses will therefore bo immediately
soot you upon receipt of your requisition,
a copy of which is soot yott to be filled in.
Tho statute determines oho number of
llama's which may bo granted in cities,
towns and incorporated villages upon the
b toll of population, unless a bylaw of
the municipality (snsponcied during the
operation of tho Scott Act) ie in force.
The fees or chaegoe upon licenses will
bo tho s'mlo as for tate \v1olo year, both
as relates to the Government duty and
0x00313 imposed by a municipality.
:\ by-law of thomunioipality which was
in force at the Woo of oho coming into
force of rho Scott Act—whother in re-
lation to the number of licenses to bo is.
sn xt or the municipal foe to bo charged—
if it is gonorol in its terms mid 10.00 1101
for merely a limited p0riod, revives and
has the force of law as soon as the Scott
Act is finally repealed by the proolama-
tion, Reforenco should, therefore, bo
had to any such by-law or by-laws if still
iu existence. I have the ]rotor to be,
sir, Your obedient servant,
A. 144. Ross,
To-----•—, Provinoial Treasurer.
A. lady diol in Toronto Friday from
Monday evening to discuss oho rafllvay injury to the system, resulting from hor
question and decide upon the a0ti011 to beim; antoothotieed by burglars two yoara
Rov. Dr, Beattie, of Brantford, has
been oallod to 111e rllair of Apologetics in
the Presbyterian Thoologioal Sominary
at Columbia S. 0.
Tho Niagara (Oouforenoe, after 0 long
dieaussiou, Friday, adopted a motion to
suspend Rev. 11tr. Longloy from the min-
istry of the Methodist Church for the
porion of one ;oar.
at eleven a. on. Divine 600vioe VMS bogun was taken and a standing
each of tho clergymen present taking a the foot that popular sentiment (vas
Imre in loading the worship. The see- largely in favor of the northern eallome,
mon by the rector of Godorloh was only half -a -dozen objectors being visible
foundod upon Col. I., 28, and was a most in the largo hall,
admirable discourse upon the high aim Tho gaostion of routo has boon to vexed
and duties of to Chrlatlan minister, and, olio for 901110 time past, and it is a saris.
incidentally, oho ptivilegee and respond. fao6ion to know that it has at last boon
111113100 of (lis pooplo, A't the obese of the dofiultoly settled. The 'natter will come
sermon abont thirty p0rso10 participated boforo the town omitted at its next meet -
fu oho saoranont of tho Lord's supper, beg, and ib is oxpeotod that:a unanimous
At tho Unctions mooting hold in tho end0rsation of 1110 northern roulo by that
rectory in oho aftornoon oneouraging re- body will also rosnit,
ports wero r000ivod from various parish. 'Villi tho bringing of 1110 route by way
es, and sono,profitablo discussions were of Listowel and Bressols a thriving time)
hold concolmng difforent modes of in- hill be in atoro for Ifuron's county town,
creasing tho 0111010noy of 1110. (31nuah. as the traffic, tot tho harbor cannot but be
Public woraltlp was again held in tho Ia goly increased. Tho solid men of oho
churoll at 7130 p1, n1., in which a largo town emlorso tho northern rout(' and be.
congregation mutod with tho olol'gymelt. liovo it to bo OM ono most condttoive to
'J'ho Poston of 01111(011 read a very intul- the boot into'ests of 1110 town.
sting 01311 peaolioal romper upon Wo abut Tho Odcl#olet(S of In o1so11 aro malt.
Worst iu (ho Clutton, ho which 110 ), g
ea 001 (ho inviting fields now open to the lug propavat•ior8 for holding their conal
pmoulia'talonts 02 030111011 In the direr• decorations on Thursday, the 21s4 o.
1 f di t i t ''i 'tin 503311'.3' soh0ol ,Arno
,131.013 re. 1,111: -E
Oil 11D JNIAN C�> IYI Sr
The anginal Oalodonlau games molar ono
a0spi000 of SU G oclarlooh ()alodonians eoolo-
ty 14111 30 hold on the magniaco11t now
grounds of tho ,
MONDAY J'UIJY 2nd, 1888,
e°mineotaing nl 1 o'clock it. net.
For sonde years oho moat successful 3.111003
held in Canada ]lava Salm pima in Clothe
taii,nnd alroady 1110 fudloattone aro of a
reetn1 mimeos than ovor before.
Have boonrld80,1 to the Prise 1,3st,
For particulars sou bi11e and programs.
All c.orresp0e donoo most bo aaiiresyei to
II, c',(1At111110131, . W.L.ITOUTOan)I.,ny.
.1, 1? grli1VJII'1', I), MI 1 T,t,eI I1DI)Y,
b'i011.atanars.•• 1,1,0011Tnn6,;t'r.
42.1.131y 2
Express Wagons,
Toy Carts,
0P.)0Cs?, _a
f .A. NT S,
Etc., Ete.I
The Ladies should see
the nicely assorted
stock of Fans
and Baskets.
who reduces the jn•1c ,f *irk should 1)4 pilti” ii::,' 1,ru-
dnre,l tin; (30.11•' 3'!';.7 ,.'.1Lt"1 10 pc." (1.111. t011 ;141in,
('32314' of bush:r'u' to 1119.1“. 111) for loss of 10)111,1l t1•,• .,21,114., 4111
not 11)1(11Y.'ehltct low 111i0,'r1 th'a'n, j.1 Ito intlueJ111111t (,1 S.,11 ,.li'.igp. If
you ljud it ;bury willing to c11ue down 311 1101114 when (.).1 mention
ht)w cllutll) yn11 ,'1(11 got the goo,ls at the Toronto Grocery do not bll"
there hot Come 1., Ih,3 'Toronto 1 i.n,:u,3;,', h'x'_lat0. you '.s•.oat 11113':
)rot uO rt'31u otiou Lou 1..,,;" thr 1., ,'.v 1'rir,.v ;Lt
WF. IIA\'1',
A Z'I;lt\_-____
-----PIN!'; -.JAPAN
2E A.
that we trill sell in )) and 10 Ib. lots at '217c.
We keep the. kettle boiling all the time so that everyone can test
this Tete, by making -themselves a cup. We will guarantee :? 'hiving
of 20 per cent. on any Tea y,r:l may lady from us.
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
Soap and Wo arBrooms,--250., and a 30c. Broom for 20c. 20
selling the best 315c. Broom for
Boxes of Soap received. See the vain we are giving in Soap.
Dingman's Electric Soap very cheap. London Electric Soap very
cheap. Jubilee Bar Soap vel'; cheap.
�1 'i mClruuirtanfsat, LoPwlaesisiu
tPsr, ices.au(1 all kinks of Dried
Dried ) uiul AF
Canned [foods _Canel Vegetables at 2 for 25c. axe
r goithoseng verynfast. Salmon, Nackerei, Lob-
sters and all Canned Fish and Meat at Lowest Prieu.
The best place to spend your money
is at the Toronto Grocery.
ADAM G -00D.
L W Shoe More,
Formerly of G'oderich, wishes to
inform the Public generally that
he has opened out a Custom
Boot & Shoe Store •
Opposite the American Hotel
and is prepared to take Order'
for all Kinds of
cugyrO3;I ZtrOI'difo
Nono hut First -Class Workmb.,
Employed and a Perfect Fit
Repairing neatly done.
.DOZeMina .
Baby Carriages.
Baby Carriage
Just to hand a splendid se-
lection of Baby Carriages which
will be sold at very low prices.
in endless variety. I am pro -
pared to please the public in
this department.
Fine selection o1'
Lightcl Heavylolilnoss
me ft 1'1111.
Pups o Pumps e Pimps
Tho old reliable Pomp Works Cf Drug,
RCN still to the front and rushfn; lord.
nese right along.
always on haud with all oho latest im-
provements and guaranteed to
I nm prepared to take contracts for
Dififp)l;1 ilrells or C•iste)'tts at
Reasonable Butes.
Spacial Attention given to R>pairin tt
As I use only the best material, super-
vise all the work and sell at' moderate
prions I know it will be to t1,0 advantage
of the public to deal with me.
Shop opposite I.'. Scott's blacksmith
shop, Mill streot, Brussels.
A. L. Gibson wants 80,000 lbs, of goon
clean FLEECE WOOL for which he will
pay tho IIn1110531 Manic 31 PRICE Iv Coon
or trade at the Wroxoter Woolen Mills.
an linoleum" leum" stock of silten01,1. Tweeds,
Finances, Shirtings, ➢)nuggets, lebutio,
ets, sheeting and Sarna or file own,
mane (all guaranteed to wear) and great
variety in Fino Tweeds, Flannels, Over..
coatings, ,Cc,
at reasonable IIgures and good work guar.
anteed, We aro bound to maintain em)'
reputation by satisfactory work anct
square doaling,
01111 TWEEDS III5IS 351,3.'11 Aug f.Elu 1,
qua 'F:Sp}NCYC6IllO L.?!.{lY�jV'�pkpS�e�gCA,}�^moiN
Prises for (I) Bost Fleoco Long Wool ;
(2) Best Meese Fine Wool ; (8) Heaviest
Ulcus e (cleanness considered.)
111 •1- ALL •:. CUSTOMERS.
1\, 11:111 yonv Wool and you want ear
101411" 1111:1 our 311010;, He cone Oa
see UN,
.1 DENNIS,-1, L. (1B'S'Uz%V,
H. DEN 1 V 31.13, iesctcr t1'oalrw :1,01111,