HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-15, Page 1Volume 16 BRUSSELS,TARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 188b.,.T. . Number 49. Washington Letter. (leroll our AogUlar Corrosponeeut. \result:l mos, only 11,1 Thorn wan IL Scone of wild tenant the Homo Wednesday afternoon. Tareney was talking upon tho tariff time when some one interrupted to about rates of wages. Thorn tons s al retorts on both Fides of rho house, directly nearly every lnolnlcr Lrga shout at the lop of his vain, The el man hammered his (look, and mem ]rushed about and not olio word coal heard in Ibo 1u0mlt. Mr, 1Veave Iowa, and Mr, lenuston got close tog 00 and shook their lists 1Lt each of shouting at the top of their voices, what they said could not bo Notal. A a little while it entlul down and Buclutlew suggested that is phwlog would have to bo used to report s Later in tho tiny Mr. Weaver nod L'unston renewed Omit colloquy in ago what calmer tone. Mr. Weaver hod upon knowing if Mr. leunstun was posed to free lumber, or if he would for him to put lumber all barbed cu the free list. 111r. Funstom evade direct alstver, and at each attempt avoid the question, the Democratio s of the House shouted. 11r. 13reckinridgo offered an amo mons to Mr. Dingley's amendment, 1 vidiig that wheuoyor Condo shall gr to tho fishing and other vossols of United States commercial privileges a tho rignt to buy bait and , provisions to tranship 0argoo8, then herring, ma oral, salmon and other Eoh, pickl smoked or preserved, except sardi and anchovies in oil, from that ootln 4holl bo admitted duty free, and Prov ing that whenevor Canada admits to fit entry 0108108 produced in ilio Unit States, a similar privilege shall bo gra ed in the vaso of like Canadian procto After an explanation of rho ameudma by Mr, 13reoleinridgo, Mr. Dingley opp ed it on the ground that it was an off to buy privileges from Ctmada, to whi this ('0111111'y was of right entitled. Wit out anion upon the amendments t oonrnlittee rose. On motion of Mr. Pe of Arkansas, tiro 1Ioes0 want again to committee of the (111ole to an up Gm Senate amendments to the loth appropriation hill. There wer'o goner'nlly non.co11011r0ei1 i The committee ruse, and the hill w sent to conte tonne, 'Work will ton be begun on a mort Bey chapel 111 Sol.litr's Iio:no 00010te1' to which Gen. Logan's remains will transferred from their prasont -resift place in Rock Creak cemetery. Tt change, however, will be merely tempo try, at it is the dul0ution of the Tamil to have tho remains =moved to Ching and there bo interred beneath a moue moat which is boring erected. The sit sele0tolt for the chapel is in 6110 ground that aro set apart for the tombs of olli cors and their familia®. The chapel wi be of Maine granite, a portion of whin has already arrivacl. The arrangement are being conducted by W. F. Tooke jr., post paymaster, U,S.1., Gen, Logan' 800 -in-law. One day a week or two ago a lad from Philadelphia brought a letter. of in troduotion to President Cleveland Out insomcl her a riveto interview. Sh was accompanied by a bright littlo son aged six years. Tho President receive them in his office, and eat by his des and talked with his visitor. Prosont1 the mother noticed her boy frownin and sulking in the chair. She whisper ed air cinerary as to tho apparent cans of his trouble. °Why mamma, ho 1811' sitting on a throne and he hasn't a crown of hie head. He fa only n man." The Preeidont hooted what the boy Ma Nil. uoy011 about, and the mother told him. The Presidout was much amused, and said that many an old visitor had doubt- less gone away with a feeling of disap- pointment at finding tiro President of the greet Republic only a elan. A relic of 1110 Itevolutiml has been off. crud to Mr. Morrill, of the Sonae Library Committee, during rho wool), whioli is worthy of preservation. .A. youth in 1110 Pension office brought it to the attention of General Black, It is tho original doc- ument pitch to past Major Andre through the Auto -lean lines when Benedict Ar. cold had resolved to betray West Point into the hands of rho 'British. Tho pass is 8igaed by Arnold as bfnjor-Gcuoral, and is counterfdgnccl by General Gago, Tine possessor is a direct descendant of Paulding, 0111 of tilt n1o1118 that arrostod Audra when 110 atttompted to pass the picket under rho nano of Anderson. This document, if Ito neitheutioity is es- tablished beyond question, aught 10 ho prescrv8d in tho archives of the nation, leloarosa doililty Golutei,l. Tho June session of tho County's Legimlatur0 was opened on Tuesday aftarnoon of lust wook at 3 o'clock, a good roprooentstion being protect. The Warden a(1dr10sod 1110 C0311(011, stating that the jail clothing 0rdored at last mission had boon procured from 1110 Central Preto)); that the potition to. tho (loyerum0llt had boon forsvardod, and that the films imposed under' tho Scott Act hail boon paid Ove' by the Pollee Magistrate, but that rho accounts had not yet boon finally adjusted. A eircula' from. Welland County Counaof'aidrto sman nfectare0,owlasl rloadtion. anll allowing tho granting of 11onu8es by way ing Ilia Lrgiolature to ro )041 tho an. A circular Exam the sumo Body, urging It monomial to rho GOverumont to 111a12o provision for holding county promotion examinations, Ma reforrocl to 8011oo1 consult ge0, A Iettor front Ibe Eduoatfon Donna. . 11)0111, aga'eoing to an en1ra11oo exanint4. Lion at 1)ungamon, was road all filed, Tho 301111vblg roport from 11Ir. Mal. loch, I, P, S,, Ma react and rotund to school committ00) TUB 000030 atatod that tho progroso in a largo num. 1 box of the 81110018 is grotty satfafaotoil, and speaks woll for the zeal of the tea01i0rs, A larg01mn011ar of 1lrose oil. s 8103, on in Mr. guess ask nor - and 11 to lair - bora 1 bo r, of 0th. her, but iter Mr, raph tub .lir, lne- sted op - vote 1- v0 e (vire rl a to ide nd- nro ant tiro ltd and ok• ed, nes try id - 00 ad it- ct8. Its os. ort oh ho el, In On an n, a0 Il• Y, bo tg r0 y 0 11 h • L', y lc y g 0 played during 1880 retained their p0si. Rona for '87,111114 giving an opportunity for bottor pro ,resp than wheys teachers aro changed yearly. For entrance ex- aminations to Iligh Sehnola 220 cancli- datos Wrote, of whom 251 wuru 8n1co00. 1111, At non-profeseioual examinations thorn were 203 caullc1101 11, with a good por001Lage successful, and of the 73 model school students lib wore 511Oees8- fnl, i'ho inspector thinks tho time in near when the maximum foe of til will be charged for et:trance examinations. At the p14se1t tittle there is a surplus of teachers in the county; a number 110111ing certificates hove no 8choole, On this account 110 permits, ext0118iend or temporary certif1 0tea arc is8110d. 'rho seed annual and annual reports from t1e different sections aro not sent ill as promptly too they should bo, but there is a 110ti00111110 improvement in this mattor. The otatiotios pivots below aro prepared from tho annual reports : 0 0 ...tdeStyre-o o FCI P iP N M E XSI?SdIDI±Tan (0 in. en en CR2 ODWA o -.1 000, ve aV 'N Tccnznsnrrn. HOttleT1, Ilicl(n 1,01', ((nuc. Tonne/to. E. WAwetrosu. Howirlo. Monms. 81:Are11Tn. 11'100111:1, Bot seen, Ude oolu)0i1 the disposition of ilia fun flow in hand ; tll1y to report at til 8(2sion, and have power to moult eolici1or, and exttmltie tho P, M„ 11 (nook of the Peace, and other permits, ueoessary -{)tarried, 1)0m1114o from the Watt Riding Li MIRO (lomunissiouors for $1481,07, lir from tho South Riding Board for 8110 78, for tho cobntry's share of tho 011f0re meat of the act, were referrod -to til special 'committee, The report of Cita county jailer was re f0rrred to jail a11r1 court houoo committe It shows eleven prisoners confined; main and 1 fomalele Of 1110 formor, tw are insane, viz: W. Kelly, aged 68,fron Brussels, who has boon confined than continuously for three year0 and eigh menthe ; and W. Westcott, from Exeter committer( on March 20th. Of the r tnaining live males, two aro vagrants - Robert Fletcher, 80 years, from Ilowiok (0:411 committed for a tr'rin of six months and is 80 dostituto and feeblo, being i 8 )mpleto dotage, he will havo to be a on00 recommitted ; rho other, W. Joh I1 okott, from Ashfield, 05 year's old, s weak and feeble ho is under the doctor' etre. He says 1,0 oanlo into town the he might bo sent up aad thus recoi medio0l treatment. Of the females, tw aro insane, one harmless and quiet, ba the other at times very violent and ro quiring closo watohing to provont harm to 11ereelf or those around her. The re- maining two females 1100 vagrants, viz: Mrs, Norman McDonald, a veteran oc- cupant of the county poorhouse, who re- gnlres to be clothed eaoh time she is either discharged or recommitted, Mary Brady, the other vagrant, hails from Mc- Killop, and is 50 years of age and so weak-minded she can give no m000unt of herself, or who are her friends and lee 101.1308, All the insane prisoners have boon duly reported to the Provincial method, tics, and aro awaiting removal to the asylum when room can be found for them. A motion to grant $25 to the Farmers' Institute, of East Huron was referred to finance committee, A motion of Messrs. Baine and holly, to refor any appeals from the equalized 058es0ment to the county Judge, was carried. The council then adjourned, 0E0a0D DAY-1VEDNE8n.10. Council resumed, members ell present. The following 811t0100nt8 from the county treasurer woro referred to finance committee: 1. Collections form non.rosident lands between ,fag. 1 and April 30, 1888: Aahftald $ 18 35 Gode11011 T'p 0 13 Hu Hawick 72428821 28 24 Stanley 48 72 Tuckersmitb 38 07 Turnbo i'y 1.1 34 Usborne 2 77 West Wawanosh g1 Bayfield 15 88 Brussels 1 10 Exeter 10 14 a 1131'i)15301' 1111: hl'A 1.2.4 t4. 10 ° 11r, Kelly moved and P. Jolnr,s1 ,n a ended that the Warden and Cleric 11 1c orializo tho Governor-(imino:I to pas if Order instrnoting tho '10110011 to a ally saltine money that romaint in c- hands of the Tr0a0nre', from the 111 collected during tho time the Scott 7. was in f roe in thio county, 10 tants e- the er0ction of a 1mu-o of rcfoge fu is county. Loot one division by 25 to 1 Moved by P. 1V. Johnston, secoulet 1I1', Boacotn that tho Dominion Gov 0, 100111 bo memorialized to pass au o 7 authorizing the County Treasurer to o over to the respective 1111111ICip411i1(N 1 tho county, from which Scott Aot 1 O 00ro collected, any snrplue which n t he in Lis hands, on, 1110 841110 pr„por , - as the mono ryas collected from e- Iuunie]palitios, host on a division 211 to 10. COMM' VALI1-iTous. Moved by I). 1). Wilson, seconded n \Ir, \Ill,, that throe v1luators be t pointed for tho purpose of examining 1 volving the a1,4essablo property in o county, such y11111at1011 to b0 tho b a for Ogilal1Za110>, for county rate for t ensuing five years. Lost. VO 110/.1071 )1AcasTIt.IT0'.e 0.1011(1:0, O CLINTON, Juno 511, '811 t have pleasure iu making the foil tug ohort return for the information members of the County Council. 111 no doubt many will bo desirous of km Ing what has been don by the Pol Magistrate ; though he has made his turns to the Crown Attorney and G eminent, thorn are few persons who those and read them No. of onset that name before me ....2 No. of oases dismissed No. of Scott Act convictions 1 No. of other cases,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, No. committed to jail There area number of fines not y paid in, though in ovary case not paid havo issued distress warrants and sere committments, lblany distress warren have boon for several weeks in the iron of constables, who have not yet return them, in which oases I presume t constables aro assured of the fines bei paid. In some canon tho constables ha returned tho distress warrants, match no return, so that it has been impossi for mo to proceed. In some parts of th county tho unwillingness on the part constables to exeouto warrants and eery enlnttlooses has been a cause of a gre deal of delay and annoyance in protean fog informations. There 11as boon pat to mo in fines since I was directed to pa over fines to tho County Treasure $3,800. In feet on county cases, $173 on town cases, $121, which amount yo will see is about covered by amount pat to the County Troasurer, Fines aro oti being paid and will bo paid over as re oeivod. 1Vith r0spect to fees I shall hay to submit t0 the opinion given by th County Solicitor. Thom io still :a poin with respect to the fees in the town where I act under separate commission and without salary. The opinion is diol by some that in those cases I am entitle to retain the fees. I have submitted 611 question to the County Solicitor, and h has givel an opinion iu opposition t that contention. I do not wish in any way to stand in opposition to the Couuoi and have con80quently made a return o all amounts oolleotod. I wish to throw myself entirely on the hands of the Coonoil, and ask that I be allowed to retain 1110 foes collected when I am Police Magistrate without salary. I ask it for the following reasons :—lot, There is a doubt as to whether I should retain them or not. and, There is a surplus to tho credit of the fund. 3rct, Other coon- tioo, at Middlesex, I1833 d0n0 so, or at least the Magistrate 0otains tho fees where he acts without eatery, 4th, Tho County Council Inas made no provision for ofnco rent, light nor fuel, as, I muter. stand by statute, they 011011111 do, 5111, In view of the Act beim; repea10(1, for I would not 11av0 undertaken the duties of tho oflioo for ono year. Ji'or these and other reasons that might bo giv1n I ask your consideration. Yours, • 11, 1V, 1 ILLI Itis, P, 1f, printed in the nliunlel. In toga sen. the ruuolattl0 of 112' County 6.1,1111 elm Welland, It : rccounmrnd that 11118 , s an ell petition 1114' I.ogfslatm', 10 alum , pply the Public School Act, to as to proving the for a syatem of uniform county promo - /them tion examinations 111 tho Public Schoola, Act anis for the defraying of tho onootary t 111 expons, s attendant in the tame n,t1n,r this as other school exp01002. We moron - 2• mann thou Al. Y. MoLean ho appointed 1 LY Cullegi tte Instituto trustee for Seeforth, "r' - in ism phaco of S. J. McFaughey, do• rder c„nscd. pay With rr ;p0ct t., tho mat1,:ra referred in to us and mentioned in the cheats inn's the Proviooh,l A'• ,oiatfon of Pt ray and High Soloed Trustc0s of One tion nu rcecommen•I.11111 such clmng0 :111 tho - be 01)1,10 in the laws of assessment a LY 1011>1516f Ilio person antnally pa the taxi's directing Int any timo bo till ria1110, are paid) (lar upplual.hll by np- and the Isis the of and oto. foo re- ov. see 10 23 87 17 3 0t I ad is ds ed 110 ug VB ng bla of at lt. d y C, cln 11 e d d y 1 rd to Division C'nurt jury few $ 1011 00 ail of Report 00111lty buildings , . , 300 00 101111. Ronde toot brldgeo 11871) 8N HpooMl ecouute,. Ftg. dcboslttito interest 10000 00 i4tt . de1100(1103 sitllr1101 fund 5300 00 N0r'tlu:rn glatvrl road iuterest 700 00 oinking fund I000f00 r (1311)141 w.: r of 111110 eel 113 01 •tri'1, 13r1"ntr 0^ eel: i oldie Jriot ooturr1)m, 011111 Thu co11ulitteo Leg., leas.: to report 0 10 ,n pug fora 1 of Legs eotnoae t from Iie(lr:Lry Office, $1J28 3 from 1:0,1. diem' Mon- t.,,, .;11110, ;snot:Lox_ lic::use:o,5 50: gut. rust, (3200: corpus:;, '17, `•213o7.1i:`, 0115 87' Total 8880 14 2 Statement of Lfoense fund account to Jane 5, 1888 "- 1111Or•.1Nra, Filet from P. M. at various times since Nov. 213, 1887, to May 31, 1888 03080 00 Tinos from W. J.Paisley 100 00 From eommiss'rs—W. Huron 2550 00 E. Huron 650 OD S. Huron 2000 00 Total 50280 00 in8011aa1001T0, Discount Oil P. el's 0118gn08 ,, $ 15 80 To commissioners --W. Huron 1172 04 S. Huron 1275 83 P. Huron 1881 43 P. M's salary 000 00 Bel, to credit of Homan fund account 1048 •f0 - gl c a 1Vaoxrincn, • 000 en en eO E' `i te IOTALH, o insywa V 0700100 ___lv eD GO CI H+ Number of children 1 of a100114ing sc]lool for 100 days, as requi134 by law, 10550 ; nem110r of tract plants 1, 77.1. A circular from rho Provincial Associ. ation of Publle and High School trnste00, in reference to amends oi>t to tlio school aot8, Was mimed. to sobool co1111n11)100. Ii requ081) for tho 110081 grant to the Pt'lsonora' Aid Asoociation in Toronto, 0,13.8 4'01001011 to Finance connni1t00, A throttler in roferonoo to rho purchase of a fire 'extinguisher, was referred to Jail and Court House committee. A cironlar from the bridgo 0011nn10- 0130101' of Middlesex, In roforanoo to the ropairing of a boundary bridge over tiro Saablo river was reforred,tO Road and Bridgo committee. An application from Col. Coleman, for a grant of 25 coots par clay to the non. commissioned officers and man of tho 83 Pd Battalion, who will attend brigado drill 111is 50at100, oras ramrod to 11no Fio nn00 001111011108. Moved by lit. Holly, 8ocondo 1 by Mr. Manning, that n spooiial 210nnnfttc0, con. sioting Of Moon. Johnst011, M11110, Mor. on, Holly and Mooing, bo appointed, o Whom shall bo ramrod all domain!, ioW motto for funds in rognrd to tho Can. It Tonpora1100 Aot, the a000unts of Lilo Conlu1180100005, the Polies Magiotra1es tatomont, tee., 111111 who shell report to • Total The report of Road Comm3i3s2s8io3n8er0 Aineloy, was read and leeforred to Road and Bridgo Committee. A, motion by Masan. Jamas Jahnston and 'Koine, to instruct the road cominis- rialler to moll= Manchestor bridgo tool hoop any neceesary maks attended to, was roferred to Road and Erik° Com. Tho Connell then adjourned until 10 o'clook, Thursday, to allow tho variant cominitton to get to work. Moved by Dr. 13,0111ns, soconded by Mr. iffellwan tliat tho consent, of the Connell ha glean to the outablishment of High Mr. Strong thot tho oalatios of look.up. kooporo bo $10 inetead of IWO, et hereto. fore, to tisk° offoct on Jan. 1st, 1880. Referred to salaries committee, which adopted it. Tho sum of $50 was granted G. J. Driske11, go be oxpentlad under earn. tion of P. Adameon) a deaf anti dumb County Council be dispensed with this yens Carried on tho follOwing clivition Morton, Taylor, Oliver Milno, llittophot. son, Snundorte Strong, 'IttoRwan, Griffin, Torronec, Ereatt, Either, Mooney, Cox, Amon, le, Johnston, 1 U11181011 Look. hart, Book Malloy, Pollock,. 'Hippie, Howe, Beacom, Kelly, Manning, Mao. m0001110-131, Notate -Rota, Hays, Swat, Movod by Mr. Hope tecondod by mr, Morton, end eturiod that this eounoil petition the Liout..Govornor in. Council to so mond tho sahool ttot that township onnoila havo the choosing of all school notion, eeparato or publio. All the afternoon of Pridoy Ittas spont in disonssing arul teying to amend the ,Equaliontion Commetteo's report, agar Which it Wat rOferred back ,to the Cole. mittee tutti adopted at th0 evening 000. 81011 118 111011 protonted. I.Ertinr Or senior, coaturreat. Your ocomnittea hosing carsfully com- pared tho books of the,Polico Magistrate svith the returns Intuit to the Clounty Treasurer by hian, and alto with tho re. turns of oonvictiono to the Clerk of Pottee, Aral that of the convictions made by him since his appointment the fel.. lowing sums have been paid to Oh par. tios named :-- Polio° Magistrate Williamo.... 3900 00 The Inspectors havo paid ol'v7i2n0•01101e0 sumo chargeable Eo them in fnll, antl tho Polico Magietrate on account of tho suns chargoablo to him, has paid over the som of $3700, heaving $10C1 to bo oneountod foe. Tho committee find that as Police Mogistrato for tho county, De. Williams recoived in feet the sum of O173, and at Polio° Magietrato without Balmy foe the towns of Goderech, Clinton, Seeforth a,nd Winglaam, tho stun of 01.21, in all $29 1. Of this, all hot $8 has boon paid in, aml tho halftime 10111 110 at once ad. plated. Wo recommond Gott Gm 0014. ploto list of convictions, aa horowith sub. witted, the Polies; MagWrate'a lottor, and tho Tenourer'e ointment, be printA in Hui minutat. "Wo rocornmendod that a tho Troasuror pay over to (Ito creclit of I. tho Linn° leuud account of tho throe f Lie:into Districts, tho follotving sums, being ono -fourth of tho animates filed o rot this year, viz, •, South Huron, $42.1.. 44; 1Veet Huron, $371.16; Ent IIttron, $301.25, and that no further sums ho vaid out en anonnt of said astimatos, tvithout the Airtime order of tho Conn. oil, 'Your oommittoo IWO 11119110 to S to tho disposition of tho halation of tho S fund on Ilona to Om credit of the Lis C cense Ptind account, and refer (110 00,111 0 S back to tho full council, Your oommittortnEt703021111111»el that iho rope. Of Mr. Malloeh bo adopted and 111 Ole 1311110 far astir. 1:uu :-sat school purposes, 1:but sec`.ion 120, anb .;,. mn) 2 u£ Public Sollcol Act b4. an1e0d,'i1 110 1 make all ralopayr•re perluanultly 11 fur Public School taxes, cud that 80set801' sha11 so plaoo them On tho sessmolnt roll, unless tho ratepayer s externs to the assessor that ho avis to be valued as a soparatc school s porter. That hoards of trustees silo be enabled to appoint tho Christmas lnidsummlr holidays in each way a then may seem best in tho interest tll0ir schools, retaining, however, the gregate number of holidays. That Public School act be amended, so as make six years of ago the mininlunl for the admission of pupils to pub school, except to Kiudergarteu depa mauls. That the 11ig11 School An amended so as to admit of one man possossing the neoossary gnalilications both departments, to fill the position teacher of Natural Science as well teacher of any other department. Til the regulations of the Education dept( meat bo amended so as to make the u of the Temperance text -book oompuiso in the Public Schools, and that all mod sohool candidates bo required to pa an examination On the subject of to perance, nErOnT or Tao 0I0110021 CO]ISIITTI;p:; T110 paymont of a number of a0000n was recommended. In reference to t motion of ur. Manning, sec. by 11I Milne, recommending that tho Pali Magistrato retain his fees, inasmuch n0 olnarge has boon made, by the noun oipalitios in which the Police Magistra was appointed without salary, for fir foul and light, your committee recoil mends that n0 action be talion in th mattor without prejndioe to the magi trato's legal olailn (if any) and that yo treasurers make a d0maud on tho Polio Magistrate for all feos sloe to the count The estimated sxpenniture for the cu rent year amounting to $81,113.00, elusive of the opuivalent of legislativ school grant, requires a rate of le mill on the equalized assessment of th county. t n. AIxs8EY's 1t=rota. Tho contract for repairs to the Gull bridgo hes been nearly completed Material for the Belgrave bridge ha boon provided. The contractor for th mason work of the Winghain and Exe toe bridges, is busily employed gettin the stones ready. Hunter Bros., Kin oardiue, are preparing the materials fo tho Exeter bridge, and I hope to be abl to report at rho next meeting that 611 contracts have been completed satisfac Welly and in proper time. I have ex alnined molt of the bridgos and find that there will need to bo about the usual amount of repairs made to them and the approaches. I would recom- mend that tho following repairs be made as soon its possibla :—A new foun- dation under Hall's bridge; a new ap- proach to Hollowing bridgo; approach to 18 milo iron bridgo, Lako Shore rola. On the 23tIi of May I received a conl- manioation from tho Clerk of Usborne stating that en accident had oe0urrod at tho Kirktou badge, Ou ii)o boundary botweon the townships of Usbot'ne and I3lanehard, by which a lady had got her lag broken. I met the Commissioner for Perth and tho Warden of Huron at the side bridge on the 1st of Jauno, and found tho bridge to bo in first oleos r0 - pair and the approaches iu a very good °mn iltion, Prom what I could learns I tun of tho opinion tllet 1110 accident 03. carred tlrcugll tho intractability of rho 110183., and wail not clue to any defect in 1110 bridge, or the approaohos to it. I also 11000mmen3 that the Codcriell iron bridgo bo r0.painted. I also rccetntn004 that the rout lions° roof bo repaired, Bain's bridgo, Lake Shoro road, Ash. field, it tho proper width. Tho coat 0f bridges and approaches, and repairs to tho county bnilding0, will not likoly cx. end for this ycnr the sum of 812000. ntt.a0 AND naIDNn C. 1)11TTnli'5 0121'0r.T. et ill Ls 1 abl tlto as. hall hes 0(3t. old and 0 to of ag- 1110 to age lio rt. bo ter in of as at rt. s0 ry, el SS 01 - in ho ee ns to 0, - s. 0 ulr a y' ex.• • 0. Y g 0 e tat t11ev have, 11111:1,1 a careful ex11mi11a. tion of tho 4,.118 11,.1 find a 01,0y marked improvem'mt 111 til In ov.r past years 6116 asses-lmeut showing tint 1)r+ valua- 1 1intlsare 11ase.1011tho .at.:.rl cash value. T18y adopted in al r , tn, oftioial re - 1111s of tho ao'a 1 iumitte.l in 1110 fol- - o lowiugreport) loot teen:1410ns for chural. e sohool a1)c1 (:onletI.ry 11110pnae0, land 06C0m- mend t ie to. nee nut (01111) 111 the 2411,1 :sed schedule 0. the eguelize4 vnhlas for the year Tho Committoe recommendad that tho report; of Mr. Aineloy bo rtiloyted and providod, Tho nocossary repairs to the following brie -loos were recommended to be mode bridge, Goderich town- ship; wroth 0111 Hohnosvillo bridge; mile iron Imago in A$118.0111, They also rocommend that Bain's bridgo, Ash. bo ansturtstl by the county and kept m, boing the necessary width. At the struated to report ou thoprobablo cost of Oot walk could bo put down for $650 and fotn• foot walk for $000. R000mmend- t1 Hutt no notion ha taken. RUT/0030a 0,09112111/11.1101 r00 1888, wettest 50 00 ILO 2100 00 nry 2200 00 chool managomeet MO 00 unit tios end 'charities 1,00 00 Marks' and autumn foes.— 4000 00 ontingencios 1100 00 PO9011 0111104414 400 00 grionithral sooiettet 300 00 nth Schools '2900 00 Oundary lines 8000 00 Odol SchOols 1:00 00 rg'i • toeo nor aoro SA Mt. NI 1Z 14 I local. as- Ealeallz- at pro - Total coalized value eiotal tiss:sro Total equalized value, $31,075,070. DOMINION DAN IN PARVSSEI,S. An energetic committee hat been push- ing preliminary work since our last issuo and has artanged a tiptop program of gems and sports for 'Monday, Jolt. `2114, Tho days proceedings will man with au old time calathrimplan procession, cons. mowing at 8.30 o'clock nom. This will be followino by a hose ball tournament . for the 1,Vetern. amateur championship open to all chills. Litt prixte $50 • 2nd, itIlltc? o311r1i8olipil: :::1071:63 Ono hundred yd. raeo, yds. boys under 13 :volute, 50 yds. girle under 13, 100 ydo. old men't ran over 50 years, obstaolo race, bell rave, sack ran,. jockey race, nett ravo, throwing beoo ball (own to monition of Moho only), oiand, tog jump, running jump, etamittl.; hop, gtep ma jump, nitudine, high pimp, rim- uneet high jump, looming hop, ii1-4) /1114.1 jump, vaulting, laughing through e horse collar, walking gloasioe polo 000r river. tub rue acro river aml lv.1311, tug 00 war bctwe,u 0%31 1114 \VOA side Turn. - berry street, including Croy aml rrie. ten 01011 each including captains. A grand promeoado convert will he hold. in the alititiand Skating Rink in the netting, Everybody should lay. out eonita to Brunel; on that day and on. joy the fun. No pains wilt ba opiate." to mato, tho celebration a gonuine 91130088 Olubig have boot1 invited, fo if c0.41 liali of them attond them will Ito some rare sport on the diamond. . A St. Thomas dispatch says: 'rho can of Zealand vs. Grand Trunk lute , boon entice!, tho railway Cooyany filo heirs $10,il00. Tido im maim, arising out of tho disinter on the Loodra, A: Port Stanley' 01:01311111,‘ 111 0110 city oil fond, his wife and child lost their lives. Mist L. L. leyekuntit, claugttier or the cured the chief twin of the gonna toile 111 tht/ Toronto. University. The trophy 0011r0e1 by rho 'nay is tho Itanadottono silver model for plural proficiently. Miss Ityckman matriculated from the nts is a matter for congratulation, Tho Parkhill .Caledonian Society hag boon organized tvith tho follotving offi- A.100, 11IoNeil, West Williamst. Alex. C. E. M. Higgs, Alby •Robinson and 11, Cuomo, P001111111.