HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-8, Page 88 WE IIA\ 1 PI11WILlsh:1) A Q11AN• T1TY ('F U. `LLIBE E Iron •run lial:platvii'it'x or Torn CURRANT and GOOSEBERRY TREES. VEEP VO' R EYE ON THEM AND use IN TIME. G. A. DEADMAN, II Lrugg}st, Bookseller. and Ferry Goods Dealer. Brussels. WOOL -WOOL OOL Wonted by the undersigned Fifty T11ous• alpd Pounds of Fleece Woel, for which will be raid the very HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH• Farmers will find it to their advaut,gc t•• sell sou c•+*Ir to me and TRADE t:'litre THEY PL. RASE Am as usual buying nll sorts of Grain at Highest Market Priccs. SOOT, GRAHAM, BRUSSELS. f.7-4tu. GRAND TRUNK. RAILWAY. 600T3101311 Earm33sI01-, W. a. & Trainsleave Brussels Station, wort and south as follows:— Going ollows:Going Sout.lt. Going Norm. Flail - ?tee a.m.Mixed 9'30 axe e'Spress....-.St:dS axe! math,— ...3:20 p.m Mixed 8;55 p.m, 1 Express este pent Ir,nralDaus (4terns. A ehiel's among yo talon' notes Au' faith he'll prent it. Berle has been advanced in price by the bakers. Cone to the Dominion Day celebration in Brussels. j for a gigantic free and easy at 3 p. m. ; BEST Machine Oil an0 Binding Twine at night a great Salvation n:eating, when B Gmtex's 48- Mr.,. Adjutant Sweetmen tvi11 relate ber Tun new fence and turnstiles at Vic. life oxperienco. On Monday there fs to toria Square looks '•boss." be an tae maul social, commencing at Gee your Binding Twine before it is 7 0. in. Officers and soldiers from Lis. all gone. B. GannY. 48_ towel, Wingharn, Wroxeter and Blyth A raw:( party will be held on the tom- are expected to be in attendance. 1'or modious grounds in connection with Dr. further particulars see posters. Capt. MoNaughton's residence, Mill street, on Bates and Cadet Northwood, officers m Thursday, 14th inst., under the auspices command. of the I. 0. G. T. 01199011 Norms,—Revd0. Messrs. Mc - Tun Band played ou Friday and Sat- Donald, of Soaforth, and MoQuerrie, of urday nights of last week. There are Wfnghaes, are announced to preach in now 20 mtmboro in the Band and when Knox church on Friday, the 8th, and the new contingent has a little more Monday, the 11th, respectively, et 2:30 practice tip top mesio should be pro• o'eleck p. m. Communion will bo dis- duced. pawed, at the forenoon service next Sab- A metre meeting will be held in the bath. The subject of Bev. Dlr. Howie's Council Chamber on Friday evening of address at the evening service will be this week, at 8 o'clock, to decide on the "From tbo guest chamber to Golgotha." program of games and sports for Domin- —Last Sabbath morning Bev. Samuel ion Day celebration, A large attendance Fear, of Elora, preached in the Metho- melted for. dist church. Although the rev. gontle- "CanLlaLa."—This well known stallion, man has seen hie eighty-fifth birthday he the property of George Whitely, of Sea. discoursed from let Peter, let chap. and forth, will be at the CentralHotel stables, 18111 verso with as much energy and Brussels, ou Tuesday nights and will re. clearness of thought and expression as main until 11 a.m. 'Wednesday during might be expeoted of a man of 35. Rev. the season. 47-4 Mr. Fear was visiting his son, Queen Tnn latest additions to the readable street, while on his way to the annual and popular series of novels, in Canadian conference at Seaforth.—Rev. R. Paul copyright, issued by Bryce, the publisher, will oeonpy the pulpit in the Methodist Toronto, are "Molly's Story," by Frank church next Sunday in the absence of Merryfield, 30 cents, and "Mr. Potter, of the pastor, who is attending conference. Texas," by the author of "Mr. Barnes, of —11.11 personsat the Methodist Sabbath New York." school last Sunday,—Tho anniversary Guneen Coxrsnxsen.-0onferenee as- meeting of the Woman's Foreign Mis- %ambledin the Methodist church, Sea. sionary Society will be held in 1n0x forth, on Thursday morning of this week church on Thursday, 12th inst., corn - at 9 o'clock a. m. Rev. George Richard- mencing at 8 o'alook. The pnblic invit• son, of Listowel, was 610031x President ed. for the coming year. The vote stood :— TIM Rea -Ann Exam—The I!'orest Free Rev, G. Richardson, 112; Bev. J.1owell, Press says.—"Tbis steamer has hail a 47; Re1. T. M. Campbell, 23. series of trials the past week, being out Voeestezess.—As will be seen by advt. nearly overy day, and has exceeded our in another column Capt. Slays is calling highest expectation of it. It's great the attention of the members of No. 5 power, effectiveness 1111(1 simplicity are Company, 83rd Batt., to meet at the all that couldheclesired, It raised steam armory, over the Bank, on Friday even. ing of this week for the purpose of organization for attending the a»nual drill at Stratford, which commences on the 19th inst. A number of good re. cruits wanted, LxsT Wednesday evening a large num. her of spectators assembled on Victoria Square to witness a game of base ball between the "Echoes" and a picked nine, Three innings were played, the score standing 12 to 2 in favor of the "Echoes." Considerable amnsetneut was created by the "fine" playing of same of the men. The old rohables can trounce the best 18 that can be selected in town, we believe. Mr. Galbraith, of Toronto, umpired the game. Tim Mitabiil Advertiser remarks :— "The Brussels base ball club aro trailing their coat tails in the dust, daring any other club to step on them, The Brus- sels team think they eau gat away with tbo Mitchell boys, but ibis is a question that has yet to bo solved. The Mitchell boys aro stayers.' It would he a good wrinkle for the Mitchell chub to matte Brussels a visit and havoa match. There aro too many base ball clubs "stayers," andaftor our boys have given then a gam0 they stay at home instead of play. int; a return nlateli. Send up your eine. Tura Monetary Times ears: --What it Manitoba newspaper calls a Jubilee stcarn fire engine was "broken ill" at Winnipeg on Ibo -Queen's birthday. J. le Ronald of 101160818 Ont., wag the . maker, and the tort of its capabilities completely satisfied, it :moms, the alder. men attd the Fire Chief. In 7 mit), and 30 etc, steam was made to 201be., water cold at Start; with 100 the. steam, a ver• Meal stream 137 feet high) was thrown through 1 1511), nozzle, and two horizon- talstrenms thrown 147 fent; with 200 feet hese out, tont' streams were Sett 14)1 Boom the celebration om 1)onlininn Day. S15 Tons pure Manilla Binding 'Twine ut 13. Gnr,nx's, 48. hast% McCune/ilex is away at the Co. Council this Week, P1s1A1'rrss 20o., Pickles 15o. per quart. Cheap. A. Good, 40 ANT quantity of fresh limo at the Sinn, Brussels, tot' 11 cents a bushel. W. F. 3111.00, Prop. 75 Cans, in advance, secures Tun POST for the balnnre of 1810. Subscribe and got the I MMO 118w8. Ara. persons interested in the purchase Of the Driving Park are requested to etthnd et meeting on Friday evening of 11110 week at the Council Chamber. Cru townsman, J. J. Denman has purchased the new brick residence on Turnberl'y street front It. Sperling, oLpen Gen blustering contemporary has had duce dealer, Winghain. It is a wee l'f00(I his wind beg pricked. Postmaster Grant of property. ]res so the Budget says) aummenaed Tnts(Fr}day) n ee so a meeting of the j action for libel against biro. It will now Railway Committee will be hold in the . be in oder for 111 III to play the oyster Council Chamber to appoint two delegates I trick end Alit up. We shall aeo what weto go to Guelph next week, A full rep- shall •r 1 THE BRUSSELS POST ilei 13ircttita. elni31 Goor, DM anybody notice the cooliwes in the (,cc�tff1'Adlt to rout, also rooms over A, 11. atmosphere? Smith's elan MU. STavcnns, ' 0011,vi1:'8 fouled Manitoba Floor for Tnnuhu(spomulsof the best granullltod stile at Ttlonnoe's. 48- sugar for '51at'I'hmnson's. 47. I(eeesofWigwane,Slippere,PIM Shoos Ounxans and lemons e53. per dozen, ' received, very cheep. An011 (loon, Pine apples 200, at Coats Grocery. 47 Selmer. Board did not meet last Fri. EXTRA value in Crockery and Glass. day evening as there %menet a quorum. wa,e, Finest while Granite Gets inlpori- IT is rumored that tiro editor of the ed 52 at Thomsons. 47• Budgett,ia to receive a government orrice, Tus Ilowiok Insurance Company net I Wo`tkIot' f 11 1 Brussels postol3ee? Ile lata Saturday tot Goerie, 47 applfeations government valuable receiver, covering rialrs nmuunlin * service by auto opposing (?) Ile. well re g f to 550,800, l andorlcin in Grey Co. and should get Is the item last week concerning the, ilia reward . distribtt'iou of the motley received from STILL Ther Cutrr1-Itnbt. Vivant, au the charily consort flee 1613109111 given to nhi 110,115 of tine Ronald fonudry, has Mrs. Wallace ehonld have read 58.70 in - amid. again been hired to work. 11}5 (,nilly of 50,70. This inC1Ogse5 rho total are now moving from Wroxeter, Another expenditure to 585.21.ironworker 133 also cooling. -Trade1.9 brisk at the foundry, especially on the Winton wafer works, now well nada way, '21513399 TM? 331(1111' nu eerie --A. little attention paid to the splendid stain' south of tlto flax mill, --Somebody buy the :Maitland rink and do well by the in- vestment. —The preachers give ehorter resentetion desired. C:o3T 111110 09 On ltredlleada iftoruunn 9ernt0115 tiering the summer nlouhs.-- Ttirsr,m tuts n boar hunt on the 1•lth y Men who are ill tho habit of sweating con. of Grey last Monday, A number of E (loo, Andrews, an employee of W. 1, I have a little regard for the feelings of our 10091 sportsmen well( to the scene I Neely, wile arms ted by Constable Scott ftlr I others.—More anal) paid and loss orpdit L the thieving of Feria iron from I', Scott s . of action but no one bat Albert Dames, p aslcetl.—A base ball club forma that Could of C;rnnbrook, gut a shut at him,, I blacksmith shop and selling it to II. Har - Two dirt reciting tramps with bag- As and Win. Arnott, dealers in scrap iron, 3 1 I front London, The evidence went to show pipes and a flag. eta paraded Tnrnberry 1 that Andrews wont atter c}ark with a bursa street last 111unday nio•ning aid a}8. 1 and cart and took the iron, which Scott coursed what they were pleased to tern i i,ldont,fied as hi:.. The primmer w'aa music nue cudeavurud t0 cult in the oummi1ted to ,tend Ido trial and ('oietablo coppers. :Che right pine, ,(1 them wee I Mr.Uutub took him to Godo•iclr on Thane in the leek -up or else give them a bar of dos,. amp call mud compel than to go to the Tun Brn:lselsPOsr nava, "Ur. Holmes, river and have a both: county treasurer, is worth any three of Clinton's beet citizens on railroad mat- ters I" It 133 vve11 for Tram Pose to think that the Dr. ei Stoll a terrible fellow, but 13As1; Bala, --The Palmerston Telegraph says ;—"On Saturday last the Palmas- ' ton Stars played their first baseball snatch on their grounds hero with the Echoes .,1 Brussels, the Echoes winning by 2G to 9. The visitors had the advent. ate of the home team, being an old club formed some five or six years and hold- ing the championship of all the Northern Counties, while our boys have only just organized and had never been on the field together. Altogether the Stars are to be cmgratelated on playing so good a game, and with one or two changes and a few weeks' practice will push the Echoes hard for the pennant of the north," Yes, it will probably take them all of that time. BLoon Axa Fine.—The Brussels corps of the Salvation Army is going to have a three days' special campaign in their barraoks, commencing on Saturday, Jinn 16th. Great welcome meeting to Ad- Putant and Mrs. Svveelman, leaders of the almerston division. Open air engage- ment at 7:30; inside for a red-hot time at 8 p. 19. Sunday's meetings -7 a. m., sword sharpening ; 11 a. 111., grent holi- ness convention, ,cd by the Adjutant; 2:30 p. m., open air bombardment, inside "Chirag ," the Echoes. Wo don't know where they reside though. Exenteremen1r, Last '1ueeday 00011- ing the cricket club out,-rtninment was held in tho Town Hall on announced. At 8 reel0'1, the President of the 0'0111, 1'1, 11. \Netto, 1110419 a few Lpiell [pinery re, marks nftor which the program, as out. lilted in last issue, teas closely adhered to, Jas. BJ chill, who WIWI detained ow. fug to the illness of his father, being the only performer eaut1111. The Lustra. mental and vocal selections were render- ed 111 exoolient style 011 encores were the be would not now be county treasurer rule 111019ed of the exemption. At the were it not for three of Clinton's citizens. eonolusiou of the 1st part of the program In any event three of Clinton's best chi- the comedy "His lie, legs" was presented zees can and will, if necessary, themselves build this 70 or,S0 miles of railway about which there is so moat inn' cessary wrangling and gibing. \Ve are afraid the Dr. loves Goderieh just well enough to sacrifice its interests to those of Brussels. —News -Record, Clinton. Say now, you Clintonians, stick to your wardrobe and don't frivolously throw away a hundred thousand recklessly. You know times are a little hard and you should imebaud your wealth. Rev. Me, 1101Vr9'5 561111033 LAST SAn- ueri.—Tait, Sohn 3 0., 13 v. If you eau arrange to place yourselves at any of the entrances leading int. Jerusalem, espec- ially in tbo months of February and March, you will see people coming from every part of the known world, thousands from all nations streaming into Jerusa- lem. Whet is bringing all them pe„ple here? The cross and sepulchre of 0nr Saviour rendered this plana attractive to many after his suffering and death, but even before the incarnetiou of Christ people eem0-from every part of the world to this great city, to the great annual fet't of the pussover, or to be in the city while it wise taking place so as to take advantage of the time for plying trade. What was rho Pas0oler ? It WAS insti- tuted and made law in Egypt at the time the Israelites were sojourning theme. Biuod was shed and was sprinkled on he doors of the spouses of the chitchat of Israel ee a riga to the destroying angel to peas over and leave untouched the first-born in that home. This pointed 1400 years forward to the world-wide Passover, 3, sus Christ. Jesus appeared in Jerusalem in the 93rd year of his life. Ho was tried, condemned and then led to death, Who followed, took pa,t or spoke in conueetion with the cruoiletion of Jesus ? Jerusalem had now a popu- lation of two million at this time, It was divided into four classes. 1st, those who took no interest whatever in what was going on ; 2nd, those of the chief Priests, Scribes and heads of the nation. They were determined to put Jesus to death and tried by all means to 000om- plish their end ; 3rd, the fewest of all, they were the soldiers that executed Christ ; 4th, they who came from Gali and was carried through quite succosofnl• ly. 11', Andrews, of Goderiob, took the leading part and was well supported b the home talent, There W000 a number of good hits and the oharaotors set forth were well personated, some of them ex. . tea well, The entertainment concluded with the pantomime "The babes in the wood," in which two "dear little baby" (elephants) appeared and after weeping sorely, died under the evergreen trees and were covered over with leaves b' "Robin redbreasts." Tho drop curtain did not work well se one of the "babas" had a speedy resurrection to pull down the "blind" Tho proceeds of the even. ing amounted to about 510. lee, his humble, loving followers. Div. No. 1 is represented by the majority of people of to -day. They are not open enemies of truth nor aro they opposed to it, but are indifferent, undefined, take 110 part in religion but for decency sake, while it is true that "He that believoth on Him is not condemned" it is equally true that "He that believetll not is eon- demned already." Div. No. 2 are they who take part end act openly against Jesus. Atheists, infidels and those who lecture and write against Jesus. These are the legitimate offspring of the Chief Priests, Scribes and elders of the people who put Jesus to death• They who read obscene literature, frequent taverns, &o. These are not only found in high places from cold water in seven minutes and but in hombre houses. Thoy are all had two powerful streams much higher who oppose religion and hinder others in than our houses. It was tented in variant receiving 11 and ate all inelnded with ways, through 200, 500 and 1000 feet of those who cried out "Away with this hose, and forced the water up our highest man we will not have 1»m t0 rule over hills, all seemingly with great ease. The us," Div. No. 3. Pilate told these sold. steamer works remarkably steady, with moderate speed, no jars nor vibration, nor noisy of any kind, and is much admired Mrs to take 'Jesus and put Ilim to death on the cross. They lead no illvvill against Ohrist, had no pleasure in putting Hint by our best meahamhos. Mr. Ronald to death, but It 009.5' their business, handled the engine himself the first da3 These aro represented in this land by to show our own noon how to do it them- those who sell strong drinks adulterated servos ; then others, notably Myron Colo, food, injurious articles, beaauso thoy took charge and handled it with the con- couldn't emery on business Without it or Arlenco and good management of an would lose the profit , accruing therefrom. expert, so easily is it handled. It is nn- The 4th class carol:rises all the followers iquo and attraativo in its appearance, of Christ everywhere, men and tveme0 handsomely finished and most substant- wise are distressed and pained at the un - in all its parte, being (Mistreated fortunate prevalence of sin and vice, at mainly of copper and steel and the i11ex010ab10 carelessness of parents in will bo a very durable maohina, the upbringing of their children. Thank This engine has a 111511 reputation God, however, Wends of Christ now aro throughout the Dominion, from Nova wet helpless but native. They intend to Scotia to British Columbia, and we now Show their colors and intend to bo satin. teal that the earnest efforts of its maker fled with nothing else but the aongnost 1030 t, ell merited for durable fire service. of the whole world. Tho kingdom of gnu We feel grottd in the possession of stud) and Satan motel bo destroyed and Lite all able /ire fighter, which will command kingdom of Christ must be established for our citizens lower rates of insuralce, and extended to cover the whole earth. A well -attended meeting of the citizens Before I conclude, did I matte four divie. was held in the town hall on Monday ions of tnanlsind 7 I made a mistake as evening, to arrange for the formation of n fire company, Reeve Jones occupied tba chair, and D'Ir, Ronald gave a very instructive address, telling hots to bemire the engine and outer apparatus, how to manage a company, and how the com- pany multi raise funds more than set - !Wont for its - maintenance, without drawing on the Coma for money. Mr. Itonalcl was attentively listened 1,0 throughout, and the many valuable hints loo gave were thoroughly appreciated by all present. On motion of el, Mason, seconded by MI. A. Smith, the mooting JUNE s, 1888. BANKING. VOBRITr1a1('AREFULLT ;;vtau3 u,n:c. 15 00 48 05 70 00 1- 12 an 0 50 4 50 H00 9 50 44 fall 1Vhefit 1 00-11,/roINTO,ct.'II 1C 11,:TA(SOAR'1', 1011 I 50 70 BANKERS -:- BRUSSELS , lepr}115. wheat Oato Potts Barley Poat005 Butter, per lb Eggs, 0Or down Apples, per bushel Iloss, dressed „ • Beef ISay Wood, pa cord Sheepskins, each P9RELY Peasoo.ox.—Rev. Prank Swann and lvife, of Rockwood, were visiting at thepareonagetbisweek,-'-Mrs, Won. Van. stoneand Mrs. W. F. Va0stone and child. res have returned from their visit greatly benefitted.—Mrs. Albert MoCutcheot,,ne' Miss Edith Town, of Winnipeg, rather surprised her Brussels friends by drop- ping in unexpectedly. Sho is a welcome visitor. She will not return to the west until towards Autumn.— Miss Jenuie Stewart is baying a holiday visit with old friends ab Durham and looality for a few wooks.—Revds. Geo. Lounds, of Mildmay, and W. E. lien', of Aima, were iu town on Wednesday en route to Con- ferenee at S•'aforth.—J. Ilar;,,reavos and daogbter are away nt paisley.—:hiss Pauline Oliver contemplates a visit to her sister, 111rs. SfoEwan, at Thessalon, Algoma, in the near fntuoe.—J. H. -Young goes to the County Court as juror next weelt.—Rev. S. Jones, Mrs. Jackson and Elsie have gone on a pleasure trip to friends at Ohieago. Wo wish them a pleasant, time.—The Stratford herald //nye: Mrs. Terrence O'Neil, of Brussels, who has been visiting friends in this city, returned home on Monday. P. Thompson is now contracting in Toronto and has a number of large jobs on hand. He is well up to his business and need not take a back seat from any of them.— Rev. T. J. Sabine and wife, of Grand Valley, formerly of Walton, were iu town on Wednesday while on their way to Seaforth.—Mise Maggie Pelton, of At- wood, was visiting in town Ibis week, —Mrs. B. Gerry and Therm are having a holiday visit at Sacriston,—Miss Lille O'Connor loaves for Guelph on Saturday, Sho carries with her the best wishes of a host of friends who will be pleased to see her succeed as she deserves to, Miss Lilla will be missed in more ways than one in Brussels. 70. 1 001 00 00 7 00 5 n0 0 00 11 50 75 I"IiE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. (0 ERVANT WANTED --APPLY A at 0000 to 011.10, W 01. BM W: AIIR, NEW LUMBER WAGON F011, sale ata big bargain 100901,'' of 41.4 bISLD. 3tAD1(A4L, Crnnbl•ouk DEE-+ F011 SALE -- FIRST mono dist nerved A• ply to J. 1t, S141011, at 1, 01, 1Io1S'(y 12 00.'s H),, ,, LILL FOR -LI1V101*—TII1+t ,,,,de dened will troop a ther',ugl. bred Duren to UM) for newly'. 011 101 30, nal, tl, Morris, Torras 51.00 1u,h privilege 01 returning if uocosearg, J.18. 1i1314Itt, 1'r., priet'.ir. 31.8111 (14 S17, WILL PAY FOR 12, Cn^'a (the property of mon person) tar W scrrleo to ray Juruay Bull. Cast, lelll Day for use of Jersey 11011 fur ono 0040 1111(11 you got a Helfer 4'nit. Tha above applies to any cows except 3010.05. (I• A. D&A Mtb;GraggI)ttt sacra: 1 AITLANI) RINK —A GEN• oral mooting of the shareholders of the Maitland Skating and Carling Rink Co, of Brussels le hereby Galled for 910xDA,. JUx9100),, at 8 oblook p. m„111 rho Council Coauthor, Brussels, G] consider the advis- ability of disposing of the rluk and trans- action of geeor-sl business, J. HA18Glii'1AV105, 11011T. GRAHAM, Secretary • Prssident, ,r0 (lp:NTfiCT11114 Tendons will be rooelvod at the Presby- terian Mane°, Walton, up till Monne?, the 214n day of JULY, for the painting 3.011 re- p•iriug of Duff's Church. Specifications may be soon at the, manse. The Managers do uoi bind themselves to 'meant the lowest or any tender. 34.01300 5MIL1,111, 48.1 Secrotary. Many people will regret to hear that Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Goforth, Presbyterian missionaries to Henan, Cbina,werebRroo. ed out shortly after settling in their new house. Loss 5300. Most of their goods were rescued. The 110906 00110 complete- ly razed. _ _ moR7.S- Lease. ---At Holmesvillo, on May 20th, the wife of Mr. Edward Levis of a daughter. HILL,—Ab Burk's balls, on Ditty 10th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Bill, merchant, of a daughter. Knramis,—At Paris, on May 30111, the wife of Mr. Jonathan Kitchen of twin daughters. Ross.—Iii Brussels, on Jima 411, the wife of Rev. john Ross, B. A., o a slaughter. Creme—.LucAs.—Ab the rosidenoe of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. L. Smith, of Wednesday, Gbh MMat., Mr, John Clyne to Mists Maria Emma LIMOS, both of Cnrriek township, Bruce. Humes—Roast.--At the Methodist par- sonage, New Hamburg, on limy 24, by Rev. W. J. Brandon, Mr. IIooflh Murphy, of Shakespeare, to Moss Veronica Roth, of South liasthopo. 13mnnees.--At Walton on rho 3111 inst,, Cather inc,dee sitter of Ii'rault Barnes, aged 2 years, 0 months and 5 days, thou aro no font divisions, no' throe either, there aro two and t100 only, 1 'U adZ>7I 71 .1 30 131 :1793, Whosevor believetb and whosoever be. - lievet11 not, illustrated in the ease of 111b tWo thieves who hung ou either side of Christ's cross. Tho ono 0a11tln0Od }n unbelief and ]hardness of heart, the ooh. a confessed his Sin, aoknowleclgecl Christ's petrol: to save, preyed for mercy and was saved, while the forme' parish. idled within sight of the cross of Christ. It any be that abets now are so near the kingdom of heaven ns passible but notcite within it take heed, therefore, 1•e necked the ('anncil to epLpoint a non(. lend y'e trifle with eternel 1(le.. Only foot each tliroug it melt nezzlro ; tlhcm , miller of citizmt” to take immed}ate those 'calm looked to the serpent Which ' through 1„inch nozzles upon a Y. 2,100 !steps to organize a r1lilnbla fire cctnpaly. Dl"sr,0 net on the pale were cava<l, only feet of hese 11,1erven}ug, tee, etne3n c 1h1. )euctih3 load with a void et 'Menke those who believe in the Sou of haul who worn sent 152 fent. (to tfr•'Bonn Id ” acme to seek and Save 5411110)3,7011 saved. 1011113aC'1'10) eraltrt1L3 000110 Want. Fall Whoab 911 1 00 Sprints W11e1 00 1 00 Barley 50 - 70 Oats 48 50 Potts ... 00 70 Butte', tubs alta rolls, ... 14 09 Eggs p01' dozon 12 00 Moor per barrel . , .+1 00 00 Potatoes ., 50 00 11ayjper tot ............. 14 0n B 119 Rides per lb d oe Sall per hid., wholesaleno v0 -Sheep skins, earl, no 1. 00 Woo], per lb. 18 22 Park 0 25 6 .if) QTRAYEI) FROM LOT 15, 0014. k :3 7, Morris an or about Tis 30111,7 Head of young cattle. His aro hailers awl rho seventh a steer. all yearlings. They are pru,otlpally red, excepting ono, which is a grayish color, with home well set up. All mark 0d with ei Split on rho rigb5 oar. Any- oL0 airing int urination loading to there 0c6 .vary, eltbor at Tr1E Poem Publishing House or to the nroortetor, will be suitably reworded. JOHN BUNTER, d8- Proprietor, 1306011M10, nal. ESTATE, 2'ra5sa et a Genera I Danktup 1>118111698. A OT.TJS DISCOUNT MD. Canadian and Culled glitter' 19'mllt bought 1111,1 sold. Interest allowed on duped ts, Uofrellone ranch' an jllfer,tl,l,' term. Canadian At;lln111-'3(r:)t1'lTAAT'8 Saga 0I1 (JA1A1111, Now lurk Agents -last lvrtnis Asn TnAu- 11llaAA1(033AL BASIL (OMIFORTA.13L1* DW1'1LLING rot BALE nt a borg:r u, 1' r fall port tularo ttstp Price, location, etc., auply to t1', Il. DICKSON, 8.1f LEOU3E TO BENT, ---THAT comfortable cottage at present no envied by 55, 13eam, Mill street. Largo lot, stable, cell. etc. Bunt moderate, Also °a0, medians star choose to rear of Postalnao lately occupied by Mr, lioddi0lc. 37- 3, R. GRANT, 9 3 Aril FOR HALL.—TUE SUP lL1 sollmmn offers his valuable 100 acro farm, being lot 3, eon, 11, Groy Township, Huron Co., for sale. There aro about 50 acres °leered and In good heart. 'Moro 19 0 log house, good bank barn, hearing orchard, and an the rrooessary oonyonleuoos on the premises. For farther particulars, as to pl'loa,terms, etc„ apply 5 0 obs Proprf0t0r, CHUB. ATSLOP,01aro P.O., N,W.'C.. or to 0.55 n0UGAr,D 5T114013AN, Brussels LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 7 1I. iIINOLAIE, so13IC:rT- 33 3' n or, (7unvoyaneur, Notary 11,011,'. Pea. ()moo: Gr,thnnt o Bleak, 1 door north 01 Hargreaves' Drug Store. Privet° Fends to foam 41 1. WADE, 13A1R1IIS(lail, J • Hollo(tor and Notary I'In dic. Con. vat -teethe, (lollootlone and Lnunina, Mr. Wade 'ill att0ud in ovary 5Vodnos• day at two o'clock, .11 -WARM IN GREY 'TOWNSHIP Volt sere,—Brine 10114, eon, 10, con- taining 100 'tares. It is partly cleated. the balanoo well timbered. A 'laver lsaline creek aBosses the phos and 1115 wall adopt• ed for either farming or grazing. I willlfho wise soli 40 soros, Doing oast part of lot 14, oou.15, nearly all oleered and in a good state of cultivation. A good frame barn with a good stone stable underneath and a never Sailing well is be on the iplane. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the plane. ThIe lot le onposIte ono oth- er 91011010 AV.T4R Y, Proprietor, 1-tf F1ABm FOR SALE.—T712 UN• m31100smn offers for sato the Horth oast gnalte) of Int28, concession 0, 9101r1e, Cou11ty of Huron, containing 50 acres. Tho land Is of first quality and Ina high state of oultivatimp. well fonood and under -drained, 45 acres Oloarect. New frame hoeso, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete waila, 2 wells, good hand and shod, orchard, eta might acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brnseels, Snit - able toms will bo given, 'Title porfoot. 141,1108 GR1113 10, Owner, 30- 13os 258 Brussels P. 0. Qf�•-rl''OOD FARM FOR SALE IN L✓I Morris, on reasonable corms. In order to close the alralr0 of rho estate of the late W. G, fflegsbou, the mentors am: the fol- lowing valuable Lauda for sato North half of Lot 30, Concession S Tow»8hip of Morrie, containing 00 stereo, On this lob Is emoted a good frame bard vvith stone foun- dation, good oretard, wall i(ndpunip . Near- lyallolcarisd, and Is on the grave road Thin tar alis auvaluable tho olio, is wall rienood and in it good state of oultiveticu. For prices Sud forma apply to THOS. I(10LLX, 1310 seals P. 0„ 11130911? 4609000189, Victoria Squaw 11.Mid., or a tiu0yanau, Maple • Lodge V'I01oSONIIi1YS._____.___ (Tato with. Oarruly d L'ron.lfoot, Godo- rlab) Rarrisbers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, hu. 011lco, drant's Brook, Bruvnoht, .honey to loan, R. S. HAYS, W. I3, DICKSO N. A M, `TAYLOR, B. 0. L., 13A1l- i�•.., Itlsrr:.n,Sonata, de., of 111e dn of Dickson d Taylor, IlarrJetero, Solicitors, 4.10,11100010g Arcade, I(ing Street West, 0010019. Money to loan. ALEX HUNTER, CLERK OF tiro Fourth Division Court, 00. Huron, Convoysitemr, Notary public, band, Loan andinsurance Admit, Funds invested and to1AAu. Codootlouo made, Office 10 Gra 11ano'o Bleak, Brueole, • 4lOexisT NNIN/Qii, I ricali11300, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH' MEDICAL CARDS, S (A711. F. CALE, Vii. D., 0.M. Member of the Oollego of Phystolans and urgeon0 of Ontaalo lir examination. Oa1oo and Rosideuc—Thin St, Mist, ,E the uteric. 0 T A. IlIoNAUGHTON, 11.D P.! + 0,10., 13,11, 0.P. 113tnbttreb, \L0.1'. 5. Ont. At Hargreav00' Drug More from 0 t0 11:10 a.m. and from 1;10 to 4 y. m. At other hours may be found at the residence formerly occupied by Dr. Hutohiueon, Mill street, 20011014E FARM F011 SALE. —A first-class farm for sale in 190 Townahip of Morris in the Oonnty of 11 Bron, being eolith half of north half lots 20 d 20 and south halt of 2a in 51 it non., containing 80,1 a0ros utero or loss, 105 mores mostly Mom of stumps anti in a good state of eulti• cotton. % orols a young bearing orchard n good houso and boort horned x 0 feet with Steno Stable underneath, 05110 form le situ- ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels Duals agouti farm for grain or Stook raie- ing an itiswatorod with the river Maitland and never failing spring creek, Possession will bo given at any tim0. Por furtherpar- tlenlars apply on the promisee erre 5.11 A•15. R0BI;1tTBON Bru0801s, P. 0. Varna Fos.- P.^_iit,le, The sebeerlberofferoforsale Ills valuable 1.rarmIn tlloTownehlp of Grey, oomprising lets S and 7, con ,11 said tovn0hip. This tarn 00nba(a92lOaoro0uud in within 11 m11oS goad aro thriving y,11oga 0t thereto. o)5, with acre sravel rondloadinr tbnreto, s and nnrosaro e of oe1 fcoo!nom stumps aid111a high Santo of onibivatkm, The bulnnoe is emit, wooded, This farm is particularly be)1gsteelgltaarlytha whole of time foams Biel n od'St3. It and having boon erected in 18aiaud'85, felting i mmidest horoielo30111fortnblolag dwelling croontendogoo df ratite steno barn with atan0 0tabling abundant underneath in ply oh xcelli00water, Titnatpunlike sup- ply of fiesta) 33510). Thorn i5 11001 100 new fraise idlplemont house, 40x20, wolf neared, above and below, end 1,0611y stied nttemouted, For pertftulave apply to the • 1Ta1'rbeinr. •1411,0/S 31201(3(133, 1118• ltegl0flxxr, Mme athi,, 51, DENIAL. 0. L. Hall, L. D. B. lienor (lxadtrat, a,el ill, 11, C. O. 8. Porauta. 011.01004 .lir .ivuo Si, R, Merit's, D. 0, g., •tes(ut•.1nt 0,p„rttut' omen— 1 eyero Meek,I3eafurl h. 13 FIN 1'$'1 ST • W,J.Fonr,L,D 13.Oradnaoof'Po- ronto School of Dentistry. 4.11 oper- ations guaranteed. Orrice—Oady's Block, Soaforth. Artificial teeth, O rstquality, undo gaarnntood 06,for 312.00 per set. DIU rx!sT. gyp; sz a.rmzrr, z, a, s„ Honor Graduate of rho Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Nrmmes Osin11 Ges administered for the poln.oes extrac- tion of tooth. OFFICE.--Garaeld 11100k, 10RIISSE1b8. AUCTIONEERS. f t-EORGE KIRKBY, WEN- S= Auotionoor. Sales conducted on reasonable terms, farms and farm stock a anso(alty, Orders lint at Tula Po 87, POW UM. ing House, Brussels, or sort to Walton post office will receive prompt attention. - ALEX. DELGATTY, ACOTION• 1 MUD, ie prepared to attend to salve on the shortest notice, A specialty made- of sales of bborouge-bred stools. Terms motto known b1' application Er Toa Pool pnblieh- fug House, whops orders may be lilt, or addrara to Brussels 0, L t� RAYMANN' AUCTIONEER, .113- is always ready to attend sales or farms, !ram stool,, to. Terms neurally gtvon, Oranbrook P,U, Halos may be ar- ranged at 'rota lion Publishing Heise, Rrnssols, BUSINESS CARDS 2 MIoORAOKEN, ISSUER • of Marriage Lioousos, OOloo at hie Gn000ry,!1'araburry Strout. 3 Jf ISS O'CONNOR, TEACHER U'5 of Plano and Organ, Terms 00 appla- nation, N. B,—Wultou class 5110015 ovary Thursday and tale y at Mrs, D. Ono ph ell's, Walton, A MoNAIR,1SSU 11 0.1i` 14AR• Mtge Lemnos, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commissioner, do„ (1. B, Oeo0oyaneerand Agent Piro 1108nrano0 Or, Oineo at the OranbrookPost (Moe. �7STAL RODDI011, HOU$iil, SIGN 1 and OrnamentalPaiMar. Graining, Gilding, sign and Decorative Painting 1u all , its branches. Shop 311ind0 do0o up in style. Paper o 3.hllityorte carriagge 5\Voxlls iia door W. O'BRIEN, V. S., 110NOB e Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has raetnned the practic0 of John Nett, V.S„and isprepared 00 treat all 1118 oasoe otdomeeticatocl animals on oolenite() andapinproved prinelpplee, Troatmontof dol• )Cato fettle 11 5010010110 011ioo two noon North of Br idgo, Turn horsy street [1110I0E FAI4M8 FOR SALE,— A. fete splendid, improved fame for ealointloo township of Grey, Morris and ateElllOp. Apply to A. DI'II,GAeelli, 00. Anotloneer,13r u80o1510. 0, , 108 BALE, 011, WILL BENT „a. to mutant° parties, stoma with eom- farta1110 and oom,ne,U0n0 1Iw01)ing. Good collar, 1. acre o! h,tarder in boariug ap,rlos, plums ant. small feeltn. (7o a 0bablo, 111119- vA nntitubos one of the boot oponizes in 011• tone for n good harnann•mcat or, belt 6In the mitre o (a splendid fai•1nttle sool10u. Vear- est 03r, ,0 Jlteu Brussels, 7 mars r 3,1010201 11 miles, lytpty for tame to I). W. 337.1:111, oe the premiere, lentnr.,