HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-8, Page 66 '1 -i.E 1'1RUSSE1_S l'() rtst '31sses,ceter a ase e: uess..r uiss ,r ", sma tei111,1 bre Botts. �,.rta.%�l„., .„. r;°,,g.„ and sa =-=1• er • and, ,u ',me fustltelo, i-ri1i l 1,14.g•s811.---Tbo nleoholie 1-""Coo1i.. Ise• • u Il' Th -.t• slaughter of hundreds of thous -tolls 1"11' 1jj1' ' rut: *t•'t' a secotel every year puts into insignilioauce ru, nun• all the railroad accidents, and shill- ]e• ,d t'.e ovrocks, and choleras, nod }(•Ito•v f' ' t• i i!'• fevers, anti earthquakes ; nud t4 t+ rat,•s nbilo nil onr cities aro starlit , r f '1 aghast at the moral and soots' L• I s 44,:1 vnstaiirral of drunkenness, mull al 1,1.5v, eons aro multiplying by the lino I v,ii dyed, and liquor selling asset—tied os It ' • are becoming more d fiau1, tho 1 .i•4 tt. ! • br u:I,• islntnre of New York, .with no moral 1'Ic- r,qut- sansage to combat the evil by clecis 4 ve legislature, i$ deliberating wheth- er or not it had 'better propose an imbecile compromise winch is eallt•d hi,1: license in other word , it proposes to say —All your I, mr rtttn.oellors ple) ci4e only p,': 1t srn:a!! liven -<t. must pub, and .,ll you who can - lay $500 or $1,01)0 rosy so stn with :a business tits' is the damnation of society, r , nl alu,tzad that good tura 1' deluded with this comptomi , the devil, 011,someou it11n4 si1!!e to execute 1' craw, and ns -w, can't 'jest , ler its put upon it this one 144 &(c. The fact that you cannot cx, cute fnily a law. lYbich eve of ystIr laws is fulls' executed ? Yon have a law against Sabbathbre:tlting of multitudes offend ib every Snoday. We have a law against blastill.•tliy, but sometimes the air is hail • itll imprecations. We have a law against theft, but all our jails .aro full of burglars and highwaymen. There is a law (against murder, bet there are murderers in ail our pr•is - ^. •r4 tsrt*U1414 ve,tot' ,.•. ATEA J' 4fAliKb; l , Toe Paisley 4. ak innbu7 isau100 d .Ann 4freo(, •11144*e1u wil`l ln� 1, l ! Il T•niy 9,11!.1.ANDREW ('tlltltIi' J'ltbl'itIh. Till( t4, 4414" l, , 11.1w of natural gas nta9 beim er Wired at Coffin:, wood Wrich ,en• 1410 tnllol9 r4f (114011,° hitye I'urilutd ri :1•,1170 -•f t4 errl,j N'. ngniust dmsdbents 11.014 lu Tlie,14 is (4 4 ,'V(ta ll4 to t•tbd1Ill,dll 11111 "f pa, Ir'( blast, furutte4s tt• litstoril, 11.C. 1' ,ti, Nairn, 11 1.. P 1.,4 Iss-t In -t lade d 1411, L d stet, dh•'•f h,'.,r =1i , :1s,: u'ri•iny 1H, 111IU" a '•reit loot -t' net l'tt t 1 h ,t l fi 1, 1 ,ur,tt;1 ,.1,'44 w il' c pip^ 41 t 1114 ,Iht , • ,11.1, •, 011„ day r aot. of 'u + w• •Ir j h t'u e •1111 I r,l 11 n d "u• u.t ud uG ,1111• ihstultly 81.14- 1' 4t ag au int toile 1,1 t 1 1.., 1 afa ,' 'v, 4' 1'1••+1 t•4 111:;414, t•� _ :t b 111111 ton, w:1+' ,,!l4!•:j; 111?''0 • wast', froma t t,7,(• 1 On -steel V.1 11114 foi' the luaus' of 1,11 d' �lr• i••c; i +. :rt. 4 `.ah 1:, fie fail:. ;Sop:ri n'l1A1fa :n, :k.- 111.• c an , i •r., :, 11' n- " 1, 41 •t 1•42 1 44;, rr ,l • (1. i• , Jn a C;11' tr• l i a.. g! 1 ! „t lint..,, ill oil 114 0,1+7 l;u^, 141 ,4 !k 111.- s „1 p:1 b,,,' .1Y,17. 1 e(i',r Man nee FfcS4 Gats "Of flu 6041 quality 41n^1y x • n t and and de- laror•.l to aro p•r1 f ,1e• rit Ieee tree of (+harps, 1',41114. 9•1•1 FAT GATT s WA • f DI 1 1 wbiel,tbe hlghttdu •,• t 1,.,. will 1,9 o litho'I&!4*,4 84c11014 ,., .,, and vhln:t. Inuit r.•r&t't thr plan • , t' ln,r to i lei hrr'a,fnwolry store. A• CURRIE. Money to Loan Money to boa( on pr'rty, at t' urn: .Pro - l.' lie,.;. LOWEST ni, w lu . 1,��w•at9 �' v, • ... c,;1' 't 1 i 'Pile 11 ' .till;; of tit ('.101ui(4i1 .u; elk lto•d. ill 1. %Va 11 re i 11' ncr•,••:a Pen ti., -. Il,, ''IIVA'f ,- AND r 011(514 1'onhl '(l out (4141 11 y„t sub ,eri;, .1 !,p , IIIGii so S' IIA) s. • 1 •'ciocli, 1, d di,- 4''l4 I- 4w •t•„ 1('4-1 wards qui,t•.I . a !•r.' it, min , 14 •4-.1 ;o s No doubt. many of our readers would 14(44 believe On wore we to toll :1 em lh -1 there is oa Clog in the township of Heidi(ci1. But such L, thin cans ace ogling to th„ aero sir's 1' v . •'4 •4' put tut 1t nd ,11.1 Woo a wlv w r,clr tops inn to, . , • s •t ILA went u( 1 c' S 1ue daub ` lull. Ott' limp says h„ will stake er041 over t .,Ip a ulna Witt. • his I'e Llti1+1,,11 that 11 • Cl!) Qa oat t;rai piing s . 1 we 14(444(! and ;•*1141.•41 fi 1'fty 'iona s within 11.1-t• •, "• i to liueet °,tats' maim, of a quarter of „ mile And -4, ev,'r I'nclfic. 1Vhu•u,r toy , • . tent or desi u the Yet there is 1108 ono e• 10011.1 ill (h„ 1!14, 31)C1w1,0U i 1'011 book.—lranovsr Post. aJU( `CI i11 e1' ins ,•t -u so :n•. punr111g troutTho Ctilruss townhip 001111011 ado tea 11C a 11a:4i .t,.,, u'. t u Ants. Ill a • • p (41 ('04uhltim 441 ohs. 1 Its Inst meeting :—"Tlint believing lc,R t 1ty ll. n. ,U the re — _ -- m, l 1 ,,t• -.,yo, ,.,.• they rutted I • commercial intim, /1••,a el, er rein CHURCH MUSIC, A good ' hit at the prevailing: fashion in church music is afloat 10 onr exchange?. Two British sailers -were talking over their experience Ono hail been to a cathedral au,1 had heard some very fire music, anti was descanting )articularly upon an anthem which gave 11in1 much pleasure. Hie shipmate !• .. r ,-, 4 tion (valor, u(u with the United Slab's, would .,1 voryt°log j be beliefici,,t to 0,lnadn, 1111d 11'140 espeoiatly to the farming cuminur•- c .1. null valattbls It 114 014.1.. t 111 k. ity, .,nil whereasF11"In,,rs' iuoti- n, least' a totes are a prnoel ,•on•ce through tiOv,d of piss( s G oor hvos in l which 10 ,-xpres1 the foaular' views e fish i tip hold and 11114 trop It 1.1(1114! heli' PpL.I ,he up•ltl oils 1)en • bst 1 >ile worn" ,,t re ,tu••ht, 1111 , 01111(1„ t ,,eft n hoard the 1 - lv ,soil a th' 1;01111 - Br114"' Fa'',11 s Tr, +'i,n4• 1!114 boom Pau „ u •i,t .11 room:, a!, expel(-"• in ado-st i i r• the al- ' •. -G il!•'1' - 111 14'' .141 fear, y1111•*1',:, i tt-:* • tl mole of ' be U , ly• iilil,i 11 L'"nil I'1 ll nl.; (lrewn 11 , al reixl ni•m, and ' '!41'14 101 11ici- pin ll t',4' e.,l , v l,nvlr:_, ex - •s 1111:,1, the .pre ---sol thsir 144' •" awl -a sy listened for 'awhile and then s•.id, "I say, Bill, what's an anthem?" 1 ' etc, "What l" replied Bill, "do y 511 11011( to say 3111 don't know llanthem is ?" "No me." "Well, then, r11 tell ser. If I was t+, say to yor, "Ere, Bill, give n1e that. 'and -spike,' that would not bo 1t 1lauth001, But ,cue I ill .wy °8111—Bill—Bill — giv—giv—giv— giv me—giv me that—Bill giv t1ie, deme that haud—haudmpike—.pike — pi1(e—Lill, giv—giv me that— that gland — handspike -- gland p P -- t - C handspike, spike, ]tires140, 8 i ,t •- p !4e.t MEM, all-roptl ; Bill, givsmetliat handspike, spike, ah—Oleo I' That '0oald be a intnthem." This reminds us of au incident once reported from Baltimore, in svhioh a congregation of colored people were the aotors. The female singers were in the gallery, the males below. A.11 ready, they be- gan: Females—"I want a mon_-- % want a man—I want a mansion In the skies." Response by males— "01 Lord, send sal --send sal—send salvation down !" Tet such is in many places passed off for worship and divine service I ,Strange, is it :4106 ! St. BATTLE WITH P.11MA'i'ES. The steamer (Jity of Pekin, which 'arrived at Sou Frauoisco from Hong Kong and Yokohama on Moy 2.1th, brings additional information in ro- gnrd to the wracking of the steamer ,clan Pablo near Turnabout Island in the channel of Formosa a mouth ago. The captain's statement if tag follows : On Monday evening the vessel re.a into it thic,4 fo.;. Tie kept rho ship on her C!•nrse, thou di pre0au- 'liens were taken to keep continually sounding. Ou Tuesday t Inrniug Om San Pablo struck a sunken rock len miles north of Turnabout. It was impossible to back the ship off, as the two holds and coal bunkers ave& filled with water, and there -w1(o danger of Um vessel capsizing. It was decided. that it was hopeless to attempt to stave tho steamer and cargo, and cullsegnoutly the pas- sengers and el't;w took to the boats and made for 'Turnabout lighthouse, ! from whence they wore conveyed to Shanghai. Suss bsforo 'the 114011aats were Toady to be lowered a swarm of Chinese piratical junks carne from the neighboring mainland. The queer -looping vessels sailed in lido of battle, and Capt. Reid, realistug the danger bis chargee were in, Made ptoparati.:is to repel the attae.k. The pirates, however, cz nos in such overwhelming numbers that before any demonstration could be =ado on beard the sinking vessel the pirates were climbing tip the ship's aides, They were led by a man armed with n catla4s and a large revolver, and his shipmates *Oro also very heavily armed. I 311' .Shan (40144. Otto I nae .1r., „11.11•, 6(14,44.;4:11 ,•,;• 1„ . 14.4, ,4 •I, 144!4( 'X"4040 .1(14 I1c'g"lloI i, •41.1 douse'., and that • 014 qn.• h,- '1 • , drawn Drat I for Ili 1 m t 1` 1rd•'d to i ll•. ear • ry• .� .. .- Spring! Spring! Spttna! Boils! Boils! I Boils I The best Blood Purifier and Tonic 1s Dr. Carson's Stomas!! 13itle4, Tao People's Remedy. Lorre bottle. lin cents. ft). James 01441,•64, In the I'nnit•le nrvllee, y 014b1,t • •tivnl1.l loth stalls a tt.,n five 1' L ;'4' 414 '0114 long 1 C '110:n file nind feet 41 t cows. i' ant particular to i1,s4•.' CH- Stall.- - 'el, -0 t• a drop pp.. s hill 011 s, 1 14! 1 ,l- MX incites lit II, •44(411,1 nal ed 14 oug the row of -• 'alto, This plant( will prevent nue cow buts lying in he. 0.0n dung- if the stall ie wider 0)8 It five feet, •, •• will stand ding t'nn•ly across a...l befoul her bed. I think 1 should w ..he Mem four feet s'lnt', but for es.wding of the milk• er.--1 do with 1• eummou Blip noose about the horns. fnstaued to a hole 111 the truttgil 1 tuiull, however, a leather strap shoo the cook, with a 411144 for a Snapph r hook, 1e just as (;• ,i.—I b-,: sly co•49 wit( earl !sat.., 1, Imo;. „ raw, corn stance, and 1(fdee ft,au the farm -and forest. I do nut 111(1: oaw,9nst -i41y cows aro n gentle and amiable as little girls. From birth rhes snow nothing but 1(induese from their master and his eervaur8. A runs°, brutal laborer, has no plans o I my little farm. .try cows and calves lead by the halter ae well a• my horses. A. kicking cow f manage by put Liu a largo rope around Icer body. and. tying up a faro foot close to her built', and then uulkiug as gently as possible. Silo will struggle at first, bub kindliness and gentle treat• meta, 44i11 90011 soothe her down I Ihtnk the tenderness of the udder soon after caiulug is 1110 cause of 11114 kickiug, My cows Melt at their calves more 111111 at rile, because the ung':, s aro e:1 Much rougher. Tho udder needs the rough treatment, no doubt, but the oalf is the one to administer it. I keep my cows and all my stock sell sheltered day and uigll, in rough heather, driving them to water twin a day, however, I Lope soon to provide fir watering at the barn, Exercise is good for thein, and they generally get it; but I always put them back into their stalls when they demand it,— hoop thorough -bred Jerseys as well as half-breeds — Jersoy•Hol• steins and Jersoy'1)urhanls. Vox the avorago family, the half•broods will give hotter satisfaction, Why so ° Because they will give mere milk and butter, !neglected to say above, I give my cows no more rope than just enough to I101d thou heads level with the body when tliu rope , ie tied to the -trough, Costumes with border woven in the material, lead in this style, but imitations of such ideal are porpot- tinily repeating it and in as litany • ways as thought van euggest. ' A,, 'Jr,krt,.:n 17.1' Cu4•aato,Ileissues sad '1'r .'e :.,ark, 40(ure,4 nud another patent 0440844 444 the Patent °Mee pad ho*orc the Courts promptly and o44refotly attended to, typnn receipt or m oft - el orsketch or invention, 1 matte careful examin44tion,and advise ns to patentability Free of Charge. Foes moderato, and t make no obart4e unless potent is securoa. Inform- ation, advice and special re:aromas sent on apalfoation. J. R. 1,0214l]LL, Washington, D,O„ U.B. PatoutOfnee. 19.. LMEI® LIME ! The Oranbrook Lime • Works Are in full�blast and stfirst-class l -SOLD 1'011-- 121 Cents Per Bushel. 4111-4014 V, Gini a ,flop. Returned to Brussels ROBERT ARP413TftllJ. (1031108 to state that he 110,8 again bottoms a resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contrast, for all kinds of Carpenter Work, such 449 10030 Building, Darn Framing, 141111 Wrigbting, lin, Ile will also melee 0Specialty of Drov- ing 1Baildiugs, Estimates Cheerfully Cheerfully Given, Satisfaction Guaranteed. 14021', A.II(STO;Tfl, (1 ONETIIINti NEW 1 WALTON PUMP F MTdWlf, Tho and*rnign;d desires to intltnato to t110 Iinbtin that Ire has ptu'ehased filo 4V,11,rov Pr411' FACTORY Froin J0111 I,Ovo and is now prepared to fill orders, by mail or oth0rt41sc, intrnst0(1 to his care, Satisfaction (14101111tood in Pumps, Tanks 11.0. Repairing promptly mptly attended to, Con- tracts taken ('11 digging wells. Having been 11 years at the business T. feel confident ghat 1 eau Suit my ens fowlers. (411'1: 1141 A'11(1,1Land bo rentlime,l. no, J'toprietor, Walton, 9 FUNDS '`011eltoit , tiro ..sole, Ont, ONE'S: TO 1-UA14 Y7l'•I�,J i'>. /"(',\-'U,";. .S2104. tpt 0 el of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In- vestment AT 7 PER CI!EN`1'. 1301T0wel'Sean have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. S General Blacksmiths wishes to intimate to the public generally that ho does all kinds of Blackctnithing in a "'ot•klnanlilre Df muss, Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order, (.Repairing promptly Executed. Intake ,t Specialty of llorse-,1looiug, A Call Solicited, 1— lietnember the Stand—l'hl.4n ]•nn Buluolz. 31 S. Plum. BUT A. GENUINE SEWING MACHINE —IS TII1-- A-YMO ID For it is putting othor Machines out of doors every '(eek. She is the Lead- er at Geo. Love & Co's, Bi'u'sseZs. v , l J111YII 8 l868 r+rsarara,aatosalraar'saow ?E'siV YO Cw, 1 '� r ti s -, rr' t t :a.f --AN1) � 1,1% , .faji _t s nit Cd For Eglx. W. COATS. 4444 rcc.s.,r _.. •y-naaeaaas•,vs..scnmr G-rist and Flaw: Mills - s I The undersigned having completed the clutugt• from tit °stone to the Celebrated Hungarian system of Grinding, has nolo the lttill in First Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old etisteinc'rs and 1113 malty new ones its possible. Chopping- done. oux au.d Feed e t iwa$> o on Rand. Highest Trice paid for .,ny quantity of Good Grain. . 1VIILNE, W.M. SMITH T. lax TOLER, r BRUSSELS is prepared to attend to PRACTICAL 'av11TEII11A i.ER ANIS JEWELLER. Carriage Painting in 411. its 'branches, as woll as Sign and O1'na7n117.2.. a1 Paint in . lin has had years of expor- iened andguarantees his work to give satisfaction, A rig well painted is half sold. „ UME WORKS Thanking the public for past favorsand support and wishing still to secure your patroua(;e, We aro opening out fnlllines in COLE OLX99 1.R WATCHES, SILVER PLATED 1VARIt from established anti rdlable ut(tl(448, fully warranted by us. CZoc724' of the .Latest .7)esi4 r2s. ,T SV IOL41V Y.: Whittling ltnr(s, , always on 111111(1. I desire to inform the Public that T have Leased the won - known 331Css1451s Limn Wonlc:: from Thos. Town and yvi11 run the business next Season. T will also continue to follow my trade as W..1'0IV 3143 ia.tt'40N. and am prepared to furnish esti- mated for lobs, 41c. 111'IGll1S(1 ;1N1) CORNER R'I'ONIs' Estimates -and terms cheer- ! 1,odieo (1011 Rings fully given. -• GI VI; I:i1.31. A CALL. Shop in tho old ' P08 4-'.Iatlblislling 1 House, King street, Brussels, i Br0ae11ee,. -'Earrings, rte, • S(fil/fadhhdn GiterraAiccd. Alen have in Muck a fill of violin.; 10141 Violin 514111(;8, tic, , N. B. - Seguin' of Marriage Li sot T. Fletcher.. .t aper•h4lt) mmde of prise lay -lea nd 1'InMI(,r 4(401,1114*', l'1toPltT:i '.felt.