HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-8, Page 5JUNE 8, 1888. liatrlt;t �1cth . ('iris nil? roofs, The following officer's were mooted it commotion with rho Young Peoples' As 00011(ion for a term; —Honorary Prank dent, Rev. D. 13, 110110e; President, J M. ilobortson ; Vioo.Pr'esidont, Miss if;ueH Brown ; Scerotar'y,11.11', (lamor0n Treasurer, John Wilson; counlittoo of manngunellt, Misses Ellen McNeil, limey llalbuttl0, Maggio liayuntlln, Janet [lab. kirk, W. E. Cameron, John Dion. cannon, Neil McNair, Matthew Cameron and Jolu1 Robertson. A11, both young and old aro cordiallyinvited to attend. Meeting Friday evening. THE BRUSSELS POST •r vo d ^'rr'=ru 4 .k �" grArr.. Wilk sW Mallow; for e.333(011411.1 third class oertlll- ales twml university 1lmewl; whits Vivo luldurgradnatea front Lietowol wrote at the remelt examinations in To mu to 1 niv(+rsity They 1.00110 AIbort Niohol, 2nd soar, M1oo Powoll, 2u 1 your 1 .J1d, 11, Ihu•vcy, :led yoar, 11isn Addie Glaytul, ltrd year, curl \'Villlam 1 liuli,+, final. The Standard x11; a On Friday (1011. lug a little child, daughter of .tu,-h•ew ; Iiay who 01llhlos on Alainstl'001 oonr tier railway crossing, wbho playing with her brother lu the 1h(ble, got hold at a boldo of carbolic nein unit drank aline of the liquid. The Ohitd'0 3 0(1011 quietly at• t03101ed her 100t110r's attention, and on ascertaining the cameo, medical aid wan secured as spell On possible and all done that could be to rolievo fila little one of Ito t••rriblo solTerhlg. Nothing, how• ever, could H1100 0, and after enduring untold agony for Homo six hours the poor llttlo tiling w110 released from its sulfur. lugs by death. It tvao only a year and ton months old, and was a very bright child, The feeling of the pa(ent1 1,t lo•iug thrir littlotransura under Buell lis tr00001g circulustanece Oaunot be des• eribo(i. Mr. lloy was away when 4110 ac• °ident occurred, lint arrived hone shortly after. The bottle of carbolic acid had been placed in tho stable temporarily a few days before, and it was thought to bo ;luito safe (hero as the childron ratoly wont into lho stable. ('err-CnAI•.--I said 1 could hitch Polly tip and 130 I dill, lint what tho matter was I novo' discovered for Polly either was angry becanso 0hn was mamma by a woman or 10 (113000 it was the (10tr harness, or some other thing, and alto went straight at Um apple tree in front of rho contra flower -bed and after a fruitless attempt to sit down 011 ono of tho limbs fell back in my lap fu filo buggy. I don't wantanything heavier and then what a restlemi thine it wan because! tried to put my arms around it and tried t0 scream to Bob it fall right into the brand now cover and smashed it all into jelly. Pon my word Bob was mad, and 110 used sumo encs words too. Pa was rot home but when he carne I (vas bus washing the dishes and if ho didn't look "pleased." IIe smiled all over and then said, the buggy was worth half a dozen girls. Ma said she thought not, but Pa said in n sobor tono, after prayers worm over,13e11 1 you are far loo smart for this place so as soon as I can find a poison that 00n teaOh you something I will pot you at it. Aft. tie Pa wont to bed I toll Ma that drone - making would suit ane fins and I would like to live in Blnevale. Bob said that is whero I should bo. So we'll see. Yours Truly, Bell. Win •hfnnn. Twonty.oight carloads, or 2240 barrole of salt worn shipped from the Salt 131ock in May up till the 26111 nit. The Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, are preparing to send a box of books to Japan. Twenty vats of oggs, averaging from 1500 to 1600 dozen each, have been put down by Messrs. Spnrlidg and Powell. They have also shipped some six cars this season. A. Dawson and his daughter Amelia, have gore on a trip to Auld Scotia. They go by Halifax, Mr. Dawson being a delegate to rho General Assembly which meets at that place. They then take boat to Glasgow, thence go to Scotia's darling seat, (Edinboro'), Dondeo and Aberdeen. The following appeared in the Globe legal news; Reg v; Roo.—Judgement. Order nisi to (leash conviction for an of- fence against the Canada Temperance Act, on the ground that the police magis- trate of Wingham had no jurisdiction, discharged with costs, because the magis. trate bad also a oomnlieoton for tho whole County of Huron, under which he had jurisdiction to act as he did outside of the Town of Wiogham, 1"WCItlbssi 10. 1i, V. Mr.13uggin occupied the pulpit of Methodist church last Sunday. A fire in Ilawllshaw's hotel was stopped just in thin last Friday evening to 90,00 a conflagration. The lino weather necompanied by fre- quent showers has endo our town very beautiful by the bursting foliage. Dr. Brum Smith will read a aper' on "Actinomyoosis" at rho Ontario Medical Association, which convenes at Toronto on the 18111 lust. Our knights of the cleaver report good boot very ecaroe throughout the county and consequently have inareas0d the pride of steak and roast to 12}o. per pound, and the bakers havo also decided of a "rise" in broad. On Thursday morning of this week tho annual Guolph Conference of the Metlto. dist church convened here. Thorn are upwards of 260 ministers and laymen in attendance. Rev. Dr. Carman will proaoh the ordination salmon inext Sab- bath ' morning. Some peoplo jokingly remark that extra precaution is required in the pro- tection of goods and tho prusorvation of this peace during this (Conferenco) weak, owing to some many strangers being in town. Others say there oan Nino clangor of Sonforth being visited similarly to that of Sodom and Commorrah inuring Con. feronoe at least. Tho Expositor sa s : Sohn Hannah the enterprising proprietor of the Sea- forth creamery, has adopted anew de. parturo this 0onson which bids fair to re- sult most profitably for rho patrons of the °memory. Ho has formed a 0o nee. tion in Toronto which will enable him to supply the local dormant of that city. By means of refrigerator oasts ho ships by exprose every clay a supply of butter dote up in ,pound rolls and priuta and ready for family use. This butter can be in the hands of tho 00110nmers within four hours after 0 leaves the aroatnery and reaolle8 its destination in a fresh and highly palatable condition. Thus far tato down/Ladles been for more, more, and Mr. Hannah thinks the demand through- out the 0000011 will 110 sufdciellt to eon - 0111110 tbo entire product. In this way ho will have a sorer and 0afor market, and 110 expecte, on the whole, to realize a higher mom for his make than if ho ship- ped it to tho old country. The limo 1s fast approaohing, if it has not already ar- rived, when farmers must abandon the growing of wheat, and dairying is one of the leading industries whioll must take the plane of wheat growing. This being the ease, tho importance of establishing Et good, reliable and growing loon( mar- ket for tho preduot0 of tbo dairy. can not bo over.esbimatod. Mr. Hannah i0 (doing his share, lot the farinors do their part and tho result will be profitable to both, kale toNa, e . 'Cho Lietovol Lacro0so team purpo0o going to 'J'ooswator on Friday, Jeno 8111, to play the Laerooeo Club of that p1a0o match ganja Alox, McLeod, Into of Now Yolk, has ((e.e0ptert rite enll to bec0m0 pastor of the Congregational Church in Lietowol. Tho (00• g0ntlemon willsmltor upon his dui Me on Sunday, Sono 10111. Mr, Tanner, h(ad mentor of Ilio Lido. wet high School, trays that over sixty enudidate0 will mitt) at tiro July exam. Gi o.y. Deputy.Roovos Oliver and Bryan are attending County Council this week. ORDINA•r10N AND I1DECT10x —We talco Pleasure, in reproducing the following item from tbo St. Marys Journal con. corning former residents of this town- ship:—Tho Presbytery of Stratford met Tuesday afternoon, May 20th, at tho North Nissouri Presbyterian church, anti after hearing rho trial sermon of the Rev. .0. Perrin, urdaiuod him to tbo sacred of. floe of rho ministry. Mr. Porrio was subeapueutly inducted into tbo oharge of the North and South Nissouri ah000110s. The Rev. A. Grant, B. A., the moderator of the session, presided. The sermon, which (17A8 appropriate to the occasion, was preached by the Roy. Mr. Cameron, of 1FIornington, and was an able and acceptable exposition of 1. Oar. 3, O. Rov. J. A. Turnbull, L.L.B., of St. Marys, addressed the pastor elect in a short, powerful and effective speech upon the work and rewards of a minister of tho Goapol. Ilov. Mr. Calnpboll, of Cranton, spoke to the people, bespeaking a happy pastorate for Mr. Pomo and insisting upon the oultivatiou of spiritual power in tho congregation. The church was crow clod to the doors ; tt large number were unable to gain admittance to the building. Tea was served by the (adios of the congragation from live to seven p. m., in Mr. Crumb's orchard, kindly lent for the purpose. Tho tables fairly groao- ed under tho numorou0 good things pro. vided, which appeared to have no limit After the furor man hod been satisfied a welcome meeting was held in the church, under tbo presidency of Rev. D. Perrin, the pastor. Instructive and humorous addressee were delivered by Rove. Messrs. Crystal, Tully, French, Hamilton, Gordon Turnbull, Grant and tho pastor. Special mention should be mads of rho excellent singing of the choir, but recently organ- izod, who rendered a number of ohoico selections during tho ovouing in a highly_, oreditable manual% 3liss Lindsay pre- sided at tho organ. Thoproceeds amount. ed to 881. Thu Rev. D. Perri°, tho new- ly hunted pastor, hes supplied the pub pit of the two 011urehe0 for somo time, and being the unanimous ohoico of the congregations, received n largely -signed call to become their pastor. Tho rev. gentumau received numerous congratu- lations (luring the day from his co•Pros• bytors and his people and the hearty web- coma which ho rocoivod from many of other Christian denominations would io- clioate that ho is iu every way "The right man in the right place." 131naeovatico. Mrs. Pearn is butter, we aro glad to say. Lizzie Robertson is almost recovered from her lameness occasioned by a sore too. Mrs, Hartley arrived hone safely from a very pleasant two wreaks visit to Woodstook. Rov. A, Y. Ilartlgy and John Hitler aro the Forrosters delegates to Hamilton next week. Mrs. Robb. Mosgravo is at present the guest of Mrs. Bailey (formerly Miss Mos - grove) of Clinton. Nathaniel Smith, of Port Hope, in on a visit to his 111011)00 and family, \71111 am Smith. of this place. The ohoeso inspector was in town this week. Tho Bluovalo choose is all soli( and shipped, price, 80. Thos. Nixon 10 improving his place by ti very handsome wire fence. Bluovalo is gutting wondo'fully tidiod up. We aro glad to sou Wallace Jackson able to 1)o round again. Ito is a very good bioyclo rider for a ton year old. Thos. Coultos left for Michigan one clay (lately, 110 trip is partly pleasure anti ;partly business. HIis cheery face will bo muoh missed. John Bosnian and wife have reached 1,o old sod safely. They had very oug11 passage and it is not likoly they Will soon forgot it, Rov. Mr. Linton, of Tcoewator, was at the manse this week. Thoy held their own in Teoswater at the Scott Act elec. tion and gavo five in favor, John Robortoon is improving his well fenced farm by the addition of a board fouoo along the toads—Goo. (iasemore is also improving tho stationmaster's lot by 1110 addition of a neat picket fence. Rev. 3, S. Cook and wife, and Joeoph Louth left on Wocluesday to attond the Oonfereuoo hold in Sonforth this year. The last sermon of Mr. Cook will probab. ly be preached the lust Sunday in 30110. Ben, Saints, our genial hotol•koop1,or, cilli sticks w011 330 10111110101100 p111101p100. Ifo lute (101 gono half as far as litany of hie friends of that side of the fence. Ilowover, might TEE Pon ask why so many boysare scop around 1110 door 13t1n- day (wooing? A upiritecl game of ball WAS played 00 rho school grounds on Tuosday 000(1iug botwool two amateur teams( Sooro 0 to 0. Beat that. Svraouso, Toronto, Lon. ileo, attention I T11(1 feature of the game 100.8 a running catch by Ed. (10011 ma Way to rho right. !1'.1)0 insinllati(n of (111i1er0 i1r Court Douglas, Canadian Cram; of Forwst0(0, took 111000 h. their hall rocontly 1011011 the following wore metalled: 11.. TAirtloy, C. Il Joseph LOeeln, V. 0. 11. ; aim i 01330 s, R. S. ; irent05 1111101, F, B.; (,olgo Aitollienon, Treasurer; (leer;,, 'lilvoy, S. 1V„ Wnl Smith, 0. W. Robert Thy1n1, S. J3.; L. 3'oareu, J, 13. A, 1. Hartley and John :Willer were ap pointed delegate1 to tiro high (;curt it Hamilton. It n0ede a n111110u multiplying magni fyiog glass for an Anti -Scott to ((00 a "drunk" now. To tho lasting disputa 01 (biz town bel it known that 0110 of Dur tawnHnler, an regular an attendant to Amish for the last Ih:00 yearn as 10 00011 seen, has boon rather uustaady of late and hist Sontlity in hie (ivory they dross woo seen wording hie way toward Winginmi. Antis put anothor no.0 in your book. If it slakes your ears tingle and yon(• faro 141 01 s0 11111011 tho better. So trio Edirne of 1e1. P01T. DEAR Sun.—Will you kindly allow the trustees of 131unvalo school for 1887 spoon in you0 valoablo vapor to oautradiot sumo rash state onto that have been trade in Um 130 (g01 by John MoCreckon, regarding our toacllor, J. TI. Thomson Ilo oars ooulplaiot1 worn mala bofnro Ito W110 014010011 last year. We admit Mrs. Mclraoiceu and Mrs, Timmins outdo compleinte verbally, and Mrs. 'lfunnfus wus 0010013 to put in lieu 013x1'4011 in writ- ing, but that oho rof000(1 to do, so wo too)( it for granted that tho offence was not of a very a0r10ne nature, and every o110 was pelfOolly satisfied at the exami- nation he hold last Decombor. With re. sport to his sectarian and pclitfaal vi1,w, WO treat it with .contempt. The state- ment that Most of tho people never 00. petted ho would bo ro.cugaged 10 utterly groundless. As the attendance inllt'. Thom oleo rootn has been larger last wintor, and is now, than it has boon for somo years, llOtwithstaucling that a great many families havo loft tho village, we have no fear of tho attondanoo under his tuition. W14LL1M M130000, (Signed,) Rongnr MAXWELL,, J024N D11nENT. Bluovalo, May 21,'88. To the Editor of Trio POST. 1:. Watson loft this station m1 Friday ; (r1111 two carloads 1 r,tra flue (111110 for , 1Im16rea1. • Boeva holly, left hero r.tt l'uce,lay for 1 Codorloh to attend tho Jaid meeting of ('minty 00011E41. .ilidrow McNally ((an 14'01 a lino stone (call built under 111,, building which 1(0 ' 1•ecmntly purchased. There in a drill equeit111.1t that Homo- , aro not complying with tbo tarty r 1 011031 1 ',rev ml t;ey 01(11111 d1,. Tho heavy frost on St/bleak morning outdo earl havoc of the onrly petatoeo and 'sass, in too gafdene hue, 11, froward and (hie leen started 131(1, •do 400011s of (1. Hamilton's propaee1 1uuldsomto br•i(dk block, 011 Monday. ?Jr Heyward, bricklayer of Clinton, and 11is men have comin-000,1 tho brink work of Auderoon rt.,* Elder's e10 store. 3lrv.11. Collie and Cantly intend shortly to remove to the "Soo" t, join husband and tallier, (0110 has been tboro fur mune- timo past. - Tho sacrament of the Lmcl'a supper w:.s adminintralod in tho Preebytorlan church on Sabbath to a very large nuns. bar of comntunicant•1. Milieu Seam Pnxvexns.—I have an easy task in answering J. T.'s last lottor as it is composed of the lowest of slang and "clotted nonsense." Did you ever hear of anyone 'exaggerating the truth," or of anything being "unsuccessfully contra- dicted?" This sounds funny. If "scur- rility" is applicable to my letter I wonder what word in the dictionary would snit his ? I don't think there are any. He says ho never made an apology to rho Inspector. In the Inspector's letter to Jackson is the following:—"Tho post- master regrets that you should have been put to inoonvonionoo on account of the clerk's error." What does this mean ? With reference to rent, etc. I shall pass over as I have proved those before. I wonder if ho thinks now that one of my pupils will speak well of me? Ho felt bad about the petition, and so loo should after what ho said. It is scarcely necessary to say that I never saw tho petition, nor knew that the pupils 1.00x8 gutting ono up till after it was signed. What about Mrs. Bailey's boy now, also T. Coultes' daughter? Their names were there. I neither called Mrs. T. a liar nor used ono abtisivo word, whioh I cam prove by three who were there at the time. She never accused mo of punish- ing bur boy sevorely, but said I should not have punished trim at all, (which I can prove by tho same three. Mr. Gannett had a boy who went to mo Dight days last wintor•, not two as the lottor his son's name is to says. Iris eon says, to tell the truth, his parents would not let him go any longer, and that he could hardly get going rho short time he did. A boy is going to learn a great deal in eight day. If Gannett expects that I can mak° a scholar out of a boy in that time it is 110 wonder that ho is a tool of Timmins' and allowed his name to be put to a letter oompoaed of falsehoods. Tho following letter settles Maxwell's case :—"Wo, the undersigned trustees of School Sootion No. 8, Morris, wish to stato that J. H. Thomson never signed an acknowledgement ab the mooting we held. He only stated that he might have struck the boy harder than ho intended, and the reason wo did not hire him was because wo thought a oheapor teaohor would do our section. (Signed), WmLLA1I JnwrTT, Tnoolas WAnwroc, LAr1011LXN 3nasrn.' This settles that falsehood. I wondor if Mr. T. will snrvivo after reading these proofs? They must bollard on him, Anyone can see his object in saying I called his wits a liar. The truth is he could not write a lotto• at all unles0 ho told untruths about me. I oallod his at- tention to my registered letter, also a "tracor" front the Inspector (novecl hint wonderfully. How could he call my at. tontion to it as ho says ? I plead guilty to the charge that I have not reoeivod a first class certificate, and d a great manyuy aro in rho same boat with ma ; but thou he should know that yon canot buy a First-class oortifioato the same as you can a chattel utortgago. With roferonoe to writing my la1tor8 on tho pnblio's time, (if I slid) itis surely better than to write then on Sunday. His little dialogue is Emmy, but I think 1)0 will intprovo with praoti80. Now for those pupils who left me. T. Farrow told me to state that I had soon hint personally, and that he never took his 1031s from my school that he had 110 fault to iind with mo, and never hoard hia boys say a word against me. Mr. Farrow's boys can go to throe schools. This settles that case. lir. Cornell does not know why lois boy will not go. All have to say about Mr. Mc. Craokon's boy is that he should have been expelled three years ago. Tho school would have boon much better without hint, He says I failed to secure a position in Perth and Huron, I wondor in which entity Bluevalo is ? I am almost iuolin- ed to believe that I Levant hot/ninon than half a mild from from a cow's tail, by tho Way tho calf is bawling attar mo (ivory orator week in the Budget. With rofor- 0noo to that letter•ho opened I shall with. hold my proof for the present. Now, Mr. Editor, I havo proved all charges laid against mo, • The public will now bo ablo to judge rho truthfulness of tho character I am writing against. Ifo has got to 1118 Mid of his ropo 110W, and if Ito had written tho truth I could have wound ]rim up long ago. I en pretty well losclod with facts just now, but 1' don't think it will bo n00as0ary foo lie to wriio any mom. 'Trunking you, Mr, Editor, for your hind. noes and valtta1(lo 01(0)0, I am, Sir, Yang Truly, J, II. Tnrtrsox. D=f a' 11 fn. Finlay Scott, of i;rnsscls, spout Salt. bath hero anl0nget fricnd(1. 1101. Daley, of Sonforth Js visiting his eieter 110re, 111.1. (1(1111:3, at 3310001st, - _ A.( woods Rev. J. I'ergueon fn attending confer. ono., 10 Sonforth. Rev. A. Henderson, ill. A., leaven this week for Halifax to (Mond tllo (funeral ' 9^• hilly. Mr. Sloe, veterinary 0m'geon, woo late. ly crooned his offioo in the village, (las, by olid( and attention, wonted up an ex• tonaivo practice. The coutrnaturs have nearly completed ' rho flax mill buildings. Tho buildings mailerg°, the burn itself being 102 feet long. Tho farmers of this community aro to be commended for tho enterprise they Have shown. I I:1'.1tsel. \Vhat about the morning mail service? Will our band over have a resnrrea. Mon ? Two itinerant musicians passed through our village last Saturday. D. Al, Melloall, I. P. S., visito(1 our school last Thursday. 1103'. J. T. Legoar is attending Confer. once at Seaforth this weak. Thos. Mills, of Varna, was visiting at W. Simpson's last Monday. Geo. Beatty and sister, of Varna, aro visiting et W. Simpson's this week. Reeve Milne is at Goderich this week attonding the mooting of the County Council. John Watt, of Dakota, formerly of Huron County, is recruiting his health among old friends. jl Marion Young is visiting her grand- parents at Ripley. Sho has boon away ((bout three months. There was no Cervico in the Prosbytor- lan church last Sunday as Rev. D. B. McRae was away at Port Elgin, assisting at the communion there. James Menzios is hom0 from Bark's Falls, Parry Sound. Tho northern alimn- ate seems to agree with hint. Ifo intends .1 to more his family there next week. 1' Ada hicks, a pupil of our school, aged about 11 years, deserves rho palm. Sho has not missed a day from school for over four years. Who can beat that? The Presbyterian Sabbath School con. template holding their annual pie-uic in R. Dilworth's grove, east of the village, on Dominion Day, Monday, July 2nd. J. DOWNING, Formerly of Ooder1eh, wishes to inform the Pub111 3.,1(1111ly that he has opened out a Custom Boot (L Shoe Storer Opposite the American hotel aid is prepared to take Orderf for all Kinds of CJITi ICO1*1Il' NVC IZIK, Nona but First -Class Wcn'knit,. Employed and a Perfect Fit G nava nteed. Repairing neatly done. GIVE ME A CALL. j. Downing. Baby 1 Carrla es. g Baby Carriages. Test to hand a splendid se- lection of Baby Carriages which will be sold at vary low prices. TRUNKS and VALISES in endless variety. I ani pre- pared to please the public in this department. • Pine selection of bight l Heavy llarness Givo mo a, call. John Gill started last Tuesday for , Liverpool, England. Josoph Gill, his brother, who has been visiting friends; for the last Nyack has gone back to his,i home in Michigan. Messrs. Ballantyne R 130yll, of Atwood, 11 have started a tailoring business in D.W. Milne's old stand. They aro prepared to I stilt ilio most fastidious with snits that H will suit the most anxious suitors. Mr. Burton, the now hotelkeeper, has moved to Ethel with his family and has taken possession of the Hotel. Mr. Rob- ertson and family have moved to Wn'1. Simpson's house At the station. H. DENNIS. Pumps - Pumps - Pumps Tho Old reliable Pump Works of f3rne. sets still to the froth Aad rushing Mai nese, right along, HIP WILL AND MEAN ?UPS �S 0.1way0 uu hand with all the latest h1,. provemr-nto anti gnaran13,1d 1,) (iIV1'I SATISFACTION. I am prepared to tape colaraets for 1)iiiiilry 11'e/Ts 1,r (?is(rrn,c 1,t• /0((8lOt((Lle .163 feSS 4e011 Attention elven to Rep 6 airing% As 1 use only the best material, super. vise all t11n work and 0o11 et moderato prices I know it will be to tho e.dvantago of the public to deal with me. J. P.ELT0,111, Shop opposite P. Sestt'0 hisrltemitlt shop, Mill streot, Brussels. WROXETER WOOLEN ILLS A. L. Gibson wants 60,000 (11x. r.d good clean FLEECE WOOL for which 110 will pay rho Ulcers' MAEEET PRIC9: Ix 030)0 or trade at the Wroxeter Woolen Mills. An 3nuoenne stock of splendid Tweeds, Flannels, Sl(tNino, Delimits , Mann. OR, Slate Ha and Yarns of Itis own (nice (all guaranteed to wear) and great variety in Fiue Tweeds, Flannels, Over - coatings, SM. (GS'1'O1i. SPINNING AND CARDING DONE at reasonable figures and good work guar. anteed. We are bound to maintain our reputation by satisfactory work and square dealing, 0110 TWEEDS THIS TEAR ARE GREAT. "U•TEP �AA3rFs`ot?CAlt.-- Fro CO's &'^�•TII TON.; Prizes for (1) Best Fleece Long Wool ; (2) Best Fleece Fine 'Wool ; (3) Heaviest Fleece (oleanness considered.) —COMPETITION — c—I'REE—o TO •:• ALL -:- CUSTOMERS. We want your Wool and you want our goods and our money, so come and see ns. 1. L. GI.BSO. , -174w Wvo cter Women 893118. Huron County Notes. Horse distemper has played havoc with the noble animal in Goderich township (hie spring. Tho Goderich Caledoniau Ganges will bo hold on tho 2nd of July this year, ac. cording to custom. Allan McConnell, of Luoknow, has se- cured a luorative position in the London Asylum for rho Insano. The Goderioh Signal stye :—Mr. Stirs. ing, who lives down 11000 1110 risme bank, recently mono across a hen's nest whioh contained 03 eggs. Ho appropriated the eggs in lieu. of payment for storago. .A. MoD. Alan, presidont of the On- tario Fruit Growers' Its sooiabion has gono to Manitoba, and tho Northwestt o examine into tiheir fruit growing oapa. bilibies. Ile will also visit British Columbia. Iron. Chas. Drury, Commissioner of Agriculture for Ontario, in response to an mvatation from tho directorate of the soc101y, has signified his intention of opening the Groat Northwestern Fair at Goderich 0n Wednoeday 001. 30(1. A 0lurgeot was caught oonr the Mait. land bridge, Godoriob, on the 24111 of May which weighed 741b8. `.Cho lucky fisherman were Patrick Doan and James Webb. Another weighing d4 lbs. was naught on Monday by Robt. n1110. A ohango in the modo of distributing the mail from a point on the Grand Trunk to Varna, Goderich township, and Bayflold having been dooided on by the postal authorities tenders are asked for the oonveyauoo of th° mails to those points from Clinton instoad of from Sea/forth. The Goderich orickot olub held a meet- ing when the following officers wero elect. od :—S. Itial0onleon, Hon. President ; Dr. Holmes, Hon. Vico-Proeidont ; Goo. Drummond, Preeidont; D. McDonald, Vioe•Prosident : G. I -I. Finlay, Soo.. Trots. ; Managing Committee—Dr. Bose, J'as. Strachan, 7. Iiay ; Ilona. mombore- 7. T. Gamow, Q. C., Icon. A. M, Ross, Robert Porter, 1,1. P., 1I. 0. Cameron, Q. 0., 11. S. Chilton, U. S. 0., Mayor Song- or, Sheriff Gibbons, 11.t, Ilntohfnsou. It is reported that Mr, flicks, of Us- borno, will enter nn aotiou for of against the township councils of Than. shard and tlsborno, for 10n1100 sustain. ed by 11303. Hicks, caused by being thrown frail a rig at the bridge at .ha town line, on May 17th. Tho npproaohes to tiro bridge being fn bad miler, caused the ae(lidont., it is alleged. 11this ba the caso, the 1101110rltieo of both municipal. itles aro (*tanning of vomitus; for allloty- lug such a 11.'1,13(1..43Z Onto of affairs to (mist, ORERY5 OPPOS Ti ON STORE. We aro about the only opposition in Brussels to the 7 o'clock closing law. We want to accommodate our friends h the country who, during the busy season, often come in at night when their clay's work is over. - Opposition in Prices. I3ousokoepors will be glad that sugar all through the preserving season will be sold at rock bottom prices. 15 Lbr . Good, Sugar or Are You Making Soap f 15 LITS. WASHING SODA ONLY 25c. Tho Toronto Grocery will "flew to the Lino let the Chips fall where they may." Those Canned 'Vegetables, +2 for 25c., aro going very fast. Wo aro going to make a big ofort in Ton. Wo havo had a largo number of samples submitted to us and wo havo soleotoil a Ten that for price and drawing qualities will boat ovorything that has ever boon offered in Brussels. The price swill be about 25c. Wo have a Toa Dust that we soll at 10c. per lb. Our neighbors will not let us sell after 7 o'clock p. in. but they cannot provont us selling cheap. - WE PAY CASH FOR EGGS. We pay part cash for butter in Tubs.. We will d() anything to oblige our customers but 111^ CA:t300I' otvu t'li3itrr at those 11)1111, it is simply impossible. • •'P1 -i1; '.13O.11ON'('t) 31iioc.i irv, &D,A.M GOOD.