HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-8, Page 3JUNK t, 1888. THE BRUSSELS POST. S
v;a?x . el, rar.parse^.aiaa�uc+�s+ss�rr.-,o 3,a r,v_,_ or uun�,rm� e>vasarz:-s .ten;ase: v.l„r
str.i'Nea(: ara:wra5 t x0. areprq seas. tat
OiJ) 411O0011tTI'li 11,13CI318. lle said that ho did not wish to Bantle of v°lv't nro run upon
snares stack take up i• y time, Ile had only . rills or wool ; silk or a'tin is stitch
nut do lazy oallod on a motto': of business, anti } od on the latter uuoterial ; ribbon
In t1•atde. would not details no but a I11omout. V015'ot iu broad or modtnul widths,
A gnnr`lsoln0 mnu slludu' grnm'1° IIo than crow awn its eoucoalul01t : is are echo, rows of narrow being a
at scam smnotvhero abort hie person tho popular veriati';n. Tho adoptabit
A. lie stn do some sulkier yo spent(
or net !tit.
Death 01)0ws twiny hypocritus dot
nobbah 500.11 '„pcetod bolo'.
Dar a'n't no .sole )'ing ez boin'
bawu foolish an' guru' °bah hit.
El yo' borror'd n hoe las' sato all
yo' fe all right ; hot of yo' lent ono,
whit' it, 111E ?
De po'er de title ab a mpg too
900011' da stonta(11 do fence ho puts
r0uu' bit.
Ef coots, pants nn' VOW'S 10)11(0 n
man, see might 'apo' wondalis f'om
wax figgalle.
Do elan went has little money, an'
ant seldom, lailts too chins( hit 80
(lett otldnl8 ntay 11(10.11.
Du apple (sat yo' pick offon yo'
own tree tas'eo bottall on' de amigo
d,t 0,•ltie)) oniony miles.
Some say dat die'oncety an' deceit
burlang toe uuu. hero ; but (lo cat
steals yo' wenn '(n oho 1)11otve
1101t01, .lo 111 I: 1,it':a 31)' (0'e11 aur'
Who' yo' leas' 'o -p, g' hit, a.3, dor er
no lnoture oh sohemin' villainy nn'
suffeltin' inneeeucu in human h10t'ry
dot speaks out 1)1111 dna 'sporuuco ob
de epidah au' (le fly.
Dur, Thomas has a largo farm on
the illosourl bottoms near Sioux
Oity. It was all fenced with hotbed
wire, Iberia being two wilds of euati
fencing on the place. lie happened
iu Sioux Oity j3st about the time
that the gorge up the river had
dammed rho rivor to such a pro-
digious height, Porseeiug that
when the gorge broke it would he
hkuly to robot ,he water to such au
extout as to flood his farm ho redo
hn,t ly homes nud mads peepara'ions
accurdiugly. les muck and alt that
was i ovablt was transferred to
higher ground. `1'trsu lie and Ins
hor, it )man proceeded to impale
chuol( of went on ovory barb of
Wats wire fe•ucot It was a big job,
but it ',0.N ll111nt1e4 j 1)0 a8 we rivor
began to 0uve0 the lower posture
lf,,r twenty' a,:: holtr8 •1)n water
tie 01, lieu feu, .,)ovo the rep of the
lug)ass fence poet, dud when it ro
crn0l the most remarkable sight
woe levoit'ed. brow (.•0'.ry bath,
except torte, if twat two mile:: of
foie , :awe a Hall. '1'hutr. 15 Ort:
pict(orel, hose, pike, :melon' twit
every other imtlgivabio variety. A
simple calculation will shun' precis
ely )Ito odzu of elle haul. D was a
five euro fence, each wire having
thirty six barbs to the rod, making,
its any schoolboy can tell y0U, u
total u) 119,'200 borne to tu8 two
mi)1.s of fencing. There wore throe
barbs that naught nothiug, so that
timed were only 115,197 fish. Per
baps the most remarkable part of
the story is to tomo: From that day
to this, in nil parts of the Missouri
river, there havo been caught just
three (1010, the exnot number that
didn't get caught on our friond's
barbed 0liro fancu.
BILL NYE .'NI) .1 13i)1K IGEN 1'.
Yos',rday 111ad a personal con.
(1iot ul” a bi'tor find acrimonious
nature with till unknown person On
my grounds at Staten Island. I
desire to spook of it m•yeelf rather
than novo Ulu ulacter l; .1 into rho
papas in a go: bled orate,
I: live in. -ft, gn[ut porno of the
island, jut, in -ugha o, rho produce
elechau o towor, but beyond the
reach ur rho aright. 'ur of New York.
Hair 00 havo olvilizaLi°n nn the
ono hand, and rho wilt] whoop of
Buffalo Bill's sovagoe on the other
Just near enough to make it exolt•
1111.1 not ).lank t 5wuril be nlluo1•
ed here by peddlare, beggars and
faltiee. ]rosterd'ty n plain, sad
man rung rho door -111'11 Ile' told
wy reprusentativo that t(0 (loeirod
very touch to wed mo, and prasont-
od his oard. Tho name was not
fatutlior to me, but I put on lily
other coat and invited hien, into tho
cold, cold parlor to which I invite
people who (lo not come highly en•
Ilo was ranter quiet and sea in
spore. I sympathized with him,
for 1 kuow what 11 is to be sad.
IIo had a lotber of introduction,
he said, from a woll•ltuown fittora-
tour and confrere of mine, which ho
begged kayo to prosout. I, read it.
It introduced tho bearer iu rho usual
firm and begged mo to treat him
kindly, and stated that any favor
shown to hitt 5voulcl bo gladly regi. therefore though extremely 31.11port• ; od in Ism.' evening devotions to pray by tiro burning of his barn BO con.
procatod. I thou told the stranger ant, must bo dismissed with a pass' for all her Montle, had got offoudod touts, I:fis sone had boon engngod
that we !tad a pleasanter room than ing allusion, With Tor aunt, and 80 of night 5110 113 getting off fire crackers, when n
trio bell and ordering a large water- looking morning drese08, but aro tor, ; filmes, 110. 0(08)0ley had a large trotting Our 17 tal' llao tho
tltot'ab i1i efo,rt 0011)1 all t1) tt'ae1,�nriun for t1)' ,,,a'+hin's
tuolon, "what can I do for you ? not 8o practionl ns those stmplo Never Yet Heard Of, ---'Do you quantity of grain rind machinery in 5v' l,audli• and toh' s, 111)110l ,tr ,t ,ni,11t000 tt 110lirt 3,e (1)010) 101or t1) .
1Voald you like to visit the 1Vono• costumes of veiling or albatross bolieve,' asked a settdent of a tiro. the baso, and sevornl head of live I (+alt 1,r •»101 At'nr1n.,.,,,,•. 0)ca1 t1).• 1lri.lut•, 110,1..'rt,, ,r,Id ,,,• t." }0nrs„lv,• .
at1's Exchange, or Would y011 r'ath- cloth that aro nsofal for all flours . fessor`, r'eeontly, 'that the lion band stock in the stablo below. The
er give yourself up to an afternoon of tho clay, for evening likewise, and i the lamb have lain down together P' ferules' Was a complete loss, and ,
with the at Vanderbitt's tomb ?” prolty 0116991) if mnclo up With tanto. j 'I don't know,' replied tho professor, two cows won roasted alive.
prospectus for is .Uh0uription book, ity of ribboli for ouch pnrposo bo
and Moro I could eton I]m, had mono readily apparent ; each weal( 901119 to stay to supper aga]10 to.
avid : "1Vo
purpose in this wore]( to • it is 1)1)00 freely applied and from night ?' Bobby : Lot sun 400; 0I!
treat of (everything that people want the met -tint 101,10 11) the very tint yea, 0111 said Jur. Sliul,rnul mast
to ltu0w about. It has stntistius iu r,w'+t 1.. plee01 iu rows that ars think "No 1(1'r.p a hotel,
it, bat they aro so proeoutod sh01 J 1111Mer0na in 1uverSu prapor:iuu,", A. little girl !sept Walking urouud
yon 111(0 them. Yue read along 1i Sauna
s t ,911191am ilnmons9 it caller, linked 00y illi gi hor head,
h 010.1, aebrd
down• tho long columns with tho 3 Y
keenest enjoyment. Thera is a 110(11 .0 , t11' foun"r with dark air wai looking for. She replies : 'I
thread -f interest ru u]ug through fano d)vcreiti.''l by light colored was looking for ,your other (nee.'
those tabulated statements which I figures of odd slurp' or in floral 'I don't tiud000mnd you,' said Um
maims you sit up till long after 1) pa tarns, 1110 latter showing fashion puzzled visitor. 'U,' oho replied,
o'olools reading them. All tho boost nb1, plaids an I stripes Both ore 'tn,tmwa send you wen) double
is socl(ed fail of in(0188) and 10111111, 0vty tu,rviceoble, elUOe they will not holed, Yon lntvml'1 got two frons,
and yet it would not Intro) anyouo 1 need 1! iiu,loring. awl 11 1113 trimmed have you ?'
to read it. Tout is nob all. It is 511'(1 55))111 11.uuhurg enlhroidory or Irritated 1?reneuulau Ito Atus1i.
roliablo. Every remark iu it 1) Yoh 11100. to IA !Loll v,,lvtt o) cuffs eau w•lt, hal Uliatak.u1 him (0r a
beaked up uy' at11ta)11 (1le. It Oame.1 and Ob,111 ,h( Il (11. i Ratted, (('(1110 ,;/.)tall)--iii)'-1•, 3''a! 11,.00 gr r rhea
just at 11 time tvh0u uveryono is l0Op8 sod (11(1' '•11'11)111,)1 nl1131 001u ly iu8u1ts+l Ire. phun, is 1113' carts.
the attthorelnp of other plot:' ^11e piwnr„ i1y sncuuda vile resit orlon van, sit r.
l ! Thu beicit1iu of rho d -ay o au wet American —Novae mind sur x' o
Tooke nod give, w gnu and all n � '( 1 y'.
feeling of couhdenco and assurane.a 5511, ,sh000 td n(, i, 11 . 111 1131141, ',1)015, F'ru,lcy. 1`••n Ct.1 00.11) on 111.1
0011011 fait h is SvaVOrIUg an(1 the' t.r,ntc l Doi lower ..1 .. !ti=t:, ]r) j0..1 ,1s wet: Poe lit„ tho 1Voroee.
, ! 1, shire tta no'• .tort ba quiets ab'ntt
reader Js g)opiug and chttohing for � w11�' patois Or on 0 i � �.. , n�.i .1• torehire t q
eumat11iug tangible and stahln.' This 1rt , .3101 ty. .11 ty o,.ol it.
is anoint: illy 11 et`.Jble book It tolls braidtubs u, p a'ne1ce r- ale:: ( snort ' talo utile of my fortune 1 wiolt
hose to brook 00111, 11,,50 to treat tet of wend) tee of block silk or to bt.que111) to my eenp•gt0.ou
cribbers, butte stud army worms, (Dollop. 10)1: aro in keeping with the ucphow George,' '-3,111 the dying
how to bring up childr0n and put
clown 1luokloborrios, how to treat a
Betting hen clu ingg convalescence,
how to undo a cools stove or a cis
tern -pump draw, how to write fur
the papers, how to keep ants 'out of
the pantry, 11050 to make parents
self supporting, flow 00 put up a
lambrequin or put down a carpet,
how to purify politico or maim as
floating island, how to modify tho
tariff O1' motto a good durable stylo
of pork Urian that will not Smell like
a delayed autopsy iu dog days ;
how to make (.001ateG8 candy or
spear( a piece, how to tell by a pig's
melt in the fall whetbOr we ore go,
tog to have an open winter oe not,
how to bank up a housei, how to
win •the affection of the opposite sex
how to meet au emergeuoy, how to
make ink at home wbieh will epeak
for itself, how to clyo a dress block,
how t0 00)nov.; laseuclOr pautnloone
from fruit staiue, how to sew up a
man who has tried to rue a color-
ed german, Lints on hon culture,
hints on 01,10(0 culture, hints 011
marriage, fanning, revivals, ati-
quotto; how to make a good pals
table poultioe; what to do in case
of drooping, Imo: to 110101(0 one
dandclit'n r'ot servo t1s tha found•
anon for n gallon of bitters every
spring for too }'ears, husv to mimes
wealth and dodgo the grand jury,
how to sumo a grizzly bear. In
fact everything you want to know,
told in a pleasant style, for $3 50."
'but if that bo so, 1 have no doubt
bat that tho lamb Was missing from
that ditto,'
Pitney Sliwbrniu's feeltu90. -31r.
Sliwbraiu Melling for a oompli-
neentl. 'llobb,y, `what did your 810'
tor say when she heard that I was
It was tit rude time that the per
sone! encounter tools place. I nm
not a mus011lar man, but my arms
and legs extend in every direction
when I am excited. Thoy aro long•
or and more lithe than those of the
average eau. Au artist from Mun-
ich once told m0 that ho though I
was the limbiest man he ever saw,
and he hod seen n great many men.
I did not perm0neubly disfigure tills
person, but I jolted him severely
And confused and concussed him in
three or four places, nater whldll lio
wont away. After he had I bo0001e
more calm, I retired to my dress-
ing room, where my valet turned
my (stifle for me. I then returned
to the parlor. On the floor I found
tho prospectus, It had been loft
by misbake. I was cooler now. I
took it up owl rend the name of
the author on the title page. It
was as follows : Brea, Nos.
Frt.esletoss Noto 1.
Tuuking, Je evory day coming
more into vogue.
Evora (home of silk mull become
prevalent fashi,nt of blocs: trim -
wings on 00(0re. But here 1111)
borders 10 of narrow braid sti oiled
on talc gaud,. in fancy designs, very
haudeome Ouutrl)0(8 of obtained and
some of (h' pr'ttieet wa>, ring place
droosee are of white- or colored serge
or cashmere 'rich doh borders of
contrasting braid.
Costulueo of drapory not or lacy
over sill( are in greet dome(n,1, and
A very large proportion of evening
drsssma will be wade of these thin
fabrioe, whtoli etre In m01'0 favor
tido Penson Dian on thoir Bret Intro
(suction. Uh0.rming drapery note,
all silk, are 83000n for $1 59 a yard,
and the lino machine-uuido loges
aro not at a 1 expensive. The latter
are the spec -oil property of the
youthful, bee+ate' coming only in
white and ecru, but all sills !)lack
are a1, aultable to ma10011H 118
young people, and In the finer spat
more ec since) fabrics worn by
young girls ought pot to l,0 0)0117
and cue grit:, n • un out 0 Lilo as I,igh-
p,ire+ joss• I,•y
`L' artist i(0,-.
man. 'Why, it «11' only yesterday
tiro bo (1,111nd pin on ol'1 skinflint,'
said t11u lawyer. '1 crit the buy off.'
''J'uat's ,tit right,' repliad tut( toe.
tater. 'You make Deo will out tho
way I tell you 1. I(uo.v enough
about oil la to .t11,.v (host if 11nave
him all tum m-lu0y ho won't got It
coo; of It.'
Ceenns 10,8 'leleourht.
Let each hour, each moment, find thee
Doing still the task assigned thee.
Jiloaood ore tllo )nissionnries of
The mind's rocognition of its
slavery is itself its hope of redomp
Th' happine(8 of love is in no
tion ; its test is 0011111 ono is willing
to do for ushers.
Iu the worst of times there is
mom cans to oomplain of an evil
heart than of an evil world.
Open biographical volume, where
you .viii, and the man evil, 1101 n:)
+ai 11 111 r 1141011 113•, fni'. , is •1 nigh) -
t'or God has marked each sorrowing day
And numbered every secret tear ;
A +mall 1)10.0 is .1 )- necessarily A And heaven's Ion! ago /11 bids( shall pay
big liar, bit eve. y big liar is a very
For all His children suffer here.
is., .l1 ,,,,,o .ant in eery �lnah bnsi• Christianity :Anil. • 0 w ,
rte s from every thin w111 belieVeS 111 It ;
Poen nice:: are ab: tut the only ex- first, to acg011'0 property by just
11111 plo of 310 ill. titati0i d. ing 1a big 011d rights ,uo me.1118, and second,
bnslne,- wills, 1110 ,:dvortieing in the to look not only on Its own thing ,
nit pore. belt. ,il,', on tho Wings of 011101.1.
'Yes, ,lir,' ..,rid Poppinjay, em• No article ,f the erood is s, hard
'Cir :boil is o ufnn of tob8hov" 1)0 this o --I beliovo in tho
liulit'11 means, hut nnlnnito,i mer.'• I (00910enes. of sine But look at
Peter If I could point a portrait
Skilful DI'uumlt—'I do lr'po tho of Peter, I would write on every
cerem.my will go off tvitllnat ,t hitch hair of his head fot'giveuoss of sins.
tomorrow.' Pilfer—'Tont, i don't. If we Ore 0081 down by the mean
It's Elonor'slast chance ' 00-s, the sorrows, the vine of tho 7�
'011, door,' sighed the Widow world, it is because we dwell on [j�0 .10111
Taros, 'if John hod only made els 80me lit110 part of which we see Egg E r
will, I shouldn't b., so pestered 5v1t11 little ; belt let. the thought of God in
01080 iawyure; I :1lmost. wish John Christ come 0), and we can root iu
hadn't died.' that holy splendor.
said fttt brido to her husband. y g Farmers and others cap depend upon getting from
100,000 Ithe.
1.5f0.4flrt ' JQU1.9N
04.1 1''il
Fl .
Ai In*
For the.
�'A• '0'!I1'3 ...,
jLIr •r� W L OO T ' > TO2
I wi811 to call your attention t, the feet that I steep on hand a tremendous ndous stock of
;tombs t, exchange for Wool. I am 1•'tl riailte,l to make this wed ,uteon ,'oo of the
largest, and 00) the wool s0+trmh ie at harms, it '+ill he. neeeiteary tsar you should look
()roundand /loculewhere)to,'1)11(eyotlrpurchases in IN' ostlers (1c>t,ci;.. Afy
stook is open fm your inspection, aryl 1. the b t selected d ..1ock ever shown by any
Woulon Factory in t arcs. 11Y LOW PRICES WILL A" IUNISII LVI:I(Y-
130D]'. 1)o not bo 1 1 away by Shoddy Pedlars 11,111 0th, rt„ hat )1•0114,• 0.p') dyad (1i.
rept with one who (5 endeavoring, to the hest of his ability, to give 1) r.t close work
in Roll Carling, Spinning, and 9lannf.'et,,ring, Tweeds, Ilan/age, 1(10t,kc h t'., tend
ileal honestly witl, everybody, All Wool Jlalif,t iwceds 93, it :t.i ( I It( l'Iilt
Y:t 1113
'Thanking my'nut t 1 , ,amt f:3,' :11.1 past f tea•.., would beg t v 0.110'
and brine yot t neighbor t .. ,• 1, to 1 , a 5 ' Will bo 101 o1,1- Il .r,' d to ,r 0hntk
so lu5v in rake. Ion 55111 fir t 1 111 1 ',1: t i 1. the most pt u,l. (WA 1.0.,-1'ul at- -
teutioutoail. ?..u,-.. 1 -)',-10ul1y,
Stay n, EN -(l -e",
jAS just received*a large stock of Spring Goods, such as Spades,
Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, the.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Sash, Glass, Shingle:, and Lath.
A. large quantity of Barbed and Plain Wire in Stock.
Our assortment of Silverware is largo, well assorted and eol(i on
close margins. Don't fail to bee it.
Contractors or persons intending to build houses or barns should
call and get estiolates in hardware supplies from us.
A. M. Mc,KVY & Co.,
TIII11 undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at
the old
'Don't call me 'Ducky,' John,'
They tiny, "Truth is mighty, and
will prevail ;" lint this ie only half
the case If you put truth upon
t1) shelf and let dust lie onhor re
cord, of what ilea ill it be to men ?
'Pratt] unknown, how can 11 onlight•
on ? Truth not felt, how can it
renew, ?
NI';Z'th 1)0011 Brussels Post Office.
u 1110 w11c highest Market Prier' IN 01811
'It's (00 suggnative.' 'Why, pre- ,
cions ?' 'Because ducks always this season as we aro going to .ill. s'stun�]we ly and require' largo
waddle, you know.' quantities
Johnny Didn't want to got L ,ft. Don't forget tho old stand next (leer to tho Post OJlieo, Brussels.
—Mr. Periwinkle to his young
guest at &liner : Well, Johnny,
what shall I help you to ? Johnny :
Some of all, sir.
First youngster 'We've a nits
canopy top to our carriage.' That's
within.' We've a 011a.ttle mortgage
on ours, which a good that more
)ban covers it pit says.'
'Why,' said tho young wife of a
physician, who was given to boast.
ing of hor husband's profonsioual
almost thiel(, by 1'00snn of all per- 81(111, '11e cured a patient of oon.
vading tucks valesconoe in lose than ti 1 hours,' Galt, the other day, at t'10 ago .if 51
Skirts can hardly bo too much A now gun has boon designed for 1 yours He w,1s born 10 Galt in 191)7,
tuclsod, whether horizontally or our army. As the enmity op awl was wall known throughout the
lengthwieo, even wools cdispinyiug pr0aohes tho muzzle his attention length and breadth of the Province.
such fa8hiauablo timid). is attracted by a small sign, '.Drop 1 lis dt'easo was inflammation of tho
Shirring appears and to atone n penny hi the olot, and 800 the you lungs and liver.
for a long absence, is rapidly gain, go oft' i _ The new commander of 'the Brit -
fug favor, 001110. taco 1s cxiromely At the theatie. I hope I am lsh forays in Canld,5, I,iou G'encr•
popular for garnituro 03, cotton
not dlstur11ln you, madam,'
ho al Sir John Bose, nud 100 mon of
dresses. Borders aro 110Wever a said, as ho 0g00zed by 11100 to go out tin York and Lancaster regiments,
arrived at IIalilax from Liverpool
on .friday of last wteek. Ire was
Cst.uttaittn Nowvb+.
Mmes 1 �'; . Bai11 .�aty .e 84 Son.
The annual meeting of the Con.
sevvative Association of North Brace
will be held in Winrton on 30''i of 1 haw much pleasure in informing all 1110
James bicFelggan, Inspootor of
the Ciao Dietriet Dlttlual Fire In.
enrollee 00ulpany, formerly Chief
of Police, died at his r0.i3nnna,
I t ott n disturbing '
rag0. at the end of the first act. She
Pashionahlo people are 1Irving n1)0000ed with n most angelic smile,
'Not tet all—my husband runs lho received with a general salute from
cotton parasols made to match and bar 1' tea Citadel. 1'1101(1 was n largo
with 1'ongli straw .hada 1181 for tho A. California widow had plans for crowd assembled to mob 1110 Ge)1-
couutry or bonnet for tho etty, will a $50,000 nlpnn0Ont for hor lobo oral. 1lo is a pleasant looking
bo vary stylish, oven for drossy clsparted, hub when tho Iawyo08 got gentlemou, of about five foot fours
watering places. tllrolt'tls lighting over the ()state the or five rather stoat, with n grey
o' ��s�p�old fric'ncla that my dtwghter and grandson
will continue the egg bnsiu(•ss 01 rho ul,1 • stand Carried o11 by 111(+
last year nail I hope they mill reeievo liberal patronage.
1A1A"n. RoDDICA'•
z. 0.:.'...•.:r
I teregt .g
to the alp a,e�2II31
Motal braids aro it world in drool 5v:tlo0Y was (10)09 11ousownrl( at $9 wh181(01. rr {:llt])Il'1' 131309,, Implement Agont:i, 111.(11117 to return thanks for the extensive
salvos ; tho snbjoot is one of trio per week for tho elan who drafted Stephen Dlossley, of London V patronage of the past year and beg loavo to remind tee Vanning a 011111tnity
most prominent and interesting, but tlro monument, township, sustwood a loss of over that they still handle (110 _emitlaroo __taste Seenl, Dixon:, '1,000 1)f which 00170'
hasbean alma ottiar e(1 119011 and•> )0 on 'I'hthrsda afternoon last mauufacturod and sold i10 1839, Tt(n 111,,8000Itfuw'a:a 0nd 'Polo .t'ono15u ittowen. Ta
l dy gA. ]]silo Child, 50110 Was aeoustom. ,0( y Dhow
the superiority of this last mentioned machine the sales for tho past: 11 years
slave over -inn 3,000 a year.
'1100 0.1 O also agoats far rho well-lmnlv)1 ,nal latvat inlpsared Venose and ('dlampi's
1lrills, and the $llat'p Eullty 110.1017, the best aver 1 12- cturdd, rt large,.ro 131gnI) wet
of Pura 15iani1Ia Binding Twee 01'1'1)'11 for' rho harvest of 180
that; and :I: wanks sample,
glace to have White India look moll, batiste mamma
: 'UI, Doe, bless papa ants spark rn, an inaan of straw in We have sold and ars selling alaw: number of 7.3nellanan's Horse Rhes.:; and Bie-
lion comp in and sample it. 01+ l!'rcueh nninsoolc aro mn(lo tip mnm)na rots Moss runty ; but if rho barn, and in an instant tun Vat"s, Na bettor iu tea ru 1017).
"Now," said I. touching an oleo. with finish of embroidery, into cool• yob. can't bloss hes', 1) doesn't mat• witolo building was etlVe open in '.rlsc lVillthlaon plow anti all plow repairs kept eonstn1)tly et our 01)"I,. No norerl .'f