HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-8, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST JUNE 8, 188S.
aaagas�asaww c*ala* wercrsa,va�mncemacccsw xvs�aa'awurt,mur�mwa>t..rwasmtncm• :.. ... -,.
Dirootory of Churohoe &nd Societieet
Mhbvzttr: Citen,•u. Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m. and 0:30 p, tn. Sunday School
at 2;90 p. in. Rev. John ;toss, B. A.,
B303 ('nrucn. Nnbhuth Services at 11
a. in. anti 0:30p. ut. un I ay School tet
2:30 p In.
S'r Ir IN'tt ('amen.• Sabbath Services
•at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
3:80 eon. Rev W, T, t'1u1>•, incumbent.
MET1-1e1,Ie1' Callan. Sabbath Ser'wiCue
at 10:30 a. m. and ti:30 p. m. Sunday
Sohool at' 3:30 p. in. Rev. 31. Swann,
,Boat:ut (.'tTtteme entrc•n. - Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a-ni. Rev. P. 1. Shea, priest.
Onn 1•'tanowa' Loect: every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
3TAsoaxc Loans Tuesday at or before
fns; moon. in Garfield block.
A. 0.11. W. Louor on 1st and 3rd 'Mon-
day evenings of each month.
S'onxstntir' Lotion 2nd and last Monday
evenings of mit mouth, in Sutale's hall.
L. 0, L. 1st Monday in every mouth,
in Orange Hal).
Doter u;; rie:E. •- Wee t, luaus from 8 a.m.
7:30 pan.
Macutxtcs' It rrt•t:rt:, Reading Room
and Library, in IIolmes' bock, will be
open from 0 to S o'clock p.m. ;Wednesdays
and Saturday's. :Hiss Minnie Shaw, Lib.
Bltrsssts W. C. T. V. hold monthly
meetings on the 'ird Saturday. - in each
month, at 3 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Swann,
Pres. Mrs. A. Strachan, Sec.
. S:v verxaj _Amar services at 11 n. m., 3
and 8 o'clock pan. on Sunday and every
evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the
barracks. Capt. Bates in command. •
s o•ztn r.
"Yoe, yott otic have it for twenty
dollars, I'''3 worth tiler() thou that,
but I'm ureal of it, .tuts I can get
something I want a goad deal muco
than the bicycle with that money."
Dick looked longingly at the well
;,ora bicycle, Lo heel wanted a
bluyeie wore thein "uytliing oleo in
the wltolo wide w•.,rld, awl he had
Only just made up Inc um. d that it
was wholly out of too question to
Dope for oue, when I; red Davison,
Made him ible t,anpting offer
"How long will yon keep that
offer open for we ? Ire netted, ab be
put his hand ou the eadclie with a
caree:deg touch.
"Fell, I'll give you an hour to
make np your mhel ill," answe eta
Prod, who was ehrevel euough-to
forece ti:at 0 limited time would
probable wake Dick more. likely to
decide in few r ,1 ,0 bicycle, titan
it be Lad a longer t.l eortunity in
which to tlttait the i t t'tel• oval.
werite(3 c rtrtde to do for
moths 1, ova taut) 1'i1 slop intd let
you Leen what; I tial.141 3mot tilting •
it, rut toy x y bate.," a it wcreel
Dick. ".hi,i toy d.. , iso t it 2" nod
be`vaulted tit:. 4t ,ajtilu ,out ral'
a-thediets.' -
That• trial ? Lou then and
there alt_L-ug1 L.t ww• oat nu; admit
it even to hire apt lsit)ek"l had
occupied the t,tci.'.: r .:htn•e of
thoughts ever „nee r, bicycle chub
had ben organized in the little
ati l i' .1 a. ei, . been very
hard for him to ace Id to
enjoyittt ' 3.'L4:n .' ill ;which he
coutd rot -hart bee wee ho had no
"1 s3(.vor tht,:r;ln 1 should gat
snob a bargain r.s :Li, 1" Le said to
hineelf extzlten'ly, is hu went clown
the street, whi:,:aing as blithely as
any blackbird. "1. must have it,
but where stall 1 get the money ?"
That was a beriauS (illeetion, and
ono that tut+t c.u:.vr. red bofote
ho conld d,.ci'in upon tho bicycle.
Ho knew that it tw,a:id not bo of tho
least ueo to ask kis mother for it,
for, loving and indulgent as elle away
to her wily t.ttt 1 ,,he hod a hart.
rnggto t 't cu ::1::,11,:;11 by tttaotling
music to Ise;, blot a, sellool anti to
buy. Lis eioth:a sa,d books. How
than l ,cl•1 Le ,r:t it ?
Ttt...ty . it very small
sunt to pay f:.o n1)i010.0, but it was
a very large 51103 to a Loy Who had.
not a pnu, in lile eitcot, A.e he
ammo his head. into Lia pookeits to
eonvinco Lnu.ocif that tie was indeed
penniless !1^. 1'•^;1)1 l t,. well•ftlled purao
that he had forgotten about for the
Moment, and Lc drew it rut with 'a
little start of surprise, •
4.1 the last meeting of the school
literate/ society to which ho helougod
be Lati been elected treasurer, and
the balance of funds from the pro•
ceding year had boeu handed over
to biro. Twenty-two dollars and
fifty cones 1 It was tantalizing to.
Have so much money in his p0ssee•
pion anis yotnot be ablo to purchase
rise coveted bioyole.
• Suddenly a thought chum to slim
that made his faro flash with excite -
molt and. his heart beat with Brent. •
throbs. Why not ueo this money;
to purcbaso too bicycle, and then he''
could replace it before it could be
needed for any' of tho 'moiety capon.
see.. Ile bad. six months before bin
in which to replace the Mon0y, and 1
surely he could find pleuty of ways
in which to earn that sutra in half
"Soiliolgae, 1. fool as if it was 11
stooling ; bat, of courso, it isn't, 1
for I ata •g:Ot) to Tay back ovary
cent of it, I'm only borrowing it,"
Ito said to himself an Ito felt nn ma
comfortable couseionenoss of wrong
doing when be detertniucd to ase
the society's funds.
"It would be foolish not to ado it
,viten the bicycle is sail a bargain,
and tits meaty in n„t nceeled for
Dick quiotetl Lis ooncoieuoa by
theee assuraueec, and, opening the
purse, counted ottt twenty dollars,
anti wrapped it up in a plee0 ; f
paper. "I would not care to have
Fred know where the money comes
frons," he said to himself.
"Well ?" intorrogeted Peed, as
i)iclt a tine back from his orrauds,
"\\'oat, I'm going t0 ftl>o your
bicycle, ohs fellow ; eo ttol it nut,
and I'll hand over your money."
"It must be cash clown," said
Fred, who hod the reputation of
being hard to deal with ill nee.reau-
tilo ti'lt3iettltions among his school-
"00 course it will be cash down,
answered Dick, handing ovor the
handful of silver and bills with a
lordly air of indifference, "Who
haute to matte two or three pay-
aymints of such a small amount ?"
"lett meet be a nabob," '33it1
Fred. as Lo counted the motley,
wondering whore Dict; managed t0
got it, "It's all right sa take your
Dick needed uo mond invitation,
and dieposiug of his small parcels
na various pockets, lie vaulted into
the saddle, and was soon speeding
down the smooth street, ecareoly
able to believe that ho renlly poss.
eased the desire of his heart at last.
What should ire tell his mother ?
He Ikoow that olio would not approve
of tieing funds that had beau en
trusted to him, nud yot olio would
maternity want to know how he got
the bicycle, Ho rode more elowly
as he pondered this question.
"1'11 tell her I'm going to work it
out," he decided at last ; "and that
will bo the truth, too, for I do Lave
to work for the money to replace
the twenty dollars,"
As he anticipated, Lia mother
was quit.) satisfied with this explan-
ation, and delighted that he at last
owned the bicycle for which ire bad
longed ; but Dick felt conscience-
stricken at lits own deceit when lie
heard her loving words of congratu'
In the delight of his now posses
!donho soon got over, the uneasy
feeling that he had felt at first, and
enjoyed his bicycle to the utmost.
Now and then he rememborod
that the days wore speeding array 1
Into weeks, and still he had not bo -
gnu to earn the money wltieh mast
replaced, but six months seemed 1
a long time, nod he contented binl-
i:t If ,. it h !trying that some way Ill
which ho could matte some money
w(nld present itself
Occasionally Lo hada chance to
eltrrl it little, but his olaviugeacuint
elated slowly, and at the end of
feu:.re:outbe he only had three doll-
ars lti the littlo box in his human
IIu hogaa at length to be serious•
ly uneasy stud to wonder how he
could possibly earn the athoeSOVO.n•
tears dollars in the short time ro•
middling to him
"I say, Dick, 3'ou't'o just the hey
ave want t0 pee," ehonted ono Of bis
ecitn,tl tw(tes Al iso tt1114t0 lti.3 app':1,r
enc•) et school one morning. "Coro.)
over here in a corner of the phty
ground. We're having an im
pro:uptu meeting. of too Lt': ratty
Inn 0."
\\ b^.l.' 3 up ?" 1.“10:11 DieL, ahr
abo1;::1 tins summons,
"Why, ro't'e just found out Cott
Preeton ie going to be marital,
raid, =snoring the good seta 1 t)fi
tic gavo 11 when we orgauiz :l , or
poster;, cud :til ho'e done fol i% WC,
think ib would be rho correct thin;
to draw got itt tw enty•flee (1,1',"e.)
from our funds and giro box)
handsome prey nt. All Stu •t:.
tis aro fon it, so whet do you 3 ;T"
All at one» Dictk'e heart t.r..a,
to- slut) beating, and cvo yt'k:.
swam bef:,:e ]lie eyes, What truni�'.
the boys toy if they knew lie hot
used twenty dollars out ol'tho 1,,,,'-
ury ?
lfello I Oilman, Soon a gilts.,
svhet's the matter with .you 2"
queried ono of the boyo, giving hint
a rough, but not unkindly shake: •
Diok recoverocl himself by a
violent effort.
"I don't feel good this innorning,"
ho said rather feebly, "Yes-, it would
be nice to got l\Ir, Preston a preeonta
When aro you going to get it 2"
"Next Saturday avo'il delegate
two of tho boys to go to thio city
and pick out something," en v:erect
Harry, "There goes the scltoo].
bell, I'll tell you more afterward,"
and too boys trooped into ilio
The hours of Um morning e04e1On
emoted litre an eternity of misery
to Diak, Ho could /lot force; his
mind to attend to his lessons, tad
failed uttorly in all his recitations,
Finally Mr. Preeton oellcd him
to talo tleelt.
"What is tho whitey ttith you
foie inoeuiug,'my boy e" Ito, aslced,
kindly. "Aro you idea ?"
"Yee, sir," etnrnineretj I)1'Oli, nut
able to lilt Lie Ine,t anti Inept Otto
keen, searching giallo.) of the inset
er's gray eyes.
"'Then 1 will oxutlto you for the
day, for utero in no tree in reei'tlu •
jug when you Itch 11011 prepared for
reolta' 1e•"
Diultt1t 1ndi3' availed 311111lelf of '11')
perutissiou to leave the cahoot chow,
and gathering up his boots.' he went
homeward at gait very different
from his ttea.al brielr 8.013
(T0 lit: cowl:LOVl D )
Fat r, xii IN tete )e.
Ilow 0iti N3 Pay. --It our farmers
would pay nttontiuu t., gro.viug on
ions thoy would find It very romun
erative. It is alin013 impoeeibie to
obtain enough for calinery purpos"y
this spring and t't"y aro av )rth tat
whole -40o $00 00 low 100 Iba. On-
ion ars being imp, tae Oenn h{yp:
,tuts Malta to ,supply the dem old ill
Ontario. An a0re will easily pro
duo 100 bushels, worth 1st ;cast
Are you not going to use a blood purifier
this Spring 11 If so, remember that Dr.
Carsou's Stomach Sitters is one of the
best known. Largo bottles 130 cents,
d?itw Use; Pon EGGS —A earns
pondent to the Hnmiluou 'Times nut;
geses that if eggs remain cheap,
farmers can do hotter by footling
diem to the (hives than by nulling
them, pay, a 15 touts a doze)). lie
maintains that one dozen tggs ars
worth fully two gallons of net milk
if fed judiciously to young calves.
The suggestion is worthy of g trial.
Calves and a plontifnl supply of
eggs come together, and the 'expert.
trlegt ie tuns an 0 toy 000;
t'PEOTOCIIA" fir colds. "PEOTORIA."
for coughs. "PEO 3'OLIIA"tor the lungs.
"PEOTORIA"for the Bronchial tabus.
"PECTORIS." the best, tho safest, the
cheapest. "PECTORIA" the groat 25
cent Cough Remedy.
The Ayr Recorder unblushingly
works off the following : D. D. Suy
der, of Bosevillo, hay a pit on his
farm which wants filling up. 11
way caused by tiro uprooting of a
horso radtsh, monsuring 3 feet d
inches ill length, The bottom roots
were about ]calf an inch thick whir,
they had been broken off, so that
it is safe to say the radish would
have measured fully four feet if it
hod boon got out whole. Tho rail
ish was presented to the Hiboru
Holm, and it else reported that as
soon as too too. was taken indoors,
the inmates of rho Hotel hal to take
cd their Meavy flenne!s.
A L13000Ofi.
.3.losaon it to Lelo:xruod frau) tan sight of
,t bald head. Palling out and premoture
grayness of the hair can bo atoppedir takes
1u time. Do not let it ret on without reek-
ing an effort to sale 1t (,eta bottle of Dr.
Dorcnwoad's Ora (11101:0 Mair tingle; it stimu.
laths tiro growth dh.: frosb vitality. and
keens its natural Dolor, besides bsiug n su-
perb dressing. Ali druggists sell it.
To the Editor of Trim Paan,
SIu,—I would like to remind 1
your niimnr3it. ..}tit.n11(30111 fenders
that about tits !trot week in Awe is
the best num for planting ever-
greens, and that if then moved—
taking caro tolteep the roots cover.
ed from digging to planting—they
will generally succeed on most sone,
with sone little 1331003100 in the way
of either ntul:ltiu or-stirrlug the
surfitco of the groulal occasionally.
It appears to nae that thht descrip•
tion of tree is likely to bo of the
most ee033. ;i'„est i i uteded 0s •
peolally is some protection against
the 0..1.1 north wind in winter and
early spring. At this last poriocl
groware of fall wheat will fregnent.
13' find all their '.hopes destroyed by
tt few cold days after the snow le
gout). "The wind etbinad to pees
ov s it like to knife, stud left it gray
had half deed,” ninny human bays
said to tae. 13111 ,there that) twice
good pro teatime of neighboring Deem
this did not occur. AVo are grow.
few --all tee low --acre broad
planantioue. Oleny fino rows of
maples aro bojot, phented, it 14 true ;
but thee0 Will 3100 t111Stae1' the par
pose, thoagit excellent ill their tray,
for their loaves try, nut tilers at 1110
111110 u, o,l„d, Trees of evergreens,
htlruver, will aie'.1111', True, noth-
ing will grow under tone, but ;ilii,
will grow 1.111(10r ttuy trete, whilo
the'e 10, wLOn unto the triton are
sulliajently high aid brauchiug, a
coolncs, under ovetgreone wince no
,31301• trse benne), We sb',old not
grudge rottu'ning it Halo grauud to
:h'' forest. From it we tools all too
ground Ivo have.
R. W, .Puttee,
'Toronto, 11lay 81.
�kcsne 'ail I+Ia tve.:.
In the German Reichstag llhero
aro 880 smokers and 30 nr'u•smoit
\. r.)tn,tntic story was brotigia to
light List week by the m trruagc of
a yuan, lady ill Cleveland to a gen
flow to iron Toronto. It was n
marriage brought about through
correspondence only. In 'Tomato
liras William Your;,, a matter. of
fact young luau, who some rima
since took it alto hie head that
would bo too proper thing to got
married. fie' 041 001 romantic),
Ana ilio Toronto girls appear not
to havo folly come up to hie re-
quiremonts. Through sumo means
or other ho learned the address of
Mise Nellie hIeffort, a young lady
living 0u Iluron etreet in Cleveland,
and learned that she was open to a
matrimonial ellianee. He wroth to
her asking Ler to correspond with
him, detailing the amount of his
worldly ;ammonium, his personal
appearance etc. The fair Clevolaud
;a responded la a ponded affabl}', and after a
low iuterohnugee of letters, photo-
graphs were exchanged. Both were
well pleased with the likenesses,
tho lady being particularly talion
with a 3lasoute apron which the
Toronto than wore, After about
two months of epistolary courtship
the yotiug man formally proposed
dor her [mud, 'Iris Me fort accept-
ed, and he wrote than he would ar-
rive there last \Vednosday to claim
hie bride, There was considerable
nervauiittess in the house on Huron
street. The prospeotivo brido av011-
tler1d if her lover had sant her a
genufuo likoueoe, wondorod if he
had deceived her as to hie age, and
if he would still elicit to hie bargain
after ho had seen her. At last the
proao]c wooer arrived, knooked at
the door, asked if Anse lieffort lived
there, and was informed that she
did. The yotmg ]tidy flew to meet
him, aid they exohaugod greetings
and looked each other ovor. The
young man was satisfied with Lis
share of the bargain, but the young
lady was not quite so oousidorate,
She dallied with him for some timo,
and it began to look [Le If Lir, Young
would go back to Toronto alone but
matters were arranged and the mar.
riah'o coueummatod,
Express Wagons,
Toy Carts,
.' j._��
Etc., Etc.
The Ladies should see
the nicely assorted
stock of Fans
and Baskets,
—1310 CUT IN—
Sterling ltlaohit o 01 is daily becoming more widely aid f tvorably known. Thoeo
who try it continua to nue it. No other Oil 30 morn su table for gonoral nee, 11 is
well adapted for all
11 aoh eery,
Reapers, llowers
and Threshers 1
for i
J1)1303.t•1u'harctl l,;t ,1]'e 3filiau, Kill d' C.r,., .Z)et)'olcu ; Brandt (It
S't,'a(lbrd, Ontario,
. .
P011 8:11,1; 7lY . o1.V.GJ ..A. I.y & Oo.9 jrkyss3.Ls;
11. 14',1fcA).tlsralt, itthcl ; .1, Titn,rw, 1i1uevele, 7m
--'AT '.1:11.1E—
.TiIp-_POST BOO.)i'tS'TO2 E.
loonomy Restaurant.
llariog just opened in the 1/rick t:,n'n
et' Storo, formerly aceupied b,' It, Mal.
echo, Brussels, the appo'il,, comm. to
the Poslolllce.
(At all reasonable Baur,.)
tom' P013 TWENTY (11,N TS.
A. Call is especially solicited and crony
attention will be pard to Patron:. A Inn -
Dud number of lardy and Gentleman
Boarders wanted.
AU Amount; of Honey to Loan
on harm or Village Pro-
perty, at
! 0 cC 01; PerCenf. Yearly.
Straight Loam,; with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
1)irisit n Court Clerk, ]3rus8els.
Loan &Investment Oo.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at JJowlss7'
Mortgages Purchased.
8, 4, and G per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Markt
Square and North Street, tdodc-
Horace Horton,
The Attention o1' tiro Public
is called to the fact that the
uc=rl l
will give
Tweeds, Yarns,
Blankets, Elan n o'7,,
Unde,;t'c3totlaitc•f, y'(i•
for the Best 80 (lays,
toeokl, Drives
in Knitted Goods.
vra g, w'4,rs ...— ,.-z .,,
To Secure talc
Big Reduotions 1
you Must bring tot;
Try the Brussels
Woolen Mitt
tis' FOIi