HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-1, Page 88 Ave: 'Into "I Qualg Toro or, WHITE Ft BLUME von Tim ruiccsuvArioN or rova OUREVAIT arid GOOSEBERRY TREES. I1a'Ece YO' :1 EYE ON THEM AND USE IN TIMF G. A. DEADMAN, 1iuggL't 1. 1.(Holler. ard Farley thols Dcaler. Drueeelo. --• • WOOL WOOL Wonted 1.y undersigtod Fifty Thons• inoulde neon". Wod. for which vfl1 bo void tho very HIGT: MO�T PR1GC,'i 1)) CASH. Formere will fad it to their advantogo t. 11 ..II to roe end TRADL 7.1::1"0 THEY PLEASE Am as as usual buying all sots of Grain at Highest Market prices. ROT. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS. 45-4in. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. scroTurric earn:ism:1, w. o. st: B. r. Trainsleave Brussel° Station, uort and south as follows: - Going South, Going North. Mixed q.30 min lixpross 11:15 a.m. IMail............... p.m Mixed. 8:53p.m, 1 Express.... ..... 045p,m rOCII Ch kern, A chiel's among ye takin' notes Au' faith he'll pent it. SCHOOL Board this (Friday) evening. Co. Coriocie will open on Tuesday of next week. PMEAPPLICs 20c., Pickles 15e. per quart. Cheep. A. Gonti, 46 Bkeeern Beas. lost one of their 'bus horses last week from inflammation. ;Sae quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln, Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel. W. F. Prop. Tim Band will give their weekly open air concert this (Friday) evening instead of Saturday this week. 70 Czars, in advance, secures Trrx Posr for the balance of 1888. Subscribe and get the home news. Goon Puosences.-If nothing occurs to the blosssom the chances for the winter apple orop are good. Spys, Spitzenbergs and Greening.; all show full blossom. 0C.eunrsLe."-This well known stallion, the property of George Whitely, of Sea - forth, will be at the Centralliotelstables, Brussels, on Tuesday nights and will re- main until 11 a.m. Wednesday during the season. 47-4 Itscosmrsm-A despatch from Forest, Ont, says :-A new Ronald steam fire engine was thoroughly tested here )est week to the entire satisfaction of all, doing splendid fire duty, and it is now the property of Forest, Having now fighting appliances second to none, we are prepared tr wrestle with the fire fiend when it attacks us. TURNIS.-The Lawn Tennis Club has organized for the season. The officers are J. M. McIntosh, President; Robert Graham, Vice -President; J. Hargreaves, See.-Treas, 3. R. Grant, W. M. Sin- clair, Be. W. T. Cluff, Dr. McNaughton and D. C. Ross, Executive Committee. Prentice on two evenings each week will as kept up end the club put in shape for matches, Bruissees Nrnsono AND Gomesnorso,- will furnish the following stock at about half the price paid to those travelling agents that call round cocas. ionally :-Poplars, Mountain Ash, Chest - wits Pears, Privet, Norway Sprnoe, Stanidard and Climbing :Rosen, Grape- vines, Flowering Shrubs, bc. My green- house is chock full of House and Bedding Plants all in first-class condition. Conte and examine my stook and prices. Kreae. Dnowiene.---On the Queen's birthday George Billing, aged about 80 years, left his father's house at 11 o'clock to fish at the mill dam Wben ho di,1 not whim 113 the evening search was made for him but he was not found until 7 a.m. on Friday when his brother John discovered the body in the river. 11 )5 supposod he took a fit (as he has been subject to them since he was 12 years of age) and fell in- to the water. His fret were resting on the edge of tho bank. Tho Niteroi took place on Saturday afternoon. 13nevene.-In the wako of almost all travelling glows there usually is a gang of gamblers and dead beats who make their living through the gullibility of tho public. The managers of the chow do not hold themselves responsible for tho actions of these fellows so we warn tho people of Brussels and surrounding country to be on their guard. No man can afford to give, you a dollar for .nothing and then a man is llowed "map" it is merely a bait for a bigger hatil, It you hay° more money titan yon know what to do with go and mettle' some old account. -TLe following officers hold gm rains of govornment for the emoting term in Princees Alexandra ledge, Rev. W. T. Chili, 0,11, ; A. J. Lowialt, 'V.C.I1, A. Crozer, Chap. : W. Smith, 11.14. ; Geo, Rogers, F.14. S. /hurtle, Treas.; S. Wake, S.W. ; W. Winne, 3.V.; N. Flatt, ; J. StrettOn'3.B. ; Wm. Blashill, IL C. nologlac• The lodge is doing well and i, a popto ter institution. meeting meet Mondoy THIRTI'EN poundsof the boot granulatel sugar for $1 et Thomson's. 17. 21o, )1e4clls°12 Vt1, let,i'Vert gel; (1''''741. Pi o 1 13' THE BOAT loads the VS11 as an ailvertis. lag medium and the people know it. Comae to rod, ales roping over .A. R. Smith's' istoro 3)115, STRVOIluN. h hi estimated that 000 or 700 ()rangy - men will go to Kincardine from this locality on July lOth. Geo Initehdo haw inhumed the prier of beefsteak to 121 canto per 'tonna time ing the summer inmate, THIS wool; two vondoro of highly color - tel plaster of Porn; ornaments afire...tido the admiration of the small boy en the stroots, THE 1.1StOWA Crieket Club came to town on Thursday afternoon and played it match with tho town club. Tho genie WW1 not completed when nei went to mess, I ONE DOLLAR per bushel 15 Whig freely paid this wcolt for fall whout on the Druesols niorket. How is that for boli ono markt is ono of tho l' '1 in tho ( county and alttass pays Go. Itiolteot prices. , Wm. Ilnels, ;thipp.a.i a car 1.....1 of esti', on Thursday of last week, voi Jos, ph Clegg and A. 1 iaInos MOM1,:1,1 .,11 men. day of this wok. Joseph r will accompany the l,t.t slcipment to the Old C.Ini try. ..1.11L.mt 60or 70 shares. ot 311 cooll 100,. been taken f.e. the mum, o 0: pitreha,ing the Old tae 00111.,0 for a .1nrim.1. rids - tion and agricultural pre F. 4. ;emit is 'melting 1.11Q 01.11V1io,, :dont 40 or more shares are wanted yet to put the project on sure footing. Tnn Odd Fellows of IN Ingham have arranged a cheap excursion trip to Tor- onto, Yin U.T.R., on Friday, 15th inst. The return fare is $2.20, children under 12 years half fore, tickets good to return on following day. There will be no changing of cars on the trip. THINGS THAT ARS NEEDED. A. littla oil ort the bell pully at tho school house. - Better ventilation of the churches during the summer. -Attention paid to the street north of the bridge by tho County Commissioner. -A united effort on the part of our citizens to make the Domin- ion Day celebration a success. -A truant offi'eer to look up the youngsters wboplay ohookey."-Plenty of money. -A few neat cottages to rent. CONENDRE31 for the Budget : Put down in figures the year in which you were born, to this add 4; then add your age at your next birthday, provided it comes before Jannary 1, othorwise your age at last birthday ; multiply result by 1,000 ; from this deduct 677,423 ; substitute for the figures corresponding letters of the alphabet, as A for 1, B for 2, C for 8, D for 4, do. The result will give the name by which you are popnlarly known. No 1 "Rats" about this. Tim Seaforth Sun says: G. Patterson, M. Pillman, J. Watson and Dr. Smith, members of the A.O.U.W. drove out to 1 Brussels on Monday evening last and when on tho other side of Walton the horses became unmanageable throngh the neekyoke becoming detached from the rig causing them to run away. After stopping the horses and when in th net of fixing the haruess ono of the heraes threw itself down against Mr. Pillman, causing a very painful sprain of the right arm. nerve says accidents of this kind are mused by "pop." All right, wo won't Id out. TEX.rERANCE CONVENTION. -.A. number of representative temperance workers gathered in the lecture room of Rotten - bury Street Methodist Church, Clinton, 1 on Tuesday, of last week, to discuss In - tare action, The accounts of the Scott Act Association were audited. and found satisfactory. A. very remarkable thing in connoction with the association WEIS the fact that there was a surplus of about $200 in the treasury. The sum of $100 was voted to Horaoe Foster as a slight recognition of his services as secretary. Fifty dollars was given to Rev. John Gray for his servioes during the late cam- paign, and $25 paid to the treasurer, J. 0. Stevenson, for his ooze of the finaneee. .4. rebate of $30 was allowed the village of Exetor, owing to law expenses, incurred in a roma suit there, There wee somo talk of the Scott Act Association dis- banding entirely, and n new assooiation being formed, but action in this lino was doforred until after the meeting of the Temperance Convention at Montreal, in Joly next. Casio Orr !-The Listowel Banner of last week gets off the following yarn which is most assuredly "built" on the principle of going away from home to hear the news :-"Last Friday evening flows readied Listowel of a distressing case of suicide in Brussels. As near us can be learned tho faota aro as follows -Some months ago a daughter of Jos. Rozelle, who for a number of years was a resident of Elma township, left home for Stratford and there made the acquaint. anise 01 11 young man who is said to have ruined lid. Arriving home a few wake ago site becamo ill and ched suddenly. Suspicion pointed to tho fathor of giviog her 50100 drug whioh caused hor death and ho was arrested but allowed to go on bail. On Friday morning he was in good health but very despondent, and during the afternoon WAS found in his barn dead f tons the effeots of poisoning. The affair has caused a great deal of surprioo and sorrow in Listowel as the parties *were well known here and greatly respected. Tho old gentleman is alive and well and does not a0110 to have any notion of taking his life. Who was the author of your sensational falsehood, Bro. Banner? Coma+ 1 Coauaet 1 -3Iowe's new mon. ster shows will exhibit at Bruaaols, Thursday next, 7th inst. Too much can. not bo said. It conies lore with the strongest recommendations from tho press wherever it has exhibited, and our oitizeno can rely on its being what it ad. vertises to be. Its attractions aro num- erous, and every promise) made by Aless- lei. Howe concerning the porformanoo will bo earried out to the !otter. You will positively nee the world, troupe of fourteen brawny Turks, Turkish kilifo throwors, trona of French biyalists, Si- herian rollor skaters, the best male and femalo nate, more gymnasts, tnoro tto. roboto, strongest men and strongest women, twenty champion lereporo, lady (cellists, lady wire and rope walkers, lady and gentleman trap= perforators, a whole family of giants, mato ond tomato, ten funny downs. rare Animals, perform- ! ing camois, a herd of blank eillnerS, troupe of trick stallions and ponies, Grand !deceit pageant -performing wild animals exposed free On public streets...this will :surely bo the most gorgeous exhibition dor givon 017 eror public amts. We ad- vise all Iron a distance to bo in tatvn to 300 11. 71 will fake plane et 10 a.m. ' THE BRUSSELS POST tt T111111°1%7E1Tf 171.1F1711i,'..}11411;!,11°101lT.'1'.1.. 414!2lY Exritt valuo iu l'rockory and (Hags. ware, Fined white Granite Seto import - Lel 32 at Thomson's. 47 LAST Monday eyening'S rein 011 10 "power" of good and vegetation fairly jumped ahead after it, IIs'. Ewen, who doupthe tho position of catches for the 'Echo" base ball club, had moved to town. ilo's o "daisy" len hind Got hat or with 11 111 his hood cith• or, A ti1,11: Of be Re ball was played loot Salt:nifty, on V totaria Spinets, between 01(10 captained by Jimmy Theinipson and foam from Amed Bros. inotory. Vic- tory rested With the former. 'Inc advertising ear of Howo'a show was here last Toed -lay and the tOW11 and sur- rounding country bear evidenoo of the amount of work done. The ohow is here 011 Thursday of next week, 7th inst. C.P.R.-0(1 Friday afternoon of this melt a meting of represontativeo find pm,cons interested 111* the proposed eXtsti- , ion of tin C.P.R. from Guelph to (lode. rich by tho northern route will be hold in tho Brussels Towu Hall. A largeattend- 11100 15 expeeted, Mir citizons and the loading mon of Grey and Morris should 1101 110 lo,11111,1. Mooting commences at 2,30 o'clock. • Tut next odipoo of the moon will occur on the night of .inly 22m1, mid will bo more interesting than the ono ono on Tan. 24. Th,, diameter of the turtles shadow will be much larger at the thus 10 proportion to the din meter of tins 100011 darkening its surface' more during totality. It will take placo about mid- night when the moon will be higher in the heaveus and will be visible in tbis deighborhood. IRPROYEMENTS.-A now picket fence at Jno. Grewar's.-The west and of the foot -bridge repaired. -The new fence at Victoria Squato.-Rocierick Ross has im- proved the appearanoe of his lot on Alex- ander street by a new fence. -The ex- cavating is done for Robb. Armstrong's new building on Elizabeth street. -Jas. Walker has put a stone foundation under his dwelling. -Mrs. Ferguson is having a, wing addition built to her house. -3, 3. Gilpin has wrought quito an improve- ment in the appearance of his lots by having the outside fence painted. BASE BALL.* The initial match for the season of 1888 for Brussels base ballists was played with the Palmerston nine on the new park south of their town last Saturday afternoon. There was a fnirly good attendance but the game was too one-sided to arouse the interest often seen in these matches. (Inc boys had a strong team, and with Brook behind dos bat and Growler in the box there was comparatively little work to bo done in the field. Gres= struck out 12 men and any of the home team win) were fortunate enough to reach 1st base generally died at 2nd, as the old catcher from "Catchers - villa" was there. Had it not been for a couple of errors the Palmorston boys would have been blantted all the way through. Tho Echoes piled up 20 runs, being whitewashed in the 5th innings. Their opponent showed want of practice but they have the material for n good club. A. feature of the game was Sas. Ross' one -handed catch near centre 1151d, but the whole team played their mope°. tive positions -well. Our boys were vory hospitably entertained and speak in the highest terms of the treatenont they re- ceived. A return match will probably be played before the season is over. The following score will furnish the other particulars of the game and will show that the Echoes moan business from the start : PALMERSTON. BROSBELS, TVs O's R's O's A.. Brook , o. 3 4 G. Skon,,,s. 1 2 P Stret ton, 3b. 1 5 J. p. n 4 AOurrie,1 J.R Town, 1 b. 0 2 , W.Grewar, p. 4 3 Buttorworth 0 3 ff. Ross, 2 b. 5 2 Edmanson, 0 4 N. Gerry, s s. 1 2 0.P011soli,of.O 3 D. Wilson, of. 1 3 ithON108, rt. 1 3, J.Zones,rf, 1 0 W. Allen,lf . 0 4 0. Strotton, 1 b. 4 1 Teesdale, 30 1 2 - - Totals, 20 27 Totals, 2 07 BruseXsTlsing' 13 31 12 10 00 77 8 •01-00 Palmerston 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0- 2 W. Smith, umpire. E. Duman and A. Cousley, scorers. PREACHERS AND BVIPITS.-Communion service in Melville church last Sabbath. Evening servioe in Knox church with- drawn.-13ext Sunday Iley. Samuel Fear, of Elmira, will preach in the Methodist church at 10:80 a.m.-On Friday of next week a meeting of the congregation will be held in Knox church to elect elders. The communion service will be held tho following Sabbath, when the pastor will take es his subject "From the guest chamber to Gothsemane."-Li the course of his lecture last Sabbath in Knox church Itey. Mr. Howie said : Tho cause of Peter's fall Was not the Lord's ideal°. tion of that fall, as prodiotions have no influence ever the events predicted. The Ousel of it was Peter's 01711 inattontion, or carelessness, on the ono hand, and his rashness on tho other. rotor alembin tho garden but ho did not watch, and yet ho rushed into tho very midst of the enemy and sat among and conversed with thorn as if nothing at all had been tho :natter, In snoh eiroumstances I am not; our - prised that Peter fell. and I would bo less ourprieod if other indifforent and presumptu000 Christians were to fall, indeed, I would be surprised if they didn't, Neglect the means of grace, thou play with sin, moss it and cuddle it, be evhero you should not be, and your fall is as certain as that of Potent. The cause of Peter's riso was two fold. (1) Tho Lord turned and looked upon Potor ; (2) Peter took the hint, quit his place and quit his meannoos, wont out and wept bitterly, and a few weeks later wo find him boldar than tho boldest lion, loss yielding than tho adaroatine rock and shining with greater brightness than a clear mid-day sun, in the preaching and dofonco of Christ's gospel, Dia you ever react the 9nd, ard and 4th chapters of Acts? What do you learn about rotor (hero? Yostor- day, today and forever our beloved Lord is constantly turning and looking Opole every fallen, unsaved sinner with the same anxiety and tenderness with which ho turned and loolcal upon Pater, but those, and thoso only, aro benefitted who, liko Deter, opeoel to quit their meanneos and render ready obedience,. God et,- bultoil Soul and David. The forma quibbled and equivocated, the latter said, °I have sinned against tho Lord," and honer, it is Saul perished and David is saved. God's plan of working is not any different from what it WAS them Harden your heart and yon still, obey and yon arc oaved. God is willing that all thould be mood, but 01 1(0001' hoard that Giulio willing to save people against their will. JA,1EO I 3O0A1,F01.T, of tho Eeonomy ron• titurant, he', added 10 Stook of ,00011 err eatinoil goods, tte. 'hie Wyo.:oder woolen will mole:. lig Spring annotumemeni, in Mk 1,110, A. L. Gibson lo the propriotor. Read whet he has to say. Tun watering eart got to work on Mon. dap txoning of this wools under the mon- ogoniont of James Telly who has had the work in loud Ito. the past two peasono. A "woolen eelebration on Dolniadon Day in lirossols appears to met with general favor. We hope the Council will n1000 in tho :natter next Alonclay even. ing. C.11,11. Eno(' SSIIN. ()II June 0011, 7th and Stli a special excursion to Winnipeg and rciurit, Onml to return July ltAgs. ArOlV lo T, Fletcher, Ticket Agent (1 P1'.., Iirtncels, 17-1W THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY. 11.10 Brosteelo junior foot•ball (dub was boa" en at Wing - hale' by tho fronoido-," of Tornborry...- el.. Wallows' 1101140 (001i 1.1111.1 0110 of the tootting races it, 14eltfoil.11. lit,(wart entertained Itt Bible che-- at his ro-idence where an enjoy:the. into, Was 511011 1. pill), of young people pie. JUN10 1, 1888. erereatalMOMMen=eeneadraterreeMPHOMITRIngsnentiaMaltaigeaseNSOMININSIORMIR-70.010 CILZ. MT. ',NOMAli, thult,Fitth, ou May :Het, tho Wife of Rev, .1. T. f.egoar, 1 tied, of a son. zwa. .--- tantunown VAIIIIPPI•LY LYRICS 001010, Fall Wilma ...... Oj 1 00 Spring Wheot 110 1 (10 Harley Oati BOILS • . Butter, lobs and rollS, Ego per dozen Floor per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Mate per lb Balt per bbl., Shoop skins, Mud], Wool, per lb. Pork 011 70 .111 85) 13) 70 11 00 12 4 no 00 110 7 00 8 0 i 18' MCI 311' 1. 00 18 '22 I; 25 6 10 ---- e0INIECTED 0110,00U? 0.01III0' 0000. Fall Wheat Sprit', Wheat nicked et a grove up thy ,''o'r and luid a jolly time of ite-The home gionsl itt nI nas liarh.v. at least a large nutober of thon, '1' (1 in" e.,.. the fun at Seaforth, Wingham Best quiet genic, of cricket.- Our rosideni welo -The (Illy WS') IIS much like Sunday as possiblo WWII. THE CH1111Ty FUND. -The ladies the W. C. T, of this place, in whose hands the money ionliwc1 from. tho charity concert loot Thanksgiving 1),,y was placed, keep foith with the public by publishing tho following fit 01,M011 6 of when the money was used: Mrs. 13rout '3 3 00 Billings family Mrs. MOGIVTD Mrs. J. Blaslnll 114000 17111 Mrs. Williams Mrs. Stacese Mrs. Wallace Mrs. W. Stewart 913 .205 Mrs. Forsyth 5 00 Sundries 26 8°7° Mrs. Hart Total $ 83 21 Tho money was expended iu purchasing wood, four, groceries, articles of clothing and paying rent. Only in a few instances was cash paid to tho persons mentioned above. From a fairly good knowledge of the majority of the eases we feel safe bo saying the money was wisely and care- fully expended and. sons made a comfort and blessing in more than one case. Tim W. C. T. desire to return their thanks for donations of n cord of woad, 30 quarts of milk and a pair of slippers, amountins in all to $4.00, The ladies personally visited the homes of persons needing as- sistance and iu this way were able to know what was most required. Pomo Wo Keow.-E. W. Gerry is home from Toronto. 110 has been on the sick list but is improving uow.---P, Mc- Donald, of Woodstock, and Harry Mc. Astor, of Harristou, were in town for a couple of clays last eveck.-W. Murphy, merchant, of Mitohell, and wife spent last Sunday at G. A. 33eor's. Mrs, Beer accompanied them on the return trip on Monday. -Gen. Halliday celebrated the Queen's Birthday with his brother in London. -Mrs. Skene was in Stratford for a fen, days lad week, -Rev. X. L. and Mrs. Kerr are away on a holiday trip to Belleville, Brampton and Guelph. -j. Stewart and wifo arrived here on Friday from Belleville. Although Mr. Stewart is not feelingfirst.rate wehope the change of air, and scene will prove beneficial to him. -Miss L. M. Roadhouse, of Kirkton, is making a visit with Miss May Kerr this weeth-D.13. Calbiok and wife and jas. Rath and wife, of Clinton, spent the 24th of May at W. A. Calbiok's of this town. Emma Crolbiek went back to Clin- ton with them. -Silas n1010011 WAS in town last week renewing old acquaint- ances. -Miss Maud Abraham and. brother, of Stratford, spent a low days in Brussels last week. -Mrs. Free Pelton, of Port Huron, is visiting her rnother.-Mrs. 71. Chapman former resident of our town is enjoying a visit here. -W. H. Hill, of Wingham, has taken n position in a store in Niagara.-`'amuol Fear was visiting his son, Rev. E. A. Fear, at Etensall, last wook.-Prineipal Shaw visited the gismo city last week and pat in a pleasant time with Jno. Leckie, Silo. Alexander, J. W. Yeo, T. McGilliouddy, J. W. Shaw and other formor Bruoselites.-Thos. ieuddy is to become private Secretary to Hon, Mr. Drure, Minister of Agrioulture. Mr. MG. will till the bill to a nicety. His journalistic experienoe will greatly assist him in his now position. We wish him success. -Dr. Holmes and A. M. Ithy, of Goderich, wore here last wook for a day or two. The Dr. rodhot on the C.P.R. oxtension and booms the northorn iouto. Ono oO the Clinton papers spooks of "tho coddling of Do. Holmes" ou railway mattore. Why, bless your heart my dear friend, the Dr, is worth auy three of your best citizens on railway businds.- jas. Wilkinson, who has boon engaged in rho Sunshine furniture) factory for sonio time, leaves on Friday of thut \wok for Escanaba, Mich., whom his former chum, Geo, Whybeow, is rushing business. We wish him (mooed in tho West but \you'd rather see him remain in Outatio.-Wm. Colwell and wife, of Mitchell, arid Meg. Archor, of London, spent last Sunday with Jno. Grower and. family. Mr. Col- well is tho editor of the Mitoholl Advor- tiser and in addition runs a largo fanoy goods businetio.-R. S. Hays was in tho Co. town for o, low days this week. - Mrs. 3a, E. Wade las roturned from an enjoyable trip to Windsor RECI Dotroit.-- Mrs. J. J. Denman and children spout a few days with ole) Monde in tho vicinity of Bluovale this week.-Mts. 3, W. Shill is away on a holiday visit to Toronto.- leci.33(okor, of Michigan, is ivisiting her paronts, Knochtel and wife, in town.- Miss Mary Olivor and Aliss Annie Calbiek breathed tho pure air of Ethel last Sundety.-Mrs. W. Coats, sr., of Clinton, mother a Walter Coats, is visiting hi town, -Miss Dutton of Stratford, is spending a fow roach with her (lister, Afro. Deadmon.-Ellorling Parr goon along with darnel; Wilkinson to Escanaba, Mich., sober° Int will work id his trade.. -A. Wilson and wife, of Dtein• frid, wero the guests of Richard Leath- erdalo this week. 11)i1SithL, BILLINOS-Drowneit in the Maitland rivor, Drintsels, on May filth, Coo. aged 30 yeore. Tultentmi, . Elma, on tho 21st ult., Ellen Turnboll, aged 74 von and 1 month, mother of john Turnbull, 401 too. of Blinn, and Robert Titenbtli, of Strati:nod. (t1 1 02 ii(5 1 01) 3") BA 70 110 711 70 - 711 11 11 12 I/II Apple% per intvind. 08 00 110-2s a • - • 1 6 50 7 00 Beef 1 50 1 50 llav 8 00 9 00 Wood, per cord 0 50 3 50 A M. TAYLOR, 13. Cl. L., BAR • Siwopaitins, each. 40 75 e narsn, Solicitor, c25., of the )Cr, 0! Dickson & 'Taylor, Barr:dors . Solicitors, cte., Manning Anode, King Street IV 6 T BANKING. 1140INTOSIE& nnTA.(1 CI ART, BANgwis .:• BlICISSELF4 l'ransart General n n, nsin NoTHS DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United 8 tan, Drafts bonglit and sold. Intorost allowed on deposit 011iiertion$ made on prorabi, ierom, canndlau Agenta-- I1ANt: OP CANADA. NOW Anente--Beetotrgna AND TOAD. ER8 NATIONAL HANK. • LEGAL AND CONVEYANCIND. '3%7 31. IIINOLAIII, I iiirbliT; ko. 0111eo: Graham's Mock, 1 door !tort!. of Bay:reeves' reiVW(0 1,1,1, Loan. Li'1 11 W A 1) E, 11A 0RIST E11, 11 J • Solicitor and Notary Pubbe. con- voyaneing, Collection nth) g Wage atteiel in Hoerte oey ty, ho.s. day at two o'cloelt. "tIOKSON HAYs, (1cto with Garrow Prondfoot, Gods- liserIsters, S..11citors, (Moro 3.01,.e111, olnee, Grant's Mock, )lrits‘eis. Money to 'ono. it. i. HAY.% IV'. B. DICKSON, THE PIERLE'S COMM -1 HOP TO RENT. -APPLY TO 43 E. A. MARTIN, L.D.S. QERvA.NT WANTED. -APPLY LJ at oneo to 30148. W. M. SINOLAIB, DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on farm security. Apply at Tun Post. Publishing Homo. EW LUMBER, WAGON FOR sale at n big bargain. Enquire of .11.4 FRED, RADDATZ, Craubrook. PEES FOR SALE.-- FIRST coma Orst served. Auply to It. SMITH, at 1. M. Mutiny & CO.'s Store. pui.r., FOR SERV10E.-THE undersigned trill keep a thoruigh- bred Durham for service on lot 30, eon, 0, Harris. Terme $1.00 with privilege of returning if necessary. JAN. SPEW, Proprietor. of -sin QAWS GU313IED, FILED AND k Regulated t/11 Lot 11, Con. 1, Grey, TIP) . MCOREGCnt. 01(11111W ;1:17! Iii1111!1V Potent saw set, "Sawyer's 010.1e, for snle, Hit Gin best mode, 90 the sowers say. Pat- ent tor sale. Patentee will allow goads to be inado on royalty. THOS. 21C0 400, 31 Ileussely, Ontario. r.h.111,1 BULL, "PRINCE OF III501.0 LANE," No, 4301,is kept Inc SOP. VICO at Mr. John Eueshtel's, Bruno's. 'Thin Hull is of a splendid milking strain and all who wish to 111C1'011M1aud improve Gm pro. ducts of Om dairy should hers calves from him, Cos.0 or Minvien-derseys, $3,00 cash, all others $3.00 clash, with privilege of ro- turning, if necessary, G. A. DEAOMAN, 43-0 Druggist, Sam Brussols. REAL ESTATE. 0031FORTABLE DWELLING kJ Fort sArm at a bargain. For full part Menhirs as to erica, location, etc., anply to NV, B. M0E:SON, 8-tf HOUSE TO RENT. --THAT comfortable cottage at present oc- cupied by a. Beam, Mill street. Largo lot, stablo, ote. Rens moderato. Also commodious stor chum 10 000,, of PostoRloo latoly occupied by Mr, Roddick. 37- 0. 31. GRANT, 1ARMFOR SALE.-T1IE SUB. .12 SOMBER offers his valuable 100 more farm,being lot 3, son. 10, Grey Township, Huron 00., for sale. There aro about 00 acres cleared and In good heart. Thom is a log holm), pod hank barn, bending orchard, and all the necessary conveniences on the premises. For further particulars, ns to price,terms, ote„ apply to tho Propriotor, TROS.11ISLOP, Olaro P. 0., N. W. T.. or to 3-01 DOUGALD STRACEEAN, Brussels tpARkE FOR SALE. -THE UN. unnsiosinn offers for sale the north east quarter of 101 28, concession 0, Morris, County of Huron. containing 50 acres. Tho laud 15 58 first Quality and In a high state of cultlyation, troll tanned and uuder-drainod, 45 00 050 cleared. New framo honer), 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barna and shod, orchard, ole. Right soros of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation. of Brussels. Suit- able. terms will be ovum Title porfoot, JAMES GRIEVD, Owner, 30- Box OM B russets 1'. 0. (..1.00)) FARM F011 SALE IN 3..../1 Morris, on reasonable Corms, In order to close the affairs of the eshato of the late W. G. ilingston, the oxoeutore offer tho fol- lowing valuable lands for sato North half ot Lob 30, Concession 3, Township of Morris, containing 00 soros, on this lot is orootod a good frame barn with stono foun- dation, good orchard, and pump . Naar. ly all °Mend, and is on the grave road oloaely adjoining the village of firtiosele. Titis farm is a valuable one, iv well fenced and in it good state of oultivation. For peloos and tonna apply to THOS. EELLY, liVoSs01.8 P. 0., HENRY inutitto3s, Victoria Senora 1', 0., m JAMBS SMITH, Maple Lodge I'. 0., Midillesox County. 20A ACRE FARM FOR SALE. To -A arst-olesil farm for solo iu tho 'Township of Morris in the County of II nrou, being eolith half of north half lots 25 64 213 and south half 0( 25 in Mb son, containing 200 soros moro or loss, 123 acros mostly clear of stumps and in good state of cult!. vatlon. Them is a young bearing orchard, a good house and bank barn 110 x 00 foot with etono stable undornoatb, 'Tho is situ- ated within a inn° of the VtlIng0 Of Brussels midis a good farm 807 511010 or stock rais- ing as )ids watered with tho rIvor Maitland and novae falling spring orook. Possession scill bo given at any tiros, For ftirthor par - Maniere apply the promises 011 00 A.4. 11011li'RTSON, Beusoolo, P. 0, a•tt rot -erne. Weer Male, subseriboroffors Tor solo his valuable Porm tho Township of Gray, oomprieIng lots 0 and 7, con ,11 in said toWriShip, 001115 toxin contains 200 morns and is within 11 Milos from the thrivingovillago of BrussOls, with iTgOsinXicZera'';61, riTcVotntic'fiAltpfilLnlit1152, high state 04 cultiation, Tho balance )e finely evodlod, This them is partiolilarly tanaotl,nolub, the whole or tho follow( boing 'straight ono booing boon orootod In 1885 atid'ae. On the pronalsolithere is a 00in totted() log throning house and &goo dfrinno born With (MHO Stabling undornoath in which thorn is roll ith 1 1 et ply of Meoliont srator, Thor° s likowito a new frame Implement home), 40x2e, Woll floorod,abovo and below, and neatly tuba finii painted. roynnxtiontara wordy to the neoprtotor, 3AMPIS DICKSON, &sold:02,111mo Oct„ 1(13- Gaderieb• 10 1, orouto. Money to loan. A LEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF -CIL the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron, Convoyancor, Notary Publio, Land, Loan and Insurance Agont. Fends invested and to loan. Oodootione made, Offico 111 Gra ham' s Block,Brussolk, 035irr cuNNINQ., INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS. w17. 0ALE, 31. D., 0.31. member of the College of Phyolelacc, and Someone of Ou(man) by examiuntion Oillee and Reside ec-M0.111 St. East , Elbe Ontario, McNAUGIITON 31.1).. 54 . 0,11. 0. P. Fidint,iirch., M. C. P S. Out. At Hargreaves' Drug Stora 0 to 11:00 lout from 1,30 to 1 1.. ru. At other hours may he found at the residence folio orly occupied I.y Dr. Hu ten itiyon, 3101 ,t,est. DENTAL. OrIeeTILZ"li. 0.0. Ball, 5., Honor Mullett, and 11.11, 0.15. 8. '.Voronto. Vit.iii,ed Air girei. 75,14, Ifforios, D. 1), 8., Asskt.tnt Operator Cymru -Moyers Bionic, Seaforth. Di3.1:1Ts7 Lei . W, 3'. Pear ,L.I) S. Grad unto of To- ronto School of Dontistry, All opor. ittions unarm' toad, Office -Cady% Bloch, Soaforth, Artidcial tooth, Crstguality, ouda guaranteed ilt,f or $12.00por sot. • IR Di Titer1C. am ea.. on. M., Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgoons, Toronto. livrnos Oxinn G.to administered for tho patnioss extrac- tion of teeth. OFFICE,—Garneid moor, 11111388EL5. AUCTIONEERS. `. ---.- • .• CLEORGE KIRKBY, LICEN ono Auctioneor, Sales conducted o11. reasonable terms, farms and fern stook a sum:deity. Orders loft at THE Po= Publish- ing House, Brussols, or sent to Walton post oilleo s,41l receive prompt attention, A LEX. DELGATTY, A UCTION nun, is proven(' to attend to Balm on tam shortest notice. A epooialty tondo of gales of thorouglehrod stook. Terms made known be application to VIE Poss., roblish- ing Rouse, whore orders may be loft, or address to BrunsulsP 0, A RA.Y3IANN, AUCTIONEER, is always toady to Wood sales of farms, farm stook, dce. Terms okomfully givon, Crembrook P.0, Sales may bo 11. ranged at Tun l'erc Publishing House , Brussels, BUSINESS CARDS. T H. MoORAOKEN, ISSUER TV . ofmmi.go Limnos. °Mao at life Grooery,Turnborry Street. 'ISS O'CONNOR, TEACHER INA_ of Piano and Organ. Tonna 00 0111111. nation, N.B.-Wal(on olass moots every Thursday and Friday atlirs. 1). M7111100115, Walton A MoNAIR, ISSUER OF 141AR • rlago Mammas, by appointment of Liout,-Eloyernor, COMMISS10110V, &O., O. B, Conroyanoor and Agent Piro to111121110a Ce. 011100 at the OranbrookPost 'VTM. RODDIOK, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Pal trtAr• Sign and Decorative Painting in all ita branches, Shop Blinds dons up in stria. Paper Banging a specialtY. Shull otto door south of S. Bogen' Carriage, Works. T.0 W. O'BRIEN, V. 5., HONOR . Graduate of tho Ontario Vetortmtry College has resumod the practico of job i. Hott,V.S., and is prepared to trout all die oases of dorneatioatod m11016111 00 SOI011ilfi c IMIOOPRTOTOd principles, TrOatinout of dol- icato foals a specialty Moo two doors North of Bridge, Turnborry streot. II0I0E FARMS F011 SALE. - A. few Cullom -1M, improvocl farms for SOWN tho township of Gray, Morris and MI:gallop, Apply to A. DELGATTY, 00. Anottonoor,Brussols 0, "LIOR SALE, OR WILL RENT to imitable partios, store with ooro- Iortablo and ofimmodions dwelling, Good 4. sato of ridden in beetling apples, plums it:Memel] fruits, Good Stable, %his- constitutos ono at the bad openings in Ofs. taxi° for a good lintoesseenakor, being in the entre of a splendid hinting section. Naar. ost opposition Brillisola, 7 11110e 4 Lit:towel 11111,1100, Apolyfor (dm to D. IV. MILNE ,* 50 lb e promisee, Erma.