HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-1, Page 6illieraptrante ttiotm.
tentnelanee sections will be even ; EAT
ig her t tote now, Thu sections not - 2 -
nal u r..et, • or:Insets
The law of averages as eabi1,1ie,
th tho experience of lifn assnr3Let
societici. for nearly half a ceidta)
is the pedestal on whieh the temp
armlee principle of total abstio,
now Btu.: as triumphant and rates:eat
able, Everyeke knows, or
to know, that life astirtincesoci.:tiel
are accustomed, many of them,
to assure total abstainers and mod
erate drinkers in separate sections ;
and tlio a 1,00118 or premium of 17,
28, and, in sortie cases. 20 per eent.
hus been •;',!ti,t t,, tets1
over that pil1•1 t» moderatottfl
This large tialwreizii fact
that total al, hit 1W,
nary otu.-1,1rd the elinne! 6,3
long ii1l u i
noty fanatical anitat•eis, L,.,.
partisan tel -dr• :mice ,
but liy•busint...1 comp:tile, ,
ea rti 1
MA''t up of :mad abstainers are, t:f
Hot. ti1V11klat18, for choir AN1/111:NV CIA:111 ETO 11
lives are lot but mordy
ittuderatt.. drinkers, respectable won, . _
111 ,I .10.10 i 11 11 11441 •Ally in beer r
c'Sit Ni , ,
tt,ci t
•.? of ittnt host quality Idasy. tkti 111%411 not at,
tit p.t.rt ot t1.0 0111,..:o fret, of
liCS :•'
land lit1 l' It. \\ arn. r t• et .e
that 1.10:3:333333,3., r -I 1.31S
life Wrt, ,.. tot •
(Unary rat: . 11.4: foutidd
ed Kiugd. Tenireritr.co .-••••1. nt
institution, hien new Int. ..
nual income ,.1 more than tits, t•
million dollars, and an acemanl
Med fund of nearly twenty milli •ue.
Thie instantion insured only t, e
totalers till 1850, when a gent rat
section was opened. Tho prim:Min
rates were the same in both section-,
Tho receipts and expenditure: 4 f
each were (tept anti:e distil
Each section shatel its own pr, 11*
From 1886 to 1883 the norulh•r
expected deaths in the temperance
And general sections was 2,8711 and
4,741. The number of actual it :t -
was respectively 2,035 and 4,010,
or about 70 anti 97 per coat—sli.w.
ing 0 much larger dotrit two
get.eral section.
The 111:rl.y•Lixil, annual meeting
of this institution vias
May ; arid it was fund that it,
totals for tilt. rcriod of twen
years frem 1841 t, 1586 juju ire
the tcnarer,..Lc,', ,..,:cctiun had an
•vantuge over LL e general
20 per
Tlw Sootti- 131;
any 1.'69 11..1 .
It wt.,. tho that nwttred t-o,.
taiers it rtAlnoil tatcs. It elani.o
that ,lie oati1 tato of the general
insuraig 141[•;0 is fully one third
higher then that 4:i abstainers, It
makes to Um latter, in both its lite
and accideLl. t'arnittraelit, ,t n
late and annual reditetian or 10 per
emit. (See Hazell's Animal Cyclo-
pedia, Loudon, 1886, p. 440,)
Colonel J. L. Gruen, presidont of
the Connecticut Mutual Life in air.
auce company, delivered an address
a few years ago, at Hartford, in
which he said, speaking of tIm re-
sults of hie own expetience : "The
death rate ie more profoundly all; et.
ed by the use of intoxmating liquors
than from any other on» cense
apart from heredity. That habit-
ual drunkenuesa should issue in die
ease•and death most people can un -
demand ; but that moderate, order-
ly, decorous indulgence a/multi is-
sue tr. e;mglistal braiw, insanity,
suicide, puralylis, died;;;•;:-. or the
kidneys, liver and tteinItel, pneu-
monia, rheumatism, ami, in goner
al in thoso forms of illness which at
bottom mean a poison imparted to
the blood, most persons do not
know, and are low tel behove. For
two or three years there was noth-
ing very remarkable to b. tytt.ti
among the selected lives of beer.
drinkers, otherwise temperate. Pres.
ently death began to strike that
group, and, until it bad dwindled to
a fraction of its original;prorortions
the mortality in it we., astounding I
in extent, and still more remarkable
in the manifest identity of cause
and mode. It was as if the system
bad been kept fair outside, while I.
within it was eaten to a shell anl at
the first touch of disease there was
utter collapEe, every fibre was pout.
taxed and weak." (See Dr, Daniel
Dorchester's Latest Drink Sophia. b
trios v. Total Abstinence, pp. 66, p
Tine is not tho testimony of a
tecoperauce agitator, but of an tat•
pert in life insurance,
lu Australia, in Canada, in tho. a
United States, as woll as in Eng.
land., life assurance societies in largo i13
numbers, cunt after an experience of
P11000 than a generation, find that to
the law of averages require a paya
merit of 25 or more per cont„prem.
Mut to total abstainers above what
is paid to moderato drinkers.
It rand bo rometrtbered that all bi
total abstainers have not been such
since birth. Their health has been 01
injured, in not a few instances by of
early indulgence, Ultimately when
life assurance societies come to have ju
Sections filled by mop who- have on
been total abstainers from birth, in
the average of premiums to t•lic 00
Plvni.ttd3 Ilr;elis aro the
Whieh 1-133, 13101333313 /33.33.33 wal
3 , 331 1,0,1.
3 1 ai.3.3 .31 1,13.333L 1E313,
and 1303116.
.L( 00111:11:0 11001 door to
..1331e3331,..,J3,-.13,):ry ;stole. A. ounfuE•
Money to Loan.
tt ;333,133,
oi4 celldr 10311331.3 31,11,•.
y,:.tz want to 131310tlw
tialinysi of a 119rso, hip 10
Lt 1.1.y tittle. till 03.1'10_1'1
11,11i1 3.11Ptip,
;.,,11E,;,,,• Li a freitf,
;•••;• •. k •
•1., : o : 13., ; ;
; • .:,
; lag 111..,11 4.1 ti 30 on,:
3:11 woWt., ;
.fone:y to Loan 113 on Farm Pro-
t- oly, ttt
•.‘ 1ti 1.1 • ; lit
. ,
w‘.111,1 t 11. r • N...;lov
..44,... - • e:rd ie. ,..s (.‘ep,
.3. '1.'11' ,1 or more,
•II•• r -e req 1" , giV,11 1,1 tile
,atia '.'.;C 1 31 14 rail avert
113 31310
W3“oriug the 011333 111 tile 1:0W is
WWII 18 10113, 11:3 quality of the
milk is regulated by the focal, and
lath( may bodeficieut in. aolids whin
out having water to it by the
Of r.ttt!orteWt 10 11 Vti.lUtblv
03.11Y ort: tor Lim
family. it cm to 1, 5 por cent. u;
mid( suptr, na
erly 1 per seat. ul
01 31 3 tel ealt,, as '1 310 nitrogen
0110 materials itt,t1 a proportion of
0:3.1 1,...r Mt.
recti ootult.i•reed 110tid
18 01 iujurit 0 • to cattle when rare
IL 6. Ilo 13338) 1. larse:y fod
11.1 t.:.1;,.1 reed in the
1.111.0 11:11.01 1703 :Of 1,, 11:1,00
11.1 • Lt the r..-.
; ,',31VATE. ANL -3' COMPAN't 1r1.11,31L'S
1•. '
Brussels, Out.
v,'i . /I; .ve
erera • . he 1,11-y. ty 1,1 o 01, :c wio
ill), 1.31.3
1_3110. 4 1.1
!/,.3 :33 7: .,)1
C1110. : tit0 t .1 1.,31.111
stay 1. zn.,:al 38 erdp
th it o. -331 pay r;• .1 rmsing
said 01311.11' 01%! Cy.:
;IA 1 :11.1
itteo 11.1 tt, i1.1. .1017 ,,1 11)
... pd. 1!I 31 0183101
Ph., Dens 14110:11,I 11,1 tit,
TO reiAN
1,1111'..11'E P trADS.
of Private Funds havejust been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowersean have their loans
complete in three flays if title ifs
Applyto E.E.WADE.
amoral locksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
tie, he dors all kinds of Illacksmithing
in a Workmanlike M1111 net.
; Wagong, Buggies, Sleighs and cutters
; made to Order.
tepair3a4 promptly Esmented.
I 11101' a Specialty of TIorso.shoeing.
A rail Solicited. ;!llinnember the
rut: 13111;.;a, •
et S. Plum.
e iatien every 0080.11,
having them moveable: much valu•
11(011101 0,41 1):: secured front
the . alarmed earth around the old
sites, while Coe change to fresh
places will greatly p0001010 °lemon.
mos, and health.
For, flower bed got a package of
e.00.3 f :r a Ierazy bed,' which is tioid
by reliable see:admen, and ie COM-
pos(331 1'J phlox, asters and other
hardy plants,
Cut polittAnt to .100 (i3'08. If they
bo desired early Ir 050, 'Inu
out the plaute to a single one in the
hill Tbie will give earlier, larger
(13)1 1111333 31011)1111 potatoes, but tho
yield aq largo as alien
two plants are lg. to the hill,
It I, itapertant to note 1111heifer's
niillr during the first year. Weign
Lt, keep it apart awl test it for cream
to see how rapidly it gathers, and
nete its density. Keep .1 tueord ;
if it 14 not up to the staridae•i sell
her, 11 above it keep hos and improve
our 13..0.1.
Sheep not only manure Cul laud
upon which they may be hurdled
(30 pastured, but they distribute it
owed) and p it into tho soil.
There is an niti maxim that "the
fiat 01 the sheep is geld. to the
When caws bloat with clover,
keep them away from water, and
through a bottle if lying
down, or by holding the nose if
etanding) two teaupoonfuls of ealt,
nue of soda and a pint of 011)108000,oile.41 together. 1/se as hot as
ossible. 13101111o3 the cow and keep
ar walking 1 possible, This usually
vas relief.
By a law enacted by the lust
Legislature the sale in Maryland of
11 kinds of imitations of butter is
01103(313311prohibited. As tho
nited States Supreme Coart has
isoidcd m similar Pennsylvania law
be constitutional, this act will bo '
ccepted. as final.
The 1.1.1ethodist Conference at
ew York elected Dr. 'Newman a
A record ef 811 divorce cases in ;
10 day entitles 13oetou to a smile 1
recognition from Chicago,
A Swiss watch manufacturer has
at invented a watch for tho blind,
the dial of which Cho hours are
dicated by twelve projecting pegs,
o of which sinks every hour,
• -
11 Siligell
!TT \
• - 131 111
= A -2" ad (DINT ID
F;:r lot:Ting
tat: of (lours ota•ry wet;lc.
N (ipiti 1.3k 3H1
WM. S11 IT •
prepared to attend to
Carriage Painttng
in all its branches, as well as
Sign arid Ornamental
Ho has had years of exper-
ience and guarantees his
work to give satisfaction. A rig
vol.( painted is half sold.
Estimates and terms cheer. •
fully given.
Shop in the old `Posx' Publishing
House, King street, Brussels,
01,8 PltACTIVLtro0 AT c
IIMAKERty .nii
Thanking the public: for past favors and
support and wishing still to seenre your
I desire to inform the Public
that I have Leased the avell-
known ]313031S01111 Liam Womis
from Thos. Town and will run
the business next Season.
will also continue to follow
my trade as
and nan prepared to furnish esti-
mates for Iobs, &c.
11t'11311131611t'113111316 AND CORNER, STONE:
always oit hand.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
apechair Londe of priehtaring and
Plastering Lime.
pat rona'ge. e me opening out fulllines
from established and reliable makers'
fully warranted by us.
Clook,s of1u
Latest Designs.
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Earrings, Sze.
Also have in stook a11d1 line of Violins
and Violin Strings, dm.
N. 13. --Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
PROPRIETOR. T. Fletcher,
rrai5733E _.=1:11E4
Grist and Flour Mills!
The undersigned:tying completed. the change 1 front theston e to the
Celebratoti Hungarian lyste..tn of Grinding, has now the Mill in
First Class Running Order
and will bo' glad- to see all his old customers and as many now ones
as pe.isible• Chopping 110313•„
Plow an& Peed Always on Eand.
Highest Price paid. for any (luantity of Good Grain,
allay 25, 1885
• "as,.. aransayssrseriennsemsara0nrasanageso
r""t ' K
,,,, . ) ,.„...,.v.,,r7:73.,r .•,-%
.-.4..;ef .;
'• ' '.a.7' t4ktula.),..,. v'':'.-- ,433,Y
(t"1 jk3
- -
a4To R?: )01
Crd.2 For Ega
311_317:14,F0. ..,;34.7,..,,-,,..1.3wermsrmmeem13..... .44
, 11
Wo have gained a great reputation for the elegant fits mu/ finish,
but especially for the Low Prices at which wo take mitt's. All
our work is clone on our own premises and cannot bemoiled in
value 11 any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village 0 r
DrusSols. We have an
11 NE IA ol righi
• TI -IE-; S _TO S CD 15-1-
111 Iteltons, ;Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, Wcst of England,
Scotch and Irish Tweeds, and an enormous variety of
the hest Canadian makes.
1Thrr.) Tri Q range from $10, for a fairly good suit made
-1-b-L-A,J--LLIM-eP to your Order, to $12, $1.4, $15, $16, $17,
$1.9, $10 and $20.
strictly First -Class, and the Workmanship the best.
Some special lint's of
which we hit end. Selling 01 at 'WONDMIPM, BAIMAINS.