HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-6-1, Page 5JUNE 1, 1888, enalenttenattieetateitalleatr 1151.6tf1 et1) , (u orri(e. Mr. lilaohlntrn, of F1cshertou, spent beet Sabbath in Corrie. Jas. L, motto's, of Ura :'t'rUIa, )i 10)4 a fete flays with hie parents in this village. Mrs. Lennox, of Hamilton, he visiting u 'eon 11 the lith Cril n with 5111..14 it f 1 .tl 1. f x141 \ , 11111111.1 . Alm.T.McLaughlin, eel.oleo) bet . u very seriously ill, is able; to talo a abort walk again. lletele1 have hoe'% very pr01'alentamong the nhildren iii nut 441',1,1413 Ude village for HOMO time past. One new barber, 11. 11. Darroch, has his reams fitted up in city Style and moue to be doing a rushing business. Rev. W. Ayers and W. 13. Beam were away at Atwood on Tuesday and Wed- noedny attandiug the meeting of the Lis- towel District of the ,Methodist chnroh. Rov. ,11r. Wright, tho now English church minleter, is expeuted to drrivo in town this week, We believe that peep• arations are beim; made to welcome Slim on hie arrival. S. A. Seaman, lata F',1'.R, agont hare, has bought tbo jowolry stock of W. IL Ootrandor and is opening out in that line in the store lately vacated by J. D. Smith. We trust that he will moot with the measure of success he deservos. A week ago loot Monday Wm. Stinson, cattle buyer, shipped from here thirty- six head of cattle which weighed an ag. gregato of 47,100 the., or average of over 1,300 per head. Wo think that a finer lot of cattle will net bo often gathered to. Bother. Although not in a position to adopt the Fraser early °losing by-law yet wo aro plcaeod to see that the 110 10ss men of Gerrie aro determined to bo in line with the other towns and villages around the country and have signed an agree- ment to close their places of business at 7:30 pan., excepting on Saturday nights. This 1s as it should bo and wo trust that the publio will loud their aid to the suo- easeful carrying out of this movement by doing their purchasing during the day. 19 earo 1-Yli. Rev. Mr. Walwin, of Goderiob, occu- pied the pulpit of the Motbotlist ehuroh last Sunday. Sermons so logical and convincing never fail reaohing the heart. Mr. Bruce, L.D.S., of Listowol ; Rev. Wm. Smyth, of Stratford ; Mils Erawk- shaw, of lIarristou, and Dr. McLean, of Goderich, made brief visits to friends in Seaforth last week. Dr. Campbell arrived home last Fri- day from an extended trip through the Western States, British Columbia and Manitoba. Ito appears much improved in health, a fact which hia many friends aro pleased to note. Rev. G. 11. Turk, lata of Atlanta, Ga., is spending a few days with Dr. Smith in town prior to attending District meet- ing at Goderich on the 31st. The rev. gentleman is in good health and spirits. Mrs. Turk accompanied him. A few months ago if a man were seen drunk there would be several ready lo remark, "Thera is Scott Act for you." What can bo said concerning those who were staggering around, driving madly in the evening or lying up for "repairs" on the lith 7 The Crooks Act, I suppose, or, more properly, "The voter for repeal of the Act." Tho Queen's Birthday was duly cele- brated in Seaforth lust Thursday. The lacrosse match between Seaforth and Olintoo clubs was tho first event and proved very interesting, but very dis- astrous to the !attar club, which failed in scoring, Soaforth consequently being an easy winner. The horse races drew many out to the course) in the afternoon. The ladies wore largely represented through- out rho crowd—a fact wo thought rather reflected upon the accredited good sense and propriety of the fair sex. Tho fol. lowing is the result :—Open trot, let, "Florence 0." ; 211d, "Molly 13." ; 3rd, "Gunllilda." 2:15 trot, 1st, "Bessie N."; 2nd, Goderich snare ; 3rd, "Lady Vin- cent." Colt race, 1st, Uawkahaw's, :Exeter ; "nd, Snell's, Exeter ; 3rd, Wil- liam's, Brussels. The concert in the evening was very fair and well attended. Jas. Fax was highly entertaining, while Mrs, and Miss Sage, by their skillful manipulation of the glasses, produced charming music, wbioll had a soothing effect on all and especially those more or less fatigued by the exciting scones of the day. ]3iuev reel e. Wm. Messer has hada double door with glass tops mato for his store. Our school was never in better condi- on, The average ie 00 this weak. Mrs. Anderson, of St. Thomas, is visiting frionde in this neighborhood at pr08on1, Mrs, Ilartley la fu Woodstock visiting her old home, She expects to have a pleasant time. Joseph Leeoh will represent the Blue. vale Methodist nhurob nt tho 0110001 Conforenee next week at Soaforth. As the time drawe near for Rev. J. S. and Mrs. Cook to leave, it is being die- oovnred that they will be greatly missed. Will 0. Hartley, of Campbollvills, Halton, stopped horn a day or two on route to Dotroit. May success attend his labors. John Wahnsley, who has been unwell for a long timo, loft last weak for Chat- ham to see if ho could obtain anything which ho would bo able to do. Re has the best wishes of his many frionde, Thos. Nixon's "Lucy" won the 2nd prize ab Kincardine on tho 2111 of May. Sho would have won 1st but she wont too fast and broke several times and was accordingly put 2nd. Time 2:41. MiesAnnie) Jackson arrived home safely from Detroit one day lately. She seems to have fancied Michigan, but not so notch that she forgot olcl friends and 1plaeos. Ib is to be hoped olio will enjoy Herself. Mrs. Pcarie, wife of our now shoe- maker, still lies in a dangerous state. Doctors seem to bo of little nae fu the caro, but hope is not yot dead and find weather may caro what is beyond tho power of man. Tho making of drunkards 18 again becoming fashionable and night 431 made hfdenne with their blasphemy, 'Tho 24th will long bo remembered by thoso who wont to Wfngha n, Thoth wore more men drunk on rho streets than there wore in 1110 Hiroo Scott Act yams put to'5 .t gather. "Woo tutu him that pultoth the bottle to leis neighbor's lips." Lot 1 antis narltthis dotbn. s THE BRUSSELS POST 7Tren,.,'r.M:;y•,,Gtet;.."'376iti;Lt17Y1T15aA:R'G'!u¢'k'.:S/Mr.Ger--+ .nna.._.g.' - re ! e�l� +����Y��ry ......wfrlxireepruu..ey:I��.�Kri..rrv.^,ffiAV/ Frank 1'altersun iv able to be around again and 1.'P1,9,1110.1111111 10 health amt 911,1 1 t I. t 1 Rev. A. 1'.Hart v ;remelted his firs sermon in his seventh year 1111 pn^.tor c 131 111.11110 11114 11111111'), A full elturcl 1i510ned testis remarks 408ed 011 Ifobrew 5th chap., let and 2111 venue. All the thud erns:, scholrers of Illuevale pttbli0 echoed aro lamghi0)4 over the loot Production 0.. "r Sit, our 1t lutit,n the 1,•a:.s,IRf Iholgot. 1 1 1 f Is t ., Budget ! '1114 10 1 hot]] 1110 8011111.8 wts11 to scorn they 11181 make lie. jest btu. *mine a "third" 11111 0 mall of 1 "third" elites paper wham; r t') 1.1.11,(33)0 hie de. preidatenl ',of our Rsteh .11, lMr. Plromp- son, es a 100011(31' and a friend." "We never heard of a more unprofessional or despicable ant, for '3)1'. Jenitine' himself got it up and pnblisl,ci1.'' As the public Wore informed by the kindness of others that Mr. Patterson and Mr. Thompson were to have a "opluttoration," yam' correspondent Wena to a great deal of trouble and ;merit con- siderable time that your roeule'a slight bo informed of the result. By reeploet, however, wo suppress all evidence. Suf. fico 11 to say that everything was amicably settled and though many tried to blow it into fire all went off in smoke. A'lr. T. and Mr. P, are w01) satisfied with the result. Other complaints will have to be sought against Mr. 'Thompson be- fore anytlliug can bo done. Mrs. Doi;) is gettingsninewhat strong- er. There o lt'ets large Anumber it n e I 1 1 Ott 1,l! ewe at I he Commit meeting tie and Court of Revision last 1'rielay A great meaty (Made trees have been a j (10111ed 111 our eillego Ude ypri ng. Phis 1 in 0 gond move and inieroreo the 11ppear. r 111111) of the place,. .1 number of onr re1idenli hav0 re. )1111,3 n i 1 from 1184•(3 recently, J. T. Cook and fnnlil3' "loved to ]irusools ; Aix. 1511 1111 Anil family 1 1111 moved n ' a Y l t (barrio, , r and Y 1 I ',Tompkins end J 1 1 1, 1,+t a l l featly ,1,111 George R ,lair 1,v, , n i u 411E family have galla to liens. is 1 h, Clinton New 14ra says :---The Bev. 1. 'I'. Leper, of Ethel, formerly of Clin- ton, has 1118 110111 in 1118 pn8tol'al 111111031 111 1110 01111110 CI a bouncing hey, w11ieh was born In the county town on Monday. If 1. wee in town on 1Verinesday, and had a face as broad 110 a barn door. The animal meeting of the Presbyterian Sunday 13011001 "gas held fti tb0 01111(11] '1'ueeday evening of last weak. A. W. Pamthltker was 01001011 Superintendent for tho ensiling year ; Henry Wamter way re-elected See. Treas. and Jim. itl,ex- well and Alex. Robertson were re.electocl as librarians. 111fot-Pira. Wm. Jowitt is busily engaged at raie- ing his barn. liobt. Nichol has a field of fall wheat that ranks second to sono in this locality. Ono of our farmers has had to plow it)' 23 acres of fall wheat mud, sow other grain. This is tough look. Rev. Robert Thyno, of the Presbyterian ohnroh, fort Dover, has accepted a call from the congregation of Markham church 15 Rumor says that the boy, John ]lston, whom 11. Nichol took for a term from the Boy's home, Stratford, and who last winter left him and went to W. Barrie's and wee thence removed to Blenheim township, has rant away from there. birs. Oasemor0, 2nd ooncession, had a very sad misfortune last Friday in Wing. ham. Ilea. eon was driving. The mu - mal was a fiery five-year-old. Suddenly it shied, upset the rig and Mrs' C. was thrown heavily to the ground. Both arms wore broken and her face much die. figured. Mrs. 0. was at once planed under medical oars and with proper at. tention m ty possibly get well, but it is a hard shook for tho old lady who is over 75 yearn of age. Omr.Ctiar.—We were up early and very busy the last few days. It is potato time. Some people think it right to put potatoes in with the plow belt pa consid- ers that a lazy Canadian way and says they never did it when be was a boy. So after breakfast 110 told ma that if Boll would work hard and get in tho potatoes she might go and "sea" tho 24111. I was very 1n0011 pleased at this as I have a now That. It has six corners and is trimmed in tho most tasty manner, not covered all up with ribbons and dead birds and dried feathers and wax flowers but simply with a piece of white muslin. I asked Bob how far apart the drills should be and 110 said as far as I 000ld step. I found nut if T. took a run I could stop further so I acted accordingly, Pa Dame, along and said I should bo able to stand in ono hill and hoo out tho next bat I explained to him that the hoe handle was too short. He went to tell Bob on me and Bob began "You little dear, you sweetest of angels, what a dunk of a potato planter she is, sc." 1 ant certain when Bob gots a woman if ho is not good to her it will be her own fault, all she has to do is make him mad. Be- ing loft alone to my own meditations I began studying tho performances of a fish worm and so intent was I that I did not hoar a v0ioo 4111 tho owner was close beside me. Mr. Mooney 1 you did fright - on mo so. Yon know, I suppose, Mr, Mooney is our Reeve and a temporauos man. I was glad to silo him and was glad to hear that the enemies of the cause gain nothing from him. Ila hood till I got rested and told mo all about his dissatisfaction couceruingpapers opposed to Temperance. The potatoes were planted and tho 24th looked bright and fair. After gutting ready Bob did not come up so I went after him. Bob was trying to got Bose to go into the shafts and Bess was determined to go in the other way. At last 1110 got her in the shafts and ')torted. We went by Blue. vale and truly it is terrible to see men sitting 01) their door -steps armed to the teeth ready at any moment to poan00 on each other and wipe them out of exist- ence. We got safely through, however, and worn well on the road to Wingham before I spoke. \gingham is about four miles further along the boundary. The day was very warm and Bob grunted considerable. Tho games woro very in- teresting. I never know how very funny it really wa8 before to see a plan kick up his bels in the air and see how far bo could resist the power of gravity'. Row we all shouted when a boy took a ball and throw it at another boy alvei a boy that was standing between them when he saw the ball, struck at it with a round stiok and it too. It was Inn and then they all ran and howled "homo," "hare I" "Ms way," "why don't you throw it t" intermingled with some happy expres- sions. Then another follow wont pound- ing his friend and to sea all the boys ren, why even Bob was amosod and said it was neatly as good as Rover (that's his new dog) shaking the snake, She next vary interesting feature was a lot of wagons with certain tr0de0mon looking very unfomEorbable, How We did shout. There was one partiotrlar pleas more handy then the rest Boeing everyone tried to got there so did I. Tho most paying speculation was the drunk. en men. The tavern -keepers must have had both pookot0 full, Now oontont they would fool to know that all the blame did not rust on bitoln and that it was the fault of the people. Their hearts would rico to the groat "Nothing," nobody, no - whore, god of the infidels end they would chuckle with delight while their fiondis11 erica would but rollout Ilio glorious colo. bratiel field in holt over the disgrace heaped upon our 001101y. Yours leafy, Bran. 03)023 sad. Farmers aro ail through 00011ieg in this locality. Mr. and 11lrs. Petal wore calling on their j nary; friends last wook, Jolts' 1V. 0110 1001 has sold ]lis 11ota1 o J. 13urten, of Burlin, Ito takes pos- 0001011 on tllc 1st of Jnne. Grey. \vho 1888 1110 Moan sneak -thief who stole a bindle of wire off a milk stand one night last week. 11'Irs. 1Vm. Bishop was called to Ham- ilton on Tuesday of last week to at tend the funeral of her sister. Walter Yuill intends moving his barn to the east side of the hanse and will have stone stabling built underneath. Mime Aticenheacl and Sallow') and lir. Snllows, of Goderich, spent a couple of days of last tveolc al James McDougall's. Last Monday Angus Lamont had two toes on his left font amputated from the effects of injuries received a few weeks ago in a runaway aooident. It is to bo hoped no farther amputation will be neo- ossary. Russell I3iahop farad bettor than ho oxpeoted &this reacul examination at tho Agricultural Collage, Guelph, as ho took honors in all the subrects on which he wrote. Mr. Bishop is doing well and prnmisos to take n place in the front rank. Donald McDonald mot with an acci- dent on Monday that night have resulted vary seriously, as it wee ho unstained a dislocation of his left shoulder and a bruised hand. Re was driving on the 4th hue of Morris and when near the railway crossing opposite James Duncan's be 011ty the morning train approaching(. I -to attempted to cross ahoad of the train but the horses took fright, ditched the buggy and threw the driver 'against the fence with the above result. The buggy was badly smashed. Tho horses ran away but were caught by Arthur Fling - sten who drove Mr. McDonald to Brus- sels where his injuries were attended to. Pro-NIC.—A pi0.nic, nutlet the auspices of Roe's church Sunday Sohool was hold last Thursday afternoon in Angus Shaw's grove. It being a delightful day a fairly large gathering of tho yuung and old turned out. After all had parteken heart- ily of the good things provided by the ladies of the congregation, the following interesting program was gone through with :—Music by the choir ; reading, "An Irish Lotter," Robb. Docket ; recitation, "Josihar," Natio Smith; singing, by the ollildron ; recitation, "Tho farm boy," Jas. Pearson ; dialogue, "Order," Alice Shaw and Mary Bell; mnsle by the choir; reading, "Jamin Butler and the Owl," Bobt. Docket ; dialogue, "John Fitts1i0 and Peter Quiet," Josiah Molloy and Josoph slum; music by the choir ; read- ing, "An idol well employed," by hlary Shriggiy ; reading, "No Grumbling," Alice Shaw ; musio by the choir: ; addross, B. Gerry ; "Gott Savo the Queen," by company. The proceeds amounted to 5610.60, to be applied to 1110 Sabbath Sohool. iL ')towel. Tho bakers have put breed up to 12 Dente a loaf. Three hundred and sixty dollars has been expanded by the Board of Works this year. A brand now pipe organ will be put in the Presbyterian 011ureh as soon as the building is completed. L. Bolton, P.L.S., has been making a survey along the Maitland north of Big - malefic street, for the proposed reservoir, etc. Mayor Bricker, Reeve Campbell, J. 0. May and 3. W. Scott were delegated to attend the railway meeting in 331nssels on Friday afternoon. The Baptist congregation in this town are taking stops towards the erection of a new (Murata. The site will probably be in the neighborhood of the olcl o11nrc11. I3arriston crioketere played 11oce on Monday of last week. Tho score was 78 to 50 in favor of the home eleven in a one innings match. Morphy Made 45• very neatly for Listowel. Ooyno scored 21 and nut out and Bris11ln 18 for the visit- ors. Qnrrx's Btarnn,r.—After a game of cricket between the first eleven and twenty-two others had been played and won by the former, tho snore boiug 27 to 22, the crowd assembled at the rano course. Tho Banner gives the following report: Thero was soma good racing on the course, the open run being speoially exalting. Tho first on deck was the throe minute trot, purse 050, which took four heuts t0 311,11(3 Alla WW1 Wein by .f. Stouts' 1010 , 11411 with (,ten Wilson's 1 brei It ( z 1 IY R second f111,1 illBete8,11(113.1111l,' tb third plana Time 2 The farmers' run followed putter 310 in t lu h there lute tour entries. First st pinnn w11 (MIA Urea by Ed. Reit1110's'Popsy 13., remind by H. Powlny's Myrtle end third hp John I O'Grady's'1"yroue. le the fo.rue•rs'trot, pet'.,., 100, 11d. Staff ,r,1's (]ray Tom proved too steady a g r t• for the balance of the field and 1043 n , r endo in winning Bari heat, w' I .I alv e. Ban 1 1 11 with I. l I v, Bay I, Rete ! , M ui 1 11114 W. J. Misire's s 1 nd v 1 , 1,1• third. 'num 3:00. '11,. ut of th m}• waft the open run, 11,110.01i1, l .a ( pulse 340. 1111130 first heat there was Home little trouble about the shirting, some of the riders apparently 11,4 knowing that it WAR a go, Kidd Bros.' Princess 11. and l J. Northgravo's John L. made a very j pretty neck and meek rice until near the quarter -mile post, where Iso 1'rinecss , (drew away ahead nal 1111191.11 an cagy winner. Shelled her pilaw to earn, low - ever, in the 4301)011 heat as Ed. itottzel's I Topsy 13. got an even start., and though the three hereof; ]sept well together, ; Topsy passed under 1110 wire first. A good start was made for the third heat j and it was anybody'8 rico till the end. The Princess, however, proved her pluck 1111,;1 r ' by staying at the front, thus winning the race, with Topsy second and 111111 11. ' to ti third. In the 300 -yard farmers' foot race there were five entries, of whom A. Stove finished 151, John Broughton, and T. ltothwoll, lied. In °lass, boys 1 Untie}' 12, there w01'0 0 lilt of carter. And. Terry was winner, Willie ]less, 2nd, , and J. Bamford, 3rd. Tho day's cele- bration was ended by an amateur minstrel show in the Lillian Opertt house, got up 1 by the cricket club. The building was 1 completely filled with an appreciative, good.humored audience. The receipts of the evening amounted to 3127. 0]: S' J �I 0.0 1 12.148 011 a CIJIVI1NG' O1iEJallu1 -uho L, Mez a a .. 'We e , 1'C " " --TJ)l2 ONIA' 131(1 SNOW CO3IING Te) BRUSSELS Vile :;1:,1SON.---- T1 .l AI% JNE 7 9 MB All Jews, excepting morohants of the first guild, have been ordered to quit Mascow within a fortnight. Over 200 expelled Jaws have passed through Cra- cow en route to America. Pumps - Pules - Pumps The old reliable Pump Works of Brus- sels still to tho front and rushing bu i. nese right along. DESA WELL AND CISTERN PIAUI always on hand with all the latest im- provements and guaranteed to GIVE SATISFACTION. I am prepared to take contracts for THE MIGHTY a1A,MMTH ENROLS! Universally proclaimed by the Press and Public to be the Greatest and Grandest Conglomeration of Startling and Attractive \Vonlera ever exhibited tinder canvas. 10 ---BIG SHOWS IN ONE ---10 DiJr irae TT)'ells or' Cisterns (it, The Grand 9 1 I at 10 a. m. Reasonable Rates. Speoial Attention given to Repairing, As I use only the best material, super- vise all the work and sell at moderato prices I know it will be to the advantage of the public to deal with mo. J. PELTOX, Pnovmrron. Shop opposite P. Scott's blacksmith shop, Mill street, Brussels. WHOXETEH WOOLEN .: @x16 A. L. Gibson wants 60,000 lbs, of good clean FLEECE WOOL for which be will pay 1110 B1GHIIsr Mealcrr Peron IN Cesu or trade at the Wroxeter Woolen Mills. An Immerse stock of splendid Tweeds, Flannels, Shirtings, Druggists, Blank - eta, Sheeting and Yarns of kis own make (all guaranteed to wear) and groat variety in Fine Tweeds, Flannels, Over - coatings, etc.. CUSTO)I SPINN0NG AND CARDING BONE. at reasonable figures and good work guar- anteed. We are bound to maintain our reputation by satisfactory work and square dealing. 05100 TWEEDS 115055 YEAR ARE GREAT. ' :.'. I IL COMP P 'ITZ iQrrV Prizes for (1) Bost Fleece Long Wool ; (2) Best Fleeoe Fine Wool ; (3) I-Ieaviest Fleece (cleanness considered.) —COMIPETITION— o—PR1F—o TO -:. ALL -:. CUSTOMERS. We want your Wool and you want our goods and our money, so conte and 000 110. L. GIBSONNV', 47.4w Wroxeter 'Woolen 355115. TEUNC MACHINE OIL. Starling Machina Oil is daily becoming more widely and favorably known. Those who try 1t eontiu00 to use it. No other Oil is more suitable for general use. It is well adapted for all Mill Machinery, Roaporsl Mowers and , Threshers ! Ask Your -i\IER[JHA.IT- for it, Free Street Parade takes place CHEAP P EXCURSldf RATES ON ALI RAILROADS, Ono Ticket Admits to all Advertised Showa. as OniaN"-X7015- TOD�'}r CERY0 t ; �,� irk •� a iz THE OPPO m 'mO 41 STORE. We aro about the only opposition iu Brussels th the 7 o'clock closing law. We want to accommodate our friends in the country who, during the busy season, often coma in at night when their day's work is over. Op osition in Prices. Housekeepers will bo glad that sugar all through the preserving season will be sold at rock bottom Prices. 15 Lbs. Good 6ugar for $1. Are You Making Soap ? 15 LBS. WASHING SODA ONLY 250. Tho Toronto Grocery will "lIaw to the Lino let the Chips (tall where they may." Those Canned Vegetables, 2 for 25o., aro going very fast. ar. 'X TIE^ I Wo aro going to make a big effort in Tea. Wo have hada largo number of samples submitted to us and wo have selected a Tea that for price and drawing qualities will beat everything that has over boon offered in Brussels. 'filo price will bo about 25c. Wo have a Tea Dust that we sell at 10c. per lb. Our neighbors will not let us sell after 7 o'clock p. m. but they cannot prevent us selling cheap. WE PAS. CASH FOR. EGGS. ,111d11""".,"""" " """""—"" IVa pay part cash for Butter ill Tubo. Wo will do anything to a.farll)JOe/ltl'eri het JIe,11 llrrn, Icr1ftrerlllr' ,r ('3,', 1')(('e,lcd ; 7)',rrrrlr ret ob11 15 0 our customers but '4 c'.tx„OT 18135. 11110)T tit tlleso pries r, it ,Strrr(iurvl, C)».lr.ri't. simply impossible. '. TliT41 r'OILONTO t1BOOBY, 1"011 )AL16 B5' 1 Mel ..A tl o, i'31 USSELS; 9 1T, F. AleAl111117l.Jl, Ethel; J. 1'lat:tn.ls, 1ilu::vtlle. 7111 ADAM Oa