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MEI.81(4.11 (o inc Sabbath 8 crViee14
at 11 a.m. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday School
4t 2:30 p. In. BIN. 401111 ROM, 13. A.,
Cuteem.- - Sabbath Services at 11
A. no and 0:38 it. In. SI111,11.1y Seised at
2;30 p,
Jons's t'atrace. •-Sabbath Services
at 11 tom. and 7 pan. Senility School at
2;30 a.m. Bev. W. T. Chile incumbent.
MI1111.101sT (!i1V1,011.-•-Sabbatll Servires
1030 ft. in. ani 8:30 p. m. Sunday
School at 2;30 p. 111, ltcv, IV, Swann,
Rousts; C.O/101.1C ('n,: sen. --Sabbath
Service third S'nntlay iu wery month, at
11 a.m. Rev. 3?. 3. Shott, priest.
Ono FELLows' Loma; every Thursday
in Graham's bloek.
MARONIe T110•Illay at or before
Lull motel, hz Garfield block,
A. 0. i.W. T.01).:II on let and lird Mon.
day e- 11083 of each mouth.
Four:same.11o1 thel and last Monday
evenings of each month, in S'nutle's
L. O. L. lat Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
POST. OFFIen.--thrwo hour. from 8 a.m.
and Library. in Holmes' block, will be
open:front to 8 &clod: p.m. Wednosdaya
and Saturdays. Miss Minnie Shaw, Lib.
Earsegos W. C. T. 1'. hold monthly.
meetings on the :;rd Saturday in each
month. at 3 reeloek pan. :qrs. St.t•tum,
Pres. Mrs. A. Straehan,
34./,x ALM: 8011 ices at 11 a. no, 3
and $ o'clock p.m. on Sunday and every
evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the
barracks. Capt. Bates in &smut:mil.
0bilbrcn 0.7oincr.
015, you're so sleepy, dollie dear,
You can't hold up your head I
You've played real hard all day, and now
'Tie time to go to bed.
I'll sing to you if you'll be good,
So shut your eyes and try
To go to sleep, I'm sleepy too ;
So, by -low, baby, by 8
The nursery fire glowedwarm and bright
And swaying to and fm
In her rocking.chair, the mother sang
So tenderly and low;
—Now rockaby, my baby, sweet,
Upon the treetop high„
I wish I wasn't quite so —tired—
But—by—low—baby—by I"
Now, softer sounds the Inllaby,
Amil dreamy shadows creep
Over the little mother's face ;
She's sung herself to sleep !
I knew a little, gisnt no bigger than a
tee ,
Who can wc,stio• with a fat mem, and
throw him en 11;o mach ; •
His knotted dale muscles, almost to,
small to spy,
Could turn you topsy,turvy and hardly
seurn to try.
To tweak the hose, and pinch the toes.
cal fill eat; full oh wo.,
Are jokes tho 10111381 (088 to p ay atilt,
on friend and fm.
Dist he Ortal gin still greater things than
make a big man squeal
He can split 011)15015splinters, 011 1)804.111
a bar of steel ;
He can shape the dripping eaves'-drope
into A crystal spear,
And clutch thefalling rain so hard, 'twill
turn all white with fear ;
Ire can chain the dashing river and plug
the running spout
He can build a wall upon the lake and
shut the water out.
Bnt if you want to see the little giantt
cut and run,
Just build a tiny lire or step out and
fetch the sun,
Bi; WILLIA51 1133111111)11,
S'Antily1. ache.: American boys ti
how to breetne. Oity boy, and
nettuy !rein the ceentry tee, bays
finer cheett before they go to taboo!
that, they ever de afterward. Sit
ting ie 41 school room, or shop, or
factory, (1' any other room five or
eix htiere a ioy, and then setting
11108: the reef of the day besules,
does much to weaken the chest ;
for when yen ,•it 20.1 I, you do not I
breath your lunge half full, Take L
one large full breath now, and seo
how yam ellest rises and expands, 7
and how differently frotu a minute
ago, when breathing only as yon
generally do. Many boys actually I
30 1101 .breathe their lungs full once 8
in a whole week. Is it any wonder
they bane weak chute, and that
they eaeiiy catch cold How are
you to have strong lunge if you do
not use them. Which has the
strong terms—the Invalid leaving
a sick bed or the blacksmith 2 He
who 1.1808 his 811308, or he who does
Whoa walking at the rate of four
miles an hour, you breathe nearly
five thus as much air as when you
aro sitting still. Now the Win
breathe you take, and the more of
them you lake in a day, the eirong.
or and fuller chest you are goiog to
have. If every boy in the U. 5.
would {4110 a thousand elev., very
deep breaths every day from now
on threughout his life, it would al.
most donblo our vigor and efrOetivin
11080 all a nation. Pee deep breath.
ing not only enlargee tho chest it•
self, rind inakee 13 ehapely 1113
strong, but gives power and vigor
to the lunge and heart, and metres
them do their work lar hotter. And
it dues the same to the etomach
and bowels, the liver and kidneys ;
Weed, to all the vitel orgaus. 11
makee the blood richer. 14 adds
directly to the vigor of the brain as
well, and Ho onablee It to do more
work. Iu stiort 11 1113 one of the best
kunwu ways of getting and keeping
health. And who wonld care to
biro a sick man to work for him ?
Or who can do much work when he
is Bid ? Not that WO 01111 alwaye
avoid sickness, but it is less likely
to come, and has herder work to
enter, when wo are whilst and in
good traiuing than when we are
weak aud run down.
A girl never complains'of a young
man treating her coldly when ho
treats her to ice crown.
A. warning to lovers --A. young
man et It nedine, Pa , is seriously
ill from Itiseite; a girl's amigo paint
tel cheeks.
ol wish ley 11/11.1113 were 'Neter
'eta' sighed a :10 year old maid
"Wily ?" eske 1 her mother. "133
rause so many 101 1) court matter
Rumor faintly whispere that :Mrs
Cleveland has discarded the hustle
If true, tns iv colculeted to make
her adminstratiou 30 re popula r
Lau ever.
Are Ion not going to use a blood purifier
this Spring? If so, remember that Dr.
Carson's Stomach Bitters is one of the
best known. Large bottles 50 cents.
A. clergyman who was annoyed
by the squeaking 8111.es of hie par
is!.ioners, remarked that some
people had "teo much music in
their soles
The old saying has it that it
takes nine tailors to make a man,
80tnethnee nine tailors together
eouldif make a Mail pay for the
clothes he wears.
Mother (to 1301fi1)y, who has juet
completed his prayers) — Why,
Hubby, you forgot to pray for papa.
13obby—Why, HO 1 did, and ho
needs it tio much, doesn't he, ma
Visitor (to convict).—'"Your fate
is a sad nue, wy friend ; but you
have plenty of company in your
misery." Convict --',Yee, sir ; but
the cempany is a little mixed."
"Are you e man of family, sir ?"
he said to a timid little chap who
tied a uervaus et ay of looking over
Lis shoulder. "Yee, sir," was the
1)11'; my weft, has a husbattd
e, .1 tint' children."
Spring! Spring I Spring! Boils! Deihl
Boils I The best Blood Purifier and Tonic
is Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. The
People's Remedy. Large bottles 50 cents.
Moo!, are —"3 am 10 die
appointed 10 him. I aln sure he
was tipsy last nigin—he threatened
u ki8 Me." k[ay—"Well, there's
to knowing what men won't do
tel they're drunk."
A. little girl, sidling up to a
visitor. and taking a sharp look at
.ter eyee, was asked what elle meant
I.y it. "013," she replied, "I only
rented to SOB if you had a drop in
your eye; mother says you often
Father (to would-be son italaw)
—Young man will you he Able to
take care of uty daughter in the
style to wnich 81.la has alwaye been
accuet owed ? Young man (oar -
'Justly) --I'll guarantee it, or return
the girl.
.3. 11E640Y.
A. lesson is to the learn ed from the sight of
bald Load. Ealliog out and promoture
rayness of the hair can bo stop ed 13 'taken
10 tune. Do not 1t 1( 100 On tv thout mak-
ing an effort to save it. Got a bottle 01 .113,
Doreavvend's Gorman Hair Magic ; it stimu-
lates the growth, gives trash vitality. and
keeps its natural eolor, besides being a su-
perb dressing. All druggists sell it.
Big Sister—Bobby, you aro Want- ,
ed to de an errand. Bobby—Tell
tote, I havou't got time to du it now.
Big water—Father says you inn e.
to it at once. Dobby --011, itas r
'3, is it. Then I gneee I II •-
or find time.
St. Peter (tho gates eit)itely ,t1 tee
—"Who are you 2" A111111 tat',
AIr. Veritae."
'DIU 10011 171.10 1', 101-4 '•'! 1 OW;
newspapers ?" Ap1.Ii i te• •—• "The
atne." St. Peter --"Weti, yen
can't get in here." •
Woman (to tramp) ..tiew that,
yon've bad a good dinner, ceit't yori
do something fur it Tramp --
Well, I (h)ulm, I want to de what's
right. If you've got any letters to
mail I'll drop 'em into the lamp post
for you. I'm a 0(3118(10 man,
"PtOTORIA"fer eelds, "PECTORI1"
for toughs. "PlbOTottIA"f et the lungs,
" PECTORIA." for the Bronchial teaes.
sPECTOSIA"tbe best, the safest, tho
cheapest. "I'1IOTOR/1" the great 25
tI Cough et.
Robby (thouglatfully)--"I'a, do
non in 11111113080 warty about money
natters 2" Father — "Sometimes,
;ebbe-. Ettr ntettence, when a man
whooe credit is nob firet 011114 oael
me togney, 1 wavy mare 01' 11111
nntil get it. Do yon undereattel?"
Bobby—"Yee, pa, and Wen eiet
01734 11101187 tO other peeplo 1 n'3/030
WOrl'S WWI got it."
An extiliange eve the -intuitd+
poke!: rule its the Falvey a man
carries in toe poolcot. A silver
gnarter meatures 1 of an 133011;
the hell' dollar itue inch, auel the
dollar of one daddies, 11. nibs
may be rny !Direly (1 11 111i111.nnyiro
18110 01111 control $1.71 at any 3130.
4310111 1031 the refit itf 11 1 111181'
jog along with the teepee rifle they
I give elvey at the boultateree.
Ca ems rte—lelatetterli.e.
Discontent is tho echo of unbe-
lief.-- [1 IL 8 Trainor,
Men may here foole, but fettle
they cannot die. — [Yinutg,
Every day id ill 1 1 of a, most 103.
318130380 I•xparifamo.— rE W. Rob
1 hetet seldom known anyone who
deserted truth in 111 (10 who meld
be trusted in mattore of importance,
— 1 Paley
A solemn and religious regard to
spiritual and eterual things ie an in-
iiepensiele element 113 1311 true great
eves.— Daniel Webster.
Predestination ie but die fact twit
God is wiser and more powerfe1
than wo are, end therefore does
with 113 according to Hie
God's determination to save all
vidau ropeut is as inflexible as Ilk
resolution to desire), all the import
Rent. —Rev. R. K, bainpbeel.
Give es an ever -living faith
To gaze beyond the things wo see,
And in the mystery of Thy death
Draw us and all mon tanto Thee.
--[Wm. W. How.
it is a great deal better to live a
holy life than to talk about It.
Light000sog lo not ring bells and
fire cannons to call attention to
their shieiug—they 110 seine.
Divine grace, IMO ill the heart
03 1700111 and sinful maa, 13 tuviu•
eible. Drown it in the waters of
adversity, 11 1111041 more beautiful, as
not being drowned indeed, but only
mewled ; throw ia hate the furnace
of fiery trials it comes out purer mad
losed nothing but the dross.— 111.1101).
In all your eujoyments be moder-
ate. Set your heart in the love of
God and the faith of Chris, and dii
fioultieti will disappeur. The inner
life in you will aseimilate to the
divine everywhere, mad return its
own bleesed aud censecratiug in-
fluence to all your work teed all
your s,ruusereents.— principal Tui -
To trust in a great pewer is to
share its strength. The euccees oi
every euterprise dee, els mainl' on
the belief that 11 181e be itehieved,
and when the present °Elora nothing
but materials for diseouregetneet,
hope comes to the aid of truet, and
transfigures the present hofore our
eyee with the enthusiasm o•I' tee
The early closing movement has
collapsed la Simene.
The Manitoba Land Compauy
lo,.t .11,500 an last year's operations
A etch, gold mine is said to have
been disouvered on a Lem near
Dure's Falls, Muskoka.
Secretary Cohner, of 1 110 Canadian
High Commiesioner's odic lo Lon.
LIM, Ltd been wade a O. kE. G.
Up to thine Ibis year 0,158 head
of cattle have boon exported front
3,1sia real, against 0,827 for the same
period last year.
Household Hints.
l'ee lemon juiee and milt to re-
move iron rust.
A solutiou of penalalli to WiltOr
thrown upon e fire, will extinguieh
it innueditetely.
Never maul tit the table the tenue
food fin. three 1315,11.4 In 8110(88 1013,
unlees varied in Homo way.
When a hinge creeks put re little
graphite or soft tette penoil ou the
plaee of friction.
Apple OAHU 10 nautili improved by
tli addition of a lablespooftil of bu -
ter, and requires le .8 agar
To preeerve the 'tonicity of Indite
rubber, %vim] it five ,r 018 tenee e
year with elightly alkaline wiser.
The beet way wine hot etett
h8.8 been :pilled on 31 11001' 18 to dealt
cold water over it, 80 118 80 ha Id011 it
(pinkly and prevent a ',tritium Into
thts hoierds.
For cleanieg brae, use a thin
paste of pia 8 powder, two telott
epuoufnlis 03 vitseg.sr, e'er wile.
spoonfuls of aloehot. Itub anti a
piece af thane! ; p -'1•11
Cures may be made air and water
tight by keeping teem ler 1181 18115.
11t08 11111101' 11.1‘.41'(!.i pat ; teal
meet he kept, 0 .vi • fl a lid
In mixing mutt a 1 f •r table use
never add \gauger, weitati destroys
its life and lime., Boit ie
moistotung 54, aud tilj 11I1,...8.
etome blood warm.
A. good heedful tet r telt silt added
to the bath ni the 1111. feta tuing
after an "o0eau dip," and a gurgle
of a week solution is te geed mid
ever -ready remedy fit,. a 83110 throat.,
111 uervous pros tau el, 14.161 and
sleep are the find ind; '3 11111)1. e-
ditions. A change is always in o..
der to make tnem pe gain 'rite
diet must be geueroue, the food
well masticated and (setae slowly.
To talte rust out of steel rub the
steel With 010053 Oil ; 10 11 day ur
two rub with finely psydered un -
sleeked lime until the greet all dis-
appears, then oil again, roll in wool-
en and put in a dry place, eepeciany
if it he teble cutlery.
In a sevete spume of the ankle
immerse the joiut as soon ats pos-
Bible hi a pail of hot water, and
keop It there fur fifteen or tweet.):
minutes, After removiug it keep
it bandaged with but clothe wruee,
out of water or rum and wietea
One of the chteepeet and beet
modes to ueseray 1 1101.:(1 td 10 1./Ut
planes is to invert the go and dip
the pietas I r a . ere in 1,,
er 18,3, 301:1 10 i 3.J,.1:111au.
paper referring t plen, :eve
teat tile azalea will shunt 133 °
te deny, injury, \VI) uenally heat
the wager pretty 400, ,atid 301.1r lu
11.11)1 130 g 11-3,3)4 .1,,.
P1) o Delhi Casein Company ex
peat to !Intl) 1.031' DOW 1/10b0ry 111
runniug order 111 awe :or the straw•
het ty ,131.30/.1.
anefurd nIdorILo leave voted to
Lave e tom oert 4 sato 3111.1 fir
brigade ; the hums to cOnsist of a
Wife', a, iertenteu, two drivers and 24
fireNtileceutonbruee itlethedist church
e-ee totally de.troyed by fire 01) the
night of May 312; buildiug valued at
$7,000 ; parnally ieented. .Newtou-
brook is o. small viila‘N about 131310
(1)1104 north of To conto.
• vete 811-,13---Brinv 101 11 eon. 10, eon -
lee acres. 11 is partly cleared, tho
o well woll tlo1,orsd. never taIlthg
creak amesasthepntoo and it la Woll adopt.
od lei t,or 100111041 01' /Mahn?, 11i8111 like"
Wig° sG11 40 sores, being east part allot 14,
511110, n. ar y all 011 elsorocland 11, gone
state of cultivation. A. good frame barn
with a geed shone stable Underneath and a
novor tailing well is also on the place, Por
farther particulars apply to the proprietor
An the plasm This lot la 0I1106110 tho OM -
01;011(1P. AVERY, Proprietor, I -if
Returned to Brussels
tO fnatO that ho has again become
01 ruoidant of Breseole and is prepared to
take Contacts for all kinds of Carpenter
Work, 811011 08 Tromso Building, Barn
.Praining, 348111 Wrighting,
Ife will also make a SpccialLy el! Mov-
ing Buildings.
7;1s/invites Cheerfully Giros.
Satisfaction guaranteed,
in every instanee..
15-4,141kT5134, WITS,
Caveats Awl sane s nad 'Prod o liarkS s uoured
and 8:11 Athol. patent causes in. the Patent
Office and before tho Courts promptly and
carefully attended to. Upon receipt of mod-
el or 01101011 of invention, 1 make careful
mainination,an 11 advise an to patentability
Free of Charge. Pees moderate, anal make
no charge unless potent is secured. Toforra-
Mien, advice and speeial referonees mut on
applicatinn. .T.4.T.I82.111.L, Washington,
D.C., PittentOilloo, 15.
Li El LI El
The Oran brook Lime
Are in full hlast and a firet-class
sone eine-
12,1 Gents Per Bushel,
4:14008 Va Prop,{
Express Wagons,
Toy Carts,
KAY 2)1. 1888
Economy itestaurant.
110.rieg jute openol in the 13rialt core•
er Store, finenerly occupied by It. N111.'-
0.11111, itruseels, the opposite voreer to
the Posh:alley,
'At all reasonable Hours)
3,1" FOR TWENTY cilwrs.
A call is cope...Milt' solicited end every
attention will ee paid. to Patrons, A lim-
ited number of Lo ty and. Gen Etonian
Boarders via del).
ONFI"I'D 3,1.0 1
Any Aniount of Vfoney to Loan
on Faro' or Village l'r-
it.' 82, Per Yearly.
Straight Loatie with' privilege
I-) of repaying wheel required.
Apply to
P., 0 I-1
Etc., Etc.
The Ladies should see
the nicely assorted
stock of Fans
and Baskets.
A. Hunter,
birishm Court Clerk, Brussels,
Loan & Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
ou Farm Seeurity at Lowes
113.81118 OF INTEREST.
Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according,
to 333000111. 14,1111 time I et.
OFFICE .—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, (lode -
Horace Horton,
The Attention of the Public
is called to the fact that the
will give
Cr 1•,T T3- I IT al
Tweeds, /7/8,
BlatlaCtS, FlandliC18,
for the next 80 days,
Special Ddiren
in Knitted Goods.
To Secure the
Big Reductions Y„
you Must bring the
• ..
Try the Brussels
Woolen Mill
• ..... yon„.