HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-18, Page 7ES( TO 1,„
73y E, P. 170.10,
4 ).— t.. 111i t' li•
Wah at time, :torero, 0,1111.
-was glad when faitlaluepiring sorrow
eamo, it was also soon that ire could
weep with tho weak bineau children
who MOInaled under tho rod, though
watilta heaven might result from the transient
Ont 1Li Ot mailer
In committing this e n rem trait of his
brain -his heart bad dictated but;
is proot that tne vantyneg ugnt is Bowleg
In the ease of Ilenastea,(1, however,
the words of praise and prayer compos-
ing the hymns sung were the intelligent
utterances of a believing hoarb to the
uatural object of its faith and devotion.
Lottie was not muoh given to seta
mont, oven in religion, and the sacred
words, a week before, would have wane
from her lips only, while sho thought of and happiness elm felt witb Him. She
other Whip ; but now she WWI surprieed was uo doubt like many who, eighteen
to find how her heart was stirred by centuries ago, knew little of Christ, but
CHAPTER XX. 0 them, and how, from being empty in the midst of thole pain and anguish
phrases, they wore growing full of been- suddenly felt His healing touch, and ex -
little of it, to Ow names, Ilemstwid VIM DAWNING LUMP. tilted with groat joy, forgetting that only
That was a memorable Sabbath oven. one disease bad been eared, or one
tiful meaning.
wauld have felt, a few hours earlier, as
0, Hireloo mother might when casting soma attio alai° adore the supper bop ing to her. It seem.ed as if within her trouble banished, awl that they etill re.
her child to the °Moo : ilos of the Gan- rang, Do Forrest sauntered in, and wit. old, eartlaborn, material life, a subtle inained in a world where pain and
ges. Now he Saw it ehrivel, as its flossed a Boom that both surprised. and spiritual 0110 hal boon kindled, which- trouble threatened to the very end. But
teachings hod within hi i own naiad a puzzled. him. And yet a lover would 1
il unlined. and 61orifted. everything. here WWI the ground of hope for those
little ltore, with earatation, sectreolyhavefonad hallo quiet andpret. She felt as if endowed -with a sense, whom Jesus touebed, cle Ivell as for
" Like ae a father pitieth his dal- ty picture that the Parlor mud its occu. by means of which she was becoming Lottio. In curing Quo evil, Ho had
slimly conscious of a new and different proved His power and willingnes to re.
d rem" was a batter dor-trine than "1110 pante mado, any ground for jealousy.
the mare table, wider world. She was more than happy. She
was thrilling with strange and rayster- and the suffering of guilt agaiu op•
as a sculptor chisel:: bis marble," or Heinstoaa was at move ovary evil, and when pain of body,
" liko a siirgeou cuts remorselessly with tho now lighted chandelier, reading aloud
pulse nequickened, though the patient from the Bible. Lottio sat by the hearth, ions i0Y, and was elated beyond pressed, the true source of help WKS
measure, as if Christian principle and known, and so Christ eventually became
writhe:a" the firelight playing upou an unuenally
heaven wore already -won; as many a their Good Physician, intrusted with the
Preaeher andpagan stood together by grave and thoughtful faeo.
the hearth, and WAY perish the Gospel .. wait:. ho aathamaa, ,: r„ malt for pilgrim is happier before the quickly entire care of their spiritual health,
of Fear—of gloomy aecoticism—whieli, all the world like an old married couple coming fall into the "slough of des. No doubt at the time when Christ Was
pond," than ever again until within the on earth many a heart was stirred alai
for so many centuriee, in dim, Jiang) keeping Sunday together."
cloixters and stony cells has chilled. the Of course Homatoad anew& nut gates of the Celestial City. borne heavenward. on the wings of strong
Lottio's fiammliko spirit was not emotion, by the eloquence of soma gifted
heart, and quenched the spirit. why should Labia's color grow richer
Aim yet, to-dity) iu tiii ::. iad light f 1 theta Lim ruddy .firi..1.,.,lit a areauted ? Prone to take anything coolly; and now rabbi, by a gorgeous ceremonial in the
' ,
that her soul was kindled. by fire from Temple, or the chanting ot the multi-
Ilible lands, and in 1110 midst of the She know the WEIS blushing, and
heaven, and in addition her whole tudinous priests. But the emotione
wholesome awl Huge:alive duties of the fact puzzled ha, for it was a
family lifo, do not many, under false DOW experience to find the blood flying nature awakened. by the as yet un- passed away, as they do now; and mon
teachings like that of 1 lemstead's Her- into hor face, and her heart hi a sodden recognised, but strongest of earthly ames. women relapsed into their old,
forces, the natural love of her heart for material, selfish lives. They may have
mon, find spiritual paths as dark and flutter,
the ono to whom only bad been given looked back upon the ecstasy that once
painful as those of ascetics who made She was also excessively annoyed at
for such k the power to inspire it, little -wonder thr
that hoe but half -suppressed excitement it could always have been maintainod;
self -mortification the business of life? Do Forrest's intrusion, illed them withrogret, ana wishedthat
Christ spoke truly when he said, seemed, though ho had an equal right to
a Mon love darkness rather than light." aro asaally was surprising both to herself and but they found this impossible. So now,
the puler with herself.
others—little Ivo -ruler that sho was more the emotion goes and the combinations
We all the service c f tho Author of judge unjustly, to the cloy,roo that Nve
radiant than ever she had been upon that once produced it never return, or
Light, with gloom. Tho hermit thought feta strongly.
the ,avest and most brilliant occasions. fail to inspire it again. Looking to
an 'amid bast serve ar..1 ie the chill and But thci-habit of her old, ineincere life
'Bhere was nothing unuatural in her themselves and their own feelings—to
dimnees of a cavo; 110 autherite's cave swayed her and sho said lightly:
experience. She had looked non the inadequate means of help, they are of
11....s been thio type of onr sliadowy,vault- "If, instead of dozing away tho whole
?lac: eh:aches, rani the :.: a,erleace of the afternoom you would £ulluw Mr. Ilona fare of Him who is the light and life of course disappointed' and so gradually
waehippers over knee. ' 1 . 1 1 3- • tem world. Let her enjoy the brief grow hard. aml legal, or apathetic and
Lame Marsden was one who would.
naturally be re died by a religion that
was merely a o of restraint and a
paralysis of fear ; and should she come to II' with tho disciples of old, the moments it is that every life needs tho personal
asItFil. for it " Do 'Forrest replied. with
believuthat God sought chiefly by hareh '. ea the Mount of Transfiguration are and ti 1 h
prac ea help—the direct touch and
discipline to scourge her ,,to ways of an ured cur. leav: and tho days ot works and self- word of One who is divinely powerful
'' Well, you see Mr. lianstoad is a
pathetic exciternent, appease DO
her feelings 00 fears. But, as wo 110.1£0
liaid before, sho had looked upon the face
of the Son of God. Circumstances, and
the story of Lames, had concentrated marriage ;" an Ins boars overflowed
her mind on the Lord Jesus Christ, ite with a groat pity.
in that old and touching record Ho It did not Omer to him that bp was a
stands before the world in one of His miracle of disinterestedness when Lotbie
most winning attitudem, She did not was concerned ; and that lwr troublee
moved him more than the woes of all
the world. Like many another life.
voyager, with hand. upouthe helm, be
thought, that he was directing WS 00=41,
whou in fact a strong and subtle current
was Sweeping him be know not whither.
Ho and Lottio :lid not have much to •
say 16 each other, but their eyes often
met, and at times, in hie freak Ina
puleiveuess, lie looked ether so earnestly
and sympathetically that Fans would
turn away to hide her heightened eolor.
She was becoming eouscioue, with
secret wonder, that he, as no other
luau over before liad. done, had the
power to causeher bloodto ebb and flow.
in the most unaccountable meaner.
A short tine after their arrival 1E0
wandered over to•the side of tho chapel
whore MRS Martell was workieg, and
Ale seemingly fascinated him. They
apparently became HO absorbed in each
other's words as to thiuk of no ono olse,
and Lottio grew pale and quiet, fooling,
in the meantime, an Oureasonable re-
sentment tow-arklAliss Mar If
has received a little grace, sho is, and
ever will be, •tho natural posseaser of
abundance of -human nalan-o. Is this
Palo and siloub the same as when, a
little before, her cheeks aflame and
every nerve tingling -with the most an.
wonted sensations, and for no better
reason apparently. than that Hemstead
had seen her tugging wait fibrous spray
of hemlock, and had eafrered it With his
Thal was all the °there had soon; but
there was a great deal more, for
in the act their hands had. touched,
and both had seemed in a ausiti-ve
state in the power to give, and
in the negative in readiness to re-
ceive, a subtle influence, compared with
which electricity is a slow ancl material
agent. And he haalifted his large gray
eyes to hers full of—he did not realize
what, nor (lid she—but the cause was
than, and the effect followed.
• But now, with secret uneasiness,
Lottio notes that he seems -oblivious of
her in his eager talk with Miss Martell.
Soon after joining the latter, Hein -
stead had said., in his straightforward
manner, "You intimated to Mr. Har-
court yesterday that you were sorry he
heard my sermon.'"
With a little anharreacment she re-
plied, "I do not think that lir. Har-
court was in the right condition of mind
to be benefited with your line of
Do you think that any ono mold be
benefited by it ?"
She was 0 little nuzzled. Was he,
11110 001110 young clagymen sloe had
known, eager for a few :numbs of praise
for Ide first ce t Lao efforts ? She was not
ow givo uv faint and hollow com-
mendation, anal yet she did not wish to
hurt hia 'feeling,. But her reply had a
`ininwietalfticizras sohlevalumityd
"I hardly venture an opinion.
You, who have given so muth time atal
thought to these subjects, ought to bo a
bettor judge than I."
Ho felt, rather than saw, the delicate
barb, and flushed slightly as ho replied,
" I admit that perhaps 'ought to be,
but whether I am or not is another
queetion. I am quite sure that your
viewa 'open the subjects treated yeatare
day aro far truer than mine were. Tho
wretched., heretical sermon that I in-
flicted upon you yesterday has already
justly suffered an auto eia Before
tho day was over T saw that inetead
of preaching the Goipol, I had boon
elaborating. from a partial premise,
10 000£10 view of my- own. I shall
110 longer preach, that is, if 1
preach at all, as if human nature
were the yaw meteriai which God in.
tended to work up without any regaivi
1.6 tho procees, or how much Canso
t'iere W1124, et wit2.2; 1).1011210 -Of it. .1s
Christ weeping from sympathy at the
grave of Lazarms tree manifestation
of God's feelin,,, tewar.1 'us ?"
" Mr. Honistoad," Miss Martell
claimed, " Cs/1101 toll you how glad
am to know your change of 0ion'S. Most;
eini1tatically 1 say 108 10 your queatiom
God is seeking to develop° my charae-
ter ; only he is more patient and gentle
than my good, kind father. Bet why
do you say, If I preach at all ?' "
His hotel bowed in honest humility,
as 110 replied in low t0110, "I Offuli •
doubt whether I am worthy—whether I
am called."
Sho now saw that she had misjudged
- him, and was eager to reassure andcon-
firm bis purpose for life; and the con -
vers. that followed had grown au
ing as to cause lionistead to .forgot for
the th 0o, ono, who by 240100 right, div.eo
or otherwise, had suddenly taken 120s-
nessiou of his thoughts with & despotien
as sweet, as absolute. They soon. folio.
that, so far from being strangers and
aliens, they were members of tho same
household of faith, and That, upon the
deepest and most vital questions, they
wore in perfect accord. 11110 tie tlrii;
binds our hearts in Christiaa lova" was •
et:manila:a ; and they became better
acquainted hi that brief half-hour, than
he OV£311 would bo with Bolle l'arbon,
whoni ho saw daily.
But whiha Miss Martell was speaking
most earnestly to Ilemstead, She HalV
801110 ono enter tho chapel door. Her
cola canto tuid went. The sentawe -
upon ha lips faltered. to a lame con- •
• elusion, and though 0110 became deeply
absorbed ill the proems of twining the
fragrant 00(100 with the shiny lame!, sho
did not work ite. deftly as Worm book -
r011114. 1,0 SOO OW • mom, Winstead
caught olio Datle's reproacatInt
ne nos romance wuatever anemia: rae
may have had. Still she feellithat she
chained to lam, awl meet 001010 the i
life.long mart rdom of au Hama -toil !
understand how elle oonuectod the bo
ea . p oettaey. Never chill the soul, that is
would be the better for it."
I -would have read to you all the thrilling with the first strong pulses of
afternoon, if you had given me £4 Chasm spiritual life, by discouraging doubts.
Ina -f I ternind them, if you will, that now, as
unbehevmg. When in trouble—when
the natural springs of life begin to fail—
there seems no real and practical help.
If human experience proves anything
more recklessly into the paths of ovil. ' -- Ail I l' But ;I d divinelypatient
righteousness, she would. rush all tho
But God is too Vi80 and good to teach, a
religion utterly repugnant and contra-
dictory 10 1110 nature He has given us.
A child's hand may load a multitude,
but a giant's strength can drive but
Christ's tears had fallen on the ice in
Lottie's heart, and melted it away. It
10210 now tender, receptive, ready for
the seeds of truth. Hemstead's sermon
had only hardened it.
Liko the Hebrew mothers evith their
little children she had:In:wheal= 'way gone 01)1 00 themselves toward God, and
thrmigh frowning doctrines and stately had found Him the source of light and
attribut,s that appeared to encompass cheer. The others had forgotten Hum
Goa, as did the rebuking disciples of old and still remained in the dim, chill
11, n- gentle Master; and There seemed grottoes of their unbelief, illuminating
- \la Moro her, who, like Jesus, was their darkness by such artificial and
., !ale to take hor in His arms, and eartlalit teams as the occasion offered.
lavish upon ha tenderness without Mrs. Maechment's apartments wore
cosy and elegant, the supper inviting,
The okay of the burning sermon light. the ruddy wood. fire and easy-ohairs
ed. up the face of the preacher, and. one suggested luxurious comfort; and why
wao eortid no longer bo called a Pagan, should they not be comfortable, and
fee 'ho stood before the altar of "the quietly forget their dismal Thoughts
1)!: aoan God," and was strongly ill- about, God, and, the solf-clenial of the
e.,,n, ! to place her heart upon it. She Ct01414 9 Tho current of ordinary and
be.i.•-, ed., though as yet she did not wmthlly life which Herustecure sineoro
taa.t. She undeestood but little of bet Ina:Aiken words bad endely inter.
Il :,:... truth, but it WU no longer a 00- rupted, now began to 'flow on as quietly
putu sit darkuess, but rather a huninceis and smoothly as before.
lliti'it' tigainsb whichJesus stood distinct. But with Lottio it was you different,
ly, tea:aul from sympathy, where The and the tidos of hor life seemed seekiug
best and kindest would have smiled, an- new channels.
tie,: ating joy soon to come. Belle, and to a certain extent tato
As the obnoxious sermoa. souk into others, noted peculiarities in her man.
liemstead turned and toek Lot. nor and that of Houtstead. Her moodi.
tie's nand witli a pressure that made it 11 (0 Wilt; prie bet in its place was no1.
ache lioara after, and said : her eid levity, When Mesas came down
Now you have soon what has be- hum the presence °Rica, his face shone
coms of My sermon and many of My SO that 110 was compelled. to veil its
01,1 beliefs. The furnace of Ged'a dis- brightoess ; and it has over seemed
ei..!iee shall no longer, as you have true that nearness to God and ilia truth
said. lame the lurid centre 01 10)' 500501; 2411-:,s spit 12.12,11 115111 antl. attraCtiVolleSS
but Jesus Christ as you have iliSCAWered to rim viable:1 featua.,a,
r,..,1,0, The embodiment of lovo and spa- Lot tio was mom than himitiful that
p .Eliy. :hall be its centre." • 11101611g, /She Was radiant. Like a
With a ;mile upon her lips, but with sin.riie in June, Imo rernei 01 11111' ei.
tears in her eyes, Lottio replied. : noblire 1111,"0 li-to tlawnino• in her heart.
" A,..1 such 11 5013501 woald vvin even and ell,' '':, :.u.int, unrecosal ('110
11111 border ruffians. Yes," sho added tionEs illumined hoc face HU:timely at
1,, 134 " 1 half beleve it might Limo'. Her manner wile unusually
v) io evV11 011011 a little pagan as Lottie gall •o, nail While ruponilhof to the
karst-toll.° • 3....211e..211 cunVellatti.011, itho had many
Just then a broad ray of light glinted moments of abetraction, and 11111.0 (M-
int° 1110 room, and illuminated Lott:lee dent1v carrying on a chain of - thought
lions beauty, That very different from that appearing upon
Noe into such =rye
flemetead was spoll-bormd. Hewes toe the surface of their table -talk.
intent en vvittching her to bo aware that But all remembered that Lottio
the ray rested on :him also; but she eit• 141.101111£1011 in moods, and That she W11,21
0121111104 2 What the comniou.plaue call " an cad.
" 011, Mr. Hemetead, you don't know gill,"
how your face is lighted up by the £106' 'Brit Why Hemstead, after his gloom
Om sun. If I believed in onions, I and chagrin at dinner, aliould now ho
should know that your successful work beaming, was not iio clear. Belle
will be out 0)1 tile frontior—in the tilettglil,—
Weet, from -whence 00111015, after this " Tho poor moth 1 Lettio luta beeu
dreary day, Emoli a beautiful light, and leaziiii him with her Elarq40011:4 11.111106.
Willa. suggosts, I hope, The fame and it's a shame."
glory you aro to win. there." After supper Harcourt appeared, and
" .1.1vis light from the westialls equal- ea 1110,410 was 111 "1)!'" EV" :1-h)
ly -upon you," he said impulsively. b'orrest and Addle joined m this with
There was a sudden crimson an hex considerable zest It was tho proper,
face, deeporthan that caused 'by the and about the only thing that could. be
dorm on a Sabbath evening. Tho most
setting slit.
She gave him EL quick, shy glance tG irreligious fool bettor for the occasional
gather his moaning, but said : indulgence of a, little religious sarbi-
o Omens aro only half truth:a I have troatality. When the losthetio elemenli
hoard." ' . is supreme and -thorny self.denial absent,
Under a vague, but strong impulse he devotion is quite attractive to avorago.
had epic= foolishly, he tholight; and humanity. •Morooterthe dwarfed spin.
suggested that, in seeking to change hox Vial nature of the most materialistio
character, his motive in parbmight be n often crave's its natural Emstensame ;
presumptuous hope of his own. Thera. and Sabbath evening ab times sitggests
fore a deeper flush crimeeted his face; to the worldly that which alone 0011
lutt he said quietly; satisfy. The " Sun of Righteousness "
"111011000 that, in our day, omens are sheds a pale, refleeted ray upon them;
Will•of-the-vvisps of the imagination. but This 10 better than utter darlomsa,
What need is there of euoli fitful lights, and may lure forward whore the Divine
when the sun of God's light is 51111119 smile will beam -fully upon them Do
in This Bible, Shall wo exPlere farther 1' not lot us undervalue Sunday oveniug
Again they sat down, and sought to sentiment and sacred music, oven
reeencile tho apparently Oontlicial though occurring whore them was a
trails of God's mercy and justice -0 , dance yotordq, wad when them will
Thom must
His severity end unutterable tolulanoss. be a eovel to.morrow.
Proofs Of bah Wore found Upot the always bo a that support on which the
liar of inspiration "005 albeit 00 loaves levelling vino can eortunoiMe diabing
predestined missionary, and lie no , ..
doubt thouglat, and correctly too, that Lot fall tO close youx homily with the Many days of folly—of sin, sorrow,
assurance that the work mad self-douial and deep despondency are before Lottie
tie would never And a00000 object ot 10,0- are of earth, while the illumined mount still; but she has seen her God weeping
sionary effort than myself; so 1 have is tha type of an eternal heaven from sympathy with weakliumanity, and
obtained a bettorknowledge of the Bible The evening was passing. 'While a moment later rescuing from the hope-
this afternoon than ever before." dovotion Mowed more brightly , sent& less extremity of death and corruption.
They were now joined by others, and iiiili,.. Wilei 'ie kering out, The others Here is not some vague thing like a half.
the conversation became general. Seep , tp a .. weary. Ilorestead had forgotten. emotion oran exalted religious
Eater they wont out to supper. 000 • . . •,. , •,-- tang, aod he oleo wished experience in which to trust, but One
The depression of the Bornion appear. ..........ane :nap ne mignt mum ovee: ..,.. who, instead of being a vanished, hail-
ed. to have passed from the rest, as well bewildering experiences of the day. forgotten sensation, a philosopy, or even
as from Lottio and Hemstead, though Therefore he suggestedthat they should a sound. creed and a logical doctrine, is
for different reasons. The latter had close with Ray Palmer'a beautiful hymn, a living personal and powerful Friend,
that from the first moment of faith, who can put forth His hand and sustain
until faith's fruition, is the approriate now, as He did the timid apostle who
language of those who;accept of G'od' was sinking in the threatening waves.
remedy for ovil. ,.ne temeie 01 ,uulwel Yalta li, iu.',
. afy faith looks nate moo la bo built ; but she had been so ior-
Thou Lamb of Calvary, ',mato aS to 00010101110 with the true
Saviour Di vine 1 11 ommor stelae."
Now hoar rao 'while I pray,
Take all my guilt. away, Daring the morning hours she was
011 lotme from 11(5 1101 the object of considerable and perplexed
Be wholly %Wm" l'iought on 111e part of several of the
He hoped that with Lottio, it might hounehold. There was in her face the
hor thoughts on the true source of help. aatoee, and the same gentleness and
sweet spiritual radiance of the evening
mown the teachings of the day, ana fix
This hopo found a richer fuoihnent acoonsoildloratoneas of manner marked hor
than ho expected, for to her awaimned i
press her deepest need. As the bait fr
F9,T.s.,, ila,..icliorrontafaiLtlIcor,0 dintuomoltrsof,
spirit the hues seemed inspired to ex.
of feeling was too strong for repression, Lo'oenitlimesnlanii isoo‘der that5110Las and
words trembled from hor lips tho rush
arkshe impetuously loft the room, indignant that elle should indelge hes-
self, and awake in the strident feelings
that she -believed, on Lottio's part, would
end with tho visit.
CHAPTER XXI. As for De Forrest, ho was thoroughly
puzzled. The idea that Ifern•;taad
MISUNDERSTOOD. could be anything to her Wan porfletly
preposterous: and as for religion, that
nese of heart when she arose on the Wan a decorone thing of form and cere-
monial pertainin•: to Sunday, an I f his
,i,ottio was conscious of a strange light.
morrow. It seemed. as if her lifo had ,...,,, atonaay, Aro rot, from run'
been unexpectedly enriched. She could 1 4,1
7,0,',,,c1 saw,m4 ,..1,11mra and di:A ay:tit
not miderstand it, nor aid sho seek 10, from be, „1,1 .;.,p.
befog' contented with the fact that she Ha col] pot o,v,11,1,11n, 1,2aCov,r, for
Was happy. She had always Well seek- win had ),„, , . 1, , „, 1 1 9, r 1,, ban ; mei if
ing her own enjoyment, and ROW silo vats 1,,,,,,),,,,,li,i ,, ,,,1, I £,,,,,,,, I., r , co ratite,
aiembeesit." It was Olearly OVident
that Gal would make go forms -With
sit whatoter Ho might do fee the sin.
4lar. 331.tt tho Divine Mao, as 4o stands
Though sentiment, like palo Moon-
light, cartees no ripe and. wholoseino
orowth, 11 14 bettor then darknose, and
happier than ovor before, She was 110t 1,1411
0,t011, She could t,00ll‘,11''. .11070
thing. Sho widely differed from some
. - : .or a nimmant (1,111i or e,,, len his
a pliilosopher who must analyse every .
prudent people who must take an emotion - 07;7111
51,:liat.,".1 ';,..,,,.vil,'-',,i,`,'„',,I.;'),';',f8.,:„.,,-t11:;70 '1'4 (
to pieces, and resolve it auto the original 016 limy 7,17,1 ,;, ,••-, • 1.,0`-':i1 ,..1;t2 'lit N:", .11_
°laments, nod thus be '0)1101 that 11 IS ii11 tho pi, I. ,, • , , :-. • , ; ::l '4 1 i e .. i z, e 1,7 .1'
properly caused. and wholesome before girl of ether ds".
enjoying it. Many seem to partake of Put to T1s -1'l'.' ..,(1, as with chattoring
life's pleasures as did the members of and roadee.0 the, whiled away 1110
days of the ancient Roman empire, morning 110)10)7 Rt.., ,nDa 1)1')narler fire,
the royal family of their feasts, in tho
when it was feared that poison lurked. in I.ottio was 1111' 1)11' 111 P.irt.'aniar Star.
every dish, Her face, litrar traas'ig,14'a in its i•-piritual
We have scan, however, that Lettio 1Willillilbelorterartiv‘v:iaaiWel 1,)01411b1'11'liEineirntSZ'.(11)
was not morbidly conscientious. She had the hone 111' elm 00i'') itito=y'r, had
11 spite of conscience's protest. Bot whom thn fled of love 1r 11'. If this
fOund ber w.i--.- into the ; I elv of 11 ;lies,
gathered honey everywhere, and often
now, for a rarity, conscience appeared ,,,,,,1,1 e -.et T., -,•,....1,., 1.,1. .,,,i;11,. Ellie, ,:1
with, and not against her. she WaS :,r,', to his work in V:- vv. -tern wilds, eon.
satisfied with the fact that she felt bet. ,,-,:lt, and ee-.-.,,. -10 , 1, vt a bow ,0,:l
ler than over before; and the EnnjoritY toilsome 'life would bo ilbunizied by
of even quite experienced Christians, this dear (1)011,))',', fl', tor..w like .Taittio,
ask, 113 111(01(1 ground of confidence, :lot wa,„; 41
0,1 ,0 '401M -I : kit Imill o1114 ,;(‘011
.I What is truth 5" " What has God aaao to cam,: daao to tho .taain 91,115,1.0
day?" Little wondor, then, if inexperi- o mantic ;" and when in tho plain They
the " DIRii:.)Ck1,10 " 4111,,,,,,1111 somo or them
proulised?"—but " How do I feel tn.
eneed Lottio, with overythiag to learn, veorild be vela; 11111 '1) like the 1n111tihale.
Sho had always looked upon weligiou an'Itflacti'o'illil'fnr'oril'il in.0Pr0,711:3e11110,0 t115:eli'vh 0011!
was content with being happy.
as a painful necessity, at some remote wont over to ...he rhumb, to aid in
and desperate emergency of the future; aocoraing it, with evergreens. They
but after the hours spent with Hem. found Miss 17) '11 and quite 011111111)012
stead, 11 3010100(1 a joy beyond all the of 'ladies et wora. There was 11140 o.,
pleasures of her highly favored lifo. sprinklieg of 1F.(111111M11 0,11,1 mos
She W10108 like one who had been livingill who wore on 1,110 border.lino between
i,Ia, fow
• the glare of artificial light, brilliant bey110011 ana litailhona, awl Who were
onOugh, it is true, but who had soddenly fro from one .elialateter
found it warmer, sweeter—in brief, just to tql'ile°1• ol.btilYielr'.0 5'411114
Miss Martell Itroolni Heinst04£1 mom
come Out into 1110 natural sunshine, and
what sho craved and needed.
The distrust of these exalted and Icionrvilyialliy.rotmlianyialvitiy. ofmtahlochontiloient&T atilelia
emotional states is general, and often seemed slightly surmised at Lagoa;
well.founded, especially when oxperi. gentle and cordial salutation,
eneod by midi mereorial temperamental De Foevest remained closely at tho
as that of tattle Marsden. And whon latber's side, but IIonistead noted with glances, SARI was soon at holi ado with
11 10 remembered that her knowledge deep and mocret satisfaction That there a 00)180 of almost guilty negloot
and idoas of true religion were of the wile nothing responsive to hie constant Adtlio Marolunout found work of any
vaguest Icindatho soba.anincled may ..bo 111811 lover.like attention in hor grave kind, oven peopttratien bo tho Christ.
b-101ill0a te-blimk, " Whg,t0vOr IllaY talt0 kill(1110SS. IICY brow often contracted, nitta festival, stupid taxa tiresome:
place 1131 book, the motning clow would as if his sentiment annoyed lier, and sho thorefott silo welcomed the diversion of
bo the typo of tins fooling i11 real life,treated him moo as one win), for. some 11m:coat's eating with double zost
And this would tile true --alas, it DI reasq. must be borne With bationtiv. —1 lyitb nalitavateint exelamatione of
true of multitatles— ad she boonstieeed to is probably engaged, but fa
1 ltv morolv 14011011»» canoes, 015 5001. enaelne to love him ," 1101m:sod, "and new To nu 001412005)120.1001412005)120.1