HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-18, Page 5MAY 18, 1888, -se '101111111 THE BRUSSELS POST. 5 Eli5trict "itcw$, Albert Dames is pushing Hui cattle buying t1113 spring. Ab, is o litmtlur and understands his beehives, 11 is 10113(311111 11301 work will soon com. monno on the renovating and improving of 1110 Presbyterian (thumb here, Mayoral eliihiron in this locaity aro troubled with a light type of diphtheria, It is to bo hoped it will not spread. Tienfrvn Tho Qoartorly Board of tho Now Ham- burg M1801011 at 1t9 hod meeting, held Nay 7311, after speaking in complimentary tonne of the work done by Mr. 13randon, and the signs of 1,1100090 manifested the estesing nongregatione, unanimously i'lqu,st, d his return for a wound tam. Mr. Brandon, after stating that ho had been invited to anothor field of labor, ox. preened. WA willingness to tibiae by 1110 decision of the Stationing Committee. A largo acreago of barley has been put in (hie spring in this seetion. Mai, Fletcher, of Brussels, and Mrs. Powell, of Stratified, were visiting at the Methodist 13(11001)8310 0318 clay this week. At different times lately obstructionn lists- I to placed on the railroad near this station with a view, no doubt, of ditching the train. Railroad ties woro 11(3311 first and recently ft eircular saw propped up by largo stones. In both in. staneen the obstractione were Neon in timo, although after night, and on acci- dent averted. Detective Rosa was in this locality this wank looking up the matter but no arrests Intro been made, Court of Ile -vision on Friday, 25th inst., at Ethel. Morris and Grey °been faotory corn. menced operations for this season on Monday last. 3 Tho milk wagons on the different con- cessions show that the cheese factories nee once more at work. Thos. MaLanehlin has gone to the Old Country. 'Ho will probably bring some horses buck with him. Rev. 0.111. Howie, M. A. will preach in Shine's school house on Friday even- ing of this week. Subject, "Our Lord 111 Gethsemaue." At a meeting of the Presbytery of Stratford a call from North and South Nitwouri in favor of Rev. D. Perrie was laid on the table. The call was sustain- ed and placed in Mr. Perrie's hand, who accepted it. Tho 20th inst, was fixed upon for his ordination and induction. The stipend promised is $850 and manse. Mr. Porno left for his INONV home last week. His musty Mends wish him great success in his first oharge. Else: th A. Smith shipped a car load of horses on 'Thursday from this statton to Mon. treat. At a special mooting held in the Orange hull on Friday evening a petition was pre. rented to our town fathers signed by a largo number of the business men. asking thou to pass a by-law to close the shops at 7 o'clock in the evening, There tvas 11 much huger attendance of persons than is usual at thew ineeting4 fusing no doubt to its being tho topic of conversation for some Fine post. Some objections were raisist to the 1-y•h31tv, that it would be de- csinoses 1 b, the istorest of thisiburg, but as tio- etition came trp to the require- ments of the early closing Act the coun- cil had no alternativo but to roako a mo- tion to have a by-law drafted to be voted on at the oast meeting 011 the 18th inst. After 1110 111 eting 3180 closed a largo number of the audience adjourned to Milne's stoop whew: tbe subject 3180 de- bated more thoroughly by some of our profinodest thinkers until near midnight. When the andionee ref irorl, after hearing the opnion 011 111080 speakers, tho impres- sion on the most of them 11.110 that it would injure our train here, Af<11.111.4. James Spier has Trien engaged at the new addition to be built to his barn. Wm, Cornish's new barn is completed. A great improvement is being made in the farm. Morris township Court of Revision will 130 held in Richton on Monday, 28th inst., commencing at 10 o'olook a. m. Our (3(111001 1(101111(1(0 in this locality are away at tho convention in Seaford], which meets on Thursday and Friday of this wok. A, K. Robertson loft, Brussels last Tuesday in charge of four car -loads of cattle for the Old. Country market. He will be away for a couple of months. Clue-Cits-r.—My frionds will pardon me I know whon 1 toll Glom my excuse for laid week was houso cleaning. It is nine tat know 111111 NVO 01113 1111V0 14 01001 house onoo a, year despito the 13100 3311d such other diffioultios,— Things aro sailing down Mealy. 3Iise Hughes is now Mrs, Ard. What a lovoly dimes alto woe°, really it was charming, I would call it almost a peva de sate, trimmed with black and white passertionterie. I intrad to have ono loot like it When I get married, though Mrs. Ard assures me these is not another llko it in Amnion, —Mr, Farrow's houso had a narrow 08.31(0 0110 day last wook. I woe just going at the third last slat on tho left hand insido corner of the diuing-room, parlor, kitehon, drawing room shutter (all 0110 (1(1111) when a libblo ourl of smoke caught my oyo. I got my note book and ran, but before I reached tho barn it was gone, so I fed the chiakene and watered the calf and oamo back to the ehutter.— Mr. Bloomfield has boon on tho sick list Hopo ho will soon rocovore—Mr. Stewart fixed up tho Nina a lift on Arbor day. How about our pic.nic ? Mr. Reid, of strew school, also rigged up. Mr. Hart. ley, of Salem, also mado some improve- ments, Mr. II. says hie girls aro the best in Morris. Aro they draw- ing hag :Attend again and up we haws tO get or wo lose that day.-11iss Thynno, of and, is holm from Winghtun now. Wo too always glad to welcome hors— Mr, Sellers, of list lino, lost a valuable heifer o few -crooks ago, 11101 Bob says there 31,10 more 811313 horsoe and broken down -Num than 110 could count in 43 day. I asked him for somo names but ho 114131 45010(31) and tumbled off his chair. When he got, up again ho was too mod to le, intorviowed. Mr. talto, Airs, Lako and isattetor ',alto mussed Lake Hereon on finis way to Ariehi/tan. Our host wishos go wait then. Safe joenoy, 10051 and preenerens lifts ?ones trthy, Ben., WIng.rhl 1 III. Our 1113111 1381111 131 asking for a. grant of $150 per 1111110111. The early filming movement has been adopted by nui town fothere, Preparationa aro in progrese for the eolebration on Quenit'a Birthday. 1 1110 COUll Oil derided at the last meet- ' ing to allow no tiro ersekree to be explod- ' oft on tlio streets, They also took titepi: to have bonfires disallowed In future, Rev, .1(30, Seat, ALA., of Walkorton, inta 13,0.11 invited to become ;suitor of the Methodist eltui•elt for Cho next confor. enoe year. Roy. D. 0. McDowell goes to the Toronto conforonco. A motion two passed at Gm Town Council meeting on Monday (wooing, to tho offoot that all balling,: meet be muz- zled 111 11110318(1 to run 011 the etroute, danger of being &strayed. 14.(itsitwav el. The Bell Leleplumo Oleo is again to bo ehanged. This time to tho etoro of Hag- ertnan Broe, A poet box has been placed at the sta- tion for the eonvonience of citizens living in that neighborh .0(1. Tho box will ha emptied by Lilo mail Week of orfeh train. Thu railway fang; in eon:motion with the celebration of tho ihisue lulu ivereary in Lietowol will be OM under from all point- For the first 20 miles a cent and a half a mile each way, and for distances ever 101)3(3(113(4 ono wort 0 milo for molt mile above 20 mhos, 'llfie means single faro fur the round trio for distances al 20 miles and under, and a third less than singlo fare for oietances overj20 miloa. The reports as to the sotto of the full winat, as given by 11113100110 in this torigh. bo hood, vary coneiderably, some 011 1111,8) reporting tho plant to be killed out =- booty, while alums report it to bo looking well in some pliessi bet killed out hi spots, The past forteieht has beef] fav- orable for epilog seeding, nsont of which 114 11057 3111i0/1011, and tho warm showeaf of the 13001 11031 doys have: given the spring grain and grass crops an excellent start 011 tho whole, the prospects for a fair harvest appear to ho quite up to the ay. erago at this early etago of the season. 1:44eathr th. The gardene and lawns are looking well considering the boakwardness of the season. The number of drunken men on the streets is not 1050011ing sinoo the repeal of the Scott Act. Strange (2) The creation of several handsome real. dencea has already been oommenoed and ero the season closes many more will be added to the number. Tho interior of the Methodist church is being =oh improved in inew of the annual Conference of the Methodist churoh being held in this town next mouth. This edifice is one of the most durable and handsome etruoturos of our enterprising town. Rev. Mr. &moody, of Dundas, preach- ed morning and evening in the Presby- terian church in the absentia of Rev. Mr. McDonald, who is in Toronto for a few days. The sermons were very instrtui- tive and interesting, and though at the advamed age of 85, when most ministers are reetiug from their labors, he seoms good for many more days of usofulness. A00100310.—(1. and aud fatal accident marred on Thursday of last week on the railroad a few hundred yards east of tho station, As the 0 o'olook expross train from Stratford teas emerging froin the deep cut, the engineer noticed an object on tho rail, but though too close 1i stop the train, nevertheless he instantly op - plied, brakes, aufl when stopped wont with torch in hand to iview from the pilot of his engine, when he was made torribly aware that he had Ishtar' 14 wo. On go- ing back a few yards with the conanotor they found two mon lying side by side, the one nearest the traok being much mangled and blooding profusely. Tho fortunato man and his uninjured com- panion were instantly placed ou board, and though the train fairly flew to tho station, the spark of life had fled ere the body could be removed from the car. Upon examinatiou tho body 31115 recog- nized as that of Thos. McIvor, of McKil- lop. An inquest was hold on Friday by coroner Dr. Smith. of Sonfortb, aird Dr, Scott as medical witness, at which 1110- 1001s companion, Quinlan, who 'teemed much muddled, gave rather an abstract alai contradictory ovidonoo, verdict 3190 finally agreed upon to the effect that deceased eamo to his &nth by booing struck by the engine while lying on tho traolt. Tho Railway Co. was exonerated from blame by having used tho ordinary means to avoid accidents. 11.31ute-valta. Milk season has begun. A. kitchen is in amino of erection nt the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson sprint Arbor Day in Moncton last week. Geo. Anhinson has had a, storm wall added to his houso n the hillside, Mr. Scott sent a dotaohmont of 80 pigs to the faetory yard on Saturday lest. Tho gypsies pinged through on Wednes. day. They mado the town gaudy with laoo. Tho hotel is being removed and re- painted, and ie undergniug thorough re- pair:3. This wools we have boon phronologizing, Mr. Galbraith lode -trod on the roots on Thursday cunning. Frank Patterson has boon laid up this week. 111 10 to bo hopod Mr. I', will soon 130 0.13011t/ 110 usual. John johneo31 is occupying Wm. Ross' 1101500, opposito the harness Shop, No. 8 left hand avonue, iYlain street, Joseph Pugh has olothod hie cottage in a blushing coat of paint. Mr. Pugh is determined to keep up with tho timos, The Rev. 3. S. cook has boen invitod to the Ashfield eironit for next year. Ho has amiepted subjeot to the Stationing Committee. J. S, Cook is to take part in the aisoussion regarding "Third Party" on the Moorlield campgrottnds this yoar. Hoar 1 Hoar 1 Improvements are 'ming doily undo in Our village. Arbor day 311113C1111)3 observ- ed by the Proebyterians, who have groat- ly improved the manna groands by plant- ing tuns and shrubs, also the chnroli grounds warp clecoratea. The busy house. wifo with hor moreiloss broom and other articles of deadly wartsre against dirt and all its kimlI'031 io bing 31111 pliorl, furniture 1,4 111141i(10.410W11 1,011113,1111`Vy kind-of..out--of.-tho -way—looking whilo tollors of all kinde aro busily omployod, Housonleaning is at 1.110 height of its; glory, Wm— Menace in improving the look of Inc already nommodious store, Robt. Mexwelljr, ham donned the clerk. ing apparel. ltiolutrd Jewitt has nimbi Mange liadr 'nmart around the yard of Mrs. Agar, and Ft bountiful 1(30)111 1' expeetoil. Joeoph Leech, who reprosentod Blue. vele (firma at Conference last year, will represent. the (iiroult at the District m3or(r:ibing to be heldn B ierne on ice:l 2May John P11111113111 1411/1 wifo aro by 111114 time far on the way to this obi Duo!. 'They left Bluevalo Motion on Tuesday of lard week, and expect to remain away for eeveral 0100 331133. Yonr eorreepondent 119.0 been handed Hifi following with a mind for 1111b1100- 3110. It speaks for itself 3 - Wo, the un- der.igned :whirlers of 13111ovitio Public Sohool, wish to exproee tho este .01 in which we 1311.1 ,1111, lescher, Mr. 'Chomp - 00n, 044 0 01411, a tem0/181and 3 friend : -• Fifth Claes —Won. B. Smith, E. Coultee, Wm. Duff, Maggio Harley, Ed, Bailey. Fourth Class MePhornn, Goo. Bureo.e, ,1110. Bailey, Ches. Robortson, Poter Robt. Maxwell, Emma Cloultes, Lizzie Sauslereon, Bertha Sauci- er:ion. Maggie Steward, Jos. Robertson, Jas. 13urg as, Annio Stowe, Wm. Groy, AfeKtnizio Mesons Bella Burgese, Jos, Burgoss, Fred. Ifa,tley. Third Class— Willie Bailey, Weeny Cornell, Frank 1 -Till, Frank Scott, Annie Grey, John Moser, Miltou Lamle Duff, Annie Rutherford, John Gardiner. The following resolutione 310(11 paestal by Ili" Bluevale Methodist Quarterly Official Board. : —"Afore(' by 3, Leech, seconded by W. .r. Johneton that 31(1, 33111 Oflioial 13oard of 13 luovele Mission, can- not allow the last regular session, of whioh, according to the usages of tho Muthodist church, our present pastor, R07. Joseph Cook, will preeido, to eloso without an expression of our apprnia. tion (01 1110 earneet and able pulpt: min- istrations and his tireless pastoral labors, that have resulted, under God, in tin building up of His cause on this mission, We also rlosiro to convey, through 1118) to Hee. Coolc our appreciation of her servioes in ssresidiug as organist and leading the singing, and for her efiiciont help in tho Sabbath school." "Moved by A. Reid, seconded by John Musgrove That we invite the Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Aberfoyle, to becomo our pastor for the coining year." Mr. Shaw has acoopted the invitation subject to the Stationing Committoe. At the Board Rev, A. E. Smith, of Wroxoter, gave an address 011 College Federation, whieh was praotiaal and to the point. Ninety-five dollars toward tho scheme WM raised in ton minutes. General Zsrewo4. Tho differences between the United States and Morocco have been settled. Tho Prinoo of Wales paid a special visit to the Canadian court at tote Glas- gow Exhibition, A Michigan editor advertises that he will take fish or frogs on subscriptions this spring. 13.11 asserage-sized whale in the Atlantic will yield 100 barrels of oil and 2,000 pottuds of bouo. As the Boston Globe liguras, the net profit of the billiard tables kept in that city is something over $2,000,000 an- nna,lly. Au Italian beggar arrested in New York oonfossol that ho bad nut washed 110100111 110 lif,eon years. He was afraid of the consequeuces. The 1:Blacik Sea and .A.zof Canal Com. pony," with a capital of $17,000,000, are about to begin cutting 13. canal across the Grin -man isthmus. Anton Rubinstein, tho pianist, has ac- cepted an offer of $20,000 for 50 perform. anus in the -United States during tho coming 00314011. 4. c.ndidate for aldorman in Cincin. nati promiserla certain petty 011130 to 50 different moo, and when elected gave it to his brother, the 57th. The connuereita value of the MiSBiS- sippi river is cetimated at 02,000,000,000 —Rio cost of constructing railroads of equal length mid tonnage. The moukeys aro so thiok in the State of Tabasco 331181 (1 is almost impossible to build o. tolograph lino. Thoy all got ou the wire and swing until it breaks. In China they have an effective way of inaugurating oivil service reforin. China wanted to raise $82,500 000 to ropair tho leveos on the Yellow River, and the money is seoured by stopping all salorios of 1 °Mats for two years. W. G. Grace, of Englaud, has, without doabt, tho most brilliant record of any orieketor 11191 011011 lived. He has made over 50,000 runs, which means that ho has run over 600 miles of ground to ob- tain thoso runs. Ho has made 100 runs in an inning more than 180 times, 200 12 times, 300 runs thrice, and once he made 400 runs. .A.1 0, reheat:eta in Manchestor a Hied. Heal diamond nooklace 3101111 ill the 'Lights o' L01111011" WOO flung upon the stage with euch force that it brolco, and had to be sent to tho jowoller's for morn- ing. It wag then discovered that it was a set of real stones belonging to another customer, whieh had boon sent by 11110. 311110, and it was restored to the owner. Goorge Fay, an Englishman residing at G111.11104110A0, Mexico, who to said to be worth $9,000,000, is building a tremors. dons palace. 11 will bo nine stories high, Intro haugiug gardens like Babylon of old, tolephono and tologra,ph instruments, eleotrie lights in every room, and a broad bounce leading from evory window. Tho walls aro to bo of asbestoe, briols and paper, and tho wholo structure will be supported by iron oolutnns of immenso girth and height. Tho vanilla bean is the c'ostliest bean on earth. It flourishes in Mexico, chiefly in Papantla, and bilsantla. Ibglows wild and is gathorod and marketod by 1110 noting. Just as they come from the market the beaus eon at $10 or $12 per thousand, Aftor tho beans are dried and ourea they are worth from $7 to $12 1)80 110111111, aocording to gnality. Last year the vioinity of l'apantla alone oxported 60,000,000 beans. They aro used by druggieta and, confootioners, and aro an important artielo of 008)13)51,00. '1110 Prea011t Emperor of China has boon vory woll cared for shun 130 made hie appearaite,o in the world. TIlo said that whorl he 31140 11 baby 110 had 8 nurses, 25 farmore, tho sumo number of bearers for his palangnin, 10 tunbrella.holders, 30 physieittne 1(111 (=goons, 7 thiol and 23 inferior nooks, 111 waiters and mos- sengere, and tin sawn monbor of fires - sore and Mime nranodiato Hervants, and other attendants 10 tho uumbor of at least 400. 111.: epiritual WO1fRt0 (1110 100%011 Man' by n .swps of 71, astrol0.$'1''3, 33) tutors of high rank, and 60 priests. Berlin le to Intro a now cathedral. Two unro thontref arts abont to be built on tho Strend. A six.111011 wire gun, weighing 1004 than five tong, 1111111 (11 proof at the Wool. areenal. Lord Roseberry aboitt to import 31 pair of Aineriosui trottore, 1111.1 lunch in. fru OL, 31 teroet 114excited at the 1301.13313. A 141)14/13011 pr1»41 osseitly inherited 2:1$0,00, 404 maw! it to the ViLlInt111 ill exoliongo NI'p.I ouary indidgeoco. A (grouter is abundantly signed by the 111311,1t !nen: asking for s reforms. tion of the 1101180 of Lords:. The domain1 in the London market for limiter lilies has bnome so great that lily growing has 1100411110 01 33011 induetry in Bermuda. A Toseola county, A -Halligan, WM 1,18, during the past eleven yeere, boon tappod 131 times for clropsy, and 2,500 1301111,10 of welor taken from hie body, Titer() if( ft rumor this, tie' Prima: of Wolof lioto berm thinking about a 533.31 to Anniriea mixt yore with the Duko of Sutlierlaud, but (1 11110 taken no definite - 'I' 'XI' I 1(1 For tho Of 1888. LINTOWSL WOOLEN P8A0CT0167 HIGHEST PRICE PAID. 1 wi,11 eall your attention to 11,,• jet that lump on hoed a treinsimons stook or g,,41 to rim:bans: for Wool, 111111 determined to 1/1%1KP thio 3111 .1110011 0110 of the largeac, aria ag the marl q0105011 at )110111, it Wil1 be 'ne31se:31:y that ystt should look 011081)0. around and deento when, to make your purolinsee 3,‘ cool 4, ss. 4. o 1(11. F4. Why At !net England is about to le, vs 331311I -tool( is open for your inspection, 11,11,1 1)1O 31.333. EA,`1,1-01 41.,11 ,'Ver Sitt/WrI by any from 100' bubamin II',' Woolen Factory in Canada. MY LOW 1310CES WILL, ASTON! SI 1 EVERY - 003.01100 al 11111011134. A Now Yorker,t' 1 101 1Y. 1)0 not be led away by Shoddy Pedlars and "afore, but eons, and deal di- abou, to octabli-li a barber's alto', rom ,vith 000 who is endeavornig, to the best of his shilitv. to givo fir A-elass work ,11..,o,nionir,i,0113.011 the 11111301011(111prioeiples of 111 Roll Carding, Spinning and )WAN:taring, tfl, 01181,00,10. III%) and deal honestly with 03'l'1'3 1,,4y, Ail W001 'l'3131411131 Fog f:S. 14113s PER The French Governmont is 41111 13 to r 1 111). 111'10.:i1,fu- awl bring your inighbor to see- my stock, )'0'4 will be highly pleased to ,11,0 (sena Thanking my nomorous etistomers for Gird- posit favors weilld bee 1 4 ssy osicer u,00f 00133)030014303'hui 08 13 '111 E so low in mice. 17on wid find Me ready to give most prompt . and (s:A•ful at• nut libro, so elastic, that if pierced the -beldam to all, Share Reset:fitfully, hole olosee oi ttaelf. 11110 heads of the sianibridge studonte have been inemered, showiug that Lim averago brain capacity of a First -Close man is 214.56 oabio inchus, 'fini capacity of tho ordinary 17/190 111111114 11014 mum.. es 237.33 onbic 10011011. A eat in Caddo Parish, La., some months ago adop.ed three young rabbita, 01131 brought thorn up with her ktttens. The rabbits, etrange to say, have become 11111143(13 1110310010 and dropped their herbi- vorous tastes altogether. Tho ernallest cirousar 00131 in WO 10 0)110 1180d 111 (flitting gold pens. IR is diso about the size of a live cent piece, and has the thickness of ordinary paper. Its velocity fends to keep it rigid enough for use, 400 revolutions 0, minute being the ordinary rate of these diminutive 011015. lo Siam, for stealing or killing on ele- phant, a buffalo or a bullock, the punish- ment ie death. Housebreaking is also punished with death. A. person detected in smoking opium is imprisoned for three yeare. The men of the lower order of people aro slaves, and must be enrolled to some master. A. Titan near Vienna lost throo wives, by each of whom he became possessed of a child and a mother.in-law. He was on excellont burns with all. These ladies used to meet frequently at his house, where they came to see his children but the meetings finally culminated. 111 13. grand pitched battle, and they all three subpoenaed their son-in-law as a witness. A. young man went to ca 1 on a young lady at Volaesta, Go, several nights ago. She called his attention to the fact that he was late, remarking that she was in "the arms of Morphogs" when he came. The young man added to the embarrass- ment of the situation by innocently re- marking that he thought he hoard that fellow go out when he come in. Among the various prizes olTeeel at a dog show in San F1111101A00 was one for the ostietest The snrprise of the judges was great when they found that the winner 0111.9 0. dog that bad died and had boon stuffed two years oefore. A dog like 113311 1,0.0 a great many command. able points, especially at night, when Inc bark is not the terror of tbo neighbor. hold 1.10 peful foot, bearing on tho France of the 1100310 10 the flambee of her public: sehools. Of therm there are 280 for boys and 275 for girls in Paris alone, attended by about 125.000 pupils. Altogether, more than 200,000 learners aro in the Paris pnblic sehools. There are about 120 kindergartens in Paris; then come the primary nano's mentioned, and next above those aro the superior primary sohools, with some 4,000 pupils. Ton per cent, of the eity's annual expenses go for edueational ends. For the lest six years instruction in manual labor has been obligatory in the publics schools. Ninety of the boys's primary schoolgarefurnish- ea with shops for working in iron and wood. Tho six-day go-es-you.pleaso content at Madison Square garden, New York, closed Satin:day night amid tho usual success. Littlewood wise so lamo from a split toe that it 311111 apparent early in the afternoon that he could not break the reword. Up to six o'cicok Saturday night the receipts for the week were 3)14,- 105. The estimated receipts for tho even. ing were 134,500. Half an gross amonnt is to be divided among the men walking 525 miles, and assenting the total to bo $18,605, Littlewood will have $1,673, Guerrero $1,860, llorty $1,422, Noromac $934, Golden $407. Tho official thno fur moli roan on and off tho traok gitsin by Chief Scorer Plummer is as follows Littlewood-011 miles 570 yards, in 1-11 hours 44 minutes; mating 22 hours 7 minutes 47 seconds. Guerrero .1589 utiles 139 yards, in 141. hours 10 minutes; renting 24, hours 25 minutee. Herty 573 miles 1,130 yards, in 141 hours 40 minutes ; resting 21 hours 21 minutes. Noro0118o-538 utiles 470 yards, in 141 hours 58 minutes; costing 25 hours §44 minutes. Golden -520 mhos 250 yards, in 141 hours 413 minute:: ; resting 21 hours 11 minutes 30 soconds. Hughos —4115 milos 880 yards, in 140 hones 0 minutes ; resting 30 hoare. At 10 p. In, Boleros O'Brian dealt -trod the ram official- ly 01000d 1111C1 in five minetes the gardon was cleserted. (Albert's record is 021 miles 1,320 yards.) Tho following is the ochedule of the Gerry Distriot C. L. A, :—Aloy 24111, Teeswatar at Walkorton, Paisley at Ghee- riAl3DIFF Baos., Implentent Agents, deishat to (Mum thanks for the extensive loy, Kincardino at Luckuow, Winahant ks,/ p01110310310 of tho past year and beg leave to remind the Farming community at Listowol ; June 8t1i, Walkorton at that thoy still handle the Ciassensten leIsssnv Senn 11313111310, 3,000 of Which were paisloy, Listowol at Tem:water, Cheeky manufactured and sold in 1987, Tun Massux Alownn anti Trn, 11011013110 Mowisn. To 111 Kincordine, imoknow at. Wingharn ; shotv the imporiority of this last mentionod xi -Lachine the sales for Hui past 11 years June 15131, lineknow at Walkerton, Lie. 10W0053011.01111 2,000 a year. towol at Chesloy, Paisley at Toeswater, Wo aro also agouti: for 113, woll.known and LIAM; improved Be35V1r1111.1 Champion Wingh11,11 at Kitettralt0; July 1st, Ches., Defile, and Liu) Sharp Sulky 111081)0, 01141 best evor rnanufautured. A large corsignment ley at Teoswater ; Suly 20th, Walkorton of Porn 51,31,1110 Binding Twino ordered for tiro harvest of 1888. at Listowol, Kincardine at Paisloy, Link. We 1118134, 00141 111111 0.110 8011111)4 a torso tiambor o2I3naihriem'g Hers, Forks and lele. notv est Chesloy. Toeswater and Whig. rotors. No bathe in the marital. ham • Aug. 10111, Walkerton at Wing. 'The Wilkinson plow rind all plow rigs:ties kept constmitly at our shop. No tioNt cf ham, Kincardine at lristowel, sisloy itt waitinf, sold to the manterosotors f 1,1101.0101V Allg. 1711,, '1700:14,tater E41.11- Our Repais Room thoroasbly 0303)1)' .1 -with ell flio assess:tries far tiro 11/1001i11100 01111(11110, W10191111111 at Cluviloy 1 Ang. 21111,- we .1315(3011 mippli,..1 (3. 31 moments vg,' mean busiuese, • 1(incardino at Walkerton, Listowel at Call at ma' WarermanS. 11»41' t.1/41 131141330. 1 311441 1,a:4! yO0i8ohic:;, • Lnoknow, Winglutm at Paisley ; h'opt. 7t13, Lucknow at • Toostvater ; 0Wi, 21th, Cooley at Walkerton, Poi:;1031 13f11- t331n1. if )) 0o-14,21)14 —7,1,-4217,221,1=1. HARDWARE STORE HARDWARE • STORE A.S just received a large stock of Spring Goods,such as Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Bakes, &e. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Sash, Glass, Shingles and Lath. A large quantity of Barbed and Plain Wire in Stock. Our assortment of Silverware is large, well assorted and oOIcl on close margins. Don't fail to see iE. Contractors or persons intending, to builkl houses or barns should call and get estimates in hardware supplies from us. A. M. McKAY & Co., Brussels 11111E undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity ..f Eggs at the old Egg l'Inpopillin, NveiTTDir Brussels Postilifice. this season as we are going to ship extensively and require 101 CAM F a r e rs „out e j.krtepto nr ceet t quantities. Don't forget the old stand next door to tho Post Office. DrusSels. M. Wm. Ballaatyne Su Son. Notice...2 hare nuudi pleasure n informing all my old friends that my dai,ghter and grandson will continuo the egg business at the obi stand carried on by me last year and 11 hope they will .recieVe liberal patronage. JXO. RODDICK ROgr.nrAlli.to 11,11.110_ Interesting to the Farmers. Ci A