The Brussels Post, 1888-5-18, Page 42 Leonia -A. Geod. Wool --R. Graham. Take Notice -1'4 m, Clark. P+ him N ties- F. 8, Scott, lfellibore-.CI. A, Pearlman, Court of Revision —F. S. Scott. Rx)•rees wagons ^1'on'" 18to1seore, Business Annonnttment-- I 'tlashill, Receipt Beek •-F. IL Diehereee S Co, tenant or whist not. There are plenty of people tvho have so flu• lust Itll iuoral force that th, y oen no more resist wrong doing than the reed 000 avoid bonding hufunt tile svind, but there are very few who tell their fellowmen how utterly their manhood has gone from them, --- Montr,nl Weeves, A r•'ow wcoks agn _._.._ •ore I 'h' • P ""0004:043' ;tiered In .sit. one, written by au Anti -Scott, h Witch the writer. gave his opinion of the Scott Act and the Crooks Act end showed, or nttemlltd to do so, how the 1ltter could be elude a success, Tho edger of the Budget, knowing full well that an editor does cot hold himself restouiil,le for the sentiments of uorros. an if .ilnuitolut 115,1 entered n;1on an era j loudeuts, takes cxtraatS from this cam. of pent res Ierite. Lint' ear the Yield P 1 )' municntieu,audgives t',atu nvospras+lona of grow teas SP grant tlult it could not b • snot Ire iirti.55r!5 "dost, f� 1/111' 18 1888. Ilsar e the way the Toronto News puts it in n rceent issue :-lt certainly looks 1 IV( to market, elthougl, o (40• eminent from the editor of Tile POST. It i wee overthrown in the r•(foot. This 'sem oft.oi that we find nuythirg worth sow+ has leen extremely favorable for ing from the Budget, but we give seeding and a Minty ieereaeed acreage I readers a sketch of wit ,1 appeared in will be under crop. Our fellow country- I of its cannons last week on the iusit men of the preir111land wi'1, in a short time, outstrip old Canada in not onlyi hie paper, oe it "ll rn ouizea" ss, Copy. our one le of well (nee n of g0aneraieing, but material j1o,' cesi,n. No such growth anti development has ever been known iu the bistnry of any corutry. At the anteet they had land which could be prepared ler a crop in n few months, and railway ennilections'nd facilities with the outside world " Melt planed them in a thousand fold better potation than the pioneers of settlement in ether parrs of the I)„minion, where, without tahlwaye and in the midst of thickferoets of pine or'lnrdwe)d, i, took twenty or thirty veers of slavish toil to deer the land of trees and stumps Thoroughly advertised ie the Old World, and appreciated at its true value by the residents of the older Provinces, Mnoi• toba has nothing to do but keep clear of party political equabbles, aeitations and land grabbers, and go forward to enjoy the prosperity which Providence en(e has placed within the wench of her citizens, BRUSSELS CEMETERY. Wn are pleased to lmow that definite notion has been taken in the matter of improving and beautifying the Brussels cemetery, as this is what we have been urging for several years. The Trustee Board decided to make Friday of this week a decoration day and, although the notice was short, a great many persons owning lots or having friends buried there have received notification and it is to be hoped the day will be observed an- nually henceforth. The work proposed to be done is to level burial plots, straight- en up headstones or monuments, plant little shrubs, ,kc., and by each family at- tending to their 0)113 101 a great trans- formation may be wrought in this way, It is too bad that "God's acre” should not be properly eared for, but the above is the only way to remedy the ease at the preoent time. The cemetery, which con- tains between four and five acres, is the property of the Methodist chetah, Brus- sels, end by them ho:; 1, _n purchased, surveyed, stung -et, lcrellal and fenced. 501110 people say, why does not the town own it? We believe the municipality may secure it on favorable terms, but whether it would he kept in any better condition than at proeent wo know not. The present Trustee hoard consists of Reeve 'McCracken, P,, (terry, H. Mooney, T. Fletcher and W. H. Fere It is pro• posed to lay out a roadway all ar"nnel the cemetery and have tIle new ground started out ready for purchasers. Sever- al persons have already done some work in the way of improving their family plots and these improvments made ad- joining lots, not kept in order, look all the worse. Let there be a good turn -out and let it be said that Brussels cemetery 40 one of the best kept burial places in the County. Trarr> mics people were beginning to be despondent with regard to this Pro. vince. The reverses of the Soott Act in Ontario they cannot but look upon as temporary and euro ere long to arouse a reaction which will sweep all before it. Bat the deliberate way in which the pro- 1islees of 01111 ptes8ut license low have been towelled by the fiat of the magis- trates, acting in the interests no doubt of the; Pr,vit :tat revenue, and the care- fully laid 801)eme concocted in the form of a now license Iaw to ef- fectually wipe out ell practical option either on the part of magistrates or citi- 0110 with regard to the tenure of licenses and to abolish all action on the part of citizens with reg'trd to the enforcement of the law, such as it is, caused painful misgivings leat our people should be found willing to aoquiese in liquor rule. To those whose anxiety had thus been aroused the sturdy remarks of the speak - 018 at the French parochial meetings last Sunday came like a bracing and in. v igoratingbrecze off theism. We learned their from priest and laymanthatQnobec Province does not oouseet to an unlimited increase of vice, that governments may glean from the leavings of hell's harvest field enough money to administer our genie and onr courts of jnetice with, and to aid asylums crowded with the fruits of liee1000 vice, fu ermtrast to the general manly tem there 111,113 1'enlarks passed at one of then: meetings so abject that ono would have thought the rp •er of Muriel 1., 1 torr' 1 Il::.11;11...1 r F ,411 1neltnTWOS, ud ,P11:41;11. it 1. 0p :n, 111(11 in its trll° ,.,1,°•s. One motet hello signing a pets• 11011 fOi 0 1 e,:i.. -L 1441:x, forsooth, the teenteei 11 i• n ,. iegriet ,e+• r 0(r, fano n. lien., ;rota pets,11 of n:Ihp.a.e, focus es with his statements on tm temper question. The article, from the pe Dr. Cla,ke, says: "The notorious and habitual drunkard wh has beeoo e a pest to himself, his fanlile and society should be committed to the inebriate asylum under the same safeguards and stringem'y as are toe Insane. It mat'ere not whether the ad- mission is neeomplislred by volnutary surrender of pereonl Wife ty, or by 00tn- tnitment of a magistrate, or by virtue of medical errWdeatee All or any of these methods should be sti4tuiery, and should mean a definite and prolonged term of oversight and snbmissiol to prohibitory rules and reguhdione. The great want in the Provieee of Ontario n 1 t ese ab eco of such an asylum to whioh poor Pall go for succor and 0010. s A step in the right direction has been made in this Province, where a person 01011 voluntarily sign away his liberty to enter a private asylum. This meets the wants of a cer- tain claw, but not the most needy. The many will never sign such n surrender, yet are committed daily in shoals from our Police Courts to consort with crim- inals n f 1 o everyd,�rr 6 eo in our gaols, and thus making bad worss. A pauper drunkard has no needy shelter to go to but the prison. The vast majority of drunkards are poor, yet they need to be saved from themselves as well as clo the rich. Tbo State has put in their path, way all the conditions necessary to make sots, inebriates and maniacs of the feeble evil ed, and it is a burning shame that, after the cruel work has been done, there is no haven of refuge aed cure for them," Perth County Notes. Mitchell has adopted early closing. 1'itobei1 is wee more overrun with cows. 1ho 28th Betallion Band has been re- organized. A neweheesefactory is being started at Trowbridge. The 32nd Battalion goes under canvas at London some time about Tune 18111. J. F, Otwell, of Sterne" s, sowed on his farm 14 oz. of cauliflower seed which cost 848. The Fish1 Club, of Stratford, have placed 20,000 trout fry in the "latae" there. During the month of April there were 130 t• amps entertained at the police cells et Stratford. Quito a number of counterfeit 851 /yank of British North America bills have reached Stratford. Negotiations are said to be going on for the establishment of a large boiler factory 111 St, Marys. The Main street Methodist ehnroh, Mitchell, has a membership of 272, an increase of 40 since last year. P. Collison, of Listowel, has taken possession of Corrie's hotel, Atwood, which be has leased for a term Pf years. It ie reported that diphtheria of a most virulent type lute attacked one of the members of a family on the Baso line, Blanshard, Martin Forbes, ticket agent at the G. T. R., Stratford, will bo promoted to the Toronto office shortly. Mr, Dolan will fill his place, The Stratford Turf Club has issued potters giving particulars of their spring meeting on the 24011May, when 6200 will be offered for trottinef and running races. An excellent prof;, ant has been pro. vided for the next meeting of the Perth Teachers' Association, to be held in Stratford on the 25th and 26th of this month. The erection of the new flax n'011 and barns at Atwood is in progress, Mr. Struthers and Mr. Hanna, the contractors for the work, are energetic men and snake things rush, 3. A. Duggan, of Stratford, has a boyo" years old who can road large print in a newspaper, and who relates nursery tales conjured up by hie own imagination, in a manner that astonished friends who have seen the -little fellow. Dr, IIay, of Listowel, who recently went to Vancouver in search of a loca- tion, writes home that there is 110 chance for him there. There aro twelve doctors in Vancouver already, and none of them on the way to fortune, The books of U. S. Consul Dunlap at Stratford show 260 beads of families, with effects t ts v luedal 843,674, emigrated from this sootion during 1887. The total exports for the year were 81,246,754, the largest item being 8377,075.82 words of eggs. Point Edward Post :—Stratford hes a batter's 00111131810, and the estaff of life" hs boon raised aCent aloe. ahe bakers thought they kneaded a raise, while the 8onsumere are mad enough abort it to matte their own breed and let the bakers leaf awhile. At the Perth Assizes F. ale Hems- worth, of Wallace, was convicted of Torg- cry and sentenced to throe months in jail. James 13. Brady, forgery, was son• fenced to a year in the Colrtral Prison, Jelin 1Vatson will serve five years 111 penitentiary for eebbory. In the uuighborhnod of Strelfeel the winter wheat Drop has 1.0011 wry much injured during the past month aid Cali. 1101 with 1110 newt favorable weather ex. resod half a crop, cetteidereble, haying been 001441011 sip and Heeded with coar00 grains. '(0y 11tthu el,ming wheat wns 80(011. Tlie 1104 O2 e OF pc m4 barley and oats 14 11,10:11 1 110 1110(44" s,8 1314 tvadon, THE BRUSSELS POST The auspicious event of laying the foundation stone of the neer 11 41tbedi t remelt at Written, tools piece on Friday, David Kirk being the b0aorary mutton of the day. The collection and tea in cin. 00011011 therewith realized 6124, which will tole to augment the building fund, Iiobt, Knox, etationagent f Atwood, ' left that oiling() on Wednesday last for a trip t0 the Central states for the ..m 1 of his health. Ile luta not been well the Inst mouth or more hind 01018e1j1(01 wag advised by the (tooter to leave I work for a while and have a 111lrtuge air, Themotive tandnated o boilershost ps 00 8t tford 8110,000, and the city gave 800,000 as bonne. Tho ear -shops will cost 8150,0 and a bonus of $00,000 has been prove ionally voted by the nfty tweeds th erection. Total a1nonet of bonus, 512 000 ; total cost f l tuk1i lgs, 621)0,000, The annual lis, sting of the Stratfu Mechanic.' Institute wits Told Mond night et tiro library, The officers elected for the year are 1 President, George Stone ; Vice, Ilev. L, W. 10411)41 ; Treas. nror, IL _Nichol ; Secretary, J. ,1L eft an, The .Dirootors are W. Buokinghaln, de Russell Macdougall, cWatDavi son Did 1b, Maw , phers0 , '.l'. T. Porteous awl llev. le 11'. Panton. Auditors, Messrs. Buckingham , and MoLagao. The annual neeetiug of the Pert1, Ili W, _. aaaxz�uala Cardwell Reform Cotivention, 111 Mills, Piny L0, NP, th York nomination takes place ,fay 28rd, and ei8°tio( ori the 10111, Roslin Itasiuoreas din point lation si last a05esenlent580, aid in property v 31,404,162, The largest acreage of potatoes is being lint in tlltat ly0e ever planted in this die. edit trick. one man i111'.enden township lute for pelt 111 fib acme. 1tlY An annex will be tweeted tot the .7'ohu his I1. Stratford Iluepital, at Brautf0rd, Ude "f summer for the. aucumrnc,iatio11 of pati• ants a81toted Mils contagious diseases, PP• The Niagara volunteer camp u'f•1 be of le twenty.one day's duration this year, 111- a stead of twelve as formerly. It 10 t'z cot• 00, ed that from 43000 to 6000 men (0111 Ile e under mums, air -- epartment of Railways has rr, 0 115; P11" 1 Ib1�.c otico 011 a," Shopkeepers and others are required to tae notice ,het the Commit ofBrus- sels 1 [ rua- sols have palmed a By-law clotting all Shope tat 7 r, 11. Said Iiy-law to tare affect on and after Mee 22mi, 1888, under IL penalty of 4211 tri• melt iurrsatiuu, Ar, aro requested to ee0 the Ily-law and govern thetuselvee accordingly. le. 8, SCOT'1', C.'I,1u1t. Brussels, May 15, 1.888, Ida4 a for tjto new railway bridge over the St. Lawrence at Montreal to rd cost 8200,000 and to bo built by a Joint aY stook corn, any. Rideau 111111 i' the queerest pinto ml earth. It is not n large 1101180, and it has only some 30 inmates, yet it takes 400 r- tons of twat and 300 colds of .rood to rail it for ono calendar y,•ar. The bee park at Niganra falls will be formally opened on may 21,11. All the drives and walks are nearly completed, and also the plain •nstio archway, which 1 is a novel piece of wo k. A young woman named Emma Lee, o Fredericton, N, ]3„ dud suddenly tin Wins, day while inhaling °herofort given her by a physioian who was abou to extract ono of her teeth. The ass,•ssor of Walkerton hes tom pletud his labors, 'The population of th town, he finds, 18 within to fraction of 3, 000, a very gratifying increase of nearly 20per cent, within the last three years. A few days ago a 11110 speelmen of the. bird of liberty land or dove) WAS 01101 by udson Ferris in South Colchester Thr agl;? weighed nearly 12 pounds, and lowered 7 feet 4} inches from tip to tip fhiaout spread wings. Prof. Robertson of Guelph, says there re at present in Ontario 750,000 milk flows. The milk of 250,000 of these is Aeeeeiatio)t was }held at Stratford on 1 Monday evening, The following officers were appointed : Patron, Plus. Rattantvue, 044.1,2. ; President, Col. McNight ; Vice-I'resident, Col. Scott ; Secretary - Treasurer, W. Lawrence ; Assistant Sec • i rotary, E. C. Sealy. Council, J. Wilson, 1 A. Robinson, Capt, Cooke, N, Monteith, W. Thom, ,1. W erdd,, 1.7. C. Sealy, J. I Genet', A, :first, 11, Neild, A. M. Beek. I 1t Yves r, solved to affiliate with the Dorn. b inion and Ontario A5soioatiowe IJ The reports as to the .state of the fell ! e wheat given by (armors in the neighbor. n hood of Listowel vary considerably, some i , of them reporting the plant to be killed Ing well in some places, but kilted ant in i a e' A4- nt for the following Cee,parlies:--'P. n' Hendry fi Son, lieaforth, Ylows of all ' kindle Lend Rollers, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, Grain 'rualtcrs ; Totten Bros., Guelph, Pea llnrveste'a, Steel Flexible lierrews, No, 7 Plows ; Patter& .n Bros„ ' I Woodstock, Light Steel Binders, Oxford Reapers 5 taken, ,flowers, front ,end rear outs, If oar's IIay Rakes, Potter:eon's coat - billed Seed Drill, 10 hoes, and cultivator combined, 2 Furrow Gang ]'lows, Spring TO •th Harrows 211 teeth, Spring Tooth Cultivators ; A. Murphey 530 Co., Guelph, Nay's Peewit Revoreible IIay Carrier and Amble o Ankla Steel 'Meek most o0 - pae in Canada. A Speciallargain clan be had in Binding Twine. All aro sold THECOOKCS BEST FRIEND VirM, MaTtin, out entirely, while others report it Iook spots, The past fortnight has beenfavor• able for spring seeding, most of which is now finished, and the warm shovers 0f the past few days have given the spring grain and grass crops au excellent start, On the whole, the prospects for a fair harvest appear to bo quite up to the average at this stage of the The annual return of returnDivision sCourt business has been issued by tho Ontario Government. The report shows that in the six courts iu Perth County there were entered last year 1,558 suits, the amount of the claims being 656,334.78. totalThe ai into court m was 0821; 84.83, money an01114' amount of suitors' money paid out of court, $21,856,51. Of the suits entered, 133 were for amounts exceeding 6100. There were nine jury trials and 388 were paid to jurors. In 1888 there were 106 orders to commit eight commtttajudgment8.t P 1 thtak debtors lead in having the largest peroeutago of orders to owning of the ,nm1J0r of judgment summonses issued. The percentage of such orders is 57.0, the next highest be. Inc Frontenac, 80.8 Perth else lead the largest percentage of committees under judgment summonses, 4.1, 111e smallest peroentage being in Brant, where it was s it is hoped that, �next'l)Oar'a return will show that the honors have ''c: n trans- ferred to another comity. Cr1t42LCI1't 103 tJS`;v'::i- Preston is to have electric light, Large numbers ,1f deer aro being 'title.' in Parry Sound by wolves. It. Parks, of Cornell, lints 115; lawn dec. orated with 110 hives of beee, hall,The Hamilton Y. 114, C. A. leave pur- chased a 87,0047 giro on which to erect a - Old Man" :recipes, of Ottawa, will eke a purely Cnrtadie nchime on te., 1)011 this summer, North Veredate, Victoria co., wants to back a one armed mon to plough agaiust any similar afflicted person in Canada. A number of fires have occurred lately in Leamington and vicinity, which are suspected to have been the worts of an incendiary. Practical fruit growers from the lake snore townships of 1'lssex say that the prospects there of an abundant fruit Drop were never better at this season of the year than now. The 0. P, R. has ordered 1,000 bra oars from Crosson, of Cobourg, Ont., an,, about 1,500 to be built in their own shops at London. In addition to this two hun. dred locomotives are to bo tunnel nut, alt before the and of the year. It is reported 011 good authority that Sir Charles Tupper, Minister of Finance, will return o health doing hie sttaytin nC nada as not boon good, and 11e has expr0018ed 3108. self at various times to tbie effect, Robert Evans was nominated at Mame Milts Tht,rsday to emceed Hon. Thorp, White in Cardwell. After the first ballot all the candidates dropped out but Robt, White, son of the tato member and Bobt, Evans, Mr. Evans was o1eoted on the third ballot, the 'vote Mending 74 to 87, A veto was taken at (lnit on Friday on a by-law to au0herize the issue of dobere turns to the =taut of 68,000 to supple. meat the generous gift of 65,000 meds by Robert Turnbull, of that town, for the erection of a hospital there. The by-law was carried by a majority of 190, the vote standing 826 for and 186 against. toy the solicit r and confidential adviser O'Sullivanof of the late Archbishop Lynch, "le inclined to think that Bishop Walsh, of London, 1vi11 be the man. He says that the Catholic mind is turning toward Bishop Walsh as the one who is most deserving of any his the Province, and who is eminently qualified to 811 the position. A vicar. general from some other diocese or from another country, or a pleat nutty be raised from the ranks. It le probable, however, that the et106eesor Will be chosen from the Ontario bfs7lepe." Canada is well represented at the tee ternationl Exhibition which was opened at Glasgow on the 7th inst. Ther° is a mood display of emcees, wood, minerals, fish, birds and wild animals. There aro bosidoe paintings of bin° o! the principal cities 0f the Dominion, and a fire) crone. tion of photographs Pf Canadian scenery, It does not epitome that mamrfaotures era iltel0derl in the exhibit, The rich display of uatm'm1 predtl0ts, howeeer, 0am101 foil to create a favorable *pros - 8J00 of Canada among those visitors to the eelibition who wish to krieW what kind 111 a creamery Canticle really fe tend what are its ebpeteiitit,,. manufactured into cheese, 250,010 0(0. tribute milk for butter and 150,000 give the milk which es consumed in the cities and °wintry, Th° Government have granted Mrs. Morton, widow of MIajor Morton, who was killed at Duels Lake in the North- west rebellion, an alloawnee of 6600 per annum, and 6100 per year for each child under age, The grants g date from 1110 time of Major Morton's death, and the pensions from that date, amounting to over 31,600, have been pati. Woodstock has been successful in se- curing the location of a Canadian branch of the St. John Plough Company, of Kale. mazoo, Mich., in that town. TheCoru- pany offered to erect buildings of the same capacity as those in Kalamazoo, and to employ 25 hands to begin with, on condition of the town granting them free water and tax exemption for ten years. Last fall two trappers, McMillan and Golden, left Edmonton for the Atha. basica and Pembina rivers. They lest their provisions. Severe weather blade hunting impossible. They boiled their furs and ate them and waited for death, Golden died April 20. Ice eo0n began to move and McMillan drifted clown in his canoe, retching Athabmike, Landing in a most pitiable condition. Court of Revision. Pak daff Oar cialeV1t1J-'Tk4, '. Telco notice that the Court of ltevieion for the 'Village of Rru.-sols to the year 7(044 Will be hold in the Town MU on Monday, June 4, '88, commencing at 3 O'clock p. 111. All parties Interested will please take 11otioo and act 0e0ordingly, 48.2 F. S. SCOTT, Clerk, NO REMEDY gives such universal satisfaction RS the COUGH REMEDY manufactured in Seaforth, called ' °—LUMSDEN & WILSON'S-- %%%%%%%%%%%',Z%%%%%%%%%1? ILSON'S-- g%%tum 0/%%%',/eJergra•eJ% Je ro°J4, ro ro� ro re,b <b,u Ju,u,u;u;u ru,cao`:o°a1? ,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$7,;%%%%/1,i; //?y yya11O5ll/y/oeerated 9�1eam of Fina; %%%%p,/ %%%%%% y % oj'-4 7,;% o% Uta Its wonderful virtues have created a demand for 111e Preparation from a1I parts of the Province, Druggists sell it. Price 80 els, 17.Gms. at Prices to shit these hard times, Sailsfaaties Guaranteed on all Impio- lents sold. W MC. 113 t1Yi T'$I�', 110010—Tenxnunnx Srumer, Bnossans. --- S 1.332 C -- Business 1.nnOulOom'nt JAMES BLASHILL S 3310 BI Iva .. IEE 1,131, 11.818 of eraubreeke In thanking his many customers in the Township of Grey for their patronage during the last six years, begs leave to announce that ho has removed to Brussels, He will be found Next Door to Qeo, Faeker'e Grocery prepared to meet the wants of the farmers ru furnishing them with first. °lase, hand-made BOOTS/ SHWAS. Malo from, Hood Stock. Repairing a Specialty. 45-4in, 3.1311ES 131,L•;1110,1., Brussels. 91d Nr, Chase's New Receipt Doak, 00L4 LAST AND C13UA'\ING LIr'E W0R14, Dr, Chase's 71110(3, Lost and Complete Re- ceipt Book and Household Physician, or the Rook for the Million, aol.taine nearly OGS P11.0005 and sells for S2 .22 In cloth binding and 82 30 in importedoil eieth,ntarbte edge, and is Justly by hint called "THE 011OWNI.N01 WORIN OF 131Y LITE." I1 is Oho result of over half a century's ob. 1;008010n, study 0,11,1 experience. Yet thls embodies no eeop nation of 1115 former hooks. It is. wholly a new book. If OS years age ao could produce it book that bat had e solo o1 over flacon hundred tholtsond oo],ies anti has made hie 1101110 familiar iu nearly every Itnglish-spoaking home i" the 'United Status, Canada, aud thousands rf homes in N,uropo, Australia tali South America, what kind of a book could or would he Prodi o5 as his Crowning Life Work, with mora than thirty O4•orsof additional practice ant 00. Periemu7 The hook itself answers the question, stud is the moat 'minable produc- ttonin the history of boost publlSIring. OAUTIAIN 1 Unscrupulous and -pirating publishers are attempting to ooyy this book by taking portions of 1t out and pahu- ing .it off on the publics as tiro consulate work, Wo own the manuscript, purchased from Dr. o11ase'e noire. Soo that you got the t4ENUMNTv book. Soo that it has our name on the tido page and la copyrighted by us. .agents Wanted t litig Terms 1 3•'.10, D U81810SON s ce.4 Main of0eo, Detroit, Mich. wrxnsoO, Ottr, 40.61bs. A P'o,4s Q w i; ytli Owe. we, wn(h0dI „. t::; ta; A Painless Gare. fel,! l'i 307 11 Sv: pI, :FACTS' IT4. N fF ALL AGES. 4. "rv�"„ 1.i� l""C-3C1.""'Sor 1 � SP Crr7'IC1 1'1'0. 8, 724033 '14DLE: 8 r .aff Ear L' 'IFS xs..,�"Ic aa�Exa, ,4� Marvel of Healing, and (ohbioor of Medicines, 'ohHmr'Mir "4; /beteeeiblo omtleegelertees weerreltsoretion, tea. -.w• mss-.rr :,m .@]speeraro tout OvertvoOk. • Weei ejlel•C. eeeel7: _'C7eree leeeseC-rTZTee eft 7'Yee Qa:.trt Who also broken down from the effects of abuse Will Snails No. 8 a radical nub four 2...4=311. oe debility, 'meanie weakness, involuntary vital lessee, etc, 310,050418 7011 (901010 No, S Snlour a 1,0 Ti8n0,--want of energy, melee, want Of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of 00111148000, avoidance Of conversation, desire for solitude, 1]s1losoness and Snabtltty to Six the attention on a partionlnr aubjoot, 00w0Yd100, doprasslen of Write, Gadd1) ',o,, 1009 of nlnnlnr,9, exeitability of temper, spar. mat0rtecea, or Toes of t110 nominal liiu,1-0115 result of solf•al)oee or marital 0x0oss-1mpo- t0ney, innutritiou, emaciation, barlo,mars, palpitation of tiro heart, hysteria feelings in females trembling, Melancholy, dioturbili aromas, 810,, aro 1111 ayeptonle of this terrible habit, oltenttmoo innocently acquired. In Short, tiro sprang of vital tome havinglost its tension, 5800)1 (anal= wanes 111 con00gieleo. :hematitic writers and the superinendents of Malmo asylums 410110 in oeMrliengg to the OAeetw of Golf --abuse tiroreat majority of wasted levee which come nudnr their, notice. If you urn incompetent for the attune dnt]os of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life, No, h offers an escape from the otfoete of early vice.et you aro ndva000d in yenta, No. 8 will give you full vigor and strength. If you aro broken down, physically and morally from early indiscretion, the result 03 fenoranee and folly, 0ond your address and to cents in (tamps for M, V. I,u110N'e Treatise 10 Book Norm 0s, Dieetwe0 of titan, Sealed nand secure from 01100rvtion, Address all communications to 33. V. 1(,V300017, 47 Wellington Rt. Al, A'ororidra, A Men without wisdom lives les fool's paradise, 108(8 %UARAI3TCE6, HEAL DIE 3101(. try 1901}141 del/ R1J't2/ ��8'T.4..11'�t'•ra Pea'niaKent ©uirEL 1+^X-( }" i act Neasaatt MAY 18, 1888. Another Wonder It lever was intended, so far MS I pap learn That either 111511 or woman were Intel:duet 11lilel, )I1(0 win believe me, lndpnd I 10 flux 1. fn11s It at 4118` •parte Hat• Wurkx" you lav esIle 1, %Imre 114 t ling Nature thirties o1 --lot us thank her n,l the pun- - She takes 1"Irtie ler trouble with ou risen; no lisowe a Saab 1Y growth 01 liar, the wllllua teat frooi the beget v or the fnao But sinters, ]las her lawn so etrlet that you 1m0t never err, Tor 030 1'II 1m•aly 1,1170110 penalty s,1 11(51 8114(1,03,, it, that brnulloeue head 01 huh•, Doctor Meront/um's ]fair Al aglo's unser, Jost try atonal., 1ur afflicted, you never sI:1 00(31001, Tho 1(ngio was ua"(10Ol' ye t known to fall ; And 11Ogio401144111100)1 w0Ill do yon wuimake yon 40,4 The expenditure 5 battle wit entail igsionligttraoratnanti 1tainpreparations of the noir la n11iverSuliy accepted as the moat valuable alumina on the market. All discos - ea of the 80,41 aro either reliev041 or p0r- nfhairwill follow afterljudicio,ie ,cod reg¢ lar tronttnont. It remains with tiro ltapr (11010 to (0enr0 1110 desired results, Ur. "orenweed'a "Hair Alasin" la sold by all druggists 01 sS1 pot bottle, or six fur 9s,. If not obtainable 1u )roar nen legality a0nd dh- ('0e1 to the 0010 manufacturer, enel°sing prion,A. 11001081'114 N1,, furls heir Works, 10:1 ar,d106 Yong° street, 'Toronto, Tor sale by G. 5 .Doa,dnuln„T. Hargreaves and 01 Druggists, CURES Liver ('ompl't, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney Tro'b's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all impur- ities of the Blood from cause arising, PC10411112 1VCaknussviand vGeneral Debiliiy, I'UIIELT Y1i4)13TA111,1t, 11544JlLY VON- CENT3U.TF.D, PLEASANT, Er- PECTUAL, NAPE. --.Ari FOR—.. Br, 'fodder's Compound Take no other. Bold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle, DR. HODDER'S COUCII AND LUNG CURE. Sold everywhere. Price 25 eenta (131(4 50 cent% per bottle. Proprietors and mantlfaetle ers. Tot Uxrox l3tI;btcnxr. Co., Tonusxo, Cele A LLAN LIN 1888. SUMMER ARRANGEMEN t'• 1888. LIVERPOOL & OEM SERVICE veers ttvllnroar. 1 5Tzneten. I 11110/0 4]110850 April 20 ;Circassian May 11 April 90 .............. S,armatlon 11a)' 17 Maya 1'arlsiao May 94 May 11. 1 Polync elan June 1 Slay 17 Sardinian ..............June 7 slay 26 ;Cireatclltu Juno e May 31 ,.,.. Sarmatian Juno 21 111110 7 701154a11 .:......:......Juno 28 Juno 13 iSdianJune 21 Sardinian Jul aline 20 ;Orcaetian July 1n July 20lY Surntaaisa July 20 .7uly 12 Parisian July 20 :Polynesian+2)8,10 ,7uly 20 Sardinian Aug. 10 Aug. 3 LC1r0assiltn....... ..., Aug, 24 Aug. 0 Sarmatian Atte. 30 Helen of Passage by Mail Steamers. Cabin 860,1870 and SW 0 unoe dy14. e to modailon. Servants iu Cabin g aDar - mediate 830, elteerage 920, Botuiu0 tickets, Cabin, 8110, 5100 and 8160. 40181(004100, 560. Steer,,ge840, tris teamein,o Oabin fifty s sixty mm31008011. 033 tiotuOscninety one hundretiand to and ono hundred and thirty dollars. Inter- mediate sixty'loners, steerage forty doll- ar's.; Passengers can embark at Montreal the day betoro without moralised charge. Cin yourself send your lnflp1rtareduced tats.1or Prepaid l(tormatlon apply to .I. It, (111,0iT, iClrustaei Baby Carriages, Baby Carriages. Just to band a splendid se- lection of 13aby Carriages which will be sold at very low ,prices. TRUNKS and VALISES in 011C110ss variety. 1. and pre- pared to please the public in this department. Fine selection of Light?, heavy Harness Give 181(1 a, ear. 1-1. DENNIS.