HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-18, Page 22
Dirootory of Chnrohos and Booiotiosl
11I2Livoz,r Conten, -Sabbath Services
at 11 a, m. and 0:30 p, m. Sunday School
at 290 p. m. Bev, John Ross, B.
lit os (`urntlr,- .Sabbath Services at 11
n, m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday School at
2:30 p, m.
Sr. Joan's (limen,—Sabbath Services
at 3.1 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
9:30 a.m, Rev, \V T. Cluff, incumbent.
Mxrnoursr Carmen.—Sabbath Servdoes
at 10:80 a. m. and 8:80 p. in. Sunday
School at 0:80 p. m. Rev. M. Swann,
BO]HAN CA'r❑oLiC Cnpjtrn.---Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. 1'. J. Shea, priest.
ODD Fe1.Lows' Lope: every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MASONIC Lovas Tuesday at or before
full (loon. in Garfield block.
A. 0.11. W. Loonit on let and 3rd Mon.
day evo,ings of each month.
Fonns't•rrt•r' Lotion 2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. let Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
Poem Orden. --Office hours from 8 a.m.
7:30 p.ut.
Mzerrasics' INSTITUTE, Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from 0 to 8 n'nlock p.m. Wednesdays
and a , urda)e. Mies Minnie Shaw, Lib-
Bsussio.e W. C. T. U. bold monthly
meetings on the 3rd Saturday in enol
month, at 3 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Swann,
Pros. Mrs, A. Strachan, Sec.
Rumex,: A.soO services at 11 a. m., 3
and 8 o'clock p.m. on Sunday and every
evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the
barrack.. Capt. Bates in command.
bit'l?ren's turner.
"1've scrubbed and scrubbed, and
I can't get this oli."
FL.rence did not enjoy "doing
dishes," and there were so many
this moruing that her patience bad
nearly given out.
"Try a little longer," 1 replied.
"There must bo quite an attraction
be ween the pan and the dough."
"Is this cohesion, mamma ?" she
ash:. d eagerly.
"Wh:t is cohesion ?" I returned.
"1 u:rn:: you learned the meaning "
what makes two things that
at;, just alike stay together."
"Think n moment, Florence, and
se' if you cannot tell me a little
tut .re ,.bout cohesion."
W1 . mamma, you said that a
pie ir• n, anti anything else,
wrie,1 + t' of 1015 of little tiny parti-
ci, s. and c.t1,•!•ion kept thein all to-
geiher, 50 as to malls One piece of
"`Loeb 1".s tots a hesien, ,tear ?" I
a'k' d.
"`s`; hy, the particles of dough and
tio :+t: n;,t jn;t alike, and you say
tl::,t i attractive Wlte not cohesive
if 'Lav veto not. But Lshouhl like
to i,n •.. •••nut yuu du call this at
vrats Florence's perplexed
,Tl„_ ,attraction is called ad.
hi ,ion 1 t x! b+iced.
'•Wei, i \:'iris thele ,vas vu shall
thins: '+13 ^ Ihsiou. I've not got
tLl lie , : 1 1343 „
f d n'1 n w wha: we would. da
w..it u+y tan.ower to this
t "Do not you ever
1 1,:, 1. .,f different kinds
t., , .r.:1 , or stick to-
:. • i ! !t!.+' 6+u t•oU ter on the
aa , I should not
off," nor-
.. , "t •I,
r,•• r, (.ing," 1 said,
r;. if i. - ' 11.t t h. ell n', :v111r 1uiu,
end the paper,
r, sit:•ll ,sial clot haw::•
Bre• r att."
11 Florence thought of her'
cl ,p 1. ,.:,f, and said that adhesion
lir t r i,1 making that.
tail,- the dishes were dine,
.,.r, T +,1.1 h •r that I would make
1, aching 11111• n• to the clove,
• at,.! .1: • ecatid nn and play. But
tm1 ,rc hhi: ,;chi elle told m0 that
ba 1t.ttraclion that extste
be ', the particles of bodies of
u''s:e•,9a3rara 3adasteee.
bntle in tnoribund.
_ou gray is vary feelliouabte.
nett: are bewilderingly varied.
irtriti .,;
grow in fashion and favor.
1,1tte trimor covers all dressy
;leaves aro things of high art
811io ltririg.
Fa alienable anon are dtsoardiva
poi 'tn•.l shoos,
Flue gloves remain the cornet
weer for all OCCaeiota.
NexO fall we will have no more
bin or overt little bustles,
The large Bilk duet cloak is the
rage in Paris at the !foment.
TIto coat drove has disappeared
from all children's garments.
Buttons aro coming into fevor for
all sorts of drabs decorat qns.
Tho small poke is the bonnet of
the day, thio hour, and the season.
There is it now blue, and it takes
the name of Marseilles, as it is She
shade of blue 00011113 the Marseilles ,
Never were ribbons so muob util-
lzed in dress decorations as at pros.
Big and little buttons are both
Been on the time costume, (gown,
or garment.
White neck liugeria is not yet re- wife.'
vived, but we are promised that it Why did yuu strike the plaintiff ?'
shall be. ,1(30, aiced of a priw,rner at the police
The sleeves of men's dress Coats court the other day? '1300a1Le he
are made larger, particularly about stud 1 was un 3.l lutlemau.' 'x'1,1,,
the elbow. are yon n gentleman 0"I don't
Full sleeves
A Georgia brakeman called in at
the door 'Saw yet' (the uamo of the
station), A yollllg elan in the ear,
ou his welling tour, who was just
kissing hh', 11,01', ruspoudort, 'I
don't dare if you did, sir ; she's my
and short waists go sappose I inn, sir; but it made ln''
toge her, and both aro rapidly Dom mad to be told of it nil the same:'
ing into vogue.
Tho popular colors ler gloves are
tan, ouoalybtus brown, and gray in grayness e1 the hair can be stopped it ;taken
many shades, ill tt,oe. Do eat let it run on without mak-
ing au effort to save it, tier a bottle of Dr
Short -waisted gowns are worn in I)ereuwoud'a Gorman TlatrSlagle ; tt atimu-
tbe street by ladies in Paris and keeps fee natural eulore busidoo beteg 'a ell
pert, dressing. All druggists sell it,
Wife (who has the fereigu lang'
ua,a 'spasm') --'Juba, do you Iwo
g ttiug ou splendidly ,vith illy
lereuctl ? I ala really beginnulo t"
.hulk 131 the language ?' husband
A lessee is to be learned from the sight of
a bald hood, r,Atiug out and promoture
Pretty hate for young girls and
children have low crowns and brims
raised sharply at the back.
The new Iuarseilles blue is to
take the place of navy bine for sum
mer gowns of linen, serge and flan (to , eeted in bis paper) --'Is that
eel, .01 Let me h tar you dunk .t little
Thr waistcoats of men are more hila in Freed' '
dressy and obtusive this season.
The collar rolls further back and
shows more of the shirt front.
Tea gowns are so costly, elegant
and shapely now that many ladies
wear them for dinners at home and
everyday or informal reception.
From Paris Domes the infer
elation that hath 'short and long
waists are worn, but more short
than long ones are soma on fashion
able women,
The stately empire bonnet is mak
ing its way to the front in fashion-
able favor.
The parasol with a natural stick.
a bronze handle, unequal divisions
or gores, lace trimmed and ribbon
decorated, is the fancy of the pees
ing hour.
A number of society girls have
anticipated Dame Fashion and die
carded bustles. They look very
queer, quaint and curious ae they
To embroider fine damask table
linen with colored and gold thread
Lady 1tt tee 2o118 —1 wast to vete,
sir, Elt:ottol) judge -All right,
:• um; haw old are you. Lady
(flu'hin, up) —What ? Judge --
taw "Id are you ? „ady—Do I
cave to tell that 2 Judge—O'rtaie
ly, ,Duro L•t (7 (tearing up tli.
Rek'•t)--'blanks. I don't want t•
vote twat bad Grund morning.
1 newt believe any man eve.
.'4(1 all of Dbowoll's books,' nal.1
Carper to an admiring group at a
literary reception. '1 Have,' assert-
t•d tt meek.locking gontkrnrtu at ills
side, 'You have, eh 0' said Carper.
'And who, may I ash., are you 0'
'I ani Dbowetls,' said the meek.
looking man.
Passecgei (to c,nioetor J., t ,0 11
ern railroad) --`You seem nervous
and excited, conductor, anything
wr• ng ?' C )n.Iuc'or--'Wrung 0 t
should say so 1 I've made a mistake,
and if we don': reach Shack( -ick
switch in five minutes the train is
doomed. Talk about being nervous ;
• you would be nervosa yourself if yuu
in light darning stitehes will be the were in my pltc" ! Ticket, piett.e.'
favorite piazza occupation of ladies Stumpeon (in answer to Talboy's
at summer resorts this season. greotine)—'Cu, all right, 'f wasn't
It is the fanny of the Beason to for thew east winds.' Talbot' (who's
put loose dresses with short waists a little hard of hearing)— 'Twins 1
and half long sleeves on lig girls. Illy dear fellow, 1 cougratelate you,
1'10 sure. I'd ro,lty uv idea you
ar 3aarRa:e, ou,e—and how aro they --all there 2
,What made the Tower of Pisa —I hope'—Stumpsou (testily—large
lean 2' '.Because of the famine in
the land,' said a boy who got the
tower confused with Joseph's broth
A Phillttlelphie deacon i:+ ill die- Household Hints.
grace. At his church festival the In making : allies never put :sugar
other day ho yelled 'Eureka!' on ill the batter, as it cau500 them to
0 31 now
,rine an oyster in his craw, bo
and now he is to he (spelled. 11e tv ' and laugh
family already)—'I didu't say those
tains—iehoutteg)--I said the east
winds 1'
Aro you not going to use a blood purifier (loana roat.ad teakettle by bail
this Spring? If 00. remember that Dr.
Carson's Stomdeli hitters is one of the
bust knotvn. Large bottles 50 omits.
Physician (to convalescent patient)
--My bill, 810, for attendance ilnrio;:;
your late illness. Patient (tooktng
over hill and turning win:r,)—Gra.l cracker,.
1110 11 ! ditetur, was 1a in , , :s hal 1 au -.11 hit;; of salphur kept in :e
that 1 ilr eaar r.rclnsalt that is infested with
Tho distrossir,i paleness a0 01101 (64, 1,1 1 r; U :t:fH will quickly dispense with
Tc, rerry,ve warts from the hands,
I ..nen juice once or twice a
(1‘,..) [dr ..71r4,0 lir four days, lir about
ing a spoonful of ammonia 111 the
A nice dessert cnu be made by
tit:t4ltug Vrrmuut ureal( cheese
with a fork, and mixing with brandy
when reduced to a paste ; serve with
in young Writ, rte. Niemen. is duo 1n 1, .at
measure ton 1,40, f ,.hort l P,rpitss les la
the blind. 1 r •e.,ly thus 1,..111i1.014 n 100,
fine w Itch Pr duces tee as ,. e -mrd
blocr,,.-.tuan, en
rat, '.1 eteae•
ere.3i J ittetans1 .110 .1ifir . .'01.,, -01.,
sol 81.00 per tonic A. Ur-,dw,.,',,
Tr, •1 tre, i1 r,:,.1s.
u, .John 8,111 t eau) ' n+n u 1 bo pur0i1106d. by the
,ref.,„ ell t,�! r 4l .', ..,l.r _f the wrappee :nil
a„, + ,, 3 l), n h tr l t 1 -. , is a dry Placa, ^33 it -1np)ves
,Why hy keeping.
11 t' 'Because peryel.i
dint , on etre not Inv lit i 1313117 1103 L':. 1310. c.,T88% 0110 wear."s0T'.
Spring! Spring! Spring Soils B il.; 1),)ll't worry. Be» i 1 The best Blood I'urifi••r and Tonic ,•yroh peace bud pursno it."
is Dr. Carson's Stomach L'ittcrs. The
Be cheorfut. "A light heart lives
"Wrork lilte a roan, but don't be
Torl3ed tcdeath."
Never despair. "Lost hope is a
;nett disease "
Spend lose nervous energy each
1 +a' than you melte.
Don't flurry. "Too swift arrives
It • (Hardy Se ton slow,
Shing and rest abundantly. Sleep
fe nature's benediction.
Avoid passion and excitement. A
or.. ,oat's anger may bo fatal.
A.ssoriato with healthy people.
Health is contagions as well as
Don't overeat. Don't starve.
"Let your moderation be known to
all men."
Court the fresh air day and night.
"Uhl, if you know what wee in the
air 1"
Think only healthful thoughts.
"As a man thinketh in hie heart,
so le he."
Returned to Brussels!
desires to stabo that he tae again become
a resident of Brussels and is pl•eparrd to
take Contra,ts for all kinds of £'erpentnr
Work, such as House Building, darn
Framing. Hill 11' 1 i 'htinu, ,Sc.
Ho will also urate a Specialty of Mov.
ing Buildit,go.
Estimates Cheerfully Given.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
in every instance.
n 111, 41RS111'"0t1,
The Cranbrook Lime
Are in full blast and a first-class
12:',' Cents Per Bushel.
V (RM€t nt. Prof,
11.R \T TN 'IRBY fOWV'41-1I1.)
r.,a.(n5.—1+eine tot 4, roe. 1(1, enr-
m,ining lou antne. la 1a partly cleared. 010
0,011 t rescan L I ea 4:.: tt 1+ troll .slept
nd for either T lrm,u,, or grazing T will Hilo -
wise gel] aUacres, bol,,g nett part t of 13,
o0u,1e, 3,3rly .Il .,der,:.i in -1
state of eularcnafon. A good tram, 1„rn
WW1 a gne,1 "tone 'noble )inderneuth nod a
never failing well in -vise on the plane. Par
further partienl ere apple to the proprietor
ea rho plana. rias lot is onposito Olio oth-
er ei S01tGE :IVPu11 S, Proprietor. 1.15
nornats,Rc tsew. n dad Trade )tarkt. secured
rot, II of ,•r ,,,4(011( causes In (110 patent
tittle° nt,,l /totes the Courts promptly and
carefully etre nand to, Upon receipt of meri-
t 1ore0nt"h or invention. I make careful
•xan, ination,nm, ,,avis, as to patentability
Free of tlharco. Peon mo desalt), and f make
no ,Iters, auhc,s patent is secured. Infonu-
ation, advice and special reforenees sent on
application, J. It. f, IPTE0G, Washington,
U•S, Patent Ounce. 10-
Theca 1 mitho O. '2 aaak&itha 010 Soo
6111 bill"! till oPs
of and Dealers in all kinds of
MAY 18,1888.
Economy Restaurant.
Having Piet opened in the Brick Corn-
er Store, formerly ooeupied by R, Mal-
celm, 13russole, the opposite corner to
the Postollicc.
(At all reasonable hours) 1
A call is °spontmlly solicited and
attention will be paid to Patrons. A
itod number of Lady and Gentleman''
Boarders wanted,
Any Amount of Money to Loa
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 d 61 Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, 73 russels
i_ 1T1tON ANI) 11RUCB
Loan &Investment Co.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWEST
1410rtgages Purchased.
3, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
toamount and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, (-lode-
Horace Horton,
including Parlor Keel I),ati.,Cdtl Kitelion, fall
Leaf alit Extension Tables, &c.
As we have 01011 flew Factory flit 1 1,,) w, h 1a luau-el0sS Dear Kiln
and the Latest improved. midliner. we will .;'•11 lit nnprct edcnted
Low Prices.
...auto•( :,.—.,*.-�•-
People's, Remedy. Large bottle.; id) nen::'.
Husband (all ready for 10 , 01471' ,)
1 declare, dear, its ritinirG litril.
Wife Ibuttouiug her glove). Woi!,
what's a little rain ? Co,' wnnld
thinit frnan your tone of void the.
we were abort starting for ellnra'a
-•tEr1TOlt.\" for sofa ':Pr.'104171.•
for coughs. '.PECToltrl" for tiv 1114 1,
" 11:4:P1'0flt L" for the R, ,n •11!0,1 1 .,.
•'P1':'ITO1.IIA"the beat, 31, f:'.3,:it. 11,'•
cheapest. "PISCTOIttA" the yrost 31
cent Cough Remedy,
1 \.)l titian : 'the , Aa-, t 'd
et .tote o"tion, 1h0 t) 1•."1 b:,,o ,, i::
thread, the thread become. a 1'ah.le,
the fabric benenes a print, •lbe print
.becomes 0. wrapper and it w. p3:).:
bocciu,as 30 beautiful WO III ii ,s.
Mere 'trouble may be Experle,I, "
If you de not hood tho warninva of norma
and atonuopnynttontimn to tau matntsn.
ants of your health. now often we see ,+
0:031) nut off from day t0 tley t ,o pnrultueo
of amet ittnowhich,ffthee. u,,d:4.• 414(3 0ut-
dart of the dtsees0,tannld Have remedied it
almost immediately. Now, it .Tohntion's
Tonin Livor Pills had beenta1.5n :01014 the
drat uneasiness made its appearaneb the
i11¢,oss w0u1d have h can "niptuul in th0 bud."
Johnson's Tonic Bitters and Livor Pitts are
dociiiely the bast Bledicino3 on the market
for general tonlo and invigorating proper.
nig!Otos. 3111,150(0. per h0t11,, tlittory 50011034,:
. per b0ttl0, l oh t T'i, A, T,na,lninn,
Druggist, Unseals.
Indignant Physician --'Man, what
have you dent)? You sent my
� patient the wrougperecription, and
1 it killed hill' 1)rnggl:t (a calm
plan ttccuetein •d to a1us(1)--'Vholl,
vhat vas dor madder Mit you ? Last
veek 1 send your odder patient der
right' berscription, Ilett dot killed
tum. :Flow can somebody bloaso
s00Ch 1t man 0'
In China the popular outdoor log -
end runs : "Keep oft' the tea."
.13, Messing, of Seepousiou 13 ridge,
has a 22-yoar-old cow giving milk.
The hog is a grass -hating animal.
Some do not 800m to realize this.
Swine not only like grass, but they
like hay, and they not only like
them, but they are good for them.
The man who has never fed clover
hay to Ilia swine has mused a groat
deal of profit; \.
We are 11111 lir<',l to 1'urnisll Pahl hal; nal ,hart notice. Collins,
Caskets, taut ,, :tali :mid ill the most
reasonable 1.1,.7. n:l-:ln :1 f. sl„1 . t;"it. ,Satisfaction (Gua•r-
Temporary op ill tt dial, 110 ijl .r „]d , 1. to 11111.40 331111 01.10r ilt 1110
hottest weather. le.'fer,'1. .+ Ilnd 121'. \\Tahoe
Sash, i..' oo` rs,li''noi 3 and Mouldings
kept on hn,ndl of Made CO order. C116/0111 work of all kinds prompt-
ly attended to.
!Tans and Speeifieations. furnisher) and estimates given.
Smith & Malcolm.
A:RADCF' l:':ET A1 _C S.
TA.KB this opportunity of rotttrnillg arty thanks to the Public
for their generous support iD the past and desire to state eve
111.0 in a better position i1O0', than ever, to give HatlsfaetiCll to our
customers, 1i. MALCOLH.
The Attention of the Public
is called to the fact that the
will give
g A al
Tweeds, Y'ai'its,
BZctm//etc, 117c671,71.eZs,
UmcZerclOthcrzt;, &C.
for the next 30 days,
R!, t.L..1.SdNfeP.3'r6•Atiia9P
in Is.nittecl Goods.
To Sectu e the
Big netinotiong
you Must bring the
Try the Brussels
W7W.Toolen Mill