HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-18, Page 1Volume 10 L4vimLan.LnantiamtammaLorimsulLinumicorsioassmiaLumeatecr,suricantALLo...^..4,,;.,,,,,-,rmesr,emarLiewaspzzast=..,- BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, COMMUNICATION )" ma 403,11,i 44 " vas " tho 83Na:tn." To Ilditor of Tun Porn.. il Drina Sin. In Ian wooleo Budget 1 nt flood a oliallengo from 1,1. (homily, and a king tho great flaymokul man to tocion it, Wo have no time to notho, Mr. Crily, as Wo Rotolo! to do 1119 WO 11080 II mo heretofore ..-inind on1414 own business at i oe., ono lonodrod con to nn 1110 donor, tool do the gelling mid le, him do tho 101:umling.m)(1 binning. hbout throe week , ago he asked tho jruhlio, n Why uot molt, tho Moos sewing moothino a 8110- eiL`C."' WIli011 itl it, 1110 muddier 01 him. of , that ho would wish to bo made tho niceess 1 1 think it world he no easy to mkko one a SOCOORN 11,14 1 he other, [1 'Mr. Glumly will pay no the mooey that 11 poid tho judgment, in Wingliant wit 11 W0 Wal bo better idea -eel, nod thou will say, ' 'flo, s I rit ik Ian cok." Coo. Loco; it Cu, 'Brit gels, Moy lab. Washington Letter. 'From our Regd.,. oorre 11,,,fluina 1.1 W,VOiniri.,N, (1444 to /sea. As each surnessivo Prooidential oleo. ',ion otoproachoto thinking citizens all ;over the Union beght to criticise the 'unthoring, antiquated systorn of voti ,g ielectors inatertd of for candidates 11- .ect •, but all their efforts to 118101111l the Antotfintion in this portioular hawk thus ler proved vain. .What cannot be (lotto by a straight asgault can 014011 1)0 accom• Oohed by indirection, however, and there is no doubt that the oecret-ballo bills which aro now under considera tion n 'enteral Of the etetee will go a good way towmul helping on the reform comm. Tomo bills call for tho printing 1/0 th Government and at the pn lie expellee of ballots containiug the name- of all the ,• candidates nominated by all the parties 0111 111041 to red, oition /1.0 011011, Th 1., , in 14014410 like New York, with Rio demo- , I (froth, republican, prohibition, united lab r, nationm al Aorican, anti -poverty arid 1140111/111 suffrage 114)1100 each running a proatdontia candiditto of its own, would involve the printing of mon times thirty. six, d• 252 names in door, 10 411)10 typo. on the f Leo of each elootoral b knot, with black spaoea 11,,1i14•1 beeides to one de the itidepondent armor to put a cross op. noon', thogo names which he /approves or to sabotitute in wottiog 1410 11%0100 ,1 any ...horn lie inay prefer to those y nominot ed . End k ballot coot into 111 box would be, at I as estimate, as largo as two full oo umns of e. 110Wm- pt4por, Stroh it radioulous arrangement co I.t bo trusted to work its own core. As t1, -...rot ballot has ammo oxcellent fo,. toms, whilo tho oleotoral system lia. 114)1 .41. but its hoary ol 1 age to reform - mod it, it is probable that, in a contest whom only orto could survivo, the secret bollot would stay and the eleotoral sys- tem woo d have to go. Under the rulo governherr such noon, cation before the United States Supreme Court it will he extremely difficult to ob. Min a rehearing in the tolaphone cases on thinDrawbaugh appeal. Tho rule states that a rehearing shill not be gront- ed uuless a justice who mown -red in tho 6 judgment desires it, and a majority of the court so determines. %hen the ten - phone oases were decided, tile Chief Jus- tin and assooiates Miller, Matthews and Itlatonford rendered the judgment. Jos - Boma Bradley, Field and Harlan dissent- ed as to the Drawbaugh case., on the ground that there was evidence going to show that Drawbo ko,h's invention enti- datod Boll'a. Justice Gray did not sit in tbo case. Now in order to rot a rehear- ing under the rule, either Justice Miller, Matthews or Blanohard must assent to it .7.14.11 . 10 0110 04(144111 go back on Ms judg- mad ist the cam,. While there is no way of ascertaining bow a justice will act upon gaestions brought before tho booth, the general impression seemed to be that noithor ono of tho three surviving judgos who joined in the decision will comernt to a rehearing. Besides it is understood that Justioe Lamar would not participate ill any application for a Mooning, as he 14410 not on the bench whou tho telephone eases wore sogued. In addition to tho Government case the). are 14080111) othor oases involving, tliu right to the first intention of the 1, lophone to 001130 boforo the supremo lichoh, perhaps ta, tho mixt tarn. Thou ' th ro .vill probably bo a full bench, and tho tato judgm,nt of Boll might bo re- versed. Justices 11 -Tiller, Matthews and Ilia 01141111 144.80 14000111011 their judgineot in favor of Bell, and oven should Justice. Gray oit 111 the next oaso Etna go with Gunn, that would ha four or a 11111101"k of tho court. Tho Senate coramittoo on interstato cfinarnereo yeeterday ordered a favorable report upon an amendment to tho 16th geotion of 1110 inturstate oommoroo law, winds section now provides for a Bum. mary proceeding by modidatosy or 011101' prowess by United Status Moon Coolie sitting in equity to (inform any lawful order Or requirement of the Commission, The amend -mint continuos tho provisions of the section ao they now stand ag to ally ordor or requirement of tho 00111- 311100i011 not familia on a controversy re. quiring 441)1441 by jury ; 1)01 448 to mattere which under the Cinnititution, roquiro trial by jury, it is proposed that the Commission or any person intorostocl may apply In a summary way to Circuit Courts sitting as courts of law. Tho amenclmout makes provision for the opoody trial of such causes and provides that on 1110 homing, of tho findings of foot by tin OoMmisSum shall bo prima foie evidence. It also provides that 1110 court shall by its ordor fix a timo for tho trial not loan than twenty nor more than forty day' from tho date of tho order. Mr, hurler will probably motto a tout of Ontario daring the summer. A formvoll banquot to Lord Langdowno wao given by tho v11100110 of Ottawa Toes. day night. E. .1. Davis, of King, wog chomen by 1110 North York Roforin Convention Tues. do,v os the Reform condidate for tho moat left vomit by tho regighatim, (,1 Dr. Widditiolda itt II Illolltre 1,1 AC 1 Irk. tar. ills 1 1..4400 Aroldyialatrp Lytiolt died at his ituuso 104 61101 boar110 titree,, at 0011 0'0100IS 011 Saturday mornitrg from 0011- go0t101 of Nur tuns% Hie Groot: had boort ni confortutuu with tho priests 01 114, Deanery of St. Catoarinoa fur time pas m414 ottys, 1141 buorthic unwull Oefuro leav- ing that oity 141 'Thuroday. The journoy limo aggravated the lothapoeitam, 111411441 rtla r111111,2,1S On 1,1)11rql1...,y, 1 W.04 4.4411i., 4 111, .411,1 00 aura cal tat We 0011a1111,11,ti011 Dr. Cams on 11011 Dr. aloCminull. Tiro phynoituts agruoil as t too gray. charautir of fits Gritotia Moons, ainl during tho ()voting hoo,, of lilo r. a/MU Wad virtually itualtdonod. AL 0110 -.01,14111. on Sattiestsy inordidg 2110 "moo pandod away, Father A1e1 001rut41ey, hoiog ovich him to the last. 1).. tam W.sa Moat al, tlh,cns, 1,1 tile di000so of Cloghor and comity of "lona. guars, I, 1414, j ,,•,4319; 44.1,:i•••41,..: Ut 1110 9/l1; LW: 114•1141)' 111,J1,%.,1 40 Lit can, county Dubin,. From a, ear y age 'LL WALL 111:411/11101 1111 1/, 114 t a Voe liwaaer111 0111. of .ho p Mai:dust, and whoa 110.444 01,4.111e,1 110 0,14.1 111000-.1 1 1(10 scuoy of cm, riatootoo told 1' pr.vato ohm, ti graduate Trinity (J0.1.9Ljtl. 110 afterwards 41111 a year in a euil,g, at Dionualain, 00114111(1 11 by ths Carmuncos. In 1035 he officinal St. Vincout's Cuidrge, -Caale1{. v, fa141111S somioary, avos 0111,. 11184L 1,13)40,. 111,1101.1 1111.14411 1110 fellows for those qualities whiuli 114.1,44 11(11) 10 rule and wawa stale 41 11 1,4 to 1441,. t110 friondshin au./ estoton of In lol- lo and has auporiors. 11 1a139, toll of the desire tr (Loot, himself to a. uus. 44101101.y he entered t novitutti ot the congregations of the Rasmus at at. Lazare, Paris. There he pardWal 1116 studies ditiountly for some years and 441 1642.11u rothivtal mirror orders nod sub deauu., hip at tho lianas oLor. nsfoo, ,he Archbishop, who afterwards f, 11 an the barrioades while strviug to pm 44 010 10 1110 carnage.. lie wished to go China, where, IU those daye, t ,rture atm d.ash woro the Earnest ioovitable end at the missiouthey's earour. His supnriora thought ho we's urrna bongo 800 OTHER 414,11114, He was seat oault to St. Vincent's, Wiluku 11 • bull/1111u layau Mustorator cif 1310 oplinu, 14 .41 in 1812 110 was o. denied 110(0. CO and priest by the Most Itov. Dr. Sim. nty, then Archhishoo 01 Dahlia. .During the throe sausonnunt y..rn he gasu 01,0- 01418 in .1140.4) p140414 ut 1ra4n,e; matting 44. Vin. 04)10 1111 ileadquitrior.. i)r. Odin, appointed Vioar-A1, ,stotte 01 Toxo, went to Ireland to look 10pries.a williug to labor in the vas, field olaraid under his charge. Dr. Lyneh ettgoiTy vodulto-rod wino, Mr learned 1,14,, btl'iCIL• • and tryisra wont', b. kite work dosage 41 10 11140. In that vast (0,100, thou wild, ..11g11a1111 apardely 'a Hod, he labored in- defatigably amougst people of malty .1(1- 0011111144100 01111 sun...emus, 1 lavelling long days aud ruguts on hursouauk in geed 010.0140 who needed the berthing or a priest, often sl000log in tho 000ds u.. u 11)0 opoe prairio when night overtook him, pr. aching, inetruoidng and ad i Mut- oring tam sauramonts wheruver no wont, and everywhere making many friends. Alter some years of this life ho was at- tacks:I by a malignant fever, whioh left him so wank that he Nafl compelled to re- ta. n to U.dvestot, and thence to New Or- leans. From that city no went to St. LOUIS. As 50011 as his 110111111 was re. +stored he 49149 appointed suporior of an oducational inotitntion in Perry County. This also was an unhealthy position. Miasmatic disorders provailect there, but 110 romainnd at hie post, extending tho buildings and increasing tho Dumber of the 00113111 unity until ho Athus 0100011 DOW.S. For weeks his left sido was paralyzed, but his vigorous uoustitntion and strung 18111 again trhunphed. Whon he was strong onough he was sent to Paris to represont the American missions at the Sexenuial mootiog of the congregation. He mull- ed to the United States, whore ho coo. tinued to labor until 1856, when he Wad aunt to 1440404) 041 a spooled mission. no then received from the Popo tho right to hear confessious end %Ivo absolution Avlierever bonny 130-11 favor aohium uon- fermi. On his rotarn ho accepted tho invitation of Bishop Timon lo found a house 01 1418 order in Buffalo. He re- mained thoro 0 few months, aud Woo. to Niagara, whom ho laid the fouudation of the Sonnuary of Our Lady of tho Angels. ft is etatod that he roto nor A nuNtman neL14s41a0 at the 1)1110 and that was borrowed ; but ho WAS riou in faith and zeal, and under his care tho infant institution grow strong and vigorous, In hie position ot ,110 head of thie institution he bonnie well known, and vilion Bishop 01161)0n- nel wanted coadjutor ho was appointed Bishop of Eohenas in Par. Inf„ and on Nov. 20111, 1860, twentormino yeare ago, be was consoormod. In 1(160 Bishop Charbonnel resigned, and Dr. Lyth bo- o/ono Bishop of Toronto. Ho ro.visitoO Rome iu 1862, when the Japane4e martyrs wero ondionised, and ho 414118 then oroatod Prolate Assistant al 1)114) Pontifical Orono, In 1800-70 he attend- ed the Vatioan Council, when 110 was op. pointed ono of tho Consultors of Foreign Missions and Oriented Ribes. Ho spolco at tho Coutioil in support of the dogma of Papal Infallibility. During tho Coon - oil the eoelesinstical Province of Toronto Wile created. Dr. Lyuoh 19110 appointed Arolthishop, and took his Boat 111 tho Cloonan. A few yoars ago tho business of the diorite° again took him to Rome. When roturning 110 visited Irolatul 4)011 made caroful inquiry into tho condition 01 1110 poople, no ostablished in his dicrooso tho 130411. inary Of St. Mary and 131.3011111 the ardor Of the Sisters 01 the Proolous Blood, the house of dna Carmelites at, Niagara Valle, tho Homo 01 1110 Good Shepherd, 1110 St. Nicholag Homo for Working Boys, and tho Notre Dona' Homo for Young Women. Mulor his care the in- stitutions founded by his predoeossortt 110.90 grown and ilmirishal and broom., what (toy are, The Aeolibishop wax att earnest sup- pottet of the oauso of Terriperatule, topeo. 11111)' onjoikting ithotioonoe from 'Mogi. mint, nom, you• g venoms. 144 Docombor, 14181, Dr, Lynch oele. lir dud 111H jubil 0 111111 011800 wedding, at whioh tho prolate,' who attondool Plk,,, try 'nion in Balloon., were pan he dettoolotk odion was a meg. nilicont, affair, sof was n, tustinionial or 1110 high o41(00111 111 'which he was In 14 all over thi, 0 .,(i,10111, and the valuo .01 upoli 1110 4401 ice, to religion. fiioeo then ulth 119.4 Ikako grotiodly soared irowmor, anti .requontly omit:rt. 11 11114 4110•1 fortni,lonlo jou 'toy11 io tato must severe w othei1. if a Iif., wa.41 11311, of complete solf•artcrilloo, add he was hold iti t .0 grommet r, spoot by olorgyinon and. 1 lyruoir of al, 118l10011. 114411,) 0, i'•• • ‘11.4 111 (44 M. MO11,111, 15.110 SVEN 1"141141 1:0.111,9 11111141 111l1,4.S11'1)( 004.1100, 1111114., goo 1 outtur, the 00180 1711191 44•410 40.1 1 1o04, IllUtity of clean water, .1.114 11•144041 to salt daily, Cloanliness 113 mol in keeping tho pails aud • it 0 1 u first imporomee. astrain and out the nilk as soon am pus. • Ill..,,'Ill..,,'it is inilked,--tho warmer the urctor Don't 1, vt, the strtinor in the lid of the 0011, 301111 01111% •ubmerge it, 0141 you esno kayo it doom Set the 0111) 011 tho (Toney system, by putting O II 111.1 a.1 complotety under water, GO oxotude 11.10 91 • oud Woo the milk 01u - 1...r41 temperature, This systom Id room cream and malt° bettor butter. 0 it down gradually, but not too rapid - 'y, to 110 ra oinpuraturu as possible. • use of iu in connection with tho water is profit . b o. Sot your cans with tho froth milk, in (110 water in whioh the .111114, which yoo j110(."dammed, atm out. 4,11. orul do go 41 worlc and will ooul the con -idol:able, and start the oreain. Now run tha water away, and fill up um water taint 114 111, aud if you barn loo, put iu 801110, T., lot the milk stand from ono mil ong to another is quite 1 ng montgo. Always keep the milk handy b., the pump earl arrange your water tank, either tub or box 00 that yoo o pump the wator into it 'by means of s out to avoid carrying. If you ;mop the 18 1,10 for y rur cattle, it is vor• oddvu.do 1 to have 1110 water tank plarrei .otiveou 1110 pump and tho trough, and An 11 a.11 114,1141' pitading thr ugh it, atoliog 41, na 10 okol not was ing tho w To skim the mil..., platie too 04118 oti 1 o 1i, and measure the eream with stieli, 41,4,1 tare t 0lap, waving the mouth as far up as the cream is deep. 11 is moll no . run all Rio milk aovay and too of it.olf, .1141 1011711 Our oroam in the can. Xou w 4 (14 sr avacto any cream, but if you use those 0 ontnon taps, now too foamy of them in use, you hsve to .vato0 nod -hut it who 1 tho milk is out, or you will lose the cream. Therm is more onam 10141 111m0114413 thoso miserable taps, by ue ,ing through, and forgettlim 10 41)10 off, than live times the cost of the cans every year. There is 110 W0111111/ hat ean run them for ono naoath with- out lo ing tau 01444111. :Cue Cooluy tao 15 cheaper a' 020.00 thou any other for nothi ,g. Now, put the cream into the 0 011 0011, and put if under .vater. ( he offiam oati is jiist lilte the milk can, only without a glass and tap.)Put the cream into this o 04101)thitoming till it ia full, oo enough to churn. Now take it out of the with], and lot it stand in a tempera. Otto of about 60 degrees for about t. -n or .ivelvo hours, stirring it frequently to seam, an eve11 doe:lose. olways koop the can eoverod. 13e sure the cream is about 68 degrees in worm and* about 60 degrees in cold weather wheo you put 11 oto the all Ira, 1 venom you all have a thormomoter, and 14 you haven't, got ono ad; ontse, oi• stop trying to make butter. It is indispensah.e. Even a careful person will not give the skint milk to the calves without trying it first with the thermomotor to see whether it is tho right temportiture, have no opooe h ro to say 11111011 on feeding calves, but it is simply 01144 001111 the way a good many food. Snit ealvsa. They wi I do w.11 on ewe t skins milk, bat nab if given to them when loo -old, and other timoa sour. The hot wator you rand. o to dean out tho oohs, taw bo mixed with tho milk .o mato it Wenn. Chis lo little tomblo 07,11 by using tho thermometer, .44110 011111111 must la, °ark:fully clawed, and the ono with the 1.0,01 machinery insido ie boob to keep clan and thoreforo oroforable. Now vault 10 do•lined tubs ovory limo, Get rid of al prejotlioo, and 14110. oard 11.1 fear of rust. Tho tin -lined boob has stood the test for yaws, arid always 09910 int tho best, and to now endorsed by (ivory practicer. otaamory man in the Pr)viitoe, and thoso limns in England who have handled the butter, write strong lobtors to woo no others. Don't 14.1 any salt, as is tho prototioe in wood - m tubo, in the bottom, before you pat tho butts', in, and koop tho tin olooll on tho sides as you. fill up the tub. When fall on pure bettor cloth over tho top, and stiok tho odges down all round betwoon 1110 tin and tho buttiar. Now put brim ovor Mike thick oream and koop this woll over it by adding from time to 111110 31 little fresh brine.. Nov Maier soll or keep in 14 nool place when 114.0 tompor11. tore ohanges very little aml your butter will sell for a good price, and. will bo rel. iohod by the eonsumor oven twelve months after it was made. A 13411,000 aro at Charlottetown, LO, E. Manitoba has passe an early dosing 10.19. The Queboe Legislature 94410 01/0110d Tooeday. Thera is a, Itedi dornand for Manitoba hard wheat in England. Mrs, Gowanlotk, whroot luisixtral wag killod ProgLake, receivos a pension of $400 14. yoar from tho date of her hoe - hand's ilertth, April 1 st, 1885. On Saturday tho ltonse of Commovs at Ottawa onshod a. mat marry bills through their final otagos, amoog which wore the (1.P.R. -monopoly 11513, thoS'25,- (10(1(1401414,41, hill and tho bill giving 1111111. Ordy to rodueo savings bank offered. FRIDAY, MAY 18, 188t. Number 40. Dominion Parliament. 41PA401190 11'111011 41 ,4.114 1:10:01V1:1/ '13111 0014,1 100E41. The House bong mantnotied - to tho Sonatoehamber, Sir '1311. 1111011)0, Doputy Caluvoroor, there signified the royal &saint to tho following measures 11110 sessichi 1 -- Act re (ho Port Arthur, Duluth Weston, 11 I y. An ma to Moo. 1,ur41,, the Canada mud .‘110111. an Tunnel Company. Au out reopeoting the Gonadic South en Railway Cinnottny and Erie and Niagara Railway Company, aot to nomad tho trots Mating to the Groat Western and Laker Ontario Shun Junction Railway Compauy. An act respecting b nth" on branch lhieo oi thu Canada Puoillo Railway Com- pany. 00111:1 441 ommel tiro 1401 LI1",',0noratillg OW 44111 1811.41 1(14,1 trioutu.gort 11 1)144. 11)' Cowpony. A. Wit 1.414,131114.44 the Truitk Railway Compadry of Canada. Air act to ono. de Uto spa/Inuit and Naukumno Railway Connally to run a ferry botwoen B000lier Bay in 111)1,01 1411,14. point 011 t110 Straitd Of 1°t10011. WItIlill the United States of .144111011- 1114.. An act teopecting Sok South 'Norfolk isauway Coin oduy. out to atnond tho act incorporating the Hereford Braila Rdiiway Corapauy, and to change the name of the compouy to the Hereford Railway Company. .11.1) 1101 respecting too Lase ilipissing and James Boy Railway Com, any. An act to inaorporake the Colliugwood and Bay of Qutose Railway Company. Au act respecting sho River Sc. Clan Railway Bridge and 'runnel Company. Au out 1., incorporate the Wostoth On- tario Railway Company. An aot to inoorporutc, the Pontiac and Renh ow Railway Cowpony. An 1401 0) 001311,111 a, certain ag,eernout made between the Lonuou and South- eastern Railway Company and the Cana- da Southern Railway Cknketuy. 1104, to iuuorporato the St. Dawronue and Adirondack Railway thinpany. Au aos to confirm 14. certain. agroomeot 11110.11.1 004 170011. tau Grand Xrutut Railway ounipany of Camelia, tuo (Littia buUto 11 _Runway Company add the Loudon. and Port dummy 1.34ffiavay Oompany, tit ads to reduce tne capital s 00( 01 4401 thinquo .aatiochtle. Au out to incuopoiato tue Unniook Bolt aim .1401100 Raver Railway 4.anup00ly. Au am. tu amend the a 0 to Incorporate tato Eauotudino aud Teeowater Railway Uumptuty. stu out to hicorpo.ato tia Ottawa 111141 iatrry sound IIIL44IW1I,4 Uutonany. .8.11 Mit 4.0 amend 11)0 1101 re the Mani. twat mat Northwest Ran arty Company of Claurtia. Aar 1101 tu amond tho out ..o loomourats 1110 Moncton Harbor Improvement Com prtuy. Au act rospeuting 114 certain t.eitt, be - Wenn. Her Boinamio Majesty am too Prosideut 01 1110 United that s. An 1100 10 amend the revised stactuso of Clanesalo, oatcoter 101, reepeotnig pan- ishmeuts, pardons and Clio oommutatioo of mammal. Au OM co aniond the Adulteration Act, uhap. 107 of tho revised statutes oi Gan. Ada. An act to amend the Consoliduted Rev - tame and Audit Aet, chap. 29 of the re- vised stototus of Canada. aet further to ameltd the low re- opectiog pr000dure iu othninal aut. 011 return the Commons ia committee pmsed the voto aslimg for quarantine 0011. 8100. The vote for pendant', 940,910, 03,9 next proposed. 110111160'g1 COS MICENCE. Tho fifth annual mooting of the Guelph Conference will bo hold in tho Alothodist ohtiroiloSoaforth, commencing 00 Thor day, June 7113, at 0 o'elook a. m. The Stationing Committal will moot, for the purposo of disoursing the inst... tattoo 1101141, on Mooday, Juno 44413, al o'clock. The Financial Socrotarios Will meet .110 Tromso. 0.0 of the Connor:Jona' ninth. on Woduo,day, ffitno, 1111), at 3 u'olook sumac 041111110110, SUNDAY, $0:i1) 10. Iffethodiot Church -0 a. tn.. Confereueo Lovett' tst, Rev. Grano H. Cornish, L.L. 13. 1111.131., Ordination (10(03011, Bev, .1. (Jarman, D. D., Geooral ouperiotontlent. 2:30 p. In., Sunday Hohool, Rev. W. W. L000h, R. Phillips, and Joseph Edgo. 7 p, ni., Roar. kV. (4. 0031110,13. 1), Lord's Sup, er, Rev. 30111106 Hannon Presbyterian Chureh-11 a. in., llov. John ialills. 6;30 p. no., Rev, Ja Gallowito a Prosbytorian Chmoh, Bgmandrillo -11 a.m., Ray, G. A. Gifford, PM 1), 6;30 p. 111. Rev. J. W. Shilton, 13. A. Altnia-6 p. in., ltov, J. Kamm:. Young Mon'o Rooms -8:30 p, in., Revs, R. Davy and W. 11, Campbell. Tot -operand' Mooting -Roes A. Potter and A. W. Tonga. wietavonsgraiss AND 01111111 PUBLIC 411111(0180. Thursday, Juno 71h--8 pm), &loth, 1101114.1 111004.11)44, Revo. N. 1311(wash, 1). D., Chancellor Viotoria IlnivorsityN. IL Willoughby, ‚[1,11,,and Samos Anna, Friday --8 pant., Regoption of Candi. dateg, Rove, J. Mol J. W. Holmes and A, Ca1'3111111, 1.).1)., General Superin- tendent, 44atur11ay---3 pan., Theologleal Union, Lecture, Roo John Scott, M.A. Subjeot "Supurnatural Religion and Modern Thought." 8 11.111., CoAtharation Ser. via°, contlooted by nova Georgi Richard- som 73.111110,31 _1) pan.,Missionary Anniver• gory, Revs, T. 111, Campbell, Itiraiwit Yoshiyalm and joho George, Tatisdoot---S p411., Sabbath llohool A 11. niversory, Umos. J. 1V. Gorman, F. Nngent and S. Netheroott. Wednesday -8 pam, Tofirperenoelneot- ing, Rove. ,Ins, ItiodeS", J. W. Gilpin, and Thos. Hillard". Conforonee Prayermeeting Thurattay, Jane 7111, from 11 am. to 12 &dock, 03111 01311414101111L4. 10 0050111,147. A00777.7111174 to 4771177 1.110 Graphik, Sots tietiko, during the 110.4)1 14 017 ty years there hs, been 11 steady decrease ffi 114, 0111' 011111j1i011 Of 1Lpiril9 and 941110., and 11 6100.Lly ill0009F01 ill t110 (10nLinillpt1011 of boor in Catoola, In 10(1') 111 40,11,111 consumption per aoli 100 of the pool!, lati011 1)041 1I]!) gallons of spirts, 17 of whin and 226 of be r, By 14487 tho o 414- gill/71)0-M 1,4 spirit,. loot fallen 70 7) If. Om. IPAVW, 111 9 4.1Ie11- per 11114 11101 tIl' omniumpti,in of 0000 1111,4 1,1- i.f2,t.01 to 3041 gal on or 1(140. Tho 11)14.'. of, onnothoption of spirits 48140 in 10,,) 1111(1 1014111, 1810.11 it (0,1 .111 71 g .11,1104 tor moth 100 of popnla('ion. It was 16K) when this leost wino was 1(0811., 111,1 consumption hoing but 7 go. 1'u4) Leg 100 porsoos. The groat st conatniinthut of beer (4:011 in 18,47 11,17,) the Mwuit 1, 1,4170 and 1878, 11'ILLL11 it 1 110 2 1,1 010 1011. ()Mario draiks 2.1.1 (11. of 04,411,4. 73,09 of boo, 111111 1.1)4 of erns. go, 000 drioke 43 per man. of apirits, 50 ro Lisa' nod 7 of Will(1. Now 13ratis01'ick denies 54.43 per cent. of spirits. 40.7 .4 boor 0.4.1 11 of wino Nova Scotia. (1 12.8 oor cent. of spirits, 01.1) of boo. mud 6.1 of wine. l'rinco Edward inland irioka 51 per cont. of apirits, 0.47 of boor and 2 of Wilie. effinitoba driffica 27.3 per coot. "1 nairits, 70.1 of beer and 2.6 of trine, isritiah Columbia drink.; 23.4 per amt. of spirito, 011.0 01 boor and 10.8 044 (141)0, Ontario drinks nearly throe times moro boor than spi 110 ; Quebec: nearly three Hama as much spi Its as 1/001. ; New Brunswick nod Prince .Edward Island more spirits than beer ; and Nova Scotia, Manitoba and Britith Columbia more beer than spirits. In Ontario, each 1,000 persons in the nineteen years of Confederation have used 34,431, 11051014 Of tOb0,000 ; in QUO. boo, 40,600 ; in New Bruuswtok. 41,300 ; in Nova Scotia, 32,240; in Prince _Edward 101,81(1, 26,730 ;111 Britith Columbia', 17,- 8136 ; in 11:Lannon], and the Northwest, 40,514 ; and it, 111 Canada the averag has been 42,200 'rounds for 1i100 pmarods for nirtotoon years' tobacco) using. The atiti-tobauth and anti -whiskey organiz- ations haao heavy work ahead. ifittrou 1utiiity J. S. Fotnal, of Efficartiffie, has taken th position of operator at 1110 Growl 1 r oak election, Clinton. 11100/11 affillough, of Lucknow villago, tuts accepted the position of Hospital Sergeant of 1110 32nd Bruce Battalion. Charles Slaoltatoue, of Clinton, has been (410111011 44 1114(0 ,1101' his orgal i 12 01Waco Mtn bo 114210911. 10 11.4,14 0,0,1t. A small boy named Pillmaa met with a very swore accident at Clinton the oth- er day, He was rbliiig with atiother boy ,011411 he WAR 1111,107/1 0111, 14.1111 one of hie oars almost tore off. At the annual meetino of the Exeter in,chanics' lootitnte, the following offi- cers were elooted :--Pres., Rev. W, 111 atio ; 'Vico-President, Rev. S. F. Rob Inson; Treasurer, 1). Johns; Sect otary, F. W. Collins; Directors, G. Samwell, A. G. D'or, S, A. Rollins, M. D., Robert Slicer, R. II. Collins, 0. Lutz, . D., A. A. O. Donovan; Auditors, G. Samoan and C. Lutz, 111. D.; Librarian, George Kemp. Fall wheat in the noighborbood of Exe. ter at present is looking bad as a general rub-, but there aro some very good look tog fie ds. Tho late rains have greatly improved the oppearanee of 11)0 14111 94)10,11 The spring grain scalding is about trough, the ground being in good 0011111- 1100. The prospects are bright for a .00,1 ha. vest. Tuosday af 014310005 largo number of people witnessed the launch of the 1 srge tog constructed at Cadmic% during tho past season by W. Marlton. At 5.15 o'clock amid the entimenstio cheers of he thousaods 4141)0 witnessod the lannell, the bottle of win., crook d over the bow, the boat struck Ido, water and the flag unforloki, disclosing the nano of the 111, mini II. Jones." Miss Penny IAA, 1.11100 acted as sponsor on tho 000asion a .1 tanned tho craft. rkt Clinton, John Tewsley was ca(nets.) -n 11 aileron of assaulting and robbing ,Tailed Morrison, 0. fanner - of Hall it of 519 on April 28th. Tho .• Immo 'ad to 1110 offoo, that on 1,.0 ti,1111' mentioned Morrison, while sitting I front, of ouo of tho hotels waiting loi- n, treigilbur, was seized 11,, Trii.-slo,v 1 tl amothor man, ono of them ola, ding 0 policeman, and marchod 111 din dime Gan of the police station, instead of plitoino him in the look.up, however, thuy took him foto the town holt whore they robbod him, Morrison did not know until the morning that ho WM not' in tho cell. Toweley was committed for trial at the Goderioh assioeg. Wm. Fleming woo trisd 110 on ttoeonipliee, and oleo committal for trial. Cum, Iltootte.--The baoliwardness of 1[10 110144)011 in the nagbothood of Clinton nuthos it impossiblo to gloat 01 r000rt of tho fall wheat' at present. Tho showers and warmth of the 1)4401 44048 dart, how. OW, 11,180 mob a decided improvement in its appoarance, and mono faVorahle imports aro now coming in and may be lo,,, al for later. In the neighborhood of tho spriug farm work is protty moll through, and it good area, hits boon pl. undor cultivation. Considerable &maim was dono to the fall wheat, nua 111 nony plasm the ground was plionghed or 4 and spring crops planted, '1:'ho whont that Waa allowed to stand, how. over, has piokod 1111 wooderfully under the moot warm spoil and froquent reins, and will Ito well 11p to the averago. Thu Stratford llorald says : 144104(44114' 0)' v. Campbell,. Thio was rt, family du0 from tho township of MoKillop, Huron county, and Owe 49:4H 111 1801119n in it., 'Vim plaintiff, Win. Aloxandor, sought to recover from his son-in.law, Cadonbell, the deed of fifty +terms of land, Whiob plaintht had given to his sons John Alox. andor, on condition that 111' would refrain from paying 011B011 111 ft artain tomato in the oh:irony. The ;toting 111011 didn't adhere in his promise, it seems, and 441' 00 sad the lend to 1110 bronomoin-law, Campboll, from . Mr - gr., wished to r000vor it. Too 'natter tot, oomph-on-da,1 out of (mart, the de - bodkin (Imap),ell, eotaining poososoion of dm Imola Jon,' Alogandor will 14140 Up llid re,lii101010 10111 11 is II tight lor will Iro entirely , from 101111111'O1411041, .1. T. flarrow, .:jr.. florierioh, for ; ldington, and W. 11. II ,stinga, Scatforth, 'for the Groia. ois.,ais,d, 01 dologatkol foon olubo comprising the Western distriot tlik, Como lion 141, cro•pie ,14,1 W11,,Cli 171 lja WO,t)ifjg. y :111,1%.1 /it 91)09 94..icItul10 or 41m04 to to, pionst tits (mining 441.1400, ineotolg 000sistial of ffiir 11100, 41 400111 1''411.11,11). 111 11 witt. 14, Soli II, Brioltt ; if. 8. W11. 11111 , S. .1. Reid, notootolt 11017,. 1774170, 117 B. 1. 4114144 Glint.. ; ..a.. J. s, oi 4 Soltdorli, coolish oh simian, after aro ou it of oo,•essary discussion de, 1.t1 11/0dir the.1 U111 0139 11,01110,1 111)11/:- .11,ty 94, ,-01 1.1 Sofforth; Juno 7, ',boom at tioller1C11, Brig 1, itt Stratf Tit ; .141,., 20, Self= 11 at Oliutua, Goduree at Strati fo .1; July 2, 011.4011 at Bright, :ode. rich at &aft, 111; July 18, Bri.111 at Sea - forth, 8tratfori at Goderich ; July 31, Codorich at Bright, S,rati,,rd at S."14,,Con; Aug. 10, Clintou 4.1 Stratiursi, Sooforth at Bright ; 41.4444. 17, Stratford at Sea - f ortli ;. Aug. 31, Stratford at Bright, Seaforth at Godurich.; Supt. 19, iietforth at Stratford, Gokierich at Clinton, ; Sept. 20, Bright at Cliutou ; Sept. '21, Br.ght 0.4 Gotterloh. The following referees were appoiutod :--13108. P. Coleman, Oscar Nol, Char es Strong, A. 3. Will son'Seaforth ; Dr. Lake, Clem. lOvans, W. IL mtvitt, Robe Stewart, Bright 11, S, WalIlIlolo, Si. J. 11,141, Thua. Porry, 1)r. Ross, Uoilkrich ; 11. B. Coombe, H. S. •Tudor, • \Vm. Magee, James Pair, inton ; W. II. Griffin, W. -Watson, S. A, Matfadden, S. MeCuteboun, Strat- ford. am:Winn Ne ww1. The Windsor Commil ham amended to purchase 31 ,;root sor riper for tho town. A sseady flow of 11111014411 41414 has been otruok at Collingwood at a 110[1111 of 130 Met. The charges atrainst Moses. ,:c3 .1.tay, lion ows and Larivioro aro to be inves- tigated. :Cho body of Archbishop Lynch was 'marred OVednooday with limit iAg cere- monies, A. E. Eddy, formerly publisher of the ace Burford fitnos, has start oi a vapor 111 13 Aniont. A T ,ronto speculator is tryiug to get a bonus for tho ootablisbmont of a L000dry 11 Orangeville. Pious of an %tort hook , kvinch it f o pro. posed to erect at Woodstook, to $ 10,000 avo been propared. An eagle shot in Colchester South last week by Judaou Fe,ris measured 7 feet -1 inches from tip to tip. Of. Lane, of the Kalamazoo o croiage works, has refused it boons of $10,000 to establish a hootory in Windsor. The So Thome.. Assessor has cotnplet. ed his w.'rk for 1880, and gives the pop- ulation at 10,476, an increase of 205 over ast year. T to annual excursion of 111,-, Grangers of Elgin and Middlesex to Goelph, 0.1 the 6113 of Sane, promises to be tho lorgost in their history. J. Hendorshotts house, Wordsville, was damaged to tho extont of 7300 by lightning the other night. Nobody 'lad ; one dog electrified to death. On a straight calculation the exporLablo wheat output from this continent for the coming season, after taking out suul and br ad, will be about 20,000,0 10 busttels. S. Walker Or Sone are buildiug an en. gine house at Walkerville for th , Wind- sor ds Walkerville Eleatrio Railway. Walker ct Sons want to have thio railway extended a, abort distance further oost so as to donned tvith the Walkervil 0 to mi. nuo of the Detroit River and L:tlio Shore Railroad. A movement ia nu foot to constritot on artitloial lake on the borders of 1110 town of Orangeville Tho proposal site ig mar the Foreot Lawn oemocoro, mud about 35 mottos will bo utilized for the purpose. A joint stools 00111p11113, 10 bo - 111(41111444)041 and about 89,000 has boon al - rood' subsoribed. Stalitsehmidt kat Co. have paid 'auk to the Preston Corporation tho 0111041111 of 1110 101111 11111410 10 thorn by that "nage, although it is not duo for a loog number of yoars yet. The intorest was Balloted from the amount, and the oonopday gavo the council good security as to their ful- filling their contattot as to tho number of hoods to bo kept at work during 1,14.4 4101411 ton years. J. .A.. 111rcodonnell, barrister, of 'Toronto, has issued a writ against S. II. Dialcia, Q. C., and the Lo,w Sooioty of Upper Cana- da, 01111111111)4 111) order for an injunetinu rostratning Mr. Bioko from 0111111(1 014 act- ing as Benoher of tho Law Snedety, inc. Mr, Blake was gnalificid as 01 1100o1)er oil the font that he is a rotired judgok. Mr. 111andonnel (skims that ho is a rosigned judgo, and therefor() not withinthe mean- ing of the how. Tho fire insuraneo business of Canada has come to assinno largo proportions. 4.11 111001000 of Ian year Om not amount at risk remelted no 1os10 dm 714311,101,0117, the gross prenthun ineomo on which WU $0,043,922, and the losses for tho you were $3,130,420. Thio is 31 bettor rostfit than tho year 1886 prodnood, 1110 gross premium inoomo then having boon 55,. 784,808, 311111 44110 total losses $3,283,014, the excess of promituno being about 0, hundred thougand dollars lose than last aveato The statistic,' of Jiro 13101011041(13 Canada Moan 1860 inclusiOo do not shoov a largo margin of profit for the Om ponies, tho aggro one not cash premm ius li r14000108,1 in thon ineteen years heaving been tts,032,29.`, end tIte aggregoin looses paid 050,626,103, leaviog 0, margin of 001110 eighteen million dollars, ont of which the (111111 01 'management has to 144, paid before tho slutrelioldors can dorbee ally proilt.