HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-4, Page 5o ;Si MAY .1, 1888. araissanalitanalain tStrltt `;1e11U$, llouso °leaning Ilan begun and 1'110 hnuHe ie lamed up.ido down, topsy. turvy. \1411. Heller has boon pith:ling hie X'if it el. proven') Ude wools. it nn 1(e'I LL gl•eat ie). 1)roven') Ili, Whet nitwit our nnrly mail'' John 1ohush'u returned to the villasw llru. W. Doig is improving alightly, from, an atomism dries) loading a vory 'I'ii. nowt tncnting of the Internship nett looking mat/101 of the driving kind. "laddie&" will be hold here on Friday, 'Phe buys aro all pew fishing. All 25th inst. A. :amoral raootatielistaking place in our village both in -doors and outside, whir:b tea en00 seidonon of spring. Fall wheat is picking up nicoly and will yield n bettor return it harvest timo than was supposed a few woke ago, if nothing happens it. 0341.5111-03* t 11. Win, llawkshaw bis resigned his post• tion no councillor for the south ward. Wm. IIawksbaw is going to put up n Oen, 130 no service was hold in tho evening brick hotel in place OF the present one, giving Johntttot'it people a chance. Our friend Time. Heid, of Teoswator, showed up on \Vedncsday evening last. IIta wolcomo will always b.) warm hero and wo will tlwaye bo glad to see hitt. Mr. Haid, who to on old Oxford boy, WWI in town over Saturday, the guest of Mr. S•owart, It i•s to be hoped that 11t'. R. will goo!) find it convenient to visit us again. Mies B1)ingsley, Wingham, has had an unfortunate work. Eer music pupils havo all been absent except oilo young gentleman. It is to he hoped thoy will all be et home next time. Jeckeou Wilson, 01 Zetland, was in town Saturday. Lie seems a rising young artist as ho was displaying several spori• mons of his drawing copied from "Grip" the night before in Winghttm. Rev, A. Y, Hartley took f n his text on Sunday morning John 18 ohnp., 40 verse, his subject being "The Multitude's Choice." He spoke (1) on the ohoico it- self ; (2) of the onuses. The congregation was large and eoomed to be vary glad to see their pastor again, kinds aro to be had but the most plenti- ful aro these about tarn and a half Malmo long. John Burttss is forting the lot owned by Chas IIcrbart. This frown, when aomploted, will add to the neatness of tho village. hiss ,Jaelteun, alma tt) return hone from Detroit, was talion dawn with nb an. los and thus hrr return has boon Provo" - ed for a Unto, The regular gnarteely sorvico was hold in Bluevalo Motltodittt chul'ob and of Andy Donahoe woe arrostecl for Inking four loaves of bread mud ti quantity of sugar from dm Quenneho'ol diutngroom, 110 appeared beforo Mayor Beattie who sent 111111 for trial. Tito prisoner °looted to be tried herons Judge Toms who son - Mimed hien to six weeks in jail. rased;1,0-0141. Ersoding is well to the front. Next Sabbath Rev. S. Jones, of Brus- eelt, will preach hi linos church. Council mooting at Plth01 on the 20111 root. -It will lin Court of llovieion. A. number from this locality aro at. tending tho assizes 30 Godarioh this week. 'Toon Clerk" took lot prizo and sweep - statues at the Newry Sprung Show. 13o's a guirl ago an' dinna forgot it. Rev, I). 11. McRae is atttending the elyuod r.1 the Presbyterian ahnrch, con- vened at London, due week. it in reported that hotel licenses cannot bo grnntod this year as applications wore not nnado in time by the hotolkeepors. V. Gramm has his Lime Works in full blast. 13o is selling first -plass limo at 12i cents per busbol and is able to supply tho drmood. 1Lia:towinI. Rev. W. Burgess preached his farewell sermon 10 Listowel last Sunday. His frionds here wish him prottpority in the west. A Leap Year Entertainment, under rho auspices of the ladies of the Young Pro. pie's) Furnishing Society, will be held in the basement of tho Methodist Church, Tuesday evening, May 16th. Tho following is the list of those who are to have their lhpior licenses renewed for another terns : Idotele-A, McIntosh, G. Zilliax, J. Northgraves, F. A. Kraus, J. Manuel, Conrad Zilliax (granted con- ditionally,) C. H. Zilliax (threo month's extension). Shop--illrs. Welch. Tim following officers will manage tho foot -ball club this aummor.-Hon. Pros - 'dont, E. B. Morphy ; Hon. Vice -Pres., 14. lirieker, Mayor ; Pres., D. McMinn ; Vico Pres., Ed. E. Nowman ; Captain, D. in C. Stewart • \Ic.1t um • Field Captain, t ; o Secy.11 rns. Poole Match Com.- Alf. ll \[inn, J. Morrisn , C. Stewart, :\ [embers T. Mess, W. Climie, J. Mc - Ilium, C. Stewart, 1). McMinn, 1:. Now. 1111, W. Wright, W. Patterson, George Mitrhwl;, A. Poole, .1. Pogo, C. Harbor, A. Mcllwraith, J. C'nlburt and J. Morrison. •W 1)ugyh a1114. lV it^taut wants a Beard of Trade, 1:,1. llino'cy had his foot badly squeezed at the C. P. 11. turd-ttiblo. C, lisrl'cr and Janes 'reit have par• chased the W iugham Pottery. P. W. Campb,dl, of Mont'oal, is to give a lecture iu th.' Presbyterian ohnrett on Monday evening, May 7th, illustrated by dissolving views, descriptive of a trip neatest thtAuteriean continent, the Paolfic she n, the Sandwich Islaude, Australia, Amble., the lied Sea, England, franca and Italy. Tons. son mf W. Mc('lynnont, aull Robt., son "f Nil McGregor, wore injured by falling under the Imo cart wheels whilst e number of the boys wore moving it 'donee after the 1113011031 ltd their run, 11(lyumt rec,•ivcd internal injuries and t 0,1 bis arm crueller'. McGrogor bail hi, roller Lon, hrok; n and several rite crushed in. '1'11, fo!lotvingo it o u were elected in oonneet:on with tho'orioket club for this season :-Ilonorary President, Ih W. C. Moyer ; President, C. 11, Willianns ; 5ecratory, J. 1). Nichol ; Committee on Matches, E. L. Dickinson, Dr. Young, d', D. Nichol and W. II. Macdonald ; Troll Connnittoo, \V. Dippell, J. Youhill, R. Talbot and T. A, Tisdale - 1213 th. 1Vio r rise. The masons have etartod at the found- ation of Mr. Howlet's barn. Tho Union dabbeth school was re- opened a week ago last Sabbath in Bar• rie's school. Hugh R. Elliott ltas goue to work with D. Zimmer, of Cranbrook, at the framing and carpenter work. The -Sabbath school at S. S. No. lI is to start next Sunday under the superintend- ence of Peter Watson, of Grey. Mise Jane McArter, daughter of Will- iam 1foA.rter, 7th con., is laid up with inflammation of the bowels. Wo all join in wishing her a speedy recovery. David"tlexwell, 71h son., is laid up with broken ribs, having fallen down in the barn. His brother James is wait- ing on him and ho is doing quite well for an old eau. John Clennan, 8th con., has skipped ont to Uncle Sam's domain, so it is said, and left a lot of sorrowing friends to mourn over the toes they have sustained. Goun don't stn long. .. c l•b John Y g Curr Cnn'r.-"Well, really T don't ware, m st beautiful: 'est did o but I think he i Mr. Wilson, f r,n,uly teacher of oar lino sohool, now of Zetland, favored us with IL very instructive dose of mind physic on Saturday evening, I am sure, as Air. W. and I were always good frioncls, that ha will not object to my making a few re- marks on his lecture. .1 do not intend to aritioise, but think that he will need to loop a level eye in his head for some tonne to coins), Joalousy to a ten•iblo scourge. It destroys all the ltappinees that comes within its sweep. No mattor how well a person may do there is sure to bo some me who would do far better, so they think, and it is much the same as far as they are co0corned. Ilowovor, n just critic should always be listened to. They can point out mistakes, and thus assist as in attaining what we are striv- ing after. It is not well to listen to vain fiatterors. T1• y generally have their objoots. Put no faith in them. Friends aro not to be trusted in this ease. They are too apt to praise when they know better. 'Tho best tray for a young genius just setting out on the way to fame is to "aim High." I hope Mr. Wilson will have his highest wishes gratified and that he may live to 500 "listening Senates hang upon his tongue." -Another dear friend has joined biose that can never return. Mr. Ard is harried, IIe left all the Morris girls and was caught by a Turnborry lass. 'Tis sad to think what might have been, had wo been wide awake. Yom's truly, BELL.. Jahn 1Smigh is having his hotel reno- vated with tt froth coat of paint. Will Walker, tailor, loft here on Thurs- day ,or :Exciter, whore he bas obtained a sittl•,•IiOtn, Miles Young has had a handsome piel;at fonoo erected on hie lot facing King street. McGill Brothers started on Monday to move D. D. Carder's store, on Queen atreot, it low foot further to the front. On Wednesday evening last our Ilealth Hoard snot in the Orango ball, when thoy appointed Conslablo Davis health in- vents -Ms. Eight teams and agents of an implo. ttiou company arrived hero from Exeter. They intend to canvass this section of tho county for a oouple of months. The Blyth Chloral Society, under the leadership of A. Lawrence, gavo a con. cors i,t bio tromporance Ball on Monday evening. A splendid program of singing by tho olaes was well rendered. A petition Inas boon circulated around town this week which reaoivod rho sig- •)atties% of most of the business ,non to tisk our town council to pass to by-law to have all places of businoas closed et 7 o'Mlonkp. in. during the summer months, Saturday ovotings exeopted. A meeting was hold on Friday evening at Illilne'shotol for the pnrpoeeof gotting up amusements for tho Queens Meth - day. Tha meeting was well attended by tho sporting fraternity. It was decided to endeavor to raise tho necessary !rids 10 celebrate tho day in a fitting manner. Ilea oval. of. \V,r. Dulmaago is again near ns buying cattle ao of yore, The ball season has bogs tt, mw hate. men tiro on hand. A. Bruen, 13rassels, paid our town n dying visit lint weok. A. phrenologist, W. Galbraith, locttive:4 in DmForesters' Bail cm Thlnr3day even- ing, THE BRUSSELS POST p=; aaetzeses esecatizastG zettat reareatur tconn '•'ezza "r eleter ai.:[3 .w., ,.- ........... . ......:.. Tho 111th eon. 1108! two wrd lil gs last , u '.A '1 I 001) Fre 1111 ]'1111 li.\Lr l•: 1 N i)( 88 411'1' 1 1 r1011 1"! 114 SALE. 300°h, MAI .15110 Ann, .I tghtrr of 1 11forris c u E.. I 1 . 3.0 n• to urs . ,)'3 - a Ile t e1n: , tarot fir pule 10 tato James Shaw, was Wilted in holy bonito to elaso Oho atf,itw ,f n I ilii of Lim Into '!'uwmh)p of 3lurrte so is.. (emote of 11 ..real to tL Mr. limey, of 1)11)1 t•t. May their tY.11. ettuwato'1 tl ), ,ire toner Chi, fol. twin!' 1i.•.,1th hall of 1,orrli hall1 s f Q 26 Y Y 11,11'1 valuahh, la„ M t ,berth nL 1 1'",111 half of e, i,, 1 ,n containing j rmt,ey thermal' life bt' l)loasant and their , hul1 ,l L"t •W, ,low. , t:;.'1;1::-•.ui,l it .d IC 11,1:11, r ,n ,r' Ti1 s 1 n .ren urontlY gf'tan'eL tl',Iilldee be 11111.. elle.. l4 our Atr....l0 a'anknl)t1un 111) n 1 8 , tltls 3, I (n n . tit l of rUHse sf Wei Velj,r, 4:+e l .I u•1, n l i wap . '4)!,''!''': gond 1•,11 ,n ;mil i se;s: lttri i i a I; feet with motet in rite holy binds of matrimony Iv ntl'h.n1. 1, ,w,.l 1, u,,it. t .0111 )till f a clear �AIon pa:Li in a 1 3 SLaOe r)3 weld• , � ,,, ,),• h,, • nt, arab,, Cd.❑ • 1 l W'lt f Il 1 rrwtp)d n g I f, u t a •I,L ..too.• fuel- V1W'u, 14 1 •a t, 413 ,r 1111, urr'1th, '11 ,YID to ease to iti.ts Mary Jttm,, daughter of (leorgn r•lusnlp tali'., "*'. 1 of bin .: I d =e,t.3I 3 tell „1 r'o• v, hope Avery. Two weddings in ono week is not so had, still ten beieve "thorn'i more to follon," Ms. 1!b 1 rue. -'Pito eomniuientiou of Anti-Settt Act in haat woke is.,uo ie the oeuasion of smile little nommen:. IIe. would fain have telnporanee ami liaise walls together when virtually tho one is ne nulolt opposed to the 03lmr au 1110 east in to the west, License rnlnesonts tho Government as saying to Ileo liquor tree. flu you destroy much good, you aro 10 edam lint I will lle•nso .1110 man its fivo hue drerl to sell 0 1 condition that bo glees mo part of tlto tnonoy. T will be very strict with him. llo obeli not commit this primo on Sunday nor sell to mine) s. This is liceneo. What dors temperance env to the traffro ; It says you oro a aur. dorm and tau 81111131 die. It it possible that Anti.i4oLt hot disoovers no diffor- onoe in principlo between giving one a legal right L• do a pernicious wrong oven under roetrietinu, and prohibiting that wrong and declaring that it shill be up- rooted and destroyed. He would have the temperance people including the W. C. T. U. to kuuokle down and beoom0 a party to Hoene° for all time to come we suppose. Tho tom •eranco people are not to bo coerced in that e ay. They will continue to force the qua -tier of Prohi. bition upon tho attention of politicians and the intelligent cousoienee of the pop- ple and will never rest until the strong arm of legal suasion has thrust the sword of Prohibitiou through the mon- ster's ineart 01111311 will be at no distant day. ' Axtr.Lnezxsr:. Huron Comity Notes. Rev. Jas. A, Andorson,of Whiteohuroh, is to poach his farewell sermon on Sun- day, the 90th of May. A. J. Jones, of Kippen, who had hie jaw -bone broken, has so far recovered as to be able to return to work ill London. Godarioh town council announces that all parties desiring to plant shade trees in front of their promises will bo furnish- ed with the same free of charge. Abonb 800 bushels of flax have already been distributed to farm,-rs in Blyth sec- tion by Livingston Bros., who are afraid that their present supply -400 bushels - will fail to supply the increasing demand. The Clinton railway delegates left Thursday for Ottawa for the purpose of showing the plaints of tho Guelph Juno - tion, Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich Railway on the Government for the usual subsidy. Alex. McDonald, of Tuckersmith, was brought boforo His Honor Judge Touts at Goderioh, charged with fraudulently obtaining threo hundred dollars from Banker O'Neill, of Exeter. After hear- ing was die. eco tho defendant in the ..vide g ohar ed. Saturday afternoon while two or three young men were swiming in tine river near Stapleton, ono named John MoKay was carried under by the current and drowned. His companion, John Lamont, made heroin offorts to save him and had a narrow es0apo himself from sharing tho same fate. Tho remains weir) sent by 00011105 train to lupi..', where ins widowed mother resides. ;McKay was attending the (.'ollogiate Institut° at Clinton. s CLINTON Srrlance.-Complete totals of the result of the town assessor's work for 1888 aro nor to hand. The population is 3033 as against 2803 last year. There aro 070 children between the ages of 0 and 10, 100 youths botwoen 16 and 21. Tho value of reel property is $574,743, of personal property 1183,100, of taxable M- emo, $15,860. Of all property, $028,745. Increase in value of taxable property over last year $128,1336. Property exempt front taxation amount to $76,000. The Clinton Now Era says :--ln one of tho town churches on Sunday morning last the riertnon soddenly lost till interest for 0 lady, who is a regular and faithful attendant, The minister had just got 111(11 • into lois eermoll, when a little bit of humanity abort two mrd a half ye re old, without ally hat on, hair disheveled, face tutwashod, and carrying a doll as big ori he'seli', made her appearant0o inside the ohnecll, and was about to walk clown to whom hon mother sat, but tins potsou, catching sight of iter, quickly came out and carried the little mischief back home, Over one hundred thousand dollre has been spent at Wiarton for timber of did. tomtit kinds during the winter that has just closed. And as near as can be learuod five hundred thousand dollars altogether has been spent on tho penin- sula during the sato period in the sumo commodity. S,,L a•<)`1'. A largo quantity of ilex will be sown in this township this spring. Marbles and base ball aro now part of the school program for the smell boys. Mina Noliie Habliirk. has retnrnod to her situation at Eaton's dry goods °stab. lishmenb, Toronto. Tho Hannon perjury oasts was thrown out by tho Grand Jury at Goderich on Tuesday afternou0, Scoffing operations aro being proroidea with as rapidly as possible, the land boing in tho best of order. Formes aro busy seeding and if tIte present fine weather continuos tho spring work moll be Rnished early, Theo has beeit considerable done in the maple sugar line this year as this has been an uncommon good sap year. Lash Tuesday Hartwell ,Sperahn jr., 10th con„ had the misfortune to break lois leg while assisting at a raising 0n his OW11 farm. Tho little on of David Clark, 14th eon. died very suddenly last Sunday morning Without anything particular being rho mattor as far 05 could be found out. A11 fore that the fall wheat had boon badly winter killed have beo11 dispelled. Sinop the growth eommsncod the roots aro showing signs of life and now give promise of a good ovon crop. Mrs. Richard Alcook mot with a pouf. iat aooidont a fow weeks ago which still botltors her. She was emptying som0 hot water when a portion of it spurtod up and Orrick het in the loft oyo. Sunday sohool oponocl in Shino's school honed, ettho 12111 can, last Sunday. 1'. ititohfe is Superintendent, Tho sohool opened with a good attendance and promises Mho eucoessful. In commotion with this sohool there is singing erotic() anelbiblo study at the school hnuso ovary Friday (0001115. A number of big boys hold a ebsrivari eolobratton in honor of a newly wedded cotlplo on tho 114111- eon, ono night last Week. They annoyer. rho whole lug& borltood for home with guns, bulls mei shoats. Theo boys should be well spanked by their meantime and never al- lowed to db 11110 liko again. Na Seer 13 UT A. (•BNLTJ:NE SEWING MACHINE --IS '1101--- 1 ,A." M O N'.TD For it is putting other :o31ClliblOs out of floors every week. She i.a the 1lead ..'311 Geo, Love & 00's, 'rola furor c 031 I ,.I . : 11„11 te.e. d 1 i : 41110 .sera) 1 r 'tk"r t ,1: r,.u:• and In a 1.0m1 ,.313 1 1.tivato",, 1'0e ; ,1 it watered with the river ltiaitim4 pr1H,s and 1,1'. ) v .. ) , 1..1: , t fntlYui TAtvil cieelt. Pon..•.don Itri osls.1. u., 11talo. l,a),ty+s, yh,tnra x111 101'4. tat any thoc. 13,r further ter. Squnro or 3 3113' 13, 111, )tulle 1. 111.1 i"s1 r= 1 iy 011 t1, a f r uii: of 0r to A.10- 1'. 4.10.. P,o„)11113 ..0 Lee try. ft )19 h;1s'L 'r ,:res, Is, 0. r,-tl r..aim+m>rzaetrw,srstentruzzcstoa,rnrr,.r.•,,-ax..rrawarr +aascr....aunmontn �tl HARDWARE STORE HA R c DWA STORE 77 E HAS jest 110' 0001L ;1 lair;, stook :11 Spring tin 111.1,•t;Ilrit us Spade Shovels, trees, Rakstook ,Fc. Paints, Ui18, Varnishes, Sash. Glass, Shingles anri Irtth. A largo quantity of Barbell 1111(1 Plain ,Vire- in Stt)t'k. Our assortment of Silverware is large, well assorted and 111(1 on close margins. Don't fail to see it. Contractors or persons intending to build Mousey or barna should call and get estimates in hardware supplies from us. A. M. MoKA.Y (Co., Brussels. "_Linens 8 .&tr Thos. Smith. 0. Smith. lltr611 .d ALCOUI ] -- . Malcolm.. ii llililitioton of and Dealers inrn' all kinds of ` jh It ' els, 1 Woolen Mill 11. Forlyt11 t\. Son, (3 2311erl)' a�"s the Wroxeter 'Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Farmers i11 this vi- cinity that they hftvo Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill i11 Blyth, and Molle that by adhering to their old pian of making noth- ing but Sound, Durable Gooch& ' and trust that by yo doing to meet a, liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and carr: - fully attended to. The 1I1C,lil:si• Puck: paiif Tar Wool in Exchange for Tweed's„ Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etx' A Trial Solicited ! Satisfaction Guaranteed n R. Forsyth & San. AnotherWont .o I1neverwas lulendod,So farasIcan hoar?,,Tenteitller moa orwomanworn ntandoatto ha bald.I thick you will helieye mo,indsod I'm wool.. yntt will, II at the "Paris Bair Works” you ))axi& There is one thing Nature thinks of -let as thank her ell we can - She totes particular trouble with oar race; She knows a scanty growth of hair, ibo gray and whitening locks Will detraat trona the beauty of the face.Dut naturo has her l nwa so Strict that yen most never err, Por you'll suroly paytbe penalty et last..Sustain it, that bounteous head of heir. Dootor L'oreuwenu's Hair Magic's unsur- passed. Just try it, your aIlilcted, you never 'tri:, rogret, 'Cho Magic was never wet known 10 Sail:: 1 And tine good that It will do yon 'will teaks, you soon forgot The expenditilre a bottle wIl entail. This now famous preparations for invig- oratingand stimninting the growth of the hair Is universally accepted ae the mesa valuable specifle on the nlarltet. Alldiseas- es of t•lte scalp ire either rel,evod or per- manently cured. A rich mud rapid growt2t•'n-law ttet Ldiennua at d rca trr 0111 fol n oflit I„ w rho vasaono. It rem.. u nthlar tranCm'rai . alts. Ila. e S o d 1 Tser era hla to Cslotr.'• of l h a)d drlluggist at: '•Hsu ttlet is s t _T 31, eI,staat �l par 18003.1 loco LyfOIi not oltataablt i n your own locality send di- rect to the sole manufacturer, enclosing pride. A llnittexwitxn, Paris Hair Works. 10:1 awl 100 To)tge street, Toronto. Per sale by (l. A.I1,:wham' ..l. Iiurt!rea-vies and al Drn.gists. including Parlor and .Ucilroelu S, i1es, :iidt'13,111118. liifehen, Fall Loaf and 111Xteusion Tables, &e. As we 1111,Cc our 11031 Factory fitted up with ;t I1ro17-class 11ry kiln and the latest improved machinery wt' will v,.0 141 unprecedented Low Prices. • ORS Liver Compile. • Dyspepsia, Pili,.nlaness, Sick.LIoadaoho Kidney Tro'b's Rlleu,natiem, Skin Diebases curl all inipur- Sties of thio Blood from 0110,13001 amuse arising, Female Weakne'.e eu.1 General DOblliiy. • 1'I 1tf:C3- '5001ET.S.00,31. 1610,3)1,1 q'6t:•1'- 1 ENT!: t.•d081, 6'a.E(13.141', FE<'T9..A6., ttA1,0:. ..:.MI' 1-04:31Z Dr, llodder's Compound 'fake no outer. Sold everywhere. Prier.. 70 cents per bottle. D11. HODDER'S COUGH AND L1JN CURE. Price Sold everywhere. 1 tns ee ., cage won :t0 tents per bottle, Proprietors anal manufacturers, gStr; 175uOx 11113 1310 (lo., T.>eesro, (tts. We aro prepared to 111011ish Funerals ou short notice,Co1HnsF , LA � l� Caskots, Robes, 4:c• kept constantly on hand and Soldt thi an most a al . ).. 1 ' a.. reasonable 1'atoi, First-class Hearse and outfit. Satisfaction Guar - 1888. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT • 1888 a1103d. EMB Temporary or artorial, no discoloring or unpleasant odor in the hottest woather. References—Mr. Saint. Si mho and Mr. Walter 3'110(800. Sash, Doors, ,Blinds and Mouldings kept on hand or 104110 to ardor. Custom work. of all 1(1113114 prompt- ly .attended to. 1?laths and specifications furnished anti estimates given. Smith & Maleol :m) OP a1:;;a.. A:_t\ I< S. LIVERPOOL & QUEBEC SERVICE • 1313018 Livl 110011. 1 5111 3111113. 1 311011 •40330 )01. April 20 Girt:ASS/ I ....Tiny 13 Al'r11 ]0..:., , annum -am - ....ittay 1. Maya Parisian .....clay 1t<0'. ;Polynesian ...Sino 3 Sardinian .,,...June ;Oiroaer:inm Juno 111. Sarmatian Jilt e111 Parisian .. .. ,Anne 0131 ;Polynostau Tuly G• June 21 ............... Sardinian July lie. Auto 20 lOiroaseian . July 110. .Tttly3 Sarmatian .711133 s1; Anly 1a Parisian ,....... \ng. A . July 20 1Polynostan Ang.iit '' July 20 Sardinian ...... _Ang.IA Aug. 1 I(ir0assiatl .,, .Avg, sea Aug.. 0 8armatian .:.Ai1g.t4t _ EROS or Passage by Mall Steenweg. e, Prim c To myratPco l . 'Cable eon, Vie and sea aeeording 1.0 w,cotn_• nuulatiel. Servants in Cabin, ,3A0, mut.. • mediate V30,Steuiag 420. iteturh tio)teltt•,; (I bin,1111i3, 0101 and 13143. 1'ntorroaidiattt,. 410. 9teoragO Ale 1 ltvlolyhosian (l3'eossimu or nth°r acr.• tratlottlhors. Oabin fifty, sixty and soon- ty dontr, according to aceolumodatie). it•:0.. May 1t gay )7 tiny 2i May lit Jule 7 Juno ten-,) • .10.15, ttlnnty solo ItUrl t ,d nn 1 ti.,:::. 11.11,1 t5:11, 11111)drnd int thine dollar.. Indra-. medi.tr.; ustydhllart. Str•t1,e tarts d)1.1. lit.:4.1tIVall,t,f: p u, v a, ort _nt 'Van a ,l His;'•gp-- �It:�ltil`. 11114 llphtnl`{�lllllly t1l' Pl'tl.'ll(llly In}' t�la il1Ca fel {;lie : 411)11(. c 1 t rtu 1.,,•,..1,,,::: rlt a �ogi,zr.,9.. ' r9':1 10 8ti 1 ie't. 1 th,l habit, 11.11!1 ;1,'3410' tl1 st•aate \tV rn 11 t t t le an' tt 1)r tlo0,)1114 thtIl' ! t 11 1 l l t t t i 1 nlcod r: er•, : Pat4 1111'(1 ill 11. 1101,i CT p0.'ih 13(11 110A1 tha11 OVcV to give 1113!f!tt'fi011t, to 01.11' 'r$,n ail nalpi1 3-, 4r 6i':9'Y.'q'.. . Bi 1188018. 1 eilstOnicl`,, 1.1. 11:11,C:t)1,11.lsriar (•.t 1 L,..