HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-4, Page 44
(i'.,,it ,"t5sL311Cbg.
Local A. Good.
l.ie'!e-- V. (iritnitn,
Pasters- Tilos P. ppm..
B1 to for fall J. 11. Smith.
bop to runt E, A. Martin.
No Singer- (eo. Love t ('n.
Teetnine Sewed li •"trd.
Jersey 13n11 (I. A. Deadman.
peteee', feel; P .r Pub. hoose,
Notice-- Mary We! and G. Humble,
Ser• ant wanted - Mrs. W. M. 5inelair.
lit rli %SCIS "Post,
,I "112.1 :11.11' 4, 1888.
Dill. ''Atlenrl l„ I.lb'1 a.1, was elected ni
Sent- last 'Wednesday by a majority of
109. At the p'•neral e:r,•tion his mojority
war, 119.
\Vtnt.t: we veil! never vota to license the
sale of intoxicating drink and firmly be-
lieve the principle to be wrong we don't
agree with the ee(tlmw_te of a corres-
pondent In this issee ee the subject of
carry in,u., out the enforcement of the
Crooks Act. We it to IT, Ile duty
of every law abiding 0 :we wh thcr it
suits his particular ideas or not to sup-
port the law of the land nail while we
aid in carrying out the restrictive clauses
of the Crooks Act we can be planning our
work for the uellering in of a better state
of things, which will be gained by Total
Tm' editor of the \\gingham Advance
in his last issue waxes very funny in at.
tributing the large number of cases being
heard at the Huron Co. assizes this week
to the Scott Act. Of course it was a
mere assertion on itis part unaccompaui•
ed by proof of any kind and shows that
be evidently does not even desire to pre-
sent the case fairly to his readers. The
Scott Aot has no more to do with the
majority of cases than the Dominion
Franchise Act. We -would like to hear
this muscular advocate of the Crooks
Act explain how it is that at the prereut
there are 21 persons confined in the jail
at Stratford, Perth Co. " There's no
Scott Act there.
Pnownssrosei. base ball is becoming
more and more a thorough gambling in-
stitution. At Albany last Saturday in
the game between the home club and the
Torontos the report says : "The betting
was 910 to $8 in favor of Toronto," bet
the Albany sloggers "whitewashed" the
visitors nine times. At Syracuse the
Hamill, ns played on the same day, the
report stating : "There was a good deal
of betting on Hamilton as they have al.
ways been the Star's'$cnuh." Score, 7
to 2 in favor of the home nine. There
used to be a time when boating, base
ball, ee., were entered into for tine love of
the sport but to -clay it looks like a grab
game and to a very large extent the peb-
lie look on these exhibition, 1110(11 the
name 0.; they w' uld on :'. -wheel of for-
I ts't'I'resaoy Hon. ('Ills, Drury, of
East Simcoc, was ew•01'n i11 as Minister
of Agriculture for the Province of On-
tario. The following brief sketch of the
new ne ether of tate Cable et is clipped
from an oxchanee :
Besides his other qualifications for the
office, lir. Drury fa said by a high jedi.
tial endue it v cei municipal matters to be
ane e.f the •v men in Ontario who aro
thiremehly 9111(111T r lilt 00 municipal
r,v t 11l." II 1 fn t1 ei c scars been -
one of the m-st 0r:tivet, labors of the
Comfy Council of Siulco`•, and Reeve of
his b:wnehip. As an agtiuunuralfst he
has long been well known. In 1878 he
was elected, without his knowledge and
in his absence, a member of the Council
of the Agricultural and Arts Assoofation,
as against a strong candidate who was
present. Ile has been elected from year
to year since without opposition, and
has been President of the Council. For
three years he was selected as one of the
judges of prize farms, For several years
11e was one of the examiners at the Agri.
=Rural College. In all these offices ho
discharged the duties satisfactorily.
Through moans of them and otherwise
he has made the acquaintance of nearly
all the leading ferment of the province,
and aiming agriculturists is probably the
most extensively known. Ile has a
thorough, practical and soiontif(c know1
edge of farming in all its branches, and
being a clear and forcible speaker, he'
will be of immense service in impressing
upon his fellow -farmers those approved
methods of husbandry by which he him-
self has achieved so much success, Ind
on which their prosperity so largely de-
303.'vireion, Court.
The Fourth Division Court was held
dere on Thursday, 26th ult., Judge
Doyle presiding. The following cases
c01110 1111 for hearing
Rose Bros. vs. J. 1I. Alexander-Currle
garnishee. Adjourned to next court.
Buyers ve, Drewe-Actionfor account.
Judgment for plaintiff.
Bowen vs. Corporation of township of
Grey -Adjourned by consent to next
Ellis vs. Bell- !roil. Withdrawn.
Dron vs. Blake--Aotion on account,
judgment for plaintiff r d immediate
Williams vs. Headman -New trial,
Action on promissory note. Judgment
for plaintiff
Buchanan vs EikeWhitinggfw'nisllee.
Naw trial as to garnishee. Judgment for
pleietifl' against „arnislire. for 81,
Moore vs. Thompson - Attarltment.
NO GM) 0.111e0.003.
Telly v, Cllint 1e, l cnrlell 31,11011
025( I1ete, faro roes t for plaintiff with
Ce•('V v,'. '!'h(e,ll' of Attachment.
Judgment for plaintiff for full awoult °tea N�.�9 a ' p�� q ® 1
and costs, a d W Li .(
Rogers vs. Pipe Disputer( account. '
Judgment for plaiutitl' for full amount
and caste.
\Vader(. Oraveline Disputed areount.
Judgement for plaintiff with (este.
Hose Bros. vs, 'Tait Dir:putcdacenml(.
Adj01171.led 10 next Court.
Nobel r5, Slingola l rt u.- Action 077
aeenitut,...Inclement for plaintiff.
Nebel vs. Dougherty -114„ awed 000
0' out. Judgment for plaiuuff.
flavors vs, 't'hnn,peon Attachment..
Judgment for plaintiff with costs.
Smith vs. Thoiipeon Attachment.
Judgment for plaintiff with costs.
liipptun cs. I'honlpsml _ Attachment.
Judgment, ,or plaintilt with costs.
Somerset ve, Hingst011 -- Action on
note, Judgment fer plaintiff with costs
to be paid forthwith.
A number of judgment summons were
heard and the usual orders made.
4ei(tsk t:t1 1Neewe,
Eau Claire, Wis., is badly flooded.
The Turkish Minister beehive recalled
front !Aflame.
The lens of the I.ick telescope. magni-
fies 33,01'0 times.
The Jews are to be expelled from llel-
singf; r•, in Russia.
There are nearly 300,000 Chimmnen in
the United States.
There 2000 scrim s rioting in Paris on
Saturda' night ever Boulanger.
Math Twain lost $10,000 in the failure
I of the London American Exchange.
Ie -an° Pitman, the "hither 1(T shorthaud
writing," is now seventy.lix years old.
u$alo will have fifty miles of asphalt
pavements laid by the end of this year.
The Icing of Spain has a salary of $1,-
000,-00 a your ani is only 18 months old.
The last emigrants with a- sisted pass.
ages left the Mersey for Canada Fri-
The printers of New York are talking
of erecting a monument in memory of
Horace Greeley.
A violin made of clay is now on ex•
hibition in Berlin. It is said to have a
strong and full tone.
Lord Leslie, a poverty-stricken Irish
peer, is travelling agent for sewing
machine company.
Bishop Wilson is the oldest preacher
in the Methodist Episcopal Church in
the United Steles.
Matthew Arnold's pension from Queen
Victoria as a man of letters is to be.00n-
tineed to his widow.
Count Herbert Bismarck has been ap•
pointed Minister of State and Minister of
Foreign Affairs for Prussia.
President Cleveland has nominated
Melville W. Fuller, of Illinois, to be
Chief Justice of the United States.
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher has given
the Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth, 2,.
000 books from her husband's library.
Experiments are being made on Pruss-
ian railroads with axle boxes fitted with
bearings of Vegetable parchment in place
of brass
When the Minn apolis baseball nine
won it'. first game The Minneapolis Tri-
huue remarked :-"Let us hope and pray
-but lot us bet cautiously."
The new quadrtplo press of the New
Y'rk e\ orld prints the largest unlnber of
Papers per hour yet attained in printing
press manufacture, namely 70,000,
Judge Shields, of Omaha, has decided
that when an attorney does not charge
more money for his services than his
client has, the fee is not unreasonable.
Prof. J. A, Lintner pieced the total
number of insect s, 0(ie4 in the world at
320,000. Of these funnel in North Amer-
ica 7,000 or 8.000 species are fruit pests.
and at beast 210 attack the apple.
A citizen of Eustis,. Florida, is said to
have CO combination tree in his garden,
consisting of a lemon, peach, pear, grape
f'uit, persimmon, orange and guava, all
grafted on one stock and all in bloom.
Major Templar, of the British Army,
who was rereutly tried by court martial
on the charge of having divulged army
secrets, and who was honorably acquitt-
ed, will be paid .93,000 as compensation.
It is evident front recent events that
the Mormon system of polygamy has re.
mol leader themselves are unllifying the
command:: In its favor that wt' e.givene
Joe Smith toad llrigham Young.
A syndicate of English and t11.1ncseta
millers is being formed with a capital of
92,000,000 to ship Dakota and 111nnosota
wheat direct to Liverpool. The (,main
will go via tho lances, The object is to
avoid mixing in transfer elevators.
Ex -Queen Isabella of Spain lives in
fine style in Paris. 8110 has a beautiful
hotel not far from the Champs Elysees,
surrounded, as are most European houses,
with et high wall. Her income is $800,.
000 a year, and still she is always in
Te now State house of Texas, the
largest Stateoapitolbuiltiing in the Unit-
ed States, was opened for the first time
Saturday night to the Legislature and
citizens. It was brilliantly illuminated
with electric lights and over 19,000 poo.
ple visited it.
The highest rcuorde(1 balloon as0e0t
was by Glaisher and Coxwell from Wol-
verhampton, England, on September 6,
1802. They rose to the height of seven
nilee. According to Glaisher, in 3,500
balloon ascensions only fifteen deaths
have occurred.
The Chinese colony in Chicago consists
02 2,000 souls, of whom only two are
women. About 100 of them are mar.
chaste, several of whom have fortunes of
9100,000 to 9200,000. four Arms, deal-
ing in tea, coffee and Chinese groceries,
have an aggregate capital of 9500,000.
.A now boat, called "Tho Ice Crusher,"
has lately been used in cutting a way
through theioe in thq,Streits of Mackinaw,
The boat has an arrangement in front for
cutting the ice, which is paid to be like a
rotary plow, and has macre its way through
ice 81 incites thick, and nearly as solid
as in January.
Dexter, the famous trotter, clied Satur-
day morning at timetable of Robert Bon -
nor in New York. He was just 30 years
old, having been foaled in April, 1858.
Ho died of old ago and exhaustion, Dox.
tor was the greatest trotter of his day,
He 2vas the first horse to trot a mile in
2:1.7}. Mr. Bonner paid $38,000 forhim.
Shortly after Joint L. Huiliyan's ar-
rival in Bestol lio called at the Herald
0,11101, and issued a ch011011ge In fight any
Ivan it: the world in a 10 -font ring, Lon-
don prize ring (0' Marquis of Queens.
berry rules, for 91 ''"") a side. A de.
posit of 912001va71 do 0""11 1110 ;Jerald
sporting odit0r, divan stn r, that ho
prefers that ilii in 1,r tidy) . ll ace( t
thmclmlten90 b' leo 0111(1". M'
eeived iia death Wow in Ital. The Mor- I
'Cite following Htallions will stand for the
Improvement of Week this
Season lee follows:
Warrior O'Cree.
Mooa2v,--Will 1 'welds own etablo, lot
9, eon. 12, tlrey, end proceed to Duncan
Taylor's; con, 3, (ircy, for noon ; thence
to Tilos, MoFarl'ow's for night, Tres -
u iv, --Will prooecd via I)l0evn10 to the
Qneen's hotel, Wingluam, f. r one hour,
thence to Robt. C'arrie's, sr„ Last Wnwu•
110511, for night. Wnnx1, i ov-Will pro-
ceed to Stewart's hotel, 1 0191000, for
noon ; thence to Joseph Scutt's, 411) line,
Morris, for night. Tomo ,t ,---\Viii pro-
ceed to Dan. McQuarrie's, 0th line, Mor.
Ids, for noon ; thence to the Central
hotel, Brussels, for night. FnInAY,-
Will primed to J.un. s 1lislep's, 111th con,
Grey, for noon ; thence to Wm. Fulton's,
10th coo, Grey, for night. Boat -RIMY, -
Will proceed to Robertson's hotel, Ethel,
for noon ; thence via Craubrook to his
own stable, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning. .leo,
MVMIT,L00, M. P., A T'uos. C:u.iw:n, Pro-
prietors, Tilos. Cemien, Groom, -
Lucky Getter.
ldoxl.(v,---Will leave his own stable, lot
30, con. 0, Morris, and proceed via Brns.
eels to Jamestown for noon • thence
along 2nd con., Grey, 3i miles, ten north
to Alex. Robinson's for night. TcssnA',
--Will proceed 1* miles north, then east
o0 con. 2, Hetrick, to :Mr. Hutohinson's
for 11001; thence east 1 anile, then north
14 miles, then east 1 miles and west on
(1111 con. to Joseph Hunt's for night.
Wi•.nxssner,--Will proceed through Ger-
rie to Jas. Galbraith's for noon ; 11101108
to the B line, then to Wm. Weir's for
night. Turusn,tr,--Will proceed along
can. (3, Turnberry. then north li stiles
to Wm. Job's for noon ; thence to the
Queen's hotel, Wingham, for might.
FRIDAY, -Will proceed 11; miles south,
then 1x miles east, then If miles south,
then If miles west, then to Thos. Abram's
for noon ; thence to Stewart's hotel. Bel -
grave, for one hour, then along con. 4 to
Wheeler's corner, then to Allan Spoir's
for night. SAT0reAr,-Will proceed via
Sunshine to A. K. Robertson's for noon ;
thence to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
then to his own stable, where he will re -
math until the following Monday morn-
ing. A. et J. Seem, Proprietors, J oux
WAtmosn, Groom.
Prince of Alves.
3loxe,r,--Will leave iia own stable, lot
0. con, 17, Grey, ani proceed east 2j
miles, then south 14 miles to John Ray's,
con. 14, McKillop, for noon; thence
south 1j. miles, then west to Jas. I1inn's,
Leadbury, for night. Trt:snav,---Will
proceed 00eet to Hulloott boundary, then
north to Peter McArthur's, Dlolr]0, for
noon ; thence 2.f miles east to gravel
road, then north to Cao. Smith's, con, 8,
Morris, fur night. Weexesney,-Will
proceed to Jas. McArtor's for noon ;
thence cast 11; miles, then north 11• miles
to David Smith's forone(tour, then via
Sunshine to Jon. McArter's for night,
Tneesnex, --- Will proceed to Central
hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence to Wm.
Hmbltirk's, eon, 10, tirey, for 1119111.
FRIDAY,- Will proceed to Robertson's
hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thence to Tuck's
hotel, Cranbrook, fur night, Hvrreelr,-
Willproceed to Dengald McTaggart's for
110011; thence weer to Ids own stable,
where he will remain until the following
:Monday. Gnoreir, TA11', Proprietor and
Groom. 43.2
The Oranbrook Lime
Are in full blast and a first-class
--SOLll 2010-
1271 Cents
g Per t Bushel,
41.3 tun V. 3dRUM Prof'.
1i/j',ORTGAllB FALB r,
—IN 'r;1(:------ .
To'2 natiifln9pGe'ra;.,•.
U nder and by virtue of the respective
powers of sale contained in two 0001)411
mortgages (which will ho ppo0011058 et time
of solo), time will b0 atom for sale by
Public Auction, at 011a Antcri.ctul hotel, it
the ''(Mage of Brussels, on
Thursday, Inlay 17t11, x888,
AT) O'OLOei( 38 Tan A171,011110017,
Parcell. -All and etntular tot No, 1.1, in
the 15th aonoeesion of the said Township of
Grey, containing 100 aures tome or less,
P arcel 8. ---All cod sin9.11110 lot No, 1.1, in
the loth 00000nsion of the said Township Of
Groy, aontaininf 1.00 acres mora 07 l080,
Those 1pr0pox fes aro situate about seven
and a -halt miles -from the Village of Brus•
gels, and two and a -halt miles from • the
Village of Oranbrook,
Upon Parcel No, 1 thorn is said to he a
Frame dwelling Iiouso and Vramo Barn
(bank),witb Stone Stabling under barn, an
in good repair. It lits good Wells, and a
large (lemmata main ruts along the
roadway in front of let. About s0 acres aro
Mid to 1,0 cleared and in good cultivation,
andther(' is said to he an orchard of about
ran 5070. Parcel No. 2 has about 710 00000
neared, 'There fe a mall creels which
waters all Is Propriety.
Terms and e,md1tiore main known on
day of solo,
l'or further part ia111a1's apply Co
Vendors' Solicitor.
'neatly, l'hadwlelt Il1neicsteek at (1017,
10 Wellington n 4i rooti 1. est Torint0,
Dated at Tel on to ,'p.❑.!t0,'Hti. 1041
Wm Martin,
AgCllt fol' 1170 follow1119 •(70tnpta11100: —T.
Hendry et Son, Seaforth, Plows of all
lauds, Lnud Rollers, Cultivators, Straw
Cutters, Mule crushers ; Tolson Bros„
Guelph, Pea Harvesters, Steol Flexible
Harrows, No. 7 Plows ; Pattorsen Brns„
Woodstock, Light Sto'l Binders, Oxford
Reapers f, rakes, Mowers, front end rear
oats, Hoar's llay Rakes, Petto'sou's 0002•
brood Seed Drill, 10 hoes, and cultivator
combined, 2 furrow Gang flows, Spring
Tooth llarr.ows 20 teeth, Spring Tooth
Cultivators ; A. Murphey ,4 Co„ Gne11,11,
Noy's Patent Reversible Ilay Car'r'ier and
Double Angle Steel Track, most 00111-
plete in Canada. A Speoial Bargain can
he had in Binding Twine, All aro sold
at Prices to snit these hard times.
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Imple-
ments sold.
Ver 'I. ii$.8.11.173EN,
1looso-Tressiater S'1'lllw'r, Bnresiu.s,
111011 SALE, OR WILL II1;Nr'1.'
10 0111 DOA parties, store with pow.
f,rtable and connotations dwelling, (Moil
reline, 1 acre of garden hl Hearing aµ1108.
pianos and si11(411fruits. flood stable, 11(1s-
ne+titnteeore•01 the hest 0)0,111ngn 111 Ott
7 111. fur a 50041 1u1rae5s-110,517, being 10 Ilio
centro 01 a st lrudid Inuuitn; 5(01 .00. 29,7(40.
•,t opposition 117 ttss ls, 7 ,hilt ' Listowel
13 male's \Itl y bra ring 1011 US 0111.70 it.
u the 111.0111140,. r11110i. 20-
J. & J. Livingstone
(lave n limited tnnuber of bushels of the
best imported
iIOLL1Nl) .1.1'1) nl'1('11 FL t1'.1h1D
for L•lr11n•rs it, the vicinity of Brussels
who intend raising Ilex during the coming
(eenion, which they are prepared to de-
liver in q ;entities to suit flax growers.
Can be got at the
tort 05E1.8 FI,.l9 11 NIX.
A11 see) given out on the usual terms,
Order early t0 ensure 1t supply. For flax
grown front this seed 'Pen Della a per
Ton will be guaranteed if of rood growth,
harvested in proper %moult (1(211 deli erod
of the Flax Mill as soon as fit for
J. et J. LIVINCH'1'1IN,
1'rOrnnerous 11110ast:l.s FLAX Mn.1..
MAY 4. 1888
141A\t FOR SAL1 --7111' UN.
intion5Srn offers for '(elle the north
east quartet of 1st ds, concession 0, morels,
(tonally of it arae, 0.110,11lin f. 50 ass's. The
hand is of ltrst (unlit), and to it 01511 (tato of
cultivation, well 031100,1 uud mulervdrniu0d,
95 Rer,.e ele'ere,1. New frame house, H t'o'mes,
milk Iumse with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good Using 011,1 shut, orchard, etc Eight
nares of fail wheat. Phis desirable property
alas the corpolaation of llrussels. Snit.
able terms will lin toren. 'Title pertain.
JAMES ((11.11;PA1, owner,
30. pox 250 11tor+-,,)' P.O.
Returned to Brussels!
(login's to state that he has main become
a resident of Brussels and is prepared te-
nth(' Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter
1Corlt, such es linns0 Building, Kuru
Framing, -hill Wrighting, stn.
1Gl will also 1,101(0 a Specialty of Moy-
iug Building -
Est i111gtes Cheerfully Given.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
in every instance.
)1013''1, AltAMSTON(i.
Beeby Ctari'iages, rrinE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs
the old
Baby Carriages.
Just to hand a splendid se-
lection of Baby Carriages which
will be sold at vory low prices.
in endless variety. T am pre-
pared to please the public in
this department.
Fine selection of
Ligli0 Heavy Harness
Giv 0 111e a call.
• Ego Emporium, N oT 1)001` Brussels Post 0. co,
Farmers .and others can depend upon getting frons
us the very highest Market Puce IN CASA
this season as we are going to ship extensively and require large
Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels.
Mrs. Wm. Ballantyne Son,.
Notic(Notice." 1 have much pleasure in informing 011 my
e - "o1d friends that my (laughter and grandson
will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by me
last year and I hope they will redeye liberal patronage.
- 'Hoi
SteadyEln,pinynlen tin Gond- Men.
None need be idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
We pay either Salary or Com-
100 lien Wanted
To Canvas for the Salo of Can- {
adian grown Nursery Stock.
�.Follth1.11 Nfll'4ei'iet5,
Largest in Canada,
Ot'er 400 .-teres.
Don't apply unless you can
-furnish first-class 1eferen(09, and
want to work. No room for lazy
mon, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic melt who want
work. AnT ass
Stone & Wellington,
:a'OYr11ltO4 0l2.t.
is prepared to attend to
Carriage Painting
itt all its branches, as well as
Sign and Ornamental
Ile has had years of oxpor-
fence and guarantees his
work to give satisfaction. A. rig
\veil pahltod is half sold.
Eistilntatos and, terms Cheer-
fully given..
fiIVJ!; J_IIl4T. A CALL,
Shop i. n the old «P(Mr' Publishing
Rouse, King street, Brussels.,
I ,t Testing to the Palmer&
,(lAL'I)Ih'F BROS., Implement Agents, desire to return thanks fur the ('0(01 ive
kJ patronage of the past year and beg leave to remind the Funningcommunity
that they still handle the Ct:r nnavtnn MASSEY S'rsltr, BINDER, 3,000 of which were
manufactured and 001(1 in 1887, Tns 11.1135111! Mowan ani Tnn Tamest() Mowne. To
kin the ale for the last 11 years
show the superiority of this last mentioned machine sales 1 ,
have over -run 2,000 a year.
We are also agents for the well-known and latest improved Beaver and Champion
Drills, and the Sharp Sulky Rake, the best ever mannfaotured. A largo consignment
of Pure illmlilla Binding Twine ordered for the harvest of 1858,
• Wo have sold and are selling a (area number of Bnohauan•s Iterse Forte, and Ek -
Vetere. No better in the market.
The Wilkinson plow and all plow repairs kept constantly at our shop. No lhe.l of
waiting to send to the ntanufeoturers for them.
Our Repair Room is thoroughly stocked witil all the necessaries for the 111aelliucs
w0 handle and can be supplied at a moment's notice. We mean business.
Call at our Wareroolns, near the Bridge, Brussels, and see for yourselves.
A Positive C u f'e
P ailtl,lesws Cure.
° i7"is-,
FACTS O$ itmEnv ,1° ,fit. a 1., .,A ESS
_ Y;111r.AS091 (7S' M,AM.
1 . �/ . i i'P�7`_ :3 C' )t "S ;p ,C2 'IC :L•TCm E3,.
1r ISlT 4J .J', ((' SPL.26. 7'gL Ii11 "E 68'°.Y.'A8,
Ile of of healing, and !Weimer of Medicines,
))-.'r,t ,;. Woo:retitle cortsegsteaees of indiscretions,
„ 9•:xpoolero and 0ecr770117.
S' O'Li 1111, ' VI :C";D c)a=; rte- EYe v GS N17 oz.= 3vrititz'
\Viio aro broken noun Irmo 111.1019000 of shuns wi11 (111d in No. 8 a radical cure for nervous.
1e2p1:'v nra410 weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc,
Srnmxone Tient wee o No, (0112.0 1,a Ust n: -Wont of energy, vertigo, want of purpose,
dimness of sight, r p o ,1 t'.2 / .odea', want of confidence, evoidanoo of conversation,
desire for soli t 'II , (011 1t1a1111ity 110 1)0 1110 attention on a particular eubjoct,
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