HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-4, Page 3MAT 4, 1888.
:d^T1M 51,143 d'ar—.w--` - MY91ISr=Odr➢r• . .. 1&1/113 - -WEAL LNLI 1 MAN
A h01'10, I Clasen to which ouch application Alexander ennsod his Macedonian son ; and, no, frons time to time 1
" ' relates, the connoil shall, wit 1Iii 1 told,.,e e 1)0 clipped, lest their en- have gone 1, the gruuti(l10 tie. t;, ray
TWO 01101018 000%1413eaN 000W(Y, r;:p•, one month nftor .the receipt or pre envies should mike t8n of their 881(800 with vieiturd, I have el ways
terrl'UI.r. 'nal ,.)'110140 110104,1.8. .. .r su1:h npplicati0n, lues bniuds 0s l o 11188 in the fight.
auby law giving el1'00t to the 8utd 2erei to Kings wore long boards
Quito nunvr ] .born was 31»decided a plioatiou end requiringall 8111 18 10te80Ove13 with golden threads,
at 1J»r11t, ill Dearborn county, lad,, 1.1 1
Inst aridity, Wm. Liddle, a .mer•
within 1118 municipality, belonging while slaves in the soma country 08 ranks second. It is very prolific,
cheat, nod Jesro (31103, It blacksmithto the class or cheese. epeciflt 11 ie were Atwell 08 la Sign of servitude. hardy, but not (i firm berry, stud
of the village, offered to veneer $25 the uppllaatiun, l4 be 01088(1 1u.10µ Whim the Normans Bought to thus not so marketable. It 11(1>) •
that they 0,0111 out pull tiny two the 1 cried of the ye 118, and at thu co1Lpol the I+luglish to shave, its they a flue show ou the broil), bat do��8
11,,rtc•tl in the umnship. 841,, time,. end home mentioned in 111.x1 did th8111111ve.», many chose rather not pick s0 readily as the Chlthb,it.
111 it, 0 farmer, Who pussoesad ,i behalf in the appliention. abau len their ewe utry than to .Lt has rather a poor color and
fi,,,, tram, 1,,,,d be 111 vel 1h(iy 01(411,1 (4) A ecal 010001; may by-law .cru their obi -kers, ripens esu,parottvelyearly. Turu,lr
make ri guleli, n- ns 11 let form re 111 the Bayeux tapestry King Ed- O'eues 11rxt, of geed flavor but net
e.,rii the Om/lesserOm/lesser is represented very firm berry, and consequently
either with a brard like a Lunch of nut a good 1'hipper ; hardy and
radish88 or a lurked board and long eeem8 as if at wool 1 grow nudes
moustache hnuging dutvn, while adverse o0uditions bottol than too t
quite tuu„thor sort of appendage varieties, bat not au early berry.
8410(118 1114 011111 in a painting at 11er8tine liar not dune much with
Ww ttni.mller Abbey. us. Ice bearing season see 3 4 51i•,rt ;
i , ,ovublu strut,l.,,4 co. cump,.,:.•.,y ar,,i, a hoe,' Cm rt, 1;+18 11 ft. upon record tluat berry 8uft ra11d 1141103fairly t ar,ly.In
forma t)IOV "non jnd00c•1 1r, fr.+'or 0f
this variety, popular both for home
and market nee. Philadelphia faith
ontpn11 rtuythine it me a poi nepies
ter to a ottani ('opine, accepted the
bet, and Friday afternoon, in the
presence of a eoncmtreeof neighbors
and iriende of 1110 8» np8otive coil
temente, the tient of strength wee
male, Liddle tied (rim las flat on
tial+ lecke will, heir fee firmly
t+1.y application to bo elude tu,cb.r
the preceding .tib-etetion, and as to
11133 evidence to bo produced respect
tug the prriportiou of porseus sloe•
iso e1Cb upptieatien, 340(1 118 to the
elarslfioahuil of oboes for the put'.
pores 01 'tote tuition, and It shall
tonced against an u u c, 110011 to hese a bylaw under loud ental 111 Britons tore no hearth., Niagara has given e, fair yield, batt
ton. 1111 1Iljlrll far the 1,urporo, aunt , rb ,80tie.n 00188-• alai 1(3101 ;11 they (411(81 halt I7 grow tete. (lake is a large, bri4bl,
ei h it heads pocking trout the 1
huuvcs, they veru hitched ant-hl.uac, tiled, with 1'sspe011 to the appli0a
of forty feel away to a pieeu co tile -
31 wade 11,1 ru:ur, all durh rer01'.'
111 r held firmly ' in the halide of rho tiolle hnvu been observed
(5) 11 the ,l11plieetiou in0Lte:we(1
CI(:(d by the horses tithe! pull'l, 111 the text pre0eding too enc•SVC
plobliiiI0 men, '1ne res
upon the appal lip, and Strebo hp/mous berry, but soft and tot
hearse tee:i m/1.y of an opposite sort, very prolific here ; 041008 tender.
exiting of 14eilly Inlanders in his highland Hardy is a smell bush,
thou, whu80 101(0111 It watt to gr00 ' anda poor gruwer, lender with (18,
beat1is, goat fnelnui, to a point, be- killing dozen Land bearing soft
the timber from the men or 11211.tit 1/14 is 101verad to too clerk of a low the chin, berries. Brandywine has produced
uuilil,t thein 1111,14, we44ou Lid
10 0141 1.1011, r ,'11,t 11 110 (11.0100(1 to hate Some flits years ago a certain some fair grope, but on the whole
111»' 1' feet, clue: 1118.(. triose and Leen pre d:n4cd to and r.'00ive.1 by hi, nchinet,'s n{ per lip 0141' µrac1ed 4:• dune peet Iv. Thwack has not
Dine 111111 L1tC9 S tinily pulling ; eaUll
the council within the 400an111 ; ,0 by (t flu 1LH inuUSta060 of ouch ON. fruited well,
11 1,0 1118 eatnul of the contest, while °ilio pr881111 ,4) 1.0 »,1( 00, ti r, niieat) length that it was his 131ack.•—ti0nu 111100 dour ruluark-
th0 r•xertrd fainters tied villagers
er+'w rl1 d around the parties to wit -
nese this singular fent of strength
and endurance, shall before diet date be publisue(l
The horses tyro different times 81 such mn.uner 318 to the local
meta whipped tutu pniiiug their In unwed pa1siug the by law may tip
1 yet, l:ut with distended muscles pear best fitted to memo the public
anis ewcllieg veins that told of the
ity thereof.
(7) A local 000418il e11a11 1.W have
tl,e ;ower to repeal a by-law, pur•
111(801 to hub -section 3 of this Seo
tion, except as provided in the next
(6) Every 911041 uylaw 811411 +aka c0.ta,,. b,:f:,,c a ulcal to tin it, with
effect ata date named therein, beiug the 1 11u1(8t graVity, behind 1118 head,
out less than one nor more than two
weeksafter the passing thereof, and
terrific strain try nn them the pros-
Ios•tram men held the horses to their
position. At the third trim] the ex
cited fainter leebed his horses to
force them to their utreo<t when
by a sudden jerk, the timber in the following Bub 8004011.
Inside of the resi,.ting men, and to (8) It at any time it is made to
appear t0 the !malefaction of the
commit that more than one.third i1.
011101104' of the occupiers of shops to
o birth any by law passed by the
0uu10i1 nutlet the authority of sub
sectew 13 of this eieitiou relates, or
,.1.y 4,318, of 813011 ^h ,p', are 0p
posed to the COnt1UU&Uee of Snell
by nit,, the kcal council lacy repeltl
the bailie in 80 far US it affects such
chars ( f 1110p8 a l.''ur08aid, but nay
such repeal shalt not affect the
power of the couuen to 11w10nftcr
rue soother by la0 1101(1' ally of
tee provisiou8 of 1111:, section.
(0) A .hop in which trades of
two er Wore 01111)340,1 are carried 1n3
33)1,311 be eluted f .r the purpose of all
80011 trattee at the hour at wbich it
le by any 8110)1 by law required to
be closed fur the purpes8 of that
0110 o such trade; as is the principal
thud(' carried on 111 staid shop.
(10) A. pharmactutical chemist,
1.r etlemlet and druggist shall not
our snail any occupier of 0r por6oll
employed in or about a strop in any
village bo liable to any fine, penalty
1.r puutsllment wider any such by
law, for supplying medicines, drugs
or medical tappIiancee after the hour
appointed by such by law for the
closing of shops ; but nothing here-
in contained shall be deemed to
authorize any person whomsoever
10 keep open shop After the hour
,appointed by snob by law for the
closing of shops
(12) Where au offence for which
the occupier of It slop i4 liable
under any each by law to any fine,
penalty or punishment has in fact
been committed by some agent 'or
servant of such occupier, such agent
or servant shall bo liable to 11110
93108 fine, penalty or punishment as
if he were the occupier.
(13) Where the occupier of a shop
is charged with nu offence against
any 1.0014 bylaw he 8114111 be untitled,
upon information duly laid by him,
to have any other person whom he
charges as the actual offender,
brought before the Court at the time
appointed for the hearing of the
charge ; end if, after the commission
of the offence has boon proved, the
said occupier proves to the satisfae-
l10n of the Court that he has used
duodingonce to enforce the exoonbion
of the provisions of the by-law, and
that the said other person committed
the offence in question without his
knowledge, consent or connivance
or wilful neglect or default, the said
oeoupier shall bo exempt from any
fine, penalty or punishment; but
the said other person shall bo liable
to the eaten fino, penalty or punish.
meat therefor as if 110 were the 00
(14) l3ubjeot to the provisions in
this section contained, any by -late
passed by a looal cannon under the
authority of this Act shall for all
purposes wbateoever be deemed, and
taken to have been passed under
and by authority of Tito Municipal
Act and as if this section had formed
part ofTho Municipal Aot; and this
section and The Municipal A0t shall
be road and construed together as if
forming one Act.
1.'`x5111011 le ilerds.
which the horses were hitched, 8uap
poll i1) two piece', ;he cull of one
p1,•,,4` libeling Orlin 111 the nide as 1t
Meet., reuderieg him uuco138cious
1,•, nearly an hour. 110 11 as sup
poi (d 10 be deed, but finally tocuv-
er, u. and is ant of nil danger of
41ri, n>. Icsu)th from 11, blow.
lint now, in- the third trial was
1.,.l detern.i1ed before the 34001114011
eee14rred, a (118011le hos arisen 00,r
0I• 1 war(ling of t140 ul0uey, arid the
ire; ;(cid. th.. a •0800(1
mess bo had as soon a, the patties
4,r: all r, ode and the w0ntner per
'1111, : 1l01'8 Rlit»ULA'I'ION ,tt'`C.
1, This Act may be cited ns ' The
Ontario Shops' Regulation Aot,
1)4:+t) „
2—(1) Celesta the context other,
w•i•e 1. quires, the following wur11..
1104 ('xpreoeiona 14, 1111. 8804101 Itnd
ie 1.) try law 1'8#01 under Om pro
visions of this section shall have the
iteaniug hereby assigned to then)
resp, 01108!y, that is to say
"sllcp" menus any building or
portion of a building, tooth, 8 all
or place where goods are exposed or
offered for sale by retail ; but nut
where the only trade or bu8iuess
carried on is that of a tobace0niet,
news agent, hotel, inn, tavern,
victualling house or refreshment
home, nor ;toy promisee wherein,
11801' r license, ep18110008 or formeul
ed liquor is bead by retail for con-
sumption on the premises.
"Closed" means not open for the
selling of any customer; provided
that nothing in this section or in
any bylaw passed under authority
thc7cof 8131111 be doomed to render
11lawful the continuance in the
shop, after the hour appointed for
closing thereof, of any customers
who were in the shop immediately
before that hour, or the serving of
such e18t0merd during their can
tiuuance therein,
"Local Council" means 111e lnuui-
cipal connoil of a city, town, or in
corpornted village, as the case may
"Municipality" moans the city,
town, or Incorporated village, the
municipal council whereof, either
upon application made in that be
hallo: otherwise, pasties any by-law
under the provlli0ns of this section,
(2) Any local council may by
bylaw require that during the
'whole or any pert or parts of the
year, all or any class or classes of
shops within the municipality shall
be elo80d, and remain closed on each
or any day of the week at end 0011.
tinuously after the time end hour
fixed or appointed in that behalf by
the by-law, but any such time or
hour fixed or appointed by It by-law
passed tinder the authority of this
subsection 811011 not be earlier than
80v0n of the .clock in the afternoon
of any day.
(3) 1f any application is received
by or preeentcd to a local enuncil,
praying for the passing of a bylaw
requiring the 01o81ng of any class or
classes of shops situate within the
municipality, and the council le sat-
isfied that such application is signed
by not loss than three.fourth8 in The modern habit of weaving a
number of the occupiers of shore full beard and moustache has come
within the an1tnicipality and belong- into 3180 siuco the (tees of 1110 Crint-
irig to the oleos or each of the . eau war,
that there 'night be 1.0 impediment
to 111e full oojoymeet of 1118 food. plotely. David/eel's Thorulcse,
though 10111ed badly, has proved to
(1'13'1{',t't'19N 0 !us t'l>[tltfi:i. he a strong grower and Ilan furnish-
- - — 1d some good fruit. Gregg is a
118.1. 11011441I\TON, 31* A., 33.,1.1'., Pa001i9801) little late in 8011800 and 11148 also
01' rST111)38 8I880111 AND 01101,008.
ably well. 11.11 have suffered con- ,
siderably from our colt .48.311!0118,
Many stills having .lied out cult- 1
slaving had considerable experi
e110e at the Agricultural College
during the past seven yeer44 in grow
wg raspberries, I purpose in this
bulletin to give our results.
The area planted in 1881 consists
of about four acres and forms part
of 11to orchard set apart at that
time, 50 tilat whi10 the apple trees
have been growing tho land has not
been idle, but bearing yearly a crop
et r1' phe riga. As the trees are
Luta 13a0hillg tt 0one1(lerable silo the
r111pberry plot all] be obaugcd and
the 11tu11 u•ed solely for the oachard
Cn1Drrro044 0Ual(OUNDINO TI11) CANES.
Luouti»'o : L .titude norbb 43 dogs.
10111 , height ab.lvo sett level 1,-
100 f," t, ebov.' Luke 01)13 -i0 958
Exposure : Westerly inclined to
(Vrth ; n., 5110iter of any tae0011Ot as
Soil: fllay loam and somewhat
grl(velly ou the north and 0080 Bides ;
partially drained.
Meteorology : Mean annual tem
14(38141111.' of 1880-6 42 2 drags. ; mean
tt41wmer temperature 571 legs.,
4ritll1r 27.83 (legs ; highest temper
more (1881) 08 dogs , lowest (1894)
35 clot;... below zero; average num-
ber of dayt rain fell por year 72 ;
rltiufllll, including snow, 24'7 inches;
prevailing winds, southwest 43 per
cont., northwest 81 per cent.
Tho canes are i1. rove six feet
apart, while the planta are about
five feet apart in the row. This
renders cultivation with the horse.
hoe oomparatively easy, and thor-
ough 00itivai1On is carried on duo.
Mg the summer so as to steep down
weeds and rainier the soli loose and
friable. In bummer, during the
time of growth, the young canes are
kept cut back to about two feel so
as to encourage a busily habit. Tun
plot is manured at least every s000ud
year Wo 11m1e pruned in the
spring, believing th ,t an advantage
iy gafaed in leaving the old canes
through the winter with a view to
their aesfsting in holding the snow
around the 11ueho8, and thus serving
as a protection to ` climate com-
paratively severe. Early in the
spring the old manes are cut out mud
the number of 01111014 14, each hill
reduced to not more than six (usual-
ly four) and cut hark to about 81
feet in length. We do nothing to
protect the 03088 (luring the winter,
except leaving the olcl ones, which
serve to steep the 81100 upon t110
0(11114TI118 AND N011B1eli PLANTED.
'iced.—Philadelphia, 617 ; Oath -
bort, 376; Thwack, 84 ; Turner, 96;
Herstiue, 115; Niagara, 99; Clarke,
44; Highland Hardy, 114; Bawdy.
wine, 86.
Black Caps.—Davidson's Thorn.
less, 04 ; Dorchester, 12 ; Gregg,
217 ; Mammoth Cluster., 150,
White.—Caroline, 12 ; Seunderb'
IIybrids. No. 53, 50 ; No. 70, 18 ;
No. 72,16 ; No. 57, 12 ; No, 50,
12; No, 67, 5.
111011LTS 014 0111,TIVATI0N,
Rod.—Cathbcrt has proved to be
by far the host with us. Though
s0mowliat tender, it has stood one
sovoro climatic conditions well and
proved itself 4o be prolific, largo,
good calor, firm and of delicious
flavor. The severe, winter of 18811-
b7 injured many of the canes. It
ie 004110W11at late but extends the
time of berries, and is a variety
40141011811011111 b0 found in every ra81)-
berry plot. Growing sfdo by lido
with the Philadelphia, an excellent
opportunity is 'found . for- eomperi-
suffered, but has yielded a fine large,
firm berry. Mammoth Cluster bas
killed out very 0)1)011; it ie medium
eu11y. Saunders' IIybrids have
proved themselves to be prolific;
the berries are inclined to bo soft;
a good flavor, but a very poor color; where the 001k will
being a cress between thu Red and
Black, they have the color of neither
the one nor of the other, but a sort
of mouldylike appearance. This
no doubt would effect their sale, but
for home nee these berries aro
worthy of to good place. They scum
to possess the flavor of black more
than red berries.
White.— Caroline has been fairly
prolific and comparatively hardy
1. Wo have beers very encevetriul
111 „btamiug neati:.feemry yiebi from
red raspberries, especially the first
mentioned on the list.
2. Wo aro inclined to believe that
lettvoug the old canes till spring aids
in keeping the suety about the hill
and thus serves as it protection dur-
womeamcaa6geusA1"rTiliTdl@1:4tilErenwaro'�.Lc.•y'StYCWu., ._.. ..
5' Ito 0
be (lone Neatly Cheaply and. Expeditiously.
fug the winter months.
8. Our climate is rather severe
00 black varietie8.
4 (3reaud for raspberries should
be well drained and thoroughly cul-
5. The best Red varieties are ;-
01.1U/bort, Philadelphia and Turnor;
of Black : Gregg, tlarninobb Clus
ter end bounden' Hybrid (57) ; of
White : the Caroline. These make
up a collection likely to do well in
must places in Ontario.
6. Partnere, with a little
cars and a 8ma1'l amount 01 labor,
might easily grow raspherriee for
hose 080 and thus save many la
toilsome tramp and weary Lour to
members of their household who
strive to gather wild raspberries
from patches where fruit is obtained
raider most adverse euudition 8,
OaaaacdSalu Ne'wee.
Ool. Goldie, of the British Army,
will bo in the country shortly buying
At Kiugssy Palls, Quo., on April
15th, Mrs. ;Robert Brown gave birth
to triplets, all girls.
The Kingston Cotton Company
forwarded Its first eoneigmne011 1.l'
cotton, 120,000 yards, to (Una last
Poropaugh line engaged a young
man 01(100(1 Bishop, of Lyndon, ons stilts of Mangold Carnot, Turnip, Peas
Ont., who is 7 foot o Mabee tall with
his 0110811 off.
CSR 1 J FI)R1 116 LI C
Post Publishing Rouse, Brussels,
l:_SP 's,..'`1:1-2km k''t'."WA
e)fi2 9DJ Co
Garden and 'field Seeds,
A curiosity 18 to be 48001) 011 the
premises of 8. Annie, Brock. He
has a ewe 0)11011 gave birth to trip-
lets, and two of them aro white
while the third is spotted like a
Two months ago a 000 belonging
to James Macdonald, of Mardon,
gave birth to two lambs, Ono day
Inst week the same ONO became the
mother of another pair. Her four
yroullg ones aro all alive and doing
Peters, (11 New Sarum, etc a
eau of 8ahnoit and half a dozen soda
biscuits and drank half a gallon of
weaal' the other day iu seven min•
istes, having wagered with 'T'lsomlae
Johnston that he could perform the
gastronomic foot in twelve minutes.
A letter has been received from
3.'.L'otzell, of St. Thomas, now 10
Germany investigating the Tani'
estate, to the effect that he finds the
property worth four 1111111011 pounds.
0a8 left by 1a grandfather of the
elder'2otzell now residing in Canada,
He set sail for the United States, 1
but being wrecked on tho shores of
Canada, he eettlo F at Toronto.
Corn, (00,
200 Two -Bladed Jack Euives
at, 10 (.'0018, half priest, (lot otebefoi'o they are all gone.
I .1 tvu d (1 "41:11'111111,11itu11 Dy ('.ou1pa14i1;011 1(1
tron;tlllea011111111 y'Slee ef;;ie( lt. 11Ildtdsont"
Boosr with each pnnn(i•
Oranges 15o. Per Dozen,
Coats' New Irak 1 groovy,.