HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-4, Page 22 Dircotory of Mambo and Saoiotioo, itlst.v1 .wt t rn Jut.—Sabbatla Services at 11 a.m. end 3;30 p, 'n. Bentley Sohool tit 2:30 p, m. Rev. John Ross, 13. A., pastor. l{yeN Cur ,:.t Sabbath Services at 11 a. m. ,01, I. 3::t0 p. In. Sunday Selool at 2;10 p, .IoItN'S (11IPRPn.--S.tbbatil Sorvious at.11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at '0:30 a.ut. Rev. W. '1. ('tuff, incumbent. vIrmnomsx ('nrnru...•Sabbatla Services at 10:30 a. 10. and (:30 p. 30. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev, 11. Swann, pastor. 1$o inN 0+nt fie Ctliralcn.--Sabbatll Service third Sunday in every month, at 11 a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea priest. OLD 1'ELLo47i Luisa; ,•1.rj Thursday eveuiug, in Graham's block. MisosieLoren Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block, A. O. C. W. L000i: on 14t •iu3. ant llon. day evenings of each month. 1'om(smsaT' LcL..n and and last Monday evenings of each month, in Snlale's hall. L. 0. L. let Mouday in every month, in Orange Hall. POST Orrrer.•..Ofilee hours from 7:30 p.m. 111tcntNrrs' luivri1'r•rL heading Ronm itnd I. 1 rsry, in Hoboes' blurb, will bo open from Ei La S o ..lo •1t p.m. W edoesd^.y e and Saturdays. Miss Minnie Show, .Lib- rarian. Bars.los W. 0. T. U. bold monthly meetings on the :3r1 Saturday hi each .firs. Swann, Pres. Mrs. A. btraeh,a,, See, SALVATION :i11304 servieen at 11 R. Ill., 3 and 8 o'clock pan. on Sunday and every ' avenin„ in the hook at 8 o'clock, at the I barrack., Capt. Butes in command. Iriflr.cll'S (orntr. A 130Y OF ram WORD. You may sing of the heroes of yore, Yon may speak of the deeds they have done, Of the foes they have Blain by the score, Of the glorious ba.tles they've won ; You may seek to enterize their fame, Andfit may be with goodly success ; But it is not the warrior's name That my heart nod my spirit would bless, Though oft at their mention my soul has been stirred, Yet dearer to ma is the boy of his word. You may speak of the great ones of earth Of p, elates, of princes, of kings ; I doubt not there's something of worth In the bosom of all human things ; But dearer to me than the whole Pageantry, splendor and pride, Is the boy with a frank, honest soul, Who n, ver his word hath belied, Yea, prized above all that this earth can afford, Though lowly and peer, is the boy of his wor.l. —Union Signal. A GOOD I:iCIPE. no n((LL'N 01:I8T"N. Margarot Royton was always call- ed "Meg. Sim had been "Meg" ever eiucu silt was a .pretty little baby. She had never been Keown by tho title of "i'aby ,' . Lo I o•11(ed wonder. full} i., _ a 1 ' a-• s!r+ ::a, t.0 the 0 • -, ::it!1 1..:r t upon thi: fen- der, 11 snowy oft 'ru:.n3) it: laid wciutcr, .. Oat t{:ry:1J- poir,•uu a, f: 'YL(e aunt and con ic, Ower;, t, hairs come) 00 a v.'s - i", and 111.W a 1 , r'r uu had arrived instiool, To oity diet 'hey wero not gbh. .0 1osvo hoitofor a few days. It (.:ally 0,f: too; it1 .. "Aliso buret into tears as she tat ihcro thinkin i about it ; and hefore she 111.1 dried thein away again, her mother came tubo the room. Site bad gong out directly after rodding the tot:,c ram, eo MIeg hal hod a 1111 1 11::juu ,1 or rn hour ;..,1 to 1" !aid. her mother ,1 it all a!,•,at..uuttc enc ecol,o Mot; c:10thou nod buririt her foco in her a h ., lap :End for a foto 110.1111:0:e,14t4.1>1 ear:' fell thick and fist. I w.:uld:l't u-riud 11they hadn't eaii they wort: cowing ; but it is 140 111 roli1 t11, 30 tlisf;ppoilL'd 1" she exclaimed prlr(entiy, "i>by, yes, 1t ecrtan,y 10 1:0t rico. 31.ar me 6(11 Meg ; have 1 over given yon my recipe for disappoint. meat ? No 1 must not coil it Willa ; it was an alit gentleman who told Inc of it igloos I was u::ly :1 Iit;.Io child like you ; bit I have often made 1180 of 11, 11)1:l Yalu() it vsry much. "A to cit.° amanita 1" exclaimed lies ; "I thought they wore things that had. to do with cooking," "They have sometimes, but not always. ', Thu ono Inas. no particular connection with pies and cakes. It is very short a1>1l.aan be remember- ed without being written down." Meg was quite curious by this time, and looking up eagerly, ask ad : "What: is it ;)„ "Just this : 'whenever you aro disappointed or fool ,sad,. go and mako wino ono else joyful.' Now, Meg, you and I aro both d18111> pointed this after+""n,-401 I Jan very sorry, 118 we11 ;ao you, abou -Auntia.anel Flog—too 1 prop000 that we try the recipe. Yon know 01) 1lre. I?e0r:on ? she has a very hat. ii r ' co t,eati • ; o ' o°f 1, this Icl tai Elm y . knout Ate can scarcely move at all alto has rheumatism so badly. 1 d t1 woolen 011a4'l that I finished the til( evening I will give it ; aid ! 011 shall take 11 if yon lute." "Oh, ye'.. I should like to tako it ver} much 1" cried Meg, springing to her feet. 'I1 1.' very oald, and (lore is still 44 t;t:nu 410111 of 0110W on the .ground ; but if you put 011 your thiclt bouts, I don't think you }till be any tho wort- fur going," said Mrs. Hayton, .'cud 1 min quite trust you to go so far alone, eau I not r "0, yes, mamma ; I really won't 1 101 or 1 I'll walk gniehly there and boot:. A few minutes inure and Mc•g wao running before the wind, a. fast as hes lege could carry her, in the di1•, otnu of the village. he 1 Ilea forgotten bow ead she hall boon foelii.o, and by thu time she had t(nacked at the door of Mrs. Pear SOD'S ce'ttage alio looked as bright 1114) 1111rry as She lead ever 110110 in her 1)1-. ":Ste," she said, when the old lady at last heard her told canto to 1. do ., "I hove. brought yon a 110'03,1 from mamma, Mfrs. Pear at) . I wooden if yon eon1d guess ado; i, is ?" But poor old .lire, Pearson shook her he'id and declared 6110 was no' "guesser " ; it wasn't a bit of good fur 11er to try. "WVoli, I'll tell yon part. then pe.haps you can guess the rest, it's a ehtiwl. Now, what color is it ?" —"Black, boric ?" "No it isn't black ; mamma doesn't 111(e black shawls. Guess again, please do." ho the old lady had another try. Was IL green ? "No, nothing half so ugly as green ! It's grey. Theeo now, I've told." By this time the parcel was on. done, and Meg stood silent while Mrs. Pearson held the shawl up, and looked at it, and triod it on. "It's beautiful," ebo said smooth- ing it down with her thin, long fingers. "It's the handsomest present I've had for a long time." "Mamma made it all herself," said Meg. "Did she though ? God bless her, nod yon too, with your happy littlo face 1" (Mrs. Pearson did not know how different that face had looked half an hour before). "Will. yon give my best thanks to your mother, and tell her how much I like the beautiful shawl ? You won't forget ?" "0 no 1" Oxelaimel 'leg ; and oft she ran again. • The wind wa8 against her all the way home, and it blow so bard Jho had quite a stru;;glo to get along. When silo got 10 she looked very much blow» ttb„ut ; 11er hair was all in disorder and her hat on one aide, but she had the rosiest of cheeltr, and it was with a very hap. p}' smile that she ran to hos moth. 01 to tell her about ,lira. Pearson and the shawl. ' "Well, Meg, what do you think of the rscipo ?" asked Mrs. Ifayton, when she had listened to the old Mays message of thanks . Meg laughed. "Pm surd it's a good one," she said ; "better than any coat has in her groat old book in the kitchen." CFc)mus o,fThought . A contented spirit i8 tho sweetest of existence, Sighs are poor things to fly with. Knowledge: io dearly bought if wo eacrifico to it moral gaalitias. hemember every moment of ra- 01H1aac0 to temptation is a victory, bolf•mado men aro most always apt to be a leotia too proud or the job, 'ilio :1lastor'd }cork may slake weary fact, but it 101111.4 the Spirit glad. A Christianity without mystery is to unphilosophical as it is un - scriptural. Nobody over outgrows Scripture ; the book widens and dcopons with our 31ars. Perceiving of Christ bespeaks our knowlodaa; but receiving Him be. spooks our faith, Human things must bo known to bo loved, but divine (hinge must be lovod to be known. It is not by attonding to our friends in our way, bob in t}leire, that wo can really avail them. Liquor dealers havo dollars at stalte. Christian men 311(110 sons at stoke. Which are the most Valu• ablo it is anathcr's fault if he be tui grateful, butt it 19 mine if I do 'not give. `i'o !'ind ono thankful roan I win oblige many that aro not so, vicar lc a.°, is only a tiny room rf :r all, and if you cram it full of 1it:• world, you relegate your ''aste to tho etabl, "ut,ul.. If you hoot: 111111y i;ivtt31 np Your hoart (c; God in private, lte, y ur lifts will 011:uw forth tho probe o God in tt, i ; if God boo thec .1 111 , »i 1,n� p ) think, oho. 13001(1 liko that wf(r'> sure of 1110 life THE BRUSSELS POST Vat a'lcotion, Whoa Joe Catuborliiiu recelv00 Iris title, he eon justly 011(1113 leader' Tip of the codfish aristoeraoy I de11ar0 Mrs, Sgutldie is as pretty 04 i1 picture,' remarkod Mr, '+1(,5svtilig o. 'No \vendor,' replied 1114 30>fe, '511'.' is liana patntod. "PLOTORIA for wide. "1'1 CTOT,IA" for roughs. PLCTOIU.A"for rho lungs. 1.'t0C•rO1tiA"for the Brollohial tubes. PECTORIA" the best, the safest, the cheapest. "PPCTOIIIA" tate great 25 cent Cough Remedy. A 80181111st says it (01(51) may be picked up if 11 is (lona quickly. Yoa; it is when Elle 0aep 18 laid down again !ho (10150 begins, I)oe:or : The shin's all horn off your tongue. How's thiat? Aro. you a sword u:l'illto,vr'r ?—Patiout : No, amt.; I'm 14 labor itgitat'r. The keeper of a not very cleanly house in Paris put hp a card ; 'Please wipe your foot on the mat' A swag wrote underneath : 'As yon come out,' The distrosslrgTelon =a 10 often nbservn,l in young girls and women to At10 11) 4 grout mesenre to a luck of the red curpasales in tb,blood,' Co melody this requires O. mod --- -m-• ---- iotuo which produaos these ueoessary little blood eoustltmmnis and the bout yet als00v- Household Hints. °rod is Johnson's (rte Bitters. fries Seem and 51.00 per bottle at G. A. Dendinne'6 -- Drug Store, Brussels. A. word ou plant culture -don't Presidout.Eliott holds that wanton ought not to lector° to young :nen, But they are only gotting practice preparatory to married life. The following unique. sign tip penia 111 Tooaoca, Ga. ; 'Lamps fixed, razors honed, fresh oystars, Vienna bread and tonlhstones.' Mrs. 'Riley -'Are von on callin' turtus wid 0(11' neighbor?' Mrs. Murphy -'Ave 00orao I am. Sho oalled moa there, au' I called her another.' Spring! Spring! Spring 1 Boils! Boils! Boils 1 Tho best Blood Purifier and Tonic is Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. The People's Remedy. barge bottles 50 cents. Old 'Taxpayer -'Noll, my little mac, what do you expect to be who)) you grow up ?' Little Boy -'A politician lil(o papa.' 'A pnlitloian, eh 0"Yes, I bato work.' 'Mrs. Smith has lost her bus band.' 'I know it ; and, only think of it, 5130 has put on only half mourning.' 'Very true ; but thou, you know, Mr. Smith was a very small mac.' Are yon not going to use a blood purifier this Spring? 1f so, remember that Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is ono of the best known. Large bottles 10 coats. Trams) (piteously)—Please help a poor old cripple. Kind Olc1 Gent (handil g him anm0 money) -Bless me, why, of coma TIow are you crippled, my pool fellow ? Tramp (pocketing the monoyl-Financially crippled, sir. 1'hs oncutnbsr is of strong 'fo' sepia tendencies. It is ancient 3a giving the grip. A collego student }s'a't iuvitod ono Sunday to occupy Ito pulpit t» n little country choral, Aftsr what Ile eoosidorod a utast, rlv effort on tho subject 01'Lazara4 :Ind the Ills:, Man,' lu1 asked ou brother to pray, and wits somewhat slot trilled to hoar tin, !', 1{f,: if;.; : '0 Lord 1 WO thank thea 111111 n a;,, not like this poor ilespi•ed l,t.ggar L'iziras who w0've jest ben a'lieten ing to 1' Senator Berry, of Arki0 011(, tolls his trleuds of n trial fru 111.4,441'1 w hie State, io the 0033(00 of 10(111311 a club, a rail, au oxo haudlo, a !mho Au porton who twtatla4 to os• and a shot gnu wore exhibited tie y L l? '1110 instrolnrllls with which the e0Is 44110,11(113' boils, must not be doed was done ' But It sten al • , grudge the strength for rho (1a31y shown that thu 455,) it:n1 '11,111 d,• teal( of rubbing rho body thoroughly fended himself with 11 revulvur, a A camp of throe, five, ton 01 scythe, a n10hluri( a 0ili4',1, .1 132,3 111teeu Minh 1 s, after o„vsral 110(1(8 1 of severe menial strain, will often saw and a dog. The ,jury, Mc. Betty say0, came 10 the coaclnsion set 0 man 00 his foot ngn10, won• that 111(1}''1 hove situ u a do:fully ", caperate(1 piece to have 1)84(1 tlo. light. .t ;3111..3 "f .at,'r 111,, first thin;t in T lie morning wa11105 out the mucous, partly dl:tondo tee ,t0man,11, 'ind prepo•ut rho alimentary canal for 1110 m01•Iliu1 meal, In ohrouie or 13 4Ytrio catnrl'ah it is rx:remely beneficial to drink warm or h"t wator before monis, and salt f, a i.i ill tit i t 01,0:1 o) all to the good offert pr,>duoo,.l. lt',,r onto and 1)1.01804 mutton tallow is almost indispensable, and molly it gash that would have frigh- tened some women into sending for a doctor, has been Ileatod with no Altar remedied thou a littlo mutton suet and plenty of good 0)012113 suite. Givo tho invalid a eoft covering, and if rho silk quilt is laid aside or put away fur the neat gouoratiou, pull it out and spread it carefully over the sick cue, Nothing is Pleasanter to the touch than silk, and invalids appreciate those little attentions. — _— 1119,000 53U510011358, it13tl1'H 111NI'i, if you want El) keep happy, koop warm. The diet should lie ndjttsted to the ee 111011 3 • bath 10 portoot in its r 01,1115 without. Ills frictic0 ,'f uaud4 or eon(4o towel itfter'vnr.). A rant of iota au hour after mob. moot 1s to bo r:oo3mmoudoil to people troubled with 1)drvonde045. .Exorcise before parllalr,3ug of a meal sf.imulat.l, the airouhttiou of 1110 blood null facillta'04 its 111 v. Hotter hear y1111 winter garments t month longer thea ua0044ary than G 1.1,.1:,, 11111 11141151 44110 drly 100 00:11 Upeou Doone (seated by a strangor 111 11 car) -What 1lmo is it by your watch, if you pleaso ? Stranger -I don't know. Upson Downs -lint you just• looked at it. Stranger -Yes ; but I only wanted to seo if it was there. A LESSON. A losses is to bclea/nod from tho sight of a hale bead. nulling out mid premoturo grayness of tho hair cad bo stopped 51 :taken in time. Do not lot it run on without mak- ing an effort to save it. (let n bottle of Dr. Dorenwond's Garman liar begin; it stimu- lates the growth, gives fresh vitality. and Imps lbs natural color, besidos being a su- pers dressing. All dru Feasts soli it. Ncw1y.arrivod Irishman — 13ut fwhat good do I git out av it if I choler try my remedy. Give thorn join the Milaysian Mutual Benefit condition pOwdere in their food. and Protective Association ? Aa. Vinegar improves by Keeping, climatod Milesian -- We bury a therefore ft is best to lay in 1t largo climber ivory Soonday, an' it's a supply• boautitul drive to the cimotary. Rin -water 11(1 euap will ronlovc I '11111 WOULD HAVE ICE. Oa Ella 0111rlaud train. it newly (.11arriol couple ,..0 on their stay from San Francisco to Now York. Tho 1'ailr008. traok is dusty, and the heat is exeossivo. Alter Some hours the young woman, n capricious blondo, flaps for a drink of ice water. Thoro is no foo and tho husband is ill desplair. 'Fifty dollars for 501110 ice,' ho 0x104. 'Fifty dollars ?' iugnirc9 a follow pa0sauger, 'Vary well, 1 will got you some at tho next station.' And at the next station filo fel- low -passenger producos a plate of ice and 110001ve8 1118 fifty dollars. Same scene 1110 n0xt day, This tim0 rho fellow-passongor demands a hunched dollaro, and produaos a1 1110 110x1 station a second plate of ice. Same swain the noel day again. 'Del' arias the husband. 'I must have in. I will basso This time the pae80nget' does not Tea, coffee and coca aro throe nth reply, missiblo drinks, but not in moss, '.Too !' again orio; tlao luisbaucl, 'A For thovoice, the American druggist hunclrocl and fifty dollars l' The r00orumend8 cocoa as tho host. A pagseuger does not lnovo. 'Two cup of thin cocoa, just warm, is hundred and fifty dollars!' Still lla mole t0110 recommended 1)01we00 does not move. 'Vivo hundred the oxortioire 01 singing than any dal1ara 1' fairly 5111301113 tho husband, alcoholic 11ovc10go, Ton must not while ilia fair 1>rido looks on with bo taken too strong, nor whoait11as limpid and booeeolling cy1s. boon dra}w11 too long, for it thou ho. 'Tmpossibio, t11r 1' says Lim follow a0m00 acid, and has a bad influence passenger, with inuah dignity of upon Ilia mi1C0115 membranes of the Manner. Your offer is tempting, throat. Theron' always a sousation butt axalnin011 my anal° at tho last r T1. 11 (0 100 of dryt)osd attar-tai,lnf, to rap Of tun station, and if I takes any to that, 11011 1)11011 allowed to draw too out of his coffin 110 won't hast until long. we got to Now York, over water, Nover pat and smooth down mashed potatoes, as it makes them heavy. The uicost thing to scour knives, brats tinware, oto., is tithed hard coal mhos. Sweet milk or oroarn ie excellent for sunburns or chipped feet on the little boys. A ore -room should b0 w'011 yen tilatod, and so arranged that it will not froozo in winter. Butter, lard and drippings should be etorad in jars and Rept in tho coldest and dryest plata. When potatoes are to go into stows or chowders they should be first slioo,l, soaked and scalded. Flour should be bought by tlio barrel, but Indian meal is so apt to become invested with weevile that it should not romain mink over a week on hand. If milk which has bean sob for some limo and upon winch the cream has partly risen 10 etirrutl, the cream never again rises fully, and there is a cooiiderable loss of butter from it. Tho water i0 wl)ioh potatoes aro boiling should be salted and drained off from them tho moment thoy are cooked through. If this: is act 11000 the potatoes absorb the water and become soggy. Dry p:1(118 tend to comfort outside: the house and cleauliuees within One hundred thousand butterflies and moths hevo heed placed on ex- hibitiou at the bidon Mimeo. Six- teen years have heeu spent in col- lecting thorn, and they represent op"cies pecnli.er to ovory country from Gramllann to Australia. The collectlun bolou:;8 t> Berthold Noe• morgeu, who ubt.liuoil many of tho slrocllnOtls from. 1111)13cr1iu iuusoam. They aro arr,w„od 111 357 eases. Tho cases aro 18x20 incline, and socio of tiro 8pe011n0330 are SO loose that there is out} room for four lu I >t utso. 'Thorn Ito alto rho death's. Carps Ls will loop much brightur 1 Head Rothe. 111)) ((((.lum of a lin. after sweeping if Zvi )od off with man skull i9 plainly traced ou the damp cloth. g l 1 hack. They motto a sgneaking I3iuding a pleas (11 lemau arourl,i i n�onud :a.4 they Ily, 111111 in some the toe, rubbing the corn with roan ill 1'i: ars rugatdcl 115 presaging 6 g ill. t. largo n1uth from New South peach troy Irmo., ore both tory hood \Vales is f: delicacy for the table in remedies. its uativ0 country. The Agerunia Two thicknesses of newspaper is the only bnttodly that 53000 its maKO to good lining for apple) barrels. logs ill running, Tho Lbrous Steix Really good butter is sometimes from Brazil, is the lfargo•1t of troths, apoilod by the use of inferior salt. swim Hp00imen5 ugreadiug sixteo.l Soft tissue paper is the boob fur inches. Tho rare Papilio Autumn - polishing mirrors. This may also elms is also represented, a :peal bo used for polishing or drying win- nun of which }tad Duce sold fur dow glass. - x'150. The adjoining 0000 00ntaind Yon who aro troubled with chicken a epeei00 of which only throo ex- amples exist ill 0ollecti0us. This sp00ime1 is from the island of Arra, near A'lst1311i.t, rola is cousitlored the on of „10 collection. Beggar -Will yon ploa4e give fag mnchino Grease from washables fab• a dime, sir ? I'm float and crumb. 1100. Gentleman - Deaf and dumb ? 1lemov0 too i1'nlls when lila irons Beggar-I moan I'm blind. It's ins is clone; clad nevox tat them me twin brother who is (leaf and stand on tho otove, whom :gown dumb. We look s0 much alike that and groase will 113 sore to 503110 on I got mixed up myself sometimes. (ham. Did your Hon take tho valedictory If tho Duffed putlttocs ars c10uo n In collego ?' said 11 gentlotrftn to a littlo too soon lay a 1ow01 orae tho lady who was enthu-3iastically prob.. k01110 or dish, but do not put u Mg Elio ability of'llor offspring. :No, tight over over them. indcud, he didn't,' she roplied with Lace may be washed by winding pride, 'He didn't tako anything. IIs it •around hoodoo or lowing it on is the healthieot boy you over sa1v.' muslin and boiling it in soft water, "]fere Trouble may be Expected,. with °astile roap. It 1houll bo If you da not hood the w,01111gs of nature rinsed in soft wat01' 0(1)11 monolog and tot 0000 pay attontiou to rho nlaintoh- it from 1110 Enda. awe 0f your health. Ilow often we sea a person put off from day to day tb0;suchen Baked potatoes mast be Caton aH of a modloino vehtoh, if proeurod at the oet- 1 steno of thnmlala ,W 111 dItav o iromo 1110tti la 80013 as they . oro clono. When they aTonic Livor Pills had boon talion w11on rho aro talten frolti Lilo ovou Choy should arnt unonohiole undo its appoaran0a rho bo pot into 11 napkin or towel, and llla000 wouldhavebton'•ni11 "111) tho bud." Jnhnsmn'e Tonic Blttors anti Liver 1'1116 aro ib0 0111)1 broken, so as to allow tho doaldely31110hostModtotuee on rho n,arkot steam to amyl ; this will ]tea the for 140110501 tonin and invigorating uropor..p ties. Pills ssoto.per bott18 llltters50mints potato mealy, If it cools without andel par bottle, Bold by G. A. Deadman, breaking the skin it will be \voter , Druggist, T3russo1 B. gy and will have an acrid taeto, which is caused by the retaining of a kind o£ juice which lips next ilia skin, At a tomboys' examination in Jones county, Ia„ in answor to the question, 'What is hygieno 2' a young lady applicant fora cortificate to teach school answorod : 'It is tho soft spot on rho top of a baby's 1 head which gradually becomes hard- er ae the baby grows older.' A woman in Georgia sat ftp tato in the night recoutly to 600 r. pail of un sluttt1 s110 had hung above the 1 dour overturn un liar husband when r i he 1t:turf:ell from rho 'club,' lino I gut tucd and wont to boil. In the : morning oho forgot all about the poll until alio opened the door to admit hot ]notller. Tho two ladies ,1 Iaro still as mad as wet bons, and a divorco suit ie taikod of, MAY 1, 11;88 Economy liesta'nlant, Mooing just oponed in 11101311511 Corn- er Store, formerly 000upiotl by 11, :1111• oolin, Brussels, the npposlt0 tinnier to tits 1'netnlliao. .. SOT SEALS ! (At all reasonable 11011(e) 1:.::' FOR TWENTY CENTS, A call is especially solioitod and ovary attention will se paid to Patrons. A 1un- ited number of Lady and Groutle,nan Boarder's wanted, !'AS, BPDADFOO1', Prop. `p r'I l>N V'i' '1'(t LOAN ! any Alnnnut of Money to Luan on Parol or Village .l'ro- perty, at G 46-1 Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loftus. with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. if JURCN ANI) BRUCE Loan &Investment Co. This Company is Loaning Money 011 Farm SOourity at Lowosa. Rams olv INTEREST. 11ortga ;es Purchased. SAVINGS BANK 1311/118001. 8, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time let. OPPICP.—Corner. of MMIarkot Spare and North Street, tiode- ric11. Horace Horton, IA aalsr,. The Attention of the Public is called to the fact that the Br kSm(eLto Mill will give INT -CT I INT T1 AI AI L —IN— Tweeds, Yarns, Blankets, .ZCGnite18, Unrlc7'0to4lbi1i4, 6'e' for the nest 80 days, t Br!Jeo,�a c Kive1• >. in Knitted Goods. To Secure the Bid'' Beeduetiont you Must bring the .6401'0 Try the Brussels !'ool n '6�.