HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-5-4, Page 1Volume 18.
Washington Lotter,
1 piton nett tnal11.A1) eennl)afommtvr,)
•Wanotogtou, Moll on, nook
.1* agro0mulltt has been tterived at be-
tween the ltupnblicum Dud Democratic
)arbors of the ways and means coin•
utitto0 an to the limit of germ d debate
on the tarifa'. The majority lotv0 "moot!.
ranly yi;lded to alto domande of tho min.
urity in this matter. Tho 1: pubticauo
demanded ten days on a aide f „ wenn al
rlebatu, not counting the night sa•siotl••,
Throe days have now 6ecu t:yhnomted.
Th.. . ways awl molxw committee held a
sesition late this aft ueur at
which h it
wmt agreed finally tit u tho .e honbl b4
ventceu days moo of getter 1 ,lobate,
not ...outing the tight sew:moa, and that
three flight session+ shnnid bo held each
weol,Far h butu, This give, all the Batu
for a free d1. u -(,ion 11 the subject that
lots been ked, tide it i• belie col, will
1_m,•1..)11 any critieiluu ou that spire,
t' mtroll,- Durham has di01diu el a
1' ,rtiou of tin ueeo11u'.i of dao ronunittce
who wont over to No 1 York a
few weeks ago to ootint th ' (ash in tho
omit. treasury. One of the divan 4411, for
seats is a parlor ear in the limited ex
press train at int additional cost of about
$1.50 apiece. This was brought to the
Controller's attention, and hu at muco
s':a11 for to explanation of tho item,
Answr was retureed that the comini' tae
had finished tba work at 12 o'oI nik and
took the limited, as it would bring them
into tho city before dark, and that they
thus saved time. Tho Controller could
not accept this excuse and disallowed the
101.ense. The clerks appealed to the
Secretary, but the Controller's derision
Was o•lstaiue.l, and the clerks will have
to pay for their luxury nut of their own
Secretary Fairchild has ttlnlonac0t1
that he will treat offers for the sale of
bonds next week under the terms of the
circular on tho 17th instant the same no
list year, except that the names of those
°tiering bonds will bo suppressed, 1.his
will be 14.1)0, he Hays, beuau e many bond
holders do not care to have the, fart of
their willingness to part with their bunds
mail* known to .be public. I1.1 stays it
i4.a:y un H.q., bow much nlfornlatum ma
bo toed agaiost a 1.111:i1road 11.4,1, lulu hr,.
lute, til.:'t•o',oro, deeid 1 to treat the mtnnea
an etch (ate• eoIlldeatit1. 'I'!1, pantie
will b0 fnrnialie d thl'o igh tit:• te•wspapora
4vi Il •, eou.pl- te list of ail offers 'er-1,4. i
it •hi li•vt 1 1 {( roil as t , 111' .M1nu.,
110.1 uu,, 11) ant ease A (o.1(.' 11114' tit
h. ,ppuinit•,110 1..511 1 the Nr,Y'eta ,Y ut
voil,i,lerhig the offers and the am mitt
t b• realized by th accept. tut,
1ring tn•e,•1elo•de1 1.111,;111-,°1,10
I1 t e th. I 11 wh.ae dory it w -a to
Lt. Ill, ur,una u, t.rly tL'„It mu,
alto volunteers ware called in to help
tlu'1u. (:oogres•luau 'l'aulboe, of lion.
tu,,.,y, perfor°wd the service 011 0a,. 01.
11.,5wu, and .lid i4 wall. At etnotl)en• Onto
lite '.1.4xau doorkeeper, Colonel lIend0r-
40-1, was called upon. Ho felt tiatturod,
1LL.1 ,.Y° or til. 00 do,, H later ,4.J . 31,1001011
e' and delighted to reoeivo t nutter ou
mat ,f the :1 !i ;gto • llotel letter cools,
whieh informed him that the wrier 11 .d
boon direo..d by the Oorottl Mmietur to
notify Mr. Iloudorson Kett Snln Fun, the
31iuiotor in ques.dou, had uotioed 111111 at
the d•slt, and that ue had beoomo lm-
presoeed with his presence and ability.
Thu Gamins w01't) ondeltvoriug to b did
up t .air country, mud, iu order to do it,
wore looking au0ut tlonn for bright
Anloricano upon whom they could de.
pawl. Sum 1•'nn felt that 21r. ti,•ndor.
sun ha• been oompolled by the s.rass of
eircnln•t1nces t,1 Lceept 0some',hat
intuited position, and ho would be ha lay,
to u mvor,•0 with the gen:lo ian wi.h a
view to aoeuring his solvates for the
Cut ca t ;govet nnoa. 110 .401111 receiv0
lir, lIoalo sou at )nom '113, Arlington
Histol, wh,a10ver Mr, Ilemt0reua uonkl
mom 11 a011V0,.mnt to call. 'Thu delight.
ud lluorko.-per showed tho letter to a
number of friends i,l alto Honm, ,1nt1 t.ey
a.. ,sed flim nut to allow t 0 opportunity
she by. }iondorsom llurri.'tl to his
toner and urged him to maim haste with
loo now spring suit. l'hen ho "fixed
lu., oulf up" tar the; 000)10iou, and LLire-
0e, nal his card and ule tot0, to the olora
m1 ,he Arliugten, Tho olerlc °caught on."
not Fun was out, but o told 0010113
it, 111 hour, 11e11dersull caked again, hitt
eta • mare disappointed, Thi- w110
lei up 1 -.0 days, 000 t4. last ileurlers,u
"°topped." Now lie is loosing for the
bor. .sJoroui Minister, and toopoe s to
limes "son* fun" if ho di .,t rears the
Lut,wr of .ho letter.. -L.
4laron ?Spring Assizes.
Tho Huron S d•111g .1001100 .,p0110d at
Godoriolt o, Monday of thio meek with
1101, 1Ir, Jltstico alacenahon upon the
Bootie. Il0 Wats prosouto,t ••itlt a our.
grotulnlory addross on bohalf of tho local
frau, of whom there, was a largo repro-
0ent01ion at alto opening 01 the Court.
Too civ i hot is heavy,, and contains some
twol1)' oasce. The criminal docket con.
tains twelvo cases, comprising oltnrgoo of
perjury, forgery, larceny, 0040011, 1Co,
Mr, King, of Berlin, coudttata 1h0
Grown bnoinoss,
Webor vs. Stoinbacl(, Mr. Collins, for
thoplaiutilJ, consent:Gil to the notion being
dismissed with costa.
lfot'y vs, Perfonnd hits boon sottlad
out of Court, as 0.100 the case of Stowllrt
40 Stewart,
(.,ricin vs: (.1rit:1(l, undefended, Jurlg-
meld °ntt'roi for plaintiff with posts,
1''arron vs, Taylor, Undefended. .1mtg.
01n10ntarOd for tho plaintiff for. $170
with costs.
Struthers vs. Wilson. An action over
tho construction of a will. Cla01' lu'gnrd
and jutlgmott• reserved.
• The Court 00cupded the greater part of
Tuesday in trying th0 oaso of Wilson Vs.
113180011, an 11011011 art it promissory uot0,
P110 plaintiff is a private banker in Sea -
forth ; ilio (10100dant ie a Mrs Monett
o1 the sante p10c.0; 11cr son got into di01-
culty after ntlgOtiating a nimrhet' of antes
at pi thiliff's battle, M.ro. Afa88ett 01)41100
the note now tined on was got from for
rlandOh,3dly without rnnsidclsitton, and
for Vic putpo0n Of sti(liug00mt),cs against,
her eon of forging Miles held by plaintiff.
BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1888. Number 48.
The jury Ai 1111 (t 001.11.,:1 1e favor '.1 1e'
C mnn.hau vs. Whi to has boon nettled
oat of ,•ani,.
Golding x0.Murray 1'daintil'f eh1i11hs1
right to rodoom certain oletttole givon to
der fdent Its,ee11rit4 for 1h.• paymetlt of
n 1101,', Tb0 jury Mond that ahem was
an absolute Halo with tot 110111 to redeem,
Judgment for defeldent ,t ith moos.
\\'1(11 4.e. 1)annov-•R,dorrr,l to the ITas-
ter to aaoortltin anima dm, ul•ou rurhtiu
mor g'gos, lurthor diroot10nn and roots
Kill 1(t 1s. Moilride -A eon. ont vel
,lie: w1(, ,'more -1 for tho plaintiff for 01'451
wit u (mato.
'190, phare of the report will to given
nen,. wook.
Presbyterian :«•yn ocl.
About lain mf .10„ r.. 111.1 •.,d, ).:. Iron)
the nine Pre In -writ -a constituting the
Syn 1 of 11t1uultou It ,1 Lo b1(, nod at
Ni. Andrew. 11uu'ch, Loudon, t..1.11un-
day night ul Inmood Ho:tonn . Roy. \V, S:
Hall, 1I.:1., of l nuueok, the ,wdo ator,
p 011010411 the 0)1 num. S1 boegaeutly 11 v.
1)r. Cochrane, of -Brantford, Dulled the
,011 and tend the list of dexniHOiousand
tram lotions in the several presbyteries.
The Moderator then spoke a few words to
tho Synod, thanking- them for ih•' horor
and assistance tendered hint, and 1:1110,1
for nominations fo: his successor. Rove.
1)r. James. of Wallco tun, George Oath-
bertsou, of Wyoming, and John Gray, of
Windsor, were no)nfmntod, 1)r. James bo.
1,10 cleated on the oeeondballot. Thanks
wore tendered 1111. Ball, to which 110 1''
plied. ltev. James Ballantyne and John
Young were chosen auditors. Tho stand-
ing committee were coueequently name(1.
Th. following 10.0 in aitandaun0 at thy
Synod in Loudon this weep from thi1,
section 1—Revs. Geo. Law, Robert Leask,
Ile -tor lloQunrrie, J, L. Murray, M. A.
Arch, Stevenson, 11. B. Macrae, F. Ball.
antyn0, John Moss, 13. A., Jas. A. Ander-
00n, B. 11., Angus McNay, D. G. 1.atner-
on. Elders -Robert Harrison, Peter Wat-
r 11 • 'on
tlitchell', aseeseors g o,, the present
population of that toW0 at 2,3.24.
111001. ae a,000ty•onp p 1,1o001.1 e)o111-
r1 iu llo, Seao. mrd ja:1 at the parse 4
Major Butte', of Steatford, is recover
ing rapidly from his seven attack of
4I011nes9, -
Pitu titratford Water Snip 1' po v
1' 010:t .twin„ .April LL11I0,3 0 gllh,ns
111 '31:••1•.
The Stratford ,avigation Company the
having t 'eh, boat r -painted and ro fitted
Stratf0r t t •icy Cleric re .offs alt -t. eine
ire April Dome ,veru registered with ham
15 births, 1.4 marriages and a deaths. -
Alex. Beattie, a prominent merchant
of S1. Marys, died in London last week
from oauccr Un the stomaclt, aft(' +1 loot
an 1 painful 111100x.
Tho estato of Henry Watson, of Mitch-
ell, paid 17o, of the dollar, ant the cred-
itors of George Adams, of tate same pIa00,
accepted 84u. of tho dollar.
T. Ballantyne, MPP., 1)l South Perth,
h s take. passage a mooed time this
season for Liverpool. Ho left on Tnos•
day of lust week front Now York by the
Maty Waite, of Stratford, has been ar-
rested and sentence(, to the Detroit
House of Correction beeauso sho tried to
keep house in a Grand 'trnolc box ear at
1' rt Huron.
.A. few days ago some villain entered
the barn' of B. lender, jr., of the 7111
000„ Wallow, and brutally mutilated a
fine young thorough.brod colt and then
turuod the animal loose in the &oIds,
whore it woo1 found by 11Ir, Bondor,
Tho Stratford Tinton says 1—A. Aird
Adair, barrister, eta, of that city, has
been appointed Clori of the Peace and
County Attorney for some of the God -
for -Balton rocky wilds north of Litho Sop.
0rior and the Lalco of tho Woolf•. "1Y0
hone tho bears and mosquitoes of his new
foultd renting 1,1114.0 will be kind to him.”
Assessor: 0 od,n•ick, of 1liteholl, is
through with llio work, w',iell F'.I10tt•a rem)
property to the valueo1 0550,002; personal
prnper(y, $110,000 ; taxable i nentne, 02,2o)1;
mato p011100,4 from 21 to 1)0, 417 ; tot. 41
population, 3,1124 ; doge, 3311 ; bindles, 10;
cattle, 170: sloop, 31 ; hogs, 0(1 ; horsed,
108 ; births during the year, 53 ; c10111hs,
(Mimic a Clark's egg storfoe tiro actu-
ally a.tolnditlg, mud getting more Ho
continually. Tho latest story is that
you man got anything In their Moro from
a baby carriage (with an oocnpant) to an
egg containing tt chicken whic0 comes
out and goon in at will, and whieh speaks
Ivory language except votnacultr Irish.
This is really eggo traorrlinary.
Thomas Ballantyne 4: Sons, of S1r11.
ford, drovo in from their Downie fartll
Saturday morning eighteen bend of ihno
fat grotto cattlo and sold them to W. T.
Rowland for 50, a Ib„ Live weight. Tho
dozen and a half tippad tho marl(ot scales
at 21,775 lbs„ or all 0.Vel'ag)) of 1,3711 lite.
each, Throe big follows woighnd 4,1100
lbs., or 1,452 1b1. a piece. Mr, Rowland
shipped them to Liverpool vitt Montreal.
A very disastrous faro broth out at Sob- -
ringvillo, a small Murtha of :10(1 inhabi-
tants a few miles from ;itrat.for11, or Fri.
clay of last week, at 11 n'ohmic. 'The tiro
etyma nit Stratford was ttlophoned for,
and in just thirty mintttee front alto time
word was received the wholo *Mro Com-
pany, hose, earl, and 011010, went on the
ground and tinoving a hooey 0110)1111 of
wrote: upon alto flames. Four buildings
wore burned, and had it not boon for tho
1110001)100 of tho Stratford :Piro Company 1
titer° would not have boon may of Sob.
ringVille standing now. Mr. Rolttlr4teell'0
Ions on hetet and stable is '$11,01)(1 ; ins111'.
011 fat• it1,011 in Ile 1'c•rib 31041011. 31•.
'lirmmer, impl.nunris, 54(111 ; no instar.
lame, MO. thileo11,bricl( grist mill, 112,- I
1100 ; no n1011ranee. A 11111n1gr of villtg.
narrow encaCrfrom n to1
,)J -3rf J;4)')ATION,
.11")'Ellt 'TIME BarTS,ti.
To tit( 1.1111tor 11'1')10;
1)1:50 Si.,, - Now that aha 110010 has
Bleared -may after tIa battle will yon
kindly allow 11c spare to slake a few re-
ui1r1(a nm alto situation, 01 my opinion
the defeat watt brought about largely
through tho itnporfeco ,Tanen 1,1 which
the haw tva. lvlfol e td, the pr' tene0 tha
it c 1111 not he 11,f.1'00d an 1 th'1 as
mui'b, if not twine Monti. r('a, drank col.
dor t!, ,1,1111411 11 t 1U11A 1,1 is p'assillg.
lhie 1,111 4rus e 1,Gil1y 111111 (liligantly
taut!ht "y those intut•r•st(al in Coe trade,
and by Moir 1Aq,purte'1, 111 00)10011 and
out of 4e ss -n, With 11 1110 riarneetne+y
:hot alt•• v, nt•ies of ht lltalht .ere 10),.
al ! of 11( filling into tho minds of Glair
doh' toil itiooir •, 1111n) ,1 (Mon who
r i in, th.I 1(i. (1(l 1r,. +h ten rl •t;!1(,
Lu ,,ail ,;uuiunv 1 ho 110 ,!; as n,1n x'. n
oh.' ed, Lcr,Lnle,.n t)nr 1)„,11)” rouviw0d
of Ihi, to f111o,; , Hien• ' unctions and
to ie. i nn1i•rtent with th.il' prat: ice b*.
1x1)•4 111(..400l; of lit • Art, (•ullsh,l 00'
dor l he blunter f Mom n)t••reeted in the
',slts of the liquor 1101110 and brought
about dnfotlt, Of Notre. they will 101001
vohenent:y dotty this and remotion) be-
ing led b throe ong,ged in the liquor
;:ado, hilt it 1s th • fact not vithetanding,
mann other is-bonoftt-(l, Otb,'rs noon,
00 1 yes 1 wer0 strongly in favor of Pro-
hibition and temperance but the Scott
Act was a fraud and they would not vote
for its continuance, but if it worn Pro-
hibition I am afraid they wo 1d havo
ore other )'4lnse, Thrw per0ons 4001.0
the pliant tool. and followers of the li-
quo 4,odor,. We cannot so0v0 two
1 actors or he two things at one time, we
are for or against the liquor traffic and
th,.a .11, vete.] were either voting in
favor or 1g0i1sl the 11gn a' traffic. Tem-
uo•anre people 440111,1 rather go for l'ro.
Ilibltion, tray, 1 cy are anxious to do so,
but Gm Scott Am was he nearest to it
and 1110 must they had of Prohibition,
and all se110i 10 supporters of temper
11,.0e voted against he Aot boltlg repo.,1-
ud. if they had boldly stood Ina us mon
not as craven cow .0 ,s 110aer11,1 and
r1( «11' to (110 e'i ,n v, inaated that the
late nrrl•t he e.d'nr,u'', ave nded where
lefurt,ve, .1110, re snuuu•ari ,lismdss0d
1' reete.u,t to 1113,r dot:oo, G(n•el•I1111elltO
u,d•• n) 111rhn',1a i i t,,at no more trilling
should b'. a I to we.i al, 111. 4,11.1,11,1M:11A to
y • 101 ,'I • „•y tr, v, 'vivo •roob
tico•o for its pc11 mi ntatineut,- officers
e tinily in sy111'It,4. WI 11 ;.the- Act ap
pelade, los hoot lately Choy failod the
priest .1 oolIar ;ant tit it .InI v they M-
own. I i'.sta.,) cit I1''tu dismissal,
from the onnst,b a ftp 0 t le police mag-
ai.i, thou the .1 ; ,00,11,.1 and could be
enforoed. 1 am glad, however, t'at 11'11
telilperarlee 0u.,tllne,it is I001e intense.
earnest, be- a tloh:le 1 mud -trungor at
the p cleat time than ever 1t was, W'
are neither anw,d '1111• annihilated, we
will go an co quoring and to conquer and
w0 will 11;4,01' 0 use Mail intoxioating
drink is driven from 1 atr0n -]folds as
" ' '' traffic. ru`h't 1 righ eoueness
is 1 volved in thin great goes 100 and it
mast be drive, front t'espaotablo society.
But while tonlpor)tnio ipporters hi the
MOH .time aro powerless to prevent in
toxioating drink b Mg leoally sol 1 in ho.
t Is 14n(1 other phteee we 11 'o a duty to
pe forte from which 1 treat uon0 will
shrink, 1Yo do not r quire to resort to
dynamite nor terrorism to do on' duty.
Let every man who voted for 111e oott
Act to continue to do what in him lies
to discourage the tr,,ftie, make it diatom
ut,blo, and wo havo the next best toing
to Prohibition. le it not humiliating
that tempo once sttpport0rs are compoll.
d to roto t for aacumu1n,I (ion to t.lac00
where the whiskey I1'file is eat led on
Many loatl10 Co se pito -0, especially ro.
sp00tab 0 women. \'hof going into s,
town to do their nuttiness, having made
their purchases, them is 110 piaci) they
can go to to now while waiting, ex1lpt
Hui hotel. '.Chen' 0000 140111 a hors the
p11t00 they will neither bo soon nor go
there, From 0xp001 neo by loved ones
pangs ro12 tho gentle nr.ia01, they cannot
go theta 111. 1401edy is a temperan01
hotel in every town or.ilhuge whore uo-
commodtetion for the public i$ required.
think ill than... who voted for 1110 Shalt
Not thin Ham air real) • fn favor of temp-
o -:mac, almost one half of tho popnlatiou
ant u(f 11 ill butt if olio.) a 11ot101'
wart Ntat•tutl by ,t ,,,.'ll blisinnos tmtn it
0(1111,1 111, not n,i14 014 1'nHp Ct lbl/e n• 01y
other oohing but a paying mince n, 'Tom -
1)01141,0• peoplewe111 go 1:llof0, 11),11 1(,o,
urs who hato rho demoralizing influence
of bar -room- and have to enlfor 000i --
times the 000.•08 of its Oc0apants. If
pr011nrly culdneted with stables and
shads and sunk othor accommodations as
alto necessities of tho publio require I au)
certain it would bo it pitying hu-iness and
an opportunity given to the public to
shim ho:e1.. :t hope tomporanoo organ.
izations 1141) bo 0unv01t: rl and every eu-
0uuragentvlt glycol toot such places may
be 010110(10.11)11,•1 those lvho aro 1111x1040
that tho sham -shop should flourish give
it tlroir pathonago, but lot toutporauau
penplo have 111011 own honees of mter-
tainmont which 1110) could patronize. .I
appeal to those bravo and noblo women,
who 111 tho late 0o111oat so ably (1111 their
duty, Wel blocs the W.O.T.IL, lot tilenl
giro tlielr 11011001111 aid in this work in
which they can 0ngag0 lmartily and mn-
sislently. i bol{evo 11110 schomo, s0 fol-
ly drafted, if followed up will havo tho
strongest 14/101/1 in m1001114 the bar -room
at disrepotablo 1100ort n:nl a ltot0e of am
oonnnodati(n in whieh no intoxicating
drink is sold or givon will bo a blessing
to 0ve1'y community and will b1( patron.
etc ',
i, lbytha most 1(0pe[htblo cla0ses of
society. Poore Truly, 111'aos,
Brussels. April 0(1111, 1)tn•;,
131 Mc Editor Of Tin; Posr,
110,.11 Snt.-• lit nn attiele headed "Tent. .
ticrinled' tnnl signed A )11 i • trot 1, you have
Mie h4,1104 1)10 wishes of ane who flanks
Hunt milesm both the trmplrtmeo amt
anti•Nentt portieee 111,11) in their' efforts
Hugo, r r0 ill. bo 1 t .0 r
wA l uulnns( f h tier drink -
I t 01 'May. The ,•' Ir •
t,,> l tui 1 .x
111'",:act :4 vera!( 4.1,,1. 6,1 11 parlu l may
undo iu 1;101' that thin roottlt luny he
,tvnith• 1. If nodi 0n„f1 non w;•re no aux•
inns that fquor,h'i01u ,g tur,:01 0r esker•
,.1, why did thoy lotto ib:. •ott Ant
for It Moro l iig11,011,1 effort . Slateitict:
prove that t11 , War, .; drinking 1111
not ,mo quarter the eriue, ill soma Art
counties l''m100r(d with, tho.e 001ul1i1'
under 1 ••• C',,oli Act, and (u„ of the
hot.. 1 1,--.1,01•., Y1( ri :m -•n trb•d t1'•', if
the r ItiLL1 calla tt ,t 1..r.l.,••.:i h” 00111,1 go
Hilt of the lutaiu, s ,s 11'31 111 n t He11 half
tho whiilmy Lo s id 60£1,•4. t0,, Scott Act
,ul1('d in the County of Bolton, Awl
now these 11) 11 want as 1 o 11 •I0 tor"u, 11
11.11cr 111'tt the result of their oven work
11111) not l,, Ho disa41,lI4 101 they exp:(,
it to Le, 11'0, howcvor, inform Anti.
Scutt shat 1,1x1 tclnperanr.,e men do nut
believe it t, be 11411 to lieuro ligiu''
..elliug, any 1,111tle. 4. it 1H c ht to 1i
'•'I to pr041 it Mien, , uitu.L•'• 1(r h 11'•!
111•)' tlr(It. tOtey 1 ,,, , it
great fft"r', .o Ir.wg non for rnurd;•r, or
jail Move for bun;lury .111011,.1.1,1 lir•1a'•:•
Oleo to '11 11,11 lybi':!1 pin 311 es of f. he
(Time of the country. 1', 111 1 a p, 111, 1,
however, 141'1 dent In 1('o 1“:11,,Irailly With
natl.thiat 111.11 limoe
they dFalt with
temperance men. Anti -Scott (1l a wore
determined that clic Scott Act should not
work, and ht'uco the Iying. the pe jury,
unit th dymunitu uutr0ge that,lis'rtcod
choir course, '1'0mp11r1400 men will not
stool, to snob low tactics, 1110) tvillipliot-
(y 10114.0 3100 to H01V0 y 1r awn problem
and 01 the meantime endeavor to prepare
tho people for outfit; Prohibition, as the
om y moans of driving the ours° from the
laud. Then this m,o'veilou,) toanllor of
morale proceods to teach the ladies as re-
gards the comae that they should pnr0ue.
They mart take sal entirely different
path than that which they have been
taking. llr. Anti-So,tt I think that tbo
ladies may be left to pursue their own
course without any losturing from the
woiskey ring, Tho ladies know oh the
exp sora of their 50ys, tho temptations
that they will have to meet at every turn.
Let 0.0 give a case in point 1 -- 1 line lad
was led by a comp ,'•ion into a tavern,
the man of the house offered hila drink,
but lie refits, d, then he pressed hurl to
take something soft and ho ,00lt it. Tho
1.1.1 came a. 111,1 add again and thin tho
Malt began to put liar I ntulf in it. He
MIS netted why Mt did it, in 1). veer he
pain 01 to a title mansion in the distance
and stud that will ba flu, by 11,11 , 0 1
teen it wi„ be 11110e'. Ladle, hone. .01
that at, 1 be before their dear boys, and
then are f0 • of th..m who ,il ,:1 worst
for too do truotiou of til„ traffic. They
know that hone, and 1a11 too is dear t,
the ., depends upon i s 11 stlu,•tinn, and
they wil work in the direction 111 a ,tire
lrohtbitloe. 1'l11H ,.,ora, re 000tior '..f
is misty thou turns to the clerg•, and ays
that tiluy moat do more to spread tem-
perance principles the, they have lien)
tui ro Bono. Mos' likely Alai -Seat
knows that Lquor men have ststed that
the Scott Act was pas -ed through the
efforts of the ladies and the luioistere,
and tho efforts of a:11 ,iqum mon h .0 been
to lower the i.l0u°nec 111 --reit lint Ant,
Scutt earl ln11 131 rs aro to tidu0am the
people on tempo, atom 0' ineiples not 110ty-
.vor in the direction of co.•roion. I
woulo like to know if Anti Scott is so
ignonwt' as no to know that all law is
coercive. The Crooke Act is o„e,oive.
It says ti, u shalt not s0.1 ou Saturday
atter 7 p.m., nor on the Sabbath at all,
and what temperance people Went is the
extenot .11 o the law to every day of the
14.0011, There are fov ministers who do
n' know that the Crooke Act did not
stop the increase of ligno' drinking' 111
,he past, and what it hue not .1 00 in the
past it will not do in the future. 14 great -
1 ,,,isaalt0 the ministers if thou do not
0ducato in tae d100011onl of Prohibition.
T°ry know that ma liquor (nae tion is
the greatest moral question of the age,
holt that the destiny of multitudes
turns upon it. Troy -co it Halting hol,1
of tho youug, and leadini, them f1'o.0 tho
1101110 and the houoa of God. They ser.
tho man who migll make 00010 next to
,leaven, ma ,ing It int., a pll,derinofiUu
Milk) it 1110104 the 1131111 into annlothiug
wore • than t1 boom, Can they keep sil-
ent 1 They see the mean whom they haven
trend to sari) trapped 11(111 trapood again,
„Ir he heart grows 9311, tool ,u ya • waft
dor that Choy •;w et wool hat' to Inc
01 140(0 system ? lar, :1'111
:tt1y ll 111140 alto ministers i, 0,1 the
M. moors 01 flint NV110 with a whip of
;1(r Is 'n'ova tho buyers and 0. ller- from
1 mph.: of God, they do pot male 1t
to i• life's work to drive tiro ho ribl,
artnk front this lair land. 'toed 0.1111011
ham been tried to iho h0art's 10tttellt, 1ut(I
failed, and now they will educate tho
pro le to tho dn'eation of 110,.004,0
1011 in other words they will (10.11 with tin,,
curet), the cooly of s , many odor aur0os,
by putting a strolgor /rip of late upon it,
oven stopping it at the .-till mouth. Then
this wonderful Mend of humanity pro-
maid- to locliro the hotel keepors. Stop
Mond, it is no usu. You might as well
whistle jigs to mils 010000 las 10 spend
)nut' wind 011 111000 gantlon0n. They
broke rho 1154 011100 the Scott Ant came
in forgo, thoy brolca it after and they will
broak it again. You may try to hedgo it
111 as you plosee, but it will break all
bounds and like a slronul of ;loath carry
14H 1101301atiflg Curse wherever it goes.
The only hope of the mommy is to dam
it tap at its sour00---tlto still 11103100 and
tho browo•y vat:. Please Anti 110114 ask
tho ladies and ministers, or touportmeo
poopio to carry out your lieous0 law, they
tried it bofoo and could notsnoccod, and
now yon must do this work yourselves,
and when you fail (aa you will) they will
be prepared for something 1t1'011go' and
better than Scott Act, 0v0n entire Prohi-
bition, and though I am neitlior a propli.
dt nor the 0011 Of a 111014101 pot it 1vi11 car-
tadnly more. Pn0ltflirrlo',,
ila4•, 1h', 14. 1, 111111ter, of the C0uten.
:try llmhnrlikl ob11tcll, 110111310011, +111.11
:fr9, whit, widow al' the Minister °f
the Interim', will reside a( 1 Mave n pry
mml(mtly witil her family.'rho govorn
11(.,6 to ant low 11(1114.101,'
0110111 )1(l kl. 1 1
1 1.
gratuity in acltnoWloclgo of Ilio s1( rvioel
rendered to his comm)- 1114 the drrcns,•d.
Q 111,,ti411t11) °'t 1'V1.'o14
SI, '1'h 11113, overrun with tl1LI)( 1.
1lrantl'ord t'mtnoil is going to Lay a
1(010 174111 town 11 .'1t.
The (iulwufnnut Mnl 1tobtiopon 111111•
al farm io 1:, lot io,"th,l 1(:1 t!1„ ;in -waft
farm at Br.ohinn,
'1'(11. ltenfrew Mere, t'y r fern 1 ' the
Tette .1 wtolenale repealing 'f 1110 Seo:,
t' klub>.yl ,
C. 1, tl;t• 114, 11. 1., P. S, I., of:'r.,t
Lautbt r;, formerly of Str,throy, +111,•1
id, it itittadittc.1 tate of the Ottawa 1. ,
teal ;, I, , 1 examiners,
lI44..7uu,,s 1 mo let, call appOilltel
eh tirt,, It .1 die 1. )11 Collegiato i,,nti 111';
Troon w . ,•1 t„ n,••.,•, 11:'. Smith,
ho 4,V.4 to Calif t nia,
(:moral 0witzoo, 14104 '_ t 0)1.
un14)1, 01111., flys oho it Vitt' with a
l.into not 1 m i to lo•lg,' :. huh in hi,.
i • 11.0.11 1
131 1 11.1 there 11 1) ' •11011 Lure h
or 1101,1111ir,u 1101 1101 tlult 71.. 1lic..tou,
'11 flee L011:! '11'1.1.., :5 Iih':ly- to home' '1i
:1 ,'. ,' liololoong to Salim
If 1g rt.1.o1. of (I1.L3l rt0a111, .ave birth
to alod'. rcalf which weighed 1110 pounds.
One day la:,t summer the mother of the
nail gave lis intends of milk.
Sono alarm having been raised a6,nt
tonal, -p00 brookino out on tho Blackfoot
reserve, sixty miles east of Calgary, the
Government lute taken stops to have It
largo immix'. of the Indians vaceiiato,l
at once.
Alexander Begg lvaitorl on Premier
Greenway at -Winnipeg on Wednesday
and offered to direct crofter immigration
to that province Mound of British Col-
umbia if 'Manitoba will enter Otto an
agreement v001)1110 Imperial Governmout
as Britis:, Codutnbl 1 has (10110. 31r. G. een-
way anont,nced Itis willingness to enter
1•,10 each an %greenlett with Great
At Dunnville, Ont., Wednesday ni111t
Mr. t0vene, a butcher, was tined $5 and
costs for violati n of tho shoptteepers'
early aloei11g act. Every merchant in
the place, to the number of o 'me fifty,
• igned tt 11.•titinn "n the C ,uned praying
for the pawing of the bylO,v, excepting
only 31r. S evu.m, ,vhn opeal. defiml t -,e
law. 'Phis it probably the first: actino
under Ili now law, y
rh nut,ri, ( ove.innent 1,,,'o '11,4.1:101
0011,1 t t ' 010 Valley an 1 Centra
Slat '., . P.:;p' si 1:1(t • h,: -e'd
:at ('in', 111111 1. fl m duly 1111 to Ont. 27111,
au exhibit of Ontario mine. als as corn.
til -t. as it can be mala in limited ire
for r l tl , :peeirmne, The' have on.
truer .1 ,1, 10111 , • no of ih'• "whibit 4.: 4,
lila tie' `1 -mist 41 ('nnniaoiooeo of
Agrludta,e, ami all parties ult01'co .d aro
requested. 111 communi4ata with 0110 on
the subj rot.
Tho 1Vnuli' 0g Free Press- oorrosnnt 1.
001 at Mr•(;regor •oports that oil 11'.11:lay
last :qrs. T. Orchard eloped who P. :1M.
Edy. Ely seat his wife off to Montreal
10°131 04.• nits i1 1) on a visit, and as soon as
she hal g no, Hold nut the farm and
1,00k, o the.. Look his departure
ostensibly for British Columbia, bit only
went to a small station down tho line,
whore he was joined by Mrs. Orchard, who
walked thirteen miles. She leaves a
lmeband mud two 0=111 ohilcl on be dud,
and was highly respected by her neigh-
Tho Smith's Falls correspondent of
The Alen to Gazette tolls of the excl..-
10 1(t causod by the discovery of a
eon serpent, waving its fins above the
water. A dynamite cartridge was fired,
serpent (Usti, neared 001 a few moment.
And thou appose ed. Twine more c Irt-
t'id103 woo+ e0pl dei, and still it floated.
The, H boa; was ;imam 311, and careful
Live. ':tl. ie :lith a wig 00,0 revealed
the foot toot tho s0rpont w113 11 piece of
cloth which had floated clown from woo
of the mule and caught in some r1itt•e
in the bottom of the river.
Fred. Bromley, of Admaston, has had
a 1.011 u•itable experiouhn tvith 1t ' row.
4,1110 Coma tears ago, a crony, just fledged
but ,o0 oxha.lst::d to ily any furliar, 401,0
fan.. 1 am his 0-1(11500, It was piclo'd
no. 1 31.11 intotbe house, fed awl petted
a ',d Ler 4(110 quite tame, I'. remained
aro. t•ho pr.1111005 until the apnr011011
1 w a,r'4w„I( its lnigrat'ry in, Mots.
44 1 0 Jolt its departure. It rotor 101 in
31.') 1. , but with nue leg
Lr d' • 10, 111)( 000) shot. It wets 1 Quin
,.'101'11;.3 tondoii, and the injnrod .1.nb
w 1, put i lint To Clio mail , of
0.1m. h ,00.1(0, d objected 11y p0u'.- 4 at
ninth, No they were 1111:011 oar and
1110 Care being loft to nature, the .111110
soon 1,111101! t.,getlmr and tho bid ,vas
hopping aronud all right 111 due 0,415011
i; Migrated South., .rel malls more, r0.
111 .,,ng on the 10th of April in the fal-
lowing spring. 1t returned again ,.n tho
snout date Elis year, and bofng 10e°g)tiz-
ad and called to, readily reepondod to the
invitation, and canto and tool: food from
Mo. Bromley's hand, 1lakiug itself at
11nm0 in this way, the oroty is a invol'ito
With , aH woll as 11,11 object of inl010d1 to,
the fmnily.
The first 11ase on the list for that Chan -
o: ry Sittings, which began in Toronto on
k'riday baforo Justice Forguson, wets
1.lurat on. Barber. It in an action
brought 1.0 net aside t110 will of 1b0, into
Juae111 1 triter, o£ Ge'orgotown, the last
slntr,u... of 14111011 reads as follows : "All
my looney and real estato not nlontione,l
in this 1(t 4tiill 1 01011 111 b” loft
y t inthe
Motile df my oxeoutor0, Frederick Will-
(mn and Wolter Maw 111u'brr, to bo
equally divided between tho two above
ntoltioncd executors: ' Tha, w.n'.l "be -
twee i' 10 written above 1111, lint, and the
plaintiffs allege that it was ins0rted after
tho 0000111lon of the will. The exocntors i
aro tho two oldest sons of toe donnasoil,
and the offeot of the word "bntwocn • is
to giro in thorn the otitortviso undisposed
Of rosiduo of dm testator's p. ,perty,
ant0nnti0g 111 video to between 125,0110
01111 530,110. Largo llrglIOots were left ,
by another part of the will to the two
.1(11:.. Who are 1 smntors, a ,'1 plaint ill's
inntelnl 111111 it 441" the testator's Mien- :
tion that rune such wnr,l u1 "L4" si1(011,1 .
take tiv plan. of ,• 4o be"
tt 0 hot the word -between,'
loan t U t. the )'( »i. 1 e I '
a l a l l Jj ( y 11 l u 1tu;u should 1
thaw 'e 0i1i,lwl aillongti all the r•hiklrut, 1
'1' .,)4191.1'-1 i,rnra•st ik tl ad'nitd'd0.1.
31r, 1'r0igll oti..4 c-111,4(1 will 1'.1 for a
"llaogt. of 00111.'.
31 ldrnut ,f Tn,a1u i olt, N. S.,
h", -4t , .3 0 i, .,, , dour„ 41::.1';post thirty
L, ,grcenien, has 1'•011 0)'0X.,1 tit for
the rlou,trnetio0 ,1' a greed 11111 :11 depot
311 'f)rn.to
1 n i u 1'.,nit 4 Pair Says Wu, Priam: of
'11,1.1,110,41 t„4 t;0; 10 Ciders ;',tins
111:; 1 ytqtr.
1 Ht 511111.1 .:1 d11•rr n, i 7:,1( mem-
bers 11' , ; of the s„'nun-ot In filu,x
(1 ,11,
1 1 1(14, e. :d ( 110'!1 1
for 111 itiAt : l 00401110 110:1 to be
RI:L It t 1:, an Il 1 I•.
:1111413''1 !) d 1t13i 1110
of a gm, that. 1 1 foot too 1,414: long,
nil oto: 200
Janos 5, i. *:. 1, '1, of Pi, 1+.. 0111,-
ieil +t )•nli. O.: •. }.,,•1',1111
.,111,,,,;;'epi tie,
1, 01 d. r. to; t 111,1'_e1!
4,1,1 .110.e .I4i)e, to•.='i: ,. , , a:or
hat: bon !'x11•01.1,, y
An t•it•,n is D. h• u.. 1„ to 1•rorr,l:u._
1'31 (tnment b, 4 tl r. 11 1 1 r "f Ills
l:x.011oneythe Uo0r.rno.
r,, -.r
The Canal to 1 ou grain i5 ti4e.l. at two
0 -uta -u ton, whirl) inolu'•', ,til the
Welland awl St. Lawren r camas.
William Stubbs, of (lab 11(:1,1-:.0inu-
erl 00 a probable c.t.,duia,• 1140• 'm,, sae.
alley in Ole Co)unone for Cardwell.
Arel,bisbop 11313,00 has ag1.1::d 10 the
,withdrawal of the proposal to !'lace a
statue of the Virgin Mary in Mount
Royal Pork.
The triad of 1V. ti. Co'.tor, the ritlolph
booker, on charges of fraud, 11 .a Dealt
postponed till 31:1)' 11. Judge (!liadwick
will hear tho ease.
The bonus b, -law for tho 4.t11 Nor.
folk .tail -lay was e:u•ri,nd of Port illtwan
by a majority of 2:i,t-11. majority of 100
over a two-fifths 4.010.
1 ec L'• i ms that
It is umor Lin St. athar t
th•• South Ontario Pacific Itrtiltvay Com-
pany will make overtures for the omptis1-
tine of the Ni ,gara Cool rod.
The date of ,•1111(114 iu the Sanestead
county election f r the repeal of the Oan-
ada Temperance net has bent changed
froth the 8111 to 31111i of May.
1'h Cardwell 1.111-erlasivos atilt meet
(tt Mono Mills tot 141,' 1011, to nominate
a candidate for the vacancy in 11,0 Com-
mons caused by the death of 1lnn. Thos.
"1'1, e yferen;r tau et n*1 D. , .i ❑o,l two
1101,19 od Satar,bty, carlyw;, li.octsr.iltga
uy aver 200 awl .11ski male• rio ata-
jortt , Tno Opp..itiuu,ussie-
syu,ai by a majority of 114.
Tho Alauit in 0. 4111 t 1(1. on •1 ,a lay
passed tluougo the Mod st atto the Rodin.
r,buti00 Bah, ;310 1(01 1Lv1' 1 1,y
Rahway Construction Bill ant .t bill
authorising a luau of $1,500,000.
101111 , . Hawke, editor of th • ,,1 u;ton
Traesoript, has boon 001teuc• a by the
Supreme Court, for onntemp', to two
mouths' imprisonment in the coo .ty jail
at o'rederioktou, and to a line of `.230.
It has Moon arranged that 110,1. J. S.
D. Thompson will take chart*,c.,f t0- De-
par.m0ut• of tho Interior, and that Sir
John Macdonald will act as Snporioten-
dont of Indian Affairs until the unci of
Editor Kennedy, of the Orangeville
Advertiser, 100 been served with a notice
that he is shortly ,t, appear as the de -
fondant in a libel suit, the aggrieved
party being Councillor Booth, of hat
to Till..
Government will improve tho quar-
antine service at Grosso Isle, River St.
Lawrence, to prevent the iutroduoti.n of
coolers this summer. 'New I:m.1_4110y
apparatus, probably eostin„ $120,030,
%vill likely be adopted. This stun was
tu'g0d by the l'ro4.inoial Board of health
By agreement between the Postmaster.
Genurals of the two eou01ri'0 the post -
[ye on paokages a seeds, etc., going from
Canada to the States will he one cent
p011 ounce and on printed. uta: a ono
cent per two ounces, after May le:. Reg-
istration on lettars to the United tit 4te5
will bo five cents instead of t,vo,
1 oorreeponclont at Vanaoiv,'r, who Dan
speak with knowledge, writes, under date
March 20 :-1' anoonver 10 1(1.' icing ),moat
strides, and not nn y ds Vf0)41`.), aw.alcgn-
tug to the fact, tint all the Sound ports to
800 14'ran01HO°. 11'0 tore ata
works, foundry, marble qu:u 0i. 0, ,hc,
Coal from .Bumf Us boing, shipied. ono
cargo a month. which is to bo really in-
creased shortly, 4, lido another tt1•g° mine
in now being opened by a wealth( ,1(1101.
Moan firm. Nearly 1700 immigrants passed through
,Montreal laot wook. The \ olonnlver.
,Retard* and Lake IIiro1 aro ud the way,
1avllg about 1,000 in11111grltete on 11oa1.'11,
Tho following figures shote the nn0tbo•
of immigrants that will have n-rr:v,:el in
ami passed through tho city 1ron1 Jan-
uary 1st to April 110th, and f,0 tlm, 0amt
dates last year. The nttm0tr on tit* way
out, as mentionod above, are ineludod.
vii : 101' 1886, 8,010 ; for 11(37. 6,071.
Tho Salvation Arany had -1 most sue.
cesefil celebration in commotion with the
second a11111V01':cry of - the °poll1lil; of
their Toronto 1 ontple. On 'CIOeday
night Contnliss; 000' t'ootnbs x111100 for
volmttoors for a MOlill1(th1e,a 1. it•elo 111
em'ry on tho worn, anon;; til:. 111 1 111 tho
Rooky Mountain district, 0,0,1 nine HOU.
tiers voluutl(rc(1 thou, snrviets. Timm,
mets and two 4Cet11011 VOl,mlt 4,101 1,5 work
atil*111 the lndia'1:-i and half.br0,rls 111 the
Norihwes4. lour women an,1 ono ula1
3110,1 volunteered 111ui1• 51414,'i','s 10311 work
in 11111111.
i'rnntie' Nnll0an, of Triad', lidlvard
Island, lune offerrl the fallowing resole.
Hon for tit( approval 01 the l.rgisla.ture :
ltlselved,'1'lmt it Ahold be lawful for
tho Lieutenant -Governor 011 Council t1
micept 411,1 reeeiv,' from the Governnt(ntt
of ('anadd. ally suet of ni,u,ey not exceoil
jt„ -
lug o11,0i10, iut the same shall not ho
accepted in full for comp -mot ion claimed
to Prince l;dwatd island in regard to the
failure of the 1'edo•nl 1)m-,'rnnmint do
,'srry out the 1or't u.
u print; fun(n will; lnnl r.
F 1X
Apert to (:0111111010)10 5100(11. s1rVitte be•
1zveen 11110 Prnvinet' And the )mainland