HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-27, Page 86 IV YOU. ARIL REQUIRING AN V WALL PA 11 Of the Latest American Styles at 17riccs less than usual, then }ata would do well tD secure some such as We are DiTcring, Our Stock is largo and well as, sorted, including those fur reil- ings, tVe. A fine, line of (fills. BORDERINGS Our liordirings are cheaper and nicer than ever before. Your patronage solicited at G. A. Deadman's Dreg, 11auk end 1•anee (Iambi ..S .rr. H� � T V. F HEN N 1 I( $ gi6easuch universal satisfaction a. the COUGII REMEDY maunfactured i l Seafor ae called LtJMSDEN & WILSON'S- rytyiTi g a W/ corairc Bald of sir Its wonderful vh•tuee have Mc.tca domanif for the I'veperet.,'u Inset all parte of the Province. Dreggiet, sell it. Price 50 tits. 17 -Gres. BRAND TRUNK R!'.11.WAY, s or ear. as xxTrxsioN , W. G. ,4 L.11. Trainsleave Brussel.- Station, uortlawl south as follows: - Going South. Going North. Mail ......-... 7:02 n.m. Mixed re"0 31.01 Pxpress 11:45 a.m. I Ydail......... ,. 2:: op,m , efixed 8:35p.10. 1 Lxpress........ .0:10 p.m eltHell tie)S ciitliiS. A cLiel's amaug ye tAllin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. Cesit for Eggs at W. H. McCracken's. .1 New and 1 second-hand Buggy. B. Gerry, Aram Goon is paying cash for Lath butter and eggs. Naw stock of children's wagons, carts, .-o. at I. (I. Richards. MAaeowe and Turnip Seeds, Cash for Eggs at Coats' Grocery. A 1'eechCE gam• of cricket wes played on Wednesday afternoon. Devi.iox Court on Thursday of this week, Judge Doyle presiding. Ws want money to handle Eggs. 'We aremarkingBoots very low. A. Goon. 1 Wagon, 1 second-hand Wag- on with platform springs and Beards. B. Gerry. IT iereported that Fred Frey is talking of rebuilding the Tecumseh House in Brussels. BAIGAIhS 1 Bargains 1 inhorses, cows, end milk wagons, $20 Pea Pullers for 0.2, all at G. Love et Cos. HORer, I'As.-Tho next Monthly horse fair will be held in Bruseels on Thursday of next week. Don't forget the date. Tan funeral of Miss Tillie Rozell, Princess street, who died on Monday evening, took place on Wednesday after. 110011. THE prettiest sight in Brussels is 295 pairs boots for infants under 2 years of age at Adam Good's store, from 25o. per pair up. Tse official returns of the repeal vote dould not be secured in time for this issue es. the Returning-Ofecet made the statement on Thursday. NOTICE. -On and after April 25th the stage will leave Brussels at 0:30 p. m. and return from Gorrie at 8 a.m. the fol. rowing morning. S. Widen, Pro.p A NEW fence around the Park is among the probabilities. The old one has about served its day. The Caledonian Society and the cricket olub will assist in dee con- struction, we believe. Wooi.D it not be a good idea to hold a public mooting and ascertain what could be done about arranging a celebration on the Queen's Birthday? Let us have a little fun at home this year. There is no time to lose. Mecattnes' INsrrrura,-The patrons of the Brussels Mechanics' Institute aro reminded that no books will be issued be- tween 18th April and 10th Slay, accord• ing to regulations, and they are request- ed to have in all outstanding numbers by Saturdav, 20th inst., preparatory to the annual meeting to be hold on 7th prox. J. B. GRANT, President. ELronoa day brought to town G. L. Ball, L. D. S„ and W. Hartry, Seaforth F. Frey, Hamilton ; T. Watson and Geo, Fulton, ITarriston ; G. Elliott, Blyth ; A. 3d. Kay, Goderich ; W. H. Hill, Wing - ham ; Robt. Wilson and Jas. Hicks, Clin. ton ; R. G. Vincent, Wroxeter ; James Drewe, London ; Jno. Livingston, Lis- towel, sod the Durnion boys, Blyth. DalcArr.-Last Monday evening the adjourned debate on the rigbt of women to the Franobisc was discussed at the Y. I?, C. A. in Melville church, A. Good, President, in the chair. The affirmative was championed by A, M. McKay, F. W. O'Brien, V. S., and Robt. Dickson jr. J1 or tJ,•) negative II. ;f. Whitley, Alex, 7', and W. Br don address Stewart ori Lha J Y gathering and were victorious as decision was given in their favor, The meeting was an ut je able one although some of the ladio'i ars' 1103 satiafied with the de- cision. Tet: ( richt Assizes open on Moraine, the 30th, with :Justice McMahon presid- ing, and John .Bing, Q. C., of Borlin, con• ductit>,g the (Drown business. There aro ten criminal records, The following are the eases already on the docket :--Queen vs. Lennon. Seaforth ; Perjury. Queen vs,'VanNorimut et el, 1Belgrave; Robbery. and amen%t.. Queen Vs. Ramon, Brus. eels; Perjury. Queonvs.T'rank IL Baer, Tp. of Colborne: Seduction, under the Charlton Act. Qceen vs. James W. Man. ser, 'Wroxeter: Forget*. Queen vs. IKonry14(8010y, x031(1,; a serious offence. Quoin vs. Jones Baker et al. Stephen ; Larceny. Queen vs. T. O. Edmonds, Clinton; forgery. Queen vs. E. R. 11ia. r sett; I,xeter; Assault. (111ec',, vs. stein YI. X•Iyndn:an, fleeter; Asonnit. 2 e, 4 Porter Barbed Wire, 1). Gerry, (taco out, horse wagon for sato at W. II. Olr ruekcn s. 131e:eerie Solent' Bonn) will tweet on Friday evening of next weak. A ten',trung •,•rand hand buggy and a lighl wagon for sole, Apply at 1, 3'. Richards' harness shop, Brussels, Tau Etta, --A. duck belonging to Thos. Ballantyne has opened the season by lay- ing an egg that measured lit by 7k Mahn. Who comes next A. special meeting of the viilttge council was bold on Mcil11O wetting to sett!:, the license lw' question, and a3rnntto for a lop to iato attend the railway tunei ing at Listowel on Tuesday afteruoou, Ott Friday evening of tide weal( a joint meeting of the Council amt Railway Committee '3111 be held 111 the Council Chamber to select delegates to go to Ottawa to interview 111' C. 1'. It. anther. iticss and the Minister of Railways. A full tt3ttndaut.'e requested, Soon + r Last Tuesday afteru,nl three ea, r 0 e we"b ,, 11' b fore 1'rhr c' Magistrate 331(11131ns. at1'etten'14 and Gabel s were dismissed and Roberteon. of 11thel, iuued 330 and rests. It is ported that there are several ether 311031 to be )ltd before. May lot. I'rur, mows TUE 1. L1N0.; -One day this 11'. '11 a. pilule !mall. well know in tows. wag OL )aged in a hotel per ,r 10v Wile) 1,'", u n eat of the 'iris empleyeil in the house. This tela l,o all right, bet tau it i, hintxl thatbee mein' utrie ' . , t he I 1 h 1 hot tr o '. ' 3 1 .' ' t ibis- if 1',1: that the bunt v. ' and not 1 , :;;c,• . o:tlar d, .. , s ratio 1',c, 1:13111. C. 1'. l; q ie, 3 .11 .3vibg le mow el - ed tln• tailw•:,c lu3'c01gat 1.io;ewcllest Tuesday :-- thieve McC'reekett. Council- ors Graham, McIntosh and Strachan, C. Rogers, 4. 1) Ronald, ('apt, Stretto' , 13, Gerry, A, Jenkins, 1I. Dennis, A. J. Lowick, W, 1 , Nettleton,. A. Good, Il, LeatherJalo, .1, It, Smith, J. R. Grant and W. 11. Herr. Brussels means bus,. nese this time. Fooeen.- Word was brought t0 town Tuesday night that a crazy man was seen in the neighborhood of Henry Ball's, east of Brussels. Constable Scott, ac- companied bye number of voting men went out but the tally thing they could find out was that Mr. had been chasing a pair of wild ducks in a pond in that neighborhood. A person supposed to be insaL' had been ill the neighbor- hood, however, that dor as this no doubt gave rise to the suspicion. BsossELs Nresrnr AND GmtrxsousE.- I will furnish the following stook at about half the price paid to those traveling agents that call round oecas iomelly :-I'opinrs, Mountain Ash, Chest. nuts, P. ars, Privet, Norway Spruce, Ftandald end Climbing Roses, Grape- vines. I'lew•ering Shrubs, fie. My green- house is chock frill of Il.,use and Bedding Plants ell in first-class condition. Conte end examine my stock and prince. Trios. KELLY. Weer w) 'P.8 ExrreT - Saltrlllg millin. try d le • • 0'd cht'rheo,-The Boar,? of Bealth to get down to business and the Tnspeetor to see a thorough renovation proceed, d with, --P, C, Rogers to give L plot of grouted for depot and yards for the C. P. 11. vrhr-1 it conics to Brussels, Garde"int: to 000i,nence. - Spt•ie;; ahiekenu. A rinsing celebration ou the Queen's Birthday in town. -The Mait- land base hall club to organize and "wallop" everything within reach this sense:..- Suet bails to beeotee popel..r at the etre t corners. -The watering oar) before long "IM1neRANT CamncEa."-John T. Mid- dlemure, the founder of the Orphan Chit, run's Emigration (Aarity, London; Ont., left Live pool In the 27th inst, in the S. S. Ontario with a party of 50 girls and 120 boys between the ages of 0 and and 18 years, who are brought out to this country for adoption of hire, chiefly among farmers. They are expected to arrive at the Guthrie Home, near the city, on o1 about the 0th prox. This will be ]dr. Middlemoro's 15th annual visit to tbese shores with juvenile emigrants from Birmingham, England, since 1872. Already many applications accompanied with good references have beet made for the ohildren expected to arrive, but more are required. Further partioul re m„y be obtained by addressing H. Gmnrxs, Manager of the Guthrie Home, London, Ont. Popo WE KNOW, -11(33, E. E. Wade is away to Windsor on a visit. -Harry Town had the misfortune to fall from the eangvay at the Lime Works and in- jured his face quite severely. The won- der is that he escaped so well. -Thee. Ross has gone back to Toronto where he takes a situation, -Last Tuesday Misses Ida and Jeuuie Stacey left russets dor Denver, Colo ado. Mrs. John McFar- lane and daughter and Hiss Mary Wilson were on tho same train c-, root for Call• fornix.—Mies Broadfoot, of Se,tlorth, is visiting friends in town. -J. W. Coyne, of Chatham, was in town for a couple of days last week. ---J, Lawrence hue gone to fill a position in Belgrave and Richard Rivers enters the employ of Edward Snell, merchant, Jamestown.---Al,ort Fitzpatrick went to Arthur last Monday to fill a situation in a store in that town, •---Mise Jessie Ross, of Goelph, is back to her old position in A. Good's stores. - Rev. J, Ross. B.A., and A. Stewart we o at Wroxeter last Tuesday arranging with the Presbyterian congregation in reference to the retiring allowance of Rev, Goo, Brown. The rev. gentleman was granted $2110 a year.. This is very creditable to the congregation and notb• ing more that Mr, Brown deserved. - John Burgesshasgone to Rochester, N. Y. A farewell party was hold at his father's residence last Friday night. -Wo regret to hear that Wm. MoCullntigh is stilt confined to the house. IIo had his tees frozen some time ago and they got sn .yore Olaf I, physician had to remove the hope. \33e hope he will soon be able t) resume work, -Miss Dyke, of ITon- fryn, was the guest of Miss Tsai° Swann this week.. -Thos, 'McCullough, of Wing. ham, r: le in town this weeks. --Tho Lis• towel Hamer says t Mrs. R. Ross, of llruasple, slaughter of J. M. Climie, soli., is spending a few days 1)t home. --Mrs. liedcocl: end Miss Amite Torun hese gone to Buffalo where they will reside foe a while. -Miss laird. of Maysville is visiting relatives and friends in town; 3. W. Fear. of Toronto, is nu the sick list wo aro sorry to state, but we hope he will soon bo restored to lois usual health. -Walter Richardson tend wife arrived in Brussels from Calilnrnia this week somewhat benefitted by their stay in the west -Geo, ITe,yeroft wife and son are oxpe&rod hone mixt week. etre. Hared. Tea' was railed to Seattle ill nu Wednesday owing to lite 111110.3,; of iter granriritllrl. THE BRUSSELS POST eteentatmetee Home for sale Or to rent. Apply at Tee Pour Publishing house. 42 'Incihotel 11e +noes will bo $170 and the shop license 5210 for the incoming veer. Licenser, will be granted to hall, Romig t Ga•bal, Stratton Bos, and T. O'Neil, for hotels and to John Broadfont fur a liquor store. LASS Sabbath morning; Rov, 13. Flagg, of 1"Olh,rt0n, preached in the Methodist 81303811 hero, and Rev. W. E. herr, of Alma, tc)mpied the pulpit at the evening serNie,'. Both discourses won very at. tent(' 'v t:1 pl'nlitubly listened et, '0 t1\.e,..- Dr. Speer, one of the oldest owl meet experienced meth 3 (010 in the 1)eutinion of Canada, will be at the Americas hotel, Brussels, m1 Tuesday-, May 1st, from N a. m, to te p, in„ for the treatment of all chronic diaeaeee and dis. emcee ',emitter to women. The doctor 1.0111100 highly spoken of by the St. Thomas, Stretht•ov and other pap, rs, for his ab- ilities eta 511300001 in the treatment of those rluen10) to which he is directing hi'. attention, C'onsnitntion free. Mend :eh eletteti em fu tilie paper, relnaulbcr the deto:md come early. "Stnot.r1tmx. " A, Carlton, Marnoch, will be at the American hotel stahlos, 13r a -sell, nest Tuesday with lois recently imported Clydesdale stallion "Steele - neat,” (2.1031 vol. 5. It teas fettled ill 1' O, talc. 1st prize at Glasgow and Ayr in Ie82. His site is "Pointmat" (1 500) vol. 3. '!'he latter took the liighlttnd 4eciett a prize in 11+81. "Singlenittn e" tem Lti4,a(14.23). biro "Bating Nolan' I' 031. 811 wool lot prize at th,• I1151, 1e101 4oci, y, Dumfries, in 1870. The Are of "She -Omen" has live crosses and the deer eight. Every- lioroeman should make it a point to sea this horse next Tuesday. Be was imported about two weeks ego. 42 1 IhiirseAL,-On 4Vednesdny afternoon of this we. 'kthe nuptial knot was tied, at the manse, Seaforth, by Rev. Mr. Mc- Donald, between Jesse Wilbee and Mies Mary J. Avery. The (mutt -nth -1g parties wore supported by Miss Emily Avery and Alonzo Hald,•nby. The wedding patty received a hearty welcome Itt the residence of the bride's parents where a number of relatives and friends had assembled. The wedding presents were handsome. A largo circle of frionde wish Mr. and Mrs. Wilbee prosperity. When Mr. Wilbee, erg and wife were re- turning to Brussels some of the boys gate them a little charivari mistaking them for the bride and groom but they were badly Bold as the matrimonial Isnot WAS tied a good many years ago with the "old folks," POST Seem,-Vanstone's saw mill is kept running night and day to get through the rush of work, -Now awnings havo been pot up by J. G. Skene std Geo. Monson thin spring, -Next Tuesday wilt be the 1st of May.=Tenders will be received by the Clerk for plank, cedar end gravel up to Monday, May 7th. -- Tho License Commissioners for East Huron met at the Revere House, Brus- sels, la t Monday. T. Fletcher's mare I had e ilnn fool Fein "Clerliole" but it died when about a week old. -J. Haslam, Belgrave P. 0., found a sum of money in Brussels last week. Owner can have it by applying to nim. -Airs. Fergeson, Ale:nutlet street, has moved her dwelling back from the street and i« having a stone fo ndati, n put under it. -Toe Band play- ed et W. 1ightengulo & Co's millinery opening ou Thursday and Saturday even- ings of last week. A. t'. a A. M. -A pere011 would out re- galre the gift of prophecy to know that something was going to happen in the vicinity of St. John's Masonic Lodge last Monday evening. A umnher of willing workers could he aeon fl1111)1 back and forth. The uninitiated could gain but little information as to where they were coming from, the object of their business, the nature of their burdens or contents of their baskets, only one thing was appar- ent, their destination seemed to be the comfortable quarters in the Struther'o Blook, immediately over TILE P053 pub- lishing House. known as St. John's Lodge, No. 284, A. F, to A. AT. The frisky feline has escaped the sack and now it transpires that there was a ban. greet in honor of W. Brns, T, Town and Claude Waterer, the former leaving Brussels for Kansas City on Tuesday af- ternoon, After a nicely are ,nged supper had been partaken of the usual patriotic and fraternal toasts were gNott interning. led with speeohes and songs. Both of the ken(lemen referred to are enthusiastic masons and will bo gr) ati' missed, Mr. Town here been a resident of Brussels for the past 19 years and has made a large cirole of vory warm friends. Ho has been a very useful Mize', both in society and municipal matters filling the position on the Board. of Health and tax collector for several years. We are sorry to lose him front town but live in the hope that Brussels has a tertain tattet1Let:e influence unknown in any other part of the globe ae far as he ie c0n0ernerl. Tis 1 sr wishes him a pleasant trip and a safe re. turn. C7QL 031.1,41800 tt 331 03 NV $4. Tuesday Was the third anniversary of the batt]. of Fish Creels, N. W. T. The customs have seized It quantity of woolen goods at Stratford for under. valeation. The British North Ame'ioan fleet is expected to arrive al Ilalifex on June 4tb from the West Indies, It is rumored the) Chief Bains, of Windsor, is about to resign. No official confirmation has as yet been issued. The l;xooutivo Committee of tiro Booksellers' Assooiation will petition the Government to remove the reoently int• posed obnoxious duties on English maga. sines containing fashion plates. The license commissioners for the south riding of teeth mot in Ht. Marys on Wednesday and disposed of the ap. plicntaotts laid before them for tavern and shop licenses as follows 1-441, Marys. Hotel --Geo. A. Graham, Daniel Hower, 3.1,V. (lathoart. .3. G, Golenntn, Kennedy ,4'- Moir, Mary A. Cosgrove, W. Graham, Goo. Taylor, granted, and to license granted also to oho Oxford House con. rlitionally ; Shop --A, Beetle ,v Co., and Jim Welsh, granted. Mitchell. - hotel -Geo. Davidson, 7. M, Scott, Mrs. Eliza. both Collison, Andrew t lobarll, M. 91,,. Grath, granted, and Ml's. Jane Lark. 1 worthy oonditionelly; 9Joop -W. 3, Levy deferred, end 11. James granted condi. tianally. llInnshard....Hotel eV, d, Me. 11))3-e3 Mts. Menthe henry and Joseph Stevens, granted, lliBeef. hotel -C. Pmnrlorgnsl, W. l Nev1m, Patrick fart' mudAhretifl WI A.Page, granted ; Shop 1(i11d d' ('o.. geented,ll, \Villialus,grant. ori cunditiuually: rend 1), O'Leary, re,- fused, e•fused, The Welland Canal will be upend on April 23rd. eittoba Arbor Dee' lute been chauge4 from the (0111 In the 1711, of '3hay. J. A Glosscup, merchant tailor, of Wintlsor, ie on a visit to Londin( at pees. elft, Ikon, Jae. Royal will likely become Lieut, -Governor of tho Northwest Ter- ritories in July, Forty Quebec familiee ban settled n Loretto, elan„ this season, and two cheese factories have been buil' there, J. Roes, owner 'of the Leamington ,f St, Clair Railway, 11 is said, will extend the railway to Lha lake this spring. Messrs. Norquay incl Smell are men- tioned Among their friends le to as prob- able entente 1•s to Ikon, Thome- White, Knox College gets $25,000, alllII3rs11iee Presbyterrian Chn el(, 'Toronto, etai,000, by the will of the 11tt' Sainte I Bowman, of 'Toronto. Williams ct31114 the hy-low ter raising 915,000 by debentures for the purpose of eonlpleliegthe eleetrin light acid water- works 58ete111 by a majority in u.. Thr Ltnedowtle banquet will take piano at the loused House on a ilea, be. fore \Iay 18, when the 1101150 will likely adjn ine CO ..res will )m laid for '5 to. Mr. D2088011, 1h 1'. for Alg"un', has given an explicit +ta'ement it, the effe„t that the Government will push the Lott Canal to eiimplie ion as earls as po•. dee. 1 telegraph lis amen in St 1'll l t('ine0 tried to steady himself the 0111,1' day by g Seeping the uleetric Oar 3, i, , +, but ry• velvet 11, so„ed( Willi 11 hurl,•.! hint twenty feta away, A St, Johns, Nfld., dispat 11 gays the steamer .litems has ar (30(1 wit 11 11,1)00 seals, She reports that the seethe: fleet generally has done well, the AL1: "r t low ing tike, 33,000. John Way, of Stratford, bought the insolvent stock of le, Latimer, Seaforth; (boots and shoes) at auction at 08e. on the dollar, \V, Y. Brunton & Sou wield- ed the hammer, It is reported that Sir Donald Smith intends devoting $250,000 for the sotab- lishinent of "The Royal Vintoria College for Women.” at Montreel. It is to be in affiliation with McGill. At St. Thomas on Saturday, a house being moved came in contact with a tole - phone wire attached to a brick building, pulling ont the wall, which in falling killed a lad named Howard and injured several others. J. C. Patterson, M. P., and Sol White, of Windsor, are going to open a new road though their front farms at Petite Cote, when tree oilers will he spared malt- ing the tern et the fish hatchery, and in the winter have a highway shelteredfeomn the fierce blots of the ' leer. It is enders"sod that the Oatmeal v101- ors' Combieati„n said 0,000 herr le 1134 month, which is said to beabout one- half the usual amount. A )meeting is to be held at Stretford oil 'Tuesday to con- sider the cense of this decrease in ,,ales, and the Manitoba imports. Tho planes west of , n elph to ; adcrich are desi ells of exteudi•y; [i ('.O,'1, to Lake Huron, They propose, a- soon as the Mkuister of Railways cal 3eneiv0 then'), t , send a deputation to awn to sndeatar to obtain the Government g ant to aid in building the rood. The .eilway Committee o Tuesday meriting adopted the Bill to iocerporato the Detroit River Railway Bridge Co., end ameudecl it so as to make the capital a minion della s in place of half a mill. ion, as provided in the draft .3 the Bill. it provided that the opening in the main channel shall be 350 Leet. The Montreal Witness and ±tar have been taking a census of church-eocrs in that city. Of the 200,1)011 peculation 150,- 000 are Oatholies, for whom (here is seat- ing accommodation for 80,225 ; while the Protectant churches have seats for 80,058 of the 50,000 inhabitants of that faith, On Sunday, April 8th, 111,478 Catholics and 81,175 P''otesta'tts attended church, The De.,artment of Agrioniture having been notified that a contagious disease fatal to cattle existed in the Cypress Hill+, Ma,itoba, Dr. MoI5acnern, Do- minion Veterinary Surgeon, WAS immed- iately sunt to investigate the matter. He reports that the disease is simply entlu'ax. There is no danger of it spreading, but Om cattle effected will have to be destroy- ed. Through the removal of Rev. Dr. Smith, of Galt, to San Francisco, a vac- ancy is caused in tho largest Presby- terian Church in Canada, and it is re- ported that R, v. Mango Fraser, of Knox Church, of Hamilton, formerly of St. Thomas, is likely to bo called to take charge of the oongrogabiou. The induce manta held out are $3,000 a year and a free manse. Tho oongrogation numbers about 2,000 Thursday oft•fiioon a serious accident 000nrred at Paisley in tho woolen mill of J. 31, Chase, in which Geo. Chase, the proprietor's son, eves naught by the head between the breast beam and the lathe of one of the looms, Ho bled from Mao nose and ears very rapidly. A physician was at nnee on the spot, and the blending was to sumo extent controlled, Mr. Chase lies in a very critical condition, and it is feared he will not recover. A row occurred between an Ingersoll and a London lawyer n the oourso of an examination at the Court House, Lon. don, on Friday. The London man ob- jected to One of the Ingersoll man's quos. tions, and one word brought on another, until the epithets of cur, liar, sneak, cow- ard, and pup passed. Then bows were struck, the men clinched and fell over a obalr, The bystanders soparated them, and the ease WAS adjourned, At the annual meeting of the Stratford Lacrosse Olub the following officers were elected 1 -Honorary President, D, N. Hogg; President, W. If. Griffin ; Vico. President, L. McDonald; Haa.Treas„ P1 1llillrr' Latham, ' , (. p am S. 1lcGntchenn ; Henn - Live Committee Messrs, W. Watson, J. Prastr, W. Gibson, D. N. llogg, 17. Mac. redden. By a 01113nllne0, vote it was de. tided to join the C11uadien League Mae. elation, and Messrs. 1fcCutoheot and Hogg wore appointed delegates to attend a meeting of the Emmet in Paris on the 17tH of April, Mo wiz. UVr:oe,mn. - --Tu IBrnasel,, On the 23rd dost„ the wife of Mr, Thea, Ii. Webber of a uhtet', FonsvTdn'rr. g -In Morrie, nn April 17011, the wife of AA'. flnplt Vorsyth of a ilaugh Ler. 3)4,r)e le ewe. • At the rosadunoe of the bride's father, an April 18th, iry the Rev, Andrew 1'Lon'lorsan, 3d, A., et Atwood, 311', dames G. htglis, of Atwood, to this 1ettbelln Belly. of (1343' township. Whaler, --Aviu e. -Ito hoafor41t, on the 21)11 inst., by Itue, Mr. McDonald, Mr, Jesse Wilbe', of llrllsarle, to Mtge Marl ,Lotto Avery, of (.try township, • Rozehee eln Brussels, on the 23rd lust„ Tinto 11013011, aged 211 yoara. 7..3- e.c-moFyT..a lurri2.'.ZC+=- T.^-.. cotuu;Crrn e.t118Vm,Lx 1:3(:1:7 w•1'8)3, Pall AVhet t e0 lel !"tering 3V4.0f..... .,,,.,, 711 81 Borley (1(1 ,0 Dote.,., 08 40 Yeats.. ee 00 Butler, l 'the and rolls,. , 111 17 Hetet .mr dozen,,,.. 10 (0 Flonr nor barrel ... ,, , . 4 50 00 Potatooe ,.. 00 05 Ilay per ton .. 8 00 0 0.1 lIide. Ver in 4 5• Nall. per 1111„ wholesale,,., fa 81) Slut.• :,kine, each .... ft, 1 Oil Wool, per lb. e0 23 fort) . 31 25 11 110 imane1'1'nt etltnr(LLr evens w 1)1(3, Fall \Vltettt '78 82 Oprin: Wheat „ 70. 80 011e 38 41 l'ene 00 00 Merl,•' lit 75 1'(1 (11 ly 00 1:,, r . de rm I:, „i 7%1 00 lie -e, dr -::.td 11 10 7 00 110,'f 4 50 s 1(1 Hay 8 50 0 00 Wood, per cord 2 11, 3 50 liteP. 0I '' per lL Apple;, our bushel APRIL 127, 1688. terdaNterarosaleiimrrinatraltdarrliarraltaraan BANKINP...; F; rTNTOSi1 ,E a eTA(i(11;:1', 110.03313110 -,- 11111881014 7'l'nusar't (1 General .laa1'auy 1iusi11r's.a. \01110 DI814t'N'r111. Caen Ran nod United 9 int, , Platt'. 1,,:11(111 inid «01,). I1144'0sl. a11,1Wod 01) tten..vltn, eellrrlial,:r mad.' un lelro,',13' terns, Callarbre Ag,' 3.-3tlatt'll 0x1•'8 BANK 00' CANAn.1. • Nov )judo Agents Peron 1,' inn 'Teen. la ae NA'r10NA3) 1)ANN, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 11/4A7 itf. SINCLAI11 SO11ICIT. r m•, Poon cyan \ ramie. A,. t 1•: tT ,.),a .s1 . '.Sell of Lo.,r.nloa' Urt3 Store, Privet,' Feuds to Loan, 41 E. 1VA1.L, P,AE13IS't'EIl, J • Solicitor and setae • I'OLRO y , (' yovaoOl not. (ill tonus alL l ,,'y )V \1r. Waal)II•Waal) 111 u14,nliu Revel., every Wedgies. ,Urs at Own o'clock, � TCRSON eC IIAY «i, rTette with G.,rrow ( , I ,nt, (tede- 3l t0 n 1St+Pars, SnIi0i4 1:, h. 1'8. -\ !•. Pleb ,Ole 1I. 9'AYI,OII, 11 C. 1, , !wt. 1-e.- ut ','e) , 801) 1 . 3, „( t l,, firm of & 'feller. Isar )nonan, 8,. l linters• ,te„ Manuel, ,i rrv„lc, Rini) Strout t\ eet,'reronte. Money t:, Ilan, weae PE PA f e ;LEN. HUNTER, CLERK OF 913E iG iPLE'S a Lal°,tlN .... i too Fourth 1)lv30)01 Dour)., Ca. I31000, ■ : Cnnvosurane, 3totnry Piled, Lnu,i, matt 111)11 toanrtwou Aram. Piled, 'r Sud 1311VAN'P WANTED ---APPLY ; to loan, Omloeti ons tonic. 011loec in Gra ).7 to Item's finck,Rruseole. .fR ..I. le. SCOT e. COTTAGI?, TO RENT, ALSO Rooms over 5, 11, Sn;ith'o Store, 43- MRS. OTIOACBAN, FJ AY FOR 1'11(08ALS,c.0)l•-4P1(GORPLYTO . 1f, 37- Lot 11, Con, 0, Grey, ('tO\iPORTATBLE DWELLING Hpelt 53105u, 05 at barg31.0. 1' r full part oniara its to prion, location, etc„ finely to W. R. 01011000, 0-1r CAWS GU\1\IED FILED AND ftagiilnted , Lot 11, Con, 0, r}ray. ratan,t , NIc t 1(1300]1, Fla q"w lies lois now patcow- set, "Sawyer's (]wide," 1, x31)0, 1t i , tar' haat, made, 90 1110 sawurs soy Pat- ent to nal.. PlttautOS W111 allow geode to bo undo en royalty, T1I0 S. 3IcGRl3'1O11, el itrusselr, cntnrle. L'LT, I'Clt 1 E1l"i'1(`l.;-r1'1I1s uudcnwicuuu will krrq) a thor,n4,. (,rod Durham hull for serr(en Oa 1"4 00, n01.14 0, 'Sur is. Tories 81.00 ea!, prIeinge n1 retur,,lee 1P no+s"1r3', .118, -1'(;111. l'ruprrot.r, 34.3ui i_6 UU Or,' '1'O BENT. --THAT H. cOmfortabla cottage nt pr000nt Oo• eaptc 1''o L Ov, ,, e(Al et,•c,•t. 1 ergo 1.t, stable, well. Oto. Rent moderato. Advo cn _...odious eterrirnr:r il::•ear of P. 1tunlee lately occupied by Mr, Ruddick. 37- J. 11, (11241.37, 11 AXI?, NOTICE THAT WE hereby '0,189t oil y and all persons not o neg•'thtte er purchase two oorttln eremite sor7 notes, 11030501,lng i0 an to the sum of $114,00, given by es to 0uo Alfred Lowery, ne we Maya not received 3aluo for the conte. MARY 8400137,. r'EO ITU IBLL, Brussels, April 20,1880, COUNTY OF HURON EXAMINA- Tam, 1888. Second and third -elan non-professional examinations at the Oollmglato Institutes and Utah Schools in the Oounty on Tuesday, July3rd,0:40 a, m. First 0., July 101h, 8:310 a. in, Oaodidatee who wish to write at either Clinton or Seaforth must notify D. M. Maeneen, Beg., P. S, Iue socor, Clinton P O not later than the 210 of May, stating which of the two sobools they intend to write at, and those; who wish to write et Goderfeh moot notify Rime 10, Tom, lana 1', 8. IA. spooter, Godericb P, 0., at the same date. Tho notion /inlet bo uocompaniod by n fee of $5, or S10 If tee eaudidato applies for oho First Claes as well as Second -Class Lxami' nations. leo mune will bo forwarded to the Dcuarbmontunless oho foo uceompaulee it. Floud Mestere of the 0oaoglato Iustitutos sue High Schools will please send the ap plieatlm.s of their Candidates to the In- gnitor of the division fn wbioh the Oel. loglate In etitnbo or High School is situated, Rorme of application maybe bad from oho Seoretery. 1'13201R ADAMSON, Seoretary 13. Lx's• G8doriol h April 1011, '38, 40.2 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF C11,1,81833S 547014, OF THE 'r"OWNSHIP OF MORRIS, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, FARMER, eee'btcr. Tito above named ,lnbtor has made alt ns- signment to oto, under the provisions of “An. Ant res1T,neting Asslgatuonte for the bonnet of Creditors, being 48 Vie, 011ap. 20, Ontario Stutntee,1880,' and amending aebe. A meeting of the °rediters of the sada Debtor will be held ab my'Onoo, in oho Couttliouso, in the Town of Gonentcu, at Twelve O'clock in the Forenoon, on ['Itil)AY, 27th flay 0b' ,11'ItML, 1888, for the Appointment of hlspoctors and the giving et directions with roferonoo to oho disposal of the estate. Otverypereon claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate is required to furnish to me partleulars of cliche, ,roved by mill davit sob deellii a elf 0)' and suoh vouchers no the ease16010131310 GI13130115, Sheriff of Iluron, Aral goon. Shorifee Mee, Goderinh, Apr1117, '88. DEAL ESTATE. .11101033 T1'r1.13,M8 FORSALib.- J A few sploudid, int. roved farms for Wein p. the Apply t0 A Getty, Morris 00. Auction nor,lirl1oe01s P, 0,1 1errele to Iil'c„1' :agitate. Thosubocrl crolforsfnrsale hie valuable 141rmfn the Township of Grey, eomprising lots 0And 7,eon Alin said township, Th10 Tarlo contains'eneac1'esnnl is within 1i; miles 'U0111 1110 thriving y111ago of lirussols, with good gravel made netting thereto. Abnnbl30 acres aro elearod,Iroolrotn 51ump0and ina h[gh sante of anitivafJm,. The baleen(' is flatly wooded. Title farm is particularly wvolltuneed,uoariy'tho whole of the femme being ntraightMail leaving been erected in 1885 end's!). On thopmmioestbnrnis 0. nom fellable log dwelling house Anti agoo dtrnm e barn with 00000 etnb)fng underline tit ht which then, ie u. WM 1 w IGaau el)untinnt sup. ply ofo8)&R0nl• water. 'Photo 1s 1iks1v'isoa MM. frame iteplo)ncn(t ionic, 4012e, wo11 Neared above uha below, lend molly sided end pointed. Pot pttrtleuh,rs ap3)ly to the Proprietor. 1Altls -31544), 16 331510631t0011, Bor34onC(., itf5• GOtleri0h, 003E11T OUNNIvgyg4, IN0URAN311, FIRE AND MARINE,: GUELPH• MEDICAL Ciw:,uo. w 3L P. °ALE, AI. D., 0. 11.^ Member of the College of Pllyx1e181's and thimenns of Ontario by euumiuutinn Office and Itesideue--Antic 111, East, foie U tpi A IItNAUGi1'r(1N. 31.1) , Oy • C, lf., L.R. C, P. i' ,Bashi,,";h. N1. C. P. S. Ont. At Uarercaves• • 'ra4 +tate tram 0 to 11:xe a.m. told from 1:110 1., 1 ,'. •e. At crthew hours toe .5 La found 0t the re,i ' '1100 ra,vl orgy 1 03111 by, Dr. Bute. 100011, 3181 ideeet. esli1JN TJCP>'fl'' lit •5-. 10. 1,Ba11,L. 1).O„ IInunr l;r"du,uo and 10,10.4. I), S„ of Toronto, :',13,0)0 Oxide (vas ttdn)h)1n10,•oQ, frier: 11 1E1111 as 1033 as good Wara (:stn e0 eon,' i 'r. Ocoee over •Tobnstou's nnrdWare Store, ±eoforbit . Di1JN'•L JC ' OT. 1333 ,T, Four,L.D S.(ireduete of To. route School of 05011611). All opor- eti0ns guaranteed. i)nleo-Cady'e Stook, SoefortL. Artinolnl tooth, 1rstquality, aura gearanto oil 111,f or $12.0ppe, sot, NTD IT. , z, a, s•, Honor Graduate of the 'Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nanus 0x11113 Gas administered for the painless extrac- tion of teeth. OFFI(Ii,—Garfield Block, ItettISS6LS. AUCTIONEERS. er-V E-ORGE KIRKBY, LICE N - 4t et+,n Auctioneer. Bales condoned on reasonable terms, farms lied fern, 0duo It a suoeialty, Orders Tait at Tee 1'.. or reelish- ing llaune, B1100010, or suet to Welton post o01ao will receive prompt as teuu.a,, A LEX. DELGAT'I'Y, A UC't i(IN- 17t,. 111•:0, isprapar0d to ottend to 0,10,1 on the shortest notice. A 8( einlie un'.lo of sitlee of thorough -bred stook. Teeo,n nada ku0,80 b" applleatiou Lr .'Teem Pose, Punch- ing Holum, whorl orders may be left, or 0ddrurs to Wu05181' 0. ARAY11IANN, AUOTIONP1ER, 13_0 is always roady,to attend Dutra of farms, farm stook, &e, Terms oboefully elven, Oraubrook ')'.U, Sales m•1•• he a,- raug5d at 'Tun PosT -Brussels, -• BUSINESS CARDS. 1100RACEEN, ISSUED. • Of Marriage L10011806'. 13)1100 at his Groeery,Turnberry Street, 11IoNAIR, ISSUER OF ALA R- riago Licensee, by appoiatem _nt of Lieut, -Governor, 001111108100or, &0„ Q. 33, oenveyanocrand Agent Fire Tnsuranoe 0o, O1neo at the Oraobrookrost .811100, [ CTM. RODPIOIf, I-1')USE, SIGN V� anti Ornamental Palmer, Gr,tinblg, Gilding, Sign and Decorative Pelee -tug in 0,11 its branohas. Shop Blinds dome cul iu style, repot Hanging it specialty, Ohop ono door a011th of J, Bnyers' Carriage Works. TO W. O'JIP.I.EN, V. S., 110N011 14. • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Colleen has reau0lod the preetl00 of ,john Nott, V,8,, and is prepared to treat all die at4a05e o dotnastrin an cn t 10 nvinppravOrl prinal mals on inn animals '1'i•nntmonl of dol. butte foals a specialty ()Mee two doors North of Br idge,.l'uen burr y e treat. NOTICE TO D11DTORS,-UN aocount et being at great nepenee building and adding new machinery nod also inteedioe to start the manufacture of furniture WO bog leave to inform all dun the llndereigllod to be kind (melee, to settle no either with Caoh or Note, kine, nom - look, Pim, Asb or Wan Sawinge will be taken in pay, delivered at either of Arent Bros. Sew brills, as this Oro has pmwhassd our saw mill in Grey, All 0,00011300 will be settled at the Now b'eatory,lienesels' 2041 bMITtt 10800. .'11A1l9i1"011 SALIN.-THE SUB- . 0(3131110,) odors hka-vatobln 100 5530 tarm,bohtgdot.l, tion, 13, Grey :Cownshlil. nu30) 0 ,,, Ion Al. 9')1030 r1r0 ah mut ; n acres cleared Sud n good )ioart, There 1s n log house, good bang) rntrn, boating 0rdtnrd, and all the neeeesery 0any0n3o1r00a 0n the p0Omi500. Per 501011ee metes lent 0s to r,rio0,isrms, Ctc, apply to tba 1'rnprle103, 111(OH.A18L0.1',t'lar0r. U., N,W.'ll.. or td 2.t , 3)0I1(IA1 11) H'P1t.4CBAN, llrusscls