HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-27, Page 61 H < u 1,1—S A pjui, 7 ?'h8 rontialaimaawswain.vavaaawipanani*a.sers•ausisirs.,,misair===----=•r.--orrax•••..ravast:r„wenre=wwwwarvivisirawaisearniaraiiiiirassatessawrisseroaratani-v-, :s.rwartsztramaretsetramsts.7skozsetstatumismmtsbutswr 146'4 Qemptrante Dates. Miss Bowes, formerly organise' • .$ the Ontatio W. C. T. 1.' , aud is. many yearresident of Mtleal„ Halton county, hos been recently appointed city miseionary iu V •11 t. conver C., under Ilia Rev. 1 Robson. Shu will else take ciao , of a Obil:t ;iv Selioql, 111 the District of E. Siale0e, th,. May, and thi• 711.1 Apri!, there were 00 estivictious for VI,. tion of the Scott Act. The foo ! impend tot:owned to $4,95o, which only $2,800 has been coil. et ' ed. Evidently the Ontario ofliet.r-• wheat) duty it tti illfOrOc law, have lain very lax iu the 1" fornl•olee ef their ("tiny A W. C. T. hair been orettniz •. n w Oh 191. to rtio 1.ho I, . ,•don, Lint , II • • • • 7, .31,4 E115 it -S, 11 18148 e 111i Ill ..11,1.10 y..ate, e :ids ti0,9A0 $8.001.088 ,,,, ., 81't (tt.. of 7300, flf , ),3 has na worn! .117 Grist and Flour The umlorsigned haying Lunn tater] 1 e champ erup, f111 to I le p „ • 001,1)r:idea Hungarian lystem of eluding • has 'toy. Mil, Liu • ‘. . 10 LI Ola'i• R 111).1 E,.="11' • 9,31}00,000, F, 11ihz 1885, ,• illiico 817i ,f p • ..,,11.,•• 4111un., 11!..• $10,855 ev• voi In ii.,e011 11 111 hi, lot ,i, 'ors in Renfrew and will tie gleol to 300 nl I his old eastrimera and as many nese once as tiib] e. Choppin g don e . •:1 1. ...• Ann soinothine • t• • ••• • .71 7, or.1!... u. in 1 id Form! sa, Mott, • . 1 „ si, ol in the teem ,twie 3.3 lolly: ,4 zee 3 at It00k1V001.1 alit' 1.1rd. Piltt • IT '1, 24171.11401 and !Mies Stracheru, s e I ,,,i : , 3,3.7707,1',iif l'o."1.,, , l• or, 7. 7 ,,,,,,, 11., 1rioi17 retary. •• Mrs. Ito om, of Itowinanville, we,. : 11,' .''''', ' )7"Y 3,thiiii." "i',"ii,•' recently yresenteii by Lite W , C " 1 • ' 7 '7, 1 '11 0, ("P""'''Iv I' ' • ;-,,'•',' 1.1., of 71(17')l town, with a brew! e ' • ''L '' '"u".1 "7'1.1 1 7 find; (11.:• 1, • ,.t1.117, ,, t., . I n70 ., .n di.e.7,7:: •,.. , The i-lio•• l)31.'11 trate el' lir, . ' '' ''' •'• .,''' • 7',' " vint 1 i177. .7 titholiry for :own . A that tut ('11.4117 in that count, ,, - P 1 1 1. I . i . .. violation of the Scott Act Annan,. :, ' ' .... .3,at o 11.• • hod ;.,..,., -Vcr i — '‘ d!, 1 LIT $7,02o. Price paitl for any quantity 01 (177(73' On. . 11 1I1 :1 e ' Nearly 0110 FiliK1 11 of the • 'az g'''t 1733.7'IVO° army 111 India (11,047 soldierz.) r, • 11'7 •.• as mode 1177' Ob. \1t. iusanbers tl.e 1-.•olditrs"rotal E. o 90 ' • e••• this sprite:. It 0 gallons 01! 0,000 otineitoe ASS. oiation. •9.1.70 Legasla, tire of the little j•rte 11 ' 1.1', 774 n1114 r`r v of IN,.114tck, 017(7731.710,37 j11/31, 1', he frame of 0311 an the inankteg of pine lined wan ..14 7 ,11)3 11 iron has just passed a law forbidding the grouting oi a marriage hetuss to El poison addicted to the 11(73,41(71 habit. France has pissed the following liquor law : Every person who may be con demned twice by the police for °pet. arm:Itemises will be held incepah(e of voting Bud of beiug trained ler the jur) or any plinks office The (Irina bi 3 01 New Zeatano last year alas $W5,790 less Hiatt Us! praettlieg 3ear, Tee Grand lit dge A. 0. 11. W 0, • id. i• 111 1 tl tn..) with aenera Ilteltigart hortattei roluso :to ol- • • o.,i:l, in, Dino ,s cep) were iIIIiitged 311 the 1.10.1+11 w 1, all • tin:. facture alai salt of intoxica w • • ! r H.. •'s (2..0 ti)3rs, W !“- driDlis int mbeiship in the tout,. • (' • •• •'..ys wo loon 1,,••• 7.11. NV. C. T. 1. ei „ Ubittu tem' erance ' i • ' " 3' ,1• 1• 1' 1', I, i" • 3,.0 17(1. 11 Pilo • l' flu .7, It 'S ri 0111.t.1 4 ,111 111 S V- 1.9 .114(t rter1t.: Irt•-•iee Strte lined five r77,-,7 j'itrytuen $5 , ..oLt last we.,1: for i•e lug late in nit•wering to 'heir nartnis e n caned Ort Wedoesdav• he tu-• ti 1! 3 ecogidz., a well klloW11 1,41 ('1..',', 11) 017771': because tr; U 11111,S 171s goal). TI• ihrint R17v, the Bishoa of liar .. has ...ppointed the Rev. Oen, of ILI • r, 11 A , Rector of St Pall's ti le d 171, ho Duo) •f 1107011. lo • Is e ,t, hoheie that pubtica•nan, in twelve different da,• gimps. bil.. t•r acts effcctin,„, the liquor trafrie are yet to be con eide• e', in the English Pardon, id, 7111.7.7. — — Tito mu 11 the platlutur of the Third Patty Qt Neva Scotia: 1 ‘ie • 3111(7 ledge 0114 Cloth. nil 81160 tiptu the Dmvino ruler of tut Uri IVel 0d. 2 We recognize that it is the dux; of the Satie to protect by law the health tied murals of the peopit; the liquor traffic is the prolific source of dieease and crime, and the State bas power to prohibit both tip mandeciure and 811,10,13) intoxicants. 3 Prohibitory legislation affect- ing the rev( nue must emanate from the goverument. 4. With tot. gio,it organized Brom cia. Mae it • • t the in the cid political parties we have no ground (a ht•pe that either the Coverument or the Opposition win make prubibitieu a plank in their pl. tioini it. tio4 near future, it et all. 37. 1,Ve fan 1.• distinguish airy th•et issm ! 1 principle between no now existrr•g p•aitical parties melt inp their coLtitmed existence moue eery. g. Tbe atm..] me ritchibi,ion 117 th• ;quer tr. file is eur chit f at, it is 111' suprstne issue of the bow.. 7. We oiol ou till good citizone to join the only party that is making open warier,. against the oakum. 8 WA pledge Om -Selves not to support an) candidate for political honors who still not pledge himself to oppose nil and every government or party which will not give us ire beediete prdnbitory legislation. 0. We further pledge ourselves that if at any time the prohibition party of NOVit Scotia, duly assert]. bled and constituted in convention, shall nominate a candidate or can- didates to con wet any provincial or federal election, svo will support by our votes such nominee. Tho Cororeitteo on Organization reported. as follows: The party shall bo known as "The Prohibition Party of Nova Scotia," The °Moors shall consist 01 President, vico.president, secretary, treasurer and chaplain,to be elecied by ballot annually. 71— 7 .. ..7., sr. *sol jr. of Emu y• Yori• t. ., ,177. in ei 30 se .1 • . the, o M.M.,1111,o1 '177)13 11 am... • h ...lump It h-jhu lo.11ow they cut 111., /11 Ina 11.11e ii.na sawed ...toll i iic eut, tile au 1 t ober 1) measured 10 Icn ab,1 120 fort Quite flurry or excitement was nante0 in Aberfnyle, WP1lincton Oo , and 0Oi117111)oc1)1)170, over the Init••• I jagp of an farmer es,..1 79 1(0(1 '7 ereet grandfather at that, ro fl youno enman of abora wen hi The affair 18 set down 73 purely love matter, Ili neithsr et.uple aro blessed wttla an ex- traordinary, Or even an ordinary, share thi- world's goods. A f w dap 113(11 teliPn 31M. 171, '17173 Dr•ekten, Wentworth Cu., war pairing an elm tree his Caine In COntild W1111 something hard Upon investigating the 04017s he f und, to his astoniehmew, 1311 Indian stone gaug,. eight Plehos 3,4 r. ,i1 obnl1 two inches It ft. partly round a one start whilst the 00 r was scooped out. It ,“ts imbed,' a in the lko.trt oi tha I witicit was alien: one end 77 half feet in diameter. It was found ab..ut 1117171 feet f,oni Ilie butt of tho The Sarnia Canadian says : --"A• tart, quart ity of orick has boort delivered by boat at the Sarnia shut! for the tunnel, and mactbinery, timber, plaster and other needed supplies are being delivered by rail, rs for this side have not arrived, but are expected immediate ly, Work was begun last week at the widening of the shaft, and is being pushed with as large a force ai can profitably be employed. The hoisting machinery is all in place, the blacksmith shop is ready, and the other buildings aro under way. A, couple of weeks ago a large black bear WWI killed a short dis, tance from Pike Bey, on the Bruce Ponimule. While the lialbraith boys wero making ties 11. hort dis. times from there, recently, they beard et noise near them, bat be- lieving it to be a 1111)1111 011 001320 oth- er small animal, they paid hut little attention until it became quite close when to their astonishment, it proved to bo a black bear of con, The Executive Committee shall of seven members in midi- siderable dimensions. Having 310 of all kinds 171313 0)7130.1,1(731 consist ea tion to the officers. Any portion of firrms and believing discretion t.,..I.Tatter 13171 37(73(331714(1) in IiIxebange for Goods. o 1143131. - <117..LWIELVTIZET•113.7114,IIM-3,9 EIV"...,,f1,92VICTS(IWILIC,111,11VY11110. • , u•-• "".:7 1.• 0*,:•2' 0 0' .„4 PD 00 1711 1/1 Pt NI IN GREY 1 oWNSIIIP 3. YOB 40.133.-11eitui 10711., coo. 16, con - :mining 100 tcres. It is partly [steered. the .1411oo voll 11.i:bored. A. timer failing crook crossos the 3,1700 3(771 1,10 we11 %dan7, e37 for tither farming or grazing 1 will liko. :else sel)10ares. being sant part of lob 14, e0u.11, nearly '711 olourod in a gond state of cultivation. A good frame barn with it 'nod stone itehlo andernoittli and a never , . iorthor pc,aidal,,r,,,,ply li,a .,ropriotor .111th0 pawn. This 101 10 onnoMto Lac '.1)1' 3)7" "GOUGE l'VEIPS, Proprietor 1-177 • Caveats ,Ito issues nad Trade 6tarks secured end all other patent eause, 113 the Potent Cams tbo Cnurts promptly and carefully attended to. Cool:receipt 01 mai. el or sketch of invoutim,, 3 make careful oxitruination,nri 31 0.1271.39 ILA to patentability Free of Charge. Fees moderato, and 1melte no charge ohms patent itinecurco. Iatorm. 7‘1.1 N I'.1 11 1,11A N. :ritAt.Tic 11;11.; PC3T,N7J17% ANit 1E71 0•1•1.1,1t. s2, 0,, rot a, itat 1,, f.,..1.60 0177 11,I34 0 r PI:1NT (31111h haVe URI; been plact•t1 nty hands for In 191719111114, 1 psi lliC111 I'l 67.o. t I 177Yrim 7 1 t Itt17 iht•ir intim• • compleft io t (ley:, if title is 1,,,! 7: !.1... • frith: atabli no,1 relinbl. 1111' kv19.1, A ‘' E.E.WAKIE. fully witrrst......1 by no. i? m 1.1111411itli 71114 1 .011, 1. .10..,1r(1 •7 MOM; Blacksmith, wadies to intimate to the public geuerall 2173)7 7. ihm ' that he do, kinds of in a orkomoliko INIanner. Mt, Wagons, 8.1010,113 end Cutt”r•• „ 11177310 to 7n, or. .1.1•to limy, In I: 3(7111 lin, •t' Vionns • • , ••• . etepairing promptiy Atxpeateii. nod • 1. 1 Make +. Sp1.61111y of If orseohnoing• A Cal Solj,,lt, 0. rst,••11,meinher (lie 01,313,1 7', 1.1,11) 1111, • 1 S. Plum. - -1-- ------. Money to Loan, 1., 0 7, ti ..; ]:...7 ,:":3 —..-- i 1 M :":'.,:zi 'f'.: i % -,e, ‘,. t; ... . a i!; ,y,k, s Money to Loan on Farm Pro- . i, porty, at r -7,47...1111,311.C.:611=11 I desire to inform 1:11,1 Public flint liztvo :Leased the known liarssnEs Lam \Volum from Thos. Town and will rim the busine:Is 'next 17 '34111. I will also continuo to follow Iny trade 24 pirr()N ..1a..s.,..;ON, aml am io ('811. 1113)3773) for .11,1(11, (7'". 11(12.1): tf:Wityr.. ()11 (1,!. idiom 11,1v10.‘ atd s,emal r 1(19,11A,S 900 1111 :7 liar ?';'.. d. ' application. .1. 17.1,1 r•rs11,,,, WashIng,on, D.C.. U.S. Fitton Offloo. in. A Specially outtic or .1(71017.1;13 11114 and 1.2a,tering Lime. FAT CATTLE WANTED! 3 .1. wide); the highoit market yeti, will bs pa 7,,,,A7 Iv7 , of buying Hide, • and PitO1'1.1 1 hi . ! 0.0 1.3 gm piaci. next. limn. (II 1.2ta1tel',J,W337rY •Itere• A. CURRIE, • 1.31fiST RATES9 palvAttr AND COMPANY FUNDS :DICKSON HAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont Ti/i. EAT MARKET, 171,47(7 Street, . fintsseb„ 1'1101'11WD ill L'Sh 7'S'ait 114 Ca IS Lunt quality 110171114 011 hand 1..'1,1111.. 117,17, 71 rirt ..1 fi,o 01 0'01r1-0'. PAT" Y01111 DEBTS Llgew Cho Store, ME00HANTS' PROTECTIVE —Ann - 0 0 LLF,CTINCI ASS0771,1270N —D ‚11441 3170311100141" CAN ADA. AND t N lTED 81:ATEIS —WAS— •Z•10. —‘1.1=.11,TS..1:1701a3=1 =MO' 14ME:ft. 17(37)1737 7110 its object to collect from all 17701 (0 Possible to oolloot from , then pub. lish Eno names of ell that cannot or will not 3)83, 012)011 list 10 supplied to every member of the AsnoMation throughout Canada and United States, iPhel membership now num- bering many tho usends, and 10 acknomIcid10 lathy au. to bottle moot powerful organic - at Ion in existence for tho COLLECTION OF DEBTS, Uaviug oven:oil Fstchlislipp kmicips, Membership Fee: Ist year $10; 27141 30730 sr 60 3704! 30(10 170, if renewed with- 1111.07,11lit 411ner utentbersleip ea:Oreg. And upon roaolpt of whlob, Certificate of lilembership. dollnuent hook, full 9 apply of ,o171000 ',010) 00((1'3)1010 instruotious for using Association wlllb0031lt. Bond for tostimon. (1110. 811011,111,1. Mtge& 1331aime.ltei05... ODIC — . . EiliMILTer GOODS -------_-_, I have just received my Hpring Goods, wIticb, for value, cannot bo surpassed for Cheapness mu in bankrupt stocks. New 1>04'00 371003333, TOW thitimbraym, NeW Sceriraelters, New Prints, 3717' TrlintaIngs, New Iltedircia. NOY 1.1,(1014, 73(1111 C47,111IllnAi TieW Culla and 47411311133, Now llenakorolacis, ate., in endless var. ioty. Everything 'New. .71,07i Cheap and SYlls Cheap le wbat does. IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT MY STOCK IS OOMPLETE, 1 sell Toes et 10e., ilOc.. 40o,, 46c,, and liOun poi lb. 11, 5 lb. lots At ltetinet ion 717111 1)0 nutde. the ago of 18 or upwards may be. come a member of the party upon subscribing to its platform, the bettor part of valor, they re- treated to their home for reinforce- ments, which they got. Captain Spence took the lead, mil 171111 n (.3ritintexItirarx ball from his trusty vine laid bruin Gan and s, e iST7D,rwm, low. On examination or o, largo Neatly a million and a quarter hollow leg, which proved to be, the bushel's 01 171)1311 were marketed At den, throe milts were found, to all 1 Irstdon Iasi 17inker. appearsneo shout three wsclis old, 11' ILL NOT 3171 11E77001,1,. 311, J. DOWNING, Formerly of Godorich, wishes to inform the Public generally that he has opened out a Custom Boot & Shoo Store Opposite the American Hotel ancl is prepared to take Orders for all Kinds of cus-roza WORK. None but First -Class 'Workmen Employed and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Repairing neatly done. GIVE ME A CALL. 3. :Downing. NOTICE! am leaving Illy ACCOUNT:1 wibh M r. Hargreaves for o, $bort time. All parties Indebted to me will please Settle at Once, otherwise these accounts will be put in other bands for cape - Mr. firm. J. G, Skene, Rm. 810111I. D. Zutohinson. 14 RD s F?" We have gained a groai roptitatiort for the elegant lits and but especially for the Low Prices at which we take orders. All our work is dono on our own premises and cannot bo excelled ill value by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village or Brussels. We have an NEE S o C g o rri ,I-21 IS S17.1..LL1_ 0 IT iia Melton, "Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of Englund, licoten and Irish Tweeds, and a11 enormous variety of tho boot Canadian makes. range from $10, for a fairly good suit made to your Order, to $12, $14, $117, i10, $17, $18, $10 and $20, WJL .91t '341NOS 1717 1.000 are strictly First -Class, and the Workmanship the best. Some special lines of EATS, OAPS & 217111\TIBEINGS which We intend Selling 011' at 'Woxemtinti, BATIGAINA, GIVE US A CiA_Ji. oss Bros., TIIE LEADING CLOT. 111 01313 & 0 17'.17PITTE 1.18, . .1311.1.;881?)14S, ONTARIO, • 4 , •