HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-27, Page 5APRIL 27, 1888. eseiamemmassaszarezeussmoss 1115ttitt Daus, Ir'i(f) rrllnt, Mrs. Hawthorne and vino children and J, llaslam and hie son William left for Manitoba. They iotoud settling near Delon hm, Cori' -Curr,- "The stills of the gods grind slowly," Though warren scoff, though the wioked howl and the right is 3feal:Ocl, yet, a lie on the throne is nun to be defeated. Truth in a dungoon will go on to vio1orv. Truth cannot be be- headed, crucified, burned or drownotl, not if all lirussel13 bar -rooms worn to bo omp. tied. A defeat but means a grand and more glorious vintory to coma. Who has not w(ttohed the littlo child as it lay smiling in its sleep with the angels light upon its brow and thought 13om011m0 you will We, woman to bless or Durso man, mere or lees. Some one has said "Lot me manage the cradles and 1 ease not who manages rho world." Hero is a chance for some of our teachers, Mr. S. take tho hint, Who could be happy and vote for ruin 1 LIonest and vote for the dishonest ? Tidy and voto for un. tidiness ? Affectionate and voto for hate ? Cheerful and voto for gloom ? 1»dustl•ions and rota for laminas; ? Some- one, perhaps it was 'Bob, said, "Y.• n al- ways look o11 the bright 0id0 of things," 1 only wish I ,'ould, but too often I find myself looking at the wrong side and of course nothing looks well from behind. We were born to bo happy and in the spring happiness need not be sought with air so free, water so clear and sparkling everywhere. ---I ought to tell mom, news. Mr. Leech is visiting friends this week. lie has been in Detroit. —Mr. Lake, of Uiohigan, is 1lorno.—Plowing has begun and if Bob is not too marl perhaps I will coma anti holp him some day. Yours Truly, BILL. Grua . Buildingoperations aro to the fo1•o and a busy season is predicted. Arch. Gilchrist is visiting at W1n. Per- rio's. Ile arrived last Thursday from Scotland. Miss Black, from Seaforth, and Mise Stewart, from Woodstock, are visiting at Geo. Format's. Some grain has boon sown although there is nu growth in the ground owing to tbo heavy frosts and cold weather. The proposed C. P. 11. lino is now coming to the front as a topic of con- versation. A majority in this township would support the proposition. Mark Cardiff, sr., has been very ill during the past week and his friends have been very anxious about him. The old gentleman is about 80 ,years of age imd has been remarkably Maltby. Reeve Milne opened the telnclera for the township printing which were as follows :--A. H. N. Jerkins, $19.50; A. St. Co.eRawkins, $47.50; W. H. Kerr, 931,00 ; F. G. Neelin, $80.75. Tee ten- der of W. H. Kerr was accepted. Tho election on Thursday of last week was busy dY . The liquor party, who ho no doubt saw i» the Scott Aot 1110 abol- ition of the trafio, worked like TIogans. (trey, as 100 anticipated, gave a majority in favor of the Act, although on the whole the temperance party were defeat ed. This was 1101 brought about, how- ever, button the statements and argu- ments of tho temperance party were re- futed, not by any means. Had a full vote been polled the result would have been different. People are prone to lis- tuu to the wiles and shallow reasonings 0f t e v:,„0((111 and othorw•ise interested hi the trit1,1 s wlloou feasor 1(1 the main for combating this or any other temper- ance measure is 0. purely selfish one and could bo put in a very few words. , kinIts-se :ole. Sugar end taffy are over for the pros. ant. Archie Patterson is busy improving his promises by a new board fence. The post office business seems sottlod at least for the proeaut, Jas. Timmins has received the proper papers, oto. 111rs, Cook has a very num variety of geraniums, all beginning to Amer. If yO1( would really see a pleasant sight, drop in as you pass. MVn1. Grey, our practical tailor, is rushing tbiugs at present. It speaks well for 11r. Gray when the boys after Winghnnliting come back Immo for a good suit. Mrs. Agar and family havo moved in- to tho village and aro living In Geo. At- obinson's house on the hill. It is to be hoped Mrs. Agar will onjoyeherself in our little town. Rev. Geo. Lou nds, of Mildmay, Bruce, was in town this week with his family. Ho is sound on the question which at present is before the people, but he is one of the "Budget's” fanatioe who be- lieves in prayor and the powor of God. Bluevalo polling sub -division gave 10 of a majority for the Scott Act. Tho drown is dam11o1, but WO aro coming— Prohibition. Tho bugle has sounded, the word is given, "Break up camp of local option and march on to kilo higher ground of Prohibition." Mary Elizabeth Coultee, wife of Geo. Powell, W inglla)n, died on Sunday morn- ing last, the funeral taking place on Mon- day. A number from this place attend- ed. Friends and aoguaintanee sympath- ize with the beroave11 husband who fa left to tread life's pathway alone. Chas. Leech, of Detroit, has been visit- ing his unclog, Ed. and Joseph Leeolt, this week. 110 also took the opportunity of showing his colors on the 19111.. Elie many friends were glad to no him and shake his hand again. He carries with him the boat wishes of his many friends and aoquaintane0s. To tho Editor of Tun Poet, 08130 BIM—Will you kindly allow mo space in your valuable papor to reply to a lettor which appoarod in tho Budget of April 5th, over Mu) signature of J. Tim- mins. I sent a reply to the Budget on April 0111, but it did 1101 appear till last U'ritiay and thou in a'garbled form. Note 1 write to you hoping you will publish my lettor 111 full and give 1(10 a chance to prove two of hie aesOrtion0 utterly False and to aholvl that the others aro put in a fele° 1i„ht. As 001110 of your road010 no (doubt have not anon these articles I shall w':itOthen in rutatioa. In the Bluovalo n0180 of Morph 29111 .I wrote the following -"l1. Timmins has taken nh:ur'go Of the post ofliuo hero :Lot' a (short while, I10, no (doubt, has boon Ieying to get it again but it is to be hoped 115 1vi11 not alt most of tho lettere will bo pooled at oho station. Pooplo don't 101'. got hie meanness when 110 1(01(1 it before. If he gat„ it again ho should bo hoped - ed," The following is his reply VINDIIIA'iION, L11U0Yale, Mar. 31, '823, 'to the Ivdltor of the Midget. Sm.- -I (01213 1101Onlalle(1 to observe the mean, untruthful ineimlabions against myself in your J.11uevalo corr0spondonee, hat Ma had no personal acquaintance with you ], to great extent, memento you as the whole tlliug was the minima of spite, Your correspondent, who should haw had more judgment and truth, (0121 until recently aaWant of mine, ant. has not yet ]acid tho taxes on tho property, although bo got himself amsossed to get a voto without ooneulting one at all. 131 also disputed 0month's rout, although having the keys in hie po0ses0ion, lm also refused to pay for his post office box and what maim; the thing worse is that ito knows there has novel, be, n any fault to find with lee a postmaster, and that I have never been sudor 00131d100 from the department at all. Ile also understands boycotting, for 1, and others, had to take away our children from school. Those facts will explain his imeallud 1110, s pito. !1,l romarks, penned with the solo object of p0evonting 1110 from obtaining the post aka again, After my past record 110 one bas a bottor claim without giving 00880/10 and not insilluatiolns. I am Sir, your. truly, J. TI)11nos. Now, lir. Editor, the above is Ms offus ion and I shall reply as briefly as NHS - 1b10. Iio says T have not paid the taxes de, This is partly true and partly fal.o, nave not paid the taxes and Hover in- tended us I never agreed to ; he always paid them, but as I paid them one your voluntarily he thought he could perhaps squeeze them out of mo again (for ho likes the almighty dollar) but I was get. ting acquainted with 11110, I never got myself assessed as I had a vote on my income, and also as tenant, as I paid more than $21 rent, tboreforo his state - meat is utterly false. Surely he must have been sulfuring from mental abera- tion when he penned the above. "Ile also disputod possession.” As I paid him five monthp' rent ($17.50) for the time which elapsed between my renting the house, and. my oocupying it, I did not think that a man who leas a professed Christ- ian (unless inwardly a hypocrite) would stoop so love as to charge mo a whole month's runt, for my ooeupying the house only one day after my time was on1, es- pooially when he had no tenant for it. I venture to make the assertion, that thero is not a man in Christendom with it spark of Christianity in his composition would have done it. I admit I carried the koy for about two weeks, as I was going to his office for my mail, but 11e bad no tenant for the hoose, I was a lit- tle careless in not making an effort to find him. This explains his falsified state- ment. "He also refused to pay for his post office box." Certainly, and this is just where he showed his meanness that I accused him of in my Blievalo corres- pondonoe above. A number of years ago he bad new office boxes made, and be thought he would try to get the public to pay for them. Thoso who were willing 0 11 to pay 50 teats a year for an opobox put down their names. I was here three years and never blew anything abort it ; but when I got my account last Jan. 1 WOO charged with three years' box rent. I felt rather surprised, in faot I disputed it. Ile charged u great many others the same way. Why did ho not put this on their accounts till he wars going to leave ? The only reason I can see Is, that as he would not require their patronage any more, he thought ho would twist all lie could out 01 them, but by an unforesoon 000urrenou he has the sturo again, and Lo finds his meanness has deprived him of a good dual of 0013lom. Now this is more than mean to charge a man for what he never bargained. I may say I paid the rent as I considered it worth a good deal more than a dollar and a half to get out of hie fangs. "IIo knows there has never been any fault to find, Lee." This is a colossal falsehood. J. 13, Jackson reoeiv- od two lettere from the Inspector rogard ing his ounduct in the oliico ; I read those letters, they were also used at a church trial not long ago against him. Did ho not soo them ? I pinned a registered let - tor myself once, and ho found it neatly a week after in an envelope among postage stamps. Ifo is also guilty of opening let- ters. This is a serious obarge, W. Smithsays lie opened a letter from the Inspector that was sent to him. No, he never wan found Tanit with i Will •these reasons 81111101 to show that "after hie pant record" other leen have a butter claim to the post office than he I Let him ponder ovor thoso reasons for a while and I shall give ]him a few more. How bold ho was in making the above statement I I now come to his last 'Statement. He had not to take his boy from 0011081 and no others left. Let him name them. I may say his boy has boon at throe schools einoo ho loft me. No complaint has been made to the true - toes since I came hero. IID only feels a little irasciblo ed me, because I did not deal more with him, buy school chalk from him, Leh., but I know botte. Notice the prevarioation in hie last assertion. I like at man to tell, the trt1111. Now, Mr. I Editor, I leave 11110 with the public ; 1 havo'stated nothing but the truth and as far as spite is oonoorned the boot is on the other leg. Thanking you for your space I substribo myself, Yours truly, J. H. Tuonsox. Bluevale, April 28, 1888. a 'WV iiniy Vital. Wingbam was inoorporat011 in 1873 and inclndos G80 acres of land. Tim Fire Company have signified their intention of being present nt 8 tourna- ment in Brantford 1n June. J. W. Bongough, Grip cartoonist, will dolivor one of his great illustrated and pop• ular leoturee in the Wingham town hall on Friday ovoning, April 27th. Dan. Showore, .1211 omployoo of Il. Clark, pulnpmaker, wee badly used up the other clay, and had it not boon for the timely assistance of his employer ho would nob kayo boon alive today. Dan 1ya; working with an angor, run by steam power, when his shirt sleevo got caught, and 110 wa0 tnlubled over, his arm being badly cut and hie body bruiood from the nock clown to hie logs, Mr. (:lark, being in the shop at 1110 tnn0, remov011 1110 bolt, thus saving his life, Tho Advauco says : ---AtissMinnie Adams, a young lady (0011 known and highly esteemed i11 1Vingbam, had n ied. amputated of Satur nayin London. 1.1- will bo rernembared the( Miss A. had 121 operation perlornl0(1 on Ilei leg during last :dimmer, by which a thetas wan re - THE BRUSSELS POST moved, after• whioh she improved great- ly. However, melt was not to be 1100 good hock, es aul'11er tumor outdo 11-13 appearance, the last worm than the first, lasing 0(2 tilt bolo, wl1ie11 11101101311(10(1.1.11110 amputation of the limb alum 111.,knee to Have hor life, 1.100 maty friends will he glad to hear of her return home and ulti- , mato recov0ry. liTtetif■• n v Dent Sfn: --I wac 10 lionfryn 1a0t Sun- day night, ].55th inst., and listened to a Temperance 10rmau preaobnd by the Bev. J. If. Dyke, it was truly an ear- nest and eloquent discourse, Tho rev. gentleman based his remarks o(1 Prov, 20111 ol]np, let YOrnO, I -Io dealt with 101110 as a mocker and scorner of human Hap- piness and draw a vivid lifelike pioturo of the power of rum to destroy. When dealing Zvi h 1110 inean0 by which 1110 traffic) would be dono away he showed the true basis and ollioe of law and 410 fn(1i- vidual relationship thereto, and wound np with a rousing appeal to the manhood, not to say Christianity of th0 congroua- tien, urging 1110211 to vote for the right and suppress the wrong. If 011011 a caw - mon mimed tbo mark it conkl not be from laol( of oarnostnose, argum.nt or appeal. Wo trust and believe all who hoard were benefitted, Yours, A L ls'rvnll. A ]umber of Ilalfbroecls, who fled to Montana during oho Riel rebellion, have reached MacLoad 011 their return trip to tho Prince Albert District. Tho remains of the Tato Hon, Thos, Whito were removed Tuesday from Ot- tawa to Montreal, where they were in- terred in Mount Royal Cemolory. The Burford Township Council are about to repeal tho by-law which provides for the granting of a bonus to persons erecting wire femme along roads in that townahin. The Emerson Times Nays it is able to sotto on reliable authority that a large colon) of Icelanders, now in Dakota, with over 700 head of cattle, desired to carne to Manitoba and take up' lands, but were prevented owing to the heavy duty. It is proposed to build a saitarinm at the foot of Dundee street, London, utilis- ing the splendid sulphur spring at that point. The plans provide f•,r a three storey and basement building to Dost thirty-five or forty thousand dollars. Economy Restaurant. Having just opened in the Brick Corn- er Store, formerly occupied by R. Mal- colm, Brussels, the opposite corner to the Postoffice. ESOT MEALS i (At alb reasonable Hours) r2 FOR TWENTY CENTS. A call is especially solicited arid every attention will be paid to Patrons. A lim- ited number of Lady and Gentleman Boarders wanted. `•IAS. BROADFOOT, Prop, Will be at The American Hotel, 1 BRUSSELS, —011— Tuesday l lay 1st, '88 Front S 11.113. 00 7 03. m. 0 PSE: - EDlA.'Y - OPTr.,'S Please Call IsU1'lq awl Give Time. Thos.- Speer, ,. Surgeon, Etc. M. C. P. S. G. S. & L. T. 0. D., The .-retest ]blctsnL• Trlci.iiate ai]Q�CJT1AT..I 3T, —FOR Tad -- Treatment of Chronic Diseases --ARn--- DISL.Ati93!1 d'EE3a0LIIAlt T1/ 30 --Years Practice --30 HEAD OFFICE. - ST. THOMAS. Tho Doctor has been odnoatod la nearly all of rho lauding Medical Cnllogos and Hoeoitate in Bumps 1 has served an 8(10000 id tad British Arany in tho East IndIes ; Surgeon 112 oho Am0liean Army (luring the late war; from 1001 to tho oloso of oho same ; hits troatod all nationalities and airoum- navie,ltOd oho Globe. His thorough. educa- tion largo, 80(11511 1200t(50 anti oxporlonee entillo him to rank os a epoolallet—s000nd to none on th10 aontfnonb—for the treat- Mssnees thatMunro o Ualliod the dsi ill of J„ total pbyololan. The following Discuses, with many 0021. ors, Nneces01U11y Treated 1 Asthma,Bronchitis, Catarrh, D108110060( the Lung, ;yspepsia, h1008080 00 the isyo or 11ar, heart DiOoaeo, Holloepy, Paralysis, NorvouOAobilityY, (Uoltro, Paver and Ague, 010.1ar1(31 A110 01io5, lthoumatism, SeiOtiea, Syphilis, Struoturoo, /111I41110. Skin 1)is. ea90m, P1100, eta. llloctrlelty used wiles roilnired. 'Pio following t001110ontala and diplomats may ho moon at my o11100, With many othor0 Jroru nearly all the medical schools in 7510000 2—Trinity Collage, Park -at, School of Mediatic, and Royal Cacao of Surgeons, Dublin Royal College of Stlrgnons, Belfast, 110lned ; Until Collogo of Surgoone, L1ndon, 13ngtanrli Royal Coaog0 of Ilurgoons,.11din- burg and. Mammy, 01Otlan(1; Lloontiabo in Midui( ory, and endorsed by tbo 1/1011001 1,,0(1811 )3lthur(tica in Lir, United 211:(,to0 out Dominion of Canada. The above, with Many le0tmw from dincr'nt parts of oho globe, aro it m1 i . (1 passport—rattle 1 t es- amhratlOns, doubt, or (O(ibbl0—.Oval sea luta in evolylan,i, from the rising to 13,0 Hotting 1)2 111,, inn, a0)a11ilr11IOa Paola, llernruther the 0131(03',. ( 0()]) PA RM. 10011 SSKI'', IN )r1lorrix, nn re0,11,1101,11, tr.•m4. 1(1 order 013 1-0100 010 13(314(05 of 1( tato or the lute W. 0. lliugeton, 010 1.aw rt„r0 eliu the fol-. lowing valuable lands for oi,h, :Mor(ll half of Lot :lo, Cure, I o, G Pewucldi, '1 8kn'rlx, oolttaidng ort u , s, On 01,14 111 ix Croaked a gond !ran,, baro altll 811)51'101,1,- r1o0eu, good oretut rd. well and pomp - Near- ly111 oleared, and 11 ,1,t Uri 21(a,o 00u1 010,101Yadiou(1n1; the , ,Iltg. of nnursulo, This farm is it lnbuildr ono. is well fanned and in a 0.,10 sotto 1,l cultivatimn Par pr1(00 and tering apply to Tru Brionela F C 1JR11t1 11 01111330 Victoria Square P. Or f lilts„ 1311I110, Aimee P. (1., 111 ddlosex Callow. S ,7."7¢2$4'x'.” 7777 , ....::-..,5 ty/'�(�( A()11B IpAzl�f Ir'Uli SAIa�;.': t 0O --'l0rat.clnsxtnnu La• ~:n..,i, the 1F11rV1�/T 1r`Y�1 T �Y1� 1U 1r1O';109T1 1 nwu0hip of Morrie 11, the count; of 11 true " "" "' O •■- +* ■+T.("7.r.1.1 1 bn Ilia 11. 11 .2 nutll half 11)113,1'.1 nod 0000(1121%alf A f:!4 u 1-b rvw , (0nmlut h' 0(111 rotes tuorb, or 1is5, 100 111111, 10111.5' slept of stumps nm1 to n good xm, le,,! 0011-- - ._.. vatton. There 1- a ),ant 1 aril , .hard.¢ , le 1(,'111:iitn the 3"' h. r` 1'.rueetla a11d. t j r'arrOlnuiirra l'o,lnlrl f1; ti., i • very iiber81 s,)pprn•t during the pant Marc:, yours, We bag 1:, 2' .x,.iIHC,t for not baring the following .1,LG..' your perusal 1 before this.va 1,t 1 ' 23 don't believe in advertising morons man- ! urdneterer9, ertlr1C0 and having nothing in gond 1112(0( and 1.11011 ban, x 0,•,,2 30)11 h00110 H10.1110 11.1011'o1 alb, '1 nu fa1a, is 0203. died ,vtl11111 a 1/1120 011114. ii1.1%111100.10 elrl lo 11-31)342 faro, formai ss "r stook rano ing 12011112 w0.101.0,1 with the 0(1.11 1f mltlnud ❑ 1,d Cir vtr nett fading crock. 1 r,.0iou 3(11 be given n1- any time. Nor hu 1-P r pal•. to01.100 41.1q,IY 003 11 . 1,,,•10i+0311 .0 to A. a. 1.)Jil(11Tt,CN,liroan.lo, 1' O. 11.1f .S.MI.,�1.. a.. - .. etr Ol: to show tor it.139 1eaeing, Pictures 021 I .paper is a vary bad way to buy. To -day we have Oil boat assorted stock of all Miles of 5' t 1(2101(. Ill. 1'k,8()Il3Y8'i and 311,10.311014. l:Rt' in the County of Huron, and 10100 ;fry the beat and most mikado Ma0uta01n1•ers fro the Domini—,, of Canada, which the fellow^ j 1511 L jilt will show:—,'app Bros.. ilamIltoa Verity 0 goo, Exeter; Front do 18004, I',Aln; 33011 organ, Guelph; Bay^ � men,1. •.•,.,;1•:1ltnnhine, 1:'1r;p1e; Wortlnan ' k lYar,l L.m4,+n ; link W.31 -21 Company, 11'o.:.dat 4e); ; lion,,r.,enr Carrnago Company;; : J.. D. sawyer A Co., Hamilton . 30, (0, Pia-. dale, l'roi-tfor l ;B. 6. S„ ;1, S 1. George.; John Elliott .1 Son,LOuden. .112 ti Po, W enaaetur000' 3,.121-, kepteon- xtentl, on ha,4. Now i•1- y: ,.r 0111110 to get goods ahem, j E° -• Venom will do well be give us a coil IAS just receii-11d a large t;toi'k 2 f Spring Goods, such 21,14 Sha'u'n, 1 t "t: lona r,e ( ::0;1-1, Shovels, Hoes, Hakes, &n. Paints, Oils, Vtb','nislles, Sash, (11ass, Shingles and i.ath. HARDWARE STORE HARDWARE STORE A large quantity of Barbed led Plain Win in Stock. Our assortment of Silverware is largo, well assorted and sold on close margins. Don't fail to see it. Contractors or persons intending to build houses or barns should call and get estimates in hardware supplies. from us, A. M. Me KAY & Co., Brussels. MITA & ALC�L]I CLA IST 'fl1-- Thoe. Smith.. 0. Sanitli . It. Malcolm. ■ lililicciorm b , of and Dealers in all kinds of ITtb .Ail including Parlor and Iiedroelil -,.iter, Sideboards, Kitchen, Fall Leaf and Extension Tables, &c. As Ivo have our new Factory fitted up with 11 first-class I)ry Kiln and the latest improved machinery we will sell at unprecedented Low Prices. Geo. Love Co., Britssets. Another Wonder St never was intended, so far as I can learn, That either man or woman 1vero intended to he bald. I think you will hollow mo, indood Pm sero vnu l, If the '•Patio Flair Works" you have Thorateis 00kwilthing Nature thinks of—let ns thank hor all we can— Bhe takes11300.; particular trouble with our Sho knows a scanty growth of hair, the gray and whitening looks Willdotract from the beauty of oho face. Dot nature has her laws so strict that you nide novas err, For you'll surely paythe penalty at last. Sustain it,th at bounteous head 81 halo, Doctor Doreewena'e Bair tingle's unsur- passed. Just try it, your aa118ted, you novel. wl) , The ifregretagfo was never yet known to f ail ; And the gond that it will do you willmake you soon forget The area editorea bottle w(I entail. Thisnewfamona preparations for invig- orating and stimulating the growth of the hair to universally accepted as the most valuable specific on the market. Al di seas - os f the scalp aro either relieved or per- manently oared, A r1a11 and rapid growth of hair will follow after ,udicious and regu- lar treatment. It remains with the user mono to 1001100 oho desired rl Magic" Doranwonrfa ^1-1-1210 ag Ia" is sold eed b by all druggists at ?01 perb0ttl•, ors(x for $0. If not obtainable in your own locality send di- rect to the solo manufacturer, enclosing pride. 1 noltnawn11n, Po ria Hair Works, 103 ending Yoago strcot, Toronto. Por solo by G. A .Deadman,.7. Hargreaves and al Druggists, UN 4'ERTAKPNG CURS Liver (lornpl't, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Siok Hoadaohe Kidney Tro'b's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all impur- ities of the Blood from whatever cause arising, Female Weakness and Genera] Dobiliiy. 9'111(110,1' li'E01EF.11t:,13. HI WILT ('ib3- t'E13'0lt.t1'1(0b, PLEASANT, el01'- 1'F,C'rl'.tII., %Arr0, L 210 ',03Z. Dry, :fodder's Compound._. Tako no 0(1(00, Sold everywhere. Price 71 cotta per bottle. DP. JIODDER'S COUGH ANI) LUNG CURE. Sold everywhere. Price 21 cents and ;10 cents poo bottle. Proprietors ain11 manufacture's. '112,; 112)1011 Mnmcl11u Co., 'Po(oxro, OAN. We are prepared to furnish Funerals on short notice, Collins, 1 '1� yT Caskets, Robes, &o. kept constantly on baudand sold at the most A. L A_ LI1V E. reasonable rates. First-class Hearse a11111 outfit. Satisfaction (suer- a11t09t1. .1888. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1888- LIVERPOOL 86—QUEBEC SERVICE . EMB.A.,LMING, Temporary or arterial, no discoloring or unpleasant odor in the hottest weather. References -Mr. Sarni. Smalo and Ur. \Vtt•lter 3'acksou. 1.110)1 LIVI3RY00L. 1 sees 012P.. 1 FI(0)2 QUEBEC. April 30 ; 0000050120 ..,,. ...,Itfay Il April 2I3 Sarmatian .. ....Idly 17 ilinys Parisian . 311- y ?d May 11.. ;Polynesian ... ..., duue'31 10tay 17 Sardinian .... ..,,Jeno 7 May 25 10lreoeaian June 11 liay al Sarmatian Junot Juno 7 . Paa0ian -------------6000. 27 Juao 18 tSardi ae.an ... .,..,July l8 Juno 31 Sardinian July 2I Jane 00 101roaesian July g1-) Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings ,TulyO Sarmatfnu July 26. Jn17 22 z'a lsian Aug, gg July 20 . P01T050iah ... . ,Aug.1D kept on ]land or made to order, Custom work of all kinds prompt- i' 212 ttlixoi, ai u.:. .. ':�L;� : ly att011ll.Od 1-U. Aug. n 8100100100 .....lug. 80 P111110 11,1111 811(C1t1catd0113 furnished 11,1111 estimates given. Amies or latssagehy Mall Steamers. 0(289110 50 7,18001'001,. Cabin 800,1270 and 883 according to nc0ul0- '�/'q�'t medallion. Servants in Cabin, $50 Inter - ,a[ "y1- 71. t7.1-� t & .. alc) of e , mediate est), Btoorngn t13p` Return tielteta, D'�' Cabin, 3110, $133 amd $10;,-Intarmodiate, 9110 8101rag0840. 0 ilylolynOOinn, Ilirea ,jinn or other oX- .._ 7777..._. .. .>, ,,0toamer0. (labia fifty, 3i 1-t} 1.114 seVeli- ty dollar, according to accommodation. Tan• turn tiekots, ninety. Ono h(rndrod and 1011 and ono hundred and thirty i toilers. Infer• tx9iato uG,tydollarx y1-..1,,.„., tarty doll- ‘, 11. r 1 rt 1 ' l' 11111(•- 1 n:aaetlgars Oa11,1 t- 110.1. 1)e TJ,•ntl((0. oho .1A11.E this i, i mrimilt , U1-' 1• • [ll'll,tlih Illy t,1.121.11)f8 1-1 f�i1C .fly bniore wit:hopt inaroa0rli cllurtjn, tlu ( yaursIt O1 (Ind for ynlr tri0h,ta. 1 r0paitl •,v �,. , I.l ,it. f. 1 "�1'( I 1 put and (l l(Sl .'8 1])'.1 11 ti, t *� t"o ti support it { (, a t 1(11' 1-11011 ,ln L ll ill 1 .a•nucnt(,, n1- rrdnecd zetas. Tor batt in - i aro in 11 better j)r111it1Dii nolo fhdu ('Vt'1' to giro aat,rsf,'tction to 1111' 'ermalMn"f'l`ay In 11. 1l:l,L(101",1l. J. 11. •23ll.tit'0, I C'li8toine Ci, )lPlosaPi0..'. CARED OF TI- ..N XX. S.