HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-27, Page 44 r "x! Aon. tgvtlnein fta. Notice- Walsh. Locale --A. Good, Lamb -Walter Coate. Sfn•gleman"-A. Carlton, Coming --Thos. Speer M.D. Boum? for 8610 -This Office. Cottage to hent --Mrs. Strachan, 117erhanio ' Institute -,1. R. Grant. N. IJ1e- ".Vary Shio1 and Geo. Bumble. Mortgage Sale • Beatty, Chadwick, Blaekstoelt 8' Celt. rrIMILICILar (The 411155t1,5 at, 1'I'TIn.l1', _JI'IRIL 27, 1888. Goo 1c>t, Bev. A. 1:. Smith, of Wroxeter, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sabbath. Miss MaDougald, of Owen Sound, la visiting with her sister, kl'rs. (I)r.) Patter - 5011 of this town. �p+11 H. A. Seaman and wife roturnod`on Saturday last from a trip to the eastern part of this Previuce. It is reported that a new brink hotel is to be emoted shortly an the site of the one destroyed by fire lost winter. S, L. Fennel has purchased the old Odd F'ollow's II 11 and is going to have it fitted up for a barber shop and photo. graph gallery. Dr. Montgomery has moved into Jos. Leech's brick blook, adjoining Perkin - Bros. dry goods store, aud, we 'weenie, is ready to minister to the wants of the afflicted, ' We regret to be called on to chronicle O the death of W. F. Strong, which sad o event occurred an Saturday, 21st inst. s He was buried on Monday by the mem- , hers of the Orange Society. He was a • very estimable young man and his friends d have the sympathy of the entire corn. d munity. e Corrie has been very quiet since the vote on the Scott Act. The Scott Act ' people took their defeat with as much grace as possible, and the liquor men are • in the best of spirits over the prospects TIENT a clean sweep was made in th seven weir:ie. voting, en the repeal of th Scott Aet on Thursday of last week i patent to everybody and the exciteme occasioned by the eleetien has about die out. Various reams have been assigne for the large majorities given against th Act, sneln es bad roads, Fraechise bill &o. We don't take any stock iu the firs assertion and but little in the second, al though the list for Bruseo1' was a actor. lonely bad one, as some 70 or 80 p000005 were plot here to vote owing to removals and deaths, singe 1886. Why was the Act defeated then? In our opinion the chief reaey'n was the nonenforcement of the Act, especially in the ft st two years Then the form of ballot is bad. "For or against the Petition" is very perplexing to many electors. People EMT scout the idea of politics being mixed up in the election bnt we feel safe in saying it was one of the sources of weakness in East Huron at least, to the temperance cause. We aro ruled by majorities, how- ever. and we have no regrets that the Scott Act was submitted to the Huron electors. We would like to have seen it had another trial but feel that a great deal of good has been accomplished by its partisl enforcement. The publio will now 1e in a position to make compari• sons between the Scott Act and Crooks Act and, as an exchange remarks, "We will make close observation of how the license system works during the next three years, and will endeavor to see if tbo cont ntions put forth by the Anti orators and campaign literature will materialize, viz : Less drinking under license. A gradual decrease in the consumption of ardent spirit: year by year. A decrease in the number of drunkards. A reduction of crime. A diminnation of pauperism. An increase of business in other lines of trade. No illicit selling to minors. Tho suppression of skrbeens by the li- censed victuallers. No perjury on cases where the license law has been contravened by licensees. Anda higher moral tone in the county than exists to.day." The lino to be pursue] by temperance workers is to aid in the carrying out of the Creeks Act, even if wo are opposed to picot Fi1,g the liquor traffic, as it is the law of the lend met should be respected ; keep the temperance organizations, such as the LO.ir.T., W.C.T.II., and Band of Hope, booming and see that the Temper- ance text book is not only in the schools but made use of inthe coarse of study. As to what aggressive course will be tak- en is not fully decidedon but it will come to the front we long. Fele*ncortll. Coo.oi irATE Io xtrrs.-Friday was a gala day for the pupils of the tows wheels, the nnoasien being the visit of 11 Hon. G. W. ,we, Minister of Education, for the purpose of formally opening the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. The High soh„nl here was established in 1879 and has been maintained in a moot creditable manner ever since its inauguration, The number of pupils having of late years largely increased, it was decided a year ago to make such additions to the build. ingt and staff as would enable the school to rank as a Collegiate Institute. A large addition was made and a system of heating, ventilating and dry air closets was. introduced. Tho citizens of Sea - forth have liberally supported these im- provements, and now view with satisfac- tion as a result of the expenditure a building second to no other in Western Ontario and in every way well adapted for the requirements of a largely attend. ed er..hool, The Minister of Education arrives' early in the afternoon, and after dining with the members of the Board of trustees made an inspection of the build- ing, and entering the assembly.room of the institute was greeted with an address of welcome from the pupils to the num. bee of over 150. An address from the trustees, teachers and pupils was then presented by Principal Clarkson to the Minister, who made a most happy reply. He warmly congratulaned the trustees, teachers and pupile upon the elegant building which had been provided by the generosity of the ratepayers for their oc- cnpanoy, and in a most eloquent address alluded to the advantages afforded by our educational system. Brief addresses then followed by Mayor Beattie, the clergy. mon of the town and other leading citi- zens. The meeting was most pleasant, and Seaforth High school having com- plied with all the regulations, was do. olared a Collegiate Institute, under most pleasing auspices. In the evening, after Visiting the Mechanics' Inetituto, the Minister. of Education was greeted by a largo audience in the opera•Ilou0e, The chtfr was occupied by Thos. Kidd, chair.man of the Collegiate Institute Board, and after short addressee from Thee. Gibson, M. P P. forEast Huron, and several citizens, the Iron. Mr. Ross de. livered an eloquent 31,111'ese, dealing in a thorough 011(1 30111)11 11 manner with all the educational queetiOns of the day. The Minister of Rdnnn.tinu expressed himself as highly pleased kith hie visit to 111tH town, where ho fr t mcrly reside 1, 111111 WIItOO Se 1 31 1''ridny renewed many, former fricuds h1p0, and hie visit will be pleasantly yen ?ow laYe? . of again obtaining licenses. While we regret the general result wo ar0 pleased that our own village gave a majority against oho potiti•.,n. On the evening of the 19tH a quint wedding took place at the residence of G. Jardine, the contracting parties being Jas. McLaughlin and Mrs. A. Crawford The happy couple have our best wishes for their future happiness in life. They took the early train on the morning of the 20th fora trip among friends in Now - market and elsewhere. FJtli off? 1. W. J. Sharp is laid up withinflanuna. tory rheumatism. Ger, Eekmier has been on the sick list for the past week. We have telephone connections now with the station, postoffico and saw mill. Rev. J. T. Legear is improving the appearance of the grounds at the parson- age. J. T. Cook has accepted of a situation in Smith cG Malcolm's new factory in Brussels. Same= Spence has scoured o situation on the C.P.R. between Port Arthur and Winnipeg. He left for the west last Sat- urday. The petition for the repeal of the Scott Act was defeats% here by n majer- ity of 22 votes. The number of . votes polled for the petition was 50, and against it 78. A delegation consisting of Messrs. Cober, Heffernan, Simpson and Spence attended the meeting at Listowel last Tuesday to advance the claims of our village for the proposed branch of the C. P. R. The supporters of the Scott Act make their bow, take a back seat and give the advocates of high license a chance to show themselves. From the way some of them have been talking we will not expect to see any drunken men around after the 1st of May. A report from North Bruce says that itis not likely Mayor Biggar, M. P. P. for that riding, will ever be strong enough to take his seat iu the Legislature. Populair Stallions! The following Stallions will stand for the Improvement of Stook this Season as follows: Warrior O'Oree. HIoxn.+Y,-Will leave his own stable, lot 9, con. 12, Grey, and proceed to Duncan Taylor's, con. 3, Grey, for noon ; thence to Thos. McFarlane's for night, TEES - DAY, -Will proceed via Biuevale to the Queen's hotel, Wingbam, for one hour, thence to ltobt. Currie'e, sr., Bast Wawa. nosh, for night. WEI:OMBRA-Will pro- ceed to Stewart's hotel, Belgrave, for noon ; thence to Joseph Scott's, 4th line, Morris, for night, '1'aunsnny,-Will pro- ceed to Dan. 1licQuarria's, 9th line, Mor. ri0, for moon ; thence to the Central hotel, Brussels, for night. Finely, - Will proceed to James Hislop's, 16th con. Grey, for noon 1 thence to Wm. Fulton's, 16th con, Grey, for night. SAotrnn00,- Will proceed to Robertson's hotel, .Ethel, for noon ; thence via Cranbrook to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Jim. McMconoio, M. P., R; Taos, CALDER, Pro. prietors, Taos. C.unro, Groom. Lucky Getter. Moxnto,-Will leave his own stable, lot 30, con. 6, Morrie, and proceed via Brus- sels to Jamestown for noon; thence along 2n0 con., Grey, 8;l miles, then north to Alex. Robinson's for night. TUESDAY, --Will proceed 1f miles north, then east on con. 2, Howick, to 110. Hutebinson's for noon ; thence east 1 mild, then north 1j1 miles, then oast 1. miles and west on 6th con. to Joseph Hunt's for night. Wr•.nuren±r,•--Wi11 proceed through Ger. rio to Jae. Galbraith's foe noon; theme to the 33 line, then to Win. Weir's for night. TnonsbnY,--•Will jn'ooeed aloug con. 6, Turnbcrry, then north 14, milee to Wm. d'ab's for noon ; thence to the Queen's hotel, Wingham, for night. Fi1TDAY,-Will proceed 1f miles south, then Sj miles eget, then 1+ miles south, then 11 miles west,thon to lfhog. Abram's for noon ; thence to Stewart's hotel, 13c1. grave for ane horn', then along eon. 4 to Wheeler';; carder, then to Allot' Spoil"s for night. St1111111,--Will prnened via finnnlrine to A. 1t, l,ohertson'e for noon ; thenen to the 0,nam1's hotel, Brussels, 1) men s b thou t 1 is n w11 to lc, where ]no will re - Mein x111111 the fellnwine Monday morn. big. 4 ,1 in.? 11. l l opt letre e, ,10110 W 1J,31 1r,nn,. THE BRUSSELS POST 1111 Olf'PG:1111i SALK d ----or-- VALUABLE FARMS, ---EN 103:.--•- Tov,'sa doilyC rri01'. powers efnsole contained inhtwo 00rtgtn mortgages (which will be _produced at time 010110), tbore will bo a110rnn for 0010 by Publte Village n, 38 the AmecArnn ItetiO, lu 140 0'lt ptgr. or OPiioorls, 00 Thursday, 111 ay 171h, 1888, AT 11 0'01.0013 rN Yn11 01T%1 (0ON, Parcell. --All and singular lot No, 1.1, in the 15th 0000808ton 111 the said Township of Grey, containiug 100 Roos 00000 or less. Parcel s. --All and Wavier lot No. 19, in the lath couoeesioa of the said Township of (11•ey, eoutaining 100 nem more or less. These properties are situate about seven and Eland! miles from the Village of Brus- sels, mud two and a-ba)t miles from the Village of Oraubraok. Upon Parcel No, 1 there is sold to be a Pomo 1lwotliug House and Orem. Baru thank), with Stone stabling under naru, all iu good repair. It has good Wells, cul a lingo Government Drain rune along 1'112 roadway in front of lot. About 80 acres aro said to bo cleared and in good cultivation, and there is said to bean orchard of snout an acre. Parcel No, 2 has about 00 none cleared. Them is a small crook which waters this Property, Terms aud conditions made hien,. en day o! sale. I For further particulars apply to E. M, CHADWICK, Vendors' Solicitor. Beatty, ('hedN•lolc, Itlnckslock a1.` Cali, 58 Wellington Street E sat, Toronto. Dated at Toronto April 2481,'89. 42.3 BLYTH Woolen Mill. Forsyth dSo Son, formerly of the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Farmers in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their old plan of malting noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to meet a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and care- fully attended to. The HIGHEST P1110111 paid for Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, etc. A Trial Solicited ! Satisfaction Guaranteed ! R. Forsyth & Son. A. The Attention of the Public is called to the fact that the Brussels `Woolen 111 will give 1 -ii u -IN- Tweeds, Yarns, Blankets, Flannels, Underelothin d, for the nest 80 80 days. Special Drives in Knitted Goods. To Secure the Big Blamed= you Must bring the CASH. .rtormenactantateptaaagenago Try the Brussels Woolen. Mill ...,.. FOR --- 1 r `w 01,AA4, THEC00K'S BEST FRIEND Wm Martyr., Agent for the following Companies: -T. Hendry ,t lion, Seaford?, Plows of all ]rinds, Land Rollers, Cultivators, Straw Cutlers, Grain ' inshore ; Topton Bros., Guelph, Pea Harvesters, Steel Flexible Harrows, No, 7 Plows ; Patterson Bros„ Woodstock, Light Steel Binders, Oxford Reapers L rakes, Mowers, front and rear outs, Hoar'e hay Rakes, Pattet'son's com- bined Seed Drill, 10 hoes, and cultivator combined, 2 Furrow Gang Plows, Spring Tenth Harrows 20 teeth, Spring Tooth Cultivators ; A. 1fnrphey to Co., Guelph, Noy's Patent Reversible Hay Carrier and Double Angle Steel Track, most com- plete in Canada. A Speoial Bargain can bo bad in Binding Twine, A1) are sold at Prices to snit these hard tunes, Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Imple- ments sold. WAX. i9�� i% l'1C1V i House-Tnnxmtmn0 S'rnr•.nr, Bnus6ni,o, Baby Carriages. Baby Carriages. Just to hand a splendid se- lection of Baby Carriages which will be sold at very low prices. TRUNKS aud VALISES in endless variety. I am pre- pared to please the public in this department. Fine selection of Light Heavy Harness Give me a call, H. DENNIS. AGENTS WANTED Stea,d?/I!'utploynlentto Good :lien. None need be Idle. Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Com- mission. 100 ![en Wanted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The I'ontfili Nurseries, Larrestin Canada, Ora?' 400 acrts. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, NURSERYMEN, Toronto, Ont. WM. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting in all its branches, as well as sign, Gond Ornamental Painting. He has had years of exper- ience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is half sold. Estimates and terms cher- j fully given. GIVE HIiI A C1tIJL, Shop in tho olid rPo;3T'Publislling House, Xing street,,l3rnsscls, 1.0013 SALE, OE WILL BENT to 9mtnele parties, store with com- fortable and eommodlnue dwelling. hood collar, 1 Deo of garden in bearing 111,109, gloats and small 3 ult0, tined stable, This - constitutes one 01 the pleat opouiago pro (1u- tarlo for a good harness-mn)ter, hying lir the centre u I 0 splendid farming %003,00, Near- est opposition Brussels, 7 1,111ts, ldstowet 13 miles Apply for bonne to D W. 3C(0T,Nld, on the promises, r,Tnm,. 10- )E0Lr1A! :FAX! J. & J. Livingstone Have n limited nllmbor of bushels of the beet Imported IIt)LLt81) ,1:111 uu'r('N lel 8X `15) for farmers in the vicinity u£ lirnseals who intend raising flax during the coaling 00)10011, lvhioll they are prepared to de. liver in q •antitiee to suit flax growers. Can be got at the I0s(518SEELS I+I,AN. MOLL:. All seed given ant on the usual terms, Order early to ensure a supply, For flax grown from this seed Ton Dolla+a per Ton will be guaranteed if of good growth, harvested in prone' season and deli.ered rot the ,Flax Mill as soon es fit for three ti J. to J. LIVINGSTON, Prom:mmTous Bnessli1.3 FLAX Mas. APRIL 27. 1888 I A1Z'11 FOlt SALIi.--TTII. Toy. lllneresen offers for role the north east quarter .0r of 10138, con essio0 o, morels, County o containing 00 %eros, 'f aunty 0t Huron,1 he fund is of nest (1 fenc(0 and n high stele of cultivation, 01710 wen know rind under-drafu0,, 4milkre181 a wit New on rune houswelts, 8 mow, 000) house with cunorob walls, 3 wells, good barns and spied, n8,Ioet , ate. Eight mores of fall wheat, l,'s, s desirable property adJnips the corporation of Brussels. haft• able terms will be given, Title porfoet. d MIES (3itlE014, owner, Ilex 30811 r111001s P. 0, Returned to Brussel -I ROBERT ARMSTRONG desires to state that he Ilan again become tt resident of 13m:soole and is prepared to tape Contracts for all kiwis of Carpotite: Work, such as (louse Building, Barn Framing, Mill Weighting, to, HIit will also melte a Specialty of Moo- ing Iluildiug . Estimates cheerfully Given. Satisfaction Guaranteed in every instance, I8a1t1'. ARMBTONG. THE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs al the old Egg Emporium, NTOTTEB 11 Brussels Post Office, Farmers and others can depend upon getting from us the very highest Market Plage 1.14 CASA this season as wo aro going to ship extensively and require large quantities. Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussel:. Mrs. Wm. Ballantyne Su Sol,. ]Notice.' -I have much pleasure in informing all ley end friends that my daughter and grandson will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by me last year and I hope they will recieve liberal patronage. JXO• BODDICTC, '8 interesting g to the Farmers. CARDIFF BROS., Implement Agents, desire to return thanks for the extensive J patronage of the past year and bog leave to remind the Farming community that they still handle the CELEBRATED MAssnv STEEL Bnen011, 8,000 of which wore manufacturod and sold in 1887, Tim MASSEY Mowxo and Tan TORONTO MOWER. To show the superiority of this last mentioned machine -the sales for the past 11 years have over -run 2,000 a year. We are also agents for the well-known and latest improved Beaver and Champion Drills, and the Sharp Sulky Rake, the best over manufactured, A large ooneigument of Pure Manilla Binding Twine ordered for the harvest of 1888. We have sold and. ern selling %large number of Buchanan's Horse Forks and Bin• vators. No better in the mallet. The Wilkinson plow and all plow repairs ltopt constantly at our shop. No need of waiting to send to the manufacturers for them. Our Repair Room is thoroughly stocked with all the necessaries for the machine; we handle and can be supplied at a moment's notice. We mean business. Call at our Warerooms, near the Bridge, Brussels, and see for yourselves, rrmr urgaanal -:msna TR1R)0S- Pei itive Ours. A Painless Cure. F��y �'t •�,I�� y�, �9 rye. �TS,te.�.:+' 4't�r4r&;. MEN i ,�;�p .._; AGEt lc 3.a3.a7.-'Aai7S or MAN. 7.7,730," rte-':. ' ;C1v%nIM�M=?_Cr�rn 1,1" e Tl1)4 Cv$7s`6o&T' d21Eo12LTIE Jl g1.ITR1 pini, �y I4o voi of Heeling, and K01111.001. of Medicines, '�,.cs'i •� 'fnu;s1d 4110tare serene/to 0onOegnencee (00 )t»,liecretiata, '(t?x ❑. Exposure and Overwork, S Oti 1J'C+ .1=1D.C,1.1=i--ex_Cp3E7 9 NTJ OZ,Z'7) 1\12 Who aro broken down ft nal the (lewd 0 of alms will Sind in No. 8 %radical cure for nervous rk Ill t•1, er01W0 w001mo00, involuutal'y vital looses, oto. SYMPTOMS ton wn10 ti NO a 00030 ,' 014 Hann , -Want of energy, vertigo, want of p0111000, dimness of eight, eversion to e0nloty, want of conibloneo, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, 11 ,tlosvaeoa and inability to fix tbo attention on a particular subject, OoweTtlice, depre,tlo'1 o. sl.h•its, giddbie80, 1009 of nlamnry, excitability of temper, epor, nlaterrhmo, er 1099 of lee r. mina) fluid -the result of self•abuse or marital 0x0800-impo- tonoy, innUtl•itien, rims mnsi00, ba0J'emos0, palpitation of the heart, hy000rie feelings infemales trembling, w.da,,cheiy, 4)01arbiug decamp eta„ aro 0,11 symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes itlnucn,m'1y ucpnirad. In ghat, the spring of vital Tomo having lost its tension, every function wanes in eouseguenee. Scientific writers and the supporintondents of insane aaylunls nulla pro eeOriblt to the effects of self-abuse the great .majority of wasted 11 008 which co 00 under Moir notice. If you are incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life, No. a offers au escape from the efforts of early vt,i 1f 3/00 PTO edvauaod in years, No, 81vt11 give you full vigor and strength. If you am broken down, physically aud morally from early indi0orobion, the result of 201101010»l feu elite, tend your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. LonoN's Wren -tine in hook 1"1001 on Dioo11010 of Mau. Sealed aud 000008 from ohoel:vatlm. Adimes all ehnutuuicalions to 113. W. LISBON, 4'0 Wallington St, B„'Noronto, A Mas wnlhbut'0)040m lives In a fool's paradise. CURT$ GUARANTEED. HEAL THE 8)00, qui ' f�^" ppl;Ii',.'.•'>`Jf1;q q� A Pi r`1na&halt Cure. > 'c A POcasS1�itt, Ctffiin