HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-27, Page 1Volume 10.
th" Baiter 0) Tel Port',
Hilt.- Ott the 111411 of May the Scott
\1)t will 0e00 in 1133011, but 1 tenet It
will not be as predieled by 80010 of the
.uppnrtors of the Scott Aet, that is that
intomp1rnnee will neer"ase under alto
1'1 0... 110,1, still if the temperance
pcnnle and the supporters of repeal lay
on their rare and do nothing, or lie little
410 the supporters s of the Scott Act (lid. I
have no 11mtlit but it will ivareayo, bet 1
trust these two nhtase0 have the interests
d society more at heart than to jet hi
this manner-, and nater these two classes
we have nearly every one. The temper.
one p. ogle are, or should be, prompted
by their principles to 1111 Ilia LW en.
fclrc,l, 1e that let: Crooks 00 Stott Act,
.41(1 i30 1. ,olimerb:00 epood voted that
11 >lo,dd ninth to the Crooks Set, as.
deet it 130011 du more for teul-
pclauro than the Saoht Act, they are
•t1) fore in Bitty tamed to 1313' it enree,,rvi
.1)t also to ilo no act themselves to in.
:Mee others to break the law.
Now, if botlt of these classes do their
duty iutemporance 1111.0 not increase.
:till our ladies have ars , the cause at
heart,. and will ably assist, but they nest
.•1l,1nts sortie of their terrtice. They
mast realize by this time that their mode
of defeating the roped anti enforcing the
Scott Act was a failure, that they must
depend altogether on their own individ-
ual 1 fforte, and now that they see it they
moat work on this plan and success will
crown the efforts put forth. Our clergy
tarn also do more 11,01 they have to in-
crease temperance principle ; but it must
not bo by 130rucion, that should never bo
the wapiti of a true follower of the
'•1113111 and Lowly," their weapon should
he education, eharao,er, principle and
duty, and by this meats they can elevate
the In cal tone of ao(tiety, and thus ad -
Nance the temperance cause 40 also other
:seed ranges. They thus do tenfold more
good ti an they did dnrii•gthe late cam-
(,: 4311, ns they have, some of them, berm
so blind in their zeal os to ,take easer-
tiohe which their ulumb rs kuex frau
esperi1 nee wore fats, thus creating a
doubt in the mind- of their members in
r, lei—cote t' their tseatinga,
Peel le must not think that bccau-e the
Inael nen have Lien advocating the
("mole; -let that they. as a unit, w ill keen
14. ...y did it wield he a mighty
stip ferw•ard and they would do more
11•.u, the eott Act h s 1)1)11 iu 3 years,
:it8(, if duty and their own interests
ln"ni1 ed them, they a ould never break
tlu Act again. I ant afraid their actions
v:'1 1 er the pest the :1st will be
vaulm0.1. It then becomes the duty of
every citizen to 00118„ tempting a breach
of he law, but, if bruken, to sue 1110
offend, r punished and the law vindicated,
'4110 tie. mal who wt.1go into the walrus
box nut knowing wh tber he drank in-
toxicating drink or not should be frown.
ed (WWII by society. Our Inapootors ,tett
Qal:•mieeiollers, espaoially the Inspector
iu tats ``part of the 130ulhv, should be in-
structed at once that unless he dons a
},teat dual more to have the law enf.ruod
that; he ever did before since his tsp.
ppintednit he had b rte• resign or his
path wi.1 bo ono of thorns, as it is a
notorious fact that in the past it seemed
from his actions ho 1001(0d more after his
salary than his duty. It is enough to
slake the public suspicious that all is 1),t
right wheu the Inspector and Board hold
their- 111101ugs in 0 10.131 when they
could have it nubile .,all for the askieg,
wit1le in that hotel, in another part, the
law at, a only violated. It looter as if the
Inspector and Board lacked backbone
and ate endeavoring to please both
pettier., a thing impossible mil. 80 all
observe the law.
No, for the enforcem.1)t of temperance
under the Crooks Act. Wo have a Clov-
e:mi neat pledged to see it enforced ; we
ha, a welt paid officials to sea that such is
done, and it is the duty of esters ono to
set, that they do it, (ea tho dation of the
i.n. psetur partake of .hr ditty of a de-
10uttv4 as well as inspector). We ],ave a
method to stop the drunkard and mine),
two important features that shuuld be
01.10)3. a 10 tho letter We have a inutile
to c,.4 1.1 Sunday 11 1110 and to 0,080
public houses at soaaouctule hours, and to
atop ,:un'1m1 in them. Then we have
11)0 ladies, we hero the clergy of all de-
moi nim1Ll0l,s, We have the temperance
1x.031, , 11,0 have the aapportora of . opoal
111 p ,11(1;11 supporters ,f the Crooks Acts
@u eve. have the hotel keepers tbom-
solvo0, in foot we have everyone and
everything necessary to the enforcing of
the : ,y, and it must bo enforced to the
letter, end by one grand uuited'effort, as
by sharp, prompt Dauer on the part of
all at ibis moment, the success of tbo
Crooks • ofd ''e assisted and a decrease
of intoni snc/4w must bo the result.
t' 1 Yours, Anal -Scars Acm,
Brussels, April 25, '118.
rton, '.Phos. White Dead.
Hos, Thos. Whito died at Ottawa at it
quartan to ten o'alook on Saturday night.
Ho was 110lir0118 (luring the greater part
of the clay, and suffered rho most intense
pain a1010at to the very moment of death.
lr'ron midnight on 1'l nifty 1110 physioians
entol'tainld no hope far his recovery, and
telt hundreds of anxious friends, Son.
eters, C9nmino1018 and pressman, who
visited Itis residuum during the day to
react the bulletins displaced came away
saddened and depressed by tho (11000111'.
1tglnll nature of the reports. As the
evening appro1obed the fear that he
could not live grow into a mournful cou-
v1011013 that the Minister's career bail
reached its 110030tut'0 clpea, ted a night
of sincerer mourning .in Parliaucnta'y
11(0110 has rarely boon known at the Cep.
ftal. 11 has been felt ever 0inee the
opening of the session that lir. White
wag not in his (190)11 31401'01)8 health, lint
the foot was attributed to overwork, work, Innd
no fear of t sarions collapse of the Min.
istarie strength wa8 entertained, 110
made his last eneenh 111 1 he 11"1181', which
has ran!, to hie times en 1411011, en the
night of i'riclay, 1110 13111 inst., in tlto
aelenee ef the reporters of the lh(noard,
of when' hu W0.3 itlwaye L11e z011l0115
0111111 0011, 1)u the Saturday night fed
keying he attended n supper It Germ it.
meta 1totlre, Itt driving homeward lie
wag seized with a 011111 111111 011 stiildtty
was reported 1uwrll, but it Was 1110110t
to he nothing more ,11110)10 than a severe
baleen ,ttadt. Ills physician, 1)r.
Wright, being alumni, at Potent,, Dr,
Horsey „es called in to l0•uacrib0 for the
Huff, rer, but in 11 r. 11'1,110,1 weakened
physical condition the remedies failed to
cheek the adval110 of the disease. In-
flammation of the lunge and pleurisy
wore developed, and by Friday List the
condition of the patient became extreme-
ly c ilieal, On that day Itis brother,
Richard White, of The Montreal Gazette,
and has son Robert, cattle up from Mon
trial, and a1 midnight Dr. 1t. 1'. ]toward
and Dr. Georg,- Ross, of M0l10'e11, 'pr.
rived, mid with 111•, Aright and 1)t'. Ifo ,
sly lu.l,l 1 10,14111, ,tin,. They maul ism
vilhs'd at ours that the 21lnlet, t con d
not rally ;old that 1)t best hitt a few
11,,urs of lff.• reloaded, Jn.1 lettere tiro,
end mune 31r, \\'lute rcauveretl correction,.
ness mid called hie family 1' his bedside,
and the damns that felluwod was mos al -
footing. The (lying man was 001111, bravo
awl tender, and bo ides bidding has wife
a d children a t• tithing farewell he had
a few words of bu ino-s 000ver811ti n
with his grief-81iitheu b other Dud au-
oepted spiritual oonaolation from Arch-
deacon Lander, of tho Episcopal (11100011,
with which burly Mt' White wa• identi-
fied. Ho was calm and 0011001008 to the
last. Ho lemma a widow and ten child•
ren, three soles and seven daughters.
She sons ado Robert S, White, editor of
the Montreal Gazette ; Fred. White, of
the Militia Doeartment, null Thomas
White, who is in the 00rv100 of the (baud
Trunk railway. Fc 11. was married about
two inenths ago 'lea daughter of Ala.
Gordon, of Ottawa, and 'Robert, who is a
widower, was to have neon married c1)
Saturday to Mis Annie Barclay, daught-
er of Captain B0renty, of 1101)11ea . All
of 1It•. White's sight rs aro unmarried,
with the exception of tiro eldest, alio to
31r . Ilodgina, of Montreal. The daoeas•
1)d loaves has family in only moderato
oarcutnstamena It as understood that he
hada life ineurloes, of but $5,000, that
be drew 1:1,300 a year 11'0111 The Gaz the
]:Tinting Company. rani that he owned
the tine family regi,lenee at the Capat 1.
The d (:eased 311111st0 wit 11. strong and
a4gr 081110 p11110,n, bet he had mady
personal 111...,, : ; i 1 ;' . Liberal rank's a d
Itis sudden hill au the prime of his pub-
lio career is unive000hlymourned and de.
planed. He is the third Minister to die
031100 Confederation during 0 session of
Parliament. The other two were A'Arcy
McGee i1„d Sir George C ober, the hatter
of whom died in Lug ,1),l Th • d .oto•.s
say that ler. White might have success•
fully resisted the course of the malady
which carried him to his death Lad he
not been rut dime by overwork. Ile
had a burdensome department, the cor-
respondence in whieli averages 2,000 let-
ters a day, and he to Jr oharge of it when
it Wee i1 0 sta.e of utter confusion 111
cousogneure of a lung period of n11011151•
gamont. 1 -Io had barely repaired the
bad work of his predecessors mi oflico
when death called him from his labors.
Ells death wit bo a serious loss to the
The fatter of the Hon. Thos. White
emigrated front County Westmeath, Ire.
land, in 1820 and settled in Montreal,
where lie carried on business as a leather
merchant. There .u,. White was born
on August 7, 11390. Ile was educated at
the High School at Montreal and for
some yea she was in mercaltl.e life.
For a term of four years he studied lave
under Hou. kidney Smith, in Cobourg,
Ont. He forsook Blaokstono for the
"Art preservative of all arts," Man early
age becoming part proprietor and editor
of The Petorbur0' It view. In addition
to his journalistic duties, Mr. White was
ass"oiatod with others in the 1.'owe
Couuoil and Soiree' Boards, displaying
at an early age an aptitude for public lifo
that many roga,decl 00 1) 0sago for fut.
ere ramose. tient time afterwards Mr,
White removed to Ilamilton, whore he
and his brother Riohard published the
Spectator for a ,umbar of years. Mr.
White served ns a member of the Board
of Education of M01,11100, and took a
prominent pa,1 in the memorable agit•
a11o11 fel railway extension iu the year's
1867-70. On selling out the Spectator
Mr. Whibo went as emigration agent to
Scotland. On his return from Europe
ha thud his b oth•r Richard. pur0110804
Tho Montreal Gazatte, a property wllioh
ieapruvod very mash under their man-
agement. His appointment to the Min-
istry of the Interior in 1885 necessitated
Mr. White's withdrawal from active
journalism, Itis 1)0111ical career began
in 1887, when he unsuace68f1111y contest-
ed South Wentworth with "Holiest Joe"
ltymal. In 1874 he was defeated in
Prescott and 111 1875 and 1870 ho ran 01)•
successfully in Montreal West. In 1878
110 was ()looted in Cardwell, which ho
has represented. ever singe. In August,
1885, he wits appointed Minister of the
Interior, in socoossion to Sir David Mae-
'thereon. ler. White tools an a01lvo in-
terest in commercial hatters. He rep-
resented the Montreal Board of Trade
of tho Dominion Board for number of
years and was reprosautativo of the Int•
for body 01 the National Board of Trade
of the Visited States for five years.
Ilon Edger '.Lieut„ (1evcrnor
of the N. '4V, To fs 110w spoken of as ono
of those likely to suooced Iron. Mr. White
in the (abiu0t,
A lathing contest Look place at High
Park between T. lieewo0,l, of lotointo,
and Isaac Gibbs, of Ottawa. Snell had
0 space of 173 y0rds to lath and Gibbs
did it in' ono hour, 11111011011 minutes,
boating Beewood by about (Ivo(' 11iuutas.
1,ho,contost was for a puree of 0, .
A 311411 who pretended to be a potato
dealer from the Wee( railed' 0 0heque
for 01,000 on ,an .\t11o)'irmn blank in a
1lenareal hotel, whore he was 8utyhlg.
1'1e toll tine landlord MM. lie only wonted
6500 new, 11,11,1 03)11111 tali, the rest later
on., 1.11 got 6300 end left town, lard 1)1,,
charms was nfterwardl rlfsnwverod 14) be
Wash Letter.
0,1)01I ulrIt 1450111 114 eeel1rsr0N1)000T.)
G \0051,11 gtnu, .1ur11 21, 1508,
The battle which the Cougf,Hsioual
war horses have twee snuffing from afar
now mime ill 1110 netiuual ,(.gislnturo.
Tariff reformers aid pmteotioniets ale
Ile Sydv0na0 Cob,, w„111,1 say, Melted in
deadly encounter. Thu raider of the op.
hosing 1'' 11 e ore VW, d, 1.0111y 11101.011.
11011 1111101 rho aunt banner figll' the
uncompromising free trader ; the 1(11.1)•
Cato of a tariff for resonate n t only, the
mutineer whose sole aim is to reduce the
r 13011110 by n removal of tariff duties, and
the 1 ro,eotionivl w'110 believe(' that (t 1l'
01,05i010 meet be in odo to satisfy public
opinion, or who feels that h,• in lighting
111 a ma1)00 ('01.1.011•. to the 11141111)1 t'lea of
tlo country. and to 111 - party. On too
1,111,.1' side i01 111) 't 1110 'e les dr11334'at(`d
ill ........1ales sat.sl newt i - t ottets
ens•,:. There re ar ..c a 01:11,1,100.3iundil-
or to slun,ller the. 1x11,111 • 10Nitietionint,
till: elan w11o10lrineipal d(gi a i, to re.
Mute the (''QV81)11 t 11 Who puler,: to a1).
cumplish his purpose by cheeki g all
revenue from lnlpu0tl: by nlnansof 0 pro•
hibitory tariff, the man who reseits a re•
duction of import duties solely because
he is interested in the removal of int r1).
al taxation from tobacco or belt ()remi-
t s. 1.131 free -4 41101' in them bet oppon-
ent of the pr.,utitel enlmcembnt of the
theory in this country, or ..t this time,
or us applied to Homo local manufactar-
ing industry, and the rear guard, similar
to the Cor esponding branch of the op.
posing army, who do 1104 bother with pol-
itical ee-dl0my, but are for their party,
if rig •1, and, whether right or wrong, more
for their party. In motive and opinion
the allies on bo.h sides present as (.'trey
a o app ammo as 1''a staff's soldiers dict
pi,ysialdly. Thas 01'0unlstauee gives
some uncertainty to the conto8t,anladds
to its interest as it more opeotaele.
The members of the river and harbor
committee 0.0 unxious about their will,
and there are some fears of its net re -
01,11 1g action in lime to boo deo a law,
whish may 1)0 dispelled by the arraoge-
ineut to dispose of appropriation hill,
from time be time, instead of waiting
wi h then al until after the tariff bill i
meted upon which would pile these bills
up 1)l 0 way to Wools overythin., Mr.
Bayne is one of the ,;,embers of rho nom•
mlfct00 who fear they may not art upon
the bill in time to .einlit of the 141 1 ,10'
) o 1).i lg it Lt hes fur the l ie,aeut.6
0tgi,ture, A failure of this bill, he said,
14011131 be an itjtll•y to rho 001111 Ley which
na111101 be estimated. '•'1)1108 is not one
01 our finest har''ore,” he -aid, 1.1111(1
0005 1,04 ,teed t0 have 11101my 8,'0111 1(311)12
it to hake 15: a,tit"111,. for the new vee•
eels of ;,mea, length and heavy draught
which are now Ise ng used in (same ce.
The maguifloont harbors of Boston, 111a1.
timore and San Francisco, the finest in
the country, a o inadequate for these
largo vessels A failure to molt:' the
necessary expenditures on these ha bors
wi11 be a great injury to commerce, as
11 coals 30000 to 14501 in sma,l vessels."
The anxiety of this oommitto will lead
them to make eve•y possible effort to se.
mare an early day without waitingfor the
A good illustration of the red tope pro-
ceedings of the government service is
given in the following :
A letter signed with initials and mail-
ed at the Washington postoffioe was re-
ceived some time ago at the Postoffice
Department. The writer enclosed a two
cent stamp with the following 0143)00.
atory remarko for the benefit of the
Postmust, r -General, "I received a let. or
through your office yesterday ; the eau.
ceiling stamp failed to cancel the stamp,
I tore the stamp off and used it. Now
my conscieuoo has got the best of rue.
You will please find enclosed a two -cent
stamp to go to the 'Conscience Fund,'"
As it was not money the stamp was
not sent to the Treasury Department,
where there is a special fund for tho
benefit of those who are ovolootue by the
pangs of conscience. Tho letter was
soot on the official round un4 as much
ink and hood paper was consumed in re-
cording its reception in the Department
and its final disposition as if it had been
010,000 instead of a sickly green• two -
(rent st0tnp. It was first of all recorded
in the book of letters received in the
Postale tor -General's office, and was
then sunt, es indorsed by the chief olerk,
to tho Third Assistant Postmaster -Gen.
trat, When it reached tho latter office
it Wee referred by the Third Assistant
Postmaster -General to the finance divis-
ion. Another mord was made in the
book of that office of letters r000ivod and
jacketed. Then it found its wily to the
finance division. The chief of the divis-
ion pasted tho stamp on the letter, thew
two orossmarks through the stamp with
his 301, and initrkod under it the word
"0anoell0(1" and signed his name. This
operation wa0 witnessed by a clerk who
efiixod his name as ns witness, and then
the letter having reached the and of its
red -tape Journey, was duly and properly
deposited in the files, whore it will re-
main es en evidence to nature geter-
einem that this petit lemony upon alto
(10vernlnent wra0 regularly arid. °fiiminily
atoned for. 1"11
Spring Dhows.,
:L'hc annual Spring Show of the Elula
Agricultural Society was 1101(1 Thursday
afternoon, 10111 lost., at Newry, and ns
usual there (0130 a largo attendance. Tho
dhow of horse nosh was very good, ()spec.
ir3117 the heavy draught elites, in which a,
number 1)f. splendid amfinels oonlpeted
for the laurels. Canadian draughts and
general purpose 1101008, though not so
largely reprenouted, iuolttdcrd seine lino
itmmals, ']'ho prizes fu atoll eines won)
awarded (30 nn,ler;--Imported Hersey
'Draughts 1st, C. 9iio11enl s'.3nnu Clerk;
201, 1 311314 11'6 "Oltallenger.' 'Chree d0hn
g day. Only the etidellce of the annglha$n. luta pnrchnoed The fort Ar11un' Sentinel,
hturyear old 101(Ind�1 riod Draughts 1. 6, 1 Turn- d end nil this li', Robinson '1'm'lll0 has orale ilhe c•rper'lntant1)C
N1138 '' it l'ot hoed ; and, J,Lt uAnte wax 1irn1 oanlhl • Imo )5,lie:: ,n1 111, school
i hnll'0•ser .l'ratru,k:' Ualadl41n 'Draughts roin30it;ted the it fcn,hat Co gland his r upp 1.
,loht Gu •'s''I'oi 1 Clallan1:' Ter• trial at the next assizes. .Ifemme or11, Board.
rlter0u- •Ise J. 13, .lirklan('0 'Champion,' ]tad no h•mthlc in finding Ural Whirl': was d(•atruetace rite Witsansrd i,y ineon-
Uonorn1 Perprse- lat. S. 1\lfee' "Captain fixed at. two sanative of 1650o and himself : (11314.100 in Owen sound early M0l110day
Brown 1'• 031111,, A. 'Tho)lp0on's "Lord in 1)3011. , morning.
11addn," Ao/mean tidal c111ad 1,4, Moran
(irey's "Young Merriman ;" •loin,
Henry'. "frim, of Wel." Bloods •lot,
John senit•8 "1 310.011 lwthschild," 2n41,
John 1C0ury's "Terror." il,mclatora---rat,
3. Moltarou's "Ioang Felton." Sweep•
stakes. ''1' xm Clerk," 13.111 D1rllam
--1st, R. 1''urd'a ',Primrose Hing;" 2uil,
O. s Rim's "'Stanford." judges -Mex,
Young Winghan ; D. Mcbaueldin,
ttruesele ( A, W. C/itis,rlt, Palmerston.
The 1111111101 Spring 5I, ry Wee 1144.1 here
on Friday of lust w, ek 41)111 w05 It prm11
euc1ex1. '.1'11, prizes were awl4rdc,l as
follows 0-1foronogmportod heavy draught
---1st, C,lliu.sou C Levis' "Capitalist
Sud, +'ullioson .v la;fsw "Try 110 Ord
1. 1, T1l r11L1u1's "M0rri1ead.' Canadian
h Ilv7 41all41)1- -1st, Isaac, 11114 'quer
1)iunu,;" led, joint Uu_ s "Ton
(;nllaot:' French heavy d'ant'ht- 1st,
1V. 1,. 1111 .1 .1,0:41111;" 211d, S. \C u
t -apt. 1100,08." lloavy draught, 2 years
ora 11. 11 lllty's Borne tat prize, 1to1, l
iuul Carriages Win. 1',n•liff t 'Calel"n•
ism Chief jr." O. nasal pllrpos•. • 1st,
Remy Young's "Young Cla„('man
2nd, Stant, MuKuight's "1.70ung L,•,o.
welt,” 'T1tore'-bred blood --1st .1.(13 J.
Scott's "Baron Rothschild ;" 2nd, Jac.
lloury's "Yon," Terror," Perchorcl,
any ages -1st, ,1.1,13. Whale's "Vornal ;"
111,,3, Jiro. Jickliug'a "Champaign."
nweeesta,tes, 1t, i e (1111 a ' liarlie Loss,'.
Best single driving horse or snare • Bidd
Bros. Best gelding or mare for sale --
Kidd Bros. Bulls—Thoro'-bred Dur.
81tm, 2 years, Geo. 'Mayberry's "Prince
Solway'. •
Where the .IYtoney Goes.
The supplementary estimates for the
eurreet fiscal y ar, ending 313th June
next, wore brought down at Ottawa this
week. The total to be voted 15 made up
as follows ;
At., um,t auargeuble to capital $ 438,000
'game 1,119,'270
" for expelle00 of rebellion00,4010
t:upra;idem item, 199,)811
Total 01,704,03')
11101(0 W011120.
The following amounts aro to be voted
for public works in 1)utario:
Ramat 41;11,0,0 .100, cnat,11, Louse,
r0 -,'01a et 01,03x, le1pssd 11 3,
111,41;,00 ,a ammo) nun l0 repairs
buildings, Of taw 1, int -
Ir, v .flts, rut. 111,e,;141,, a,,c+k-
e s a0145.4 -•.nate ata fin so
.1.0 11.001 "uua 1.850
01.17'4'0i0;::1:' ,, tel ou.1diugl, 0ttawa,
ue 8) 11100011 aur i:xohoq'
Coors, hlnutnro, uta............ 0,000
V,e.u,,o 11,11, 041 wa, ah 00101000
0 ,1.1. .,11) 10 000110011.,n wall
1.0410,00 o, 11312oual Art 1,llory
trm0 4... ,urerol I0 Oeur1 bui1l1.g
h,ut.... 3,500
1,,1'oltoO 'x,a,uit.11eq warehouse, 08-
Veto u, 10,60,0 balance 0,187
Vtul,, la 11,111, 0kW, ,Ya, holt lob p0r-
r•„s••J un Qneoa fltr<,re, 01tawa, in
roar u1 hall 1,550
0001 Cu111 ,11,1.8 public building
prnvcueuto eta 1,500
1(12)38 un penitentiary 8,000
Under harbors and rivors tiro only On
tario item is a thousand dollars for the
removal of obstructions in the Little
Nodi011 ri 01'.
A grant of $962 in aid of the students'
fund of the Mohawk Institute at Brant -
fold is to bo made, and $800 to enable
the Department to relieve cases of dis-
tress amongst the Indians of Ontario.
Under legislation 312,955 is to be vot0d
to pay the indemnity of does
aeod senators
and members, wi,ilo $26,800 goon far ex.
pauses in commotion with the Franchise
Act. An item of -ohne significance to the
militia force Is the vote to provide for
the roti arrant of two deputy adjutant -
genuine, 0 eratoity of tw , years' pay
each, at the rate of 31,700 per annum,
P110, it County Notes.
Wm. Gibson, proprietor of tho Boams.
villa githrrl s, bas been awarded n 0011.
treat to build the stone work ,+f the shop.
at Stratford far the G. T. R.
Tho bylaw to grant 1t hone.: of $80,-
000 for the removal of the Maxwe 1 an
v(artnring Co.'s Work. from Paris to
St. Marys was tarried at toe la ter piano
by• 404 majority, only )34 votes born
polled against it.
Georgo Volio, whose name appears in
connection with the Winnipeg balk de.
Notion, is a Listowel boy, and resided
in Stretford for several years, being em-
ployed in several offices, at different
periods, as book-keeper.
Mrs. Noel Groom, of \iitohell, will s
Henry Janos for $7,0011 1)b the ooml; g
assizes, It will bo remembered they .10
great storm last fall blow down the walls
Of the James' bloole, destroying the build.
ing of the. plaintiff and killing her bus.
band and servant. The defence will be
that the occident was purply accidental
and impo,seiblo to guard against, that de-
ceased was cautioned in Unto but refused
to leave the building, mid that defendant
should therefore not U0 held responsible.
Sometime age Mr. slnopp00d01 Wallace
township made an arrangement with F,
llomawortll, a gentleman well known in
Li810w01, to allow him (Ilcnlxwortll) n
eontre100(00 of $50 if ho succeeded in sell.
ing 11, farm belonging to Sheppard. It
000108 that afro' 80010 trouble On II0118-
wnrtll's part a mal named Woolfo bought
ale farm from Sheppard. Anogroclnont
had beoll drawn up betWOen Woulfe and
Iteniswortll end-- when the 'attar asked
for $50 con11111ss101), w410011 tho agree•
lnont presided for Woolfo refused pay-
lnontclaiming that the clause was not in
C. P. R. , xtc rasion
A large and very maim:tiae 10 railway
meeting was hell 111 the Town 11+11, 1.Lt-
towel, on Tuesday afternoon of tido
week. -
Atnole! 111,1 1•epla.,olrttttive.s present
were Mayor Seeger, 31100,18. Ra, 3tliffe
and Campbell, Godo'irh ; Reeve .loltn-
sent, Wee \Vawant011 ; .101ne4 Y11111g
00c1 1, 11', •1 cell 34'ui, (ester ; Il • v1)
1431:1 and U,'. Sloan, Myth ; Reeve Mc•
(h1) lten, Ir. 1', Ropers, J. R, Grant, J.
McIntosh, 11. Graham, 0. Straelme, .1.
Wytut. .1. D. lionold, 1I. Dennis, A.
Good. 11. l.ectthcrdole, \V, 1". llasateue,
1, .Jenkins, .1..1. Lowish., J. It. Smith,
11. Gerry, ('.apt Stmt. on and. 11'. 11.
Kerr, from Brussels ; AVel. sp•,ne•,, John
(101,11 1 Heffernan and T. 1'. Simpson,
from 1 1,11e1 ; C 01,1,10,1, Trowbridge ;
11 041 1I•. 1,101, 1), 3111}'-1ib_eve Li -sowed
n'1 1.,1) ill, r, I ,t1telh• •1 :1
Itnc111 1.1tz anandothers, flaunt
1. ire ;
Meow Arclemo1 I, from Coe 1pli tie.
Mayor, Council and 110141 of 'Isaac of
the town of List 'Wel.
The object oh tho ut)etin' was the um.
motion of a scheme t, lists the (1,11,11.
extend,' from (11041311 to Goderirll by a
manhole'. route,
(1, Hay 1000' (111001111 chairman and
W. 11. (:limit, of the Banner, Secretary,
after wvbfth a committee consisting of
Mayor Seeger, Itoove Johnston, Dr.
Sloan, W. H. Kerr, Wnt. Spence, Reeve
Cleland, J. 1'. Mabee, Reeve Rats and
Jacob Umbach were appointed to draft
resolutions to present to the meeting.
While this work ,vas in progress short
addresses were given by the chairman,
l'Iayor McDonald, Mayor Seager, Reeve
Campbell, Reeve Kelly and others, all of
whom woke as to tho advisability and
probability of this lino being con-
The following resolutions (0000 then'
submitted to the meeting, tate mover and
„e0ou(10r speaking in their favor and op.
ening the diaoussiun :—
Moved J. P. Waboo, Liotowel, seconded
by Dr. Sloan, Blyth. That it is of vital
importance to the future welfare of the
seotion of country lying between Guelph
and Goclorich that a lino of railway
should be constructed between tltost
Points. Carried.
Moved by I). D. Campbell, of Listowel,
seconded by W. II. Mc0raokeu, of Bros.
sets, that in the opinion of this matting
snap .in„ shuuld be soleutod as would
touch the most important trade centres
lying between said p0iu10 and at the same
time preserve the sbo test mileage and
that the sane would be attained by locat-
ing the road from Guelph via Elmira,
Listowel, Bras -els, Blyth and Manches-
ter to God. rich. Carried.
Moved by W. G. ]lay, of Listowel, sec -
ended by J. Ratite, of Elmira, that dole.
gates should be appointed from all mn1)1.
(ipalities interest •d to interview the C.
I', 1t. authorities upon the advisability of
aotlstruoting such line and if that inter-
view prove sntisfaoto,y that the Govern.
meet of Canada should be asked to grant
a subsidy, in accordance with the goner.
al mut'e, for the Oonatructiou of such
roar. Carried.
Au amendment was proposed t1 the
last motion by A. Jenkins bat found no
eeoonder and was ooeseguently dropped.
Olork Campbell, of Goderich, J. W.
Scott, of Li towel ; F. C. Rogers, B.
Gerry and 2. D. Ronald, of Brussels ;
Jas. Young and Mr. McGeorge brief-
ly expressed their views.
Moved by B. Gerry, seconded by W.
H. Kerr that J. 0. clay, be the ohairmon
of the joint railway committees of the
interested. municipalities. Carrio-L
Atter arranging a few details concern-
ing delegates going to Ottawa, do., it was
moved by Bettye Kelly, se0oud0(1 by heave
Cami,bull that a veto of thanks 80 tender-
ed to Mayor MuDouald,' of Guelph, for
his 13000111100 and address. Carried.
'Phe 1-11141 or responded appropriately.
1...1::1:0 •1)•r 001 ,
Boy. Wm. A. Robins is the uew pastor
of the \V1 lllam street ohuroh,
At the adjourned Easter vestry meet-
ing of Christ Chnruh it was resolved to
adept, the systum of free 80118 from the
let of June next.
RO1. 11.0..Lu;c, late pastor of the \Vill-
iam •troet 0100,1'1, was presented with a
purse of of 123 by a number of his Listo-
wel friends. He loft town for Parry
80011(1 111st,101.
M, Wildfnng, dry g'odv merchant, who
made an assignment a week 00 two ago,
has anoccotla l in , frosting a sOttlemint
with has urudit e:1, and has agent entered
partnership with 1'111', Sohinboin.
Honey Smith, brick -maker, 0 shipping
seven oars of brick lr001 his yard, leer
coo. Warfare, to Stratford, for the now
G. T. It, shops. Another large order also
awaits Mr. Snaith for the G. T.11. at
The laorosse club hero has been et.
satirized with offeors as follows for 1888 ;
flonor0ry president, 12. II. O'Rielly;
honorary woo, S. Bickor; president, P.
Rutherford ; vice-president, F. H. Taylor:
.00101ary, L', G. Poolo; treasurer, W. 13,
(lnlbcrt ; maneg1113 committee, W. E.
llur3080, W. J, 1to111tve11, P. Bernhardt,
W. K. Clinlio, W. Stevenson ; match
committee, L. Lillieo, J., I. Poster,
lfawkius, A, McIntosh, it was decided
to apply, for admission to tee Ontario
Laerua00 Association, and to rite that.
body to arrange an association for this
Cazla diatIt (W<*NV t
lialitnba is raking n lour of $1,200,.
A malignant kind of dipthorilt naw pre.
tails itt Kiugsritlo.
The fall grain in the 7k+licville distract
las been injured by frost.
P A, Maocionall has heel appointed
faster fit for Manitoba.
I) I,. 11 10 111vre. latent Tim Free Press,
1110 0groomont when be signed it. Woo11e_
also ol0ims that llentowortll threatened
him with trouble if be did not pay. The
11001)11 i0 that a charge of trying to ob. I
rain money by 11m•ea10 teas laid agents!,
1I0m0wmrth who appeared before 1
w' 1)e "n Satnr.
(1 Wallets, 1
liobiuson \ al n
Number 42.
11111.'I'. 13. Porde., is 011,l'''l(( from
lir • 1401)1311 this weak. -
'Che sala'rt'in , Army hes lo,e,l iudleted
cue ") �hlia n11'810"e” by the Ira1 jury'
IL:m. 't' - \4. An„,lau, 1)1 Turantu, w00
elected Separate 1:01,11 tr(rote" for St.
Andrew's \4'41'11.
There i.+ taut 0f a Cau'11ian af'Olt being
sent by the Government to the :Melbourne
11x1) svies ire ? •lhtrelia.
12.41i 11,1011, t 1• 0, •.3 i, a- ro ttru
were, nominated in 11 (h It \1.91gls11•
plot rued 11astiu,lu', on Sates 1 tv.
'1111 .(-1111.1311 14,4orlay 31. ,iii•; sun
has suffered a total e"44113.lu1k w-,1rgued
for the bast time era Stout -toss 1 •' :1st.
Matti 3,1)11 lets 104,11 ort 1 .a :Teta. of
M1 'i' 1)1113 Ile i t-. t ltL ) t 1014. 4`Lme
1031013(04 th,e .1),1)..3 tv.l i t I,,1..Nall Cul•
Iu I3rau'fet•d. Ij'nu,l•n , Lomb,. :,0,!
3t; It ,'1 1 total .,f 1 1 i,
• dr.r 1)t 11 ( -41 ed I red, wwork311,,.. 1 iu 1110. d
leu 1.14.0 of c ur,l.l 1,1,1 a 11,2-4 14.
111411X, editor of 1110. ( ) '1. w Tribune,.
1481 daami,si•d, 110' J 11'v fitili"g to
11011" •
'1110 PohioO Magistrate of '1'ornut,-has
in one respect it level head. Ii,' say, }soya
are often drawn into crime through lack
of 8001elent play grounds.
The Marine Department i, '.going to
build a back raugo light at 1iings.111o,
Out. The light will enable vessels to
find their way at night into the harbor,
Joseph P. Downey, oity eii or of tiro
uelph Herald, who has been o1 the
a.aff of that paper for eight years, 11310
decided to re ign his position in order to
000031 a lucrative offer from 1t puhli.hing
house in Australia.
At Montreal on Monday, a joint meet-
ing of the Protestant Ministerial As,00i-
talonand Evangelical Al.iane° was held
to protest against the proposed erection
of a statue to the Virgin nary on the
summit of Monet Royal.
It as proposed to sand petiti no from
all towns and villages of Essex County
to the Ontario Legislature praying for
the passing of a law making it illegal to
hoop open places of business in th„ Prov-
inceafter 7 p.m, from 1st Jnnnery next.
The sun shitting tnrougit a powerful
magnifying glees at the residence of M.
li. Almon, at Halifax, set fire to a window
casing on Saturday, and in a twinkling
the whole room was l0 flames. The fire
we. not extinguished till it had erased
about $200 damage.
W. A. Crockett, of Hamilton, claims to
have disoove, ed a lead mina on the moim-
tain, about eight miles south ,.f the ofty.
He says he has made an examination of
the locality, and found lead in
dance, and says lenges for a lot of laud in
the vicuna, ars to bo sigue.l, ,and n shaft
sunk at once.
A number of Western Ontario cheese -
mon have decided to petition the Domin-
ion Government against the praatiee of
American dealers shipping produce
th o gh Canada, and by branding the
boxes with a distinctive Canadian mark
palm off their manufaotores on the Eng-
lish market as Canadian.
Ll walking along the beach at St. Catha.
rines Saturday, A. May, farmer, of Louth,
discovered a portion of a human head
with the ear and a seotion of the lower
vertebra, attached. Itis thought this
discovery will assist in solving the mys-
terious disappearance of some young
ladies who wont out in a pleasure boat
from Toronto Park and were never heard
f om.
F. X. Cordeaux, aged 50 years, was 00
rested on Sunday in St. Sausour, where
he keeps a grocery store. The accused
put arsenic into soup which he offered
his wife, whose life is insured. The lat-
ter was warned by a 14•year-old adopted.
daughter not to est it, 51 she had seen
tho prisoner placing something into it
oat of a white paper. The woman took a
part of it to Falhar Dnroohe•, who gave
it to Dr. Gingras for analysis and found
that it contained amnia.
11) itn3ortantjudgnlont was given at
Toronto on Monday by Chancellor Boyd
in regard to the Central tank. Lionel
Yorke, contractor, received a deposit re-
ceipt from the bank for $8,010, which ho
had to deposit with the Outer'io Govern-
ment as security for the performance of
his contract 01 tiro 014•(0 Parlianent
b lldings, In return for the deposit re.
coapt he gave n d,:mand note. When the
bank failed the Ontario Governmout re•
turned the deposit receipt and 'sired for
newse0urity, which Mr, Yorke gave. The
liquidator of the bank notified him that
lheV' would requil'o payment for the de-
mand note, and 110 offered the deposit re-
ceipt as a set off. The Chanoollor, in his
judgment, hold that the note mrd receipt
e0nstltnted o110 nation, and allowed the
set off as 010110ed.
Among tho ap,•lioatious for ohartors
10111011 will be made to the Manitoba
Legislature at the present session will bo
one from the Winnipeg and South•oaet•
ern Railway. Tho 0xa0t mato of the
road has not yet boon Iodated, but it will
run in a southeasterly direction, meeting
the Winnipeg ,C Duluth at the lxmudary
and forming with that road au air lino
to Duluth. By this route the d1stu000
will be somotlling like 1100 miles front
Winnipeg to Duluth, as against 418 from
Winnipeg to I'ort Arthur by the C. P. P.
The Winnipeg & Duluth lead 1,1 built to
Tower, Minn., and its lro111otero en•
n02111011 their intention of et Once push-
ing forward their lines. They have yet
I201ni100 to build, and tiro Winnipeg
0.114 $ontimotirrn 1,1i1tvay will bo 90
miles in length. It ie expected fire 1(00
roads will beet near the s(nttinvesl
angle of the kaki, of the \\00104, 000 that
by balding a branch to the lake and
erecting pier:t that wast lumber districts
will be made tributary to them. From
Duluth the 1)nittlh, 30111,11 shore .t At -
!antic ltaf](0ay is now Hein:; built to•
W41rds aha Sault. '.Cho Grand Trmtk is
31180 rearhlflg 11111 far that 1100311, Dud
W11011 1111000 railways aro completed there
will be a line of railway from Winnipeg
to Toronto far ahnrte0 titan any may.
The 13rattcl '1`rn rk hn3 111010dy entered
into arrangements with the Duluth i'i
Winnipeg lural I110 1\inn Meg ,1- 5onih
eastern, gni:ming rt11110110 ltlsvere over