HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-13, Page 8wif �t. SES - THE BRUSSELS POST WATE Soma Farmer in or near Brus- eeD 11 jersey ill f -CPPIN AT (NCE To -- G. A. DEADMAN, Dnonois'r & BornsssLbEll, 131D188ELa, ONT.. NO REMEDY gives such universal satisfaction as the COUGH 11EMEDY manufactured in Seafortll, called •-•LUMSDEN & N u.aGi'a%NroNo(eu,u ,uo , u wi• g o al 1 caroted Ealsa of FirI; ° %an",yn ••, aio%/c°n>a.0;u°�n u.u,u.o,u.ul:o Its wonderful virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all parte of the Province. Druggists sell it. Prate 50 eta. 17-5ms. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. G n. E, Trainsleave Brussels Station, north and south as follows: - Going South, tieing North. ➢lai1............. 7:03 a.m,Mixed 9;90 a.m Exprese......11:35 a.m. I Mail............ 2:50p.m Mixed S:55p,m. I Express 9:45p.m Total •,c is mans. A chiel's emang ye tnliin' notes Au' faith he'll prent it. WE want money to handle Eggs. Wo are marking$oots very low. A. Goon. Barman Brnsselites attended the Bach- elor's Ball in Winglialn last Wednesday night. TENET or four cars of Manitoba wheat is expected this week for the National Roller Mill. THE annual District meeting of the Methodist church, Wingham District, will be held in Brussels next month. To vote in favor of tho Scott Act pat a cross ca the ballot after the words "Against the Petition," a. for tho petition is for repeal. CHAS. Romano is erecting it black- smith shop on the vacant lot adjoining bis wagon shop. It w]'1 bo a brickbuild- ing with stone foundation. Tun following tenders were accepted for the building of John Robb's new resi- dence south of Brussels : Mason work, Thos. Bradeeli ; brick work and plaster- ing, Jno. Pugh - carpenter work, Robert Armstrong. The building will be a ven- eered brink and will be a very comfort- able house. Miss MACPHERSON'S BOYS. -A party of boys, 75 English and 15 Irish, ag, s rang- ing from 10 to 19 years, are expected to arrive at MissMacpherson's Boy's Home, Stratford, and will be distributed Mon. pay, April 16th, uolese further notice is given through these columns. Appli- cations must be accompanied by reoom- mendations from Protestant ministers. Horton i'onBRUSSET.ITES.-At the closing exercises of Trinity Medioal College, To- ronto, Robt. Iineohtel stood second in hie class for honors, and was awarded a scholarship of $30, with very few marks short of first place. We congratulate our energetic young friend on his success. The name of our old friend J. W. Shaw is also on the honor roll. Our boys "get there" nearly every time and Brussels shonldfeel proud of them, Ton daily papers of Monday reported the following case from Montreal, which ie of considerable local interest: -Judge Atte rendered judgment this morning in the case of Ald. Steveneou v. Ronald, an action taken by the chairman of the Fire Committee, claiming $3,000 damages from Mr. Ronald for an alleged state- ment to the effect that Aid. Stevenson and Wilson had lied their palms greased to give the contract for the hlerryweether steam fire mapino. The Court consider- ed the ease perfectly well established by the plaintiff, but considering that Ald. Stevenson's aim must lave been more to vindicate his honor as a public man than to obtain a sum of money, reduced the amount of damages granted to 5300, with costs of an action ne taken. PATD:N0E HAS xr0 REwann,-After a weekly tirade by our ted hot contempor- ary the Spring poet come to our defense as the following clipping from the Listo- wel Banner, of Marsh 23rd, will show :-- Occasionally the hard working editor gets a laugh. especially et this time of the year when the Spring poet makes its appearance and completely covers the -table of the sanctum with copies of orig. inal poetry. We append one 0f the best selections we have received from abcnit two hundred contributors :--- 11rF, 0180(500.8 POST TO ear nr'i1tMET. Never talk back such things in reprehuns- iblo, 13. feller only marks hieneft' that: jecws n man that's hot In a quarrel if von'li only keep your mouth shut and bo sensible The man that does rho talkie' '11 get worsted every shot. Never talk back to a feller that's: abusin' you, Just. lot him carry on and rip and cuss and swear, And when he finds hid Vial' and (Magill' jest amusia' you You've riot him olean kaflnmmixetd and you want to hold him there. Never talk back and wake up the whole Community And call a man a liar hbwsaucvcr thetas his dx, :fou ran lift and land him rumor awl With graoefutict' Impunity With Dint good jolt of silence Sum Miff n dozen kicks. New steick ef children's wagons, carts, &o, at I. C. Diehards. W. B, Dimon has 1mrahased a hand• roma Dunham piano from ,Soott Bros., Of Beafovtb. A1to.uos I Bargains I.in horses, cows, and milk wagone. $20 Rea Pullers for $12, all at G. Love & Coe. Tsanens will be reoeived for supplying lumber and gravel for the cerpocation top to the 28rd inst. Bee posters, CogemtltATILE space 18 taken up this. week with Scott Aot matters and some other correspondence crowded out, Oowunnwuta,--How is it that eggs are 18 cents a dozen in Toronto, 21 in Nov 'York and only.10 Banta in Brussels To vote iu favor of the Scott Act pate Dross on the ballot after the words "Against the Petition," as for the petition is for repeal. NOTICE. -•The Stage will leave Brussels for Gort'ie at 5 a.tn. am return the sante evening, until further notice, owing to the bad condition of'the roads, 40 The usual morning and evening ser- vices in Melville church will be with. drawn next Sabbath owing to the pastor s' i'{titing Rev. it. Y. Iiartley's work at Bluevnlo. Mns, A,.pxaonsn'e millinery room is now open and she is prepared to wait on the ladies of Brussels and vicinity. All the latest styles will be found and tip-top wo,k guaranteed. 1 s for t repeal vote TEE polling lace o he ro as g 1 1 p on Thursday of nett week will be the Town Hall, with F. S. Scott as Deputy, end Geo. Love's office, with Sant, W. Laird as Deputy. CoracILL= GE.rrretl has shipped 22 cars of peas within the last ten days. They were chiefly for export. Ho also shipped 10 cars of oats. Our friend Graham is a hustler. The Listowel Banner has changed hands. We welcome Bro. Climie into the journalistic ranks and hope that the Banner will long continuo to wave while the editor rakes in the shekels. Carax0'r,-A meeting of all interested in the reorganization of the Brussels cricket club will be held at the American hotel on Friday evening of this week of 8 o'clock. A !ergo attendance desired. As will be peen by the minutes of the Bruseele School Board Mies Stevenson, teacher of the Primary Department of our school, has tendered her resignation, the same to take effect at the iuidsum- me' vacation, Boor & SHOE OrENnce.-Adam Good has received over one thousand pairs of Boots this Spring, and will have a Grand Opening all next week. He will show anyone who calla right through the stock withontexpecting them to purchase. 40 DEEATE.-Next Monday evening there will be an open debate in the basement of Melville church, The subject for die. cussio,' is "Woman's Rights. A col- leclon for the furtherance of the temp- erance cause will betaken at the olose of t111 mooting. The public invited. A Perm .tR TanmANcc CoateaYr.-P. A. B1 ck, of Ower. Sound, nud A. White, of C'besley, who have been in this town for the last two months in the interests of the P.ovinoial Provident Insitution, of St. Thomas; leave this wet lc 'after writ- inc ent a quarter of a million dollars of ineurauce, over 180 members. SCOTT ACT MEETLvo.-Next Monday evening a public meeting Rill be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, commencing nt 7:30 o'c'occk. Addressee are expected from Rev. D. G. Cameron, of Dungan- non, Rev. J. S. Cook, of Blnevnle, and others. An opportunity will be given to any who may desire to speak in opposi- tion to the Scott Act. AT a sooiety meeting held in Enox church on Thursday of last week, a call was extended'to Rev. G. E. Howie, the blind minister, who was supplying here for several weeks. Rev. Dr. Moffatt's name was also before the meetiug. An adjourned meeting of Maitland Presby- tey. will be held at Winilram next Tues- day, when the call will be dealt with if the rev. gentleman accepts it. BRusoELs NURSERY AND GnEENBoesn. I will furnish the following stock at about half the price paid to those travelling agents that call round ocoas ionslly :-Poplars, Mountain Ash, Chest- nuts, Ptars, Pritet, Norway Spruce, Standard and Climbing Roses, Grape- vines, Flowering Shrubs, &o. My green- house is chock full of douse and Bedding Plants all in first-class condition. Come and examine my stock and prices. Taos. KELLY. Pmmna PEneopAL Poeorens,-George Humble, wife and children arrived in Brussels last Friday from Wichita, Kan- sas. Ml, Humble says seeding was about through when he 1. ft. -Miss Tillie Itozell has been seriously ill this week. --- Mrs, David Ross, sr.. and Mrs. Thomp- son are enjoying a visit with Win Cham friends this week. -Walter Dunlord left for Langdon, Dakota, last Tneeday. He will follow his trade, we believe, as tailor and outfitter in the West. We wish him su0ceus.-James Hicks and family have removed to Clinton, H. Beam has moved in the hone vacated by them on Mill street, having purchased the same. -Miss P. E. Kerr has gone to Dashwood to take charge of a millinery department. She left Brussels Tuesday af ternoon.- Dan. Kenny, a former Brusselite, is making a visit with friends in the local.. ity,--1. V. Fear and wife, of Seaforth, were in town over Sunday, -J. Sell ]rue been on the sick list for the past two weeks but is improving in health now. - A, Calbiek has been bothered with one of John "comforters" on the back of his nett this weolt.--Miss Mary Lamont, well known in this locality, took a ticket for Winnipeg on Tuesday of this week. Rumor, says she is to gladden the home of n former 13russeiite now a resident of the above mentioned city. The goal wishes of scores of friends go with her, - W. Stewart spent last Sunday among old friends at Woodsteek.--Mrs. John Corntaok and Allio arrived Home last Tuesday night from A visit of five weeks to friends at Glencoe, Loudon and other placee,-Mrs. Thee, Moore has been ill pearly all the past week, --Wm. John. Mon, of Barrie, has come to Brussels for the sutnmer months. He will sturdy with F. W. O'Brien, V. 5. --•Our old. friend David Shiel, Queen street, cele. brated his 08rd birthday on Wednesday of kat week. The old gentleman is re- markably hearty for his years and may live to bo a coma:trmt . - Mrs, T, I''letehex wtto in Lucknow for a (ample of days Sole wook.-Mise Ewan, of Wroxeter, ie visiting at Jamee Welkin's: -County Master )7. 13. Young expects to attend the Supreme Gran Lodge, L. O. L., which will bo 'hold in 'Winnipeg next June,--Ilobt. Elliott, late proprietor of the .Listowel Jenner, was in town this wool(. --Miss 11111. of Wiuglin ,, is v]eft- iug in town, A noon strong second handbuggy and le light wagon for sale. Apply at 1. 0. Richards' harness shop, Brussels, A NOYEI, feature in the army 80t'vic0 last Sunday afternoon was the baptism et Mrs. Jeremiah Blashill's infant, A Juin:a•:e was hold at the barrtolte last Monday evening. Adj. Sweettnen and wife and lesser ligllte of the S. A, wore in attendance. To vote in favor of the Scott Aot put a °roes on the ballot after the wards Ji tinct the Petition," as for the petition is for repeal Tam millinery opening at l'. C. Rog- ers' store is on the boards for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Every lady should call and sae the display. ieeoccTos MALLOcrl paid an official visit to the various departments of Bras. eels Public Sobool last week. The pupils ;were granted a half -holiday on Friday, .1, D. I;oxnral shipped ono of his cele- brated Steam Fire Engines to Vio•oria, B. C., on Monday of this week. Their machines give satisfaction wherever they are fairly tested. Rev, SAMUEL Josue occupied 11nox church pulpit last Sunday in the failure of the supply, Rev. Mr. McKibben, get - Sim here. The old gentleman diseouuts many of the boys yet, Tnn annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Miseionary Society of the Pres- byterian church was held in Guelph this week. The Brussels delegates were Mrs. 3. Barnhill, Mrs, Graham, Mrs. Malcolm and Miss Watt. , Tut tonsorial parlor of S. H. Laird, Queen's hotel block, has received a thor- ough renovation and with its new paper, peint, &o. looks as neat OS a new pin Many of the city shops could take a pattern from our barbers and improve thereby. Oras Lonan,-Next Tuesday evening an open meeting will be held in the lodge room of the Canadian Temple, I. 0. G. T., No. 154. The program will consist of readines, recitations, dialogues; music, &e. The public cordially invited to be present, BLED, -Last Tuesday the mother of Mrs, James MoLauchlin died at Wing - ham at the advanced age of 82 years. The old lady was ill for some time before her decease. The interment was made in Brussels cemetery on Wednesday on the arrival of the 11:45 train. THE river bas been very high this week and the large quantities of ice, logs, stumps, &0., Doming down on Sunday threatened destruction to the foot -bridge, but by'exercisiug •a little foreth„tight in mooring each end of the bridge to posts with ropes and keeping the flu dwood from forming a jam this very convenient etruom•0'stlll remains in' position with the exception of the western pproaoh. Brnan Socntro.-Brussels Branch of `13 Upper Canada Bible Society contrib. utod 5141.67 thie year. It was egnally divided between the Upper' Canada and the British and Foreign Societies after 311.117 had been dedeoted for 'nurcllaeo,, account. The amount was collected as B!'.le Ilepoaitory sales, .... , ....1+ 0 67 Collection at gunnel sleeting, . , . 7 00 Brussels, west, Mre, Barnhill and , Mrs. D. C. Ross, 23 40 ” east, Misses Say and A Vanstone, 12 75 north, Mrs. Karr and Miss Moura 10 75 Grey, Cons. 1 & 9, Misses Simpson & Straoban, 2 25 " " B & 4, Misses Strachan ea Taylor, 03 25 " 5 & 6, not oolleoted, " " 7 & 8, S. Y. Taylor, 7 30 ' 9 & 10, not collected, " ' 11 & 12, Miss Perrie, 10 20 " " 18 & 14, Mrs. J. Bain and alias Grant, . 3 95 " " 15 & 16, Misses M. His. lop & Kerrie 4 15 17 & 18, Miss Smillie,5 10 Walton, Mies May Brodie, 6 85 Ethel, J. A. Young, 19 10 Morris, con. 8, not collected " ' 7,MissMcCall , 2 20 " 6; Misses Smith &Rath, 6 03 " 5, Misses Sharp & Dick- son, 2 62 " " 4, Misses Black & Cur- rie, 5 85 3. M. Black & J. Currie, 3 10 " " 2, Misses Reid &Gibson, 1 60 The amount collocated Last year was $171.42, Considering the close year, how- ever, and the foot teat subscriptions were notsolicted on three linos the collectors did exceedingly well and deserve the best thanks of the Bible Society. Giitono'rl'tt I ' (*woo. Destructive avalanches have occurred in the Tyrol. Wm. O'Brien has begun a libel suit against Tho Cork Constitution. Four thousand Irish emigrants sailed from Queenstown etc nrlay for America. Prince Alexander, formerly of Bulgar- ia, is to visit Emperor Froderiok next week. Secretary Balfour's bill to expedite business in the Irish Land Courts has been published. The three mile single scull straight- away :woe between Teotner, McKay and Hamm, tho champion oarsmen, was roved on Sao St. John's river, on Satur- day afternoon, and was won by Tomer in 23 minutes, 10 seconds; McKay, see. ond, fifty seconds behind Teemar. The race came off in a downpour of rain. Hamrn's shell became waterlogged, and he did not finish. Several thousand people were present. Toemer got first prize, $300, and McKay second money, $150. Several Trataears driven by compressed air have recently been placed on the Lens don Street Tramways Company's ]Inca between Holloway Road and the King's Cross • Station of the Metropolitan Rail- way, where they are regularly taking their return in working the traffic with the ordinary horses -drawn cars. The road hi about two miles in length, and has several heavy gradients and 511a1p coma. It is hoped that the eysteot has now been to matured as to 500nre econ- omy over horse traotion, and this not. Withstanding that both horses and forage are at a lots price. Mitchell, the English pugilist, in a let. ter to a New York friend, says -•-"I shall Dome to the United States with lilrai'n about June,' and perhaps go intobusine:as 1 broke nay left hand badly in the fight with Sullivan, and now 1 have two very goeoor hands. ,A man can't work without tools, so I shall leave all bile fighting to my partner, Kilrain, who is second to none se It fighter. 7 might box a few men from tat CO twenty rouncda an you' side at the water, hot the Way I feel now I don't Nara whether 1 pttt a bating glove no regain or not. Jitoob Sharp, the Now York ex•Alder- � razaAP.oloT_* xx ,¢Aasr,ra'xs, man, died lest night,` - - PrinceBislnarek is about to resign the contnr'r000SitsPubsY l,vl,MY wenn, German Chanoe110e11ip. Yell Wheat 78 82 ' crearomilfftboet400peopleinfash. rp,inti tYleat 70 80 donable New York society. fiats 88 41 Oonuecticnt is a comparatively small State, but it has about 50,000 miles of atone fences, +. Four thousand dollars' worth of ()pinta, Butter, per lb ' taken in through Canada, bee been seized. Eggs, per dozen et San Franoisco. Apples, per barbel Gen. Borth arluounoos that' the Salves Dogs, dressed ton Armyenndnpts 0,100 pro0seeinns Beaf every week through the streets of the I1ay United Kingdom, or an average of 1,300 . Wood, per cord 1 eau 60 00 Barle65 y • 60 755 18 00 10 00 75 00 0 50 7 00 4 50 5 50 8 50 0 00 2 5u 3 50 *daily. Emperor Protiorifik and Prince Big. mttrck have wine to terms on the subject of the proposedlnar:'Ingo of Princess Victoria to Prince Alexander, bet tho project has not yet been abandoned. • The April statistical returns to the United States Department of Agrioniture show that the condition of winter wheat is 82 per cent. of an average crop, which is lower than in 'recent years, excepting only 1883 and 1885, when the averages were 80 and 76 respeutively. Two thousand people witnessed an event the like of whloh was never before known in the history of Clark county. Rev, Dr. Bridges, 84 years old, prenohed his own funeral sermon at Athens, Ga., on Sunday last. IIe had hie grave dug end a(nfiu for the oonasionIle and his essistaucs 84114 the first song, "Shall w0 meet ?" Ile then gave his text and gays the large crowd a short talk in a very scattering manna:. (laudaur ie in Bo -ton to train for his exhibition with Teenier next month. When asked about that troublesome back he said I-"1 amfeeling0.11., my back is all right, and I am all right. I have come to Bo'ton to win, and Teenier has got to be a better man than he has been yet to defeat me. I suppose Taemer is in great shape," he continued. "Well, I hope he will have no reason to complain, as 1 want to have a fair, square trial of speed and no fault-finding. When I last met Teenier at Marauacook there was some little unpleasantness. I trust that the race on May 30th will be pulled with. out any hard feelings, as I see no reason why oarsmen should not bo gentlemen as well as other athletes, and be able to have a contest without degrading them- selves by abusing each other before e multitude of people." Canadian Newts.. The Toronto Lacrosse Club defeated Manchester on Saturday by a score of six to one. . The patents 'granted during Maro11 by the 'patent branch of the Department of Agriculture number 219. The well-known evangelists Crossley and Hunter open their campaign in St. Thomas on the 22nd. TilburyWest is building a Town Hall to cost 33,300. It is to be heated with boot :or, and have all the modern et 00te1•as A petition has been pre'ented to Me'sea Conned nsking.for the reclamation of 4,- 000 of plains lands, at,a cost of 540,000. The dtidgetown Natural Gas Company have struck, at about 100 feet, indica- tions of gas in their well near the station. Au old marl named Lipsky, living in Sullivan Township, Bruce County, was instantly killed lately by being struck on the bead by a dead limb kuoakod off by a tree 11e luta felled. The 0. P. R. Co, are going t • build a now brick station in Ingersoll, commenc- ing on May let. It will bo bnilt immed- iately in front of the old one, and the tracks etraightened. The cost of the recant St. Thomas Assizes, $751.20, was the lightest in years. The witneesea only cost $56, con- stables $102, grand jurors $171.70 and petty jurors $821.59. Farmers in this county are likely to lose from $20,000 to $80,000 by the hut. - less oat dodge. The makers of the notes arc seeking to have them declared worth- less on the ground of fraud. The Postoffioe department reports a marked inorea58 in the quantity of parcel post matter since the new postal arrangement Dame into effect between Canada and the United States. Oil was stt'uok at Comber, Essex county in the second well last week, at a depth of about twelve hundred feet. This now melee two oil springs for Comber. A rich oil field undoubtedly exists there. The village of Paisley hoe discovered that the $5,500 voted for water-worke is insufficient. The tender„ recently opened call for about $2,000 more to complete the job, and the council ds in a dilemma as the debentures voted Have been issued wad sold. A sawing match was held at the Oneida Reserve, the first prize to bo 913 and 2nd 52. Louis Henry won the 1st prise; time 86 nWetde; and Josiah Medicine and; time 88 seconds. They aro both Munboy boys. Tho log was a foot and a half tbroagh, Hon. Oliver Mowat Will leave) for Eng- land about the beginning of May, and it is stated, amongst other things, he will take necessary stops towards securing Imperial .legislation, as embodied in the Quebec resolutions, Mrs. Mowab will accompany him. A company is being formed in Dresden fortho purpose of boring to find either gas, oil or salt, This company will first endeavor to find one of the articles named, and then proceed to erect the necessary etruoturos for preparing the same for matleet. ' IdLAsZP===. Snrrsox-Pon'ren.-Air'the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday 4th inst., by the Rev. A. Henderson M. A., air. Alex. Simpson, of Grey. to Mise Jena Ann Eliza Porter, only daughter of Mr. James E. Porter, of Elmo. xxF1x0- Cluo00'tt.--1n Wingham, on Tuoaday, April 10, Janet Connor, aged 82 years, . 10101(E0011i MUMMY E041110 0E00. Pall Wheat 80 81, Spring Wheat,-„....,,,70 81 Barley 60 70 Cate f)8 40 Pelta 1)8 60 Butter, tulle and rolls,.,, 17 18 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flout• per barrel 1 5(1 00 Potatoce , 60 00 Hay per ton. ..... 800 000 Hide:: pee lb,. ..,.. 4 03 Salt per bbl., wholesale.,611 80 Shoop ekins,eaah ,.,60 1 00 Wool, per 1b, 20 23 Pnrk 0 05 6 710 THE PEJPLE'S COLUNIN. ( �BRYANT WANTED - 3- Apply to MRS. 0, 17. WADE. (QERVANT WANTED, -APB GY kJ to 01113. 0, s, SCOTT, x T CS!' FOR HALE.. -APPLY TO THOS, Mectanc100, 37• • dot 11, Con, 9, Grey. 4 `i01IF0RTABLE DWELLING '4 ' Tan soon ata bargain, Far foil part tioulars as to price, locution, etc„ ,11tn10 to W. B. 01011800, 8-tf 6 l AWS GUMMED, FILED AND t Regulated on r Lot 11 Coo. 3ne •. � ,1tE00it, [lo naw lino ilia new gatottt raw Het, "Suwysr's Guide;' for sale, it i.+ the Leat made, sic the savers' say. Pat- ent tor sale, •Pilte0too 1vi11 allow goons to ho made ua ruY0It33'1,. 11.1 8. T1r11t1:GOR, ill Druesols, Ontario, ULL FOR SERVIOE,-THE uudersigsod will keep a thorough- bred Durham hull Inc servion on lot 80, eau. 0, Morris. Toros 81.00 with privilege of returning if n000ssary. 1A13, 0110011, Proprietor, 04.001 iOUSL'' TO RENT.. --THAT JJII comfortable cottage at present 00' espied by 'a. Beam, 11)11 street, Large lot, stabio, .0011. ore. Rout moderato. Also co,umo diode etor ehn use in rear of Postagl eo lately ousepied by Mr, Roddick. 07- J. 1t. GRANT, riAI0D OF THANKS. Clinton, Unroll 9.2m1,188.3. R. Manning, F.eq., District Ageot of the Confederation Lite Association, Exeter. Limn BIn,-T bog to acknowledge the re. coapt of 05,181.75, being the amount coming to myself and children under the policy tak- en oatby my lata husband, John Bolen, in your eompany,for $5,000. I desire also to acknowledge• the promo 0 andsatlefaotory manner in which Mu gum has boon settled and to thank yon personally for your kind= toss 1,1 the matter. MARY JAN13 140.115. rIOIINTY OF HURON LSAMINA-• Tmoa, 1888. Second and third -clams nob -professional examinations et the Collsglaue Inetitutoe luta Web Schools in the County au •l'uoeday, July Jrd, 0:10 a, ut. Y'irst 01., 1uly 18th, 8:10 Patella .0:e113aAthtLStwoilw8 tnntrwry Patelldt. 8. Instostor, Clinton DeP.An1l.t, tLrOteCernlC)otooq.r,ohnPo , 21o1 of Mar, abating which of the two schools they i mond to write at, and those; who wish to write et Goderieh must notify Jon v el, Totts Esq., 1'. 5, m- stt8oto', Godorieh P. 0,, at the same date. rho notice must be accompanied by a foe of 85, or 010 if the candidate applies for the First Class as well as Second -Mtge 'Naomi. nations. No name will be former/lea to the Department unless the fee ucoompautos it. elo,td Masters of rho 00110 ia10 Iuotitutus ani High Schools will Please send the ap plicatio„g of their Oaudldatoe to the In- epeutar of the division in which the Col- logL,t.IuotitutoorhighSchool ie admitted. Forms of application mar be 1tnP Irmu the +ccretary. PETER ADAMSON, S Goderioh, Apri1104h, '88,eerotary B. 00's. 40.0 REAL ESTATE. iHOIOE FARMS FOR SALE, - row splendid, improved farms for sale in the township o1 Grey, Morrie and 1foKtllop• Apply t0 A. DELGATTY, Co. Auottonssr,Brussols F, 0.l VOR SALB, OR WILL BENT to suitable parties, store with com- fortable and commodious dwelling. Good cellar, #,sure of garden in bearing apples, plums and email ffruite. Good stable. This - constitutes one of the bast openings In 00, Maio fay a good harness -maker, beteg In Oho centro-bt a splendid farming sect.on. Near- est opposition Brussels, 7 miles; Listowel 19 miles Apply for terms to D. 1V. MTLNE, on the promisee, ETHEL, 30- FAR1I FOR SALE -THE UN n}nala0nn offers for sale the north east quarter of lot 28, aonceesisn 0, Morris, County of Huron, containing 50 mires. The land Is of drat quality and In a high state of cultivation, well fenced and under -drained, 40 nom cleared. Naw frame 110000,8 rooms, 101111 house with som:rote wails, 2 walls, good barna and shod, orchard, ata. Eight acres of fell wheat. This dootrab]e property, adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able toms will be given. Titleperfoot, JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 05- Box 9.51311 rueeels P. 0. N`100]) FARM FOR SALE IN om, Morris, ou reasonable terns. In order to close the antra of the estate of the late W. G. (Misstep, the exoontoro offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for nolo North half of Lot 30, Concession 5 'Township of Morris containing 00 acres, On this lot is emoted a good frame bare with stone foun- dation, good nrebard, well and mop . Near- lyallolearerl, and is on the grave road closely cd cluing the village of Ilrnseols, This farm is 0 valuable ono, is well folioed and in a 000,1 abate of cultivation. For p11105 end terms apply to 0,105. I113LLY. 111118181s P. 0., H108n1 4txtruties, Victoria S,10 re P.0,, 0e1 AmES Stun, Maple Lodge 20() ACRE ?Aldi FOR SALE, -karst-class farm for vale in the Township of Morris in the bounty of Ilnron, boin g south half of north halt lots 25 it 30 and south halt of 26 in 5th con,, containing 200 auras more or lass, 125 sores mostly clear of stumps and In a good state Of multi. waters There is a young bearing orobard a gond house and bank barn 55 x 50' feet with' Mem stable underneath, The form is attn.. atOtl within a mile Of 010 VII lap 01 Br1.11380ls ora is agood farm' for gran or 8to011 rola. Mg as his watered with the river Maitland and 110005 failing spring ,oreok, Poeaeee{on will be fftvon at any time. Vox .Blither pm - Maulers apply - on 5110 premises or to A.14. 10013ES101000 , 13rilesel8, Y. 0, . 5-tf II+'a,enno. mor Thoeubeariborot5ors tot sato Ida valuable Perm iu the Township Of Grey, comprising lots 0 and 7, con Alin 351(1 township. This farm contains 200nm csantlis. within 1.3 milos front the thrlving village Of Brussels, with gebdgravel roadloading thereto. About150 488,011 WO cleared „free Irom stdmpe and in a High state at oult0vatien. The balance fa lintly- weeded. This farm is particularly wollteltoed,nc.riythe whole by tho tenee5 being straight and having boon erected in 1885 and 'SO, On thopremisos there is 000m turtablo log dwelling house and ogee (Nemo barn with stone stabling underneath in which thereto a wellw'tth an obttndatit sup- ply ofexiollont water, There le likoolaon now }rime inlploment boltso, 40x20, well floored, above and below, and neatly slded end '8'or attlontaro apply to the 1 topeimtnr. 1A 1E8 1)ICT+HON, liagietxar, llama Co„ 13(7. 33ederten. APRIL 13, 1888 BANKING. \oINTOSIF,G lloTAtlt}ART, 13AN1f1311.5 -t• BRUSSELS Transact a General Jn311111n9 B'ris i n 188. NOTl1S DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United N *vine Drafts Imelda mull sold. Iinterest allowed nn (108001W, Collections made on favorable terms. Oanndiae Agents-MM.nonAN2's (41040 01' CANADA, Now belt Agents-Itlrortl'E1M AND TM(AD. Ens NATIONAL *10x0, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 00 07. tSINCLAI1i, SOLIOIT- • or, CmlVeyane5r, Notary Public Le, 001oo: Graham's Block, 1 J. .or north of Ilargroareo' Drug Stora, Private funds to Loan. E W A D I17, BAIIRISTER, J • Seliolter and. Notary Public). (ion- v0Vaaoltlg, Oolleotlono ant Loaning. %fr, Wade 111 attend l0 (Innis every Wednes- day abtwo o'olook, �IOICSON 6.1 HAYS, Mate wall vith Gar raw &l'r'r viniaTlah) Barristers, Sollettnix,�un}nl, 00c. Gales, grant's lllaok, Brus-iris, honey to loan. It, 8. HAYS, W. 11. DI('E NON, A Ai. TAYLOR, J3. 0. 11., 11AR- 1)inU n nisTint, Solicitor, &c., of the 3111,1( �of Solicitors, dm„ rbalarm ug iArcade,'Biug StuC.1 haat, Toronto. Money to loan.. A LEX UUN'TEii, CLERIC OF 11 the Fourth Dlylatou Court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary ).'ubllo, Laud, Loan and Tueuranoe Agent. Funds invested One 30 loon. Cobbs ions made. 011tao ,11 Gra ham's Bleak, R005s0l5. .o ST OUNNJNraygM I0500ANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS. kg. F. GALE, 01 D., 0. bI. Member of the 001100e of Physicians and Surgeons of ()ankle by oxuullnatiou. 00100 011d1ieaiasne-1(x111 Et. Beat, l:tllo Ontario. T•A 0IcNAUCrUUTON, CC. t1, L. 0. C. r. Edinburgh, 37, C. P. 8. nt. At Hargreaves' Drug Store front 0 to 11:80 a.m, and from 1:80 to 4 1. m, At outer flours may be found 11 the roe(40neo formerly ncum:led by Dr. lintc..inson, Mill street. DENTAL. 15 ISDNTIS:lr.g,+' . G. L.Ba11,18 D. 0., lianas Graduate' and kT. 11.0, 1). 3., ,of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Prices gnarled and aglow us good work can be done far. Office over Jolluston's Hardware Store. Soaforth. D1EIN I I1'IT. W J, l5oar,L,I) S. Graduate of To- ronto School of Dentistry. 011 oper- ations guaranteed. 01llco-Carry'o Block, Senfort . Artificial tooth, Oretquaiity, 01100 guaranteed 11t,for $12,00 per set. DEIN'T13347r. M.1 A. i•2AMMX2 ', Honor Grodonto of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, NIT1tos (150010 GAB administered for the polo loss extrac- tion of tooth, OFFICE.-4arlIeld IRleek, it;tt'SSELS. AUCTIONEERS. FORGE KIRKBY, LIOIIN- \-A ase Alla 1401100T. Sales oouductod 011 reaeonuble berms, *arms and farm stook a sl eoiaity, Order's left at Ins Pn BT Pablleb- 1ng House, 13 numb, or sent to Walton poet odleo will receive prompt attention, A DELGATTY, AUCTION. 1 inn, ispropared to attend to sales on rho 511011801 nOtics, A ap001(11ty matte 01 solos of thor0ngh-bred stook. 001m19 11101e known 0” application tr 0810 Pon Publish- ing Ranee, 8110,0 orders may be loft, DS address to Brussels 1' 0, II RAYM:ANN, AUCTIONEER, -9 isalwaye 00M101t0 attend sales of faring, farm Stool., 000. TOrao cheerfully given. Oraubrook . P.O. Salon may bo a1. ranged at 'Put; PooT Publish log Mouse Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. 1IoORAOJaIN, ISSUER T V • of Marriage Licenses. 0111oe nt his Gr000ry,Turnborry Street. • 1ioNAIR, ISSUER 014' 1IAR- ringo Llecnsos, by appointment of LIouA-Goyer'nor, Commissioner, ,C0„ Ornvsyaucur and Agent Piro Insurance Ce, 01110 oat the CraubrooltPeat 01110,' �1T.... 01.-RODDIOK, i-OUSii, SIGN V and Ornamental Painter, (training Gilrliug, Sign and Decorative Painting in all ata branoboo. Shop Blinds done up in style, Paper Hogging to spcoialty. 8000, ono door south of 7. Buyers' Carriage Worsts, W. O'BRIEN, V. S., 1IONOB Gradnnto of the 0510110 Votorinary College has resumed tho p1'nntto0 0f Jolla 0003,V.$, 0(10(0 t'los,ao'o.l to treat all ilia ea900 of domesticated animals on scientific andapprovod principles. Traatneittofdel- icate fonds a specialty Wilco 380 dodro North of Midge, l'uruborry street. .] NOTICE TO DEBTORS. -ON amount of being et groat expense btdlding rand adding now machinery and >* oleo intending{ to start the rnannisoturo of furniture wo hog loavo to inform all dun the undersigned to be kind onoogh to settle np either with Oaob Or Noto, pin,, item• look, 101m, AOh. or Maple Sawlogs will be taken in pay, delivered at either of ,1111081 Bros, Saw M1tle, as this firm has purchased our sate mill in Grey, All nntotntts will bu settled n1 th8 Now L'notory, Bruaaolo• 12841SMITLT 101000. L1ARM Ft0R SALE..-TJI11; SUIS, 8011114(110 tilers his vltlnablu 100 acre awe, being lot II, 005, 11, tiny Township, Huron Co., tot' sale, '1horo urn abort ae acres eieared and in 50040 heart, There is a log house, good bank , boating 01'olrar(1, and allele (10000seryy Conveniences enthe premisoe. ,L•or 21111000' 71a1'ttrula1•s, sq to litter terme,,otco septY to file 1!mprtotor, '135031,3019L01',Olarol' U„ (2.W.0 . or in 2.01 8)0)704Ts18 3051300415,11011114010