HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-13, Page 66 THE BRUS E1-. -, t 1th iraplearenc, r'• Iv; use just , 1zben• tilel CT1.CtQE•eeS. IA,: litre ..41) . v,,:, 1+,• 0,1y.un ' .__ I To keep Lilt and or Its iu good I Is flee Seolt Art a Eattnre ora I etlnditlan o• ben 1•18, 1n 1111.•, tom, rho .Sueceat+ 1 biotite and p. . 1 ili, filly p •.r • 1. Ten counties, viz., Brnoo, Dufforin deretl gale, hql ted IftNp th:'m 1 I Dundee, Stormont, glengarry, Huron . sera t d ]n fh,..u,•1. Norfolk, Oxford, Hon and Simeo8, pp have had the Scott Act in force two Tai ma most ••1 trial I•he -years, • Commitments in those ton Coun Ilv,il,1,, bo '•+t i• i , •111'1 t'1 ' .111 18i 'o . ties were asfollows : i f,.'•.1 rap .,,,t•p,i .Aol, an,1 1 Phe tltlflerRiglled having completed Le 1884, under license "81 dtyin.( 1 ,111) `.u. iv. '1 1d v: l,tril•• Celebrated Hungarian system In 1880, under following Act 2. The fallatving fourteen counties, oda dissolve t',t tar •„ 41110 it bet, Onrhem, Northtunberland, Elgin, Rent, be rubbed If Lambton, Lanark, .Lennox, Addington. A. t.,t ••, f• .'.r, wsxl•, by F t jos, Leeds, Grenville, Ontario, Poterbore I afii.' rain a r et til t +u tui', ly • L.1 Victoria and Wellington, have had the • Scott Act in operation ono year. The x,'•ll+ut f•.u• clean:lug tin' nowt) &;f. commitments for drunkenness in the ,-,,,,a, tiff 10 tug ri be it+pl fu u fourteen counties wore as follows : lei,, w•'ut t . •, h e, 'i,flltly , d 11 corke, andandcm 1884, under license 5501 nil„ Pbnuld be applied ,o the b1) • 311.1886, ander Soots Act 200 There are fourteen counties in Ontario "1'11 an cid!,o'1,t.ru I. still under license. In those commit• . j:','.1 v••11',.- ,, e„ tl 111 '• "111',1 8'4.1" i Monts for drunkenness have increased. ' t ., , ...,, vc7 ;i f. ty d i , S , t,, eu . In 1884, coin'jtm'ts for drunk'ness 2,248 toast.) them in ;, tin pull for u•11f nn In 1880, --- hem- ; h i,, • n •t CP, tL;111 Increase 66 nee the ten l,.r t t ,iug the paint. 3. Has the Stott Aot reduced other Ib„ tu, acts as 5 st..,u4 deterrent, • crimes ? Yes. In twenty-four counties ' t ,l 0.2 21. the pain: sea: ry ogn.ti • and two cities under the Scott Aot, its ; I row in- 1 , tr r,G'. It will 1).11 1880, there wore 1,940 commitments for : 1 1. all crimes. In 1884,' the inhabitants of do t we 1+ u:,rtruj,in•,i. !taloa with the same twenty-four counties and two t, cities under license had 2,800 commi.- eats for all crimes—a reduction of 806 rvtra.t+, ..amtastrestor'maar. sattotam temt7o :S'.:::.rra1'Rfaa,'".:«1'"w9'rtatLtY.usitAi'tu9'1'dtA ,�' Grist and Flour Mills ! m lta . (lite under the Scott Act ! cra 4. In tho Province of Ontario Otero axe about one million people under lip A pair el' rot in• sp.u' :tit .viutcr cense and about the sane under the ' 11, 111 lint genre, ` t, alurys Scott Act. The million people under li• 1l to ace ttn:autlate 200 cense in 1886, committed 7,92:5 crimes. u,",ts f, hew^a built rt; Sault Ste, The million people under Scott Act i g; committed, in 1886, 1,940 crime~—a diff- _dt,rie erenoe in number of 5,983 ! These facts Only sill' death- • ccnr red itt Pet. speakfor themselves. erboro11021 in February, the lowest 5. Is there more liquor made and con- sumed now than under lioense ? Whis- key men say, Yes 1 Where are the feats ? 1,942,989 gallons of whiskey loss were taken ont of bond for consumption in 1086 than the average taken out for the dve preceeding years. The consumption of beer and ale, according to the Blue Book, was twenty-one percent less for 1886 Chau the average for the ten pre- oeeding years. The pebple can't drink more if they get less. Mark this. In order to get rid of :the Scott Act the liquor men' are now crying out for High License. But high license does not alter the moral character of the traffic:, nor does it diminish the amount of drinking. After seven years trial of a $1:000 lioense Metz & Bros., chief brewers andmalsters, ` Omaha, Nebraska, under date of Jenu- ary 20th, 1888, assure their brethren throughout. the 'United States that, High License dohs not lessen the consumption of liquor or in any way injure the liquor business." Ontario prisons report for 1997, pages 6 and 16,—Wentworth, including the City of Hamilton, under license commits ed 375 to prison for drunkenness. While Elgin, including the City of St. Thomas, under the Scott Aot only committed 25. Prisons report for 1887, page 6, under license 1878, 1879, 1880, 1891 the county of Halton paid 32.085 to the poor• Dur- ing 1888, 1884, 1885 and 1886, under Sco:tAct, it only -cost 8502. Mark your ballot thus : ` t u Ute Petition. Against the Petition X Fashion Notes. English walking hats are more elaborately trimmed than were those worn during the winter. Large plaids have appeared in both wool and wash dress goods for little girls. Braided gowns and jackets con tissue in fashion. Feather fans are much ca.tried with evening toslets. Widows wear Byron collars and outside cuffs of white muslin, with liem stitched borders. The tournure is decreasing in size as the season advances. tale ip Cauttde.. A six rol,ud prize fight took place in the S. A. barracks, at Niagara, N. Y the other night Wheat hes been cold at Edmon ton this winter for $1.50, barley at $1 and oats at 60 veli x. '1'110 .11outtoltl Fifth Royal Scots (Highlanders) will vl511 London, Ont., on 51ne 15, 16 e.Hd,17. Windsor Towu Council has ao 0, pied the offer of J. 0. _Patterson, M.P, of a free site for a Hary high eolloot. Mr. Wetal•, depgly postmaster, .cf Mitchell, is 88 veers of ale and has never had •. day's fl netts dur- i*.,)f all these long ":.ors, Robert Doualdv,n, of Corinth billed a flue utter ae S.ttardtty. It weighed about sixteen pounds, and 118 consid.rs it• '+ortb $15. E. .1? Peeler,, •et:• of the Tribune, Deseronto, has entered on his %lies ae foreman in the Government printing bureau at Ottawa. Alexander Bain, of Admaston, who had been blind frim birth, had the eight r,'st„red to ono eye through treatment by an expert oculist at Montreal. It is 55 years since the first church was built in Hamilton, and then a logging bee was held, all denominations talcing'a hand in it. It was a frame building and stood on the present site of the First Methodist church. While holding a wake over the body of a eon of Jas. D. Dewar, of London, Ont., a candle was upset and ignited some drapery around the coffin. The corpse was badly burned, and $200 damage done the house and furniture. A letter from Bev. Mr. Goforth, the missionary to Japan, wee re- ceived a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Gosforth had experienced a pretty rough passage, but they were both well, and expected to reach IIOUSEHOLi) (HINTS. Yokohama in a few days. Use strong lye be cleanse tainted Cornelius 'Vanderbilt has sent $10 pork barrels. to each of the engineers and con. A few drops of ammonia in s cup ductore and $5 to the fireman and of warm rain• water, carefully arplied brakeman who had charge of the with a wet eponge, will remove the train on whinti he made the special run over the M. C. R. the other day. spots from paintings and chromoe. For freckles, put a tablespoonful of borax into a pint of hot water, and apply it hot to the face ; sponge the face for ten minutes and Ire• quently repeat the procees. Equal parts of ground mustard and flour mudo into a paste with warm water, and spread between two pieces of muslin, forme the in. dispensable mustard plaster. Pieoee of cheese•oloth make the very beat hind of Butters. Hem the edges and have a large enongh supply so that one set can bo washed each day. In watering plants put a little ammonia into the wetter once a week. Mixtures of two parts of glycerine, one part ammonia and a little rose water whiter; and Boften the hands. • To polish Plato floors, use a smooth, flat piece of pumice stone, then polibb with rotten•etone. Washing well with soap and water ie usually enough to keep the slates clean, but by adopting the above method, hot only do the elates be, come polished, but any stains are taken out. Out jewels should never be wiped alter hashing. Waith carefully with brush and motile soapsuds ; rinse and lay face down deep into fine sawdust until dry; boxwood duet is bast. A little powdered borax put in Ono water in which laces, Medina ata lawns alb washed will inuirovo The Saskatchewan Herald tells of n peculiar soral phenomenon seen there some days ago. At a point below the sun was it brilliant cone of light, with its base resting on the horizon. it was of even more dazzling brightness than the Bun, and on each side of it was a section of rainbow colors, the convex part of which wan towarde the luminous body. Hugh Turner, aged 14, while out shooting near Guelph on Wednesday with another young lad, was shot in the arm, shoulder and eye by the falling of a gun from the hands of hie companion, It being discharg- ed by the fall. It is feared the shot, which penetrated the eye, has entered the brain. His arm is also seriously injured and the boy is now in a critical condition. W. F. Whitcher, ex -Commission• er of hishexies, died at lOttawa on Monday night after an filmes of several menthe. Ho was perhaps more conversant with the litoratttre, not only of the Canadian, hut the American fisheries than any other authority, Ho was highly respect- ed at the Capital. A. post mortem examination of the body was held, and it waif ascertained that the de- ceased had died from the effects of a cancerous formation In the Mom. set. Mr. Whitober requested abort- ly beforoj his death that a post motion SbOiI1d bo held in the in. terests of medical science, 1 6111 !2110 'r of Grinding, ,11th 110W the Mill in 1 roes TT r_g :rt. . el ..a y. l'RAGTIO 2I, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 'thanking the p1tb110 for past favors and xupport end wishing still to secure your from thestol10 to the patronage. 8'e are opening out full lines fu Class Runr'1h.; will be glad to see all his as possible. Order old CliStrlll]el'a anti Ira Many now 01)09 Choppillg d0110. 1, lour ,"i,ad. Peed. .Verirenwz+tyRi 0n Wdi, yll.lieti t.•1,a Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. ,'�15 EH., fs IfA'TCH..8, SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by us. (.l uok.,v of the Lttm'.St DP.4i4lib$. Wedding Icings, Lacli, s Gem Wogs, Broaches, Earrings, &o. Also heve in stook a full lino of Violins and Violin Strings...ho. N. 1i. —Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 'IILNE.1 T. Fletcher. 13.RIJSSI'1LS FARM 114 GREY TOWNSHIP' FOR sane.—Beige lot 14, eon. 10, con- taining 100 acres. It is partly cleared, the balances well timbered. A never failing crook crosses the place and it is well adapIt ad for either farming or grazing • I will like4, - wise nearly all being Land iart npfaot good with a good atone stable good underneath barn and a novo? failing well ie also on the place. Por further particulars apply to the proprietor orLGroriooth- er nines. RGlAVERY', Proprietor 1.- P,f1 Y YOUR DEBTS. MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE —ANn— COLL73CTING ASSOCIATION —DOING nnalNn2e IN -- CANADA AND 'UNITED STATES •—wes— sgT—t =7.,IMAaa SSP 18e4•. Having for its object to collect from all thatis possible to collect from then pub- lish the lienee of all that oannol_orwill not pay, which list is supplied .to every member of the Assoofation throughout Canada and ✓ isited States. Thee membership now 1111111.. baring a• ll to manyathe thousands, nd is powerful organlz- alienin existence for the COLLECTION OF DEBTS. Having aver:00 Established Agencies. Membership Fool lit year 810; 20.1year 0750;3rdyear05, if renewed with. to 1 month after membership expires. And upon receipt of which, Oertiaoate of • estpopttsupply notices with complete instructionsfr ulg .2.u500110t1011 will bo sant, Send for testimon- ials, .i. nID WEL,t, MILES 01 Cll. Mgr's, Isar ,L1toaa, O,st SPRING GODS i I have just received my Spring Goods, whioh, for value, cannot he surpassed for Cheapness even in bankrupt stooks. New Dress Goods, New Chambrays, Nell' Seeriuolrera, Ncw Print+, Hew Trimmings, New Embroid- eries, New Lucca, New Lnrtalna, New Casa and Collars. New Handkerchiefs, &c., in endless var• ioty. Everything Now, Buys Cheap and Sella Cheap is what Seaga does. IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT MY STOCK IS COMPLETE, I sell Teas at 20c., 260„ 30c., 360„ 460,, and 600., per lb. In 5 lb. lots at Reduction will be made. wttt3117Goods of all kinds very Cheap at Slu s's. L 'Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange for Goods. 5 Will, NOT 1:1112NOEn10t.110. CO and See 7fe. J. G. Skene, lir•.n Svoue. 35- I Caveats .R0 issues and Trade lbarke scoured and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and oaref ally attended to. Upon receipt 020200. - el 00 0120101) of invention, i make oaroful exanlination,and advise as to patentability Free of Charge. Tees moderato, and I make no oh arge unless patent is secure0. Inform- ation, advice and spoolal referonoes sent on application. J.R. L1TT1LL, Washington, 1).C.. '1J.S. Paton t Office. 10- ew Shoe Store,, J. DOWNING, Formerly of Godorich, wishes to inform the Public generally that he has opened out a Custom Boot & Shoe Store Opposite the American Hotel and is prepared to take Orders for all Kinds of CUSTOM W01111. None but First -Class Workmen Employed and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Repairing neatly done. GIVE ME A CALL. J. Downing. NOTICE ! I am leaving my ACCOUNTS with Mr. Hargreaves for a short time. All parties Indebted to me will please Settle at Once, otherwise these accounts will be put in other Bands for collec- tion . Dr. Thu.tohbr ,son.,. S I desire to inform the Public that I have Leased the well- known BRUssnrs Linn WORKS from Thos. Town and will run the business next Season. I will also continue to follow my trade as i..TONE and am prepared to furnish esti- mates for Jobs, &c. BUILDING .1111) CORNER STONI”, always On haled. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A Spotdally made el' Bricklaying and Plastering Lino. t. y V .- PROPIIIETOR. APRIL 13, I.4lS. ?:� oNEY To LOAN, PillI"111; FU✓V.Dtis. l' 0r 0300 of Private Faulds have just been. pieced in my halide for In- vestment A`1' 7 PER CENT, Borrowers eau have their loam culnitlut0 in three days if •title is satisfactory. Appl, to E, E. WADE. UC 1V , General Blacksmith, wishes to intimate to the public generally that he dors all kinds of Blaokemitliing in a t' orlcmanlike .Manner. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order, Repairing promptly Executed. I stake a Specialty of Horse-t•hoeing. A Call Solicited. r'Romember for Stand— N11/.11 B1npes. S. Plum. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATES, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS DICKSON 3 HAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont, ]\/[EAT MARKET, Stain Street, - Brussels, ANDREW CURRIE, PROPRIETOR. Fa'esla xN13' Salt Meats Of the hest quality always an hand and de- livered to any pert nt the village free of oharge. Terms very favorable, FAT CATTLE WANTED! For which the highest market pole, will be paid. I also make a speolalte of buyiug video and Skins, Don't forgot the place next door 0. Pletcher's Jewelry Store. A. CURRIE. r 1: TO 0 IDS We have gained a great reputation for the elegant fits and finish, but especially for the Low Prices at which we take orders. All our work is done on our own premises and cannot be excelled in value by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village of Brussels. 1'Pe have an Immense Siock of Clio!ee Goods TIIIS S HIAS01•T in Meltons, Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of England, Scotch and Irish Tweeds, and an enormous variety of the best Canadian makes. PRICES rangeufrrOmrd$,0$12a, fay made $18, $19 and $20. T: WJE;_ IST 13i, we use aro strictly Fi sit-omlass, and linea of the orkmansllip the best. S EATS, GAPS & FURITIS I1'tGS which we intend Soiling Off at WoNDI11RFUL B:AIIGA S. GIVE US A GALL. Ross Bros., TETT!; LEADING CLOTHIERS & OUTPI'I1TB73S, BRUSSELS, ONT,UUO,