HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-13, Page 44 smemosentietzennseesessemsersessmonstance 21" ',tiff ri1.1rxttaxalntBltE, Local -A., Geod. Card—A.1 M1, Taylor, Load—Smith Welsh, Locals I G Iticllards, Allan Lino -4. R. Grant Wanted G A. Deadman. Carel of Thanks --R. Manning. Breakers Ahead --James Caton. County Exams --Peter Adamson. Sertaot Wanted—Mrs 1'. S, Scott. Farts not 3''iction—Cleo. Love & Co, Furniture end Undertaking --Smith .0 ' Malcolm. ti r)x `3titl5sci5`�.�t, f !ll 1 I , APRIL 18, 1888. Ho it TO VOTE. If you Are in favor of the Scott Act 1 murk your ballot an under: For the Petiotin. was the first sponkor of the evening, IIIs remarks were not eery lengthy, as he wished to give the other rev. gentle. man it privi'ege of addressing a Blytit audience, which they have never had the pleasure of doing before on the great temperance gnc'stion, Rev, Mr. Tong° followed lfr. McTreen in a spiendid is, web. lir. Longo spoke for some minutes and clearly pointed out the evil of intemperance. The principle speaker of the evening was then introduced, being Rev, Mr. Campbell, of Dungannon, He was received with enthusia-m and spoke at c nside.ablo length, clearly and °layer• ly ehowing the evils of the groat great evil. At the close of his speech Bev. Mr. Campbell was given a hearty vote of I thanks, c t-te . lbe rain ou Tuesday last has put tho most of the snow twat and Axed up the soil in good she; o. The boys are beginning to play "taffy" with those who are making sugar, They must feel etioky and sweet, Peter McIntosh, eon of P, McIntosh, 16th con., received a fracture of the leg one day last week. We hope to sae him around aurin, TI -JE BRUSSELS POST of the neighbors enabled hint to Bays Lha greater part of the furniture, The llev, Thos. Geo, who oeonpied a part of the house, lost his library and a considerable amount of furniture and clothing. The house lane insured for 54,600, Tho fire originated from the furnace pipe at its contact with the roof. The plant of the Drayton Vidottt has been removed to Erin, to take the place n# the Advocate, roeently destroyed by fire. Miss Sudo Carson, of Strathroy, re oeivod first-class honor° at Toronto Uni t'ereity, having the M. D. degree confer. red upon upon her. Tho Age says:-- "Tlor oareerhas been one of rare suooaes, and illustrates the possibilities of women having ardent desires for professional training. Wo understand Doctor Carson intends taking a post -graduate course, and hope she will then seems a practice worthy of her merit and professional skilh' The Rosain house, Toronto, changed Bands on the 2nd of April, Mark Irish will retire from the proprietorship and be will be succeeded by H. L. Rod:field, a well-known hotel man of Springfield, • A mare belonging to T. McGregor, fhb ° Mr. Irieh has been suffering from , coo„ has a very fine colt about one week neothroat disease for some time past, wbioh old bred by the imported horse, "Rankin hotel ted his retirement from active Boy," own, d by P. 11c11wen, hotel business, To will remain a short A slant the Petition. ,Trish ,McFadden, President of the time in Toronto, and probably go south L far the benefit of Inc health. lir. Rook. East Huron Farmers' Institute, was at field retains all the old employees in every Listowel Leet Friday &scathing in the or- department, "Against the Petition," is eon the ganization of s similar institution there, Rev. David Perris has completed his r� Scott Act. Make no Mistake. Bsrono another inane of Tun POST in the hands of our readers the vote be taken for the repeal of the Can Temperance Aot and it becomes every tolligent elector to look into the mat squarely, consider the result if the m jority is on the aide his ballot is cast whether it is in the interests of Hu County to have the Aot repealed. Th are several pointe that should parti tarty merit a Large share of our thong One is, Mao the Scott Aot had a 1 trial in Huron ? We say it has not, say so for the following reasons ; At time the law came in force magiatra refused totakecases and many conetab declined to serve papers ; every ease w appealed no matter how straight the o dance; judges gave peculiar, if sot raucous, decisions regarding points law ; the County Counoilrefused to gra an allooance to put the act in fore Warden Kelly had the cheek to refuse send down the recommendation of Co. Council es to the appointment of Police Magistrate ; the McCarthy A gave licenses in many instances to bots keepers under the Scott Aot ; the Do inion and Local Governments equabbl over the law and as to whose bueit.ess wan to enforce it end while all these ba riers were thrown in the way a lar number of anopia lost faith in anythin being done as to carrying out the law All the above mentioned obstruction have been removed and the maohine is in bettor shape than ever to pat th Iaw in force. We are not satisfied wit the way it has been enforced but o hay noticed that in the majority of oases it 1 the met, who violate thelaw who talk th most of its failure. Are they loyal oit3 teens ? We say by no means. Where iw•• there a laon our slatute book tba would go through the ordeal the. Caned Temperance Act has and come out any better ? The Aot is all right, electors o Huron, nut like every other good law it needs to be enforced and law breakers taught that it means what it says Would the Crook's Act bo kept inviolate if it were law ? Practical experience has proven the contrary. Would perjury exist if tho Scott Aot were defeated ? Certainly. We have heard as "tall" swearing under the Crook's Act as we ever did under the Scott Act. To hear some people talk you would think the Canada Temperance Act was the cane° of all evil while a moment's thought should convince almost anybody that the traffic we wish to abolish ie Ole main spring. If the traf a in wrong will license Malta it right ? Never while the world lasts and the few paltry dollars that may come to a man in lightening his taxes by this license may prove a aurae instead of a biassing. The victory of the 10111 inst. means a great deal and it becomes every Christian man to mark his ballot against the Petition. is will ada in. ter a- a 04 eon ere on- ht. air and the tee les as vi. er• of at e; to t a ct 1- m. ed it ge 11 • 5 ry e h e e e s t a Silo *h. The Lawn Tennis Club has organized again for the coming Season. MMus, Jno. Young, who has been visiting friends in Watford Returned home last week. A number of the young ladies were distributing around town last week Scott Aot literature. A grand millinery opening is announced to be held at the Mammoth House on Saturday next. Some very bot discussions are taking plait() every day between the temperance men and the repealere. Rumors says that the once famous Blyth Band is about on its last legs, Come boys, take courage, An anti-Seotb Aot meeting is rumored to be hold in town on Monday night. Pail particulate next week. The property occupied by R, 11'teDawell and owned by Hugh McTavish has been purchased by ./no. T. Carter. Tho Scott Aot people are working with great ontbnsiasm in this locality and are determined to sustain the Aot. At tbamactiug in the Temperance Mall an Monday evening, a cordial invitation av,o extended to the antis to reply, hat, as venal, doclinedl. c Score Acer Mt r 0 iso, -- A Scott Aot meet. I ing was hall in the Temperance Hall ern 1 bIoriday last. when addresses were de. p livered by several rev, gentlemen.. Mr, Lrnittiarrke eeeiipiatt the chair in a.:suit• college course and will shortly take a charge. He is a very promising divine and kis many friends in this locality wish him every success. A number of the neighbors assisted Thomas Cardiff on Saturday of last week in cutting wood. Tl.ey piled up a good quantity of maple which will supply ample combustion during the summer. A serine of meetings in the the interest of the Scott Act are being held through- out the township this week. The speak. era are Messrs. Thos. Strachan, E. Lake, D. Roberseon and Reade. Messrs, Mo. Rae, Ballantyne, Torrance, Dyke and Legear. The meetings Are being well attended and everything pointe to a large majority on the side of temperance. John $teies haeleased the Taylor farm on the 4th con. for a term of years from Mr, Frydogel who purchased the property last fall. Jack is a pusher and knows how to make forming profitable. It is currently reported that he is going to take a partner to look after the inside de- partment, he is right in this, it takes two to manage a farm and Jack knows that. Last Monday evening e. meeting in be- half of the Soott Aot was held in Whit. field's church, 12th con. The following gentlemen held forth for the Temper. once cause and refuted the arguments of the antis, proving the sat Was a au00as9 so far as tried, speakers in order named : —Chairman, Rev, J. IL Dyke, Be',. J. T. Legear, D. Robertson, and Rev. D. B. McRae.. We expect to win in this guar. tes. Dre x.—The closing debate of the sea- son was held in Shine's sohoo. house on Wednesday evening of last weak, The subject "Resolved that the Indian has suffered more than the negro at the hands of the white man," was thorough- ly discussed. The affirmative was sup- ported by John Bain, E. A. Martin and James Porde. The uorative was upheld by Wm. Perrie, Alex. Perris and John Betz. Decision was rendered in favor of the rod -skin. David Ritchie presided over the me, ung in a scholarly and gen- tlernanly manner, Tho President, John Bain, received n hearty vete of thanks for his able efforts in presiding over a suooessful s oiety. Panama PLAOEa.—The ,following are the polling places in this township for the Repeal vote mo the 19th inst. School house, 9 9. No. 4 Comprising Oollceseion 1, lots 1 to 84, inclusive, con. cessions 2 to 6, lots 1 to 17, inclusive. Ame's Hall, Cranbrook--Comprising ooneessions 7 to 12, iueln• ive, lots 1 to 17, inclusive. School house, S. S. No. 2— d•oncossione 18 to 18, inclusive, lots 1 to 17 inclusive, Scheel house, 9. S. No. 9— Comprising eoncessioue 18 to 18 lnolus- ive, lots 19 to 85 inclusive. House next hardware store, Ethel—Comprising con. cessions 7 to 12, inc usive, lots 18 to 95; inolusave. School house, 9 0. No. 5 -- Comprising concession 1, lots 85 to 70, inclusive, conoeseione 2 to 6, inclusive, lots 18 to 35, "A Goon COLT.—N. T. Adams, of Iain. burn, who is a decided horse - fancier and a successful breeder, Ilan a "Boreland Chief" Dolt which stands 1671 hands high, girths 8 feet 8 inches and weighs 180 lbs. It is a light bay with white pointe and will be hard to beat." The above item is clipped from last week's Expositor but the omission of the colt's age ,eaves horsemen ata loss to deoide whether it is hard to beat or not as the measurements do not oorrespond with the weight. Your correspondent bias an item worthy of note in this lino, however. Thos. Mq- Lanohlin, "who is a decided horse fancier and a successful breeder," and wet known in hluron Co., has a pair of colts sired by "Rankin Boy," and "Welcome," (her- ses'at one time owned by Mr. MaLaucli. lin) that weigh 1,500 and 1,800 pounds, respectively. This is oonslderod 'big weight as the colts aro only in moderate condition and are not yet throe years old. The "Rankin Boy" coat has always taken let prize wherever shown, except one ahem it was beaten by its mate, the "Welcome." Let us hear froml{ioburn or elsewhere again. ituron County Notes. Prom April let the parish of Christ Church, Exeter,, will be known as the parish of the Trvitt Memorial Church, Aslideld claims a bigger giant than he of Kincardine, Roderick McKenzie is 19 years old, bat is 6 feet 9 inches in height, weighs 246 pounds, and measures 45 Melon around tho °beet, A couple of weeks since a ewe, owned by Zfr. dames Connel, Goderich Town- ship, gave birth to two Iambs, which lived just 24 houre, Two weeks later the earn° ewegavobirth to two more, whiob;rather singularly, only lived 24 hours also, The members of St. Paul's cong�ro- nation, 1Zenton, Ohio, at the Erteter Sun. lay ay service presented their Rector (Rev.. J. P. Parke, roeently of Blyth 1)ioeeso) with 58,876 as an offering for the erection rf a church. Mr. Parke left this 4101140 ant fail. .1In is to be 'onngratulated on • tie loebc:ing cast in such goodly- nom. cit 2n. a. m. ;iatutelay �uho residence of Jelin 10 -7,,, Ls.I, .Auburn,' war; nonr{bletely DISSOLUTION OF' f AR'I'NERSNIP. 11naosELe. Maras 1212i. The partnership heretofore existing be- tween the undersigned, under the arm name of Warns dr. Samor.aln, is this day dis- solved by mutual consent. GEO. Witness OPER 1 1' E. 'WADE, ALLAN LINE. 1888• SUMMER ARRANOEMEN 1. 1888. LIVERPOOL & QUEBEC SERVICE 111021 LIVE1.PesL, 1 0TEAMwn, I FROM 00010E0, April 20 /Circassian April 20... .,. Sarmatian May Parisian Dfay 31,. /Polynesian May 17 Sardinian ISay 25 1Olrtaotian May el Sarmatian June 7 Parisian Juno 15 /Polynesian June 21 Sardinian Juno 29 :Circassian July5 Sarmatian July 12 Parisian July 20 /Polynesian July 26 Sardinian Aug, 9 +Circassian Aug, 0 Sarmatian slay 11 May 17 June1 June 7 Tune 15 June 21 June 28 July 6 321y 12 July 00 Tilly 26 Aug. 2 Aug.10 Aug. 16 Aug, 24 Aug. 50 Rates of Passage by Mall Steamers, Cabin 060Q 0n end 081 ao 00 TO aiding Io e000m- modatlon, Sorrento in Cabin, 850 Inter- mediate ADO, rand 8150.e 820. RIntermediiate, 600. Steerage 540. trastoantere.esO bleeatby, sixty and seven- ty dollar, according to accommodation. Re- turn tickets, ninety ono hundred and ten and ane hundred and thirty dollars, inter- mediatesixty dollars. Steerage forty dolI- 500. days before witlou. Moralised chargee Qo yourself or send toe your friends, Prepaid cattalo:am at reduced rates. For full in. formation apply to J. It. Cat l T, r111-1:FJrr H;XT SO DA 80 APRlr, 13, [SSS. E3Airti P n Vt THE GOOK'S BEST FRIEND ORM DR.HODDER'SG BURDOCK AND OWCDMPOUNO\1 Liver Compl't. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney T,o'b's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases ' and all impur- ities of rho Blood from CON - whatever canoe Coats' GxQcexrarisug,Feniale Weakness and GeneralPIIItED,Y VEGETABLE, lift4ri4?' CON-. IEV1iLti'UD, PLEASANT, EF- FECTUAL, SAFE. ---A,teilE FOR_- Garden and Field Seeds ��'� Rod�er's Compound Consisting of Mangold, Carrot, Turnip, Peas, Corn, &c. 200 Two-Zladecl Jack Lnives at 10 Cents, half price, Get ono before they aro all gone. IN TEA 4 we lead the van and Defy Comparison in Strength and Purity. We give a Handsome Book with each pound. Oranges I5c. Per Dozen. , Coats' New York Qroc .rya Devastation Auction Sale being discontinued, I beroby a11l1oune0 to the citizens of Brussels and surrounding country that 1 will Remain and Sell Privately, till the End of This Month Only. So to enable mo to clear out as much of the stock as possible, To Save Packing, 1 have inserted the Pruning Knife, cutting down a great Many Lines at LESS than auction prices. The stook com- prises White Quilts, Lace Cur- tains, Towels, Handkerchiefs, (that tho Budget says won't stand washing, but they will) Silver Plated Ware, Cruet Stands, Knives and Forks, 'Tea, Table, and Dessert Spoons, .Electric, Glycerine and Toilet Soaps, Crockery and Glassware', and Tinware of every description. ,ma_y-.,.stcamittemsnamotozczez_ Nc17 take a ll'rjend's v v advice, don't put off it day, first come will be bast served, as a great many lilies will be getting sold out. Yon will find the store in lartN.76- 6112:71:4 "Next the Post Office," stuck on the End of rt RED FLAG, Jas; Oaten, able spanner to all. Rev. Mr. McLean destroyed) by lire, The timely aseistanee 13rl1Hisols, Aril 1.0,fhEi, B8. Interesting to the Farmers. ,ers. `IARDIFF BROS., Implement agents, dooiro to return thanks for the extensive lJ patronage of the past year and beg leave to remind the Farming community that they still handle tho Car. n11ATnn MA99EY Snot Br:2nrn, 8,000 Of Which Were manufactured and sold in 1887, Trot MAMMY Mownn and Tan Tononr° Morvan. To show the superiority of this last mentioned machine the sales for the past 11 years have over -run 2,000 a year. We are also agoote for the 01l -known and latest improved Beaver and Champion Drilla, and the Sharp Sulky Bake, the best ever manufactured. A large consignment of Pure Manilla Binding Twine ordered for the harvest of 1888. We have sold and are selling a large number of Bushauan's Horse Forks and Ele- vators. No better in the market. The Wilkinson plow and all plow repairs kept constantly at our shop. No need of waiting to send to the manufectarers for them. Our Repair Room is thoroughly stocked with all the necessaries for the machines we handle and can bo supplied at a moment's notice. We mean business. Call at our Warorooms, near the Bridge, Brussels, and sea for yourselves. C DIFF-' 8± OS A Po'FJiLeivi Cure., l.( A Painless Cure. FACT`'/ .';°E NEN or ALL AGES. ^�• �y�-��jEMSBA$,ES OP MAN. .meq-p�/+� .,may. .+.-/ W~. OVr'S Fr 1i.:iti./1. 1X0 11 o. a,, TE8Rd tOlfe,18,t ' 1Qnao5LDxlr icarrE Wh'R, Marvel et Healing, and Kohiboorof Medicines, 4101,12.3r rzn. , the terrible nousequonoes oflndrseretion, Exposure null Oeorwork, 'x-o•c7 ZTc+ c sazl - �c >=1x� *41.2.1"7::tori t� Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 aradical euro for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, eta. SYlepaooe Fon wnt°n No. 6 8t101.7.71110110700.—Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, avertion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, Madre for solitude, listlessness and inability to 111 rho attention on a Parttoular subject, Cowardice, depression of spirits, giddin•oes, loss of memory, excitability of temper, seer. ma.ornc�oa, or losss of the seminal fluid—rho result of selt•abnse or marital exoees-3mpw tonoy, innnlribtou, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feoliugs in tamales trembling, Inelanchely, disturbing dreams eta, aro nil symptoms of this terrible habit, oltonbinros innocently acquired. In short, the spring of vital force baying lost its tousion, every function wanes in oonsaquenoo, Scientific Umtorsand the suporintsndonto of insane asylums unite in anoribiug to the effects of salt•abnea the groat majority of wasted Bans which dome under their notieo. If you aro inoompetont for the orations dutioo-of bilslnoss, incapacitated for the oujoymoirto of life, No. Boners an escape fromthe offeeto of early vias. If you ere advanced in yyears, No, 8 will give you bait vigor and. strength It you aro broken down, physically and Morally from early indiaoretton, the result of igno0anco and ,oily, send your address and 10 emits in stamps for AI. V. Lnnon's Treatise in Book form on Mimeos of Man. Seated and memo from observation. Address all aammunieatilno to M. V, LIMON, 47 IVellis eon fgt. At TorOrnto, A Mao withoutwlsdem lives in a tool's iraradito. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE 81011. A Per'mel'te:rrt Care. F A z11 Ieasan °ti %a Take no other. Sold everywhere, Prioe 75 Dante per bottle. AIr, f1ODDIIR'a COUGH AND LUNG CURE. Sold everywhere. Prion 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle, Proprietors and manufacturers, T1to Uxfox Unman Co., 'Tonoxro, CAN, W213, Martin, Agent for the following Companies :—T. Hendry & Son, Seaforth, Plows of all kinds, Lend Rollers, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, Grain (rushers ; Talton Bros., Guelph, Pea Harvesters, Stool Flexible Harrows, No, 7 Plows ; Patterson Brea., Woodstock, Light Steel Binders, Oxford Reapers 6 rakes, Mowers, front and rear cuts, Hoar's Hay Rakes, Patterson's com- bined Seed Drill, 10 hoes, and cultivator combined, 2 Furrow Gang Plows, Spring Tooth Harrows 21 teeth, Spring Tooth Cultivators ; A. 'Murphey it Co., Guelph, Ney's Patent Reversible Hay Carrier and Double Angle Steel T,aok, most com- plete in Canada. A Special Bargain can be had in Binding Twine. All are sold at Prices to snit these Bard times. al Sotirfactfoa Guaranteed on all Imple- ments sold. NV . BL4..14,TIN, House—Tunxusn5Y STRUT, .1311008111.a. i M OIFT TO LOAN 1 Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm of Village Pro- perty, at 6 ce 611 Pel' Cent, Yearly. Straight Leaus with priviiegi of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. 0' Returned to Brussels! ROBERT ARMSTRONG desires to +,tate that hs has again b000me a resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter Work, snob as House Ruilding, Barn Framing, Mill Wrighting, &c. Ho will also maks a Specialty of Mov. ing Buildings, .Estimates Cheerfully Given. satisfaction Guaranteed. in every instance, 11081. ARiISTONt}, FE`LA.X 1 k'LAX J. & J. Livingstone Have a limited number of bushels of the best Imported IDOILLINil ,INO DU7'('rt FLAX SEED for farmers in the vicinity of Brussels whointondraisingflax during the coming season, which they are prepared to de- liver in quantities to suit flax growers. Pan be got at the 10058195811,3 511,481 0511,L. A11 seed given ant on the usual terms. Order early to eneur0 a supply. For flax grown from this seed Ten Dollars per Ton will be guaranteed if of good growth, harvested in proper season and delivered at the Flax Mill as soon as fit for threshing, J. & r. LIVINGSTON, Premiums $nussELs Fr,ax Notice to Creditors, T?i alta matter of George Howe of the Village of Brussels, hi the County of Ewan, Insolvent. Siotaoe is: hereby glean that the above nutted insolvent baa mads en assignment of the estate and effects to mepursuant to 48 Victoria, Chapter 2e, Ontario ebatntea and omonding ante. A/1 por5000 having elnline against the said insolvent aro roanfred to furnish particu- lars thereof, verified by affidavit, and 010 nature of seou1lb109 iff any) bold by them, and that atter the. 80th day orApril next vvi iprncooil to diotriblrto the ,iMeta of the ma insolvent amsnk ilea parties entitled tlrornta having rnpnr,1 03ly to semi claims of which nbtioo ehafl I/ryo been given nn above required, and I tvig not ho liable for the per. 0011 ar 'persons ni wnase claim or claims notieo shall not have. boon 0nmtred at the time of the ributimi. Dated at rr0stonthis 270, day 0l :March, tr,sn, (3100 1>AR'PINSON, .18--11in Aealgnoe,.