HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-6, Page 8Are You Going
-Td b(i14t,vify ee,.r thomns? 1f su, you had
better secure a'supply of that beautiful
which we aro now selling.
In oonsedusnee of a break in the oom-
binationprioo of Wall Paper manufa0-
turers in the States we are enabled to
sell you Ntet• Designs iu American makes
°helper that ever before.
We have several nice Gilts now, and in
likewise we have a much larger, cheaper
and better assortment than we have ever
shown in Brussels, and more to follow.
G. A. Deadman's
flrue. Beek ce Fancy Goods Store.
NO / 1>v LIJMLJ v 1
gives eneli universal satisfaction as the
LAUGH REMEDY manufactured in
Sea$orth, called
e--LUMSDEN & WILSO N'S^-`•--'
pip+p/Nn'�:eNnrp/n, ''"i,U.y n+�'NO•n/p•n' nn
/plum x,,,•,.,,,,;oN/agiu, , la N,u,uN.u;n,eln
loyal Glysoratod Balsam of Fir
Its wonderful virtues Have created a
demand for the Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 50 Pts.
' 'reineleave Brussels Station, north and
south as follows: -
Ruling South. Going Forth.
Mpu..............7:02 a.m. I Mixed 9:30 am
E rcnrees......11t45 a.m.1 Mail 2:50p.m
M ixod....... ....8:55 p.m. 1 Express 9:450.m
Tata' • `` ties icm ,
A ebiei's amang ye takin' notes
An' faith .he'll prent it.
MP= syrup.
Gramm Spring,
GET ready to clean np your yard.
('RIORET and baso ball will now come to
the front.
Poowe ACT repeat vote on Thursday,
April 19th.
EAsr Hrmow Spring Show next Tues-
day in Brussels.
i1EveyAL services are in progress in the
Methodist church this week, conducted by
the pastor, assisted by the Rev. R. Pant.
JAMES Bnoeecoo'r has leered the brick
Rtowe from W. R. Wilson, lately occupied
Iiy R. Malcolm. and is having it fitted up
for a restaurant.
To vote in favor of the Scott Act put a
gr000 on the ballot after the words
"Against the Petition," as for the petition
is for repeal.
A emmen mut sermon will be preached
in the Methodist church next Sunday
evening by the Rev. M. Swann. The ap.
prosohing repeal vote will be referred to.
A SERMON on Temperance, with special
e reference to the approaching Scott Act
contest, will be preached in Melville
church next Sabbath morning by the
Tan Provincial Provident Institution,
St. Thomas, Ont., the most popular In.
surance Company in Canada. Over
$200,000.00 of Insurance written in Brus.
eels and vioinity daring the last few
er eeks, P. A. BLACK, General Agent,
Amaricsn Hotel, Brussels.
FOOT Bkr.L.-On Good Friday several
tames of foot -ball were played at S. S.
Aro. 6, McKillop, notwithstanding the
vary disagreeable weather. The firsf
st�,top was between Leadbury and No. 6.
The totter won by a score of 8 goals to 0.
:crewels and No, 6 played next, when
the former won the only goal kicked.
Leathery, :assisted by several outside
1pfayere, then played Brussels and won a
OIL Refreshments were served in the
cahoot Souse. There was a large attend-
ance of spectators,
LAST Sunday Conduotor Snider ocou-
pfed the pulpit of the Methodist ohuroh.
fn the morning he told the story of hie
conversion, which had a very marked
effect on the congregation. At the even-
ing service the ohuroh was filled to the
doors, and notwithstanding the fact that
(Stairs filled both aisles and all the space
was occupied in the gallerys, people were
unable to find seats. Mr. Snider preached
from the teat, "The Spirit and the Bride
'say come, eke.11 At the close of the die.
mune twelve persons stood up, exprees-
irlg their desire to lead a better life. The
enrolees were most enjoyable, and no one
could fail to be impressed with tbo ear.
neatness of the preacher,
IateximmMENTs,-Smith Bros. have the
liriok on hand for veneering their new
cottage adjoining their factory. They
will also put up a stable on the same lot.
-Mire. Henry purposes having her resi-
dence veneered with brick this spring.-
. zto.:Robb has a large amount of the
necessary material on hand for the erec-
tion of his now reeidence. We under•
stand it will bo a very nice building when
completed. -Livingston Baia. may build
anew flax mill next Tall on their farm
west. of Brussels.-Robt. Armstrong is
milking arrangements for putting up a
workeliop and dwelling on his lot on FM21.
abeth street.
Hien Somme ---The 1•egulatione ee-
speeting the Doparamoutal Examinations
have just been issued. Tlio examinations
for Third and Second class, non-profes-
sional, will begin Tuesday, July 8r'd, and
continue np, till Saturday, July 7th, the
foliowirg being the subjects prescribed by
the time table:--Euglieh Poetical Liter's -
tares History and Geography, Arithmo-
015 and Mensuration, English Grammar,
.Algobra, Engliah Composition and Prose
.iitern.tore, Reading and Orthoopy,
thawing, book.Ketpleg, Precise 'Writing
i4nd.IndexingsLatin, l renoh and German
,Anahore, Physics, .Latin, French and
(forpie i Composition osition and -Grammar,
Botany. The Second class or Pass Mat-
riculation ;Isxarninntfot will begin of
THE curling club enjoyed oousiderable'
sport at the risk on Good Friday
Rev. Ain. MaKieaee fs expected to
preach in Knox obnreh next Sunday.
WE want money to handle 'Eggs. We
are markingBoots very low. A. Goon.
Pavarern Rook hens for sale. Will be
sold ebean. Apply to L C. RreorARns,
SRO. MEADOWS had the job of scraping
the Main Street. He did tba work well
last year.
IT is reported that James Timmins,
merchant of Bhievale, may become a
resident of Brussels.
WsazLEn conveyances mime their ap-
poarences 011 Monday, as the sleighing
was about played out onTurnborrystreet,
To vote in favor of the Scott Act put
a oross on the ballot after the words
"Against the Petition," as for the petition
is for repoal.
PEOPLE often hear of "'sizes" in clothes,
hate, oto., but few know exactly what is
mens by the word "size." A size in a
coatis ono Melt; in underwear it is two
inches; in a sock,, one loch ; in a collar,
one-half of an inch; in a shirt, one-half
inch ; in shoes, one-sixth of an inch ; in
pante, one inch ; in gloves, one cion; ter
inch, and in hats, one -eight of nn inch.
Foe MANoTooA.—Last Tuesday Duncan
McLauehlin, jr., Dau. MoLanchlin, Thos.
Sample and wife, Anthony Sample, jr.,
Wm. Sample, John Robertson and Wm,
Armstrong from this locality took pas-
sage from Wroxeter, per C. P. 11. They
were destined for Brandon, Cypress
River and Portage -la -Prairie. Two oar•
loads of stock and settlers effects pro•
coded them.
Semen Scuoor, CONFERENCE. --The
closing monthly meeting in connection
with the series was held in the Method-
ist church last Wednesday evening. Af-
ter the opening exercises short addresses
were given by Rev. M. Swann, Rev. Dr.
Moffatt, Rev. R. Paul, Rev. J.. Ross, B.
A., and W. H. Kerr. These conferences
hare proved quite successful and it is to
be hoped that a similar course may be
adopted next winter.
VESTRY MEETINo.—The annual vestry
meeting of St. John's church was held
last Monday afternoon. oommenoing at 8
o'clock, a lair attendance of members
being present. The auditors' report
Ahowed the past year to be a prosperous
one, felly realizing the expectations of
tae promoters of the envelope system.
The following officers were appointed :-
Thos. Maxwell, Peoele's Warden ; Harry
Dennis, Minister's Warden ; 7. Har-
greaves and Thos. Pierce, Sidesmen ;
Thos. Kelly, Lay Delegate to Synod.
C.P.R. SunrEYohe.—The Elmira Ad-
vertiser says : The extension westward
of the Guelph Junction Railway is be-
coming more of a reality than heretofore,
the surveyors being engaged in running
trial linos for the further extension of the
road to Goderioh. The line at present
being surveyed is south of St. Jacubs,
about half way between that village and
th.- town of Waterloo, onward towards
Heidelberg, having as an ohjeotive point
the village of Milverton. • We are also
informed by gossips that they intend
surveying a northerly route which is sup-
po,ed to come near Elmira. We expect
to see them when they come.
PEorLE Wst KNow.--Mise Hawk, of
Ethel, was visiting at Rev. R. Paul's last
week. -Joe. Ballantyne has taken a situ-
ation at Palmerston and wont there this
weak. -Mrs. R. G. Wilson was called to
Iuuerkip last week owing to the illness of
her father.-Robt. Ross was home from
Paisley for a short visit to his Brussels
friends last weak. -Mrs. W. H. Leech, of
Goderich, has been the guest of Mrs. T.
G. Holmes this week. -Thos. Buyers, a
former employee in the Ronald Engine
Works, was renewing old acquaintances
in town last week, He makes his home
in Toronto now.-Robt. Wyng, of Wing -
ham, spent Good Friday with his father.
-James Kelly, jr., was in London for a
few days last week. -It is reported that
our townsman, Thos. Town, intends tak-
ing a trip to Kansas and adjoining states.
We don't like to lose old and reliable res-
idents, -Miss Humbly, Isilss Abraham
and Miss Steveneoo,three of the teachers
in liraeeele Public School, spent their
Raster holidays with their friends at
Goshen, Stratford and St. Marys, re-
sprotively.-Miss Clara (reiguton left
last Monday for. Otterville where she
takes charge of a millinery department.
-Mrs. J. H. Young has boon dangerously
ill during the past week but we are pleas-
leased to hear that she is improving nicely
now. -W. B. and Mrs. Dickson attended
the wedding of Mr. Diakson's cousin at
Goderich last week. The groom was
School Inspector Tom. -Dr. McTaggart,
of London, was in town for n few days
this week. -Thos. Knechtel was home
last week for a holiday visit from Gode-
rich High School -C. R. Vanstone and
Wm. Denbow were home last week from
Elsinore. Miss Addie Vanstone acoom-
pahied her brother on the return trip. --
A. G. Dickson, of Walkerton, spent last
Sunday with his parents, -Mrs. John
Dunbar, who reoentle moved into town,
has gone to Ethel to reside. -Mrs, Ain-
ley, sr., is home after an extended visit
with relatives. -J, .Bryan, of the Luoknow
Sentinel, wife and Children were visiting
with J. Sell and wife for a few days.-
Miss Mary Wilson, who has been resid-
ing in Galt for the past year is renewing
old acquaintances in this vioinity. She
wi.l accompany Mrs. McFarlane to Cali-
fornia, we believe. -The family of Rich.
ard Hingston removed to Wingham this
week. Mr. Hingston has been in busi.
nem in that town for several months. -
E. E. Wade is attending the Spring
Aseizes at St. 'l'homa4 this week. -Miss
Maggie MoLauohlin, of Wingham, rvae
visiting friends in this locality for a few
weeks. -Misses Ida and Jeanie Stacey
are tallting of going to Colorado when
the McKay family go. The young ladies
have relatives there, -Miss Mary Buyers
has secured a situation as assistant bgqok-
keeper in a store in Toronto. Miss
Maud Clappison, of Toronto, formerly
of Brussels, is in the same establish.
meet. -fetor Stewart started for Dakota
last Wednesday, after a visit of n couple
of months hero. Wo expeotsd that Ito
would not have gong back a bachelor,
but he did.-Iilrs. P. Scott and children
are visiting at James Cline's Winghaln,
this week. ---W. Scott, of Ayr, and Mrs.
T. Thompson, of Seatliforth, were visit-
ing at John Tait's last week,--1Ve aro
pleased to observe the names of R.
Kneohtel and J. W. Shaw, of.Brnssels,
the list ;of successful matriculants at
Trinity Medical School, Toronto.. -•N, D,
Morrish, of Teoswatm', was in town lest
Sunday. -Mrs. M. M. Cardiff returned
' ieeday, iToly ifrd, and oontiniic till from a visit to Sholbo»rnb on Wednesday
Teeciday, jolly
10th. hirstclassbe,gins . cfternooil.-Mrs, S,.TT. Label wag visiting
Oh `u ay, lath. and centilitre's hill , Mrs. Time. yieCnlingh til lVinglianl last
'Wddnetelnr, lath July, week•;
Gra GEBEL talks of visiting the Old.
Country next bnnlmer.
Burmese School Board will meet on
T'riday evening of thin week, t
To vote in favor of the Sentt Aot put a
prose on the ballot after the rvords
"Against the Potition," an for the petition
is for repoal.
Mite. Arrixer,nrn has returned from the
city with the latest and most fashioneblo
styles in spring and summer millinery.
Look out for the annonneement of milli-
nery opening.
Tun monthly horse fair did not draw
as large a orowd as usual on Thursday,
owing, no doubt, to the bad condition of
the roads and the showers of rain in the
THE snow should be got off the side-
walks now, especially from the railway
to the southern limit of Turuberry street.
A little effort on the part of our residents
would soon no the work.
SODS foolish body rung the fire alarm
early Sunday morning, and rented gate
a few of our residents out of their beds.
They were not any too well pleased when
they remembered that it was au April
R. MALcorat, furniture dealer, having
entered into partuersbip with smith
Bros., has removed his stock of furies
tore, undertaking, leo., from his old
stand to the new factory. Look out for
the new advt. of the firm next week.
WE had a pleasant call on 11'ednoeday
from Rev. Dr. Moffatt, who has beou
supplying Knox tinned. pulpit for the
past two Sabl.a,hs. He is a scholarly
men and has Mon a very suceeesful pas-
tor. The rev. Dr. ie a good preacher.
Tim Y.P.C.A. bold a temperature moot-
ing in the basement of Melville church
last Monday. Addresses were given by
A. Good, Walter Innes and John 13. Mo-
Lauoh.in. A debate will be held on the
16th inst., on the question of extending
the Franchise to women.
THE welcome notes of the Brussels
Band were heard on the afternoou of
Good Friday. We believe our residents
will be pleased to see the spring opening
np, so that the enjoyable weekly concerts
be once more in vogue. New music was
the order on Good Friday.
DR, SIHorAIH.—We would call special
attention to the visit of that 'Scottish
specialist, Dr. Sinclair, to the Queen's
Hotel, Brussels, on Tuesda,, April 10th.
Remember the doctor is net one of your
Yankee guaoks, but the oldest in the
prof,:ssior, in Canada. Consultation free.
See supplements.
HYMUNSAL.-On Wednesday last Pub•
lip School Inspector, J. E. Tom, of Exe-
ter, was united by the silken tie to Mise
Maggie Dickson, daughter of James Dick-
son, Registrar. The oerenfony was per-
formed by the Rev. Dr. Ore, in the pre-
sence 01 the immediate relatives and a
few personal friends. Gregory Tom,
brother of the groom, and Miss Lizzie
Diokaon performing the ouetomary offices
for the bridal pair. Goderich uow gains
00 a resident an estimable gentleman and
a painstaking and able county official,
and the newly wedded couple have a host
of friends who will rush them an abund-
ant share of happiness in their matrimon
ial career.-Ooderich Star,
RESOLUTIONS Or CoenocnxoE.—At the
regular monthly meeting of the Brussels
Orange Lodge, last Monday evening, the
following resolutions were presented,
being printed and neatly framed
To henry Mooney :
DEAR BIBB= BROTHER.—We, the mem-
bers of Brussels Loyal Orange Lodge,
No. 774, wish to convey to you and your
family our heartfelt sympathy in your
sad affliction. It has pleased Almighty
God to take from you your eldest daugh-
ter, Addie, who departed this life on
February 21st, A. D. 1888, at the early
age of twenty years, and although the
kind words of your dear daughter may
have ceased to be heard, comforting words
may be found in the Book of Life. "God
is our refuge and strength, a very present
help in time of trouble." We humbly
ask yon to tempt our deepest sympathy
in your sad afiliotioa. Signed, on behalf
of the brethren, T. G. HOLMES,
13. GERRY,
Moved by Bro. J. H. Young, seconded
by Bro. T. 0. Holmes and resolved that
we, the members of Brussels Orange
Lodge, No. 774, learn with feelings of
deepest regret of the deoeane of our late
and worthy brother, William Mooney, sr..
who departed this life on Feburary 2Srd,
A. D, 1888, at the advanced age of 78
years, and that we, the brethren of L.O.L.
No. 774, sympathize with the widow,
eons and daughters of our late brother,
who had been a chartered member, a
worshipful Past Master and a useful and
honorary member of this Lodge for
thirty-two years, and that a ooey of this
resolution be forwarded to the widow
and family of our late brother. Hoping
that at the last great roll eall we may all
meet at the right hand of the Great
Master in Heaven, who will nay "Well
done good and faithful servants, enter
thou into the joy of thy Lord." Signed,
on behalf of the Lodge,
MATTnew WILSON, W. Master;
Josneu H. BOWMAN, D. Master;
ALBERT GERRY, R. Secretary.
Canadian News.
-Navigation is open in St. Clair Lake
and River.
The Newfoundland seal catch has beein
unusually large.
A. Morris (plan,) owe gave birth to
five lambs recently.
The contract for the Rod River Valley
bridge has been let.
Twelve hundred immigrants arrived in
Winnipeg last. week,
The Albert College at Cobourg is to bo
improved at a cost of $7,000.
Nomination in Kent takes Clapp on
April 26, and election 011 May 2.
Oarsman Wm. O'Connor has challenged
H. D. Wisp to a Taco on Toronto Bay,
Carriage woke on a large eagle are to
be constructed this season in Brantford.
Tho dwelling house of Robert, rose,
Burford village, was atruok by lightning
on Sunday afternoon and badly 'Matter-
ed, but all the inmates escaped death.
The chimney and stoves ivere greatly
shattered, the whhdowe broken, and the
cbildrens' clothing and shoes were torn
to fragments, and their bodies burned,
belt nob fatally, although all ware Omen -
maims for time. The bolt passed off on a
wire clothes line, wbich was melted.
Whore the boll emerged from the house
the upright timbers were brotton into
fragments and the =stone .foutndetiort
shattered. Fear was sitting with his feet
On the Stove at the tittle, and he was
throwtl completely over and cut of tiro
window. The house was the property of
71. P. •1lrywno,f, to l was esnrrr1.
Brantford is discussing a ohemioal fire
The Arnprior Town Hall, with the
town's fuel apparatne, oras burned Mon.
It has boon decided to hold; a bench
show of doge during the next Wesiera
John Rea, known throughout Wester
Ontario as the "Hon King," is duad,aged
81 years. -
A gentleman in Coldwater is said to
have two bona -fide specimens of the
white crow' -stuffed.
An at'empt made on Saturday to settle
the troubles in the Hamilton building
trades was unauocesaful,
It is announced that Dr. Widdifiold,
M. P.P. for North York, has been lip-
pointed Sherif( of York.
Winnipeg Icelanders are moving to
have Leif Eriksson _publioly reoogmzed
es the disovorer of America.
Ono hundred recruits aro wanted for
the North -weer Mointecl Polido. A re.
uniting officer ha. reached Ottawa.
The hotels at: Banff aro full and the
weather there is beautiful, The new C.
P. 11. hotel will bo opened on May 1st,
To vore in favor of the Scott Act put a
cross on the ballot after the words
"Against the Petition," asforthte petition
is for repeal.
W. 1V. Buchanan, Dominion eounoillor
of the Royal Tempters, has instituted
councils of that order in •Strathroy and
Pet oloa this week,
Hon. Thomas Greenway, of (Crystal
Ci ty, Manitoba, has imported a thorouel'.
bred Shorthorn bull, bred by iioorgo 11.
Caldwell, of Barrie.
The ladies of Wellaceburg are talking
of starting an Anti -Lodge Sooioty-
members agreeing to look the door at
9.80 and never relent; no never.
The Department of Agriculture is dis-
tributing various samples of naw Russian
wheat for the purpose of making a series
of tests throughout the Dominion.
The Palmerston Postmaster has had
to pay over $689 on account of a register.
ed letter having been traced to his office
and there mislaid or stolen from him.
An unknown woman left an infant 4
months old in the Grand Trunk waiting
room at the Union Depot, Toronto, on
Tuesday morning, and has not been seen
Robb. Lamareh has been elected Presi-
dent of the South Essex Fruit Growers'
Association; W. G. Baldwin, vice-presi-
dent ; A E. Burley, secretary; George N.
Bissell, treasurer.
The Traders' Bankhave taken over the
business of the Federal Bank, Tilsonburg,
and will open a branch there shortly.
N. Dower, the former manager of the
Federal, will have charge.
A daughter of Austin Moron, Renfrew
oonnty, returning home from church,
sank exhausted by the roadside. When
discovered the next day her toes were so
frozen that most of them had to be am-
E. B. Eddy, of Hull, has returned from
his tour among the shanties on the upper
Ottawa. He says this winter's out hes
been very large, and although the snow
was deep in many ;parts the season for
lumbering operations compares very fav-
orably with previous years.
A very sad and melancholy accident
occurred in London on Monday last. A
small boy, son of the late Rev. Dlr. Til-
ley, while shooting at a mark accidental-
ly shot his playmate, Alfred Bradford.
The victim only lived a few moments
after the ball entered his head.
You:o.-In Brussels, on April 29th, the
wife of Mr. J. H. Young of a son.
MoLAuo0Lrl-At Molesworth, Mar. 27th,
the wife of Mr. Daman MoLauchlin,
of a s',.r.
Hosame-NIsour-On March 28th, by
the Rov. A. Stevenson, Mr. Wm.
Holmes, of Grey, to Miss Mary Nig
bet, of Elms.
Jmerx-trop..-At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 28th inst., by
the Rev. Wm. Torrance, Mr. Jabez
Jermyn, of East Wawanosh, to Miss
Martha Roe, of McKillop.
Tom -Menem -At Goderich, at the
residence of the bride's father, on
the 28th of March, by the Rev. Dr.
lire, Mr, John Elgin Tom, Inspector
of Public Schools, to Mies Maggie
C., youngest daughter. of Mr. James
Diokaon, Registrar of County of
BUnwsen.-At the Methodist parsonage,
Belgrave, on Maroh 26th, Ethel Ger-
trude, adopted daughter of Rev. N.
S. Burwash, aged 4 years, 1 month,
and 16 days.
w 1vx rni, nato'steems.
Heneall, April 11.
Listowel, April 20,
Mitchell, April 11.
Seafnrth, Tuesday, April 17.
Wingham, Thursday, April 12.
Hibbert, at Spring Hill, April 13.
East Huron, in Brussels, April 10.
Colborne, at Manchester, April 13.
East Wawanosh, Belgrave, April 11.
Stephen and Osborne, Exeter, April 6.
South Huron, at Brumfield, April 18.
0121A7'ORTEE SJLa1Zzemsis ..
Fall Wheat 78 82
Spring Wheat 70 80
Oats 88 41
Peas 60 00
Barley 65 70
Potatoes 60 06
Butter, per lb 18 00
Eggs, per deems 12 00
Apples, per bushel 75 iib
Hogs, dressed 6 50 7 00
Beef ................. 4 50 5 50
Hay 8 50 9 00
Wood, per cord 2 40 8 50
=H'essomenz,0) sa.ehre=a'rs,
Fall Wheat 78 81
SpringWheat .., 70 80
Barley 60 70
Oats... .......... ... , 38 40
Pods 58 00
Butter, tubs and ro115, .. 17 18
Eggs per dozen..,,., 10 00
Flour per barrel 4 00 00
Potatoes ...... '..,,,,,..,, 60 00
Hay per ton 8 00 9 00
Hideo per lb 4 114
Salter bbl., wlloleeabo.,. , 60 80
Sheep skins, oath.. ,, . , 00 1 00
Wool, Or 11,
lI2 650
APRIL 6r 1888. '
b - Apply to 01tt8 11.11, N'A1)10,
1. to _ 10105. T. FLIITOIIElt,
1 the
87• JPnobolSco, 110. GROwner ane beep 10,
,ANT, Postmnstor.
T105, tit1.11
11- Lot 1l01, Cou0044,, O, Croy.,
• Bruisols, Finder will he rowaroed by
leaving it et THE Pose! Pubiishing }louse.
' con 551.1) eb a bargain.' F.,r full part
Neuters a0 t price, locution , On, imply to
W. 13, DICKSON,8-05
!8 Breeeeba an Saturday between Rayon -tit
& Turebell'e Piero end airs, Geo, liayurof re
reeldence, Pinder will bo rewarded by leav-
ing it at Tan PORT Publishing House, 118.2
supposed to be in o.tlt; one Heifer to
calve in April ; one brood now and six young
pigs •one young sow, aro
11'tbo'-bred, Also
olio filly rising tree, Enquire MIL T. RING-
STON,Lot 30, Con, 0, Morris, liauseels P. 0,
28-t1 ..... _.-._.
t. 7 Regulated n Lot 11, Con. 0, Grey.
THOS. 910 11119005. Ile now hap nig new
patent sew est, "Sawyer's Guide," for sale,.
It Lithe best mads, an inn savers any. Pat-
ent tor nate. Patentee will allow geode to
00 made ou royalty
11100, M0(IRErIOR,
31 - Brussele, Ontario.
undersigned will hoop a thorough -
brad Durham Sull for service on lot 00,
eon. 6, Morris, Terms 01.00 with privilege
of returning it neeeesary. JAS, 0111.112,
Proprietor. 30.0m
undersigned will keep the thorough•
bre1Durham mull "Vedder" for service on
lot 29, eon. 3, Morris, He has au extended
pedigree oortiacate, Terme-51,50 for the
semen for grade 00450 and 10.00tor thorouph-
brode. 20.2m J. BOWMAN,
comfortable pottage at proaent oe•
onpied by 11. Beam, Hill street. Largo lot,
stable, •well, ole. Rent moderate. Also
commodious storehouse In rear of Postelile°
lately occupied by 61r. Roddick.
37- 7, R. GRANT,
Dnuseete March 12,'80.
tw0on the oundersiheretofore
ed,)lunder existing
name of WAnn & SINcx,Ant, is this day dis-
solved by mutual consent,
Witness: (E. E. WADE,
GEO. D. COOPER 1 W. M. 0550 LAIR,
iJ received by the undersigned up to the
10th of April for the mason and carpenter
work, also the veneer work and Mastering
of a house on park lot No. 7, Turnborry-et.,
Brussels. Plans and specifications may be
soon at Smith Broa,' planing mill, Brussels.
Lowest or any twitter not necessarily ao-
oepted. To uders may be joint or separate.
30• 301iti 130BB.
A few splendid, improved farms for
sale in the township of Grey, Morris and
MoKiilop• Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co,
Auettoneer,Bruesels P, 0,f
to suitable perties,t.store with com-
fortnble and oommodioue dwelling, Good
cellar, 1 acre of garden ill bearleg applse,
plums e.nd small fruits. Good stable. Ihie-
constilutea ono of the beet openings In On.
Unto for a good harness -maker, being in the
°entre of a splendid !arming sest.on. Near-
est opposition Brussels, 7 mites ; Listowel
13 miles. Apply for Terme to D. W. MILNE,
on the promises, Hemel,. 29 -
One of the best business etande in
Bmssels, the new brick store on the earner
of Mill end Turnborry streets, north of the
poet office, occupied at present by Mr. E.
Malcolm as furniture store. wires -ohm
ostler accommodation. The upper Dart laid
out as a dwelling house. Hard and soft
water. Possession given 1,b of May next.
Nagy Terme, which will be made known
by applying to WAf. B, WILSON, Proprie-
tor.Brunets, Ont. .- .. 84.3
nsaerexan offers for Sale the north
earn quer tarot 10128, concession 5, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 00 acres. The
land to of Orat equality and in a high mato of
cultlyation, well fenced end uuder-drained,
45 scree cleared. New frame hours, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and shod, orchard, eta, Bight
agree of fall wheat. This dateable property
adioine the corporation of Brussels. Suit.
able terms w111 be given, Title perfect,
00- Box 258BruStsle P.O.
' Morris, on reasonable terms. In order
to oleo tbo affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Hineaten, the executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable Janda for este North
half of Lot 00, Oeneeseion 5 Township of
Morrie containing 00 scree. On this Sot is
mooted a good frame barn with stone foun-
dation, good oroharq, well audpnmp . Near-
ly all cleared, and 1e on the grave road
clearly adjoining the village of Brunel',
Thin term is 11, valuable one, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. Per
prima and torus apply to TA08. KELLY,
l3ruseuls P. 0,, HENnm Jnnxrsee, Viutoria
Square P.O., 01 JAsses 8MITrr, ;Maple Lodge
P. 0„ Middloeox County.
Vl� 0Orst-olaestarm for soloSALEIn the
Township of Morrie in the County of R neon
being south half of north halt lots 25 & 28
andsouth halt of 20' in 5th eon., contenting
20,1 acme more 01 len, 128 earnmostly
clear of chumps and in a good state of euiti-
ration, Thorp is it young bearing Orchard,a
good )louse and heuk barn 88 x 68 loot with
atone stably undertleatu. The farm is situ-
ated within a mile of the Village of Emends
end is it good farm for grelo or stook tattl-
ing as itis watered with the river Maitland
and bovor inning springarools, Poeseoaion
will bo given at guy time.:For further par
blinders apply no the promises or to A A.
ROBERTSON, Brnasele, P. 0. 8.01
Transact a General .Eaulonp
Canadian and Vetted 6 rates Din Re bnnght
and sold.
InOren allowed on deposits.
Oatierliane made en favorable terms,
Canadian Agents-Alencnnity's HANK 00
NOW York Agehlts-I reoliTltlre ANn Toon-
BRE N_1222022A1. !ULNA,
• er, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
&c. Odlco ; Graham's Bleak,1 door north of
Hargreaves' Drug Store. Private Fends to
rpE WADE, BARRISTER,J • Solicitor and No tory Public. Con-
vevancing. Collections and Leanine. Mr.
Wade ill attend in (Jerrie every OVednen.
day at two o'olook.
(Leto with Garrow &Prandlont, Code -
rich) Barriebern, Solicitors, Onnvoyanoers,
&c, Office, Crest's Bloole, Bruisers. Moony
to hall.
10, S. BAYS, W. 11, 1)1('KBON,
Al •
111. TAYLOR, B. C. 1,., BAR-
.8te.hn escEn�Solicitor, Ra, 01 the firm of
n n nn, 1 leksoo & Tesler, Berristeiw,
Solicitors, &e„ Manning Arcade, fling Street
West, Toronto. Alone)* 50 loom,
the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron,
Oonveyenaer, Notary Public, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and
to loan. Oodeotions made. Omoe 1u Gra
ham's B1ook, Brussels,
ivOg1RT 0UNN1N0
M. P. CALE, M.D., 0. M.
Member of the College of Pltysloians and
Surgeons of Ontasio by examination
0Mee andBestdsno-Main St, llnst, the
A0. M, L.B. C. P. Edinburgh, M. C. P.
8. One, At Hargreaves' Drug Store from
0 to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 to 4 p. in. At
other hours may be found at the residence
formerly oconpied by Dr. HutoIiiuson,
Mill street,
11.014.1NTX:Writ > .
G.10.Ba11,L. D.S„ Hoaor Grndtutto and
M, 10.0. D. S., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide
Gas administered. Prices graded mud as low
00 good work can be dons Tor,
Oilice over Johnston's Hardware Store,
W. J,Pear ,L.D B.Gr,.cluatoofTo-
ronto School of Dontletry-. All oper-
ations guaranteed. Cillos-Oady's
Bloalt, Seaforth,
Artifioialteoth, 5 retquslity, and a
guaranteed flt,for 812.00 parent.
a a.Ma,RlX1NT,
Honor Graduate of the Royal Oollegps of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. NIrlhoe 02100
OAs administered for the painless extrae-
tion of teeth.
OS'FICE.—Garneld Rlocir, BRUSSELS.
BED Auctioneer. Sales conducted on
reasonable terms, farms arid farm stook s
specialty, Orders left at Tae Peer Publish-
ing liouee, Brussels, or scut to Walton poet
0alee will receive prompt attention.
Een, ie prepared to attend to Bales on
the allotted notice. A epeoinity made of
Wee of thorough -bred stook. Torino made
known by application to T15s P0eT i'ubliah-
ing House, where orders may be left, or
address to Brussels.P 0.
• is always . readytto attend sales of
hiring,fawn stook, dee. Terme ohoerfnlly
given, Graubrook.11,0. Sales may bo at.
tonged at Tire Petr Publishing Rouse,
$. MoORAOKEN, ISSUERvv • of Alarriage Lionises. 01ll00 at 115
Grocery,T urnborry Street.
rlage Licensee, by appointment of
Lieut,-Goyernor Commissioner, &a., Q. 13,
Ornyoyanoer and Agent Fire Iaeuranee Cc.
0Btoo at the Craubrook Post Office.
and Ornamental Painter. Graining,
finding, Bigu and Decorative Painting in all
its branches. Shop Blinds done tip in style.
Paper Hanging a specialty. Shop ono door
south of 7,Buyors' (Jarrlage Works.
• Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Ooi1e00 has resumed the practice of John
Nott, V.8„ and is prepared to treat all die
oases of domesticated animals on soionttne
andapprrrved prinolples, Treatmeut of del-
icate fonts a epeciolty Offlee two doors
`north of 13. idge,Turnborry anent.
OTICE TO .. DEBTORS. -0]j TI ao of nt of being at rent ex lone'Y
Ivor ,lin o f g g 1
17 rLk•llt'. �ip2' @.oalOc building and adding now machinery cad
also intending to start the manufacture of
farnituro wo beg leave to inform all due
the undere(gtlocl to be kind enough to settle
up either with Cash or Noto. Line, llom-
look, film, Ash or Maple Sawlogs will be
takohfn Slay, delivered at either of Amnnt
Bros. Saw Mills, as this firm 1200 p00011 gid
our saw mill in GrooX , All aoeounto will bu
entree at the Nat, Factory, Brttssols-
n-8-tt 'MITA B1408.
Phogub0c0ieer0reenter sato Ida Valuable
Fermin tliuTotvnsbip of Grey, comprising
tots 0 and 7, 001,11 in gold township. This
here ciente Ins 200acresaudle within .111 miles
from tiro thriving village of Brussels, with
goodgravol wee Marling thoroto. About 150
n cos 500oloamdL,iroo from grumps and in a
h gh grate of. culblvaton, Tisa balnneo is
nutty weodn,l Tide farm is portieulmly
w ell fenced, nnarlyythe whole of the fences
being straight and having boon mooted in
1885 end '80 On ttlopremieoetlieraia a corn
tortabdotog dwelling house tend ago° dfrania
baro with atone nettling underneath in
w hich there ie it well With an tremolo's.t sup.
I,1y et uxoolleo,t water, Tharp is likewise a
02015 from impletnent hone°, 40425, well
floored,above and below, encs neatly shied
and Chimed. Perp ieblsttiats Apply to the
P1st prietar, ..00(00S 11301(8135,
Ragistaar, Huron Co,,
1010- t+onerleb.
SCR/111M offers Ms v0111ah10 100 acre
tem, being lot3, eon. 13, Grey 'eownettip,
leucon Go„ for gale. 'Chore aro about DO
horde Mitered and in geed heart. Thera fe t,
log house, good bank batt, beating orchard,
81111511 the neee0aaryy 001lu1Nvne5a on •the
p ronnisee. For firer l+.er, pnrtienlars le to
price forma, 0(0.,s til to the Pronfietor,
''51100..3016110P it' ire it.(), N. W. T.. 01' to
5.51 33017(043,13 STBA054Al0, 13rnsselb