HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-6, Page 5e a e ft 0 1 0 t 0 of 0 r• is 0. 1f 0 M'RIL 0, 1888 THE BRUSSELS POST `;j l.5tr ti 0)35. Cirvtnhroollc. Chas, Dames has moved the maohinery of the While trill to tate village and lute got in some lege. A tereporetiee meeting is to bo held in this place nn Thursday evening of We week to talk up the Soott Aet pret)aratory to the vote on the 19th. The flax mill is to bo a reality am there are now 170 Hhnreholdere loterested, Timber will be got out for the new mill as soon as the water goon down in the swamps. The building will bo eructed on the old Garrow Hill property, Ib will bo ebnut 30x50 feet, $12 per ton is guar- anteed .or good flax, Seed has been pur- obaaod fur tho Season's crop. fViolg film. S. lien, defeated Geo. Moray for the Bray modal by a score of 18 to 15, Thera is a nest of young robins in it tree on the premises of R. Coruyn, John street. On the weekly excursion whioh loft hero on Tuesday of last week by the 0. P. R. a urowded °Daub of passengers and four or five freight oars were sunt. Amongst those who left worn: Martin Farrow, son of T. Farrow, ex -M. P., Morrie ; .sabot Miser, Turnbarry ' D. McI auchlin, Morris ; John Robertson, East Wawanoah ; John Burgess, jr., and wife, and B. Holmes, F. Bulford and J. Hawkins, Bluovale; Wm. Nixon, Mitob• ell ; Miss Donnelly, Gerrie; Miro Maggio Bliley, East We.wanosh. The paasongers had fo. their destination various points in Manitoba, tho Northwest and British Columbia. Wroxe1cetr. Tho following resolution was passed at the March monthly meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the Howiok Farmers' ard- iMutual g th ods th of the late RFiro Insurance obert Gibson, of Wroxoter, who died on March 4th, 1888:—"Resolved, that this Board of the Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company take this opportunity, at the first meet- ing after the demise of our much estoom- od fellow.director, Robert Gibson, to es: - liras our (loop regret at his dentb—soun- expuotedly—in the midst of a life of actio. ity and usefulness. He having been a director in this Company for several years, we deem it eddy and a pleasure to make honorable mention of his faith- fulness in the interests of the Company by regular ettendance at th e Board andbmeet. Ings and close application while there, and also as exercising) a con. stant, healthy influ0000 among the gen- eral pu''lic; and that a Dory of this reso- lution be sent to the widow and bereaved family, and also to the press for publica- tion. T. F. fiirml,Ei1, Stites EDGAR, Secretary. President. Brantford, 'Mr, Fox gave several other songs, end WAS received with groat ep. pplauso, oaoh time appearing being hoarti- lv euoo.ed Mise Phillips ileo rendered "Took o' hazel Doen" in fine style, John 19. McKinnon gave a Hong entitled "Out urchasod the wull•Nnown. imported in the Deep," which was well rendered, p John promised to bo a star oinger at no Clydeedelo stallion "Tourist," from P. distant date. Fred. Tan1101, gave an Thompson, of 13rueaels. The torso is Irish rooitation whioh brought the house well known and will take a route this down with roars of laughter. Fred. ie a ' season through this and the adjoining good comedian, and can take the Iritth- townships. man off in fine etylo. Mr. Moffat gave a , Hugh lloNoil, of lot 28, 3rd on., is to Scotch reading. Mrs. Thompson render. hath an anotion sale on Tuesday, 1Dth ort "Jen,io's Dream," and sang in first- , inst., to dispose of his stook and Mph). class style. Tho duett on the mouth mente, as he purposes retiring from organ and guitar by Fired. Tanner and I farming. Wo hope, however, that Mr. Goo, Oullia wad wol] rendered. A. W. McNeil will continuo to reside in our Halliday then gave a song entitled "Dandy midst, as he hod proved himself to be a Dude," whioh was well rendered and kind and obliging neighbor. heartily enoored, J. 13. Tierney gave a Soontr..—A. pleasant time woe put in at condo song whioh created roars of laugh. , the commodious residence of .1 aro. hill, tor. A song entitled "Paddy Dnffy's ' 10th eon., ou Thursday evening of last Cart," by Metiers, Tanner, Shane and . week at the social. An interesting and Floorly was well rendered. Will Shane varied program was presented, after whioh ro(reehments wore provided. The pr0000ds amounted to ovor $10. There wore over 75 persons proeent from Brussels. Tne Literary and Debating Society in section No. 2, Turnbull's school house, aloeed their meetings for the season with Tho Wioghatn Advance imp t D. No. Wm. Dowdell, who has been fireman Lauohlin, of Gruv townehlo, sold aheavy, , in Reeve Mille a griet mill for ovor three draught brood mere to Geo, Steel, of years, left hero for Calgary last Tuesday. Glenhurry, Malt„ for 8250. The mare 1i' has oeoured a situation there, wits ohipp0d at Wngbam on Tuesday. W. Simpson d: Sou aro making peeper. ilex. Dolgatty and 'Toa. 16tnis have aliens for the Spring milliuory opening of witioll dun l ,,tioo will bo given. Mise Sitters, formerly of Pembroke, is engaged to take charge of that department, '6118 Hibburt Telophuue Co. ie potting in throe instrumento hors --ono at the Haw mill, one at the station and ono at the poet office, It will save our business men a good deal of uselese running. The Ethel readero of Tun. POST wish from the bottom of their hearts that Brussels folks would leave their P. Df, and his office aloud until they had scone. thing t.tngiblo to grumble about and not telt° up from quarter to half of the front page of THE POST to air their acoumnla- tion of unmeaning words. A. d0008ISE PARTY.. -OD Wednesday evening of last week tiro teachers and larger pupils of the Mothodiot Sunday School gathered at the reedeime of Jae. Menzies, on the eve of hie departure for Parry Sound. T. P. Simpson made an address on behalf of the school in whioh he expressed their regret at losing such a good worker and ono who poseeseed such excellent Social qualities. Ab the close of the address a handsomely bound bible was presontod to him and Mr. Menzies, although taken by surprise, made a very ■uitable reply expressing his reluctance at leaving them, but his pecuniary inter- ests induced him to do so. A very en. joyabchat. MR evening 9 spent iu mobil chit - SCOTT ACT.-Thefirst Shot in the Scott Aot campaign ma fired in the Methodist church hero last Tuesday evening. The attendance was good and excellent ad- dresses wore given by Revds. A, Hender- son. D. B. McRae and J. T. Legear and ex -Reeve Strachan. We are sorry that space will not allow us to give it synopsis of their speeches. Rev. J. T. Legear oc- cupied the chair. Suitable musio was furmshed by the choir. The Central Committee have arranged for a number of meetings to be held in tho township of Grey next week, of whioh the following is a list ;—Mondey, April 9th, Whitfield's church ; Tuesday, April 10th, Turnbull's and Duke's schools ; Wednesday, April 11th, McKay's and Molesworth schools ; Thursday, April 12th, Beldon's church ; Friday, April 13th, Roe's church. A. number of ape,kers are expected to give addresses at eaoh place, and the opposite party will be given an opportunity to ad- vance their opinions on the subject. gave a song which was rendered in good style and received loud applause. The committee deserve great credit for getting up the concert, as it wee a grand success in every respeot. Wo may add that should such another ont'•rtatnmout of thie kind be given in this town again, we feel surd they will have a fall house. au entertainment last Friday evening. The sum realized ens in the neighbor• The a- logues,rreadingsogram osodt recitations, ed of all i of whioh wore well rendered. The largo audience were highly ,unused and well pleased with the evening's enjoyment. Norge 71(010 THE NoiTni tsT.—Fester 18 over and eggs are eoarce.—Quite a num ber of logs have been brought into J. Jack-on's mill, and they are rushing business and turning out splendid lumb- er, etc.—Geo. Hewitt and family have re• tuned from Monckton, where he has been engaged in lumbering all winter,— Robb. Oliverwears a. amain face. A young son is the cause. There has been quite a boons in the wedding line :ately. A short time ago Alex. McLeod, becoming tired of single life, led to the altar Miss Maggie Johnston, of Stratford. We wish them every success.—On Wednesday, Maroh 28th,Wm, Holmes, of the 2nd con., forsoothe charms of baohelorism and took to wife one of the fair daughters of Elam, Miss Mary Nesbit. The nuptial knot was tied by the Bev. A. Stevenson, at the residence of the bride's father. There were quite a number of young peo- ple present to witness the ceremony, and all seemed to enjoy the fun, and we should nob be surprised to see others fol. low. We understand the young oouple are going to reside in Listowel. --John Lindeay has uurohaeed an organ so as to have musio in his home. Who says the people on the 4th aro not advancing?— Thee. Matthews had a sale on Wednes day. Mr. Matthews itis retired from farming and has gone to reside near Lis- towel. His son, Edward, and eon -in-law, David Robinson, have rented the farm for a term of years, and intend to rush basineas. They have also leased the farm of Rory McNiohol.—John Dunbar has gone to try his fortune in Britieh Columbia, and Rory McNichol is talking of etarting noon, ton. --John Cosene, of the 2nd eon., has been home on 6 visit for a short time from Bervie, whore he is enga„ed in the mercantile business. He preached in Trowbridge Methodist ohuroh on starch 25th, and at Molesworth in the afternoon, and gave an excellent sermon on each occasion.—The Scott Act seems to be reefivies! considerable patruuegein this locality just now, and Nye expect to see quite a stir on and be- fore d we also feet c tto li ' oa polling time, and 'r° for r doer r+ firth in their nee the elector, temparauc0. The canvassers have been appointed fo our line, and tvo presume Neill seen commence their work. 1V0 are glad to sod that the temperance people aro working and organizing. This is the way le insure and secure viotury. We need to he up and doing to stop this fell °nese in its work of destruction. Let us put our hands to the plow in Ogg matter, and each one try to do his best to help on the cause of temperance in our midst, noon of jte0.uv. [None.•—The above wan received too late for insertion last week. En.] Parties are now in full bloom. School opened on -Tuesday after the Easter vacation. Mrs. McLennan, of Stratford, was in town this week. Mrs. Hess, of Toronto, was home on a visit this week. Jae. A. Tanner, of Listowel, spent his Easter holidays in town. Miss Snell, of Seaforth, is at present the guest of Mrs. Dr. Sloan, Mrs. Fay, of St. Agatha, was the guest of Mrs. C. Hamilton last week. The latest for the name of it party in town is styled "Donkey party.” The slow is fast making its disappear- ance andspring will be a welcome guest. The vocophone Band made their first appearance en the streets on Friday evening last. Mies Wallace, of Goderioh, has token charge of the millinery business at D. B. McKinnon's for the spring season. Tho Antis in this neighborhood are working like Trojans in endeavoring to defeat the Scott Act on the 19th inst. Miss Herd returned to town this week to take charge of the millinery depart- ment in Messrs. Andereon & Elder's. Meeera. McKinnon, Mathies, Greig and Phillips spent Good Friday in Clinton. We are informed that John gave the boys the slip. A number. of Foresters from hero at- tended a Foresters' supper at Auburn on Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. Flab - kirk of that village who is to remove shortly. Genic• Merrier. Council mooting last Monday at the Township Hall. The Union Sabbath Sohool, held at Anderson's school house, re -opened last Sunday afternoon. lames Ireland, jr., who has been in Owen Sound and neighborhood for the past year or more, is home. He will likely spend the summer hero. o'o were quite surprised to hear that Thos, Farrow was not Returning-0110er d r he to ane t for the repeal 1 vo all #t afterP oft.e- 't this theCampbell, of God i iu to his family ,It. but a Y at Soott A 1.0, animal vestry o mooting 81of St. rials Some ono has surely blundered, as Stt,pheu s Episcopal ohnrch was held on the fleet named gentleman made a num. Robt, Leech, of Detroit, is visiting friends in this village this week. Min Cordon, of Luther, is visiting with her aunt, Mre. W. H. Niles, for a few weeks. Geo. Stinson left here on Tuesday last and Jas. Donley and sister on Thursday for Manitoba. Wm. Dame has bought the Bingham farm, south of Gerrie, for $4,500. We remove nuts ren to n that Setons end° he inti Tuesday n.fternoon in the ebure I. Jae. Pelldue „ud llobt. Young were elected church wardens for the coming year. The now minister, Rev. Mr. Wright, is not expeotrd to be on this field before Jour let. Ina the meantime the pulpit will be filled by students from Toronto. W. J. McLaughlinaud W. H. 0 etr dor left Lure last Friday limning to t a course of study at the Canada Business College. 'Wham. Both ere tonere Genie's en st promising young men and we hope to hear of them giving a good account of themselves, Henry Thompson takes W. J. McLeughlin's place behind W. S. Beam's counter, and Geo. Dane, late with L. McLaughlin, takes H.'Thomp- son'a place with Thos. Rao, of Wroxeter, The ann. Scott Aot party are very aotive preparing for the coming contest. The Scott Act party are working up a pubiio demonstration in comedian with the W. 0. '7.13., to be hold in the Town 111011 on Thursday evening, April 120h, at which a erance speakers are expected to delimber of ver ad"temdresses. We trust that the meeting will have the off: ct of a rinsing a greeter interest in the present agitation than at present 8ean18 to exist. 731 v th. T. Beamish, of Brampton, wag in town this week. We regret to hear that Mre. Donald Fraser is seriously ill. John Young is at present visiting friends ill Watford, fuer, McKellar, of Detroit, is at resent the guest of Mrs. Buie. Mims Hannah Taman left town last week for Port Huron, Mich. Onr merchants are now busily engaged in diepluying their DONT spring goods. Metiers, McKinnon and McMil1isn have their mWo are pleased tto sseeriWm. Richin full m Wond around again after the narrow escape he had. F. Metcalf was in Antberley last week in the interests of the Good Templars of that place. Berry Jessup has purchased the bicyolo lately owned by J. B. Kelly. Harry is boned to be in trim for the bicycle season when it opens. Raub. Flax, of Brantford, the compo singer who appeared at the oonoert on Tucgclay evening last, is pronounced to bo the best 0011110 singer that hag ever tippoared before a Blyth audience, CmrOERT.—Th° concert under tho 8.00' bus 01 appuiulmeofe of D. -puttee and °lid other' work with the view of holding the poeition. Alex. MoCell hos been engaged as teacher in Anderson's school house as successor to M. Blank. Although quite young be is a good scholar and passed very creditable examination. He will succeed all right. Mr. Black will assist hie brother Peter in working the throe cosmic' they have in aomlentiou with tun insurance bnsine8e, Mr. Blaok's friends wish him success. Mime L' Ear MOUSES' Onun.—The usual fortnightly meeting of this club wa, hold at L. Blacks last Thursday evening. The subject for discussion was "Rotation of Crops." Geo. Brewer led the disoussion. He olaiined that farmers should raise mono coarse grain and lass wheat. He would first sow oats ou sod laud, then a crop of peas, and afterwards a crop of wheat or barley, seeding down with the third crop. By this plan land Han be kept olean without summer fallowing. Joe Scott, Peter Barr, Jim. Barr and N. Black joined in the dis• wagon. The next meeting will be held at Soo Scott's on Thursday stoning of next wook. The subject will be "Drain- age and Needs of the Farmer." Sonoor. BERM No. 9. -The following shows how the pupils in the several glasses stand with respeot to regular at. tendanoo and proficiency. The standing of the higher classes wee found by a written examination, and that of the juniors by morks dvring the past three mnonths:—Fifth class---lst, Bella Moore; 2nd, Jennie Kelly; 8rd, Lizzie Kirkby ; .4t1+ Maggie Sholdtoo; 5th, Bessie Evans, Fourth olass--1st, henry Fear ; 2nd, Mabel McCall 13rd, Mary MoOall. Third Wass—let, Willie Elliott; 2nd, Baxter MrArter; 8rd, Prank Kelly ; 4th, Lizzie °10000. Second class—lst, Hannah Kelly; 2nd, Robert Lawson ; Ord, Baxter Bowley ; 4th, Peter McCall. Part second class -1st, Belle Skelton; 2nd, Charlie Slioltou; 8rd, bert Moore. AaTON ANDERsoN, Teacher. pieeo of the 0. G. F. & A. 0. U. W. ode - ties was hold in the temperance hall or Tuesday evening last, and ie pronounced to be the best ever held in Blyth. Long before the hour to begin had arrived the hall was peeked to its utmost seating capacity. B. Somers occupied the chair, and after a withthe e4opening excellent prrrograml0013 ed1011 ha had been prepared per the 00016100 T110 eon. cert began with a selection by tho °rehos- tre, tvllioliwas rendered inifi io style, Sol - lowed by a song entitled "114a'oh of the Cameron Mon, by V Y. lialliday, Which tvog Well rendered Alre, aeries then gave sDeo," which wag rendered f "My edelinnllfiret alasl '410, followed by 0eongbylROnb. 'Pax, of Greer. Maple sugar is being made this wook. Thos. Hortitago and family removed to London, Ont., this week. Mae Annie Mitchell returned to her home in Loudon last Saturday after a two months' visit with friondo jn this locality. Cherlio Bishop, of the Guelph Collegi- ate Institute, end Miss Bertha 13a11, of Seafortlt High School, wore home for their Easter 1olidaye. A. letter has been received from Win. Ilabkirk, who recently wont to Manitoba. Ho sage he had a very pleasant trip and his live stoop went lhrot,gh without na soratolt, Tho temperance) workers aro ever mindful of their duty and are meriting the canvas in a way that fs honest and honorable. Everybody is wishing for the final broelt up of sprlug. D. '1>uh0aneon left last '.Pnesday for Washington Territory, 11. 14., where he will push his fortune 1htm i,i ry steady and inihietrione young mat ,toil will no doubt do well in the far wesU. II :bete vv el. A number of our townspeople intend leaving for British Columbia. shortly. The Listowel Live Stook Association met and elected the followiug oflioere President, Wm. Spears ; Vico-President, A. McIntosh ; Sea.•Trooe., Jas. Mansell ; Directors, John Stewart, Jas. North - graves, Peter Garth* Geo. Zilliax, A. St. George Hawkins. Rev. Wm. Burgess is accepting the call to Michigan, he will leave tnwn early in May. On Sunday he will likely preanh his farewell sermons, on the afternoon of that day lie will preach a temperance sermon under the au'pioea of the 15,T. of T. council. The members will march in a body to the Congregational church. Tho olllcers for the Cricket Club for the present year are : Hon. Pros„ P. Lil- lioo; Pres., H. H. O'R01117 ; 1st Vice - Pres., L. H. Clark ; 2nd Vice.Pres., B. F. Brook ; Treas., 3. A, Hacking ; see., 0. Hacking. The following committees were appointed : Matoh, R. Hay, H. 13. Morphy, 0. Hacking. General, W. J. Hay, W. 13. Burgess, J. L. Darling, L. Lillioo, W. E. Delbert. American trip, 0. Hoclting,11. B. Morphy, L. 1I. Clarke. The latter committee will have full Hun. trol of the proposed trip to Philadelphia, in Juno, whore our crieketer'e will again meet the Belmonts, who defeated them on the Liewwel grounds last year, On the 24t11 of May they propose holding a demonstrationsimiliar to last year which will without doubt bo it huge success. SILVER WEnnrxo.—on Friday evening, the 30th ult., the elite of Ethel and vicinity, to the number of over 60, gal. ered at the residence of Wm. Spence in answer to invitations to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their wedding day. They were married on the 30th of March, 1863. at Highland Creek, a village some 15 miles east of Toronto, and, for a com- paratively young looking couple, can boast of having travelled through life in double harness with more than the aver- age amount of happiness and have raised a family that oro s credit and a pleasure to them now in the meridian of their days. After the poets were fully as- sembled ample justice was done to the edib es, which would have tempted the most epicurean. Mr. Spence was pre- sented with a gold watch and chain, valued at $100, by his mother, firs. James Sponse. The presentation was a complete surprise to Mr. spence, who, from emotion, ounld hardly find words to aokno..•ledge the gift. A table was quickly filled with presents itsfrom the I d 'din : —Go which e subjoin list lel 0 1 to a he o sue. , wotol from Mrs. Spence, sour„ to Wm. Spence ; ladies watch to Mrs. Spence from W. Doig and wile ; cake basket, 1:1. F. McAllister and wife; nerd receiver, J. M. Davies, wife and daughter ; fruit basket, Simpson family; pair napkin rings, Rev. D. B. McRae and wife; pickle cruet, W. Milne and wife; pair napkin rings) H. Tompkins and wife, of Lockport ; pickle cruet, Dan Balmier, jr., and wife ; butter cooler, James Laird and wife ; pair nap- kin riaigs, A. W. Panabaker and wife; individual cruet, J. Robertson and wife ; butter cooler, J. 0. Heffernan and wife ; individual cruet, Robt. Hall and wife ; hotpot holder, J. A. Young and wife; spoon holder, David Milne end wife; oroam mug, John Oober and wife ; salt cup, Geo. Welsh and wife; pair napkin rings, Dr. and Mrs. Cale; half dozen forks, Rubt. Lang and wife ; half dozen teaspoons, Mre. Leishman ; pair napkin rings, H. Wanner and wife; 2 des,eet spoons, Mrs. Hawke; butter knife, W Patton and wife ; 2 dessert spoons, M. S: B. Maginn ; fancy bed spread to Mrs. Spence, Mrs. Spence, sr. ; individual cruet, John leokmier and wife. Alter supper the time was spout in singing and social enjoyment until the "we emit ours" when, after wishing the host and hostess many returns of the happy day and a prayer from Rev. D. B. McRae, all de- parted for their homes, fully satisfied that married life, with all its "responsi- bilities," is still the happiest. lE tiled. John Eckmier had a sick b.oree on Sunday night. Whore aro high steaks played for? At the butoher'e shop. One of our young mon has become quite a bird fancier. Alargo quantity of hen fruit djeap. peered In this Emotion on Sunday. Alex. Snaith is going to Gerrie to work and intends moving his family in May. J, T. Watts and hie Motor, Mrs. Bolos, o[Mrs.Clinton, Bartlem an,tofgChasley 7 ake, wag visiting her daughter, Mrs. 3' P. Sime. son lest week. Mos, John Dunbar moved into John ,Iuty's maiden°° on Main street, on Wed. needay of this week, Ono of our village dittos thiuke that it would o it o 0 a i o tram ono; the "llarmy" Richard Rupp has had a very severe at- tack of pleurisy, but we aro glad to say that he is sontow1111t better. David Weir Left for Dakota, In't week. Ile intentdo to make Thiele Sarnia deniable' hie permanent home. Ili- meet, friends wish hien fiercest.. Farmers, attention e There has been so much blow- ing done that there is no for us, but we can sell room PEA PULLERS Abstract Statement FP, II. MOSS, Treasurer Bras. eels Public Selwul: 1)13. Jan, let, (887. To balance from 1880 $ 38 25 " Government grant. , .. , 174 79 ' Municipal grant 181 02 " Non-resident fees 13 00 " Local assessment1987 45 " Grey and Morris portion., 4G 55 32441 Oli CR. I'aid Toat:lters' SHIRT fell 51871 00 Interoat and exchange54 80 " Caretaker's salary 90 00 " Wood account 28 31 " Secretary and Treasurer's salary " Repairs " Refund T. Kelly Postage Balance on hand 30 00 124 511 47 10 11 191. 15 $2411 00 Wx, the Municipal Auditors of Bruit. eels, hereby certify that we have exam. ined the books and accounts of the Treasurer of Brussels Pulite Sellout, to- gether with the vonohors thereto, and find the same correct. J. lt. Grant. ' .tenuo A. us. a[, tg r,Kny, i Brussels, March 15, 1888. Another Wonder ►. I1 never was lutended,,c far as I can learn, That either man or woman were intended to be bald. I think you will believe mo,indaod Dm euro you w111, If at the' Paris Hair Works" you have called. There is one thing Nature thinks of—lot us thank her all we can— She takes particular trouble with our 0500 ; She knows a scanty growth of hair, the gr.y and whitening looks Will detract from the beauty of the face. lint nature has her laws so strict that y00 mustnever err, For you'llsurely pay Lb penalty at last. Sustain it, that bounteous head of hair, Doctor Doreawend's Hair Magic's unsur- passed. Justtry it, your amieted, you never all regret, The Magic, was never yet known to fail ; And the good that it will de you will make you soon forget The oapendlture a bottle wil entail. This now famous preparatioae for invig- orating and atirnnlatiug the growth of the hair is universally accepted as the most valuable speeido on the market. 1.11 diseas- es et the scalp aro either relieved or per- manently oured. A rich and rapid growth of hair will follow after judicious and raga - lar treatment. 2t remains w(tb the user alone to secure the desired results. Dr, Dorenwend'a "Hair Magin" is sold by all druggists al ar per bottle, or six for SG. If not obtainable in your own l000lity send di- rect to the sole manufacturer, enelasing pride. A DOnENwaND, Paris Hair Works, 109 and 10G Yonge street, Toronto. For sale by G. A .Deallmnn, J. Hargreaves and a1 Druggists. oa• tll. .00 that another Agent would charge you $20.00. Bring along your .MOT G A List of Goods next week. 001110 111111 Seo 0111 Tread - Power Work Ab}ENV" AN T1;1) 13 Steady pjmlllvy11teIttti, (,uta Nolle need bo Idle. Previous Experience not etlelltial, We pay either Salary or Com- mission, 100 Alen Wanted To Canvas for the Salo of Can- adian grown Nursery Stock. The Foothill Nurseries, Largest in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class References, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, NURSERYMEN, Towunto, Ont. WM. SMITH is prepared to attend to Carriage Painting in all its branches, as well as Sigmz and Ornamental Pain ting. He has had years of exper- ience and guarantees his work to give satisfaction. A rig well painted is half sold. Estimates and terms cheer- fully given. GIVE 131111 A CALL. Shop in the old 'Pose Publishing House, King street, Brussels. II.I iI RY OPENI1G! The Grand Millinery Opening of the Season will take place at F. C. R GERS' Dominion House, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT DAY, APRIL 12, 13 & 14, 1888. Every Lady is Cordially Invited to inspect our New Styles which this year aro very pretty and. \Ory beeoonisbh and the p 114' ICES VERY LOW. out I'.Alll DAL tLOVE & Co. wi 11n0 JR` ; Dominion -Rouse,