HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-6, Page 3Arum 6, 1888.
a ctr
We rook tho cradle gayly, and swing it to
and fro, would never scop to atoms whetli-
A new life sleeps within it. In tondor ' ar it is total or partial. 1 would
tones and low, just say, 'You have got enough
Amother soothr'stoslumber, inlove-notes meanuoaa to damn you, twd you'd
soft and mild, better tale stat,' and if a fella w
While held in sloop and safety there Teats w ,tits anymore than that, he'd
earth -born child?
As we rock the cradle gayly. greener than I am."
We lay aside the cradle, the bird its nest "Wu re not putroretetiou and de
has flown, . coy, but the good so is out of fix,
And spread its pinious boldly,to make its Hero is a good tongue, but it tolls
way.elone ; lies ; here is a gond hand but i
To fey, to fall in sorrow,, or rise and, keep knocked a follow down yesterday.
its way,
Mid toils,: tut:gitations,, triumphs, fair Sin ie simply the pervorsiou of a
fruitage of liio'a day, God giveu faculty."
As we lay aside the cradle. "1 leve to set a man with a high
Wo bend above the coffin, another soul 00020) a o or manhood Instead
has fled— of singing 'I'm unthtrit;,' lot us sing,
The earthly flight is over, is won or lost, '1'm the child of a king ' Instead
and dead,of eingiu;; 1 whet to ho n.n angel,'
Tho bubo who in the cradle Bret knew of let its ono 'I .sant to bo a Nan.' "
earthly strife,
And thorn, with hands close folded, lies having second the right kind of
atl we know of life, a man to "gat there," ono who to
As wo bond above the eolith. pure, noble, unto, genuine to the
— - cora—tho lec`u'or proceeded to die•
A QUESTION FOR leds. cosy the "way "
"All liar,, 11e sai i, "are in the
"What -hall I do th.m," Pilate said, false way, and it looks like that let. Tho Tomperauco anon are
"With Jeans, whom yo bring to me? way's powerfully crowded, Every pulling the poor old drowning
shall set Barabbns frac?" Ile bo numbered with tho dead:' body hero that hasn't told a lie in druntcards out of the river ; but the
twelve months stand up " Prohibitionists have gone up the
A very low rose while the rest river a rem wiled fighting the crowd
laughed at the apparoat confirm that are throwing the people in.
ation of tho lecturer's charge. "Five "As soon at; wo Prohibitionists get
preachers got np," he said ; and our 'pork in, you Temperance peo
then lie quoted the language of a plc will to out of a tub."
little boy who said atilt lying was "There aro more Prohibibiouiets
worse than stealing : "If you steal in Acnerica to -day than there wore
"Whet shall I do with Jesus?"—see eomothing you can tako it book; Abolitioutets in America ten years
Thy sands of life are running fast; but if you tell a lio you can't take before Mr. Lincoln signed the pro
Another your is lost to thee, that back." elamabion that made aha slaves free,
And now this year may be thy Last I Speaking of the virtuo of patience and just as certain as that God woe
ho said : "11 is to life just what au on the side of the Baton pause and
ogg is to coffee—it sottles the whole the emancipation of ane slaves He
Yot oft despising profiorcd grace, business. Mother, if you have a is on the sickle of Prohibition, and
Thou bast replied: "No Christ for me !" little more patience you will be a the proclamation will bo signed that
precious mother ; and if you have will Sound the death knell of the
p.etieneo enougli yon will be a liquor traffic and make all these
grandmother." clavas of drink free.
SAM .1011u, 111011 ..1h5 slid pr.+.iodise IU)l;SEltt)LI) t11:iTti.
were inolined to tale too much about Tepid hatter with a little borax.
death and not enough Mint life. dissolved in it is good to wash col.
"Thorn is not it siu:;lu N>:d 111 the ored table lium> iu.
wool° Bible tolling a t11:111 toof re
g Gouts oatmeal iu n double bailer
ligiou !'cause 110 is Klieg to der ; or in a covoced poll sot iu a kettle
of wator. 1lc euro t:) Halt it.
To wank castor bottle,, plat them
one•third foil of rico, and fill up
with water ; elieke thoroughly.
For emitter sirs month, one tela-
spooifat of borax tlse,olvod iu h if its twentieth year), it appears that
a pint of water is excellent used as
wash, the Newspapers and Periodicals of
To clean red brick floors, rub .,ll !dodo issued in the United
them with a brick moistened with a States .and Canada, now number
littlewarm mills and water, and wipe 16,810, snowing a gain of 800 due
dry with a sofa sloth. ing the last 12 months and of 7,186
Half a tsnepooafnl of common in 10 Vara.
table salt, dissolved in a little cold Tim 'eating—or perhaps more
water and drank, will instantly re.
lieve heartburn.
To clean straw matting, boil throe
quarts of bran la ono gallon of
water, and wash the mattiug with
the water, drying it well.
If the face seems constantly dry,
rub it with a trifle of olivo oil a very
night for a time : if too oily, put a
little borax in the water used for
bathing it.
If you wish to keep a sharp knife
don't put it in hot grease ; stir your
potatuos while frying, or turn cleat
with a forts or au old case knife kept
on purpose.
Vapor bathe will (doer ilio skin.
Powdered charcoal taken on first
,, ole
the Dust,' wotlldu't thore be astir
in Egypt ? Or, enppoead you all•
dressed Igor, •My Dear Wortneos of
the Duet.' (Groat laughter), You're
no worm."
"1 believo iu depravity, but I
Enterptiee, enthusiasm, courage, Batman Nibilirts Are spitz ecbive.
kindnass,were soma of tho (politica Ono of the moot elaborate naw'
wlliat wore needed in order to "get A .syedieato is being formed be
there." Speaking of courage, he buy a military colonization ,sued
apprtvcd of the 00t11•se of the Quoit. near Calgary.
or who, having been Amok ou ono housas in London it that of Mr,
cheek presented the caber, than D'Oyly Carte, bhp Gilbert and Suili.
pulled off hie goat and said, "And van impressario Whister is deco.
new, bavwg fulfilled the Scriptural rating the ooilinge.
hijtnattun, t propose to give yon Statistic,' appear to sb. w that in
inn boat whipping you over had lu Engiaud domestic sorvauts are
your life." growing comparatively rover, lu
A. new deftuition of a dude was 1881 there weal 1,000,000, but in
givon. "A little pimple ou the 1888 there ore 1,260,000 only
body of eoeiety, shoving that so. Port Huron grocers have received
piety's blood i' Ultt of oondition. ' aonelgtlmeute of potatooe from
Speaking of kindoeso, abs lector Sootland, nod cabbage from Ger
er gave an exculleut ptuture of the many, whioh can be sold in Micht
aeh•sauefiod sir of It 1<18ly Wil, had gan cheaper than the home grown
given an hid tbrsadbere dress to a article..
poor homes, -Oh, tbI.us another Fencing is getting 10 be quite a
tremor,' laid no in Elotvao." social fad in U. S cities, noticeably
"The hor t that could happen to in Now York, It appears to have
von when you get 1) E-Isavou woul•l sus in during Lent, when fashion sot
be to make you wear all the old au embargo ou other popular enter
dreseso you have given away. You taiumetto,
wouldn't go calling ninth for the Oscar Wilde leas had his dining
first few years." room and all the furniture painted
That which delightod the and white, for the roasot that "dead
Innes most WAS tho lecturer's illus white io the only baokgronod against
Irastion of the differonco between n whish a tn.to to-ks plcturesgue in
Tomporauce mau hast A Prohibitton oveuiag dress.
An Albany horsomau was speed-
ing his trotter the other day when
the horse cast a hind shoe, which
flew with such violence from the
hoof that it want high iu the air auil
caught on a telegraph wire, whore
it hung until 00n10 boys got it
Phu oldest man in Germany, and
probably, in tho world, is named
Wapuiarok. Ho Lives in the village
of Mutts, near Gauen, in the pro•
since o. Posen. He was born in
1764. He is therefore 124 years
old, and still shows no sign of being
in any hurry to: die.
As Hy. Millli,.a commercial trav-
eller for a Lynn, Mass,, house, step-
ped off a Burlington train, an Eng,
hot sparrow flew into his right eye,
and the sharp bill penetrating the
eyeball it wasruined. The sparrow
'!self was blind, having had its eyes
pluokod out in to fight.
Their awful choice at ono° they gave:
"This Jesus wo refuse to own ;"
And to a felon's doom and grave
They thus consigned 1110 Holy Ono!
"What spall I do with Josue, then?" ----
Still sings that question load and elcar ;
'Tis echoing in the hearts of mon,
And yet they hold Burabbas dear!
"What shall I do with Jesus?"—yes,
That question oft has como to then;
"What shall I do with Jesus?"—shall
Ilis voice plead yet again in vain?
Wilt thou refuse that lovo and call
'Phe Joys that follow in its train?
"What shall I do with Jesus?" --.now:
Hu waits the answer thou shalt give ;
Again doth plead that thuru-clad brow—
() wilt thou not believe and live?
"What shall I do with Jesus?"—come,
What aus•vor dust thou nutltu to heaven?
Thv heart, although thy lips be climb,
Shall tell the answer thou hast givem ov.•ry appeal i4 `gtvo your heart 1.1
God., f.>r you :hail live forov •r•.' "
y 1.10 was nut iuciinod, ho.wover, t•.>
"( ET sill tLE a3, be vory +•'vsro 00 tho class of ser
mon which kitty, "You had better
It was Saturday night, and thore get religion ; you will die next
oar uu atlmtesi,n free of twenty-
five cents, but even with tboso odds
against biro Rev. Sam Jones loot
ured to a very large andionce which
completcly filled the Carleton street
Methodist church, Toronto. After
the chairman had introduced Mr,
Jones, i11r. Jones introduced the
chairman with the remark, "His
heart is bigger than his head, and
th tt'n laying a good thing for any
"Illy subject," he said, "is 'Get
there,' with tL•e 'Eli,' left out. es
you know I am constitutionally
averse to slang of any sort—(laugh.
tor)—and for that reason I left off
the 'Eli.' "
Ina sentence beginning with the
cbaraoteristio word, "Really," Sam
Jolles paid a high. 0amplitront to
tho acedia and religions life of Tor.
onto, and then Dai{, "It seams as
if Toronto is already getting there,
and is sitting tharo waiting for Eli
to como up."
'Phe lecturer soidho didn't intend
to r1i0w his bearers how to get there
severally, financially or politically
—malting those remarks by the
wa'liiches aro like tt ,sauteing ebiok ;
of t• will help you lilting but 0fty on
your basis will break you down."
"If I should get you 1ber0 polis•
ically yon would be ooverod with
more mud than you could wash off
iu all your life,"
Bow to got there 10 the best
senile, lin said, involved throe
things : 1. Sotne ono who wants to
go somewhere. 2. A route or way.
3. Dostinatiou.
"I don't stiau very close to my
subject," he said, "but I always
etiok to my crowd, end there's a
good dealin that." '
"Really, it's tb very hard matter.
to build n regular first -clang man.
We have got plenty of material, bob
the paltorne aro so scarce. If I
lead a hundred ordinary sten to
make ono first-class titan out of I
would be very economical with my
dirt. (Laughter,) Yon have 'got
enough pieces in Toronto to maks
a thoueand icon, but they won't fit
one another,"
week." That's a pretty good string
to run your old rascals in with I
dou't know what you preachers
would do if you i1padn't.,fall back
on that. If au ang'S1 were to come
down hero and say that everybody
would live for a Mulched' years, yon
wouldn't get ten dollars+on your
salary this year. (Laughter.) Who's
going to church and prayer meeting
and pay the preacher, if he's not
going to die ? But at the end of
about 05 years they would ho hiring
another preacher and saying, "We've
got to go to the boneyard in another
five years, and we've got to get
fixed up for it."
To a preacher who had asked him
how to infuse more life into his
church he said : "Next Sunday just
walk out of the pulpit, grab an old
benoh•warmer and throw Item out
of the window. Ou Monday morn
ing you will have to pay ten dollars
in tho. Police ()mut and five dollars
for the window, but next Sunday
horning you will have three thous-
andpooplo trying to got into the
church to sue a preacher that 1105
clone something. (Laughter.) We
have got to do something or w e'il
uevor bo respected+"
111101) ole TEE hoc.
"Hero goes a rabbit, running a
121310 a mindbs—hustling himself.
A man says, 'Run, rabbit, run ; it's
only half a mile to your den.' Bab.
'bit says, 'Mister, you needn't en.
courage on to run; just Head off
that dog' " (Latightor.)
"There's too .moll encouraging
the rabbit and too little heading off
the dog (Applause.) Yon can
preach aaytbing you like to a woman
who knows hor husband:is nufaith
ful to her, hut. she's 'm holt every
miilttt0 she breathes. So with the
woman with a druulcon husband."
"Let's preach against the Into
rooms and the gambling dons and
the ehamolees hottse, the doge that
are chasing our people down to do
sbruItion ;- let's head the dog a boat),
an'cl encourage tho rabbit a little, •'
(Applause.) It don't talio mach
grit to o0courago the rabbit, but
you've gob to look out when you
head bbo clog off "
"The proaohors always say to me,
"You head off tho dog and I'll on
The lecturer axprossed n groat courage the rabbit." 1 was hero
("Wilco to tho sentiment of the for throo maks and I hardly got to
hymn, "O11 to bo nothing," and spank to the rabbit at all,"
wanted to know flow "nothing" People gruuthle;l sometimes slant
could wear it crown or play a harp. his style of preaching, the leeturer
Toon Ito disliked to hoar a neon said, but nobody could complain
singing "1 am nothing bat a worm that they didn't understand him,
of the dust." ".I always put any fodder on the
"Supposo you went away from ground, whore everything front a
home, and your wife sent you a let• I goat to a giraffe car got it," 0:lattgh.
ter directed 'My Tear Olcl Worm of ter!,
King John of Abyssinia has made
overtures of penes to the Italians.
M,iuneapolie proposes to erect a
[milling Iweotyoight . storeys in
Gen, Boulanger thinks .!hero
should be a dissolution of the French
parliament and a revislou of the
Bulgaria wants the Porte to ex
plain the stationing of Turkish
troops at the town of 1IU.et.tpha
Paella, on the frontior. FAT CATTLE WANTED:
The Now York Senate bis, by a bs �rwbloh.tee !tabes: market prloe will
unanimous vote, passed a bill pro- 1 mina:aka a epecianty of buylu1 Hides
Whitingthe s ioof sig arettax cigars and akin,,
.S t d Uun'a Atreot the phwe next goer to
or tobacco to minors, 1ebobvx'a Jsweb1y >i tore.
Statist OS appear to show that in
England domesbio servants are grow.
ing comparatively fewer. In 1881
there were 1,000,000, but iu 1138d
there are 1,260,000 only,
SALE o1+ BURNS' RELI60.—A table
four chairs, a ladle and a pair of
tangs, which were part of Burns'
parlor furniture at Eilialantl, to.
getber with a letter, a leaf 'of his
13111 PO book and a steel ehoppar, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS
were recently sold at Dumfries,
amongst the effects of the late \V. SI'. B. DICKSON,
Nicholson, joiner, whose mother Solicitor,
was in the s.'rvwa of ?fro 1301 11.,
and received the table, chairs,ours 13rnsscls, Out.
and lactic at the time of her warn -
age. There was a lnrge attendauce,
bat the Competition was slack. The t
following pri.•s hero obtained :-
Alain street, • $trnaseis,
Fresh AND Salt Meats
Oftbnbest quality always on band and de.
livered to any part of 110 village arse of
Shama vary /worship.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty, at
T! :
Toto chairs, .£12 1011., to Mr. Mc -1 .� 7
Ei115s , Plough In Ayr , one painter,
General Blacksmith,
LO 15s., to J. .1 Glover, painter,
Dumfries, ono do., 28, to Mrs.
Smith, Globe Inn, Dumfries ; ladle, 1
28 5e., to Mr. Makiseook; tongs,
£1 12e., td Andrew Dawson, Thim-
bles; letter, 28 5e., to Jatnee
Richardson, Glasgow; leaf from
exam book, 2.4 5s., to Mr. Richard-
son ; chopper, 21, to Mr. Richard-
son. A bread basket for which £1
Gs. was offered was withdrawn. A. Call Solicited. t Remember the
Tho letter is to the poet's wife, who bland..-N1;u1 •Ana Brn,r.E•
was thou at Ilauchline, and is dated -
from Ellisland, Septombor 12111, 51 S. Plum.
1788. It is usually given in the
poet's works. and rofers among '/IONEY TO LOAN.
other things to new gowns .vhieh t.
Aulerican outerpri.o is felt at Joan was getting, and the bairn,
Hernosand, Sweden, which has just I idge of which he hoped to have.
been provided with the most north
ern electric light station in the Canadian/. I°ds ' •> jl ciao
world. Tho lamps there aro lighted
net hill poet 2 o'clock in the after. Detective Fcthov was sante:mod to of 1'ri.Vat<' l+'nntls hast' just beep
wean, and put u01 at. fifteen min: fonrteeu ytt.ar' in the p+�oe'outtary plaeecl in my htutcls for In-
utos past 19 o'clock, midnight. t on March 29ab. vestment
From the edition of Geo. P. Row. The marble dealers' oouvention at
ell S; 00's "American Newspaper fiamiltou decided to shorten the :1`1' 7 PER CENT.
Directory," published April 2nd tonna of credit on all cemetery
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of Blackernithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Specialty of Horse -shoeing.
properly standing—oapacity of the
eight largest churches in Europe ie
'mid to he as followe :—Sb. Peter,
Rome, 54,000 persons ; Milan3athodral, 87,000 ; St. Paul, Rome,
25,000; St. Sophia, Constantinople,
28,000; Notre Dame, Paris, 21,000;
Floreuce Cathedral, 20,000 ; Pisa
Cathedral, 18,000 ; St. Mark, Venice
A citizen of Chicago bet $50 with
Gleason, the horse tamer, that the
latter could tot bridle, harness and
drive a big brown mare in less than
twanty-five minutos. She hadn't
boon bridled in threo months and
was a kicker. 'Tho horse tumor,
within nine mitutde from the time
rlsitg in the morning, is good,silo wail led into the ring, had
Sometimes a good medicine for bit -
bridled her, tied tin cane to her toil,
iousnoss is the remedy required. hitched her to a buggy and driven
Po ,,',nova paint from windows, her. Ho turned the motley over to
tattoo Htrong biaarbonato of soda and tho Newsboys' lio
' lno of Chicago,
disaolvo it in hot water. Wash the
glass, and in twenty minutes orhalf
an hour rah thoeoughly asitia O. dry !to uuucr5tood his btteinoss Lotter
cloth. that the bettor did.
Lomous will keep good for montlia The cletectivos of Detroit have
by simply putting them into a jug arrested a roan Who io declared by
of buttormilis, changing the batter -
101111 about ovary throe weeks. Whoa
the mons aro required for use they 'scri
hit minals oat :led :vest. Thera
should bo wall clriocl w''th a cloth. i5 also locked up a young woman
charged with being his confederate
i,; e3rac)tt•te t 1eToBwe�. and accomplice. The mau is charge
'.Chore aro 1.0,07.1 barristers in ed with the recent burglary of Rayl
ck Co.':; storo, and it is claimed that,
with hoadquarters liege for six mon-
the,bis operations have oxtendedinto
Ohio, Indiana and athor Sutioe.
The prisonors are William Howard,
alias 'Thomas Saott,and with many
other aliases, and Sara Gawly.,
Howard's tomo is supposed to bo at
oyracus0, New York, and ha is said
to have boon in prison. Letters
found iu possossiotr of the perbios
111(110010 that they cru Ulan andwife,
but _this Howard denies. Thu ].sato,,
saying that he didn't gamble, but
much toe bet to show tho batter that
them to be ono of tho clevorost
crooks in tho country, 0110 of the
Inlet cr,tcksmen and one associated
Eleotrio lights aro now being ap-
plied to carriagos.
An international couforencs of
Quaker womon is spoken of.
Torino httv5 boon arranged for a
railroad in Siam from 33auglatle to
Tho Field spooks of to boat 10111111
is being built with a centre board. in
onelt bilge.
A now systom of gymnastics or
physical training has boon intro.
ducod iu Clio British Navy. is very nobby in stress, plonsing in
London aubhortties report that addross suet prepossessing in genoral
"tho hideous ousbion.at the back," malco.up. Mo wits stopping when
the bustle, is growing smaller, arrested at the Madison I:Iouse. His
A grand chase touruainsut be- valiso oontaiuod it ftuo set of burg.
twoob British and Gorman players
will take place at Cologne, probably.
within throe months.
A new sort of pavement, consist•
ing of alternate bard, and soft
blocks, pres0uts la surface which
will Hover grow smooth and slip.
lat'stools and tho girl's trunk, which
was opened where oho was working
ou Windsor stroet, contained it com-
plete assortment of tools and fire-
arms. Howard loft his tools in the
girl's trunk when mol at "work"
himself. The girl's parent's live11i
Windsor, across tho river.
It is stated that two parties, now
engaged iu the Detroit Pin Factory,
aro desirous of starting a pin and
wire nail factory in Whameeville,
Work is to be commenced this
work on now barractcs'at Stratford,
Po erboro' and Brantford, The
burned buildiugt at Iiiugetton and
London will be rebuilt this spring.
An Ottawa paper publishes a list
of interviews With prominent Cana-
dian ministers on the subject of the
union of the Presbyterian and
Methodist churches. All favor the
union, but think that time only will
solve the basis of sottlement.
Martin Purdy, who resides four
mile+ east of Springfield, is the
father of an eight ycar•old boy who
weighs 118 pounds. The mother
is a small woman, and the father
only an ordinary -sized mau. His
brother, who is ten years old, looks
like to 131ero child beside hie grant
brother of eight.
\Ve live in au age of wonders.
Prof.11lista Gray tiaa iuvsntoil a
machine called the telantrograpb,
which threatens to brand the iu-
venter of the telephone as nothing
moro or less than a chestnut Bell.
By the nee of telautograph it is
olniy uc000sary to rine, the party
to be GO:mma0icatea with, then tako
down n pencil connected with a
wire and write the message, where-
upon n pencil at the other end of
the line will immediately write the
same message. Tho answer is re-
criveti iu the eem° manner. This
invention is to many respects a
great improvoment ovoe the pros -
out "Bello" system, and should be
warmly welcomed, notwithstanding 1 closire to inform the Public
that it may cioprivo them of the fun that 1 have Leased tho 1ve11
known 131tu siiis taw Won
from Thos. Town ti11d will run
the businoss next Season.
1 will also continuo to follow
my trade as
:w1I`0NY D:2t:9.tw"0N,
haul am prepared to furnish esti-
mates for Jobs, &c.
131i1LDING :4Nt) f'Oltrl.R STOIVt'1
Borrowers can have their luau
complete in three days if title is
satisfactory .
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. We ere opening out full lines
from established and reliable makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Dc,yz 'ns.
eJ E BW lett IE I' :
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
0 Earrings, art
Also have in stock a full lino of Violins-
iolinsanti Violin Strings. dhc.
N. B. -- Leiter of _Marriage Lic•onses.
T. Fletcher,
of listening to a onedeggocl (louver -
A. foto days ago 10 wt11-known
wealthy South Yarmonth, Elgin cu.,
farmer received it noto to tho effect
th at if Ilti'wonld walk down the lane
of his farm to the wire fence 11e
would find a piece of rag wrapped
around tho Cowie, attached to the
rag sould be found a string, and if
the roctpiout of the letter followed
Ode string bo would find a box in
the field. lie was warned to placo
$800 in this box, otherwise his
buildings would, alto writer throat-
etod, bo burned to the ground. ,The
farmer investigated awl found the
rag, the twins and the box exactly
ne stated. Instoad of placing the
money there ho, however, loft in the ••r••
receptacle a letter intimating that . F• ' La.J-Z,
the authorities had beim cotumunl•
Gated with. Nest morning this 1'liill'ItTTh'VOati,
letter as missing. Ilore 1110 0080 .31ic1sal .
rests f the present.
ttlwuys on hand.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
.t specialty ,.duals; or 11t'icktaynrg rine
Plata ce leg time.