HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-6, Page 2airootory of Churohoo and boiotiooi
MEuviuux, Unr-non,--Sabbath Services
sat 11 a, in, 40 0:30 p, m, Sunday School
at 2:80 p. n[. Rev. John Ross, B. A.,
lirsox Cur am.--Saabbath Services at 11
ru, 1n. and 6:'10 p, in. Sunday School at
`2:30 p. m.
ST. Tolm's Cntn g,--S8bbath Servioos
at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. Sunday School at
9:80 a.m. Bev. W. T. Cluff, incumbent.
kfb'rnou[sT Curiwu.---Sabbath Services
at 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p, m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. in, Rev. M. Swann,
RcaMAN CArnoniC Cnoucn.—Sabbath
Servioe third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. 1'. J. Shea, priest.
OeuFeLeews' Lanes every Thuretilay
evening, in Graham's block.
Mase!:m LODGE Tuesday at or btAore
full :noon, in Garfield block,
A. O. P. W. Lcu0E'on let and 3rd:Mon-
day evenings of each month.
Foanswatur' Lorisa: 2ndand last Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's, hall.
L. 0. L. let Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
Powr Orrrcn^--rt`lfiice hours from 8 a.nt.
7.30 p.tn.
,MF.t7[A:�YCg' IxnTITOrs, Reading Boom
and +S.ibrary, in Holmes' 'Woolf, will be
open from to o'clock pan. Wednesdays
and Saturday's. Miss Minnie Shaw, Lib-
BnrsswLs \t_ C. T. ft, bold monthly
meetings on 'the 3rd Saturday in each
month, at 3 ,o'clock p.m. Mrs. Swann,
Pres. Mrs.. A. Strachan, .Saes.
S.LVATIox Amar services at 11 a. in., 3
and 8 o'cloak pan. on Sunday and evert
evening in the week at 8 oh' lock, at the
learraoka. Capt. Batessn,rommand.
I en's Corner.
It to very seldoua tthat the Wolfe
is tainted ; but instances have been
recorded of its iteing•so subdued /le'
to follow its master about like a
dog. Eveu in .nob"cases, however,
the animal remains'very savage so
far se other people khan its master.'
are•c"ncerned. A wolf which had
been brought up from a puppy was
one)• given by his 'master to a Perms,
•menagerie. It was some time be carried easy, ane) the crena and
fore the animal sass:id take any food Paesen3ers eiptent,the feagfel eiours
and it would pay no attention to of nigbt in nue sanious waiting for
the keepers, attacking them uponthe tight of •dete to diameter their
-every opportunity, After eighteen Poetthon_ When daylight came
.montloe absence, its former master two melt ;got ontw floating epee, and
-visited its new home, when it lis fought laasd, but in vain, to reach
p eyed the meet violent joy. tube the shorn witha line. lee :aa hour
element he spoke the faithful creat the ship, thaszfleted by the, •breakers,
tura hegau to eey nut in the utast would break up:. The lieutenant
semens manner. The door of his, to where tthR 'wolf bad been given
-nee 01.t opened, when be instantly thought of the regimental P. He
rn.h'•ai forward towerdn his friend, was battled hien hie cage, •tt line
leeped upon toast, licked his saes, Wan fastened around hie node, and
:led wee with the greatest difiioul'to ho was pi'toheiento the sea, strug•
• ming vera' much against hie fate.
Be safely reached the chore, and
by the cid of the line a rope wag
battiest, to idle doomed ship, by
which 2Isfelt forty persona •escaped.
teie v• ty greet f•:a.'• '•a• max) Dr. The retededer, some two handred,
It herdso0, ,in Anita, traveller este dlv.tusd, iu eousequence of
WAR -landing et .the edge of a pled the breaking of the rope, when the
Slits was not hurt, and set o t the
ground, witithate till, the owneu pf
the trap'sbuuld'oeme to look Melee
captive. `'Presently a lal•ge 'Wolf
acute tumbling into the l;it, and ehe
gave herself up for lost. The wolf,
however, evidently ooneidered her
as a part of the trap, and wee quite
es afraid of her as she was of blue.
So there the fellow prisoners re•
mained until tfto 'termer came up,
shot the wolf, and released the
woman from het -captivity
Sometimes, 'when hard pressed,
the wolf will ;feign death, Captain
Lyon, in his '"Private animal,"
mentions a mule wbere a wolf had
been appersutly killed, rand Ilio ma-
nses thrown into a boat, send
brought en'board the ship. Seine-
oue, however. noticed that the eyes
blinked when an object was swept
in front of them, and so lit was
th'•ught +advisable to hang the ap
parentis' dead animal to the "wigging
by its'hind legs. Finding that its
ruse had been disoovered.,'tbe wolf
chewed himself to be very much
Mfrs, Mitten, : 'All, ;i+j:1'a, Lordly
hero tomos Colonel Saddle„ Qol.
have you mot;Mlrs. Lordly ?' Mrs.
Lordly (ploatfhutly) : '1`',t, I don't
think be bas had that pleasure.'
The National Air, --'What it the
national air of this country ? asked
e foreigner of air. l+a,ngla, 'At
present the natlonsl air is tui'rbty
cold, replied Mir. Fangle., ee Iso but•
totted his overcoat closer.
Below are three definitions which
were handed in at one time or au •
other in one of our hest eohoole
Turmoil—e kind of oil, Bandit—
a lawyer, Barrister --0 man wbo
sings ie the choir.
Spr'in'g! Spring! Sprang 1 l3oi1s1 Boils!
Boils ! The best Blood Purifier and Tonle
is Da'. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Tbs
People's Remodgr. Lampe bottles a cents,
'My tutted here to night,' said
a y.ruug lawyer to a dataset ou
whom he had called 'reminds me
o the cry of en owl. "Indeed,'
sped the maiden ''what is your ma
metal here to night ?"To wit to
woo '
teive, hi.ttnt: :•tuft stele:meg alid Stnall Boy .(10 his big sister) :
twisting ma body strut 'with such 'Edith, do you hooey wily I think
agility that lie did not &Fusty give
up hie life until he had etoceived sea•
erul severe blows on the le ad, and
o'beeouet bad boon roan through ilia
)Perhaps the strangest wolf story
we knot, is that wheoh tells how a
welt saved aeitip lei 184.!t 0 welt'
was oeptuicd in 5t •l she's, Now
toundlend, mad giver to au officer
ter a regiutentte pet, )Mike the tiger
.hr the Madras .1Eensiliera, or the
gt at of the Welch at -ateliers. 'The
t.ro(sps emlxukede (for England at
'Quebec, ou board ttbe "Harpooner."
The uew pet wee •leant le a Strong
'iron nage en tie hurricane 'deck.
The weather reeved very stormy,
and alt the ferocity was sown )taken
out of him by the rollieeg ,oi the
ship. In the storm nee darkness
the veesel eat tagreund iu' the Gulf
of Newfounabbend, the boats were
it-.•ortd to bit dm: O1* his master
mete) t•','ring him h. tel ill, r0 1 net
hi. recovery, remc:uted ..t. ,,:swage as
to ht. nunpproactbreole.
1i'''•'ves, though rapacious, enter.
nice, iodates eat, a . ver Utast relied ',hip bruit', ctp
bi hoe the elites^ , f the evening Sad to r1.11, • tixis life etvinei wolf
come on, and, ittetteo a noise, bed (lied of the injuries bo bad received
tu. teal round. and BOW nine wolves, from ayag;ed.rook in landing. His
Ida. l , d ranged esbetiaeives in em' 1 akin was stuffed by order .of the
ha w of a UtseEeut, and wore el- admiral, mudremains in the mus-
venting to drive''bim into the river mint to tell the.story.
"When be feeod them they halted,' �_-
and when he advanced they made
way for hie peseage down to bis
,companions it the tents bebi'nd
them. This crescent formation is
-,a favorite device •e the wolf. When
tthey observe deer grazing ou high
pieces, near precipices, they assem-
' bre in great numbers, form aeras-,
•cent, creep stowl3' till they get clear;
their victim,end Ben with hided
yells, spring forward. The deer fly
in the only direction open to theta,
and are thus driven over the peens.
pice, when the wolves run down and
devour them. This would doubt -
lees have beou their policy with
regard to the traveller wo have men•
tioeed, had he not 'd'etected their
approach in time,
itgle fear of traps is a strongly
meeleed feature in the character of
the wolf, so tha' whet the bunters
kill.Yan animal which they eaunot 1 Stranger—Ya'as ; have you seen
.carry Away, and which they cannot, ( anything of it.
for went of trees, hang up out of a t What kind of a stove do you warm
wolf's reach, they have recourse to madam. ?--Well, we're just married
a very simple but effective strata- and going to keeping 110180, and as
gem. They merely plant a stink I don't know how to cook, I think
by the side of the dead animal, tie I'll take a cooking stove.
to the stick a strip of calico or sine 'Papa, wllere'e atoms:?' 'Atoms ?
liar material, which will flutter in I don't know, my boy. You mean
the breeze, and there leave it, being Athens, probably.' 'No, I mean
certain Haat not a wolf will dare to atoms, the place where eveaytbing
attack so suspicious an object. In is blown to.
default of calico they simply open Uncle Ratites when asked by the
the animal, take out the bladder,- magistrate if he knew the nature
inflate it. and tis it by a airing to of an oatb, replied : I reckon, I
the stick. If, perchance, a wolf does yo' honah, for Pee own'd a
should be caught in a trap, all its balky mule dose foahteen yoaha.
courage' deserts it, and it allows b i,pssov,
itself to be killed without offering aAlrles100aIsbnls1 gnu tfrio nib eine u:o
any resistance. The pitfall is the grayness of the hair can d it bo stoppe;taken
trap most 1n favor, as 1t does not In bus. no lest lot it run on without mak-
ing 5.0 eirort to msec it. Clot a Imine of i>r.'
injure the skin. In depth the. pit ie Dorobwond's tl&rman hair Magic tit steam
about eight feet and is alas a made latus the growth, given 105,10 vitality. and
g . y keeps 1fa natural culbr, hosides b00 (3 a. au.
with the bottom much wider than porb dressing. All ate ggietseo11 it,
the top, so as to prevent the wolves
from scrambling out—just the shape
Which, on a smaller scale, is so use -
fel in trapping the field mice on the.
It is narrated that on ono occas
Bion an old woman had the tniafee.
tette to fell into one of those traps.
V araetie ss.
Conaooted with the best people :
Telephone, girls.
Teacher: 'In what beetle was
,Gen. Blank killed ?' Bright boy :
"Hie boat cafe.'
A Vienna tailor has stamped up.
ten hie billheads .a picture of the
-forget menet. Many others might
well adopt this suggestive vignette.
.Junes : 'Lock at Brown over
there in the eorner.' Jones : 'ties ;
buried in theught:' .Jones : 'Mighty
shallow grave, ain't it ?'
Are yon not going tense a blood purifier
this Spring? If so, •remember that Dr,
Carson's Stomas& Bitters is ono of the
best;knewn. Large bottles GO cents.
Lost and Found. --Inquisitive
Eniteenger (to stronger)—Er—I
perceive that you have lost an cam.
you are like a 'eat that ban fallen
into a hogshead of molasses ?'
Edith, 'Beoatiee I'm so sweat 2'
Small 130y ::'No, became) you're so
'1 swear by Otiose tall elms in
yonder park'—be commenced but
she inter'uptee him. 'Swear not
by then] nice said imploringly. Thy
not 7 'Because those trees aro
slippery elms; she said simply.
The,distresir f polonees so often otrearvod
iu yonug.glsls,and women ie due los .5 greats
monaure't0 atleek Of the red cori,00slOB 1n.
the blood. To remedy this requires a mod-•
iciao wbtob produces these necessary little.
blood•constttaenis, and the best get 'discov-
ered de•6obnsod's Tonic natters. Price .tecta,
and 441.40 ;per bottle at Q. A. ,Desdmann
Then Store), • Brueels.
tKK;ired lady to Geological Prafees-
or 00 a tour : Uoute aft: crud get a
Weals. !Lace your parataloone.are all
wet. :l'll.t:et you bawl a pair. df. my
&oueitendis-' Prof..; Why; ' li . am
*wipe _`yobs husband's erne. (Good.
tally:: 'I'll let you have two (pairs.'
d rinetple Deacon ; "1$mw, tiirud-'
eter•Johaeting, does yo' b'lieve int,
open or close comainnyun, eah:?'r
Candidate (diplotiaat;cally not' know
mug deaeon's viewat; "Well some likes
rtepen, and some oleeed, but et
me, . stays leave it •ajar.'
'PEOTORIA"for•oolds. ',TBCTORLr"
for coughs. "PECItOrti ^'".for the lungs.
'" Q'ECTORIA" for the Bronchial 'tubes.
. aPEOTORIA" the least, She -sorest, :hiss
,cheapest. •'PECTOI&LA"itho great .3G
seent,Cougb Bamoay.
A Georgie man Presented bia
aelaucerl with a yearling )heifer iu
! )ten of stn engagement 'pinge and
size no'te has it large bard of+aattle,
raised :from the preeent. :Probably
few women venial east -epee heifer in.
.elect el such a ram, lint they seme
time, get 0 Gel:,
Father . 'Noilie, the doctor haw
brought you a new barba',' Tittle
Nellie:: 'Well, why .don't 41 Luta
to ,breffast ?' Papa: 'Way, it
hasn't any teeth to eat Wath.' Nel-•
lie ,(after thinking a w13110):: "Well
papa,.please tell tae doctot to taste
�t beok,and finch it.
enema N.ew•s.
e4eford couuty,has 11 newspapers.
A largo building for n museum is
being erected at Port Dover.
Teaffic via the Northern Pacific.
from Manitoba has commenced."
The turning of the old Cochrane
works ieeSt. Thomas into &vespers.
outs of. as talked
A large quantity of whitefish
salmon trout fry is
to be placed ii
the bay at Port Dover.
Hy..Jaoksou, of .Emily, lost a
$300 team of horses by driving
them : into a hole left by tho ice
Black -knot is said to have ,de-
stroyed nearlyall the elaerry.and
plum imagers the immediate neigh-
borhood of St. Thomas.
Lord' Landsdowne will ,pay .his
last visit 80 .Cl'oronto on May lith,
when he wileepon the exhibition of
the Royal ,Canadian Academy •o(
According to tho Dominion sta-
tistics for February, Peterborough
Sa•t rue lowest death record In the
country, only four deaths having
The Supreme +(hurt sustained— ,
wider the cis menthe' rule—the ap-
peal of Mr. Parnell, M.P. for Glen.
garry, and he 1s therefore confirmed
in his seat.
The Manitoba Government Was
the offer of plenty of [ands for the
construction of the Red River real -
way, and the work is to be proceed-
ed will at once,
It is again rumored at Ottawa
that the lion. John Carling, ltliute.
for of Agriculture, is suffering scum
insomnia, and will be appointed
Lieut, -Governor of Manitoba.
13lobson : 'Come up to my bonne The editors of tho Acta 'lriotor%-
somo day, Popinjay. 1 waut' to Anti, the paper published by the
show you a boat of Goethe that students of Victoria University,
cost mo eighty -live dollars,' fops havo been suspended by the faculty
iniay : tame up to my house now, , on account of eritieitms of the cur-,
I want to show you a bust of a : ricult ni which appeared : in that
water•pipo that is going to cost oto
a tuutleed dollars.'
paper, and !hero fs n considerablo
cOminOtioe in 'consequence.
1iPAIL 6, 1888.
The Quebec Legislature will Meet London baa engaged GiI noro'a°
00 Alay 15th • band for au evening in June.
Tbo majority for 11'lr, Meigs, Lib• , -Halton Reformers have lodged a
oral, in lliisoissquoi was 216 protest ageinst the election of David
Robert Emslie, an old Guelph
boy, will umpire all the Syracuse
Stars oxbibitiou ball gates before
the regular season begins
A. J. Elias, of Painesville, Ohin.
a fruit tree grafter, dropped dotal 111
Hastings the other day, while mix
Mg some grafting eompositiou.
Brantford ()outwit has adopted a
recommendation et ostablieh a pail
fire depertmont (ecce, and temper
arily appointed Johu MoOaun oe
A little boy, 1011 of a wido.v
named Jenseu, was drowned at
Pakeuham, Ont, He wont to the
river for a pail of water and fell
through a hole iu We ice.
The management of ilio Teottm
seh Base Ball Club let the contract
lor budding the grand stand not the
Athletic Park to Messrs. Tambli ,g
& Jones for about $4 000
The Baptist convention concluded
their labors at Guelph lust \'Vednds
day, whet, to vote was taken on tib
Location of the •bIcblaster College,
'reroute b)tug the choice of tie eon
I•l. Goodcbild, editor and publish.
er of the Northern Cunutiee Adver-
tiser, after abate nine months' ex
perience in the publishing buetnoss
in Earrts'tou, has left for Montreal,
where be will take a situation,
A Oliriord mercteaut received an
:anonymous letter recently, enclosing
postage stamps, send stating that
'the waiter, a woman, had sold him
a quantity of rotten eggs last cum
mer., and the stamps were to pay
for them,
et, very largely signed requisition
has been presented to Mayor Lums-
den, of Galt, asking him to call a
pr,blie meeting to consider the quer•
;tion of the erection of a hospital.
the offer of:$5,000 made by a gen•
tleman some time ago still holds
Mrs. Miall, of Amherstburgh,
bee a canary which hatched oat
four young birds on Tuesday. Sbe
has also 10 chickens, hatched out
the 29th'of February, all altve and
kicking. As those chickens will
only have a birthday 'every four
years, they will reale) peer tea-meet-
e rstea-meet-
ing poultry.
Sats*:day's Guelph I3erald tells
the following frightful etory : This
mermmeg a deplorable aocident hap
peaod•in stall No. 1, dduelpi. A
gentleman tripped an a 'basket and
tailing fractured his leg. He wall
conveyed to ll.udd's tiushop, across
tiro arareet, and ,there the fracture
waseedneed. TIoe victim of the ac-
cident was George We'kefiold, and
the limb that was broken was hie
woolen leg.
"8E0re TroeiSoit aaaay'I,c Expected;"
�t ycu do not hood tho warnings of nntero
acid atonoe pay attention to the mainaan-
av04 03 your health. Slow often wo see a
person put off from day to the purchase
et a medicine which, it proaerod at the out-
,ta0t of the dtseaee,would havo remedied it
slalom immediately. Now, if Tohbeoa'e
Tonic Liver Pills had boon taken whoa the
0001 aiueaelnose rondo Ste • sopoarance the
pluses would have b ,en'sir ti,edin toe bud,"
dohnkon's Tonic Batters and Liver Pelle aro
deoldoly the beet Medicines on the market
der general tonic and iavi,orating proper-
ties, Pills toots. ger bottle. Bitters 00. rents
end tO per bottle, field by,,G. A. Deadman,
Densest, Brussels.'
.When Rev. W. A.. Hunter, the
wall known Presbyteltion minister of
Orangeville, entered the new St.
Andrew's chance, Toronto, he hung
lais,?'ersiso lambskin coat' ou the
inner wail. T'.aking advantage of
hienttsonoe at the Homo Mission
meeting the coaaP12rbdie e .
a ed When
next neerit was in elle hands of a
tater, who ,vas eadeaysriug to spawn
it in ,a junk shop on )Queen street
weer. Before a bargain was effect -
Henderson to the (Jeannette.
Tho resident railroad men of —'"—
Palmerston have oontrfbuto1 $500 This Competl),is Loaning Money
co assent the ateet 11' on the Besting• on Farm Soaurity at LOWese
tou Hue 1n the U. S. EAU'S or INlrIilu';sT.
The Nee of the James street
market, Hamilton, Were sold to J.
G. Davis, jr., for $7,580, an mese
over last year of $2,080.
Win. 11 Richey, of Smith's Falls,
sold 250 sores of iron ore land in
South tiharbroalc to a New York and
Alilwaukeo compwlV for $10,000.
Deimos Disortnes, convicted of
assaulting a young woman, was pub •
lioly Hugged at Mlentreal .or a
.,.c 'ud time on Thursday of last'
Squire Robinette of Normanby,
says that his good lady has a crab
tree iu full bloom amocaist her
flowers in the house. Who can
beet this 2
Iu a buck saw contest at Cen re.
villa last week Esa,to llurtil cut e
quarter of e cord of gram Hard
ample through twice in 15 urinates
and 55 seconds.
A Danish musician of note,
maned Auguvt Andersou, has been
appoiutotl baiudmaster of the 711)
Battalion, Leedun, in place of W.
L' Hiscutt, resigned
The wife of Revenue Inspector
Mercier, of Bennett, Quo , naa pre
tented him with triplets, a .sirl nod
two boys. Airs. Mercier is the mother
of twenty seven childreu
Ooolican & Jackson, Tor alto,
have just closed the tattle of 05,000
acres of timbered land in Fiend 1,
which is estimated t0 out sit Mots
dred million feet of yellow pion •ind
Mies Harriet M1oou, of Best Zor
ra, has a hen which hatched from a
settiug of 12 eggs a brood of 12
chiefs ou the 19th March. This is
something remarkable for this time
of the year,
Thos. Carnes, the ex•Chief of Po•
line of Paris, Ont., who et to arrested
iu Los Angeles, Ca'J,, for safe crack
ing, has been sentenced to 15 years'
imprisonment. The way of the
transgressor is hard.
Louise Montague, the $10,000
uoauty who rode the elephant in
Ferepaugh's cercus paraded at
Woodetook a few years ago, is now
living quietly in. St. Pahl, the wife
of a rostaurantkeeper.
Mr. ICeenleyside, biscuit immufac
term of Loudon, offers to esttbiiiu
a branch Notary in St. Temente
employ -tug from 12 to 20 11'udy, pro
tided tele city will gtve him :a bonne
equivalent to $1,000 per year fur
five years, iu rho shape of free taxes,
free water and coats of a sui:abit.
Ties Napenee Beaver tolls of th
effectual lesson given bv a't Episco-
palian'clergyman, "not 0 hundred
mites away," to some of his nutrias
who have the bad habit of coming
lute to church, almost a18 a matter of
coarse. He had stool it us long as
he could, 80 one Sunday morning
he astonished the congregation by
stopping i
pp g in the middle of u psalm
and proposing to go back to the be
ginning of the service for the benefit
of the late comers in order that
tbey might not bo deprived of the
benefits of sin confession and abso
lotion. This he did to the confusion
of the laggards, but, as time proved,
with very satisfactory results.
Two scalers (log Measurers) em.
ployod by Gilmour & Bo., had an
exciting adventure with a wolf.
Whilst driving up Devil's lake, in
ono of the northern townships of
ed, ;however, he became anddeniy 1 Battings county, they caw approach.
Loan 84 Investment Co.
alarmed and 'lied from the shop l ing them: an animal which they took
without coat or motley. The coat
was !landed over to the police, and
in the afternoon Rev. Mr. ,tinnier
recovered his property at polies
The ,clotting exercises and aranual
presentation of prizes at, the Oatar-
re Veterinary College tools place on
Thursday afternoon of last week.
There was a lar': o attendance of
Jetties and gentler:. n. The grade•
Ming elate numb re 125, and in-
cludes the following: 7. P. Ander-
son, Guelph; Robert Anderson,
Bomber; ,James A.., Armstrong,
Stratford; David G. Austin, Essex:
Centre ; Jabez D. Buckingham, Es-
sen Centre : J. 0 Burk, St.' Thom,
as ; Jas. ,Campbell, Strathroy W.
D, Camnboll, .l$tdgetown; George
Carter, Guelph'; Geo. Collins, Flee.
peter ; Chester E. Corner, Thedford ;
William Dann, Lucan ; U. S. Erb,
Guelph ; John H. Fox, Guelph ;
David Green, Ridgetown ; J. G.
Heighway, Loudon ,• S. Johnston,
OLtesley ; Jos. Lambertus, Toes -
water ; John A. Lawson, Walker.
ton; J. D, McGregor, Loudon , W.
A. McLean, Lucas ; L. D. Mc.
Queen, Port Dover ; Samuel J.
Robinson, Galt ; J. S. Roo, Milver-
ton ; J. A. Boo, Milverton ; 1I. M.
Rowe, Strathrov ; Walter J. Scott,
Duncrieff ; Andrew D. Scott, Dine
to be a dog. When the animal,
neared theta, however, they saw tt
was a very large wolf. The horse,
on scouting the brute, turned about
in terror, and in doing so upset the
cutter, and the wolf sprang at one
of the men, when the other struck
it and, with great good lttok, hit is
eta the tip of the nose, stunning the
ferocious brute, with which he at
once grappled and killed by cutting
its throat with his pocket knife.
The big timber ship being built
at the Joggine, Outnberlend county,
N. U., by Jamoe D. Leary, will bo.
650 feet long, 100 feet longer thah
the raft which was loot last year:
11 will be built in rho 'flame general
way as the raft, only the ends will
be sharpened and will be bull -bead%
ed to resist the action of the waves.
This raft will be ship -rigged with
six large masts, and will need 00
bugs. A large gang of men have
been at work for several woke,
under the supervision of I-. 11. Rob.
erteon, who built the raft, hauling
the huge timbers, which aro being
chained together into ono giatit
bundle, The timbers aro by far the
largest that have ever been shipped
from Nova Scotia. The work is
about half completed, and the
Monster wi11 bo Toady to launch
steno time in July or August. The
orieff; 1t, V. Smith, St. alary's; cost of construction hill bo nearly
Lewis I:l. 'Thompsou, Stratbroy; ' half es numb again 01 that of the
Goo. C, Willioarms t+ittgal. ! raft.
Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4, and 5 per cent. Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to amount and time let.
OFFICE.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, txode-
Horace Horton,
Woolen Mill.
11. Forsyth cot Sou, formerly of
the Wroxotor Woolen Mills, beg
to inform the Farmers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op-
eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable Goods
and trust that by so doing to
moot a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Wool in Exchange for Tweeds,
Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, ole.
A Trial Solicited !
Satisfaction Guaranteed
R. Forsyth & Son.
The Attention of the Public
is called to the fact that the
will give
Taveeds, Yarns,
Blankets, Flannels,
Underclothinif, c.
for the next 80 days.
Special Drives
in Knitted Goods.
To Secure the
Big name f!q� `t,.yy
/ YYYgalYal'tl
you Must 1 -
/ring the
_Si -id
the Brussels
oolerl Mill