HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-4-6, Page 1Volume 15. Washington Letter. (DnoO OUR ItEeoLAn cennettemconeere waehington, Mor, 81, 1088, The wide saope of the topics of discus- sion at the women's donforence, gives un- usual interest to the proaoodings. The improvement in their political condition is only one of the matters being oonsid- orod, and the attention given to their notable advances in other lines of devel- opment draws to the city certain re •re- sentative women, and adds to the audien• oes a number of hearers who would not be attracted if the c undo bad but n single end in view. Nothing that pertains to womon is foreign to the conforenee, and this comprehensiveness of plan, involving a review of what has been accomplished in all lines of doe lopmont, gives to the gathering a cheerful end oongratulatory tone, which might be wanting if political conditions were along discus ed. Wom- tan'e rights in the matter of education have brought to the city speakers from India, Denmark and Norway, and from widely -separated sections of the United States, 4o that the subject of philan- thropies, including prison reform, hospit- al work and work among the Indiana, the great temperance question, the oonsider- ation of women in the professions and in- dustries and soh topics as social purity woman's legal condition have been the magnets to draw to Washington the workers in the field suggested, and to give a certain reprosentetive character to this congress of women. Thr organizations to be perfected as a result of the confer. on00 promise to be of historical interest and importance. The groat impediment to many movements for the benefit of the gentle sex bas been the apparent indif- ference of the beneficiaries of the alleged improvement. Tho reformer's work of proselyting is more necessary among the men. Outside of the few requests by women for recognition of alleged rights to which valid objection supported by sound argument can be urged --and those aro few, indeed—there is probably no benefit which women, acting in organization and speaking with substantially one voice, can ask, which the mon will nob be quick to bestow. The President's message recommending legislation for the exclusion of French and German swine from American ports will not create a great stir in the pork market here. In 1887 the pork products imported into the United States wore too insignificant in amount to be specially elm ether! in the stetistioaltables, and the total imports of meat products for the twelve months only slightly exceeded four thousand dollars in value. During the same period the live swine brought here f,om other countries were included in a general classification of "all others," as distiuguished from cattle, horses and sheep, and the value of the total did not reach throe thousand dollars. mesh a discrimination ae the President proposes, nevertheless, would be gratifying to the patriotic feelings of many Americans, who have nob forgotten the uujnst treat- ment of American swine end pork by the, nations rps:dallyaimed se. Several Congressman have received letters from their constitnente, onolosing letters from a fraud in this ally, who has written similar letters to probably every fourth -clave postmaster in this country, telling them that for $1 he will have their salaries raised. The writer gave as a reference Senator Vance, of Norbh Caro. line. One of these letters was shown to the Senator, and he promptly deolared he "had never and of the reseal." The name signed to the latter is probably an alias. The scheme was no doubt suggest- ed on account of the probability of the success of a bill recently introduced by Congressman Blount, of Georgia, chair- man of the committee on postoffioes and goer roads, to increase the salaries of all fourth-olass pot -treaders in the country. Mr. Blount's bill has the cordial support of the Postmaster•Geueral. Treasurer Hyatt has adopted it new sal for use on United States notes and certificates. It is similar in design to the large one used on the $20 note, with the addition of a small lace border with many points .in geometric lathe work. It is light pink in Dolor, circular in form and nearly two inches in diameter. Hereto- fore a separate seal was used on notes and gold and silver oortifloates, varying iu size and design according to the char- acter and denomination of the 'note, Hereafter the new seal will be used ex- clusively on all paper issued.. The change in the size and design'is said to be in the nature of an additional safeguard against counterfeiting. • F. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1888. Number 39. COMMUNICATIONS ing to observe and beep inviolate the If the law against stealing is constant. I t1 they 1 broken, though Query one, elndinq are only imaginary, If "respectable snow pe existo have so informed the authorities, but they have not done so because the is untrue. she eens andencourages bad whiskey, while o i prevents e use o and diminishes the use o other light drinks, which wore driving out strong 9 under the license . WEn-. oes leen se prevent 9 e On their own testimony ere are in T o. ronto, underhoenso, two sltebeons to every In N. under noenee ore are 4000 unlicensed pieces. Statistics prove, that where light intoxicating drinke c use n Bron rill 1 greater than in those places where there Lion in both. It increases run enness in many pI80o r. ANswza —Tho 111101)3 Revenue Report, 1886,Appendix A., P 29, shows to L. 342,989 n,llone of whiskey loss were oa- st the average for the five proceeding years. And for the whole omini less was consumed per head than the the a.ears. s f pro- bable that the men who are clamoring for a license law are anxious to eoreass e' a temptations 0 wed and,bydeveloping sneaking, lying, perjury and ill-fe• lin causes more immorality thanit [seeks to remove. here is as mus erj°r laws,case for, case, as under the Scott Aot. It is not the Scott liquor t a a9 demor- alizedn The open treating under license law invites temptation and es ander u of which, honest efforts,to enforce law have provedm per gen . has the o ra o manypublic men andbusi. statement is false—the respectable an i ss men h ocriticel and double-faced. But the strong drink trate under license law, ries o row i over those ver It smiles approving- ly on its sone when they show an apti- tude a statement is a groes' libel on our business men and resented. tyrannies',and partizan magistrate to convict without andwi rig o appealon r1)this respectbeing r tamen Senate and as well as the Privy ofEngland, ona . is justi- fied even for the good the promoters seek o a andis the principle of the "greatest good to the Itlives on gross scientific errors. 91 eto exagger- ate the evils of the traffic and scientific men in vast numbers pronounce against 0 o io beverages. rhe lagbuti i moral and anti.Chrietian, and tends to weaken faith in tie ]ant y andi a Di- vinedefending Chris- tianity 1 What next? Buxton, a great said that the struggle between the chart andschool on one hand andtheliquor traffic other is one phase ofthe war e ten practically adds to Christ's commend ' thy rig hand off," the further command "and make others also."B ears "en the Bible and your business know but are as m posed as light au darkness, life and liquor m the law outs off the right hand', of traffic. r coo' er law -breakers' or • not, of property andliving or selling a which neither selene nor Scripture de- churches entre this assertion false. It is the liquor traffic that robshomes o parents, and purity ; e ate ofi ,, and of order, peace andmorality , t does notprohibit it places the traffic under le and' more hope- ful o e- ful"methods ofdiminishing in which many .sensible people could only 'reasons a method of diminishing intemperance is by pro. 00Actis a' leant m erance people aro working for prohibition ; and, as a moans t that en awe e o vin is becoming unprofitable, it injures the . important depletes the treasury without any eom- t -The barley grower is no re- it ly, for the mice to which hie grain is put; the Aot has nothing to c o w� w t ' , f liquor was not mannfee mr. ed end gold more people Would be able to tvolt co seq demand. • 101101100 i t e'rocul se- gcontly a detriment to our g Wenn • 't' crannosthetnvcuu tool'( itsC£tY1 thing, for w is r men°yy, Ont • g( •' t its aaeordttl to tale, mutant and front other is now itr Lha ehan c ul his oxpemditnles,"..-N, dopes , 11 for, I :b n g time left, For further particulate call et Y foo corner of Cart, spot, , leu t ._ blundering of ciente is the Clompeny's affirm, lest year, e Seer to y o ti (loderieh, tflatoriallyclroroastdluGOnattO y f .tat0's Department, W. boast 5rinnreandN nliese the revenue was prtrtunsetir lienar thy, the hellsol (8cti vo', will be Returning 1101111 Yiotiettx, i'tauagea. (»tnpbe , in every conceivable way bhan ie genet- inn os o ae mea In pj? roved. will bo ro erl 1. Ten counties, viz., Bruce, Dufferfu, allyto Dead. An affononunn r and went- P p It is properly allows a Dundee, Stormont, Glengarry, Huron, ways intoxication .precedes desis the forerunner and al- The following accounts werepresented : grossly precedes such exhibitions of die- Beattie Bros., Fire Department..$ 5 00' Norfolk, Oxford, ltoufrew anforce d Simaoe, order in the lower plane of our being and Wat. Ainley, won .. G 00 goo to f donee matters either er years. have a the Scott Act in tem O two ie the root at which we ehonld lay the Mrs. Wall 8 00h evidence, Coen - axe to destroy this Pollypus tree, which W. H. Kerr, printing 18 00 without parallel in tieswere as under follows 211 is coming into view of an enlightened T. B. T. MnC"nib, salary .... B,itish law for oenturiee. rationality, that the foundation prig- 16. E. Wade, legal re Bill for Con- Ar sw> n Th° Pn 1' t, S t In 1986, under Scott Act 81 oiple of our being on which we can build solidatiou of Debt 50 82 people of Canada, 2. The following fourteen counties, a house of safety with truth from God's Moved by J. Amour, seconded by R. Council have pronounced the Durham, Northumberland, Elgin, Kent, word and works. This is character 1 All Graham that the foregoing a000unts be law lust and aonstitati 1 Lambton, Lanark, Lennox, Addington, are builders, some from gaud, some from paid except Ainlay's end that it be luta It is a tyranny which t cannot be Leeds, Grenville, Ontario, Peterboro', bad material and all will be tried by the over until certified by Fins Brigade.— Viutoria and We lington, have had the Carried. to remove by it. Scott Aot in operation ono year. The motive or affection underlying the s butus Tenders were read from F. G. Neelin, ANewzn Tt is n t tyranny because it commitments for drunkenness in these Not simply a belief in the . The Soaforth Sun, and W. H. Herr for the doing them from affection. Tho Boat. I9 a law of the land, Justified on fourteen counties were as follows; rine now under disonssion is the one of printing advertised to bo due. Moved In 1884, under license 501 P 1 byR. Graham, seconded by Jno. Areent greatest number." In 1886, under Scott lot 200 rtemperance. ra. When a dogmatic to the g I g o s exaggerations and There are fourteen counties in Ontario itais easyal, of sol than the dogmaru mina, it be the tender of the latter be accepted, still under license. In those commit - the isansof half 11 it isLoe t it Mbeing the ewer&menb,iseod. moral and $ the dua andof half a pint true good liquorane Moved by Jno. the Clerk seconded by R. the evils It is impose 'bl In 1884, oomitm'tsnfor drunk'neas 2,248 willess have in.:named : injure it is also that ue Graham that Ciorh notify W. F. � „ 3 814 ounce will help, is it right as a personal Vanstono to return rope and pully be- In 1886, -_ or Governmental action to put it be- longing to the corporation forthwith.— the common use of ala h 1' b g 66 yond the reach of man ? Are we to do Carried. It professes to be Ch ' t' , s m Increase evil that good may come ? God forbid ! Thos. Ainlay addressed the Council 3. Has the Scott Aot reduced other Is this the way that character is built relative to a grant to the town Band. Ch ' t' 't t D crimes ? Yes. In twenty-four counties up ? It is an old but no less dangerous Moved by D. Straohan, seconded by R. vine Founder. and two cities under the Scott Act, in fallacy and is often brought to do ear- Graham that the same agreement be Aitewzx Ba all crimes., In 18were 84, the inhabitants imfor or vice for false doctrines. It is not alone made with the Band as last year , viz: a question between Scott Act and a Li- A grant of 5100 per annum on condition brewer of England, gg the same twenty-four counties and two cense system but es to the best method that the Band gives a weekly open air h h I the cities under license had 2,806 commit -- whereby humanity can be brought under aoneert.—Carried. h t ffi on the menta for all Grimes—a' reduction of 866 the influence of truth and encouraged to The queetion of scraping Turnberry b twean under the Scott Act 1 street was discussed and also the matter Heaven and Hell. 4. In the Province of Ontario there aobey good. Bot of Parliament truth may - ib of tree planting. is expression ox expression a truth but y of g' It ignorer' mora Land toltaig abettdnenoe band °en eare b andout o aboutne llthe ion ea� ee underr the !itise to b° the xpression of n fallacy Council thea adjourned, temp Scott Act, The million people under li- ef mf it a only the expression of the will in the people therefore subject to change Both Sides of the If ! ht 1 d offend thee out 1)t heomillion0 people ltnnerd 923 ScottAotwithout reference to popular dogmatism Question. cut off their right lib hand committed, in 1886, 1,910 crimes—a dill• fly and I hold h is egotistic Aob dogmatismAxewzn Quiet your f gentlemen, ereuoe in number of 5,9831 These facts to imply that with Scott Aot is more in -- speak for themselves. temperanc n true Christianity aas or Those t who have i seekingedthe repent of the lute of each other, and ttoh op. P5. Is there more liquor made and con- tebegmperance di than a good lfcenae system. Scott Act efes°lied a sheet coll ntainingBurned Iut to differ with your theespandlar what h they are plese l to saof the county bod esu complalu that key meutvsay, n Yes !r I1 Where are y the his - but am wiueta to abide the popular why the intelligent wmbh mento Y death. T 1a5t8 ? vote and sustain it to best of my should vote with them. These reasons nor ability,be it for or against my nre here given in full and immediately Thank you gentlemen for thio admieston 1,542,989 gallons of whiskey loss were views, whcare decidedly against the following are the answers tothem, vouch- your t afli is off both hands and feet taken out bhan of ne and for nn outpt in the Scott Aot in principle, which is but the ad for as correct in every particular, body and soul. 1886 etheverag. The out for the aggregate idea of those: who ory "Lord l Ponder them well and then deoido whish it robs men, wlieth proceeding to on Loud 1 but do not do, &o." They Igen to side shall have' your vote and influence: f 11 that t ofbee andas tale, 5 o o1itig out the hesBios see their ideas engrossed in the written It is a failure and cannot be enfor d tiaras it wrong to use. Book, than the average for gtheen ten pre - doing law and admire it as they say, but the with benefit, to the community. the eoneeientious,. who ANswim—The General Assembly of the ANewnn Tho Gild sciences do ending years. The people can't drink 001 s loft tomore if they get loss. Mark this. not alone recognize the validityeffort of sash a Presbyterian dean Church it ver Canada, hop.In order to t rid of the he effort to conform senting m vast community over the whole f t honor liquor mon are now prying out for ]t the 3fgh theirate, lives are in t 't the St nduslry wealth qq to the requirements of truth, ed Dominion, after having Session collect- and the Yves of multltedoe of hereitlzen} License. But high license does not alter The Soon a2 is not 2 ammc of alonelt char- cd igrega ion, from the a Session of such { the moral character' :of the traffic, nor eaters and h thinkc I not incongregation, an undoubted ubte: `The law dras unken and does it diminish the amount of drinking, com pendent to inge i nalu great Your f cal- ed in an g making g these of drunken- aen• the aura of her members. Every civ g Ihaed community, ,then After seven years trial of a 51,000 license pendent whinge a la great a dooroy of cele mop and in makin the liquor in the d the ban of a Metz & Bros., chief brewers end maletors, liquor u ices he Thishi at the apparent. the morn and morn e, as uta tiee and thy Omaha, Nebraska, under date of Senn- ly aor a eon y oes only uddg- lessening andf Goma, u testified hy many iio 1 p ary20th, 1888, asanre their brethren ly mo ss seen by the superficial land dog• Grand Juries throughout the It prevents reasonable P alio mind but to the mind of more in• land."The General, Conference of the intomporence throughout the United States that, High mLicense does not lessen the consumittion of or perceptionsruedal it is Gann au the rosin- Methodist Church of Canada says: : "Th° unite with other of liquor or fu any way injure the liquor of popularized evilinfti°s and universal in- law has largely destroyed the cI the b1) t iii d Wetness," highpee in affections o(oupying treating custom ;" it has "deoarn 1 edontahe ANswza—Th° Y Ontario prisons report for 1887, pages high places, preaching the righteousness consumption d£ fntoxi°antn,' p 0 and 1G, --Wentworth, fng the of . Protin belief, . burning of.heretics, g00ntly-thoo°nntof' poverty, drunken. hibition and the S tt 1 a 1 pro. City of Hamilton, under ]iceAse•0onlmit- &o. From this as a oxine wo discern a hose and (rime. Prom the Reprr Incllfbitory law. Te p P P ad 878 to prison for nder ninikess. Whelp lapse into all manner of disorder and the Stispectot: of Prisons of Ontario the goon Act. Ill on, an°luding the City of St. Thomas, derangement of mind and body of which 1880, it appears that in the Province of one milliono d, under the Suoit Aot only eo St. Tho 25. drunkenness is riot' the chief,' being a Ontario there are aboullout the same It makes many barley growers hypo, Prisons; report for 1887, peg° 6, under exterior or bodily offence with very sore under under Sclit goer an The million people suites and wheat gr t g license 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881 the county ions Other err rsults, but glossary under the Scot A muted 7,928. of Helton paid $2,085 to the poor. Dur. of ohu (flies asocied in the glossary coi1o: , The in lion p tinder the barley fndustr cats 9, rovbiiuo and Y. ing 1888, 1881; 1885 11113 7.880, under of miureh anda soci'pais' b°for° Strobes. The mouton people Y Scott Ad, it only °est 5502. them, Tampodynco is 'begotten ttto£ troth. Soon Aat conmce inttea fn number 5x988 P°neatil g good Mark ,your bailor thus : Truth ie already formulated. Oen wo Tlo08011 a difference on numIt t improve the formulation ?, I fear thus Soot c fade speak for themselves, the of a nsiblot do eotly of indirect tfor 1,lte t biftllnt. P t and stands as m menu- Scott Act does not &memo p - leas been overdone :kee et is Statinst, the Pettt,inttl X mat of aonfusfon, lutiml Babylon. Is liquor sono is ft that Dalry hotel P 1 With 1 oat growing = - it the betterment of humanity we solicit so anxious for Re repeal/t an aisles except 1t that i t Tho following "end" of a grocery firm tegiolation for ? Then °hcourag° them It injures respectable hotels18 of dete(tm sae 1 of e following Kirksville, Mo., is 0 vary good rbmper- fo ce.ow the titan and use xa arbitrary from mento iqu places Ballo m t'horo liquors aro adcltorated and the purahaso flour, soil the price of tvhtohat tiryn°dtnclune ofrthen o Whiskey men pox who dly fol+ta s thedhave nos atoll , 50 bolo fro t q she Lord,0looe mother. fie°, so let tis pe company soil nssadietfons aro low aild ld d i X01 orally Pratt tfllo tis Dons(• year, and payn ten dents a drink for it, fo unto ut° nhSc if one can hope domorahzfnli. q 01101 have at oar store 130 smelts of Scott Aot byall mcntts ANg llq-ore io not eopooth tts httoxe• a Aot dimuushes the rev- 220 pounds of granulated sugar, en Bente l 72 for good from the S bet- eating li uorB is hot n idslpentable apt intuiaate" If the vote forts If another can lin a fol 1, q The ]jar with its Duan from hquot s 1 iy, pounds of geed green coffee for tint same ter results from a good t then system; reating say any ketol, destroy all re- b" t I t 52.50 o romiutn for leek. in that be 011competitions choice, 01 Mere, Ur, lin imeete ity, an tortes to (1 Y :al- lnonev 1111 taneted nn hql g invedi 11 °ant erioons ae lihory well nim 10105 r ntLlti, and lute over boon s darner r the Altl it the saes of iigmor FID --- - . _ _ -- _-. Scott Act as en authorized law. hotel -keepers" Y Y y Yours Truly, A Yaxsn, should h the thief, thinks the law right, how can Wag CAN'T [I4: t[_. T[[!+• 'e[tUr[[ v Brussels, April 2, 1888. It be possible to enforce a law which a To the Iidtter or Tile Poen, statement t large propurtiun of the people, including Spring Chancery Court. It multiplies b g many of the beet eitizons, regard as um Duna gni-1 read in last weeks Pose Sp k h'1 'b t th E just, tyrannical and wrong? what F. S. Scott road about Mr• Denman la or h h f th Axewzn—Law-breakers do not coned - and myself in reference to voting last The Spring Chancery Sittings for this q or a law that punishe them right, and election. Now, I believe in giving justicCounty oflastopened by Justice at Goileria on Wed-nobert• liquor t d bl late nearly all laws have !aekod "moral sup where justice is duo end speaking ofy ANs D 1 i t h beans? port when first enacted, so that this ob. ever y°n° just as I find them. That Mr, I oouhottulatard address recipient s o ientof £ of ind-tho O there T jeet100 has no force. especially when it Penman insisted on me taking the oa u is Yis remembered that law itself is au slu- e downright fat bond, and ll S. Scott bar here by 11. 0. Cameron. His Lord. lioouso, Y d 1' th gator, and time adds to its strength and most know that be was making a false ship, who was a resident of Goderire in brings its enforcement, statement when ho wrote it. Mr. Den. the early days, msdo a suitable reply, t 1 I s are No rogue e'er felt the halter draw man said, "If I were in your place, Mr, acknowledging the good wisher, expressed sold, the f t h drinks a also With good opinion of the law." Kelly, T would take he oath with a clear by hie legal brethren. It cost the province last year 560,000 consistence, for I believe you. area mei. The C"nirb lasted until Wednesday is prohib't' to enforce it in 29 counties, this was over dent within the meaning of the law," afternoon, although there were only three drunkenness and sbove the fines collected. You had This is the troth, and t', S. Scott is a eases Nelson follows : to pay this. mean man to try and degrade the chaise• Nelson vs, Ferguson. In this case the ANawzn—This statement is unisleacling ter of another by twisting the truth out 11118 uncle induced the plff, to come to pP tl t 1 and untrue. The whole Provincial sm- ut elle pe, and I only wish I could say I this country under a promise to leave his a penciture nectar the License haws does found him as upright and honorable as 1 property to Ude nephew at his death. esu fed p1) 1880 n g not amount to thio earn. In every Scott haus Mr. }penman. Yours, &a., The ml(e died without making a will, Aot county except one the fines war° more Brussels, April 3,'88. JAarza KELLv. and the plff. then brought this action to D ou the same report shows that than suffleient to pay all expenses cm1- establish his right. The judgement was 'seated with enforcing the Aot. In Ilurmt •ie favor of the pliS, cost to be paid out avernµo for last 20 y I t thea wee o serpins of $1470 up to Jenn- ie er[YIaY, of the estate. 0. Seager for pita Cam- are a this present Baena,+year, and thn- Po the r atter of Tot. Posen eron, Holt &Cameron for deft. d slim will be greatly increased. Horton vs. Hall. This was an action drunkennos[s? The loss in license fess was about DEAR gill,—In your last issue there is for partition of some land in the town- It moreas s th f k $2The l ss that you lost in Ontario an article under the caption "License0tth vs' ship of Ste}then. The widow and one gun men, p oleos about one quarter of a million. Christianity," which implies that all son set up title by possession, and the Y g Asst.= about —Sea page 6 of License Report who are opposed to the Scott Act ret court doeidod that they were entitled to uumaulinoes, quibbling, y g P ] Y themselves in opposition to , Christianity. succeed on thio ground, and judgment g 1 ty by the Hon. the Provincial Secretary It is byado tin flee rounds that a to the Lieutenant•Governor for 1888. cod cause itself suffers defeat and was of the arties.ugly mer without coots to ANewsn T h p yin Revenue he 1885-6, 5165,985.82. Revenue g an of parties. Cameron & Co. for en{orom the license is 1888-7, $216,456.78.! The Report adds more especially when there is room for deft., Kingston, Davison & Collins for g that this6-fnorsa4 was caused a the s an honest difference of opinion. The doft. knowledge gained by humanity in the Taylor vs. Ruaeoll. Was an Batton by d�i ken throe 4 that 49, Vic Cap 39, which imboses fees for last center is decided] at variance to g the exclusive benefit of the Province over Christianity as popularly understood and the plff. the recover possession of some and above all other fees, statutory or land in township of Hay Phe Par' develo es nmm�nlin p ) perjury, bath municipal. The statement made as to modern ideas of temperance aro more the ties aro relatives, and the accounts be- P the lose of revenue is, therefore, positive - ties of tha5 knowledge than of Ortho- twee11 them were ie a very mixed up dor C11riatiauity. True 111s not con- state. Judgment was given metering ' 99 t been ou ly falea. slats in a good and true life, not in cry. side of th t iii In Huron the' loss wee $14,000, and the deed to be a mortgage, that the prop- It makes 'you had to pay this in extra tales. etalizad forms of thought and speech, arty be 'sold, and proceeds paid into which may be only dogma. The great taxa - Court, and that Chore be a referemce to mess men ltypo°ruical and double faced ANewaic—Not 0. single municipality in Babylon mother of harlots of which ANSWER—The h the county has increased its rate of taxa - Y the Master to take the accounts. goat Aot does not make d tion on account of the loss of the license your f r reference tont speakn or atr least fees, and therehas been en actual' decrease has rthan of to, iscrystalized more nor ' law-abiding bnatno YP less than these crystalized forms of tirne801e Council M00ting. in the county rate for the past two Stars. dogma. They have been built up with t ' t th great pare and study and endo, sed by The regular meeting of the Village a mnutlo o£ xespectah'lity Y Scott'"Act Campaign Notes. councils, &o, and have more to do with Council was hold last Monday evening. traits of character. h h PP t1 --- in past and present sea of intoxication All the members were present except ss the Semi Acta rewire or ,t that swells around us on every hand and Councillor McIntosh. •Lada In dark tricks. gueCCss 2 Minutes f lase meeting read and am Perth County Notes. The Foresters of Kirkten aro talking of emoting a now hall the coming glim- mer. A 9111 concession Blensblurcl hamar refused 57,000 for his hundred -acre farm last week. Tho Methodists of Kirkton hold their last service in the old Church on Sabbath last. The committee are pulling away the old structure. It is rumored that the Grand Trunk shops at Kingston are to be removed to Stratford shortly, with the exception of the moulding department. It is currently rumored bhet the aim'. well Agrldulturel Works are likely to be removed front Paris. The town of St. Mary's peopas0 to give the company a bonus of thirty thousand dollars, If this proposal is adapted by the usual vote on the bylaw, it is probable Paris will Mee one of its beet mdeetrioe. The Stratford Bidyclo Caul has elected. off -More ae follows : I'rosictent, Meek Wade, ro.olocted by acclamation ; vice, president, Wm, Mayniard, jun , re•cleet- od ; seorotary.b0084ur0r, J. A. Medea - den ; captain, As T. Macdonald 1 fleet lieutenant, C, r7. Wade ; aseond liettton- eut, Manrieo. O Loano ; third Ioentenent, 1'. Ballantyne, jun.; fourth lfoutenatit, Beotherhood ; standard-bearer, 4V. .hoith MOLean miming cammittco,'.C, J. "Watson, anal C. i . Nasmyth ; local vont ant, N, A. Bosworth ; reprosdntati100 to C. W. A„ 3 A, M&cfaddcni, rt ct r.. State, 1St b'68I1eetion hinge woo to men. ,zing lesbftutlon, It is pttt.out t„ every g kind, the results of which WO 11,(00 than one that:°in the County tbbvioleto s t f any one tiring also line° to arena, to Aot are those 'cello heel li000ene node* the no our vole eg,inst_repeal who ie nmwtll- pincer in the repeal election on April 19th, instead of Thos. Farrow, It swine that Mr. Campbell applied to have Mr. Farrow erk made out the necessary papers to Mn,ointed, and the Campbell. instead of Mr, Farrow. Ilir. Campbell tried to have the mistake rectified, but it could not be done in time to have the election take place on the day fixed upon. Huron County Notes. John IT. Johnston, of Fordwich, has lately Bald six ewes for $A0. Richard Pinoornbe, of Exeter, hae been appointed Road Commissioner of that town at a salary of $1.25 per day. Mr. Quarrengosser, of Login, intends arresting a number of tenement houses during the coming summer in Beattie's C rave. A Tuolter•mitlr gentleman beta to fox squirrel possesaod of two tails, gr ming from the one stump, the one being over eight inalxoa long and the other more than twelve. The Kinloss Branch Agricultural So. ciety will hold their annual spring show in Somerville's Park, Lneknow, on Tues- day, April 17th. The North-Western Fah Exhibition will be held in Goderich on the 2d, 3d, Oh and 5th of October next, under the auspices of the West hiding of Huron Agricultural Society. R. Manning, of Exeter, received a tele. gram from Snowflake, Manitoba, the other day annotloing the serious illnness of his son, A. 2'. Manning, whose three- year-old ohild had died two weeks before. The son died the next day, aged 28 years and 9 months. Maj. Keine, of Gerrie, had the mis- fortune to lose a very fine two year old steer. It appears the animal welt to the river to drink, the ice gave way and it was not missing until evening. The boys missed it when they were putting in the rest of the cattle. Three Goderich sports, Watson, Nisbet and Wilkinson, participated in the live pigeon shoot (Toronto rules) at Clinton some days since, Wilkinson winning first money be killing seven straight, and Young and Carling, of the Clinton team, shot off a tie (five birds) for second, re- sulting in favor of the former, the latter taking third place. A little seven-year-old daughter of Marshall Braithwaite, of Blytb, was scalded in a terrible manner. Her elder sister was carrying a dipper of boiling water across the room, when the little girl rag against her accidentally, upsett- ing the dipper and receiving the contents down her neck and back. The child is frightfully scalded, but is now making satisfactory progress. John MoPhersoe, of Kintail, the well- known shot-putter, who recently had his arm broken In a wrestling match Daysville, Wis., with Jaok Carkeek, the champion Cornish wrestler of the world, is all right again, and is travelling with a Croup called "Parson Davies' Athletic Company." W., M. Muldoon and Evan Lewis (the Strangler) are in the troop, and also Carkeek and D. A. McMillan (who was present at Goderich Caledonian games last yam). McPherson and the Strangler wrestled at the Adelphi Theat- er, Buffalo, on Saturday, March 10th, and are reported to have given a fine ex. hibition. McPherson will go in training shortly for the season's outdoor games, and says his arm will be just as good as new. One of the beet public school examin- ations it bas ever been our pleasure to be at, wits held in Zetland last week. About sixty of the parents and friends in the section were present to witness the an- swers given by their children to questions asked by the visiting teachers. The par- ents ar enbs were satisfied, from the ',answers they had heard, that their children were being truly educated and in their ad- dress to the children at the close of the examination gave very strong hints to the effect that the trustees should en- courage their teacher by raising his sel- ary for, next year. This hint met with genera} approbation. Wo sympathize with Zetland if they let so able an in- struotor as J. S. Wilson is leave the sec- tion for any cause whatsoever, for he is 'certainly the right man in the right place. Hunot ern Bnuor LOAN Co --The Harm and Bruits Loan Company is now entering upon the fourth year of Its ex• ietenae, and its general success since its incorporation has been suoh as to war- rent its perfect safety to all with surplus Money who have no ready fealties for investing their moans otherwise, and who require their interest promptly and at regular periods. To all each the follow- ing short recital of Loan Companies now doing business in Ontario, may prove in- teresting:—Loan Companies have now been in exieteuce for 85 years, and their usefulness. and success proven beyond all question. There bas been no failure of any Loan Company farmed under the General Loan Company Act, There are now 65 Loan Companies in Ontario, hav- ing a snbeeribed capital of $71,178,607, of which 530,1'75,470 is paid up. The total amount of the subscribed capital of the Banks of Ontario is 517,796,800, being lege than one-quarter of that of the Loan Colnpanioe• The paid 1)p capital of the Ontario Banks 1s517,580,875, being 0boet one.half t11at of Loan Companies. The Loan Companies of Ontario 110100 on deposit 011 call or short notl09, $15,640,- 100; on dsbontmes in Ontario, 58,254,• 985; on debentures in England, 541,525,- 294, Total, 68,420,832. The Banks at Ontario have deposits On call, 519,812,- 8071 deposits on notice, 422,78!! 174. Total, $42,352,071. Showing Loan Com. peados aver Mae, $'31.,068,261 The Hutton Olid Bruce Loon and Invbatnteut Company ['00811000 dopoeas from trustees, parents 1)r children in sums of (rent one dollar to three theimaad 'dollars, and allows compound interest, edted eyete eft menthe, at rotes 0s egr00d upon. The high5at current rates are allowed on n T,lamtsr TAW and 111101. 1)10115 Inw planes el'gtninont is tutee.