HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-30, Page 6gent itran t des.
Stanstead eouuty, Quebec, i
tettiag ready for a repeal on tin
Scott 'AeI.
The Baptist Church,. Ocala, Flu ,
leas expelled t+11 118 members who. e
'tames appeared on petitions fel
•fiiiuor lieenees.
''rofeesor Kirk says : Flow lith"
aloes the boy think he is, perhap
emoking bimeelf into a miserab,
slave for life.
The New York Voice propoeel
$10,000 ]:inch memorial fund to b. I
need in.the next Pieaidential earl -
ipaign for the Prohibition party,
The Londe!: Cbristisu, oommel)
-frig •upon "Ireland's Drink Bill,"
.rsaye: "It ierathet a etartling feet
that the poorest country in the
world should be spending annual!.
.211,000,000 on an absolutely et.
productive luxury."
lime Ifs,: [lap ieca tear Terms
1, I''e^Hinge :o tV•oieleok a •
:1'01'100 of the peptide Uoiverlllly
Otte (ley leet. I"(.L 1Irtn' 'Io •
1).': aid :,; th0 et•auilud li•olfn '
:e dl• frrnl BhJte to 11, derich, It di
,eite e f 22 mites, el, • tienti•eiet •
drown ht a /lug 1I1 1.80 thou (144'
e,1. 1+,iday rue 01.1 11,.f. 4Irs• ie
b'•ekhur,, 1.f ii.•, l( 8.4 .uu,y
Peterborough, tlir•d'at the age it( 1Cht
tts1n '..111 war. n+•' in LIolool
1780, and r. wuuihe:. t. he '31.11•"•
'88 Site carne '.l (`8„ tent 1. 1825
11 pworih d wum •t,,j in •.1,1 a
two in Ot i ri i a', eutpul 1'
:1.11•-1 et/duets. It ' tll.`.lat.-1. '.1411
hat the output t luu 1 a tide yt'Lr
tie total 7,000,000 feet, to be surf
11,.0, tt'1.t1 I,y w',),'n1seep Illl'lll'i11
At t tuber, ire'. a1I11 tenbst14
AC the coI'eluei,en "t the eereiet
i:: Knox church, (i:d•, un huueiay
telt r..ing beet, :ro teicrlta /II WAS ria..'
f,on the 12. v. 'J• I: `:antro, si.l,i1y
l'ht 1
ilio :,1. '»Cfe�ti'n'.' 1 III. ..,ll! I
General Newt:. uaaninn.0-ly extended to him (ruin'
.1,e col,graue,tiou ..t St. John
'John Teemerhas accepted Gan Church, tent F(,.noiscn.
-doors challenge to row athree nil A. m„ .r,,„1 ,i: ' '.;;: t'
tingle -scull race on Decoration Dai
The population of France is de
creasing, notwithstanding consider-
able i omigiation. The Belgiiu.s
are coming i considerable num b,'s,
-and Italianpinext.
Latest advicep from Arizona show
that three messengers were mut
-tiered while carrying bullion front
the Vulture mine to the Phcenis
'Mexican ou'Ilave".are suppose( to
have done the dee:'.
W. J. 'Kendall, the ,'en -Boston
policeman who swam tho Niagara
rapids, is posing- among- Engliet,
sporting rapids', is posing, among
EJnglish spurting man as- the alien)
pion endurance .swimmer of Ample
ca.. He has issued:. a challenge to
Tingllsh etlimmera ler a contest for
from $500 to $2,500.'
The cook in a co 'boycamp nee'
C}ieyenne Was told that 'he had
'drawn e. lottery prize of $15,000.
Be at .onci, invited the bi)ye iu •'
-ettwn, aid in the carouse that f '
Towed spent ever„ cent that be ha,
saved in a year. When he get
sober Le learned that he had been
.fettled, and then made ii desperet.
$0, ineffectual attempt to kill hunt
Jerome L. Bill, a prominent eluh
man anti one of the executors 1'1
:be estate of Win. Lottimer, has di
,t'r peered anti is eupposed to he 1.
(eanada. The Lot.imer estate ••
valued at several million' dollas
Last J'nly it ane found that $250
000in bowie and securities belting
.Ibg to the heirs were missing'. 1•
was ascertained that Hill was 1,•
.;F,'ousible for this. He poet :1„
'money instock speculations.
Mr. Milburn, the blind chaplet t
of the U. S. House of Represent'
:tivee, had a particularly weak voio,•
:when he was 22 years of age. H.
was very delicate, and it was 00,
'behoved Snit he would live many
years. However, he went through
a .>l course of vocal training and dev'•I
\ toped his lung rower so effectually
that he began to improve, and n,•cv
\ ' the age of 00 ho pastimes ,.
• \singularly mneical and resonant
y1CO3 and hie health i as perfect as
.,sidle fa: a man of his yea's
Milburn 18 greatly beloved iu
i tingle!), both In Congress and
fpop �one in a hundred of the
' tlnder6ho travel nn railroad tralna
1ke,weed how the pressure of .air
tl'uln,"pply the brakes fo a
14 elber da a railroad man the
':1 , `'Formerly the air wail
turned into tcylinder under each
or viten )',• 4581 to be ate
"'1 1' t':eure need to force
fie:. brakes ul, . heist rho wheel,,
rrt,"6ty, the btek(a
i sheet. by spriva and tohl he air
lop the in.„,,ate •from
the N-iEele %bile the y
1eotio, ',' ,, ,;tap the eta iu ''is in
rr1, ('a(,0,.ln�i. Olen the spill,. tho air
4Ila brakes In sit t eidt,tap he
IP" ar..e rudtired and that. stops
't R eigee sA ,.f,all child could ear
•t a )coin by puling a rope peojse
few from the toilet ro(*11 of ,vary
01.11801, 1.51,1,J 1.1., 1: I' 1. 'i 10 1::11,'+{'
0011.10 110us.' of r'utte'd y .-treeI
wax in nettle) i.biy till p, t ,i1 W11011 111
tante to clan the lees to find that.
,t clan " hftd br en ]te weed (nein.))
ing him to play :h- )u,wu, play nae
1'1 open the -'w 41'thl,'.o u, Send )
He didn't sigh
A Minor it td' J ver
w01,nug the 114104'01 a coal mine
Autl,racite, N. W. T., • r,11t1L :1.
slipped and tell 800 f1 et, -breaking •
rib and his right aria be rill s „
eeiving some 8011-00 141utses,
marvellous to say, esuuped dote la
.L, his descent lis struck 1}notle- r
total and very nearly e,.rried •11:,1
down also.
While boring in the arteliun r. •:1
at (4 eu000 on Saturday, s:It
,.track (11 a depth"' of bout 1,204
feet. The bed is ahoSt 75
,hiok of pure ro01t' •.,Iii .1: -•)
11.w,•ver, n ,uni fi:,w n' wltt
Ia 11100 is nie.,t'1 iteu.le4 that t•a r,
•.e ewe 1e !,e• 0 fe, Iy its .1,
111 c' 1.1.r.:01 ` . 1
b 1.. 1,500 fad , wale I will ~l1,
001111 0.01
ll(0ealtoL' i11u-t1 _442,' 1 1 l u.• . ,
r.. to h U. •I' I '1,2 "I
etvo 0011,8 1118 -,.•t '•( he Cu, p
: j.0 et syt,t. tel a dl 102 w0{,10
148 first 01 :he )nem h T ,.
ti t11 the rive ane 0 (' ' • )
i,. jeep, CCI and 1'.r(:.1. ••
dente-, ,U':' . t.• -I 1 ,.n -u b1. 0,,
ua .om 00..0 .- 1 4 ter •.v .
,,.)eget tvL h ,t; o er for,ve
.0. ,•ane•
1110 col.te- 1 .,c rap -ft. .If 11»
Se Ac i. ,toiled f ere
41111 11 good deal. n'' hour' a lira •
1:1,.jvlitibe Lav, toVei0 •1.110 .0
m'.. y inot_uc-•'• I0 F3ruee the
Sault. Act m0jn(i,y was 1;814, In
aur on, 1,084, lu N0rf0l11, 1,100,01
Dufferiu 794, iu 1 iwone, 1,188, iu
L:'eds and Grenville 174, .11 ce=or•
u.ou 540, ie glengarry 898, and hu
Renfrew' 748
1' 11. P. Wilson, of St. (ln,h ,.hies,
Arden to the loc,ti papers ne •' •, :
'-"I have ju-t exaululed the peeve
buds and 1 fed Chet quite a It: . of
thee', have eaccutubed to the b,iunt
1lig influeucen u Jack Front, b114
there appears to be enough good
1000 left to produce a' pr -try fair
crop, at d if we ail live till peach
Harvest I think 'tee will have 0410
more chance to indulge i our
pearl's 0004404 111 "peat: e:. and
Rev, R W Willlatns, 1'aethodiet
minister, of Waterloo,while on uin
way to Galt on Tuesday 111ght of
last week to hear the Japnuese
missionary, Rev. Mr. Hiraiwa, was
.eseisting (41,0)3 la(liee off the train et
Donn, when he slipped- and .fell,
btettki.ng both of the buttes of his
leg below the knee. He was assist-
ed `on the train and brought to Galt,
where he was attended by Dr. Vat'
clod. fie 'hill be campelled to re-
main 'there some time.
While our esteemed townsman,
P. V. Fearman, is enjoying orang
0e10ff rho trios In the 13nbama 7 ie-
esttr. 'That ennneate vfltll the a lantle, the family of T. Kilvington,
Mader the t0oon8 pipe florist, of King street oast, has been
ajoying oranges of home growth
h^ about a month. His tree is
C lentadirevaNttvva:. 10)1011 with blossoms and oranges
Large Mede of salt have beau of it etngoa, of growth, and porno
'10 ad 'tear 1(20 fend about 100 ft. inebe ripe ones measure about 18
from surface in eirollmforenoe. Tho tree
Is W worth . seeing:,-Ifamillon
Much. activit$ ,`prQ all ' , in . the Speer or.
'ffeeoleg;►'zvoi•lis bit o'2}ie Canadian The*aeebridge Gazette tell of
„Pacific railway. Over. 500 hands pre as mceiclnt that happened at the
employed in the loeonlotiyc depart'•, acquadut on tbt: railroad' between
rmerit t ,., •'•' : South liiilr and Trout Oreek. There
While in England, Mr. l;urne, is a bridgthere over it ravine near -
:M. P. organized a syndicate with a ly a huttdri.feet deep. Two wow -
capital of $255,0(10 to operate 700 I en, each wi a child, were on this
square miles of tilnbar limit on tilt' .bridge ono t y recently, when the
I,awett Bt. Lawrenno. 1 enow•piouglierain (tame along, Ono
It•ia now etated that the I'roMiers I woman lay tlwn flab at the side and
'o£ tho oven Provinces will sail for{' hold her chill under this bridge,
Enf{Iand enter tfr 31re 2fird of .Ione,! suslpended in its air, and both 08.
00 lar' the Interprovincial resolrl-, caved. the pillar woman lay 'Own
110214 before the Imperial Rutheri• • on the britigk, She was ler•
ties and urge that the Canadian - ribly turf, while the child was
� s
1:11' J$5F,LS-POST
,nd 1111 our Mills !
(lied 1 'in.g completed the change from the stone to the
Inn '•'c 1 -tystem of (Grinding, has now the 1011] iii
3c.f Running. Order
x1,Lt1 t" ,•t' til 1418 old onstOn)er81tnd its 1011113' now 01108
)880)10, Chopping done,
ri, ::.i,W1' S 021
111;4.. .''tree 11,, ::I for any quantity of Good Grain.
MA1frr1 30, 16)6
T,>mt.rsmatra ar 1ft .
FuRNTth' Ev1POfflUM
AL1uliS Iii`'tl ; J+ ti�.l ` 1Lti11K.
The proprietor wishes to r'mind the public that his stook of Furni-
ture. including Perim and Bedroom Suites end
all kinds 'f furniture usually kept in
i1 .e'l'se -class store,:'.vr, s
MEIVER M',uttE CO '• 'LEr, a,.
Latae N Styles of riott re Moi;)] a ng,
Frames and Oil Paintings in stock. As 1 now
own Furniture; having
l'4141i .i . l (YE.E Y. l'OWNSIdIP
sort •8,.a. ;Mine 11) 14. 101.. 10 0011•
c.04 104 I00 . r„1,. It is utrtly 010a800, 4410
balanus- • 11 11.'0b0110,1, 1, waver failing
aron'':ve4-'-1nn;,L,on 4' itis well adapt
ed.or tit.01433.,' ;T•„i1,g I will l t11e•
wise sell 40 acs 's, bonu 'nal part of lot 1.1,
am.10, . 'I4 .11 :sleeved aid in a Rood
9400• 01 .0111,000u. 1 good frame barn
,vith a -4000 ibable underneath nod
;1:1Per 1141(04 n'.111 i"roils•" ,ii 4450 locot'i for
rortrer r "air tit is nnl",site (me oth-
er crit 1,11,, ,.•, VEi10, Proprietor. t-tf
yo U'l: DEBTS.
-3301('0 EQBI\E88Ili--
Et�^Z'Ai3ZtTSfZE77 51)1'166'x,
$sving for its object. to collect from all
that is possible to collect from then pub-
nsb the names of all that cannot or will not
pay, which list is supplied to every member
Of the Ase0ciatlon throughout Canada and
United atones, Tho' membership now num.
d 8v al1 4o rte the thousands, tand le powerful organir-
ationin oxide:me for the
Having eve 8001eastanllshetl Agencies.
3iemberehtp Fee: test year 810; find year
88 40; 3841year 84,, if renewed 941(4' -
in 1 month after membership
And upon receipt of which, Certificate of
Membership. dolt 1,I0nt bcolc, full .supply of
Associationhwill�be 0004. Send 10? (.0etimoions for a
J. n11r6►'ELL MULLS at CO. age's.
1 -Mo. t.il.to:,., Ont
I have just received my Spring Goods,
which, for value, cannot be surpassed for
Cheapness oven in bankrupt stocks.
New Dress (0)041s, Nely Chtwnhrays, Bon'
Seereneker8, New Prints, New
'rrlaunings, Now 1 mbrolll•
cries New 0aees, Ne14
Curtains, NOV 4111011
and Cellars,
New IIalldkar0lliefe, 611., in soilless var-
iety. Everytbing,Now.
Auyq Cheap dna Sella Cheap is what
SHnvt; 4100x.
I sell Teat at 200., 2+ic., 1100„ 35a„ 400„
-fie. and Me:, per lb. In 5 ib. lots at
'Reduction will be made,
!alts (+1f Good
of all (Olds very Cheap at Str.S1's.
tcs"13utt(ranrd 19ggs-taken in Exchange
int floods.
1 ►►ell Nor 1)e, t',rnYJt:coI4.
I C'fll and Ser Ole. (iord.
Cavan is ,So- issues and Trade Marks scoured
nud all other patent onuses in the Patent
t' face nal before the Courts prunlptly, and
carefully attended to, Upon reoelpt of mod-
nl00inntion,�nal adv 80 as to melte
pa entability
Free of Charge. Fees moderato, and f make
no elmrse unless patent Is securea: Inrorm-
atton, advice and 04180in1 rnfer01004 sent on
application. J. H. r,I termite, e, 1weei t',gten,
D,C., U.B. Patent Gales.
New Shoe 15teree
Formerly of Goderich, wishes to
inform the Public generally that
he has opened out a Custom
Boot & Shoo Store
Opposite the Amerioan Hotel
and is prepared to take Orders
for all Kinds of
Ci7"aTOlbf woI{aS.
None but First -Class Workmen
Employed and a Perfect Fit
Repairing neatly done.
y. Downing.
I am leaving lay Ac eouxrs 'with
Mr. Hargreaves
for a short time.
mitnufacture my
ell Constaltly �imploye�,
I am in a position to deal with the public on more liberal terms
.than ever. All timber used thoroughly seasoned in the first-class
' dry kiln at our Factory.
A11 parties Indebted to mo
1.vill pretest
Settle.at Onoe,
otherwise these 1tceotints will be
Repairing Proms jbtly Attended to.
First-class stock of U tit'rtaker's Goads always on band. By
dealing with ns you secure - the best Ln)ntufacturefl ler the 4.41')1(1
price as you would pay for n. second or third rate article elsewhere.
111l Goods Delivered Free in. the Country•
LI AT I1 L . L..D, LE
We have gained ti great reputation for the elegant fits and finish,
but especially fur the Low Prices at which we taste orders. All
our work is done on our own premises and cannot be excelled in
value by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village of
Brussels. We have an '
Immo Sid of Choice got
terns sem+'
in 1tleltons, Worsteds, 'Diagonals, Corkscrews, West of Lnglan
Beaton and 12)11211 Tweeds, and an ehlormous variety of
the best Canadian makes.
PRICES range from $10, fora fairly good siiit made
�.. 9� to your Order, to i12, $14, I' 15, 110, $17,
$;18, .'x,10 and $20.
we use a10 , strictly First -Class, -and the Workmanship tiro hest.
S0m0 special lines of
rblir.t01a4SIT4v`s'f, CAPS & db dd' urillielhablC��
whit'' we -intent' Selling Off at WoxllraRFCr, 13Altc1A1x8.
pelt in ether hands for Wien
Ross Bros.
J. G. Skene,
onsti,:uilen be amended. Milled. :la• 111:11 ;-4 With,
1)ra Ilutchmoon.
TILE LEADING CLOT.1-IERS fi OC'.l'a!'1'C'lll!;t1iS,
B11U6S LS, ON'l'.a.1.Bt.O.