HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-30, Page 5MA.ac1 30, 1K88
Mrs. Fisher, of Oodoriob, who wart
Mrs.c1L gone, wont home hoot Tuesday.
M:Mtdtrl.G1 Rms.
The Atwood Lodge, No, 108, of tho
I, 0, 0, T„ held their first mooting on
Monday night in the school houeo. There
wore twenty proposals for membership.
A largely attended mooting of the
shaeoh,.ldors of the Atwood flax mill was
hold in Graham's Hall, Atwood, on
Monday, 20th inet, The prinoiplo busi•
nese was the appointment of Directors,
There were nine oendidntee, of whom the
Braycleateding five wore
FooresForest,McBain, Morrison and Mo.
Gornto -elf,.
TARS -mew .
Tho They. Mr. Hiraiwa, a native of Jap-
an, will occupy the pulpit in the Mnah•
otlist church, Raster Sunday, both
morning and evening.
The ladies of the Lutheran Ohnroh in.
this town intend holding their annual
Bazaar and entortaiernent in Lillioo's
Opera honso on 17esto. Monday
The young people of the Congregation-
al Church are preparing
an originaltn
drama for their concert on Anril 10th.
Tho title of the drama it; "Miriam's
The pupils of the High School held a
meeting recently when they formed
themselves into an association oalled the
Listowel High School Athletic Aseoci-
ation with the following allows : Hon. -
Pros., R. Ferjgusen ; President, J, A,
Tanner M.A. ; Vice -?res., D. Oh•istie ;
Captain, H. Lake ; Secretary, W. Free-
man ; Treasurer, B. Bolton ; Comtnittte,
T. McDowell, C. Wendt, J. Ward, R.
Rowney, L, Zemin.
C><' n 1 tont.
Ed. hfcNemara, of Le adbury, and tim-
ber gang ere home from Wlarton.
Miss Mary A. Richardson has taken
charge of the millinery department in W.
Neal's store.
The milk routes ore ell let for the
cheese factory and bueiuees will boom as
soon as spring opens.
Isaac Smith, the popular foreman at
the McDonald eawmtll, is running things
in a very satisfactory planner. The yard
is well filled.
Mfrs. Sage and Miss Annie arrived
home from their engagement at the
Pavilion, Toronto, last week. They
charmed the Toroutoniens with their
excellent mnaic.
Four-BALL.—Last Monday evening the
foo; -ba 1 club of this village played a
friendly game with the club at S. S. No.
2, Grey. Walton won one goal, whioh
was protected, and the game ended over
the dispute. Our boye claim the cham-
pionship, however.
The Wingham Quoit Club ie to be re-
There is some talk of a gymnasium
club being organized in town.
B. Wilson's flue matched team was
sold the other day to a Montreal man
for $400.
T„e partnership heretofore exieting be -
twain Drs. Chisholm & Young, of Wing-
ha.t,, has been dissolved.
Rua. G. C. Rook, late paetor of the
Rapti •t Church here, bee accepted a call
to'(',i.. :..io, Brace county,
Th tomperence people are booming
the C.auade, Temperance Act in town, and
they say are going to succeed,
:.,h: R. Clarke, the celebrated boot.
1alert1, ,•r•,ter. is enpaeted to give teaturea
in ,v;.,"h•,m nn the 3rd and 4th of May
Tho services of Rev. T. Hiraiwa, the
Javanese missionary, were very moll
enjoyed by the townspeople and all who
bawd him.
One of the buildings opposite the Ad.
vaM•• officio, recently destroyed by fire, is
to bu built up again as soon fie the math-
s wil' p emit, H W. C. Meyer is the
pwp:ietu:,..olputting ape
good brink buildiug.
At a mooting of the Fish and Game
Protective Association ou Monday even-
ing, it vette unanimously decided to carry
out the law in regard to Halting out of
seatiOu and notice has been given to far-
mers and others having streams running
through their property to strictly enforce
the law.
The North Amorioan Banking Com.
pony is the namo of a now monitory and
agency bueinose to be opened in the Com-
mercial hotel building in town. J, C.
Smith, formerly of the Batik of Com.
memo, here, le manager and he has as.
eooiated with hits D. D. Wilson and D,
M. Ratcliff.
A mooting of the patronseof the Sea -
forth Creamery wee held in the town
hall on Wednoeday of last week. There
was a goodly number of patrons present,
James Molntoeh wog called to the chair
and Geo. Turnbull acted as Secretary.
Mr. Hannah read the auditors' statement
which woe adopted al satisfactory. IIe
oleo explained at considerable length the
difficulties he experienced in making
sales towards the oloeo of last eeaeon and
referred to the prospects for next year,
whioh, judging from experience gained
and arrangements he had been enabled
to make, he thought promised encourag-.
ment. Bo also said that if the patrons
did not object, be intended changing the
t sea -
or next Maine Uho coram f p
mode of
son and odoptiug the oil teat syetam.
The patrons decided to permit Mr, an.
nab to use his own discretion in this
mutter, He then proposed to make the
butter next season for 84 cents per pound,
this being half a cent lees than formerly.
This offer seemed to give gonerel satis-
faction and was accepted.
Charlet Wirt.
Bon was re -appointor
Robert Turnbull, Auditor. In the audi-
tors' report we learn that there were de.
livered of the oreamery for the season
508,461 lbs. of cream, from which were
made 56,714 lbs. of butter, realizing to
the patrons the snug sum of $8,001.24.
The average price per pound for the sea-
son realized by the patrons was 15.7 cents
this ig after paying all expenses, and con-
sidering all things should bo very satis-
factory, The looal market was unusually
high last season, but, as Mr. Hannah
explained, had all the butter mode at the
creameries been thrown upon the local
market as it would have been, instead of
being sent out of the country, parties
would not have realized nearly so mull
for home-made butter in the looal mar•
lcet as they received from the creamery
without any labor or trouble. One inch
of cream made 1.115 lbs. of butter the
season through.
There has been a good deal of sickness
in our village lately.
Mrs, W. J. Sharp is very ill from in.
flammation of the lunge.
Honey Hoye drove down to the village
last Tuesday. It was the first time that
Me. Keys has beon out since he had hie
leg broken.
Mr. Burton, of Berlin, has charge of
the tailoring department in connection
with H. F. MoAllister's stern. He seems
a good reliable man.
John Heffernan, our enterprising likely -
smith, left for Montreal last Wednesday
with another carload of horses. He may
go through to Boston with them.
Quito a number of ohanges have taken
place in one village lately. Mrs. Goma.
lock and family left for Manitoba last
Tuesday, John Holloway, our enter-
prteittg •ltoemaker, has moved' into Mrs.
Govonlook's house and James Menzies
has moved his family into part of John
Imlay's house vacated by Mr. Holloway
and family.
James Menzies, who has been a resi.
dont of our village for %boot fifteen yeare,
has entered into partnership with his
cousin end they have purchased a saw-
mlhl in Muskoka, Mr. Menzies has fill-
ed the position of head sawyer in the
saw mill hero for upwards of throe years
and understande the business thorough-
ly. He leaves here for Muskoka on
Thursday. Mrs. Menzies and family
will remain here for a short time, We
are 6nrry to loge such a good citizen as
Mr. Menzies but we wish hint every eue•
cogs itt hie new venture.
A very enthusiastic meeting of the
Grey Scott Aot Association was held in
the Methodist ehurch last Tuesday after-
noon, Rev. J. T. Legear, Proeident of
the Association, occupied the chair. Tho
mooting was very wall attended by mom•
berg from the dif£orent parts of the town-
ehip, and oho plan of tho campaign was
carefully and syetomatically arranged.
Two public meetings will be hold nest
week in support of the Soott Aot. Ono
in the Methodist ohuroh, Tithe!, on Tues.
day avowing, April Ord, and the other in
the Presbyterian church, (.lranbrook, on
Thursday evening, April 5th. Meetings.
will begin at 7:60 pan. Addresses will
bo given by the resident nliniclors and
In speaking of Wm. Habkirk taking a
horse to the West the horse should have
been "Luck's All," instead of "'Rankin
Fletcher Sperling and Steve Kneeler
left for British Culumbia last Tuesday.
They secured their tickets over the
0. P. R. from T. Fletcher, Brussels.
DEBATE. -The debate name off in Shine's
school house on Tuesday evening of last
week, and notwithstanding the bad con-
dition of the roade a goodly number were
in attendance. The subject was "Resolv-
ed that the United States will eventually
become a greater nation than Great Brit-
ain," Tho affirmative was taken by W.
Petrie and A. Perrio. The uegative by
Jno. Bain ondJas. Perrie. Deoleion was
given in foyer of the U. S. Jno. Betz
oeodpied the chair. Another debate will
be held on Wednesday eventing of next
Tho Scott Act is the leading topic of
discussion. All friends of temperance
are bestirring themselves. The various
oommittses will have the organization
complete in a few days. Tho results of
the past have been so ootizfactory on the
whole that a larger majority than before
will bo rolled up for the Scott Aot. Al.
most everybody is desirous of keeping
that great destroyer of mankind, strong
drink, iu a corner for some years yet or
until ouch time as he elan be routed from
our land neeor to come back again.' No
DEBATE.—A friendly debate between the
tho Debating Societies of Grey and
Morrie townships was held at Shine's
school house on Wednesday evening.
The subject for disougsion was "Resolved
that annexation would be beneficial to
Canada." Fur the affirmative M. Black,
T. Robertson, J. Bowman and W. Bry-
don spoke, and for the negative J. Bain,
W. Perrie, E. A. Martin, L. D. S., and
A. Hislop. P. Ritohie, chairman, was
assisted by A. K. Robertson and J. Grant.
They gave their decision a draw. The
olosing debate of the season will be hold
at the above mentioned school house next
Wednesday evening. The subject will be
"Resolved that the Indian has suffered
more at the hands of the white man than
the negro."
Tho friends and admirers of Dr. Mac-
donald will bo pleased 40 learn that ho
got a column and a half in the ClObo on
Tuoscley's speech.
Rev. Mr. McDowell, of Wingltaut, do.
livered tho last of the ooureo of lectoree
in connection with the Methodist church,
on Thursday of last week, The reverend
gentleman's subjeot was:--" Wilot a Can.
adirta easy in Ilurope." A grapbio doe.
uription eves given of the trip aorose the
onean, and his word piotures of the old
country were very fine. Title coated of
lootures may be said to have boon in
ever- way satisfactory.
(Nora. --'Phe above wan received too
late for last issue.--Eb.)
Thos. King, of Toronto, who is etndy-
ing for veterinary, arrived home un
Will. C. Bartley, of Campbelivillo.
Halton, who hae not been home for soy.
oral months, arrived hero eafoty on Fri-
day last. He reports temperance munti-
mout ranning very high there and they
soon expect to have another thence to
vote on the Scott Aot,
Wm, Dulmage, merchant, who lately
bought J. Timmins out, eloped with
Miss Bina Smith on Tuesday of last
week. He leaves a wife and four ohild.
eon. She leaves a father, mother, sister
and two brothers to mourn her (worse
than) death. The foolish couple eros -ed
to Uncle Sam's domains at the Suspens-
ion bridge. 0, B. Armstrong, of Loudon,
has charge of the stock.
There has been another ohuroh trial,
this week, Rey. Mr. McDowell, of Wing.
ham, presiding.
Mr. Jeffrey, of London, has been visit-
ing Mende itt this neighborhood. He
stayed a week at L. King's,
Rev. Mr, Cook referred in a striking
manner to the Scott Ant. Wo are bound
to do better here than last time.
Tmvborry gave the Canada Temper-
ance Aot 168 of a majority last time.
Vote for God, home and country,
Mies L. Smith spent a pleasant day in
Brussels this week. She speaks very
highly of the I. 0. G. T. of that plane.
A gentleman well known round here
said he would vote against the Scott Aot.
because ho was tired stealing his whis-
key. Count one for the Scott Act.
Dr. Loofah, Mrs, Holmes, and Mrs, E,
Leech are at pr0aent welting friends in
Blnevale. The two former at Jos.
Lomb's, Mrs, L. at her father'¢, in MY -
rut, on the first lino.
D. King's team took fright at the fur-
niture factory in • Wiegbam and ran
away. Fortunately no damago was done
except the breaking of the tongue. Robb,
hung on till he thought it safe by jump-
ing, to avoid oho collision whioh Ile saw
was inevitable,
The I, 0. G. T. and Mr, (look hold a
Scott Aot mooting last Friday in 17erris'
school. A good mooting. Mr. Hawkins,
Pros. ; Mr. Harris, Setey. On Monday
evening they wont to Joltnston'e church,
W. J: Johnson, 'Pros,; John Pea000lc,
See'y. On Wednesday evening they
wont 10 Winghem. A largo audience
wag present.
A very euccessful social was given at
too houeo of Mr. Elliott la T'urnborry, A
eloigh-load wont fen -there alio a splendid
time was the result. A good j rogram
Wag oxootftod with taste and coneldorablo
ability shown by the locals, who do nob
oftott appear before the public. Thomas
ailment 30„ of Wroxeter, gave some of
his choice songs. Procoods 411.
Dean. -0n Wednesday of this week
Eroily, daughter of Thos. McLennan,
died at the rosideuco of her brother, 4th
eon., after a brief filmes of quick con.
eumptien. The deceased was in her nth
year. The funeral will take place on
Friday afternoon.
ENTEBTAINMCNT.—Last Friday evening
Barrie's school hones woe filled to over-
flowing by a very attentive audiencef It
was the annual entertain ment of the Lit-
erary Society which meets weekly in the
school house. In the absence of W. i3.
Kerr, Geo. Hood wart called to the chair,
and discharged the duties of the office in
a moat satisfactory manner. The follow-
ing program was given :—Instrumental
duett, violin and organ, D. Ewen and
Mise Walker; singing, Ritohie family;
dialogue. "Before and behind the Scenes,"
Misses Walker and Messrs. Walker and
Bowman; reading, W. Michie; comic
song, Mr. Corkindale; recitation, Miss
Boyd; singing, Mi ses Kerr; tablean,
Gipsy's Warning, Misses MoOrae end
Walker and T. Robertson; dialogue,
"Meeting of Roderick Dbu and Fitz
James," Messrs. Brydon and Robertson ;
instrumental duett, violin and organ, Mr.
Kirconnel and Mies Walker; singing,
Ritchie family ; recitation, Halle Barrie ;
instrumental duett, violin and mouth
organ, D. McDonald and Mies Walker ;
dialogue, "The Happy Family," Misses
Boyd and Walker and Messrs. Walker,
Alexander and Love ; singing, Ritchie
family; dialogue, "Loohiel's Warning,"
Messrs. Brydon and Robertson; instru-
mental duott, mouth organ and organ, D.
McDonald cud Miss Wa ker; singing,
Misses Kerr; recitation, Mr. Corkindale ;
stump speech, by John Bowman ;
God save the Queen. compahy. The dif-
ferent numbers on the program were well
rendered, especially the dialogues, which
brought down the house every time for
acting and oostumo. The meeting was
not dismissed until mi luight, The pro-
oeeds amounted to $12 60, which will be
epplted towards purobasing a bell for the
school. Vo' es of thanks wore tendered
those who had come front a dist time ,pd
by taking part had added to he pleasure
of tee evening. A epenial vote of thenka
was tendered D. McDonald for his mouth
organ selections.
Ou1T-Cnno.—Another has gone from
the single file and joined the double
ranee. Mary McKinney, my .old school-
mate and friend, has married a Mr.
King living near Ethel.—There is a
story going the rounds of the gossippiug
club that Mr. Jackson killed his horse
by fust driving. This is false I am re-
quested to say. Mr. J. who had the
misfortune did not have his horieout the
day before it took sick. Mr. Palmer who
knowue something of the matter em-
phatically denies the rumor.—The Jcott
Act people from Bluevale wore at our
church one day last week. They are
having good success. eThey were at
Browotown also. Tho night was not
very good but Mr. Shaw states they had
a eery sncoessful meeting. Morrie is for
ell good laws. Something that will
break down the respectability of the
teethe. We are settled in our minds
that the Scott Act will not be repealed in
laurels. Coma boys ep, ak not, say what
you think. Barb tells me of a soft soap
and slobber Auti who got at him. He
began by telling him there was more
liquor sold than over, that all the tavern.
keepers would vote for the Scott Act.
What hypocrites they must be if they
put the courtory to the trouble of a vote
and then vote against it. Then he con-
fidentially t,ok Bob by the oar end show.
ed hie, a little "nicety," got up by some
of the temperance mon who want to get
drink by law. It said more drinking,
was done under the Scott Act. Bob said
he thought he had heard of a book called
the Inland Ravenna Returns which
sornow-horo, about pogo 70, :appendix A,
of 1886, showed there was 1,842,080 gall.
one of whiskey lees consumed ie that
year than the average for oho last five
years. Bob says mistakes may occur
and those folks down at Ottawa are so
fridhteued of the temperance folke they
dare not give the liquor party justice,
Bet Bob just see the °rime there has
been caused all by the Scott Amt. Bob
said he must bo very for behind but hie
sister told him that it was tavernkeeltefo
Dud the Antis thot wore barn -burning,
dynamiting, ebooting, stabbing and all
other diaboliool outrages. But the Anti
said to ------ and -- with your sis-
ter and ohuroh members, we claim your
support. Yours Truly, Ber,L.
81. Thomas papers speak of a malady
which is attacking horses in Elgin mann.
ty. The doetore call it azoturia. It is
sudden and generally fatal,. The first
symptom is severe trembling in oho hind.
quartore, which speedily increase fa vie•
ulenoo and the horse soon folly, The
suffering is generally intake.
D. W. hose, Wlarton, Ont., telegraphed
to Dr, Landorkin, M. P., stating that his
eon George Forbes hose, aged 24, was
dangerously ill of smallpox in Mexfao
and asking whether Lord Landsdowne
would uomnuuticote with the British
consul in ordor for the patient to see Dr.
Persona in allot city. Dr. .tender len mow
hie Bet:alloticy who vary kindly obliged
the anxious paront in thcuntonnnr indimvi• 1
Thursday, March 29th, 1888,
A71 o'rf.oeS,1'. M., when there will bo sold.
Lot 20, in dab eon. ,Townobit, of they.
For further particulars see posters, or
apply to
Alex, Hunter, (ronyn.t Bette,
Auottoneer, Vendor's Soleal tors,
Brussels. 00.3 London, est.
TRK CRA BR00K lux mu co,
would rospeotfully gannouuco to the
Farmers of Grey and adjoining townships
that they will run a Flax Mill in the
Village of Oranbrook. All parties re.
quiring seed will please leave their ord-
ers at A.1lcNair's or T. 0. IIarbottle's
stores at as early a date as possible.
A meeting will be held in Dames'
Hall on FRIDAY, MAttan B0Tu, at 7 p, m.
All the shareholders and those wishing
o take shares are mooted t
t 1 0 attend,
T. IlAnnoTcLtc, I
J. CAMERON, rManagers.
Craubrook. Mar. 21st, 1888, 87.4ins
Another Wonder 1a
It never woe intended, ao far as I Dan learn,
That either manor woman were intended
to be bald.
I think on will helfoyo m0,lndoe4 l'm cute
you will,
If at aha "Paris flair works" you Have
There is one thing Nature thinks of—let us
thank her an we can—
Olio takes particular trouble with our
x000; '
She knowsa scanty growth of hair, the
gray and whitening looks
Will detract from the beauty of the face.
But nature has her laws so strict that you
mnet never err,
For you'll surelypay the penalty at last.
Sustain it, that bounteous head of hair,
Doctor Dorenwend's Hair Magle's unsur-
passed. .
Just try 1t, your afflicted, you never wit
The Magi° was never yet known to fall ;
And the geed
Boon e t it will do you will make
The expenditure a bottle wit entail.
This now famous preparations for Invig-
orating and etlmulatiag the growth of the
hair is universally nocepted se the most
valuable specific on the market. All diseae•
es of the scalp aro either relieved or per-
manentlyouserl. A rich and rapid growth
of hair w111 follow after judicious and regu-
lar treatment. It romaine with the user
alone to secure the desired results. Dr.
Dorenwend'e "Flair Magic" is Bold by all
druggist' at 81 per bottle, or six for 80. It
not obtainable In your own to°allay send di -
root to the sole meuufactnrer, enclosing
price. A Donxuwsxn, Pwrie Hair works,
103 and105 Yonge street, Toronto.
For sate by G. A..DeatImsn, J. Hargroevoe
and al Druggists.
is prepared to attend to
Carriage Painting
in all its branches, as well as
Sign and Oi•narnerntal
He has had years of exper-
ience and guarantees his
work to give satisfaction. A rig
well painted is half sold.
Estimates and terms cheer-
fully given.
Shop in the old 'P082' Publishing
House, King street, Brussels,
Steady Employmentto Good Men.
None need be Idle. Previous
Experience not essential.
Wo pay either Salary or Com-
100 lien 'Wanted
To Canvas for the Sale of Can-
adian grown Nursory Stock.
Cash for Eggs
R. BODDICK heaving quit the egg business fool Mr. Sp'rlifig
moving to Wingliam leaves all opening in ,Brussels or an
Egg Buyer. We will bake their place and buy all theegg
that are offered Fon CAsn. To enable us to do so we want everyone.
who is owing us to Settle Up as we will need every dollar of capital
that we have to buy eggs with.
Vie Bought Eighteen Hundred Pairs of Boots,
F'or the Spring Trade,
this with what we have on hand will make a stock of Three Thous—
and Pairs. The opportunity to go into the egg bl.siness came too•
late to allow us to cancel our orders for Boots and Shoes so that
we have decided to
Rosh TVem 0!! Very CVeap
We will sell as good a women's leather slipper for. 40e. as wa
ever sold for 60e. ; 'as good a fine lace boot for $1.25 as before for'
$1.75 ; as good a button boot for $1.25, solid leather, as before for
$1.75 ; as good a boot for $1.40 as for $2.00 before. Children's.
button boots for 87ic., worth $1.25 ; Infant's boots for 25c., worth
40c., and for 850., worth 50c. ; Ladies' fine toe slippers worth $1,25
for 90c. ; Men's brogans worth $1.25 for $1.00. All kinds of wom-
en's rubbers for 35c,, children's for 25c.
We must have money to buy eggs with and we will sell very
cheap so as to turn our shoes into money. Some of these shoes
have come in but others will not be on hand for a week or 10 days.
We will sell a beautiful French Button Boot for $2.75 that is good
value at $$.75. Buttons fastened free of charge. We bought such
an immense quantity of Boots this year that we got Great Reduc-
tions and many lines we will sell at what we paid for them so as to-
oget money for our egg business.
The Fontlt%ll Nurseries,
L1ar'9 est4•'a Canada,
• • Over 400 flares.
Don't apply unless you am
furnish first-class References., and
want to work. No xoom for lazy
men, but can employ any num-
ber of energetic men who want
Raisins, Currants, Rice and all kinds of Canned Goods. Tea
and Sugar at very low prices. Coal Oil 15e. per gal. No goods
will be charged not even on contra aceounts.
Li 'VYrti l(1111
®138 .•
BEGS to announce the arrival of the whole of his Spring Gondar.
which as usual will be found very Complete in Every Depart-
ment and the Prices at the
18 GREEN, who has given such universal satasfocticln by
tell LT JJ L'fltl l her eourtoous and obliging manner, leas jnaL
returned from the Markets and is now prepared to sh.,w the Ladies
requiring anything in the Milli>lo1'y'tioa a splendit?.i assortment 'of.
in Hats, Bonnets, &c. Having always
Excelled iii, this Department
we would request ovory Lady to view our large and varied stoclk.
whether wanting to buy or not.
Miss Green will ba only ton happy to show such lovely goods.
select stock of '
iMflourning and Wedding Millinery.
, nil Banti,
St'one.i. Wellington, Alwa7• ,
NUll4l UY3rm,
Toronto, Oitt. I' Ut BRIJU.L1
Doi,iiiion Hose,