HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-30, Page 3MARCH 30, 1868,
"Iiia* me, Will," sang Marguerite,
To a pretty litho tune,
Holding up her dainty lips,
Sweet as roues born In ,lune.
Will was ton years old that day.
And he pulled her goldon curls
Teasingly, and answer made,
"I'ln too old -I don't kiss girls,"
'Pon years past and Marguerite
Smiles as Will kneels at her foot,,
Gazing fondly in her eyN0,
Praying, "Won'tyou kiss me, sweot?'
'Rite is seventeen today ;
With her birthday ring the toys
For a moment, then replies,
"I'm too old -I rlon't kine boys 1"
Tho sohool was out, and down tho street
A noisy crowd carne thronging ;
Tho hue of health, and gladness sweet,
To every face belonging.
Among them strode a littlo lad,
Who listonod to another,
And mildly said, half grave, h•df said,
"I can't -I promised mother."
A shout went up, a riuging'ahout,
Of hoisto ons derision ;
13ut not one moment left in doubt
That manly. bravo decision.
•'(l n whore you please; do what you will,"
1Ie calmly told the other ;
"But 1 shall keep my word, boys, still-
I'can't, I promised mother 1"
Ah 1 who would doubt the future course
Of ono who thus bad spoken?
Thro' manhood's struggle. gain and loss,
Co Id faith like this ho broken ?
God's blessing on that steadfast will,
Unyielding to another,
That bears all ,jo'rs and laughter still,
:3ocause he promised mother.
Oor purse has grown untothin, guid wife,
Tho war!' is siecar, an' Snell,
Pm woo when ye fare the win,' gnid wife -
I'd rather f we it mysol'.
You noednl bo flayed o' mo, guid man,
I wed ye for guid or ill,
I °arena what I mann dree, geld mall,
Sine yo are beside me still.
Oor moat pock is no' Sas oto„C, guid wife,
As the sue yo keunnd laugsyne;
Yer - ilk goon is ntaist worn oot, guid wife-
Yer shawl has tint, a' its -bine.
Juist never ye fash yer bead guid man,
Lovo'ospecks mak' a'thi'gs lookwc'l,
Yer lave is a' that I tu•ed, guid man,
An' Labials a kiss tae seal.
Onrrne tago 10 nrampod nu' sma', guid wife,
%cahoot a carpe, or spread,
it's no' like the big with) 1111', guid wife,
%Vhaur ye worn bsith born an' bred.
Dinnasic.things cousither, guid man,
There's u ' muckle .00u,, I see,
But wens dose tlegit•,er, guid man,
11 that's w o lovelikes tae be.
Clio inn a dree o' tar moa', (aid wife,
I spak joist tae try yet• pride,
Poortttl, rook' • true lose mafr true, guid
I'm rich wi' you at my side, [wit)';
That'swhaur I'll be till the last. guid
The locals worth nochtawn, (man,
Thetis nainto iu tho b a.t, guid man,
Aa weal as in simmer's thaw.
Colum 'r °Ge ..
PIG PEN. -1111.3 bones of a well
br,: 1 weir fed pig. rl,e00s1u1 only
ab int five pe- cent. 'f its groes
Poe only our'., r rad '1) 01100080 in
rams,ug amine 1, fn gasping the pigs
b, •. v arid 0•11is 01,110 growing.
11,10 do nu: tv tut y.att' Highly We
proved pigs e.1 1l.viud.•1 until they
becV"u.• 1110o1' 114011, y ,u 11(301 food
1n '
000y et ae1Cillent food.
Couht we bu.. sotuip • wine plague
out of tl o country once and forovor,
0011(1, bre0(111.g would become the
m ,$, go:18tab;u .ml live s410,c indast
rios ; bol 1),atn,l cure all swluo.dos•
su •a a crinin.' servo Only 10 deplete
the farmers' puolfets.
let, 1100 ,n13iiy 1011't131fe11 ideas
cono,•riitlg tee rnariegemenr Of
swine, +tuci neat 1,f feeding sour,
1'erm,'n:ed sl 'pi to huge 18
111'' 'u'ist nniv •r.tally uilopt.,d r (
tbout Cul] yuo' ru•sdu ill 0110 mil
mow b !fore yet again give them the
reoat,mase..Glean nod sweet food
is whit they rehab best
A thrifty condition and clean
surruuudiugo will not prevent ohol-
era tepee huge ere exposed to it,
but they will decrease the ravages
of the disease. One of the moot
beautiful sources of this disease is
permitting all sizes to herd togetlt•
er. Keep each etz0 of pigs in a
herd by tllotnselvoo, arid they will
improve much footer.
Pork is what w0 make it ; there is
more iti the feed than in the breed
in the production of wholesome,
wall flavored pork. As the wheat
fad park of Dobotn and the North-
West Is preferable to the eornfed
article of the 9liseiesippi valley, and
that In turn to the hone° slop•fed
village porkers, it ohonhl tough the
pig fonder the value of different
footle i11 the production of pori(,
At this soasoli of the year a
trough should bo kept within the
reach of the footling pigs end dept
well supplied with charcoal anad
wood ashes. Like erase feeders,
they are liable to be troubled with
acidity of the atonineli, 'Tito cool
and ashes will correct this. Throw
them a bucket of atone coal every
few days; heavily fed Bogs will leave
their (torn to erattnc}t tlfo hard
anal. Sleek io as good,
We would suggest at least this
ono improvement in the manage.
wont of swine this season ; Almost
every farmer has a quantity of old
plank lying around that is at 'pros.
ent serving no worthy purpose.
Gather it up and haul it to the hog
lot, and there mike a food floor
upon wt) eh to feed your bogs when
at is muddy. have it rte near upon
'lis level with the surrounding
ground as powHiblo, so there will be
no danger of 170avy hogs straining
tllem81lvee gutting on and off. A
floor of tuts kind will more than
pay ito own cost in feed saved, not
to ineutlon tho setiofdotiou of the
farmer in knowing that ho has
done a humane deed.
C4c,satr ,}fThooxgnct.
Never put much confidence in
suet) as put no confidence in others.
Onr virtues spring from our needs,
our vices from our luxuries,
To attempt to advise conceited
people is lilt° whistling against the
A. tender conscience ie a stronger
obligation than a prison
Few persona live to -day but are
prepared to do so to morrow.
Plot to know more of Christ as
is. the days go is to know less of
Not to enjoy life but to employ
life, ought to bo our tum and inepir.
Our prayers tiro sometimes hest
answered when our desires are most
In the worst of times there is
more owlet! to 00mplaitt of an evil
heart tliau of an ovitworld.
It is a sad thing to be often eat.
iug of the tree of knowledge, but
never to tnsto of the tree of life.
'Phe highest truth will not save
me further than a13 it brings mo to
the Saviour, that Co may give, and
I may get, eternal life.
Earnestness cummands the w-
ept et of msukind. A weverine, va
culating, deed etid•ltlive Christian
duet, not get rho respect of the church
or the world,
The ,ru,• porpoee r.f education is
to clletnit and unfold the °ted of
inflow tell!), already 13013(1 within its
A good ounacit bee is the palet:(- of
Ct„t.t • 1:, '. Otto r f 111e 11nh
Gime, ,the putaili.1 of delight; the
• well] Sehbath of the saints.
Six days at drudgery's heavy wheel sho
Tho seventh sweet morning folds her
t,rnry ban,..;
Yes, child of suffering, thou 'alay'st bo
IIo who ordained the Sabbath loves the
Local Legislature.
Suppb- nit Witty '-'itp,te. to aha
septal et $187,079 were brought
down er.e l a•.ed. Among the items
ate $8,000 f' r the salary of the
Minister of Agriculture, $5,000 Lor
miniry cnurn'ission and $23,700 for
alterations, repairs. etc., ut the aey
Ism building at Lenoir-tn. In addi-
tion to the $187,070 there is $8 ,000
for the general expsu.e. of ' o Gov
women doing Jae It. ry, 1889.
Mr. Water' bit to give franohiso
to widow• and mntrio-rte( women
•wise defeated by a vort' of 40 to 80.
Mlo..srs. Efate.. null Mfeedi.li ,1,.
po,ed the luinC ipl0 of the hill
kir. Hewitt raid he had mn0(3
sympathy with it, but tboueht pub
lie apmion was hardly ready for fe
male stlffrage The titin"n o,• -Woes
the veto
Yen0--Mceei0 Allan, Armstrong,
13attour, Piebep, elreight.,n, Uro"•s,
Dock, Drury, l.+'etgusou, (3iel,i, Crier
eon, Graham, Iogr'tm, L.rs, Ole
Auclrow , McKay, Mack, 11 ,.. ter,
aJea0ham, .1letcnife, A•lulo", .11,011,
Ostrom, Rnbillare. Rieke, loses
(u:urou), ()preen°, Stratton,%V'ittero.
Wylie-- 80
NOyo-.-itlesere. Am rev, Ballan-
tyne, .6lortard Blyth, Glancy, Clarke
(Northumberland), Clarke, H. E
(Toronto), Oomnee, Craig, Dryden,
Fell, F t., r, Freeman, Ewu eh,
Wheat (Hamilton), Gibson (Huron),
Gilmour., Hammell, Harcourt, Har•
dy, Hes:,, Iludeou, Kerns, Lees,
Lyon, AIeLaughlin, Master, Mere-
dith, Moak, Morgan, Mowat, lfur.
ray, Nair, Pa0aud, Plielpu, Preston,
Repaid°, Ross (Middlesex), Snider,
Stewart, 'Pooley; Whetuey, Widdi•
field, Wilmot, Wood (Hastings),
Wood (Brant) -40.
The Crown land report shows Dunt
67,1114 acme of Crown lands were
sold during tate Year for $74,498.
Tho collection from sales of land
were $120,970, and from woods tend
forest $890,875. The lumber trade
was satisfactory ; the forooast of tho
coming season isa slightly increased
output of salvlogs and timber, with
every prospect of good prices nod
man 8.
The Legislature was prot•ougod •
at 8 o'clock Friday afternoon,
There was an entire absence of mill.
tart' display, except the .guard
honor from the School of .infantry.
The Clerk .4osistent Dieu read the
11110$ of the liille ilia! lied passed eo
follow,* e•-•
I 1. An Act ;Imperiling Trinity951 ell A", 'reepeeiiu,r a a rtAiu I}mltatin ( flours n labor /� Eet
p B
"n of Elie 7,11rICiC1'I%T,
«bunch, Toronto. railway Whew a dein of the towu r . u fnr childr.p trod young per �1
2. An Act to aothorleo the Town ehtp of Thorah. t sone, 'I am euro that itis power
of Almonio to issue oertttin debent•
fi An Act to further Arnaud the
Acts roopeottng the Port Arthur,
Duluth & Western Railway Com.
4. An Aot respecting the Town Company,
Mate atreel, • ' Rrnnsets,
t0. Au Aot 4614i09 a portion of,I conferred open tuuuwipalitioe by ANIllilitl' (WARM, PR:OPll1I:T011.
the boundaiy betweo)1 the town of " (ills bill trill, if carefully exercised,
Sandy inti and file towuiip ol Saud- i promote the pliveioal health and the
wish AVeet. moral rand m0utnl improverran, of FYesh ANL s0 ..'4 fr1 eats
51. An Act respeeting Mie Iron taus- tthoso daily tiasis ttndttl3' pin
dale, Bancroft & Otte -we •
`1.141,vay Iw wed de+privo Ili n of naoded cost I of the limit )usury ain'ars on hauri aria d
and relaxation. Ilvured tri au}' part o1 rho vibeig0 rre0 et
of Port Arthur nod the mllaioipulil 52, All Act 1., 1 'gnlute tie ill 114,; TILL 110N1TO11LIN IOLANBO 1411700131(0. 01'Aeirne very favorable.
les of Shuntalt and Neebiug. { of shops and the Lours of 1fp..r 1 um touch gtatide,l with the 1
�. An Act to oonsollllato the de. therein fur oneand yOnulf u,l:n: u.e Meet) you have adopted FAT CATTLE WANTEDI
benture dolt of the Town of Wing- portions. , fur :111) more convenient fud efficient ! b9 pe.riteoh the highest ntnrk0t erica will
ham. 58. An Act respecting anetllary; edwtuistiation al justice its Maui 081,omak. specialty of burbfg 101d03
6. An Act to ouabie Emily Re. probates and letter- of telmini,+,r t ! Wolin tool the. edjnoent Islauno, and and ekWr.
1)0u't ,urge( the plac0 80x1 doer to
beeoa Winetanley to soil certain ti0u• tu!hedunned. of alnaltoka,end)tblrry 1l011her'xdew'alr}• Stara• A• CURRIE•
lands 54 An Aot reepect]ng tho mein S'•ued As the s ettlomento in the ---
7. An Aot, to confirm it certain 10ntuiee of wives deserted by 'heir Weirton( of Muskoka and Parry Money
agreement made between the Lon husbands. Seued now cover nearly the whole t o Loan.
do') & Son beantern Railway and 155. An A.et reventieee the Revie erei1 01 totter.. llintriets, their further
tua Cntieda Southern Beltway Cum ed Statutes of Uneurum. derviopwont own buss be prelim/led by
pony. 66 An Act io enseucl the law re. ; tnlaue 1,1 the ordinary municipal Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
8. An Aet to amend the Aot to rpootillg moYlgageo. I meohunery, %hien, in the Alder per 1?crty, at
incorpooate Trinity Medical School 57. Au Act fur the. preveu'iou 01 Deus of the Province, line Gen
9. 9n Act respecting the N10110115 scuideuts by fire in hotel, and other found so useful to all classes of the
1loxpllal Trust. pnhlic buildings anwmuuity, and 1 °hull he glad to -
10. An Act to am'fend the Aot in. 58. An Act respecting condition. l learn before long that the (nimbi. PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS
corporating the William Hall. Pet• al eines of chattels, hull of the 0 dlatricto Lava nvtilad
1V. B. DICKSON,erborouvriot
h, Protestant Poor Trust. 59 An Act renpeoting the De. th,,Ives of the municipal pewees
11. Au Ate to authorise the Cor pernieut of Ag•ichi'ure mud t,111Cr "'::rt) you bey,pla00d at their dna
potation of the Town of Peterbor induetrieC. portal. •SolleitoP,
ough to casae debentures. 60 An Act respecting albitratien suo0AT1ONA3 AND a71:NJCIPAL nE1'.,ttat.
Brussels, Ont.
32. An Act respecting the i i)• with the Province of Qucbee. The m,'asurus allied you leave
loge of L'rua-ala. 61. An Act to amend the Division pit,. o relating to our educational �v�
18. An Aot respecting the San- Courts Act. iu..tt a iu0s, to the municipal and
goon Valley Railway Company. 62. Au Act to amend the Ditches ti*t•r's went lame, to the transfer of
14, An Act to enoorporate the rind Wlttercourses Aot pt 1s, nit• plaperty, to the ad-
Ceutral Canada Exhibition Aseoei• 68. An Act to amend the Act for tuintetratfou of justice taroughout
orlon. the lr•o r0'1"0 cf gtanar• 0nd fat• the Prnvinoo, to the executive nu-
15. Au Act relating to the Tor bearing animals thorny 311 Provincial affairs, aria to
unto General Ilospital. 64. Au Act respecting the income various other subjeots %vill, I have
10. An Aot to incorporate the and property of the University of 310 doubt, subaerve the public inter -
Peterborough Jo Clemong Railway Toronto, University College and est and facilitate the ends which
Company.Upper Cnundu Cnlh ge those measures wore designed to
17. An Act to confirm a certain 65. An Act to amend the Aot to- promote.
agreement made between the Town epecting Cemetery Companies. rnrvATE INTERE.Ts.
of Lmdeay, the Midland Railway of 66, An Act to amend the Regis The large number of important
Cauuda, and the Grand Trunk Rail- try Aol, private bide which you baro paused
way Company of Canada. 67 An Act to enable trustees of for purposes not provided for by the A Call Solioited. Le -Remember the
18. Au Act to incorporate the High school or Collegiate Institutes general laws, manifest the ever in. Saud-Nx.Vu rent .I11:n,ar,
Village of Aiarlldale• to expropriate land for High school creneiug needs of an active papule,
19. An Act to amend the Acte purposes. ion. 01 S. Plum.
respecting the St. Cathariues, Ater- 68. Au Act respecting Mani TUE 1NTEIt'1dtov3NC1AL 1050L11TI0Na, `'
ritten & Thorold direst Railway haulm T obesrv0 with iuterost that toeMONEY TO LOAN.
Company. 09 The Liquor Lioeuso Act, ro,olutions adopted at the Iutor pro.
20. An Aot to amend the Act in 1888. viuoial Conference held iu Quebec in
a.t•petaliva the 011awa & Thousand 70 Au AO:, •, .'uiebd the haw re. Uot.,ber last /wee met with your ap
retried Beltway Company. apt stew the sml:,r1'., and expenses pr'va1. While it is Taut desirable
21. Au Aot to amend the Act in '01 police wnatalrilrro. that constitutional ch;tngoa Should
71. An Act to amend the Act re. be Made until experie0ce has Shuwu
see rtit g 0 e . flier- of -le riff that they are oeceestly, it is uu. of Private Funds havej'.1ot been
72. An Act ,0 provide for the iu- questionably your privilege to ad- placed in my hands for In-
ce:1..11,110e of o170i•811 and butte, Vt00 such an1Ond0Onte as 1n your vestment
mal,ulncturine assnmaliOUH, judgment are in harmony with the
78. Ai. Act tcspooliug memories.federal character of the cousin utioll, AT 7 PERCENT.
7l A„ Ac. to e., hush marihnnrf and at the name time calculated to
suffrage fo. the L[•gielative As r0muve friction betweou the Pro.
Borrowers have then loamloll b y VIr1Ca and the Dominion. complete in three dais if title is
75 An Act Yt peoting A1U{'cul` MINERAL RESa4IRCES. satisfactory.
nod Pit•ry S"und. Your prup0013I to inquire by Royal Applyto E. E. WADE.
76. Au Act respecting the sot Commission into the extent of our _
tilt ize lou r f martinet.,mineral re13outeee and the best
77. An dot respecting benevolent means for promoting tueir devolp-
tu,d if, ut'ld,+.t eoc]ttke, went Is n movement of stilet) I
78 An Act respecting the execu heartily approve. I trust that the
tive administration of the laws of Inquiry %till result in the introduo• WATCII31.U1ER
this Province lion of ne•v capital Into the Prov AND JEIVELLER.
79. An Act to amend We Act to ince and tho establishment of now
eecure to wives and children the settlomente in the districts already
benefit of life assurance, unoccupied.
80 An Act for the protection and DEPARTMENT 01' AGRICULTURE.
reformation of neglected children. I have assented with pleasure to
81. An Ac' to prevent ,frauds in ' bill providing for the appoint•
the supplying of milk to tutor and 1, . L1 t,f a Minister of Agriculture.
clleeee factories, ' The large export of farm products SILVER PLATED \v Atte]
82. An Act to give certain pow and the almost unhmitable extant from established and reliable mslrere,
ere to the commissioners of the to which the soil may be made to frilly warranted by us.
Queen ]notoria Niagara Falls cuuiribute to the wealth of the
Park. (toiletry amply justify the most en
88 An Act to confirm a .certain edetic efforts ou the part of the
agreement outdo between tlio Grand Legislature, as well tie 1a liberal ex•
Trnuk Railway Company of Canada, peuditur'e of public funds, to pre-
lim Canada Soutbern Railway Cum mote the development of the agri•
patty and the London & Port Stan. cultural resources of the country.
ley Railway Company. I thank you for the liberal appr,
b4. An Act to amoral the Parti• priations you l me li
Donn Act. pubha cervica. r'lthe'he sttppadlfesfnr tvhIicba
85. Au Act to amend the lain tee you have grouted will lie ecpeegee
to oxecutlone. , suit care cud to the- public inter -
86. An tact to amend the Married
General BlaEufith.
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of Blacicsmithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, SIeighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
Intake a Specialty. of Horse -shoeing.
ourporntiug the Btocicvil'o, Nest
t.,'r'. & Sault Ste. Merle Reilwny
22. An Act to enable the Orph
arts' Hoole of the City ol Ottawa to
bedew money.
23 XII Aet In enable the 0'u h•
odriel of 1110 Holy 'trinity, of Lon -
now to sell certain laude.
24. Au Act to declare the effect
to uertein mortgages ant oouvoyan
ccs made by the churchwarden, of
(Motet church, Hamilton.
25. An Act respecting the float
we delft of the Toe of Woodstock.
26 An Act reflecting By law
No. 402, of the City of Brsntlord•
'27. An Act to provide for the di-
Vielen of the Townehipof Walsing.
28. An act to enable the Corpor.
&tion ol tho County of Perth to sell
uerlaiu 1ivde.
29. At. Act respecting the South
N'rlollt Railway Company.
30. An Act to authorize the Cor•
p, teflon of the City of London to
,1 C 1)011) lands known as the ex.
L,uitien grounclo.
81. Au Act, respecting a certain
(a1'way debentute debt of the Town.
hip of Bexley.
82 Au Act to incorporate the
1 u of Sie;yuer.
88. An tact to extend the limits
01 the dity of Ottawa and to re-ar-
tgo the wards thereof and for
01 her Liurpoeee.
84 An Act to legalise certain by-
yhews sed 1101)011101'os of the Town of
1 • , n and Waterloo
T. i LETarSal`-Y,f
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. We are opening out full lines
GULL & 811., R
85 An Act, r, spotting the inoor• Woman's Real Estate Act. '
p• r•eliou of the Village of Ertel To- 87. An Act to amend the Act re.
1„h0. apt ding insurance companies,
80. An Aot respecting the Town 88 The Itlnnicipal Amendment
ui Bowmauville. Act, :1885. '
of )'.,rkclale. Aet, 1888.
88. An Act, to provide for the i)0. An Act respecting mortgagee
minor of the townebips of Front of 0i' sales of chattels in Nipissing.
Yang,. and Front of Esoott. 91. An Act to amend the Indus
89. An Act to incorporate the
Ottawa, Arnprior & Renfrew Rail.
way Oompany.
40. An Act to legalize a certain pany.
by-law of the town of Sault Ste. The Lieut•Covernor delivered the
Marie. following speech :
41. An Act•to consolidate certain Gentlemen of the Legislative As. 100 deer this winter.
•debts of rho village of London sembly,-.In relieving you from fur. The egg dealers of Stratford last
]'Vest. Ler attendance upon your legisla• year purchased 7,200,000 dozen ,for
42. Au Act respecting tho lfoth°. tiro duties, I desire to express illy winch they peed there than $1,000,•
diet church of Aurora, appreciation of ,the diligence and 000.
43. An Act to consolidate tho zeal with which you have applied 0. V. Beaton, of Lakoviow,Nor•
dobt of the town ofitielgotown. ; yourselves to 111e business of the folk Co., has gone to Washiugtou
44. An Aot to amend the Act in. scesion now' about to close, Territory to make cheese at ,$950
corporating the St. Patrick's :Asy= MAlrrtoon 8(101(AGr:. ' per season.
Mtn, Ottawa I trust that experience will show Employes of the nen Telephone
4 . o authorize res• tho 'te m h - ..
tenera Bury. nave passer or giving (wit few ex- each in Toronto est week far e•
Canadian Ne1vvl-o. N. 13. --Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
fly. Onutelou, of Guelph, has
Clocks 0f the
Latest De.gi_�11$.
JL+`1irI I.Ifi 3t':
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem 1'Liliga, -
Earrings, ,tto.
Also have in stock ,t full line of Vk,lin13
URI Violin Strings, fie.
T. Fletcher.
driven 27,000 n,iles during the �_
reek three ,ante.
87 An Act resl+ectieg tho Town 89. Tho Aosesement Amendment ; Wm. Galbraith, of Howard, Ont.,
Bold $1, 7oo worth of beaus to two
fil'nl t1118 reason,
The new C. P. R. hotel at Van. 1
conver is to bo iightod by 100 in.
trial Scheele Act. 'candescent lights.
02. An Act incorporating thoPort A few days ago tho ladies wore
Arthur Water, Light & Power Com- out. on Cue streets of Regina, N. W.
T., with parasols.
A Calgary paper says that two
Iudians near there bave killed about
ISCC$C , 0011:2'x.
A new st0c10 of Buffalo Robes,
Goal; )lobe's, IIoro Blankets,
'Inge, 13011s, 1V11ips, tt•n., just to
1 i An Act t tl the t w' do of 1110 11111 which you Company were Iliad $1(* and coats ltancl'
tees of too Toronto C 1 l 1 1! h 1 1 d A splendid assortment of
Ing (rrouu(1 to eoll certain lunch, ; eeptione) to every male citizen aha 'straying shade trees ou 01itlTeh Trnnks,Valises and Satchels in
40. Au Act to amend the Meth°.. is 21 years of ago and a resident of street, 1
dist Chrreh Aol, 188.1, the Province for a specified urge r• . Edward Foster, wholiv°s 111 theStock and sold at Irving prices.
47. An Act to amend the Act in• vote for the election of mamboed of northern part of Ilookwood Co, I7
eorporating the Parry Sound Colon• ' this Assembly, Manitoba, 1* the poseerm00 of a small ; 11I. 1'f'/; 4,,rp.-: 1 (41/.LL.
ization Railway Company. nc(1ns 01 r.Ako,., collie dog that has killed. sovetad �y,y� ,y,�et�w
i4, An Act to incorporate the l: have noted with great nttsf&u' . wolves. It gate time best damn by Ila 3.1)0 VilF3iila
Manitoulin :( North tit) ore ilatlway i lion Aha hill which you hive passed • [trnlining 1116131 by the throat until . 9
Company' 1 for the closing of shops Rod for the' the 'wind 10 out of thein. Brussels0