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Dirsatsry of Churahss Ind Sooistiss1
ltiya,yxt,LE Outwit --Sabbath Services
AS at 2:30 110..1n.
. ,incl lie 1t john unday Ross, School
RRoss, 13, A
I0sox Gamlen. -Sabbath Services at 11
a, m. and M:80 p ri. Sunday School at
-:30 p. m.
ST. Jane's Can In n. -"Sabbath Services
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at
9:30 a.m. stet W. T. Glut?, incumbent.
Mkrnonisr C ntatlr --Sabbath Services
et 10:80 a. m. and 0:30 p. in. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. in. 'Rev. M. Swann,
RoatAN C.vrnor,lc t{Irruell.---Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
11 a.m. Rev. 1'. J. Shea, priest.
Om) FELLnwS' Loners every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
Mtaosto LOLnE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A. O. ti.W. Lcnan on 1st and Ord Mon.
day evenings of each month.
FonESTEitT' Loner 2ndandlast Monday
evenings of each month, in Smale's hall.
L. 0. L. 1st Monday in every month,
in Orange Hall.
Posr Orrrcn.--Ofl}oe hours from 8 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
MEOnn8ICS InsTrrrrE, Reading Room
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be
open from to 8 o'clock p,m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Miss :Minnie Shaw, Lib-
BauseELsW. C. T. U. bold monthly
meetings on the let Saturday in moll
month, at 3 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Swann,
Brea. Mfrs, A. Strachan, Seo.
SALVATroN Anur services at 11 a. en., 3
and 8 o'clock p.ul. on Sunday and every
evening in tho week at 8 o'clock, at the
barracks. Capt. Bates in command.
li bit1ttl>'S C z Yes:.
ra0ar A STAP0O0DSIImE COAL rrl'.
'There is but a step between me and death:
(1 Samuel xx. 8.)
Not many yeareeago, two gentle
men were standing at the edge of a
coal -pit in Staffordshire.
"My friend," said one to the other,
"have you aver been dowu a coal
"No," replied his companion, who
was en architect ; " T have never
found myself palled upon to descend
"But you would like to go down
surely ?" said the arta speaker, who
supposed that his friend was rather
alarmed at the forbidding appear-
ance of the pit's mouth, and had
shape, bui in Parse this iudustre is
carried on to a great extent, end
gold is the metal moat used,
Thin sbeets of sheet iron are set
into dies abort two inches in diem.
eter These are heated red hot and
struck with a punch into a number
of holes gradually increasing in
depth, to give them proper thane
the thimble is then pulisbed, trim
mad and indented around its outer
surface with a number of little halos,
by means of a email wheel. It is
changed into steel by the cement.
atiou(look that up in the diotionery,
clears) process, scoured, tempered,
and brought to a bine calor. A.
thin blieet of gold be then it,truducod
and utttobed to the steel by a polish
ed steel mandrel. Gold leaf is thou
applied and fastened by pressure.
The thimble is then complete,
So, you see, my dears, that al-
though so vary small, the thimble —
or "finger cap," as the Germane pall
it—griee through many different pro-
ceesee before it is made ready for
the work hox,
• Varieties.
1888 is but n tittle over a fraction
of time, anyhow -014e and throe
There is a girl it1 Michigan six
feet nine Mabee tall, and when her
lover stands an his tip toes and
asks fcr a kiss the stoops to concur.
A western ituarchiat on hearing
that man ie ninety per cent. water,
went into a room and blew his
brame uut. He could not stand the
A Ieseoa le to be learned from the slght of
a bald bond. lalling out and premature
greyness of the hair can be stopped it :taken
in time. Do not let it run on without mak-
ing an effort to save it. Get a bottle of Dr.
Dorenwend's German Hair Magic; it stimu-
lates the growth, gives fresh vitality. and-
keepe its natural color, besides being a su-
perbdressing, Alldruggists sell it.
If the gentlemen who tarred and
feathered us last Saturday night
will kindly return our clothes they
will confer a lasting favor. --Grub•
atake (Tex.) Prospector.
Caller (to little Bobby) : Bobby,
what makes your eyes so bright.
Bobby (after a little thought): I
dess it's tause I hnin't had em in
very long.
A Routh Goading paper tells of a
not sufficient courage to enter the man who has been at the plow for
"cage" (as the Small stage is called, sixty• eight years. ICs time to call
oe which the coiliere are lowered to the old man to dinner,
their wrrk.), Cashiers, from medical report,
"No ; I have no desire to go Aro seldom very strong,
done," was the reply. Their longest ages are but short—
"Oh, do come !" said the gentle Their ehort ages ars long.
men again. Let me persuade yon The distressing paleness so often observed
t0 descend." iu young girls and women is due in a great
measure to It lack of the red corpuscles in
But hie companion stiffly persieted the blood. To remedy this requires a mod:
in hie refusal. blood oou st'tuonts unci the bast rt diner -
'eine which produces these necessary little
Jriet at this mem:nt twee colliers and ei00 porrrbattloie,Tt rsi Deadman'i
stepped forward and took their Drag Store, ilr easels.
places, unhesitatingly, iu the cage, Hunbttud—The photographer is
prepartory to making the tlerceut. ready to take your picture, I guess
"Now my friend,"maid the grntie•. Photographer -Yes, all ready. Now
mac again, "here ie your oppor- look pleasant. Wife (before the
tunity : these two men are just camera): My dear, I think you had
going below; and you have only to
step into the cage —nothing la
easier—and they will take you down
in a trice."
But tate architect still remained
firm; and the cage was lowered
without frim.
At that instant, only a abort
distance down from the starting
' • place, the rope suddenly broke ;
and both the unhappy men-, who
had entered the cage with such con•
fidence a few minutes before, were
dashed to pieces in their terrible isil.
''Thank God 1" exclaimed the
architect's friend, with tears of grafi
tude m big eyes ; ;'I have iudeod
been taught a lesson to day ; and
will never again laugh at those who
may seem to me to lacic courage,but
aro perhaps being field back by n
merciful God from some step which
would plunge them in destruction."
Did you ever undertake to sew
without a thimble ? If so, you know
how hard it ie to push the needle
through the cloth, and how the finger
pricks and aches from the stub of
the sharp retool.
The thimble is a very small piece
of workmanship, but it is a very int -
'nut is thankful to the good old An Improbable Yarn—Judge (to
Dutchman who was so clever ae to
invent it, although he is • dead and
gone centuries ago I think you
Would like to hear what •I Lave
learned adout this little inetrnment,
It was brought to England as far
back as 1:805, by John Lofting, a
portant and useful one, and Grand•
better go into the other room.
Close bands at Poker.—Two old
sports accnetomed t0 catch tato
granger at poker, are playing
against one another. I call you.
What you got?' Four Rees.'
'What's yer outside card ? I've
got four aces myself.'
He Was Curious—What two beau,
tifut children 1 Are they twins ?
said an old baobelor to au Austin
lady with two children. 0, yes,
they are twins, replied l.he lady.
Excuse my curiosity, Madame, but
are you the mother of both of them ?
",More Trouble may be Expected;
If you de not heed the warninge of nature
and atooeopayattention to the rnaintou-
4000 0? your health. How often wo see a
person put off from day to day the purchase
of a medicine which, if proeurod at the out -
start of the disease ,would have remedied it
almost immediately. Now If Johnson's
Tonle Liver Pills' had been taken when the
first uneasiness mode its appearance the
Illness would bah o b nen',nipped in the bud,"
Jobueon'e Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are
decidolythe beet Medioines on the market
for general tonin anis invigorating proper-
ties. Pals bets, per bottle, Bitters 50 cents
and 31 per bottle, Sold by G. A, Headman,
Druggist, Brussels.
Wife -Well, our new girl is going
to leave, John, Husband—Why?
She eays your manner towards her
on the street is entirely too cool
that wo haven't our family arms on.
the kitchen stove lids and broom
handles, and that on the whole we
are not of lior set.
prisoner)—You say you Ivor° driven
by hunger to commit this crime.
Prisoner—Just so, .your Honor.
But p hungry man is not apt to
steal a whole calf. I know that,
but I didn't have my pooketeknife
with me or I'd have only cut off a
Dutchman, and was first called a few poundse
thumb bell, because ib was worn on Cause and Effect.—A child was
playing with entne other children
when it began to Ary on account of
Laving received a smart slap in the
face from one of its companions,
'You must bit amnesty thing back,'
the thumb, and was ehaped like a
bell, and afterwards it was called
thu.rable, and later thimble,as we
now call it,
Thimbles were first made of iron
and beass. Those made of iron must 'said nurse, who had neva road the
have boon clnmsy and heavy, and sermon on the mount. 'But I hit
the brass discolot':d the finger, but it baolc f f -f first,' sobbed 'tile enter.
.loon these tliaadvantages were seer,, • pricing hinted.
and Algol, silver, and gold, took their .L Little Job's Comforter: --A lit -
places. Ile boy visits his trick teacher, who
In the ordinary manufacture of is very old and suffering from korai•
thimbles, thin plates of metal are 1 gala. 'Well, sonny, have you come
placed iu.a die and rebelled into tv outrun, eour ural twitcher ?
responded the littlo fellow, hie eyos
filling with Mere, "1 wantgtl to tell
you that parlysts was what my un01e
died of last years. It was just such
weather as title,"
A Tight Squeeze.—Jesaio's teach•
or wave her pupils a party, to which
'little brother' vete invited. Ho ate
heartily of ice-cream laud magi, and
was fouutlyepnsing on the beech iu
the parch while the other children
were at play in the yard. When
asked why he didn't juin them, ho
exclaimed : '0, I can't play, my
penis choke mo
Are you not going to use a blood purifier
this Spring? If so, remember that Dr.
Carson's Stomach Bitters is one of the
beat known. Large bottles 50 cents.
A. Surplus Luxury.—Omelta bus
band—'11y dear, do you kuow that
it ix the taxltion now to have a clock
at tho head of the etaire ?' Wife ---
'Yea, I linow ; but; ours is nut going
tbare,' 'Why not ?"A clock at
that point is not necessary. When
you come home late, I'll aiw'ays be
at the head of the stairs to tell you
what time it is.'
He bad n solt Snap.—George---
'You look sleepy, John.' John —
T did not 90 to bed until three
o'clock this morning. I we- out
calling on my girl.' Three o'clock?
1 should think the old man would
have come dowu Stairs with r► shot
gun.' 'Her father is a widower, and
ie courting a lady in the next block.
1 never have to leave until he comes
• Spring! Spring 1 Spring 1 Boils! Boils!
Boils t The best Blood Purifier and Tonic
is Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Tb.
People's Remedy. Large bottles 5o cents
At a dinner at this Mansion
hone° three •foreign consuls were
present whom the Lord Mayor
wished to honor by drinking their
bealths. lie accordingly directed
,the toastmaster to announo the
healths of 'the three present con
sule.' He, however, mistaking the
words, gave out the following : •The
Lord Mayor drinks the health of
the three per cent. Console.'
A Philadelphia paper, referring
to the death of a lady, says she was
overtaken by a fetal attack that
ended in death. That a fatal attpok
should ever end in death 5001338 so
aildly improbable that the matter
requires investigation. If, however,
it should be shown that the fatal
attack really did end in death, then
we die prepared to believe almost
any incredible statement.
"PEOTOBIA" for colds. "PECTORIA"
for coughs. "PECTORIA"for the lungs.
" PROTORIA" for the Bronchial tubes.
"PEOTOIIIA"the best, the safest, the
eheapest. "PEOTO1iIA" the great 25
cent Cough Remedy.
An Accommodating Texan.—
When Oolonel Sumpter was in New
York, strolling ab ut and seeing
what was to be seen, he noticed by
the aide of the door of a large man-
sion on Fourth avenue, right andel
the bell, the words : 'Please ring the
bell for janitor.' After reflecting a
few minutes, Col. Sumpter walked
up and gave the bell such a pall
that one might have supposed he
was trying to extricate it by the
roots. In a few minutes an angry -
faced man tore the door open. 'Are
you the janitor ?' asked Col. Sump-
ter. 'Yes ; what do you want ?' 'I
saw that notice, 'Please ring the bell
for janitor,' so 1 rang the bell'for
you, and now 1 want to know why
you can't ring the hell yourself.'
Sift flour just before you wish to
use it.
To remove black grease stains
from clothing vee cold water and
soap. Hot water sets the stain.
Buckets, and all wooden pails not
in use, as well as wash tubs, should
be turned bottom side up to pre-
vent leaking.
If the soft water that flows in
your pipes is yellow, put blueing
into the' boiler before boiling the
clothes, It will give a better color.
Never Id the sun rays strike a
mirror. It acts upon the mercury
and malleo the glass cloudy, which
all the rubbing in the world will
not remove.
The air of a sick chamber should
always be kept so fresh that there
will be no perceptible difference
upon coming into it from the outer
If paint has been accidentally
spattered on glass it may be re-
moved by being wet with water and
then robbed with a new silver doll.
If you would keep your face and
hand unwrinkled, use tepid water ;
very shot or cold water is injurious.
Also avoid burying the face in a
soft pillow at night which always
produoes wrinkles around the oyes.
• Iieroaene will brighten silver, but
an easy way to keop bright the
spoons encs forks in daily use is to
leave them in strong borax water
for ovum' Hours. Tho water should
be boiling slot when the silver is
put in.
Frequent application of alcohol
abstracts the water of the skin,
malths it dry and brittle; and bet-.
pairs its nutrition. This le also
true of glyoeriue. All toilet washes
ooutaiuiug Alcohol to any consider'
able extent should be avoided.
A good cough mixture is made of
a half a cup of linseed,. halt a cup
of olive oil, half a pint of molasses
or honey, half an ounce of balsam
of fir, out, fourth ounce of lioorloo ;
mix, bimmer and take from tau to
t'weuty drop& three times a day.
The way house plants thrive on
the di"cgs of coffee left at breakfast
is admirable, Bowker itself hardly
turns out stronger leafage or such
thick bloom. The gfounds are a
gond nnllob on the top of the coil,
but a little care must be given not
to let them soul end get musty.
To wash lace or fine embroidery
without wear, rub white soap on the
ended plats, then) ouvor with sort
water and set for twelve honey in
the sunehinr', then rinse in 'clear
water, pull out each point with the
fingers, and in upon the pillow or
sheet upon the carpet to dry.
Nothing about a house is more
unsigbity than old lead ]roles or
brokeu places iu a plaet•ered wall,
and nothing is easier to conceal.
Tarte N uielrel'e worth of plaster of
patis, And reduce it to the consist•
enoy ut thiol, cream by the adding
of warm water. Then bake a knife
and prase it into the holes, smooth-
ing over nicely at the last. In a
few minutes you cannot find the
that his arrival here produces con -
demotion in the Saurian family et
once, and the only question then
was wbioh could get into its hole
the quickest, Some of the tales of
hie experionees are very weird and
wild and perhaps may bo taken
with a grain of salt.
Ono of the most thrilling and
truthful . xploil was at Rice (]reek,
. some six miles from here, several
years ago, the details of which are
often narrated by the old gulden.
It was on a cold clay in March,
with a stiff breeze blowing from the
west. Engaging a small beat, ool
ored man and boy, Mr. Root start•
od on a bout in the creels above
mentioned. A row of two hours
brought thew to the mouth of the
creek, where it emptied iuto the St.
John River, '1'he Shat two bends
were rounded without any game be.
big sighted, but • 00 reaching the
third two largo aligators were seen
to swim out from the dense panes
that )sued the shores. Raising his
rifle the Uommodore fired, the ball
striking the larger of the two 'gat -
ora between the eyes, "laying him
out." From the wound poured a
crimson stream, dying the water
for yards around, while the last
agonies of the reptile churned the
water into foam. At the first crack
of the gun the other saurian had
sunk, but the smell of blood attract,
places. od its attention and it Tose on the
other lido of the boat, and rouged
::,IiVCN J>i{Vali 1'ItOVEitlly. to fury by the blond and the agon-
izingA man without friends is like the plunges of He mate made for
tvitbaut the right. mates of its enemies with a rush. The in.
left band
It is no mutter whetherr n man the boat did not notice it
until a near spoil attrkoted their
have snob or little if his heart bo set
attention, when turning they saw
iu heaven. the 'gator with huge open .jaws
A good life is better than high within a few yards of the boat and
birth. The bread and the rod name from coming like lightning. The Oum
heaven together. modore said afterwards that its eyes
cannot together
keecon pally with seemed fairly to .sparkle with in-
Firep p J feroal glee, and Le verily • thought
'fla without kindling it. that the reptile seemed to recognize
In this world a man follows his him as the dreaded enemy of his
own will ; in the next comes the kind. The 'gator struck the boat
judgment. fairly, and savagely crunched the
With the same measure with low side in with its jaws, bearing
which a man measures to others it it down under the water.
will be measured to him again. Mr Root jumped out on the op-
posite side and swam to the shore,
where ho climbed a tree, as the
In Australia credit of six months bank was boggy and swampy, .fol -
is generally allowed. lowed by the colored man. But the
In Asia Minor a credit of but boy could not swim, and the her-
or three week is in most eases rifled teen saw that he was doom -
all that is allowed. ed. They there powerless to help
Tu Italy but little credit business him, however, and a bloodcurdling
is done, and none without good se- screamand the disappearance of the
clarity being given struggling boy goon followed, while
In France a four menthe' accept- the red waters told the tale. The
anon is required to besent in settle• gator was not seen again, and Mr.
trent of the invoice. Root and his mac remained in the
In Cuba the time fixed for pay true top for some hours, suffering
greatly from exposure, when
meat is generally from four to five apass-
months after delivery of goods. ing pleasure yacht rescued them..
In the Bermudas accounts are This exciting experience and hor•
settled but once a year. The 80th riblo death of the boy caused a corn -
of June is the day usually fixed for motion among the tourists at the
the payments. hotels here, most of them being
In Austria it is scarcely possible hunters and sportsmen at the time.
to do business without allowing a An expedition therefore was made
very long credit, which is nearly up to try and kill that old 'gator in
always one of six months. a tew days, consisting of about a
In Eugland a payment of goods dozen persons. They killed four
delivered is required at the end of before they killed the right one, but
three months, dating from the day finally s hugeold fellow rose in
of shipment. the weeds as they approached, and
In Turkey even objects of prime was finished by a dozen rifle halls
necessity are sold on credit, and in at short range. On opening him
this country, as well as in Rueaia, they found the skull of the boy ia•
the time allowed in most cases is side, besides a number of ribs and
twelve menthe.. other bones. A piece of plank, two
In Spain four-fifths of the trans eeotions of log chain, several pine
actions are done on a Dash basis, knots ground round and smooth,
ont .
while in Portugal great liberality is and fiehb oe , formed some of
� c ,
shown and quite a long credit is the contents of the old saurian's
usually allowed. stomach. Ile measured over eigh-
In China 11 is not customary to teen feet long, hie head alone being
give credit. Money is obtained six feet. The jaws were enormous
from lenders, who exact an interest in their spread, opening at their
of from eight to twelve per cent. taps when propped opou to the full
Business is nearly always conduct extent of some three feet.
ed on a cash basis, The Commodore says this was
In Mexico the large commercial one of hie most exciting experiences
houses willingly give credit of from although it ocourred in so short a
six to eight months, stud in the re. period as to give him but little time
`tail trade longer terms are given
customers in which to settle their
in Canada settlements aro made
at the end of thirty days, with a
discount of five por cent. Somo•
times a credit of from three to six
months is allowed, but in tbis case
there is no discount
. EATEN 11! AN Af,Lt0AT0 b.
A Colored Boy swallowedtry an immense
Saurian down in Florida.
Commadore A, S. Root, of Cohoes
N.Y., a wealthy usanufaeturor of
thatioity, is the terror of all well-
posted Florida .; alligators, The
story is told that whenever he goes
stunting for them now he only
drops his card case overboard in
the river and the huge saurians
come up to meat their doom.
The Commodore is down again
this season as sprightly as ever and
full of lite and animation that
makes him so popular hero and
renders hint tho pride of tho
"Cracker" heart, The recent gold
drovo all' the 'gators down deep
to their winter =boles, but the
natives will persist that the fano of
the Commodore is so well known
for reflection,
In the old days before these rep-
tiles were driven off the rivers they
were extremely tame and very num-
erous. The Commodore's record
was generally 800 to 500 every
season, and he finally became
known as the "New York alligator
man" among the colored guides.
Joseph Lowrie, of Sarnia, recent-
ly shipped large consignments of
buggies and waggons to . Winnipeg.
A compositor on the Chatham,
Prince Edward's Island, - World,
translated Junior Lord of the Ad•
miralty into "Junior Lord of the
Almighty,' with reprint copy at
The other day a dog belonging to
one of the men putting up the sid-
ing on the knitting mills at Port
Dover went out on the scaffold of
the third storey to Roe hie master.
He foil off on to the frozen ground
beneath about 85 feet below. Every.
ens expected toelite him transform-
ed into something like a pancake,
but strange to say, he at once got
up and after relieving himself . of a
tow hideous howls, fled as if the
whole staff of worlitlion were after
him with a club,
Mp lou 30, 1 "85
Asa n
Loan &Investment 0o.
This Company is Loaning Money
on Farm Security at LOWEST
JCcrtgages enrci cried.
8, 1, and u por cent, Interest
allowed on Deposits, according
to atnoun t and time 1 et.
OFI''ICB.—Corner of Market
Square and North Street, tlode•
Horace Horton,
Woolen Mill.
B. Forsyth & Son, formerly of
the Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg
to inform the Farmers in this vi-
cinity that they have Now in Op-
eration a Woolen Mill in Blyth,
and hope that by adhering
to their old plan of making noth-
ing but Sound, Durable. Goods
and trust that by so doing to
moot a liberal patronage.
of all kinds promptly and care-
fully attended to. ,
The HIGHEST PRICE paid for
Wool in Exchange for Tweeds,
Full Cloths, Flannels, Yarns, ete.
A Trial Solicited !
Satisfaction Guaranteed !
R. Forsyth & Son.
30 Jays
The Attention of the Public "1
is called to the fact that the
will give
0- H;NU-11\T
21zvee'Zs, Yarns,
Blankets, Elan`nels,
Uncler'etvticino, 4'o.
for the next 30 days,
Specill Drives
in,lCnitted Goods.
To Secure the
Dig E►ed,uetions
you Must bring the
Try the Brussels
Woolen Mill