HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-16, Page 6Do YOU ENOW THAT WE ENO A L 1ta1/ seP1'Lr or THE BRUSSELS POST MARCH 10, 1888. NOTE PAPER ENVELOPES ! If you aro not aware of this fast just take a glance at a portiou of our stock displayed in our window this week. We will be glad to supply you when requiring any. You will find quality and prices right. We are always glad to procure any geode in our lino not in i;toek. Books and Stationery, Drupe and Fancy Goods are our leading litres. Please remember the place, which 1s G. A. Waal Drug, Book d Porky Covets Store, NO REMEDY gives such universal satisfaction as the COUGH REMEDY manufactured in Seaforth,• called " -•3-LUMSDEN & ARo al Gl cerat d Balsam of Fir y y Its Wonderful virtues have created a demand for the' Preparation from all parts of the Proyiuco. ' Druggists sell it. Price $0 tits. 17.6ma. eRAI D TRUNK'RAILWAY. BOrTnERN E$TENSION, W. G. d D. E. Troia' leave Brussels Station. north and south as foliowis:- fining beutl{. ; Going North. 7:12 a,n.Mixed ....,...,.R:90 b.m Bxpreis....,.11t40 a.m. I Mail.. ... ...theOpan 9:96 p.m. 1 F sprees - ,..9:46 p.m ooxa•leiust.eins, • A chiel's amaug ye takin' notes Au' faith he'11 prent it - i A noLLu1 book with 3 lbs of Tea. Al Good. 35 Boots at lowest prices, and buttons fastened for nothing. Aneet GOOD. A. LOAD of Eth.l young people visited Brussels last Friday evening and put in a pleasant time. ICE is being cut this week for the use of the restaurant to bo ren in W. Nightin- gales et C•o's former stand, by James Broadfoo. OWING to Tuesday's mail train sticking in the snow a• double quantity of nail matter reached Brussels on Wednesday afternoon. GEORGE CtiUlIPP has gone into partner. ship with lie brother Mark in the imple- ment business under the firm name of Cardiff Bros. They are both pushing men, and will do well. A REPRESENTATIVE Of Dr. :Wallington, of Toronto, wee in attendance at the American Hotel, here, on Molday of this week, but as the patients were few and far between he will discontinue his visits to Brussels. ON Thursday eveninu of next week a par- lor concert will be given in the Methodist parsonage. The evening's entertainment is in the hands of the loung people of the Congregation. There is no dearth of eu- tertainmenta this winter. CooxBoneless' combination did itot' pan out well in Brussels and would be bothered to do any more than pay ex- penses with the receipts The old cone' ediau was rather hors de combat himself, as lie has been bothered for some time with rheumatism and goat. W%•have just received a new piece of music called "Silver Bell Wal:z,' by the popular composer, Charley Baker, which 1 we can recommend to our readers as very good, it not;being too difficult and at the ` same time very.shoWy. It can be played on the Piano or Otg..n, and wil be sent at the special price of only 11-2c. stamps. Address J. C. GROENE & CO., 30 and 40 Ardade, Cincinnati, 0. Oen spring shoos are daily coming to hand, They aro the best value we have ever had. Adam Good, 36 A LEGAL partnership has boot entered 'into between W. 23.'Diekeon, of Brussels, well known in this locality, end it popu- lar young gentleman, Stanley Hayes, of GoderIelt, to be known es Diokeon & Mayes, Mr. Dickson will leave ehortip for Helena, Montana, on legal business, and will be away for month ur so. Mr. haves will take np his residonae in town shortly. We we)oome him to our midst, and hope hie corning may be both pleas- ant, and-profltitl)lo. Oen Mxeannns,-lkfiss Green is back to her old position at F. C. ,Rogers'' Do. minion House for the coming season. - A. R. Smith, of "99," bas engaged Miss Hayward, a resident of Port 'Hope, to take Miss Hood'e place. -Mrs, Alexander will hold the fort at her shop as in years gone by. -The millinery department of tho Garfield House will be under the sup. ervision of Miss Wilson, of Harriston. The millinery openings will soon be at bend' end tho gentler sex will be harpy, for a while at least. 'PoorBALL.-Laet Saturday afternoon a foot ball match was played on Victoria Square between the "Juveniles,"of Brus- sels, and the Walton olub. After a hotly contested game, in which victory was veryunee,tain, the match was given to the visitors by a score cf 1 to 0. A pro- test was mitered by the, Brussels club against the referee's decision in the first half time as a goal was claimed by the home club. Our boys will not rest antis and until they have Cho matte- definitely settled by another match, as they say it WAS mostassul'edly a draw. CAmNIVAx,-A carnival was held on the Maitland rink on Wednesday evening of this week. The noticeable features 405 e the closely untested moos. In the 60 lap race there were eight entries, but it carrowrd down to Thompson, •f Brus- sels, and Johnston, of Gerrie. The laps were covered in good .time and Thomp. sontook 1st prize by about half a lap. Iu'the married man's race for a barrel of flour, A. Veal and J. Dunford wer • the contestants. It was en, easy vigtory for the former. The 20 lap race for peplos was decided a tie. It was participated hi by Miss Lily Veal and .Noble Gerry, and Miss Katie Wilson and R.T tompson. It was ty good one. Little "Butcher" Currie wag too swift -for the boys and won by ower a' lap, Wm, 'James was awarded let prize for character ;costume;'` Indidn. Miss B. •Grewar took 1st es In- dian Princess, with Mies Rills Hunter 2ut1, personating an Egyptian Princess. Jno Jaakelon, of Corrie, got it for -comic The judges were R. Leatherdale, S. 1-I. Laird and A. R. Smith. Futon ConciuT--eLastTuesday even. ing a ve' y enjoyable and suecesefnl par- lor concert was given at Thos. 'Beam typo's residence by the young people of Knox church. At 8 o'clook the following. interesting program. commenced :-Iu- strumental due tt, violin and piano, Miss Lizzie and H. L. Jackson; quartette, 1llisses Kerr and A. Straeban and H. L. Jackson ; solo, Mise Annie Mitchell ; re= citation, Miss McGuire; solo. J. Har. greaves; solo, Miss lie Lir Wilsog; piano solo, Miss Jackson; imtrumeutnl duett, lens. Geo. Thomson and Miss Ballantyne quartette, Miss Kerr, Miss Kay, A. Strut= and J. Hargreaves ; recitation, W.B. Dickson ; solo, A. Straeliao ; a few words from Rev. Mr. Hamilton ; u,stru. mental, Bliss and H. L. Jackson; sold, Mise Kerr; recitation, Miss McGuire; q,.artette, Misses Kerr and J, Hargreaves and A. Strachan; doxology, and bene- diction. 11r. Ballantyne was urged to contribute some music on th:' bag.pipos, but excused himself that they were not in tune. About $16 was netted by this entertainment. TEE Canadian Horticulturalist- for March is a most interesting and attrac- tive ntunber. The f,ontispieoe is a beau- tiful colored plate of the double flower- ing plum, one of the most' elegint of shrubs ; and it has besides about fifteen fine illustrations. The content. are as follows : "Laying out a lawn ;" "Plan of a greenhouse costinglessthau 910.00;' "Rambles among fruit growers ;" "My experience in fruit culture ;" "Fruit no es •" "A large vine ;" "A prominent Americanhortioulturalist•;" "Willow and Osier growing ;" "How to gl'osw the lily of'the valley ;" "Hints for the month ;" 'Pruning the apple ;" "Pruniug the grape,;" "Questions on fruit cult tie an- swered ;" "The English sparrow ;" "aur fruit markets,' etc., etc. °This monthly Journal, which is the lending Canadian anthority«n fruit en tura, may by h. d by, a ldeesein9 th; Secretary of the Frit Growers' Association of Oetario, 011018- y. Silhscription'price 91.00 alae entit- ling the subscriber to a selection from the annual distribution of trees and (ants and to a copy of the annual re - ori for 1887, • THE AGNES Hama ENTERTAINMENT... Ow - ng to the amort continuous run .of en- te0taipnnents for the past. three or four weeks and the way cold and diaag'esable vioepg the Town Hall was not nearly as well filled on Monday ovenin;l at Miss K1nox's entertainment as it should hove ren. This talented lady exceeded 'he xpectarions of the most sanguine of her ,:ssele admirers and gave the various =berg with groat feeling, grade and ability. Her eeleotions were "Laevo," C' 'ucldlo Dr pn " "The Knight and the odyn' "Hine Ruby lay, 01,'' "This Can. da of 4.1100, and "Her Letter," To our tied the -third selection was the beet, al. hough "R.u,y" (might the audience, iss Knox is not over.estimated in the Pry flattering notices she has received. n addition to the eloontiouary part of 15 program Miss L. O'Connor contrib. ted the hnnlorems .olo "Half past kiss - 3 time," and "Tho cricket on the t arth," F r an neon Rho gee a "Late will love thee." Will Dunn, although 11ffo1'ing s'oinevvlmt from oold, snug "The d and the new Marie," "Tho Quaker," 1(1 "The Sm,beam,' and for encore eve "The 1h iitgw'aitr's yarn." A trio ,Citi '1 "Tho 1. O B's;" (Independent rd• r of ' athelore) was also sung by r, Ihnn;, Mies O'Connor and W. E. I urge:e. All the vocal :elce:dons warn ell renderer, Mr. Burgess` eentrllo DIENS were, oleo 0 feature et the evening id his that appearance with "Joe" unreal goetti progress. iu thie peculiar t since l;is last appearance here. Mies., ,r O. l° , us, 01 Lietovel, ,,,.l A]:res 'Connor filled the bill as a0companiete, le entertainment concluded with the ati0101 Anthem. Tho above mentioned rformers were to have genu to Wooer - no on Tuesday evening but owing to the ten the afternoon *nun was cancelled, their engagement had to ho postponed, ono need be afraid of 1'eeommendiug' "g5 Knee1 ON Sabbath, `25"41 inst., Iter, W. Cass- on, of Mitchell, will preach the annual missionary sermons in the Pi -rowels teeth- b odist church, at 10:30 a,m. and 3:30 p.m. The rev. gentleman is au exceileetpreach- er. • On the following Monday evening I P he will deliver a iectu. a in the Totvri , P Hall on "The Brltise Empire." Tues- ' day evenipg Rev. Hiraiwa Yoshiyass, a ! native missionary of Japan, and others will address the anniversary missionary meeting in the Methodist church. Don't !.o forget the meeting nor the missionary's •, name. CuooiwG.-Last Friday two rinke of the Busse le Culling Club drove to Wrox- eterand played a friendly game with the , veterans of that burgh. A closely con- 1i tess th ted match woe; result, although tho were ebose largely in favor of the home team. The Wroxeter "boys" are hard to I beat and there are very few clubs that b can do ie. The following is the score : ' nr wnoxer . Rink No, 1, nnnnenr,g, t A. Ii sake, 16, heatherdele, , J. W. Sanderson, Moulage, ' v f, Gofton, S. Laird, ' I J. Bono, Flip_."0 J, ..ass, slip.... 11 tl Rini; No, 2. It T.1'', M3ller, .0. Kitchen, f,.Trelan,'., S. I3, Lair' , it A ,Poplin, J. Hargreaves, h x. lyno. -skip._. ..„911.1', Ciotti,, (total h. ear tul . ._. .. ..;;n e. Mai(frity fur Wroadter, 2li help, -.DECEASED.-._Last Sundhy Afternoon a. 301111,Dolson died at his residence, John g street, at the advanced ago cf 75 years, tic He was an old I c silent' cif Primula la hay- 0 int, lived hero for river 20 yea . and WDS M wail' known in this locality'. Ifo was B born in St. Catharines and spout a woe w part of his life in Gcnrgetovp Where he q follobed his trade, black ,mi:hieg. 1r, at 1o18'earlylifehow'ae a prominent no in sI iter qf the Methodist thumb. rb 7T, 0. Dol• rot' so. *fed Ione dath,bit i.3 l..t,:•, Smith, „t A ilrin3Mts. Siggiu:, of Iu*,msoil 11:., 0 Milky, of St. '1'honi s 1 and airs. 1.(a,v- T1 ens, of London, and a dauglltor.in-law. N Mre, d. 1i. Deleon, cif Saginaw, aro the I pe :sutw'ltdng members of the family, The l di • dooeicscii had been badly cripplers for mOto ,yezeia with rheumatism and did not so auoteli Abut muob, The funeral tmnk N pleEit!bn Tuesday afternoon. 311 See advt. of sale of Brussels woolen mi11 on the 90th inst. Fuze property for sale un the 21st inet„ at the An eriema Hotel; Brussels, BEV 0501408 JealT'r, of Wilkeeport, will preach in the Methodist church next Sabbath evening. Tim East Huron Farmers' Institute will be held at We'oxator on Thureday of next week. Go to it. You choice Df a vol. of Poems, Fiction, Travels, Biography, Natural History, llietory, ,to., with three pounde of Ten, ADAM GOOD. • .1, Kiroom o holds the Rogers medal for this year, Ile scored 17 points. The competitions for the Burt and Celodoniau medals ere being played. Tan storm and bluster on Tuesday in. terfered with .the. trams, .In several in- staueoe extra engines had' to bo put m1 to pull the trains through, MATorinn BLCE,-A thro0 mile skating rape for 1326 a side will.' take plane, ,it is expected, on. the Maitland rick, Brusse's, on Thoreday evening of next weak, be. tweell R Thompson, of this pia±e, and Il, ,lobnsboi, of Gerrie: As there is not mull difference in the speed of the two boutsstants a close race is expected. ljiuior.-At Goderieh, on Friday even. ing, Ma'&b Otlt, Isabella MacKenzie, relict of the late'Pi'ter Grunt; its her 85th yeas: Funeral of Monday, at 2 p. m., from resiclende 0111. Spence, Victoria street, ''oderich. (New Glasgow and H'1i tee Nova Bootie, pap rs please copy.) ---Daily Globe. Theenbjeot 6f the abovenotioewas the daughter of Thomas McKenzie, avian left Aberdeen, Scotland, for Nova Scotia about the year 1794. In 1824 alto there married Peter Grant, a notice of whose death has already been recorded in THE Poor, and whom ehe survived 12. years. On, he 27th July, 18813, they set sail from Pictou, ,Nova Scotia, for Gantitla, as it was then called, and arrived at 'the present site of London, comprt-ing et that time little more than' a £e° log huts, ou the 27111 of August of the same year. After suffering many privations and much personal ineonveniene8.thoy de- eitlyd to saltiehe • the County of Huron along toe London Reed near Clinton, where her late husband aegeireel eon. side able property, much of which is still 'in the•poseession of their grandchildren, and where they lived to see :their seven ,sons and three daughters grow up and some of them married. Desiring a well- earned ma they, retired . f, om the old homestead aild, with the eocrption .of short int ',vale spent among friends, lined together with'their daughter, Mrs. Spence, of Gode�'i�oh,`where the late Rev. Mix - milder McKenzie, her brother. (so well known add beloved by the pioneers of -50 yea s ago), died and sons buried... In the year 1876'she wits raft of her partner in life, who had shared het I 't for over 50 years, and Dew she tnines been -called to her rest, ripe in years, her memory revered uy too -e woo kuew her best, and, above all, bed given the evidence of a loug life that "She hath, chosen that bet- ter part which shall not b. talon from he.", Mrs. RebaDioksou, Simon told J. lt. Groat are the only members of the family residing in this locality. Paula We KNow.-D. Hayden has been cm the sick list during the east week. -A. M. Kay, it Godo'ich, was in town last Tuesday. He has withdrawn from the partnership of Fraser, Porter & Kay, booksellers and fancy good+ dealers. -Miss Clara Creighton is home from Toronto, but will leave shortly for Otterville.-James Stratton, jr„ is away on a visit to the we=t. -Mrs. G. A. Powell, of Stratford, formerly o` Bru*sell, • has been very ill with fever but is improving nicelynow.-A large ++umber of friends went to tee noon train last Friday to say "good-bye" to Dr. and Mrs.' Hutchinson as they left for Montreal, -Samuel Fear has been quite poorly for the past e0uple of weeks but we hope that the coming spring weather will felly restore him. - County Master Young and J. Mooney are atteudingthe Grand Lodge of the L.O.L. at Toronto this week. -Mrs. O'Connor has been dangerously ill this week, but is somewhat improved at lbs time of writing this item” -Miss Campbell and W. E. Culbert, of Listowel, and Miss Dunn and R. H. Knox, of Attwood, were in town last Monday. -Our old Maud, Jno. Dunbar, who has been farming for several years in Grey township, has be, come a resident of Brussels. We are glad to see him in town. -Will. Laird, of Port Elgin, is home on holiday visit, . His brother Joe. is looking after Lis ton- sorial parlor in his absence. -T. G. and Mrs. MoOracken, of Harriston, Mrs. T. Rutley, of 8t. Thomas, Mrs. S. Siggius, Ingersoll, and Mrs. L. evens, of London, wore in town this week attending the funeral of the late Johu Deleon last Tuesday. --Ws are pleased to see that J. H. Botz and J. H. Swan' have come through the 1st year's examinaiions at the Mental College, 'Toronto. -R. Sperl ing and family have removed to Wing - hath this w,ek. Ed will continue to look after the egg and butter trade in Brus- sels, but will make Wingham his head- quarters. -Miss Lilly Moss was visiting m Listowel last week. -Rev, W. E. Kerr, of Alma, is home for a brief holiday. - We 4v re pleased to enjoy a visit from our old friend Chris. Diokson, of Clinton, this week. Ho ham greatly improved in health. -Stanley Hayes, of Goderieh, was in town for oouple of days Haig week.-•Jno. Hewitt, of Brussels, is in (1 dorioh, -Alex, Stewart, shoemaker, is Iznik again to Brussels. 'He will be here for a mouth or so, --T. O'Neil arrived home from Boston last Sabbath. Ire had to drive from Palmerston, as the trains did not connect at that point, Ho purposes making another trip with a oar load of horses shortly, -Miss Mary La. moat spent last Sunday in Wingham: - E. W. Gerryis away at Toronto.•-8amu- el Askin; photographer, paid a visit to Millbank this week --Miss Heritage is spending a week in town with' Miss Blakeman. -Dr. and Mrs. Graham Itod Thos. Siraohan "attended the meeting of Maitland Presbytery, at Luoknov, this a eek: --Tho Gorrie Vidotte says in speaking of the grist mill of that village --Tho 'business of the mill is now vested in Robert Blaolc, lata of Brussele, who rents the3roperty from Mr. D. Mr. R; is Gast -mans miller and undoestands his basiness in ovary particular. Ho is at all times prepared to buy any amount of good wheat. at the highest market prices, 1 i ahipntee.s of flour to venous ),renis are immense and a full supply is always kept on hand 100 home eon0tmiptiol5, Mr. B. is of good moral chararter, and 00110t00115 and obliging to hie many cis. tamers, and is a loan who wine the re. speer and osteenn of all with w110111 he e0m00 in cotta±t. --Mfss Carrie McKenzie hag taken a eituaiion in '1'Oroltn,--fibs. Mgt is ill. A eiweior. 0010niets' !raid fur Dakota and Minnesota peewit th1'00e11 Brussels on Tuesday at '11:40 aka, MMMT; Taylor, of the (Waage; lnfilw;tnkeo ,S1 St. loam Railway, aoonmpe,lied the 'party. Sever alloar loads Ot goods belongi110 to intend. ing sottlore worn shipped from White. ghurah. , Cate ntt(9104 85. ,N(• sew, On Thursd•,y A. Aohim' of the Mont- real poetoffioe' got tee 'snore for stoaliot letters. Throe of Om Bell Telephone dom. panv'e mnplo'ees itt Toronto were fined $10 e1101lou Thursdayf.,r rutting branches from shade trees, - Toronto, with le population of 156,000, loss 225 licensed pl'tcee for the sate of 11. poor 'Montreal, with a pnpnlntion of 200,000, has 1,200, 13y building a lock at iVaehburn on the Rideau canal and lowering the water in the reach near Kingston mills ['early 5,000 acres of drowned Wide wovld be re. stored 10 agricultu;.,, Ti,,1Government wi'li a asked to 1n oke the exchange. P. Delmere, jr., of :leder ion, has re- ceived a contract from J, A, Randall to plain 1,000 maple trees n1 Bois Blano Island in the tiering. Tie receive, $200 when the job is 0nm[ 1014 I, and $60 ie a year from that ditto, he to replan all bloat c1ie. Throe respectable (1) young ladies have been parading the streets of Kingston, Ont„ in ma'e attire. On one evening they ,v ro ul i od'iced to thee young eel-' i00 end escorted then limo without h.•- ing discovered, Arthur Pearce, residing eget of Nor- wich, lost a go+,1 hone., renenine. The annul had been troubled with canter of the stomach, arid lifter death a runlet' weitbing twenty:six pounds we,, rov,5tle,1 as the soaroe of death. ' ' News • has : been reedy et a1 Co iu'h that Miss Taylor, formerly a well-known teacher of Bayham Township, bn; who has lately been teaching in Dakota, we. one of the victims of the recant bliszard in that Territory, • 0391)1am Elliot,. an ex -DI, 1'., who 00- presedted Peol in Parliament "of Canada for many years, died on Friday at the residence of his brother-in-law, .lames Russel, of Trafalgar. The deceased gen: Vernal' was 51 years olf . John Gamble, whore sentence of death for the 'murder of Lizzie Bray ling been commuted to imprisonment for life, loft Toronto for 'Kingatoq Penitentiary on Saturday morning in oharge of a Sher, iff's offiaer•and'oounty constable, • The Vanderbilt party were ren op the M, C. R. •front Windsor to .St. Thomas on Thursday at the rate of 60 miles an hour.The actual •running time betwen Ridgetowtoaul the Erie & Heron junot iou was 61 and 86-100 miles per hour, During the months of Janlal'y an February of tho present year over 50 hoses have. been shipped from Londe to various points in the United State and the Northwest, the pricee paid fo these animals ranging from 965 to 920.' While coasting, a fete day's ago a fou .year old son of Lambert Fick, of Delhi, gqt one of bis legs broken a few inches from the hip joint. Next day another Delhi boy, named Daley, aged 15 years, broke one of his legs below the knee while coasting. The Ontario Cricket Assooiation has sent an offer to the American Cricket As - sedation, proposing July 511). and 6th as the date and Toronto the place for the international match this year. There will probably be four foreign teams in Toronto this Beason. About forty rods, oomprisung twellty. eight bands of the high trestle work in course of erection on the Niagara Central Railroad, near Thorold, was blown down by the high winds on Saturday morning, interrupting telegraph and electric street railwas wires,. virlo.ouo hurt. The report of the Minister of the In- terior shows that the receiets on account of Dominion lands Have fallen short of the expenses by 9167,000, All that was received from the land sales last year was 982,997, and all that was" paid in by the colonization companies was $833. Lansdowne's salary ae Viceroy of In- dia will be nominally 9100,000 a year, but it is olaimod that the depreciation in silver rupees will reduce ft w a beg- garly pittance of 965,000. The Marquis of Ggrne was beaked n1 high quarters for tho position, but Salisbury opposed the suggestion, The petition for the repeal. of Cho Scott Aot in Dufferin has passed through the Council at Ottawa, and it only now re- mains fora date to' be fixed by the Secre- tary of State. Petitions from Stormont, Dundas and Glongarty are still before the Department of Justice, and will probably have to be atnouded. The statement that it is intended to re- move Cho Canadian Paoifio workshol' from Winnipeg to Pore Arthur 'Is oorrobo. rated by a prominent railway official, who says that the authorities decided to re- move the shops if the Rod River toed is built, This means a loss of $30,000 a month to the tradesmen of Winnipeg. Filmer Manan 333m. -Credit -stile of farm stook, implements, ,ta, or north half of lots 18 and 14, IIowlok, Sale 0001men055 Itt 1 tablook sharp. Robt. Douglnes rind Robt.? $ifilicr, Executors. J. Cowan, aut. CoRa:03'0DFAIGIP'eLLY E Vali Wheat Spring Wheat - Onts.,., ' Porta. 'Barley Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs, nor dozen Apples, per bushel ... Ho4e, dressed Beef platY,l3lit:14. 78 $0 40 BOCO nd aold. +1'O'PI•ls Blsn°trN'Prn, 78 00 „ Canadian and United Cates Drafts bought 60 65 15 70 00 ea cane May Agont Interest allowed op deposits, Collections de on favorable terms, a-MEn,uANT'e 13AN1( OP' BANKING. 'QINTOSII & AXCTA(rGART, I3,1NIiElt6 .:• BRUSSELS 7'7'((,fsaet a General 13(1)?&tat,o J oe311tC33, 10 00 OA•"DA% Now York Agents-Iurun'rr•,its Aso TAAL. 75 90 nes NnrloNAL, EASE. 0 10 7 00 4 50 5 50 Hay 800 900 Wood, per cord 2 00 4 00 mm2VSa;E7i,S 7,t6AR.u£T.S- et/ERECTED CAllilduLLY Grunt mom. Fall Wheat 80 81 ,:spring Wheat .. 70 81 Burley 00 70 Oats. 38 40 Peas 08 Butter, tubs and roll's 18 Eggs per dozen 12 Flour per barrel,,.., ..., 1 50 Potatoce , . , 60 00 Hay pm' ton ........... 8 00 8 6i aides pot 11) .,., 4 6i Salt per bbl„wboloeale.., , fin 80 Shoop skills, aaoh .. , 60 1 00 Wool, per lb 20 28 Pork 6 (10 6 25 (10 00 00 00 TIIE ?a,IPLE'S COLUMN. ' WOUND A 131100011 APPLY to J 43, 5114705, at A. M. McKay a4 Co.'s Hardearo Store. 39. � 1T AT 13'LI EL KEY LOST IN Brut sets. Finder will be rewarded by leering it at Tile Pow Pubfishing House, r,-'tIIAL WANTED BY THE 18Tu s.Jt t of March. Good wages to eomppot- ontperson. Apply to ADM E. L. WADE, f 'IO\IFORTABLE DWELLING' rozi ssoo at it bargain. I' r full part ticnluls as to priors, location, oto., eon'y to W. B. DICKSON, 8-tf TEACHER WANTED–TEACi-I- en, Female, Second or Third Class, Second Class preferred, fur S• S, No. 0, Mor- ris. AM to commence 00 :Nod toss, dress DONALD C URRIE:, Brussels P.O. 90-1' ' • .Salesmen Wanted l lo canvass for the sole of Nursery }Stoalt, d b Steady employment guarauteel, ,,.UO 0 Aim Egrens55 PAM, Apply:tt once, statins,' 1 age. ;Refer in this Puns,•,) g C0(ASri t0R(DTi01501$, Colborne, Ont. " Q1'OCK FOR SALE.—ONI; COW r t•• supposed to ho 111 oils: one Heifer to calve. iu tpril ; one brood sow and six young Digs ; one young sow, all there' -bred. -tis,, one fills. rising two. Enquire of R. T. 0(/NG-' 880N, Lot 30, Con, 9, Morris, ttzussele 09-10 (.AWS GUMMED. FILED AND Regulated on Lot 11, Con. O, Grey, TID)3, Me 1a'IOOB, tie now 'not ole new Patent saw set, "Sawyer's Guido," fur solo, It L, trio bent made, so the savors say. Pat- ent for sale. Patvnteo will allow goods to bo made on royalty. 34- 1..;ULL FOR SERVICE —THE undersigned will kelp n thor ugh - bred Durham Bull for service on lot 30, con. 0, Semis. Toros 81.00 with privilege el returning it necessary. JAS. 00131R, Proprietor, 34.9m ano001 . Hoyt. --In Brussels of February 10th, the wife of Mr. Geo..IIowe of a daughter, xx.e.Tr 2:G=. Ross-Monnlsoe-.At the roeidsnoc of the bride's father, on the 7th inst., by Rev, Wm. Torrance, assisted by the Rev. P. Musgrave, ,11r. Lucas Am Ross to Miss Susannah M, Morris on all of McKillop, Jiemere-Sev±an.-Ou Tuesday, Meath 13th, at the residence of the bride's Whir, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. Will- iam John Jaoldiu to Miss Loui6'a Savage, all,of Grey. Bairn-MoKmnoN,-Ab the residence of the brides father, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Win. Torrance, Mr: W. M, Smith, of Markham, to 'Mies Kato 14Ic1(ibbin of Walton. • ayp10- Wirattasox. In Morris, em the 13th bast., George Cecil, only son of Johu al)d Maria Wilkinson, aged 8 years," 1)oisox.--In Brussels, on the 11th Inst„ John Deleon, aged 74 years, 11 ma0., and 22 daye. .CWTSCT207:'^ oLi2.,7,.,,"•• 15,trunnAV, i11611(11 131st, --11011501101(1 furniture, ctt,;. Graham's eut'yoy, south of Bruseals. Halo to oommonac at 1 o'clock p.m. (leo. McKay, prop., Goo, Kirkby, and. Fame Mum 19.. -Lot 3, eon. 6, Grey, farm strolc and flnplontonts, at 1 o'clock sharp. 'Phos, & Andrew Sample, prop5., (leo, Kir)tby, duo, I �ULL FOR gERVICE.-1E-iE undersigned will keep tho tliorougb- bredlyurhaln 1,1111 "Vedder? for service on lot 2e, con, 3, Morris, Ho has -all extendedpedigree oorti0oate. To'10s-31,50 for the s0a00 a for grade cows and 05,00 for thnrnug). brads. 25.2,o J. 13 °NYMIAN.- - y OR SALE. --THE UNDT+IR– atoned offers for wain` 1115 household furniture, including it Orst•slnes organ, coal stove, .t:0, 1100 9 horses, boggy, cutter, sleighs, doable and single harness end n 101 1 of o tiler articles. They will ho sold eh5ap may be 55011 011 the eternise% at the )31sssels Liam Works. THOS. TOWN, Proprietor, 'I EABELED TENDERS WILL B 1. r000iyed by the undersigned up to the 10th of April for the mason and oarp outer work, also the veneer work and plastering Iof a heusorm V1101 101 No, 7, Tnrnberiy-tit.,' Brussels. Plano and sPeoihOntlone may lee 1 aeon at South tarn..' pinning 111111, (Damsels. Lowest Or any tender not necesseetly no- oopted. 'L'o oilers may ba j cin t ur separate. 00- JOHN R013 B. REAL ESTATE, HOICE FARMS FOR ,ALL -. A tow splendid, improved fertile fee smote the township of improved Morris and MpttlllOp. Apply to ;A. 111)LGATT'Y, Co. Auebioneer,0ruseols P, 0, FOR SALE.—TITS SUB. sour/nitsoffers his valuable 100 sere fa m,boh1glot 3, con. 1e, Grey Township, Hurn, 00,, ler solo. There are about 60 aaroe bleared and In good heart, there 15 a log bongo, good hank barn, boa ing ntvhord, and all the necessary canyenienc00 on Cho pren1f5o5, For further particulars, es to prloa, dorms, ate„ appsll' to Lilo P,-eprtotor, '01308. HISLOP, Clare P 0„ N. W. T., or to 2.11 BOt]GALD 8TIt'1033AN, !insatiate (l ACRE-FAnRI FOR 8AL1?, ` U .—Afhst•olaes far,n Otto 5,610 iu the Tewnehip of Morris In the Oonnty of 15001,0, beaug south half of 500th half latot5) 300 and acsores 10all 0125 insth aceeres zUestly MO:-aorce ,0500 or loss, 1410 aeren mostly .1oar,of ,111110 end in a good state of 0,1101• vatlon, Hisoele a young beariva orohnril a good house and bank barn 3G x oil feet with 510110 stable underlies ofn he Tito harm (5011,. ato,l within n mile 01' the Village of Brnoee?e noel is n ood intra for grain ar atoak '•015. fug ae Itis watered with Cho river llfnithm,i and never failing spring 0roolr, Possossien wttl Ino given at any time. Pro- further oar- tieslars apply on the promisee onto A. It. It1B10RT8ON, Bruesolu, P. O. .tete .7FPQL1'311 FOX 'Walie. • Tllesttbseriecrottersforsale 1,1a valuable Farm le the Township of Oro., comprising tote 0 an it 7, con .11 in snit] township, .This farm contains 200a0res anti is within 13 mi]as from Cho thriving0111035 of Brussels, wftls, goedgreen] road eadfog Monte. Murat. 100 acres aro cleared, free 'tom stompeand In n ]sigh state of ou'itivaticn. The balance ie tinily wooded. lege term is particularly well tenor?, Gnarly the whole of the Nous Pei ngetraightand having been erected in l9bG aud'e0. 00 1hp nrontiess thol e i s a own tortnble log dwelling holm and agoo Shame barn with stone stabling underneath lit whip') theta is a well With an abundant Sup. ply of oxeelioht Water, There 10 likowito a nbw frame implement Nott4e,•010x26, lvall Soared above aa,l below, end neatly aid e,l andpeinted, Forpartioulars ripely to to rroerietor, JAM138 DICKSON, 13eg1.irer,IlurbnOm, • ` 1111• (isderloit. 1 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. '��-ADE & SINCLAIR, BARRIS- rens, ,@o, °moo in Lockio's -block 13ressele. stoney to Loan. NAT .11. DI.T.'PSON (LATE WITH o - Baiter, Conveyancer,,, dm. Otlljoo, Grant's block, Brussels. Money to loan. M. TAYLOR, B. C. L , BA11. • nrammo, Soiloltor, ,to., of the firm of liotoe3.lni'9otr0lwnug Arcade, ltug Strout bleat, Toronto. Money to loan, ALEX HUNTER, CLERE OF Lao Fourth Biyieion court,Qo. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public', Lan,l, Loan lid fuenraneo Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Omitstiens made. OiIles 10 Gra b dm's B look, brussels, v.08.RT CUNNwNG,,, INSann:OE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• MEDICAL CARDS, f A- MoNAUGEITON, M. D,, (3. 0'/ • til, L. B. 0, P. Edinburgh, Physician', Surgeon and Acoouchor. Offloe, Airs, Shiol's brook, Turnberry Strout WM. F. CALE, M.D.; C. M. Member of tate Oolleao of Physiolans and Surgeons et Ontavio by examination Omen and Resldeue--Main St, East, Ethe Ontario, -DENTAL. - leelilNTIS'TI4`i'. 03, L.Bn11,L: n.5,, donor Graduate and M, 13.0. D. 3., of Toronto. Nitrous Oxide Gas administer, oil. • Prices graded nudes low as good workoau be item, for. (t11ee over Johusten's Hardware Mope snafartb. 1DION'2I4T. 10 J.Foar,L,D S. Graduate of To- ronto Srboolof Dentistry. All oper- ations guaranteed. Office-Cady's Block, Sebforth. Art311ehaltuetb, 0rst,luality, ands, guaranteed S t, for 212,00 per set. 13 Ir:r• PZST. s, Honor Graduate of tho Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. NITnes Oxrni; GAS edralofatered for the pnlmese entree - Non of tooth. OFFICE.—Gerdeld Bloch, 41111SSEIX,,. AUCTIONEERS. �(,EORUE EIRKI3Y, LIGAN• sno Auet3oneor. Salve conducted of reasonable terms, forms and farm knelt specialty. Orders lett at Tull Pons, Publieh- ing House, 15 rotunda, or sent to Walton post o111ee wilt receive Prompt attention. A LEX. DLLGAT'I'Y, A COTTON • rx. En11, Ispreparod to attend to sales 011 the shorbist notice. A si'ealaty made 01 sales 0f thorough -brad Stook, 'Perms Glad,• (mown 3" application tr Tin; P,wr I'ublleb- los Hattso, whet, orders, Intl), bo loft, or aidrers in Brussels 1' 0. t, RAYMANN, AUt1i ROiv1'.ER, • isaltvoys ready to attend sales of farms, farm stock, Ire, Terms cheerfully glean. Qraubrook P.O. Boles ;nay be ar- ranged at 'Tut POs'r Publishing kiousa• - Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS, • NAT H. IIoO1tAOKE,N, 1S*U1t'hTis: Cloao•y,TMabrorry Sdsnsse•'O00 at A MQNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR - rive Ltoanses, by appointment of Lieut. -Governor, Oommiseloner, ho:, Q. 13, 005000noc"rand Agent Fin Insnraneo Cr ()Mee at the Oranbrn03, Poet O)Rce, 1I RODI)ICK, HOUSE, SIGN �v I and Ornamental Painter, Graining, Oilline, Sign and Decorative Painting in all Paper i1uugleg Gtr apBlinds i sity Shop up in e,loor south of J.Buyer5' f arring5 4004rs, io W. O'BRI.IEN, V. S., HONOR 'instigate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the prlctice of John Nott, V,8„ and is prepared to treat all dis ankle of domeetieated animals on argentin e' andapprevod principles, Treatment of del- icate Toole a s31oelolty OAlce two doors' North of lir idge,Tmhtborry street, , OTICE TO DEBTOR.—ON. amount of befog at- roat ex building and adding mow machinery and. alsointouding-tast,irt the inahutaoturo of further.) we bog leave to inform all due tho 1lnrlarsi +,tad to be kind oaooa)h to settle.. op either with Cash or Note, Pine,Rom- lock, Alm, Asn or Mauls Sawlogs, will bn takun in payy- loilve rod at Dither of Mune Bros. SAW E.1015, as this firm hes 1nu'o))iag5d our saw 01111 to Croy. AB 6aaounts wt11 bo settled at the NowPaotory, 13rlsaole MirSMITH OROS, MORTGAGE SALE O'NEI I, S HOTEL,BRI �$S ELSy Thursday, March 291h, 1888, AT) n'anb01t,4', ar., when there will bo lot 20, -in lbb Con., lwwnahip 01 olio. sold For further portionlar5 500 peepers, 00' apply to dlex`,111'itnferr tlronyndslitetls,- Auohonaer, Vendor's t3oIlbltor5, Bru15035. 8)01 1,aht e77i1, 9lpc, til sI 11, of 11. al '1 to w. re th 131 fr Ce stn pie f,r 1'a ni 1. ti 10 tv] NO 111, pu W1 017' Ll p1, 110 the frc so. fte bit fee to 1111