HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-16, Page 44 pox faVtrtiZtlIARIICtS. Looals--Adam Good. Rey Lost --This Office, .Spring, 1888-10, 0. Rogers. Fern for Sale -James thieve, Tenders Wanted -John Robb. 'Teacher Wanted -Donald Currie. 'Cray T wrsbip Audito,a' R°port, Morrie Township Auditor.' Report, Interesting to Farmers -Cardiff Faros, c1"i e Nnis5ris Vast, FNLPf1I', Mil BCH 16, 7.888. Tina repeal vote in conneotion with the Canada Temperance Act in ' I uron Conn. ty will be taken on Thursday, April 19th. Thos. Farrow, ex.M, P., is, we believe, the Returning Officer. The campaign will no doubt open at once, end a short, sheep fight will take place, with victory in favor of the Act from our standpoint. There should be a large turn-ont at the Convention next Friday et Clinton. BON. OLIVERMowAT'e Bill for Manhood Suffrage is creating a great deal of dis cession, but the plucky little P,.Imier says it will materialize this session and come into effect next year. The Domin- ion Government will hare to drop their cumbersome Franchise Act and follow snit if they wish to keep up with the procession. The leading features of Mr. Mowat's measure may be read in another column in this issue. Br reference to an item in our Scott Aot Campaign Notes it will be .een that a Probibitiou, or third party, is coming to the front in Canada, and, in addition to temperance, they lay down agood pint - form to stand upon. Chia move will be looked upon with satisfaction by thous- ands of Canadians, and if it never does anything else it will bring one c' other of the political parties into line on the Pro- hibition movement, as they will ere long hold the balance of power. Grand Orange Lodge. The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West commenced its twenty.ninth annual • session in the Ofenge Hall, Queen street east, Toronto, at 2 p.m. nn Wednesday. The chair was occupied by R. W. Bro. W. W. Fitzgerald, of London, and the deputy chair by Bro. Aid. Wm. Nichol. 'on, of Hamilton. The Grand Master was supported by Junior Deputy Grand Master James L. Hughes. The proceedings began with the usual religious exercises which were condnoted by Grand Chaplain Rev. Wm. Walsh, Ottawa. The Grand Mast,re then delivered his address and referred at considerable Length to many important subjects bear. ing on the state of the Orange society in Canada and the Mother Country. Edu- cational matters in Ontario, Home Role in the Old Country, the coming bi-oeu. tenary of Orangeiem and the meeting of the triennial council which is to be held at Carrickfergus on the nineteenth of next July, were all touch,•d upou. The report of Grand lieoretary Robert Birmingham was then submitted. This document referred to the deaths of Bro. Alex. Edgar., District Maeter of Innisfil and most worthy Bro. John Flanigan, of Kingston, at one time Grand Master of British America. As to the condition of the lodges the grand secretary made the following statements Thirty-four of our county lodges have reported, and from these I have pleasure in being able to report that 1,031 new yde.rtibers have been admitted by inti• /Won, 559 brethren by certificate, while the number removed by death, 97, and by expulsion hoe been 68, indicating a eteady and increasing growth, which must be gratifying. Eight new warrants have been issued during the year, by counties, as follows ; No, 828, to East Grey ; No. 806, to Mus- koka ; Noe. 809 and 839, to Parry Sound Nos. 154, 196 and 904, to Toronto ; and one to North Bay, the number of which is not yet fixed. The following dormant warrants have been revived, and the lodges reorganized arta in working order : No. 158, South Huron ; No, 643, North York ; No. 770, Dufferin, and one each in South Perth and West Wellington. Only one warrant reported in working order last year has been returned to me, but another has been withdrawn. Regarding the celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne which will take place this year, the recommendations of the M..W. Grand Lodge of British America to the effect that large demonstrations .hould be held at suitable places in the various Provinces and that the selection of these places be left in the hands of the Provin- Dial Grand Lodges was left to the consid- eration of the Grand Lodge. The grand seorotary also called attention to certain resolutions passed at the Triennial Coun- cil in Edinburgh at its last meeting, in reference to the hi -centenary of the Rev- olution Settlement of 1688. The following statement was made re, gerding new county lodges ; "In accord. once with the resolution passed at our last meeting, the County of North Sha- me has been divided into two parts, the d&atrlete of Barrie and Nottewasage forming the new County of West Simaae and the Districts of Orillia and Pene- tanguisheno forming the now County of laaet Simooe, It is hoped that this di- vision will result in permanent good and will be mord convenient to our brethren in the transaction of their county lodge business. The Grand Treasurer Bro. 79, F. Clarke, was not preeent, but his teporb whibh Was road, was of a very satisfao, Sort' nature. The Grand Lodge reeeipte mere given at alightly over 610,000, en exeeae of 94,000 over those of last year. The expenditure in round numbers was 96,660, The grand lodge then proceeded to the appointoilant of special committees on tcorroapondonao, finance, appeals, poli• theme, ineurane° and demonstrations. 'Phe report of the insurance department peas teforre4 fo the 1ngarance Cornet itWe. THE .BRUSSELS POST An invitation was received from the lady managers of the Protestant Orph' ' ens' Home inviting the Grand Lodge to visit that institution. It was decided to aooept the invitation, and Brothere Gra- I ham and Hughes will conduot the mem- bers to the home at noon on Wed. nesday, Arrangements were made to hold Di- vine butvh5e in the;.range Hall Tuesday ' night a- eight o'olock, when Grand Chap- lain Walsh presohed, e.' anttcfietn New«, The Glencoe artesian well is now down to a depth of over 1,226 feet, with no bet. ter indications of water than when the boring wasoommenoed. Theesaion River is to have a paper, and J. B. Dot,ie is the gentleman who will run it. The title of the new paper will be Algoma Advocate. Mrs. as. A. Mitchell, of Arthur town - thin, poisoned herself with Paris green reoently. She had been in poor health for ,•ome time, and leaves a family of three small children. Sir John Ross is to succeed Lord Alex. Russel as commander of the Brit- ish fore,s in North America, with head- quarters at Halifax, An erroneous idea has got abroad that he will replace Maj. - Gen. Sir Fred Middleton in command of the Canadian militia. Au old mine, about 91 years of age, named Gills, who has been 'living for some time past with his amain -law, Don - aid McKinnon, of Lucan, on Wednesday night last escaped through hie bed -room window in a nude state, and was found dead on Thursday morning some distance from the horse The attempt to form a combine in flan- nels at Montreal has fallen through, ow. ing to the refusal of the selling agents of one of the mills to attend the meeting, The sidling agents of two of the mills said that they had no objeotiona to meet and discuss the matter for next year, bat they were opposed to making any terms for this year, when probably orders had already been booked. Very Rev. Dean Wagner has returned to Windsor from Rome. He was met at the depot by s large number of his par, Whitmore, who gave him a hearty Wel. come home. A. St. Thomas eiliger' who withal] his MUM! for the present kept eeoret, offers the city 910,0(1 to endow a city hospital upon cerium conditions. The oenditions are that airs. Casey, owner of font lots between William and Stanley streets, about an tore of land in all, shall give the lots to the oity, and that the city 'hall erect a hospital thereon. The gen- tleman is oleo prepared to give the 910,- 000 for the purpose specified if the pity will parohase the land referred to from Mrs. Casey and build a hospital thereon. A few days ago a child of two years be- longing toJaoob Fries, of Lions Head, wandered out of the hones to a well which was covered with boards, and pull- ing one of them away, fell in head fore- most. The well was 28 feet deep, with 10 inches of water in the bottom, The parents 'missed the Ohild in a few mtin- ntes, and on going to the well saw the board removed were rare the child was there. The father at ones descended, and found the child face downwards in the water to all appearance dead, but by re- storativee at once being applied in a few minute. the child recovered, and with the exception of a few braises the little fellow is all right. Mr. Jackson, ox -member of the North. west Council, save; -The people of the Northwest Territories were never in a happier frame of mind than they are to- day, If they have even half as good orope this year as they had in 1887, they well be well satisfied. Nobody ever antimpat. ed each a yield, and instead of having to move first estimates of 8,000,000 bushels, there is ample evidence to prove that the quantity for export exceede 18,000,000, I see Land Commiseioner Smith puts it at 18,000,000, but I would rather take a lower estimate. You know people have a right to feel sore over there, but it can- not be helped.If buyers could get warehouse receipts the delay would not be so serious, for they could use them in the banks and keep things afloat. ‘V•11'eoo tee® MORRIS TOWNSHIP Auditors' Report. An Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditures from Feb. 17th, 1887, until Feb. 13111,. .048. RECEIPTS. Amount of mortgage No. 3498 Balance at last audit, 91675 35 and interest, 1070 00 Thos. Kelly. Brussels' award 170 00 John Mooney, collected taxes for Samuel Cantelon, taxes, 7 00 1887, 11468 91 Lucas, Tanner d; Co., interest on R. R., A. McNair, Grey share for grav- elling; Engineer's expenses on Gordon drain, Interest on mortgage No. 3498, „ „ 3778, 54 00 „ „ „ 3807, 54 00 Interest on 81200 for 6 months, 21 00 26 60 Wm, Holmes, town line grant, 166 87 3 56 916106 50 EXPENDITURES. 6 98 Charity, 0 109 47 70 00 Remissions of taxes, Incidentals, 21 52 Railways, 1353 60 118 88 3492, 51 00 Corporation of Huron, 3423 50 A. M. Roes, Land Improvement4officer's salaries, Fund, 8167 Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, 2200649 0080 Bank of Hamilton, Wingbam, 1200 00 Schools, 3913 04 Mr. Caldbi/3k, overchargeonham• Printing, 78 35 mace, 1 25 Drainage, 143 84 Wm. Holmes, non-resident taxes 85 36 Boundary, 88 19 Wm. Carr, East Wawanoeh Reads and bridges, 1645 34 Boundary Act, 9 65 Balance on hand 2863 57 Luoae, Tanner de Go., interest on 25 60 916196 50 0� 1(YY 757 =p- ans the undersigned, having examined the foregoing accounts with their p- ans and vouchers thereto belonging and find the same correct, Morris, Feb. 1$tb, 1888. WiLLIAM LAIDLAW Auditors. RICH, JOHNST0N} R. R., GREY TOWNSHIP Auditors' Report FOR 1€387. A. McNair, Treasurer, in Account with Municipality : 10 RECEIPTS. Charity, 23162 Balance on hand from last 9• Selecting jurors, 800 446 83 Printing, 86 87 Snow and wire fence, 185 17 90 34 Postage and Stationary, 31 73 6 00 Ditching, under the Ditches and Watercourses Aot, 1883, 228 60 285 13 Engineer's expenses, 30 00 Railway coupons, 420 54 184 23 Paid money borrowed, 2200 00 Interest on money borrowed, 85 00 5 54 Expenses under the Ditches and Watercourses Aot, 30 00 160 00 Miscellaneons, 10 88 Government drains, 507 34 600 00 Drain, eoncessions 5 and6, 140 00 Side drain, con, 16, 45 00 700 00 Drain, con. 1, 6 28 County tax, 3413 12 45 00 Refund of dog tax and statute labor, 11 00 280 00 Births, marriages and deaths, 15 20 Unoolleoted taxes, 189 64 1 00 Uncollected dog tax, 1 00 Trustees school tax, 499804 25 00 Government School Grant, 490 00 County School Grant, 490 00 75 Total Expenditure, 918209 52 Balance on hand, 204 24 A, M. Ross, Treasurer of Ontario Land Improvement Fund A. Hunter, J.P. fines, Wm. Holmes, Co. Treasurer, non resident collects, Wm. Holmes, Co. boundary lice appropriations Thos. Fullerton, Elma drainage tax for 1887, Bank of Hamilton, Listowel, for note, 4 menthe, Bank of Hamilton, for note 8 months, Bank of Hamilton, for note, 40 days, M. Cardiff, portion of money for ditch, lot 5, con, 0, Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, in - on deposit, (97000), Bank of Hamilton, Listowel, re- bate, Thos. Smith, portion of money for ditch, Edward Bryan', for sale of old planks, Clerk of Morrie, overpaid by Grey on boundary 4 10 Co, Treasurer, non-resident col- lections 53 05 918413 76 Treasurer Brussels R. R. award ASSETS. to Grey, 140 19 at Dbnald MoLauohlin, collections Bank of Hamilton, 97000 00 of different times 18526 90 Balance on hand, 204 00 Uncollected taxes, 180 04 Railway award, Brussels, 431 56 dog tax, 1 00 LIABILITIES. Government Scheel Grant, 400 00 11. I{,. Debentures, 97000 00 County 490 00. Annual rental Government eons. 16 and 18, 16 years to mu, 507 34 EXPhNDIT1'RhIS, 918418 76 Side drain, con, 16, 855 00 Ronde and bridges, 93890 72 Drain, eons, 6 and 6, diminishes Gravel, 05 a year, 7 bo run, 140 00 418 82 Township of Hawick drain de' Salaries of township adiolafs, 698 75 bontutes, 8 28 Municipal eleotione, 01 80 Due County Treasurer, 414 99 (7(7E, the undersigned Auditors of the 'roams* of Grey, certify that we ]lave ox- VV {{ amined the Treasurer's aeceunts for the past year and the'Youahors belonging thereto and Sea thesame correct, Treasurer's W IlesMAIL ST7BSrJJIRT, sACOB KRAMER, Orenbrocer, w ezoh, IY tlr; taraA, AMu Ont, �. 'OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 01Ethel station, There is tram° theaouveoisueesopthepromises, Tiand vopalls os y acre Appl land on the premises or if by totter CO J, W. FOGAL, Ehnen P,O, 80.2 1011 SALE, OR WILL RENT to sortable parties, store with tom• tortable and commodious dwoatns. 0001 collar, t norm at rgation in boa,lag apples, plums and email fruits. Good stable. 7.hie- oonetlluteo one of the best openings in on. Casio far a good hnroees-maker, hems in the Ooctro of a aplendld ferming it es ; o. Noar- sst opposition Brussels, 7 mhos • I letowol is mhos Appl pfor terms to p, W. (100155 on the promleoe, Dram,. 29 - pi on 9. FOB SALE 011 TO R17NT.- One of the beet business stands in Brussels, the new brick store on the corner of Mill and Turnberry !Amain, north of the poet eines, ocoupied at. present by Mr. R, Malcolm es furniture store. 7iret-olnss cellar aoaammodatlou. The upper part laid out as a dwelling house. Bard and soft water, Poeeessian given Ise of May next. Easy Terme, which will be made known by applying to WM. It. WILSON, Proprio - tor. Brussels, Ont. 81.8 "WARM FOR SALE. -THE UN. unsung= offers for sale tiro north east quarter of lo) 28, oonceesion 6, Morris, Comity of Huron, containing 68 mores, The land is of first quality and in a high state of cultivation, well fenced and under -drained, 45 se tee cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms, Dsilk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barna and shed, orchard, etc, Sight acres of fall wheat. This deelreble property adjoins the corporation of Brueeele. Bolt. able tests will be given. Title perfect, JAN1 93 GRIEVEOwner, 86. Boz 268 Brussels P. 0, '88. AGENTS WANTIil, Steadyllntploynlentto Good Men, Noue need be Idle. Previous Experience not essential. We pay either Salary or Cons- �0. ` �t�t DE mission. THECOOK'S REST FRIEND MA11011 16, 1888 ! ! DUNN'S BAKING 100 Nen wilted To Canvas for the Sale of Can- adian grown Nursery Stook. The [?oiithill Nurseries, liar°est in Canada, Over 400 Acres. Don't apply unless you can furnish first-class ReforenLes, and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any num- ber of energetic men who want work. ADDRESS Stone & Wellington, NURSERYMEN, Toronto, Ont, '88. Interesting to the Farmers. CARDIFF BROS., Implement Agents, desire to return thanks for the extensive tJ patronage of the past year and beg leave to remind the Farming community that they still handle the CELEBRATED MAssEY STEEL BINDER, 3,000 of which were manufactured and sold in 1887, Tun Messer Mowsn and Tun TORONTO Mows&, To show the superiority of this last mentioned machine the sales for the past 11 years have over -run 2,000 a year. We are also ents or the well-known and Drills, and the SharpfSuiky Rake, the beet ever°st manuuf toed Beaver and consign ent of Pure Manilla Binding Twine ordered for the harvest of 1888. We have sold and are selling a large number of Buchanan's Horse Forks and Ele- vators. No better in the market. The Wilkinson plow and all plow repairs kept constantly at our shop. No need of waiting to send to the manufacturers for them. Our Repair Room is thoroughly stocked with all the neoessaries for the machines we handle and eau be supplied at a moment's notice. We mean business. Call at our Warerooms, near the Bridge,, Brassels, and see for yourselves. �� DIFp T .E.60S. ROGERS EGS to announce the arrival of the whole of his Spring Goods which as usual will be found very Complete in Every Depart- ment and the Prices at the LOWEST LIVING PROFIT ! MISS GREEN who has given such universal satisfaction by her courteous and obliging manner, has just returned from the Markets and is now prepared to show the Ladies reegquiring anything in the Millinery line. a splendid assortment of VERY NEWEST STYLES in Hats, Bonnets, &c. Having always Ezcollad in this Department Vit would regueet every Lady to view our largo and varied stock whether wanting to buy or not. Miss Green will be only too happy to show such lovely goods. A ieloct stook of Mourning and Wedding Millinery Always on hand. J'r OF ROGERS, Cl....00D FARM FOR SALE IN XMorrie, On reasonable forme. In order to close the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Hiugstoo, the axeoutors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for sale North half of Lot 80, Ooneosslon 5, Township of Morris, containing 90 acres, On this lot fie eructed a good frame bars with stone foun- dation, good orchard, well andpunlp . Near- ly all clearee, and 19 on the grave )road olueoly ed]it:Minap the village of ltruseels, This farm is a valuable one, it well tensed and In a good state of cultivation, Per prince anti terms apply to T Nt8, )i79LLY, Brussels P. 1)., HENRY JrN:uues, Vtetaria 8qunre t, T., os?tome Semen, Maple Lodge P. O., Middlesex County. (a DR.HODDER'S,7i i ' BURDOCK I -7-c, AND -I, t 10, L- COMPOUND arising, Female Debiliiy. PURELY VEGETABLE, m(GBLX CON. CENTSIbTSD, PLEASANT, EF. FE014rAL, SAFE. .A.+4K V011- CERES Livor Compl't, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney T,o'b's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all impel, ities of the Blood from whatever cause Weakness and General Dr. .Rodderts Compound Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. 13ODDER'S COUGH AND LUNG CURE. Sold everywhere. Prioe 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, Tun UNION MEEICINE CO,, TORONTO, CAN • LIME WORKS I desire to inform the Public that I have Leased the well- known Bnussts8 LIMB Wolin from Thos. Town and will run the business next Season. I will also continue to follow my trade as rb'Y'ON`E 111A ON, and am prepared to furnish esti- mates for Jobs, &c. i3UILIDING AM) CORNER reTUbji always on hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A Specialty made or Bricklaying mg Plastering Llma, W .F- K 1-1;za,"2', PROPRIETOR, BRUSSELS 1p t� ORTGAGD SALE VALUABLE LV VALVA9LE FARM MONTY. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, tl Under and by, virtue of the Power of Sale conttrtlud in,,a certain rum.gage, which will hie produced at • time of Sale, there will be offer- ed for sale at lice Amerioan Hotel, Brussels, -0N-- Wednesday,1Viar. 21, '88, AT 2 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTER. NOON. All these certain parole of Land sit. nate in the said Township of Grey sem- posed of (FIRSTLY) that part contain• ing about 30 mores of lot number 18, in the 10th oonoession, south of the middle line of the River Maitland and except a strip of the east side, conveyed to one Slomon. SECONDLY, lot number 18, on tho 11th concession, containing 100 acres, more or less. THIRDLY, lot number 19, in the 11th concession, con- taining 100 Gores more or lees. Upon the above mentioned lands are a good frame house, brink veneered with frame kitchen, and a good frame barn with stone stabling below. The above buildings, aro said td be nearly new. The soil is said to be of the boat clay loam, of Which about 60 or 711 aoree are olearod and ill fair cultivation, There is a eon, siderablo quantity ofllardwood bush, This desirable farm is situated on the main travelled road to Brussels and said to bo about five and a.half alias distant therefrom. The property will be 3010 enbjeet to a =pea bid, Terms and con- ditions nlado known oli day of sale. Por Further particulars apply *0 E. 1'11. Chad. wielr,'Vendor's Solicitor, neatly, ('hdtlwicii, Biaekstoek alt Galt, 58 Wellington St., Toronto, B( 11f ou :Dated t1 ''r°1"1114or''r°1"1114ii13a 13t1S flay of +t+ 1 t/ONuse i lrebruary, f73w01