HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-9, Page 8o Tou =ow
TetAT unar .1.AR4 UPPLY 01.
:If you are not aware of this feet just
tale a glance at a portion of our 'Bock
obaplayed in our window this week, We
veal bo glad to supply you when requiring
auy. You will find qualify and pricey
eight. We are a)ways glad to procure
airy goeds in Our line not in atook. Beate
mad Stationery, Drag s and Pettey Goods
go. our leading lines. Please remember
thoplatie, which is
• A.Idea &ma It'le;
Drug, Book et :Fancy Goods Sore.
eneh universal satisfaction as the
eelletiCH IlEMEDI manufactured in
Seaforth, called
Sloyal alyoorated Balsam of Fir
tts wouderftil virtues have created a
haman d for the Preparation from all
ne.rts of the Province.
boos out for the advt. of Cardiff UM.,
agents for the Mammy Maud. Oo., pelt
week. It w1,11 interest the taxmen.
IL EWAN has purchased Dr. Ilutehin.
son's driving outfit, consisting a a hone,
two baggies, two sets single harness, cut-
ter, two robes, dm.
Wo'. Bonn, ticket agent et Wiarion,
formerly operator at Bruseele station,
was here thie week for a few days 'bating
with his Bruseele friends.
MIse CLARA thaniGliTON has taken a
position as ni1linsr iu MISS Waiker'e
millinery atom in Otterville. Miss Min-
nie Inman will eater to the feminine
taste in millinery at Palmerston this
BEY. Mn. How= preached two excel-
lent discourses in Knox church last huu.
day. Ile left for Elora on Monday,
where he was to leoture. The rove -end
gentleman's ministrations have been of th
very satisfactory obaraeter here.
Tn.; Secretary of the School Itherd, W.
B Moss, bas received notification from
Miss Annio Abraham, of Stratford, the
successful applicant for the vacaney on
the teaching staff of our Public Sohool
that she will bo on head to eommenoe
her duties next Mendes', the 12th inst.
LAST Wednesday evening D.D.G.M.
Wade paid an official visit to the North-
ern Light Lodge, No. 03, A.F. it AM.,
Kincardine. Among the visitors were
Messrs. Daily end Bigicar, of Elora, hlr.
Dunn, of London, and W. M. Sind ir, of
Brussels. They eujoyed a tip-top time.
J. liceme was away last week at
Paisley, Cb eley and Winton on matters
concerning the introduction of fire e0.
gines and waterwork• into these Places.
The largo engine for Winnipeg is being
pushed towa d completion and the tivst.
ings are being made for the Wiarton
Druggiets sell it. Prxce 50 ots. HORSE Faux. -The third tneuthly horse
17-6ms. fair was held here on Thursday of last
week, the attendance of both farmers and
horse buyers being large. About two
carloads changed hands, the heavy draft
class being largely represented, with
goodly number of drivers and general
purpose class. The prices realized aver -
'Cretan leave Brussels Station, north and aged from 0125 to 4)170 each. It was es-
soutb as follows:- timated that 1000 farmers 'were present,
and 15 buyers from various sections of
Ontario, as well as some frim Beni°
and Manitoba. The only fault, perhaps,
to be found was that some persons hav-
ing animals to di -pose of put such high
prices on th. ir stock that the buyers
Ir.atitt ,c,x±tins.. could not touch them.
Lzexuaii.-On Friday evening ..0 last
week Rev. G. It. Howie delive•ed a tem-
perance address in the basement of the
Methodist church, under the auspices of
the W. C. T. U. The t ev. lecturer gave
an interesting ancount of the Holy Land,
Csmavat. on the Maitland rink on Wed. different castes, laws, grape culture,
nesday of next week. and stated that intemperance was count
W. H. Bab, of Wingham, was in town ed almost an unpardonable sit,. He
00 Wedn. sday of this week. urged united action among tneinLere of
• Rnv. Mn. Hatimecet will oceupy the the church in teething on the good cause.
pulpit of Knox church next Sabbath. A. vote of thanks was passed to Mr.
A neons both with 3 lbs of Tea, A. Howie. Rev. M. Swann occupied the
aod. 35 ch-ir, An i ep-ovised choi supplied np
Mw,. T.UIES Barnes has been nn the propriate -musical eelections, 'Ph at
stale list with rheumatic, for the past tendance was not nearly so large as it
week. should have hese.
rooe-nma. match between Brussels CURLING. -Last Friday a friendly curl -
olid Walton will be played n the Park ing match ws- played on the ifaitl tn.1
en 'aturday aft' rnoon, rink betivimo the home diets and two
Oita spring shoes are daily coining to rinks belt -me -hie .o Wineham. Our boys
hand. They a e the best value we have won a, ea y victety by a acme 0 5 to
aver had. Adam Wind. 35 31. The score was
DON'T forget the meeting of the East
dlurnit Farmers' Institute on Thursday,
the 0L,1 lust , s,t Wroxeter.
W. Maxim of Seaforth, an old resident
erBressels, is making a visit tliig week
among friends in this locality.
IT would be well for the constaldc to
, on ti the clog fighters who were amet•
rag (?) themselves this week at this brut-
al -"sport."
, Do, W.eeoneoceft, specialist, of Torneto,
will be at the American Hotel, Brussels,
on Monday of next week. See advt. in
another column,
3. 11..men Smolt Geese were summoned
Goderich last Sabbath to -es their
mother, who was thou .ht to be dying.
The old lady is alive yet, but very ittei
hopes are enterteined for her recovery.
Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Robt. Dickson are
lin Goderich now.
sluing South. Going North.
Kan....-. 7:02 a.m. I Mixed 030 a.m
Dayress .....1145 ani. 0 Man.. 2:111p.rn
%fixed. ...... 135 pan. I uproot A:45p.m
A. ohiel's emang ye tskin' notes
An' faith he'll nrent it.
Gro, RoOnits Me gone to Norwich, not
Milton go we elated last week,
iffeLettemit writer c51 Turnberry
and Queen greets, is getting brink haul-
ed for the purpose of veneering his dwell-
ing title summer.
Tis Maine were blooked with snow last
Friday and the snow plow had to be once
more brought into requisition, This is s
great country to live in for winter,
"eiss KNox is a graduate of the Pliii•
&dolphin School of Oratory and givee
promise of n brilliant career as a are-
wintic • ender."--Chiongo Evening Jour.
Ties. FIXTollan IS visiting in Luolinow
thin week, Her Mater, Mrs. T. T, Smith
and Ruby, who have sped the water in
Onterio, purpose leaving for Wiunlpeg
next Monday,
eTne charm of Mies Knox's personal
appearance and manner, the variety of
her selections, and the marked ability
with which they wero rendered, won the
hearts of her audience" -Newark Daili
A von? practical paper on "The Tobac-
co Habit," read before the Y. P. 0. A.,
in M. 'villa churoh, by Dr, Grahem, may
be found on the inside pages of this issue
of TIM POST. If you nee the weed read
it, and smoke it in your pipe.
Dit. HOTOUttIsoN and family will leave
for Illontietil th.clity (Friday.) Brussels
can ill afford to lose suoh valued resi•
dents. The Dr. always endeavored to
make himself generally useful and Mrs,
ilutehinsen lent valuable assistena., in
the church and social circle, Their
many frionde in Brussels are a unit in
expressing their best wiehoe for their
future prosperity in their eastern home.
The registration of births and dea.ba in
municipalities is much negleeted, not.
withstanding, that those interested are
epee to punishment. The Registrar
General has issued instructions to DS.
lieSSOP3 for this year to make enquiry tv.
gentling births or deaths in the family of
the party being assessed, and if any hav-.
not been registered to record such on his
roll. The Divisiun Registrar bus oleo
been instructed to carefully examine the
voile upon their return to see if there are
my births or deaths marked as not hav-
ing been regietered. Should the elerk
find any he is immediately to notify the
parties, who are required to make the
registrations, to ao so without delay, and
in once of their negbot or refusal to pro-
ceed againe thein in ameorderthe with Bee
Non 28 of the Re-istration Aot.
W. 8 tiornI,SIt0. J.
17. 7.
Jas. Duffield, • .
S. W. Lein',
J. r .1.8ess, map 188 Geo. Meetly, ship...11
Iliult No. 2.
J. Kitol.en, T. Benno,
A, Veal, J. Coed,
D.C. 11 L. s, ... Kee,
P. Scott, skip ...... _21 J', Neelands, altip..24
Total Bd Totn1 .. ..... ....St
The Bruesels °utters expect te piny a
a match with Wroxeter, at the latter
plate, on Friday Id this week.
Coon Bruteess -On Friday evening of
this week Cool Burgess and his company,
composed of harry Livingstone, the
wonderful Meek violiniat ; Simcoo Bros.,
aereb as ; H. J. Emmett, Irish end
Dutch corned ton 1 tiastell Brucl ies, prima
tenore; Hemet Bright, jig dIncer : Prof.
Ball, co not soloist and pianist, and D.
A ?Amon couoert, undor the direction Camerottthe silver -voiced tenor, will
of the young people of Knee Moire ., will g vs a., cid rtainment in the Town He I,
beheld at the resideno of Thee. Behan- Bruseele. n- i1..1. the auspices of th • ran-
Eyne, , thurch street, on T eeeley evening Minn t rel. , • 0 Peresters of',hi: • piece,
of next week, °mums °lug 0:- 8 o'itlook. Mr. Burettei is well in Dom .11,
T11,1 program will consist of voied and haring far tenev ',Tare appeared before
instrumental music, readings. loci Miens the yubli.., a .4 from wl at the prees says
.g.d. he IR the , ...n,, Cnol as of obi. Hie spec,
R. N. BAPRETT bas "muted he °Dice and ' Lillie. ,.!.' • :A: t• Nall: 9%1.011 so..g.i, la(w.11-
.dwellieg occupied bv Dr. MeNatiehton, het PO .2, D .1 Week -Need 0' •t ima.
in Mrs. Skiel's hlorlt, and will remove Ticket., mei. lie protorreel at Ifargeia eg,
rtie barber shop d,e the ti. et of the i arirt :.. ,...,..
Noel:. 18 wi 1 bo ti very 0,0./;to'table0111 '1 (4 ...,,, . .1, 13. eteeiee, D. D, R., wIl ' was
0010' 1' re place. W M. Sheilah. will • ee,e •,.„i . ; L. Dere due. e eel ,,, 0,,
Use the temp to be vacated 1,2- Mr. Il .i... St.nfori ti ' ..i.uincir, and Imo i
MISS KNOE.—A. grand Literary and
Musical Ente, tainment will be given in
the iCewn -Gall on the evening of Moe -
da., next, March 12th, in which the fol-
lowing well-known ladies and gen omen
will figure :-11lies L. O'Conno,, contralt
soloist, of this town; Will Dunn, solo
trent., kite n' London ; Will Ilurgese,
ventriloquist, and Miss Agnes Knox,
elocutionist, of Philado phi, School of
Oratery. Miss O'Cotmor needs no in-
tt oduelion to the citizens of this town ae
she is meet favoothly known both in
Brussels awl the surreanditeg country.
Mr. Dunn i yon ,g man of pron. 'untied
vocal abilities and is will known to the
people of Land ,n, Termite anti Western
Ontario ris t nor soloist and lead t nor
el the "Dendon Quintette etch and Cou•
• eet, Comeeeve• ,,die Borges. in 'Oa
'hats with lithe "Joe" is inimitable.
Miss Agnes Kuox is a graduate and. gold
medalist of the Philadelphia Sob al f
Oralocy, and ono whe h tea r al to large
audiences both in the United Settee and
A Goon Rzeommeen.--The Globe of last
'Tuesday in spealfine of Miss Agnes Kuox,
who io to filive entestainment R 114.
sets Town flail next hlondey evening
ettys ;--The evening of readings by Miss
Agnes Knox, advertised by the Univers-
it, College Y.111. C. A., attracted to As-
sociation Ibill lest evening a large aud-
ience, literary in character, with a sprink-
ling ef amateur and profeevional elocu-
tionists. Miss Knox was introdeoed by
Dr. Daniel. Wilson with littiugle com-
plimentary rof,i'en0t) to her varied tal-
ente, which the endering of her preurnm
unstinting' jus Bled, As she stepped
forward from her reading stituil to an-
nounce the first selection, her graceful
carriage, digeifinil with a touch of the
moi', wo the att L obi rt of the .e'
110' tot I, hi itioele•,t. they ee. el.
joying mule agai.t the b ightly
picture or etyma.. Xtelnotte's ftucy-built
castle oil the slum 6 el cal,a
tied fot the ench .liting of Paulim,. The
pathetic tragedy uf the cruel immuring
of e Faithful Constance was effeetiv 1
given, lei. Id liaox Was touch 11.1001 338
home in the 11..8 , and told the ridiculous
Etilry ,f ' Uti .' !tit, aud the Lady,- by
Jane 1,t.; two.' 6011,0 tLtu
idy 1; tIltbtr the 41,1l11 3101
101.11.1.i. • 930 • • liagly o mut toes, Iter
ret for a le w office. 0et • v• ,.. • , ; ee.1, . o? that
pate .1 4.8, : •ie ill I d, • id , clueing 0 te• ,„ „ ,„., . eeede e. •thelite
name ef t. meet, (1011Vt. 't II• ' .1... , :We It sVallti 10
for - .. 0 0.•Itie.d, ni ir nliti 1 . ti.o.1 to I', tak; 1 •• L•I
patented by 0, W. Aloe, ... 4,7 Tor, ,- • „ i , staeodel part
to, lb 018011881,. l'• ev 111611..1.. it ". - • s et L . t1i .• UND.10d V.101 14.1-
80g Unn,pbell. A (1-.111, ,.d fo et1 0 it, 0.10 I 0 • • 0.1 ototi 30 "400.
L11.011g0I.% It Sh001.1. it ; . " of Doet*r ' • I brat 1 SeintNion. Dna
0055,0, 0..:..1041te ueli 0.. is n., lit; di nutnbs.s nes t,d..-
sigh 1: I, It y j., 4. ! I. 411 tO 451 4•'. v tnalorutts pt. enol
idrs Ally -"Miss ?wt., I pi 1,!.t 1, •• ..1,1 by • .4 .• reque "Bobo ink," a pretty little
Ittunz, 81.1',.,,titt, 01, illtiCE1 1, g' • 8 • • v, Frtv, •. • 111 I
Flare. i 11,11 /038 nig i ,1 s 1 3 Hale t. I...,,, . , 0, Avuerice. ; 111B.1,111. 1;1 1 6,0' 1.1 81"
My it hag ney-c heole pet-ellrel by aby lo.10 I tr ee hie suceist, Is )::. Nati "14. ,IIt tete 0E Westet 1. loty
elocutionist that 111t0 Lp,i riO 10401T N ...,,IS•V0114 in pr.'. .11.1 11:qoh-in, ill t ',Oiling Or Wnitt.11 11,
Lpnclon audientit. "8 Pio h Is 11 0,, netoly. main' 30 i ore' oi tee evening. I itty
WWI irtttalpt'Ily ittterOMOti itt irx1 to Itt, 1 this 1'' til i hien oyery tiocc.• .ti, 11110 .ey (0111. Chioci,o Questio,' wea
and every r001(tIA1011 0:11.4 elesc.ree. 00 e eybody ever did. merrily le . It', and Little
*tided." . Test 03:A .1:Co--Tit . first epee meeting
'BANg"c" 5'nXig'—/(1.1ne8 bed ; of the 0:tii lien 'Temple, T. O. fi, 'I'„ wag
Assumesoisanramsor lasortssassassegnentesigssmsw
John G. Stevenson, late Judge of the
County on L of Habilitated. died 08 Car
ugn yesterday after a prolonged illness,
in the 70th veer of hie axe.
J. B. Pre, man, hf, P. P., and John
Lowrie, of Stirtiia, have been appointed,
by the Agricultural and Arts Aesoointion,
judges of group 2 el Prize Farms,
Col. Biggar, M. P, P., of North Bruoe,
013 snow obourful and rating better, and
during the east week las boon able 'to sit
up for a short time on one or two owe,
In the Il000rderla Gnat, ut Montreal
on Friday, Francois Desmarelmis, a but -
was fined 5100 in. six months for
kissing a young marred woman. lie wail
The Calgary Tribune tells of a dog in
than vicinity, a collie of three months
old, 3vhioll clieappeared during a January
blizzard and was eupposod to bars per.
ished, but which was found in a snow.
drift fourteen days later, redueed to s
veritable ekelelon but still having breath
it, it, and with careful nursing has oomo
round all right. It is hereafter to bo
known as "Blizzard I"
Ottawa, Feb. 2let.—The talk of
the city to -night has bowl the
conversion of Sir Sohn A. Maotioneici,
under the ministration of the evange-
lists, Orossoly and flunter. Sir John lbs
b en a very frequent at endnnt at the
meetings, in whioh he has displayed the
deepest possible interest, anti to -night, be,
with Lady Macdonald, first stood up
among those who asked for prays s
tile aoommgation, and later on, ve ten en
invi.ation was given to those to arise who
loved the Elam tr sod had given their
hearts Hini, d were starting on a
new life, they both promptly arose. The
meeting was ono of the most wonderful
ever held in Ottawa, fully a thousend
persons having been turned front the
doors. Among those wh , spoke was
Lieutenant -Governor Aikens, of Winni•
The Brockville Recorder publishes it
somewhat strange story to the effect that
"Dr." Cosse, a private ticked e seeteneecl
three years ago to the penitentiary for
shooting a man named Hamilton at
Orillia, has admitted that during s trial
he was prepared to shoot Judge Armour,
wh , presided ab his trial, if that g -ntle.
man had overruled the last of nine object -
Mons which Gisse's onunsel raised to p
°aiding with his ease at that time
Cosse says, according to the story, that a
friend of his had got himeelf oommi ted
for assault so that he could commenioate
with him in gaol, that he there -aye him
a loaded revolver whioh Cosse gook into
court with him, drew from his pocket as
the judge oue by one overruled the o bjee.
None of his counsel, an I held millennia I in
his hand to oommit murder if the last
o deotion had been trotted in the same
Paseengers arriving at Winnipeg on
the 0. P. R. trains from the tot Sun-
day report a mervedons escape from
death that Sudbury Juection on
Thuredity. The f, esenger •e
havi nit become disabled, ti freight
engine was called into use, which did not
have proper appliances for Ph attach-
ment of the air brake On rounditn,i, a
sharp °twee the engineer s tw a broken
rail E 800 yards &heed. Ithowieg it
etuitlil be us Tess to attempt to emir tee
train in that distences, he pub on a full
head of Mem and tried to oro s the
break. T "e engine, hsggage and mail,
and second -01,m oars got over
in safety., but the 5n4-alass cers left the
rat , taking with it the dining ear and
Momper. They clregged Moho a few hen•
dred feet on the ties, when the first -elate
coach left the tracks 100-1 tumbled ever
into the snow, the dining car mashing
into the end 0 Hotfoot( later. The sees ter
also tumbled over on its side. There
were sixteen pa,sengere in the firet•elass
ooaah, all of whom wale injured, six sev-
erely. The dining car waiters were all
badly out with broken glass and emerged
from the wreak with bloody faces. The
occupants of the sleeper were badly shak-
en and bruised, two being forced through
the windows. Doctors were summoned
from Sudbury and attended the womided.
passengers. All were able to proceed, ex-
cepting one teem, who wee left behind,
his inj ,ries being of a erwere nature. Ono
doctor aecompenied the titan as far ae
Win., ipog.
opened up 0 bankrupt e. elf in the test. ; ;pm 11 rile Lrolgu room, lime:tele, on
office blook, •!Brussels, and an Min ion Temeley evening of this week. Timm
sale will bo hold evory afternoon andwas o ,4,„„; sized mullet= and ow von.
svoning, oonauctocl by II. 1.11, ftyam, atie•11)314 awl literacy contributiouti
tremor. Goods will be sold by private Worce Wry heartily received and enema
sale in the f0r000000. 'Fhb; will The Ineeyei, follows ;...,opolilog
Splendid opportunity :Toon, goode 09 . remark. by W. liehdiok, 0. P. ; song, O,
agreat reduction. Call in and see for B. Harris and family ; recitation, Miss
yourself. Look out for advt. next weak. Edith Hill ; solo, J. Hargreaves ; (nitro.
Them -Last Saturday nightsbout 7.30 mental, violin and organ, Miss Lizzie
Oh3100k, M,. ltontid 111eNsughton orois• and 11. L. Jealcson ; reading, A., M. Mo-
. ed.the bourne from whence no traveller Ray ; song, U. B. Harris and family:
raturne. will bo remembered that tho duott, Mies Kerr and A. Strachan ; reel -
deceased underwent a surgical operation taws., Miss Boyd ; unartette, the Means
zoyeritl weeks ago and was getting along Kerr, A. &realm and IC. L. Jackson,
vorynicely when diarrheas, sot in. Bern. solo, Miss Katie Wilson ; recitation '
(Aims wore prescribed for this trouble Misses Stnillio ; song, O. B. Harris and
aria, to quiet her nerves and produce family ; solo, h. Strachan ; instrumental,
sleep. In her weakly condition and Miss jackson and brother I solo, :f. 'Oar -
through the over anxiety for tho patient grooves ; dee% EL L. Jackson aria A.
ton largo doses of the mu irate wore Strachan, The entertainment was
given., nrodnoing a feetpor eat of which brought to a close with the National Au.
sit "tom awoke. Mrs, MoNaughtort them. Mies Jaokson presided nt the or.
was 18 itind.hearted heighbor, and took it gem with her motel ability. '1'W!
grefthintereet in hor farnuly. She was an was occupied by W. H. ,Xerr. it is the
aid and well-known resident of this local. intention of the Ledge to hold similiar
ity, A. husband, tiro ,Otoo told throe entertainments occasionally with 'the
daughters aro left Ito motine her Once- hope of angroonting the ternpt.rance
WW1 departure, n...cfnntral leek place ' army and adding to the financial resew.
0113 %leaky afterno. (mot tiiv TMS5CI eb the tame time.
tor -an ontoni.t.r s lumen bIt Trtnptr.
mice lector,. -strongly Lolldud the pa
thutic ollur.l. Anisog the .01er:thins that
closed the program (...fiher .roceesti"
-"The 1n0n10.0" and °Jibe Vail of Pem-
berton Mills die re hoth lifted above the
oommoliplaeo by frequent flashes of tho
true power of the'enctive heart eloquence
that tio clas-t mrt training can over
counterfeit :,or yet effeetively blunt,
How Ruby played" wait marked bi tower.
al passages by now interpretations that
somewhat remodelled tine bpd fevorito
among Toronto audiences, and the even,
ing appropriately clotted by a quick.
onitig scintillation of patriotie fire in
three•glowing stanzas under the Caption
of "Phis Canada, of Ours." On the
whom Miss Knox well pleased her and.
ionto of last evenine(--end it was by Ito
WADS nueritioal•-and she may fairly
etepeet a warn] “Adepino should site again
v sit Toronto.
08.11711.3'1171A1 ).Nr•le
Brit ish tiolunsbia papers4 speak of rieh
eposits of gold recently discovered in a
lack eatid bank near the month of Copper
her. From three pounds of sand PA
1911101.7 0451,50 of geld dog i,paid 1' ltia
bean talon.
MARCH 9. 1888,
oottase.rs» Vitfinctibi,V 11V11111,1 WEAN,
Pali Wheat ....... 80 13.1
-ipring Whet'. ... 70 81
nerley , , ,e, 60
Oats 1‘,,,` . 38
Peas „ ., 58
Witter, tubs and rolls,,. 10
Eggs eer dozen ( 15 f,0
Flour ear barrel ..... - 4 50 00
Potatooe - . BO 00
Hay lie, ton ..... , ..... 8 00 11 e0
Ilidee per lb 4 8k
4a11 per bid., wholesale., 00 0)
Sheep skies, each 00 1 00
Wool, per lb. 20 23
Pork 0 00 6 25
et =1:3E1.M.
MeNamorroe-In Brussels, on March 3rd,
hittrgaret, beloved wife of Ronald
MeNaugliton, aged 55 years,
GIESON,—At Maitland Brim, :,Wroxoter,
ou Sunday, Matadi 4th, Robert Gib•
'011, a native of Berwickshire, Scot -
lend, aged 58 yeers, 5 menthe and
1.1 days.
Ithoeitu,.-At 400 Prineitee uremia, Lon-
don, on Sunday, Manch 41,11, at 12:20
p ni., the Very Rae. 31151, .41 Roemer,
1.,.L.D., Down of rineen, aged e8,
Sitatt e • ..JAWIllSoN.--.In Eilicle Oil Wialues•
I Lt. 7811 Jost., at th8 r1i5idons.0 the
e,rrio's father, by 11. v..I. '1'. L. Clear,
Mr, Wta, J. Sharp te11104 Ci,.intitto
Jo. 0:0.00,1,- 0 of Mho'.
".et.verctee.momete ieeeeteezez.
're :0 ,3ee0.„11 tticii 15. j, let 23,
18 It 1,, Morris, farm stack and imple-
meme, a 12 o'clo"k, neon. A. lie Itelt.
ertene, prep., (too hubby, nee),
TriLAPAY, MA0011 13. -Lot 26, COM 05,
(Ivey, forin stook, imphinents, bo,, at 1:3
Wel ',"ck, norm. Fletcher elearling, prop„
tree. herkby, acct.
Wee:teener, 5I96ttin 1.1"11. .Farin stock,
on Int 17, eon, 10, Morris. lthreeerved.
Sabi to commenee at 1 p. M. _Henry
,lankeon, prop., Goo. Kirkby, ;mot.
14.Yr71:1,YY, MAUCH --Household
furniture, itc. Oralunn'e feirvey, south
of Brussels, Sale to commence. at 1
&Meek te. In. (5nO. KoK"ity, prom, Geo.
Kirkby, DU&
VIITPAI, MA11(1110.-11(4 1, 1.011, (1, Grey,
farm sleek and implements, at 1 o'ebock
sharp. Thos. it Andrew Sample, props.,
t1.100. Kirkby, auc.
._ ... . .
r..-..,=.4.-votrt,r= =.t.....m==x•z...
1 ontiltellin I. 11:1:11:1.1•Y NVI.:111: WI.NS.
' 11 Wb
Spring Wheat 3)) 80
Oats . 18 Ott
Pei (• 00 00
Harley 60 70
; Potatoeti 05 00
; 13 -utter, per lb (08 11
i Eggs, per aosen,.... 1.11 1.10
A1.71:110, per bushel 75 DO
Bogs. dreirol (1131) 7 00
Beef 4 50 5 50
$ 00 0 00
Wend, per earl 2 ire 4 010
FiLangD .—A. 1311000H APPLY
to surtri, at A. 1,1 gotisy
00,11 ilarilware Moro. 30.
Aptly to THOS. Mal RECOlt,
31-0 West Ralf Lot 11,00n. 0, Grey,
GIRL WANTED BY nue, 181.11
r..)10.8.t.arob. Omnwa m
i agon to co
ent Apply to 11101. E. E. WADIS.
son SALE at a bargeln. r full part
thud trn t mew, locat(on, ole„ aunty to
W. IL 1)01100N,
* Regulated on Lot 11, Don. 9, Dray.
THOS, tie 118000030. 00 now ors. ois 118,0
00008 w PAL, "Sawyer's Guide," for sale,
tho bent mode; 50the sewers say. Pat-
ent tor n tl.i. 34-
I�UFat FOR b1LRV1OJI -'1'(I11
mod Durum lien for nerviee on lot 130,
son. 0, Korvin. Torts $1.00 with prlvdoge
of returcIng If n000nsitry. 1040. 01E811,
Proprietor. 34.3111
• undereiguod will keep the thorough-
bred Durham boll "Vedder" for sorvies 00
lot 20, 300. 1, Morris. Ile has an extended
pedigree oortilloate. Terms -81,50 for tho
seas, 0 forayed° eon and $5.00 for thorough-
breds. 26.2in J. BOWMAN.
1.41011 SALE. --THE UNDER -
it signed offers for sale Inn household
furniture, inoluding 8r4cla8s organ, coal
'to,, .00 Also 3 horses, buggy, cutter,
sleighs, double and single harness ond a lot
of other artieloa, They will be sold cheat,
for cash or on good security, 11 le articles
may he aeon on the prem hien, at the I1005o010
Idtria Works. THOS. TO WN, Proprietor.
1, alt by the undersigned (marked ten dors)
op to Hatorday, the 17th Moro 1, for putt
o atoso foundation , veneering with 11.0h,
ila.terine and otherwise reptiring 17 nos
L'husco, Oranbrook I?. 0. Plante and spoo(d-
0000110 on,l1 be SPati nt the tirsobrook P.
rite IJA'0.4 DV 1134)-- tender ow. 0000800,1U;
/1.0001100II. 510013 1,11TIIT: • .,
ctran brook, Fob 10,1034.811,.
ESTA it.
MoINTOSII & hloT AGO All,r,7
71raneact a General 13anking
NOTES 0130011N10.10,
Oanadlext and United 080805 Drafts bought
min sold.
Interest allowed on deponits.
Collections made on favorable term,
elitondinu Agents-hfoncirANVe 030300 or
New 'York Agenta-DdconTens AND TIlAn.
(11I0I0E F•1111S FUR .1LE
A taw N.elondld, Improved benne foe
9815 0,' the sownship of Grey, 'Norris and
)1a001110p. Apply to A.. 01,'I.,GAT1iY, On,
iet,,,,n r,13Lipasel a 0. (1.
°U31 8.ittSNEthoiLl eNtaptioLo.OTIlieFri9 trtn ;IS fkkaLmEo
Waage, nt ..11 st ado, fruit trona wi 11 and all
thence yonicpc•ot time prernincs. '1' •o flft'a
of itn twee of land. Price reasonoblo, torme
80.53, 011 the promises or if by letter.
to J. W. t OD A./,, 00051160 1'. 34.2
. • to .110Nblo nert:Ice. niorc "call cone-
fortareie and commoditien dwelling. Good
nellar, 1 *oro of pardon in bottling sp,ples,
plums aud small fruits. Good stable. Phis -
constitutes 000 01 tee best 00008040 in tioto 0,r a good harnoss.makor, being in the
eentro of a splendid forming seot.on. Near -
oat opposition Brussels, lull c51 Listowol
£1,,11100 Apply for terms to D. W. 1711, ilO,
on the promises, Einar.. 00.
for a rorm of veers, Lot et, nen, O.
Grey, containing 03 soros, &butt 70 none
cloared, 6 Scree nt 10111 NTT, t, 70 err,
04, 01 down, Good baring 1.001
TONT. and idnentlanlo
co of ter, Io1 1.10 0 so
1baru and ottier outhaildinge. Verion
Easy, POSSOSSi011 at any time. For furtner
prn arbioulaapply to 110.1 18 ,171 .3 ABB, .80NR.,
I/0 We proull, us, or by tutus. to elTrear, 3'',,.
11013. SALE OB TO Itr..Nr.
& Me of the beet 101sinoma .•tot.Ogr 1,,
Braneclo, Olen now brick since on Om eornor
of Hell autlTurnberry strtiote, mobil of the
post office, occupied at preetent ley 30r. B.
Abtloolin an forni st.irc. NI tSi-01..s4
retinae -armor poodation The ripi'" It held
out an a dwidling house. Rare ii.,id soft
water, gi en Ist or May nem
claer widen :will be rondo itnew,1
by 6 •ilvI 1,9,, WW1. It. 31 I80,111, Fr00,10-
tor, Ont. ,11.1
" 8'lt'01I A ''''t
FOUR ..ELI• 4-1 !Ii 1 LOTS FOR ia 11.11r11,fIO1 Moo vti13,
i V Tenn, 640, Oniefl 1t1 bookie's 010001
Brussels. 11011°7E° L0011,
I v .
barrow & Proudfoot, (3oderiall) Se-
lieitor, Conveyanoer, tto. 011100, Grant's
block, Ilrussele. money te then.
A M. TA.YLOR, 13. C. L, BAR.
a... mown, Solloitor, 00., of the erre of
Stenhensno, Diet/non & Taylor, Barristers,
Sollottors, &o., Atonable Arcade, Ning Street
Went, Toronto. Money to loan,
11, the rourth Division 0 omit, Co. Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Publio, Land, Loan
and Tuenranao Anent. Panels throated and
to loon. Oodeotione matte, office 11 Gra
010100 Blink, Brussels.
.noved 115,, office to
Drug Store. Residence on AWE Street
A., MoNAUG-HTON, M. D., 0.
rl • M. L. It. C. P. 1Id1nbttrldt, Phyamian,
Surgeon end AccOuch or. Office, Mrs, Shiers
aeon., Turnberry Street
W AI. F. OALE, M. D , 0. M.
Member of tho College of elirsteleve and
Surgeons of Ontario by mato inn then
011ioe an d liooldouo—httelei Ht. SOS t. J01t,s
0.0., 17o ti..r Grades' r• tend
M. U. 0. O. B., of Toronto. 0 trolls Oxide
Gas administered. Prieto- di ad ea and ,stow
ns .,ted work pan be done , .r.
rimer oyes Johnicion'.• 1' or, 'Theie.
None ortb
11)8.1IN 'T p•i'lr.
AV J. Fear,L.D S. rico,. vole of TO.
Conto School of Dentistry. 0(3 over.
Mums gUarantood, 1 1114ro—t` ady's
Snook. Soatorth,
Arsi fieial teeth, it et on ty , 310 n.
guaranteed fit,f or 018,011,1,1 sot.
1.911.1.1`i 103" F.
..A.. 214..A.M.TI05, 14, =.
Collor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, 'Covet-, 'Y MUM rmirot
Gee administered Inc the palte.ose extrac-
tion nt teotb
1FF1111111.--tenrfielet ettocen.
4• -
SEP Auctioneer. Salo; concluotrd on
0 stsonable terms, forma nod Finn stack
onoolalty. Ordors loft a Tint Pose Publish-
ing ti011•te, Bruseols, or iteet to Walton post
ogle° will receive prompt attention.
. Men, is prepared to to sides ou
the 8110.1051. nOtiee. A i, ceinley MAINS of
sal aol too:ousel-bred &AIR. Teruel made
ewe applieedirm tr eel; 1, evi. Pennell-
It101.151. IN110"1 4100, !PO gen. Or
.woore .n Brussels 1'
°Ayala 1.00,1.8 t., 541.,6 of
fir,,, StOCIS, I .:1V 113,r0014 tl 4 •,I hi. at-
Irs•Ig.q1 nt ;row Pesp P•i(dtsi.1 (1,1100,
11. 05001',
P1101%140 ng .1.111 A- ,i1 O,11. +MI 11
stab's on OUP 011110 01-11•1•,.. ''he 1110 is in 1
itrE i t•to oi onihrtt i1,01 fronin
Alesaibler, 1 holocel nail Wary street.,
Tito pttlyorty Will ho cold to 1..locit If ptir
0110430' tioSirt, it. 3,0 bet.t.a. at...)
111u:tell, For ccpl.
to 07. J. Nowroll• F. 0. lloN tLi, 1)04 014.
1 Ono nIfec ler sate a driving untre, data
111tubo1,"101 by "Combination," in foal to
"Bllgewood." sinner ally 1.y "7Iart'n 1100.
hunger," lacing 000 yeer. May be wen lib
my stable, .1(431 alt co t ill- W. J. NORTON.
ROTEL, 8itt188ELS,
Thupeclay, March 291h, 1888,
AT 1 o'catorn, whole there Will 10 cold
Los no, in 51:11.(1n Township of Grey.
For further purifonlare goo pastors, nt
uPply to
.811ex. Itutiler, tiOnyit at 01011S,
Auotioneer, Vendor's Sialioi tors,
B001,0010. (5.8 London, Ont.
itr'ttirm Vol* Male
711 1,118 liacri per n flora f °rind° 810 valuable
Norm in the Township Groy, comprising
lots 6 and 7,0011.11 in •said township. This
farm contains tl0l,tot'nO ,,,,,ie within la miles
from tho thriving vIllage of RrUseids, with
78 go goo Ll gravel reatileadiag thereto. Abontlee
001905 aro olearorl,f rote ?rent stumps and in el
high Mate of eultivetion. The balance
ducly wOotled. This USW (5 partteularAY
weiltenetel,nearlythe whole of the tem
Gotha straight and having boon arectot itt
1005 And '80. 00 WO promisestlioseis e awn
Biteable log dwelling house end &goo elf ram 0
(1500 with stone Stabling uudorneath in
which there is a well with cat Otte -tint oup.
tly ot.oxpour.nt water. !Moro (0 likeivittea
NOW tome implement 7e01100, 401913, 90071
000T0dInhoes and below, and meetly Hided
end painted. Felt wail:0114.1qt spew te the
Proprietor. .1,A40tltl Dt0INON,
Itegf brtur.1111ren tine
- • --. -a
t18, 1 " 0:1•1
1,311, , • Of
yt , I' 1 et, , it,
1''0'l''1'I • I., iron,
•".. t the • .14„ e,
I .1
e (Lr .1 . 00
1.11,1,ec0I ail
1ot,, •t tit ;3 y .1 . 11 JO toir
smith oi J. 11,1, ors' '101,1'
8 , lIONO1I
e tratioato rit I, 11 or Jo
College leas 1901111111. 1 9It• 111. ,,I len of Jolt
tOtt,V.Ii.01.11,110 3110 '0,1 it trent leli dis
mows or Cementite. Lc i., • :1111,11: s cuIcrit.the
0,, 1t no roved prim Iti hltOni 1101.
learn foals a speolult; 1:141104 1,8,0 4003's
ortu of 13r tug°, 8.`nruh,•rr v 8t1.003.
3. ) nuppnittal 80 15 in miff ; ono 'Golfer to
calve in April ; Ono broad 111110 rant els. young
pigs ; Ono yoriug now, ml tlioro1-brod. Also
ono rising two. itingnict. 131 0), 8', 1113(183.
Stionf, 1,ot 30, (Jon, ;1, Morrie., iteuesele It. 0.
Recount Of being at groat oxponso
beilding and adding now machinery mat
also Intending to start 11,o matietactere ef
furrithro we bag thews to iiitorin all dire
the unetersigned to be kind enotteh to settle
lep eittier with Cote et Note, Pine, llont-
lock, 111101. Ash or Maolo Plawloge will he
telfen in pay delivered oithor of Atnatil
Brea thaw Ki,ll% DS this fin» has purchased
our AMY mill in Grey. All accounts vII1 he
settled at, tho Noir Onolory, 13 nasals -
141 -08 138/1TH 131108.
r14 Ai'r111I'OR SALE. -T EII313-
.1.: soOnstilt (Worn Ids valuable 100 moo
term, berieg let 3, con, 13, Grey Township,
11131^0I1 Op.. for Salt. 'There are about no
05905 do trOd (ma goo4 Mart. There (Ft
iagtt e11grhb8411%r°1111
OrSt0100$4 'Veritttuor taxtlasiea, a to
rifkigAli" VAZ141A giv PSopr,olm.
11.4f $10110 A1,0 117FIla CASA 7•7: fitits'enine
3. a
ie o
is 1
Is i