HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-9, Page 7lirrES1 TO EARtt T. Al11nORof tHpg,tfy MAlzon 9, 1't 8. a T'. ) OE, nAnntnatx 33t:]1Nl;n AWAY," " aP£NTNo A 0131sn1'n UT nu1111," 19'l'U. ved these as a matter of course, but leed at tine student with enuine in. es . is eS rossion seemed to satisfy hor, for site turned away tohido a smile that meant rnischiof, It was quietly arranged that Hera - stead should sat beside hor, and Ile felicitated himself over their artifice as 11 it were rare good fortunes. Though the sou and the rising breeze had sitalsou off the clustering snow to a great extent, tho evergreens still beat beneath their beautiful burdens, some Straight coders reminding 0110 of vigor. bus ago, whore snowy hair and beard '►lone suggest the flight of years. Though the face of nature was Ho 1/hito it was not the face of death. More was a sense of movement an,l life which was in accord with their own spirits and rapid motion. Snow -birds ftutteredaudtwitterodiu weedy thickets by the wayside, breakfasting on the seeds that foil like blank specks nn, on tho Snow. The bright sunlight had lured the fox. -squirrels from their moss -lined nests in hollow trees, and their shrill bark was sometimes heard above tho ibime of the bolls, " There goes a parson crow," cried addle Marchmont, "How black and 3Wiomn lie looks against the snow." " Why are crows called parsons, Mr. Ftemstead?" asks Lottie, as a child alight. 'Indeed, I don't know. For as good 4t reason, I suppose, as soma girls aro nailed witches,' She gave him a quick, koou look, and said, " I hope you mean nothing personal ?" " I should never charge you with being a' witch, Miss Marsden, but I might with witchery:" " A distinction without a differonco," she said, seeking to lead him on. " He means," explained De Forrest, " that you might be bewitching if you ebose." Hush Julian, you leave no room for the imagination," said Lottie frown- ingly. rown- in 1 . " Look at that farmyard, Miss Mars- den," said Hemstead ; "" the occupants seeln as glad that the storm is over as we are. What pictures of placid con, tent these ruminating cows aro under that sunny shed. Bee the pranks of that colt which the boy is trying to lead, to wator. I wish I were on his back. with tato prairie before mo." "Indeed, are you so anxious to escape present company ?" " Now I didn't say that. But we have passed by, and I fear you did not 800 the pretty rural picture to which I called your attention. Were I an artist I would ]slow where to malro a sketch to-day.'1 "I think you will finch thab Miss Mart311-,,•.5 &tato Mere verywidely stable inttroduced. Ono of lluhone paintings of this sacred ani, favorite subjoct, which Bangs in the gallery of the Louvro, represents two OxOn feed. ing at a rook." Como Julian, bared one yt gull sword, Ib won't do for you or any Ono to sit in judglnoub on euob painters as Mr, Hom- stead hart named. You aro fairly beaten, l shal1 admfrO baro -yards in future throe�ih thick and thin," " That le hardly a fair conclusion from any testimony of mine," said Hu nstead, '" a barnyard may bo all that Mr. Do Forrest says of it, but I amsure you will always lind pleasureseeing n Sino frolickaome horst, or u group of patient cattle. The homely accessories may, and somebitncs may not add to too picture"" How do you co1n0 t0 1010W so utucli about pictlues? 'Theology has uutlniug to do with art." "I dissent from Judge Marsden's do- cision now, most emphatically," r(lrlied Ilomstead. " is not trite art fidelity tc nature 2" "" Yes, so it is claimed." And whore docs nature cane from? God is tho Divine Artist, and is furnish. h r. ar is H God is ing thomax for all oto ti. ttho author of landscapes, tuomitains, rivers, of scones like that we saw this morning, of a fine face and noble form, ante ty no a chapter in the bible. Nnw, fine paintings, statuary and musio,bring out the hidden meanings of natluo, mud therefore more clearly God's thought. 'Theology, or' nowledge celleolitingr our creator, is a science Lo which e4 erything Gaii minister, and surely tho apprecia• tion of the beautiful should bo learned iu connection with the Author of all beauty." ' ' I never thought of God in that ligj,ht bcfOre," said Lottio. '" lie has always seemed like one watching to catch ane at somet,tiug wrong. Our solemn +cid sunday-school teacher used to say to us children just before wo went home, " Now, during tine week whenever you are tempted to do anything wrong, re• member the text, " Thou God roost me." When wasn't I tempted to do wrong? and I had for a long time the uncomfortable feeling that two great oyes'vero always staring at lie. But this isn't sieigh•riding chit-chat," aucl ehe broke into a merry little trill from n favorite O3rera. Heansteatt, with his strong lovo•of bile beautiful, cduld nrit help watching her with. deepening 'interest. The 'rapid motion, the music of the bells, rho navel scenery i4f the stun•lighted, glitter- ing world around her, and chief of all 13er own altounding health oiud animal life, cotal.linedto quicken her excitable uaturo into the keenest enjoyment. From her reel lips came ripples of laugh- ter, trills from operas, 'sallies of fan that kept tho entiro ;party from the tnoagkt of heaviness, 'and to honest• iuincirtd Ilomstettd, were the evkdonces ,,f a ],appy, innocent heart. Ii'fftii secret e*illtation she saw how tpsvlly and unccrosciotlaly the unwary tut'rent was passing under the spell of ' he>':ibertuty and witchery. rine mast hallo been cursed with a s)?cggish, half-dead bodyy, and a tm- idtime], had ho nut rerpended to tho1vucy ,Ileunccs under which our gay par;y from yo+trs," said Dt surest, " that is , '..spent the next°few hours, Innumerable ff yon i(ive nx tv uuciarstand you rvon" Uahow.fiakes had carried. down from the sock your themes iu a baruyard,-and t x4 your easel upon a muck -heap. 'Thos11 • ;.res 'night not rank high, t' Kit, very v mac,,." - h .1 Lotti, joined slightly%in il tt: d not conlplimontary lar 4h nut 1 • • ;1 which followed the f ,hriist, hat i,• • c, . th l luiglitoned color, said " Y 10 cannot criticise my )3iutnre, .114r. Do Forrest, for it dons no' t exist. Th,,•r, tor" 1 must conclude ti nldt .your t •,•tai a,a.t my IDoico of paw',1t it subjtats." Yes, is with trio offend, r ,ijf Den' 1. ', they' smell to ' ,, 0uavet, '•I .int ta�l to yor. Miss M .t[rsden, w4is net tot. ,cent of hay, and I' of eattic as wo caught t ]ho breath of Hein 'psssfu 8.,,.::i and wholesome ?" " 1 cannot deny that t heS " 11411 3 ludia1ltl fa• • Artless; and shall 13 •'^ o this quo to = t nrmen i, there Ain. And now. wet greatly admired istv' celebrated cer d bit auuaha. VIM do not object t , r:e , l; tth its eh en'; e::Lrb y" sissies] acuoasoraos, as at aril." 1 t vat it portrays'. a' corruption outs in truth "• 'fend 110av011.' cols hor g" . th 112 •'p,•whiuh did not enter lr ovary particle of impurity, end left t itWeet clad whoiesonie :'Hough to searu'the elixir of immortal with it was te.1,1p•[-tad oleo, that it anti stirullnted, The trees, pinching e"ass o1 the pravi,'o' day wits rhe ,tin, undimmed 1+e n. cloud, ab no iiinially, and 048508 fa..ing ths smith 'were dripping, the drops itiiiso glittering gems. Now and then a brooms would caro, c ' down upon them, and catching show froth the &aline 1t fuuco, wor 1 'east it into their faces as • school -boy might. " Stop that I" said Lottie to oi.v. of these- sportive zephyrs: s: " Do you call that a gust of wind? I dears was a viewless sprite—ora patty u.: t , •zr playing thou mad pr^nas u; on e "Spre:orfairios loss cold ..Lelmiter- cal," itergal," said De Forrest with a 3 •.. -., look at the sp,'alter. "\\'hat do you pa aftni,Mr.1L ,1 she asked but itlmrew . tho world speak of tel to.•, nymphs, I sup" ose you to 1101111 o..ly of " W1,01 It 011," 1._ .. shill bo of tit sarut 11 Forrest, and. be l;.a l g angel." l as tits at all, and would not Why so?" ,t nay Dontre (1011111 I paint "i:ou 1n1i011 110.0 year a'.' 0/1 hnvo hoou W11010101110 in 18." Have •I made a i,u,ab ' Wire see,I+: „11-• • tt' sae. ?" after till ,!-..- I. . u t cyan nave." am from it. E ly, :„Jr. Do Forrest, what aro 11110011 1.:013'.144.33," tr; " with 1110 fact that amain of the 1 wish you W011,:, .^ • 401113 1.4 1,1 the world 1 nm- that." their brindles c"a jus; math sconce " Winit do 700 311 •' 1l tech pct„r t :a 01'031.1 y our • ” 1 'c, nu, t,ad taste 111010 t1,:131 11117 010 that drags 01, 80 0 1 qui, 141,.1 010150013 1111011 a; that farm- to preach any morel t t1' . .l ••tvnn id suggest adorn the beet (al- the boils --:;ort tine es f lior11 e?" sido 1" " \t i ;tt a1 t , s of veto have .?aloud] ' Yes, Julian, 1is*0:1 to army Hid ,cones ?" asked De Veiniest in Lottie to 1-o borreat, who 1..en '. 01nfueion. spook. ' 4L', there is Herring, tale Warms Sou thono suns, tial lty an 1''r.';h-'h artist, for ono," How can you acconitt Lor 00 Leasing, Yon acro cvlanide and hoautiLul shapes. 1V lolling a lash story," said De Forrest, " To ale all tho coal r,: t •ii',tnunOly. nature," said 110113113.0,3i1., "11 1 _ _ . ,'fie, 110 1$ not," said Lottie. " Hot!. finito 3o,uc1 gtatify'u1, 1 Ti" Them hulks thinks that tlnoy's hags "flat I a131 within; to 1 • .c • ono." ring ie, n farnou5 (Jiliet :f ane told ii11 010131' .Hilts ti crest •, t •, of iiiffeleua tl.;di and blood from the sido,",_ 111t-tiin 40'121.,: 111 Iss a ' ," Yes, so w0 explain otn:solve}, when • we lows 501001 ongraviugs of his„1',t ' ',works.” au ' expression of the Diving creative thought.' " " is that 50000 512011 an expression ?"' asked Harcourt, with a sneering laugh in which the others joined. By rho road -Hide thorn was a small hovel, at tho door of which a bali.fed, ill,conditionod pig was squealing. When they were just opposite a slatternly, carroty-head,:d woman opened the dour and raised hor foot to draw the clamor• outs beast away. Altogether it was as squalid and repulsive a picture as could well be imagined. " Yes, replied Lottie, looking into his taco with twinkling cycle, "was that Sweet pastoral Hoene au expression of creative thought?" " Tho woman certainly was not," he answered, reddening. "A thought nay be greatly perverted." " Whatever moral qualities may be asserted of her planners, costume and character,". said Harcourt, "she is not to blame .for the cast of her features and elle color of her hair. I scarcely know of an artist who would express any such thought. unless he wished to satirize humanity." •" You can call up before you tho per' trait of some beautiful woman, can you not, Mr. Harcourt?" " Lot Inc assist you," Haid Do Format, pulling from his inner pocket a photo- grspli "Hush, Julian. I'm sorry you do not appreciate this grave argument Tnore. I'll take that picture from yon if you don't behave bettor," " Well, I ]]tune >� p,dture before me now, that satisfies Inc fully," said Mr. Harcourt, turning to Lottio with a smiling bow. "Now, suppose that you hail painted just such a likeness and finished Suppose I should tomo afterwards, and without destroying your picture utterly, should blend with those features thea], the forbidding aspect 01 the woman We have just seen, would you not say that your thoughts'iyelte greatly perverted ?" " I should Welt I should.'' "Well, Mother Eve was the true ox - pression 'of the Divine Artist's creative thought, and the woman we saw was the perversion of it. You can trace no mil tl/;n to the source of all good. .Perfection is not the author of , impar \faction." Who does the pe.>lir>i -then 1" asked Lottie. "Evil." "I don't think it fair aim am lace and form should b� ,S into hideousness, and ai.++Nrl left with somethingof the first perfection." " Evil 15 nevor fair, Miss Marsden:" "" But is it only evil 2 1 have Beard plain children told when resenting their ugliness that it was wicked, for they were just as God made them." "" Can you thiuk of 'a better way to make a young girl` hate God than to tell. her that?" •" But a1tppose it's true.'' " I am same it is not. ,just the oppo- site is true. The ugly an$ deformed aro as evil )n slnarred them, and not as God has ma1la them, 13y seeking the Divine artist's'aid more thee. ,the humanity's first .:selection can be regained. It is possini0 for ern. thab wt:etc 104 creature WO basin to attain an uul,vard iow:lines; Uxceeding'that of -any woman now liv- ing,'" ie• ing," "'That passes beyond the limit of 01 roagination."•said Harcourt. " Absurd]' muttered De Forrest. "I fear .you -two not orthodox," said Bello. That 'means you.do not agree with me. Bat »tease do not think that be - 1E41180 111111.1 iniadstur you Janet tel neon subjects that are rather grave and neap for a slci"itfng party." '"'That s ris;t, Cousin Frank," 3"3 1/311110 "Dr. Beams •vill want v •pteaoh for bin] next Sunday. I advise you to rosorvo yam thunder till that occasion; when you may come out as strong as you please." •"'''Chiuose thunder' at best," 'whis•• perod•llarcourt to Addie; but all hoard L�ul. llctiestead bit his lip and said nothing, bet .1-iottie spoke up quickly— '" No matter auout the 'thunder,' Mr. llareourt. That is only noise under any circumstances. But suppose there is aro ligl,tt;tugof truth in what her. mat, say's?" "And s:3nposo there is not 2" ho re- ird, with 0 shrug, " It s a pl .,y I mstendgave Lottieaquick, pleased view 01 my syln1t i loon., which Bello and Do Forrest slid- replied with a 1, an0, in;; I y imbed, and the conversation uhang. the atia r seat:, co to lighter topics. • "But I baso boon Ax they were passing through a small " that in hamlet •tee+utiles back from the river, been appoiutud to sole,:. . . : b•ue 1 •a,1ed 11(813 came ruining nub si0nart0(4, 1ucc1 that them tP„1 4 a Covet try store and bo01800lI, thein wolnt'n who a1'' 861.. • tlioiiii,. rc. 0'ug to give our Domini" a Au explosion • : u„t 1 arty tonight. 1 n1hops Pira diesel, ds, lint ••'11 :.. ': will do sandhi fc : 10 t L fn 01 1 ore : ,•�} y u,t'hl ail b.-.0 to (121(01' (we, 4,1 1 " L,•13, i1 4 y „l`iq fc .-, enjoy tlulrnsel 'ch." mal.) 0 31(148 1 y,,• 1`n . i1 -,'itx1.Lett"1; "'.l.'voeaw ye ,"•wilts], to ,tbteltd a country (louaLUl .,1w1 t, t 1 -., u 1 - Do you ihink 0'o can coma, Addie Y' \", 1d to fu• ' c n • 4111 certainly, if you wish, but 'I fear wilt be you vi ell i 01110y 11. YOU will 1161 111001 should be sorry to have at,', ;, Lay of rn,r ':''1' doors." client n oil 11r 3.::, ..ac... . • "1 don't wish t0 moot then]. '1 want mo." v -s h, ,. J , ,a,xt the other 'sot,' and baso a• "I havo certainl • . i:olio." • Lath), positively. "It will be moonlight, and We shall "I roar yon have h,.•: 1 hove the, drive, which will bo tho best prejudice of inns ,u"• 1 1.3;1 of it you, will find," said Harcourt. Works, than aughtin 'ta.': .:. 110 r. ill come." said, somewhat gra e.ly' than ours, Mr. Harcourt." " We at least agree among ourselves." "All the worse, perhaps, for too world," "That's rather Honore, if you refer to the proved), " When rogues fall out, holiest MOH got their dues,' " said Lottie. "" I Hnppese w0 were talking in just ; I wa5,' "You ovidently belong to the cbnreh militant, since you siriko back so hard even in jest," said Harcourt, "Very wall, since you are so able to take care of yourself I shall havo no compunctious in regard to your fate." Ileunstead ]lid not understand this re- mark, but the others slid, and significant lances worn exchanged. He turned inquiringly to Lottio, fooling that in a curtain sense ho lead an ally in her, but she scorned looking away abstractedly, a5 if she lead not 110040(1 the romark. She was too quick to be caught easily, and the conviction grew upon ]lint that, while the others from his calling and difference in views and 1485188 had a natural eversion, she was inclined to be friendly. What better still,bo be- lieved h tte lieved leer mind was unprejudiced and open to the truth, if he could got chances to present it to her. And yet she puzzled him not a little at times, as now, for in. stance, when she turned and said— "" I su11.weu there are a great loony nice,young men at your seminary 2" " I novur beard them called ' nice young men,'" ho replied, looking at lion keenly. " Ob, 1 beg your' pardon, --good, pious, devotional young leen, I moan. "" All ought to be that; do you not ; Do Forrest tried to laugh at 11f5 dis- th" Well, " ' comifture whop ho appeared at the " Well, yes, I think 80, 50000 11107 aro ' dinnertable, but ho was ovidently an - to Become ministers." noyed and vexed with its author. " TIM not otherwise 2" ed was very nice of you, hhor. Hem- " I didn't say that, 'Chore's a hint for I atoad," said Lottie, " to permit yourself yon, Julian." to bo pelted by us. You evidently did De Forrest's reply was a contemptu- not think ed worthy of your steel. But ons shrug and MOO. It would be any- . I fear you gave John a strong compli• thing but agreeable to him to be thought anent." " good, pious, and devotional"—qualities , " 7 only returned ono of bis." not in demand at his club, nor insisted "But he did not hit yon." on by Lottin, and entirely repugnant to s".He meant to. We form our most his tastes, correct judgment of people sometimes disappointed them by good.naturealy springing out after his bat, and wassoon romping with the boy and Mgrs, March- mout's two younger children. This was too tempting to Lottie, who joined the frolic at once, 1-4 Hemstead laughingly allowed himself 0,1 to be their victim, and skilfully throw V great snowballs so as just 10 m358 then], while they pelted him till ho was white,'' and, as if utterly defoated, he led them s breathless chase up and down the brorul path. Their ernes and laughter brought half the household to the doors and wnndows to watch the spout. Dc Forrest ventured down from the piazza with the thought that he could throw a spiteful ball or two at ono he already disliked a little, as well as de. spised. But Hemstead immediately showed what a self-saeriliaing victim he was to Lottie and the childrou by almost demolishing De Forrest with a huge snow -ball that stung his ear sharply, got down his neck, spoiling his collar, and necessitating such a toilet that ho was Late for dinner. His plight took Lottie out of too fiold. also, for she sank on the lower atop of the piazza, her band upon her side, help. less with laughter. Hemstead retreated •to a side door, I where he shook himself as a polar hear 1 might, and escaped to hie room. CiiAT"irl::R VII ANOTHER sPP.'LL THAN RRAATE% " Do they all intend to be missionaries from what they intend, rather than as wu1 us yourself ?" she continued.• what they do." "'011, no • some no doubt will take . " Wall, I thank yon for my share of city churches, and marry wealthy ' the sport." waves." " And I thank you formine." " Would that be wrong 2" i "" What occasion have you to thank " I am not the judge. It's a mattes me, when I almost put your eyes out of taste and conscience." ' with snow." "Would yon not marry a lady of "You did not so blind them but that n wealth ?" ' I could see a face aglow with exercise; " 1 would wary the woman Iloved— that made a pleasing contrast to the that is, if I could get her." cold white snow." " Well added," said De Forrest. I "Frank, Frank, you will make Lottie '"Yes, sir, I agree with you. Every ' vain," said Mrs. Marchmont. " 1 did Stan .had better add that." not know that complimenting was per- " Indeed they had," said Lottie, with , mitted to yon," a ri)71011 10111 tit mete in her eyes. +' That is all right, sister," said Mr. "There is always a chance for a man Dimmorly. " That's where he shows who will never rase ' no' for au answer," his good blood and connexion with au said De Forrest, with a light laugh, but old family He is gallant to the ladies. with a significant glance at Lottie- Tbey can't get that out of him, even at " Do you theft s1, 1" she said, lifting a theological seminary." her eyonrows nnest,oningly. " 7 agree Hemstead's blushing confusion ins. with Mr. Hems8eaci. It's a matter of creased the laugh at this speech. taste and conscience." " Oh, mother," exclaimed Add1o0 "Do ,you intend to bo a missionary, - "" we are all going on a frolic tonight. 1111. 7710 -Lis`'""''''. r" & 40011 Delle Parton. You know that poor, forlorn, little Loi,. so," o reamed. quietly. • minister at Scrub Oaks, who has sial. "'Yes, caul Lotti,:, " just think of it. children, and gets but six hundred a Ile is go'm4 away out to the jumping -of year ? Woll, they are going to ve Lim 11'7F0 ca the West, where lie will have s. donation to -eight, so a dilapidated ((40 (101(1"'r ,•;ra1 n. on one side and tho pillar of ilio church told us. Wo wero a: „1 , .,",.s 1, un .i.e other Yon said incited to come, and Lottio wants to 1�,, 1 w"u..: emery 1,111 w0nL•-1( you icived, go,., Ti ion co, ' 130 (0'.i (hulk any real " "Very well, my dear, 5inc0 you a0d Mee girl ,1 unld g0 whit you to such a • our guests wish it." L rriblo pace?" "Now, auntie, that's very sweet of " 1'ut 64110 I at,1 t 1.120,,. If too ono you to answer so," Haid Lottie. "1 t want went vontu, e . ' can go alaua" want to sec the queer, awkward country Do you thine soul! go ?" asked people who go to snob places. They noetic, so inuoeent'y that tho ell •1r;, ammo mo vastly; don't they you. Mr.. no si ; Itt task fu cwntroh" 11; 1� iawnstead?„ .quos. "They interest me." :ti"" Who will go ? " said II: ;:.+tttul Oh, it wouidu't be proper for you. to " T.%:131 say 'amuse.' " T:w oat w u t you said you t.a a u Nor would it be exactlytrue.,' ".Why, Lottio," said Addie, "" you "Now, I'm sure.' dill not v :y' know that ministers only think of pauplt' one," said Huluntcad, b:,:. : , as a sad lot that mush be aaved. ' laughing. "We'll help make a jolly lot t110ro, to- •, o - 1'011, you did not exactly 1' lli;,irt," said Lott..: w.th a swift glamor) name," - at Hcrostead's contracting brows. "No, T 0110111,1 think tu:;,, NI, ruovcr, ausst."1, 1 want to Hoe what know it myself." mater that lives on six hundred a Ilow pre. 0. n !" 1 ' roar woke 1140. We give mu: pastor ton "'I tholtghtwc thut3saud.,, little tomtncc' you (3,40.1 not go an far for that par - • Misr ',Li.; said Flu,ustuad "that is all I shall got." What 1" situ exelairh<:d, dl'uilplrtg n..,'' anis fort. That. in all robahfltry', will be my c a., *.r.,t. Et sway boom five lulu- " t til they par yon • 1 Tannic♦8 caftans?" it. •1.1'•1 r8 ?4 " 1 . !".'t ..,m,"ata 01tf' initminntl'. "lien ,1 1104'1 38581.r1 ' 7 would not, 4: " : 1 l'.0133. t' ,111 cit s0 111)1 mind bu-uro i nus 1'(' or a yr'n the e ' 1)11 K3 reilla168 as you ▪ 11..c10. 1'011 cure him, muni 11e will ho 1 , '':•u a nice 01111011 at the blast.' . What do you say to that, Mr. Hum- . .. -• t ,. 1,11.(1 I had better auswer by my cl ., , lie replied. - that 1 C, ,1 nee trom. the Oxpressinn of you oy-tH azul mouth, a very plaf13(1r181v01 oo Ow contrary. bir. Hemsteltil, you told bo 8 lvey stubborn man if yen ' 1 lento .I could be a very resoluta H CD 7 sr1Whataraau:uat^, I1 y i 0 0 " Nettle things 1 0101 those." r hrr 'sat ' 8s they call ns, and that horn .T. protest a a t r cl will lu:,vo our own way. I think such 1ttLlo t1111b4s t4s Ul,siya. probty young woman wants to conte as Do 1" o1 rest. Anne Marchmont's angga8tlou a vary "A»d T have road soinewl1Bro," con- '1We do not know what 500m0 01211111 aha \would„+a to a menagerie," mints red " I'll givo 701 rho psi 'doge of 111is- good ono." ' tinuod lionnstoad, " that his painting of or great to ]:inn. alta mial•etxt1p0 ro- the 111(3(1 as 110 Went back to the story poring to Bello," said Lo „", sweetly. wa j o to ilia t}auatian Ivo shall an English farmyard is the mast Delo- voals 1834 n10d1( 11 one dire0tion as tho "No 1,1at1or, let 'ole corms, they will O11, thank you," refill ,l Do Forrest have to take something," said Della, rated tl. 11H works. : tlra0w, L, ,y het „ i b P his 1 Irl 8' Jnclgn telescope 111 another, soil the uortiul°n 1 al malto ,alary with "" oil nes oxclalmad Addle, I ami 1 ask of you (1110her tie- house -Sty 111 Mao ;moms midway in animal ,,()f 1(4111'50 1IL', 710inetoad, you will Z.o,11(11111x0110111 nen 0(1 Sill• sill told ani 5081 at queer tn,nga arL 1(00,412 t. [vlar8dan, I th at y isfon as to tho ovidenco in this 0115e, 1 ]nisi' odor upot3 this expedition with great United, as rho Hinigh etojill .d nb Mrs, Let its titin the oddest and 0,051 out• p ala ((10 ((' 0I " o dtvnw oo', affirm that i did not call your attention Anct do you behave that th 111 a allt,u asset, as it will ba to elle advant8 0 of &alt s ho i d t3 d L to the farmyard itself, but t rho owe- hand is employed in forming such t gun of your fra,ternfty. As ho diel so ho w1118110 t cl t pants "' Is not that trod ?' as those ?" " I think, with i4Ir. Harcourt, that the Capital, Lottio, you al "" I mama (tali 7 that it is,P' " Tho Divine will is. But the:, i idles ii;11' will be the best part of it," and always my bright j •t,e,' " We 1111 know that rnl. uy, 01111111;111 1111114 tl c stvlthli1C11.1 1;13(1 1'1 - :• +'x " 011, for shams I Can it he trots that "Don't be 5nntimoni . , . aitisis havo 'niailu the plr;niting of Iu.Otoction for mixt year's hal t•tst, • two of 1(501) your tl'ad0 can never hos'on117108ponso. e Iv 1 t eeia11ty, and hong thou "\4hat is that?"' said: Harcourt from u' 1110?" 110 \itis moment :bottle's br ia1 t „ wurl1•i..010 incl ma11115 as Land- the front scat, where ho was ,hiving. "t"Lang agog of aontrovnrsy prove firocl a snowball that 0arrioc sour and 7iosa Bonbon'. 14lorooves, in "" Do you know," cried Lotn:, that that;' said Harcourt, Ilomsteada Itat; at which aft till �t t tl tho ch tit 'Lha Misname pictures of (filo Nativity we 1�If..11ciustead tluulss that 4c y "" T. thinly your profession has dein and expoctadto son bi o young ' often find alta ltornoly details of the , Ins '031, t.vall to natio is sntallc.st ,ride move to hoop the world in hot water 1,.145111110 a look of nlfen(10(1 (1141(1 u filer acv. 1 not ah w.1 e.au think of. Uncle, tlttn'o i5 sour old bluo dross -coat; we Will 1,111, 1 th tt for the tnun0ter. Wouldn't he look •, 1 1 1 t,; in it,,. Au,l • 14 y 1. 3111.1111,4 new-1U10k,0l Aat.ill :lit 1.41.1 War" W11041 a young lathy. • annhed,pl.'' 1•:d. 11 everybody bungs pies tlogian '• '' ' r • '' ° , said 'rre00rt, 1. shall t 1 r0 3 4 OONT1211 13'. 110 0 YAW 1 1 \4 - It