HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-3-9, Page 6]Hh BFU
, tear them (eel ii• firer et Lake to Ble.r•
ellWeratta.e, vas taR 4 ; , .;;Zn 1,, $ $ yota irieleemes
, •, .eit
• '1. . ' I ' •.11 11 ,11 /WOO r1for 4 Vi1,34110Y 1 4 " 4 , Inv, Ho
It 0. Ingersoll, in speaking to
Jtery in a case which involved Ow
manniactnre of alcohol, used tie
•paliewtog eloquent language
T ft ware that there is a prebt
111118 eganiet any man eugaged hi
0.tuanufaeture if)! alcohol. I be
ye that from the time it igen
Coon the coiled and
40nous were
the dietellery until it empties i
eisfinto the holt of death, dielemer
and twitize, th'lt it deinorelizes
Feely that &niches it, from its sou ro •
et • e here it ends. I do not belie,:
anybody can contemplate
• eitij et without beemming prj'.
• til egaiust that liquor crime. All
se• . have to do, gentleman, is o
ot the wrecks ou either b
• .1,0 nreitat of death, of the eel -
elides, of the insanity, of the povert, ,
et' t,e ignorance of the little ehit
✓ tugging at the Ineaste of weep
1'g and despairing nives, 11.1411•••
i' 1 eltd of the talented mu .•
f. 1118 that it 11118 wreaked, the os-
.. .
• g g
p ,ecoit by this devilish time, ;
e• when you think of the jail., r
t • •.liee hmeeet, elf the asylums e
&Se p •i -one, of theeicaff delnp
C4' er bank, I do no weeder L
• ev r• thoughtful mete is prejudie
e, jest tine datuned stuff that le
• id. alcohol. In tempera! 00
d wu youth in its vigor, tnauhteel
in ice Strength, aud age iu lie
wealtuess. It breaks the father
. Wart, bereaves the -doting mother,
extinguishes , natural affectione,
•:etasAs conjugal loves, blots out fine1
attachments, blights parental help,
•and brings down mourning age in
..rww to the grave.' It prude:ea
weakness, not strength ; eielcues.,
Etta health; -death, not life I.
• reakes wives widowo, children type-
' zug; fathers 'fiends..atel allof them
• tupers. 1.1 feeds rheumatism,
:Emma gout, -Weleemes epi•lemies,
ievitis cholera; imports 'pee -Weems,
Gen embraces. 'coueureption.
csvore the latitt with id I enees,
tsiser: and eritne.
• It int-. your jails, supplies yeur
aleis nausea, and &mends your
a-ylitine. It etigentlers controve, s.
e, fosters querrele, end cherishe
'et, It crowds your penitentieries,
• if.4 furuietiee victims for your Lena
f.elds. It ie the life blond of the
cm0bler, the element of the burglar,
tO prop of the highwayman, and
the oupport of the midnight amend
' ;rec.• t ueuutentitates ilit liar, 6,
opeeti be thief, esteems the bete
pawn a.. It violets obligati U,
reverences fraud, and honors infamy,
defames benevolence, hetee love,
',ear ., virtue, and elanders iuuo
tents . It iucites• the father to bus.
c..er bis helplese nffspring, helps the
fr.sband to massacre hie Wife, Keil
14 le child to paermidal nee. It burn.
up MOD, 00081112108 woioen, detects
life, curses God arid despieee heaven
It suborns tvitnessee, nurses per.
dofilee the jury box and stem -
44 judicial ermine. It degredes
le citizen, debases the legislator,
dishonors the etatesman, and die
e cos the patriet. It brings sheer,
et honor ; terror, not safety ; des
y..eir, not hope ; mieery, not happi
Dees ; and with the malevolence: of
r fiend, it calmly surveye the fright
a. d, nesatislieci with
e havoc, it poieoes felicity, kitie
j' -aco, rniee morals, blights confi
ace, clays repu•esion, wipes out
eusiond houor, then ourses he
orld and 'angina at its ruin. It
Cees all that, and wore—it murders
t bout. It is the sun of all vill
• 0. ice, Lim father of all crimes, the
1. lur if abotninatione, the devire
• frlenti. and God'e wort a/4m.y,
11.. 4:44411 111 11) 4 14 if worts 40 try Inc 1 o8yi 1.o. . ., .1 ... , ••11n bal. t110
1... .1 . u ‘1,,.. geolemenly com t limn. 4 e tow •I ter it ••04
1 • • Mitent.keime tempo iie tames , „.11•1 ,1••••• . e '('41' .4 well
i es,11110,11•34 - [Bev Jowl Meal ed. • A Liee...,e, • i ,111,,,ITE .12111, 1 •
tee Ing ' "ie 0 4 • i A S. I
4.34'4).44(1-4;4 s4 N C, WS. h111 wr. h. 1, , op ny
- Wool., , . 8 l4144410131 .4
1.1 %It Ogle -81V. to •Ill,1 11 11114 44111141 ., • .4 y „ ,, I' 1,V0,,,is$ .0
i. 'I, ey• Till. g;,11;.1j14114.e 11•1 . ' 11 ,..
till...1.11 ..141341 114'+ W111 p.01.11.100 44 r in b i, ro, a IN ; 4.":, ; •;1
......., SI teed.," 14 41 eh . .. 1 el .1
mere Kew, :need ition ie regotred etet hut 43' 1143 • r 1 411,11 1
Peierbon: jai1 4,144414'.' 1 11 .4444441 1 1 14 111.11;
1 ilo NVOil 4 111i (Mid (4 1'414:4 1 -- Taillir; 44' T110.1010(0 11 .0,,
; 't ' 100111 g1111,11101 . SPE1,111y. ... ; , 11' hi
4314' New lit 4411.4441444 Legieletere ,*'&l*', 1 ea., a, 1 o ee. se.; e
••• 1 hoe Thine (ley. teerit g, e.4111 ).'sl. s, 13 'n• o's, I
hy,i.n:totO 1114,. -1 , t irate: 111411' 4414. ,, Ninon,. . 4 emeze. 4 eloe
t - • le• re,. .4,•• - x -ye' tee e i , I. .4 ....... 1 0,
:Now Bamberg cel dug, Win 1,s 1.1" .krio; o.1.1., r en le e Ai
-elope • too 14.. t • :13 nerelet
34.41440)1114 Xpt O. 1148110 (0.18T1N1.11144 NA M r81114
33 1
h 01. 114 r11.1 r38 44 1 484 , 4,8
41.' 11,5
1 Nt• . • ee
. Beth- ,,, 11 , 1) ,ou so
01.44'01,M W ;11'1V40,4 1110 , 44.,1 , 1 11 410 liit.ra
011 With itneenntry Nor s faix••,i4 tii • V1' 11 111..- ...,
• 1.1 • • .0411 I,
• relents (sir Tito .
eere wants no hing but a be-
lie- +ng prayer to turn the promise
int, 11 neeformance.
Sunday is the golden clasp that
Unite together the ,volinto of elle
week.— [Longfellow.
v: oak. 11114141 ii Ilan a microscope,
which magnifies trifling thIngs, but
cannot reoeive great ones.— [Ohes
It is our duty to be happy, be
cense happi'nese lies in contentment,
with all the divine will concerning
es.— [Bethune.
. Prayer., ueed 1.10t be fine. 1 be•
Rove God abhors fine prayers. If
a person auks charity of you in ole.
gant sentencestho is not likely to
.get it.— [Spurgeon.
• True glory•consiets in doing what
fdeeerves to he written, in writiug
what deserves to be read, and in so
living as 10 make the world happier
.0a butter 'for or living in its—
• . After invading the doctrines of
ieocratos, or Aristotle, we feel
•• that the specific differenee between
their wards and Gimlet's is the tlif.
• fettertee 'between an inquiry and a
Maelation.---1Dr. Joseph Perker,
The rich sating ruler remittal .
•fine, tertifiratee—of hie own este.
12 a ia .:' l'I'44 io Is. -..r•
:tile ill
tele 1144!)'444 1,4 OW Ale. .1+,01.
0 at P , pme, et B10-
110 bolnroay
Promipei (Ti' 011; of Kingston 11
44 '.1441 to vi•it Ametralie for tile lieu
•.f hie it -v. te
Velsite elle repeal of tho Scott
A. 4. in lteu•rew will take place on
roursday, 11It11 April.
'Pile Gee/eminent have decided
..4 to nuilit• any cuange in the ter
lif•lerlog tee prte,00t *433441444
Powell fell off a tO
0;4400 at Stretford ou Wedueeday
went Ault badly isoorited htoe.
• A. tneteher of the Galt town emu, -
414. tuts beau flued fur infringiee the
i•i,vn'v by 13,10 444 coasting (104111 /1
publie steel. L.
Tliu revenue fr nu Um litugston
reel' R toway i Its• Iro n p:tyie.4
unPundue, .$11,3 Lunen lass thae
net 0: !net wintor
.N our imudred Quebec Proviuce
heed& neve been deenteeed for 0.4.
,ulortniug, to 1044 1141141 the matter
41 givitig eeoucl4y.
Dilrlog the 00,10d 11E14 Juiler
Green la is pr•side1 over the Toron.
jeir 81)1 441440 butte met their fate
,,u t e gallows there.
Tne Oongreis.tional Chnroh at
Froine, the oldest, 10 Delwin, Intviult
b••eu built 43 yi•are, was sold et nue
doll recently for $15.
There'd has ratted the license fees
for time year up to $2'70, and reduc•
ed he 'lumber of tavern license in
.he town from Isis to four.
Tile whole of the million= sum
of $250.000 needed for the jubilee
eudtavment tend of Queen'tt Univer-
Kingeton, hes been subscribed
Toe Brant -Joni drernon here.
calved over SO deteeptetnees to attend
their clemoustratien next Juno Tor
majority are from American oom
James Patten, convicted at Barrie
l'nssday of briboy tinting llio Emit
Suncoo election eoncest, was fined
$50 and sent to prison for six
At Nepanee, during the test of a
(leeway ut new t biker ilOue, it Was
fullild Unit toyo lon,,uns 1441.u44d 9.1
$110 had been badly ent with a
Thu Itev. 'Mr. Young, '.1hurcli of
ffugland 1041110401 444 Kingston, im•
dlg11/111tly repudiatem it allege., iti-
terview with e reporter in whien tto
was represented 11.8 nenocosing tho
Serf' Act and ori-ioising its opera
dove in Iteutrew.
Conductor Snider was proeented,
at Seratford, out; tee
volumes of D. L. Mnrely'e %wee.
Tliel• elite were the gift of an .4 •
known wall winher of the racipie •
who was uuttegintinted with Me.
Snider and had not even beard lme.
Cue of the meet arafitithlo reaser,
ietions of lest newton, tte'le the al •
of the Tilden, sunk in the St. Olnie
a little below Sarnia. Tile firm 4,341
raised her eold the iron wbioh
fermed her cargo for more that,
eitough to pay all expellee++, and new
they nave ch44p,,..4a of the heat her.
self for $16,000, all of which is
Eillkt COMPETITION. —Farraers 1v33 3
have a chance this year of compet-
tog for tho gold madel in 4110 race
for the best managed farm. Tho
district for 1888 embraces Lambton,
Kett, Oxford and Middlesex. Only
three farms in each electoral die
triet are eligible for competition.
Each farm must mot be lose then
100 aims, two.thirds under oultiva.
Win. • Lames are made 'through
the Secretaries of tho Agricultural
Societies, and elmuld he made be.
fore the 1st of May.
A framer in Seymour lownelaio
named 111cOarin (bine a team cum
posed of a horse and an ox 1113144004* -
(141 Be has tratned the ex
with a 1411 31) his mouth the same es
a home, and the two tree eff tagelb„
er with n 1ulglt de Well be 34 team of
helmet. Mr. McCann is drawing
11 0 .... 44 • .. 4111 411 11.1,
i 11, ;1,, , 1 i 11 1 Cfri
11 ,, j 427 L. r•
t•t.il1 pm: t bort:. 1)3)
•4y, 1111.1 tlio 414 111
(14111 1 D. .111..111,
31,4(4 4 0011 ettee of Atebly.
oele . 0,1
meal/mot the e.t.a. of a yeah 1811 1.
re. ••r 18 yettre of aim, sumeell
1141( 4141 041415144 41311y. Thii oloy11-
1.0111. "PC, '1 tie 1(41, but ea u.
! piee, ;the ate •. :emote) brunet).
:theta me recovery .LI MITON 1.11,13M1^.
Dr Gunn h•td known 3(411( 140 011.8.11.
dioly 4, hee00 edema IL,
1 Only 10 10
1 1)14000 0140044. '211104' ki,,tolitlers 3444*4
33441118 Up the weeo
Me Teseop bed f••utad a history ot
I tobttuoo um in ell the 0.1006 he tied
04711 1 11 •• 0 • quoting for 11
I 111'1, 0.1 • but I will let dd.
stalice. I believe there ere hen.
dr .. .•• mdeien e•
epee oOtoo
'o old thole' $181•'l 11110.5
it o tfo mnon more effectu illy
done by dropping their wheat),
Inouty into ;he miesionary 31.1
S.‘1118 0110 11,18 41,11118d o cigar e
heioa et; •l• e tient at ono
eon if any
your.- ',gm bore, after bearing •h
0411, 1ts that .tro likely to full •w,
WItI pereine using the woed,
-in constitute a living example of
ttillotencerrentnese or the above 1143f1111'
. ..,4 for a me.
meet. 41 V aoptigt of .Ito
etthjeet \Vhat au article costa is
intoreezing end in the
present Instanue it might not be out
of p'ace e .• we pay for
all this I as et sight, dyepepela, pal
pitatiou, lose of energy, neuralgia,
etioking breath and filthy h•tbite.
It is estimated that thn total amount
of "thecae used teat year in the
United Suites Oust $256,500,000
Tho 1. .4 oreaeloned by fires due to
Meer " 447 F eenties mane
ed the item ef $120,000,000, lase
the: turf the amount consumed by
tins habit in queetion. And while
' t 4...1.11.1301140 and
intuit' too', dO. 411"44" '1)'4( devotime 14
n f energy and
thump& , re -event thie destruction
of property, this wholesale waste,
more tban twicoLau destructive, goes
0/3 without eenrooly a voice being
tensed against it. If we divide the
256 44113 . :1:ions, which
iu the ,. ion uf the 'United
it expondteure
for tobacco elone over $4 00 a you
f. e each inhabitant. Althougl I
could not ofttetn statistics for Canada
we nte. fe: • ter-, , 4hat tne ex.
4411114111004 411. petit countriee will let
eit»ilina. Melte then, the pnpulatina
It( this villiteo., arty 1400, and multi
ply by $4 00 rrill giro $5,600.00,
about $700.00 more than eveuel pay
all Lila e i••'pal dielnie.•.irtente for
laet year. again, aceoreing to as
near an estimate as I qti obtaiv,
there are about 40,000 ewers sold
eeerly in Bruseels, neultiply this by
45 els., the visual selling prioe, and
•11413 tell! 441 only $100
less than would pay all she expenees
of our school for last year. I think
I would bo safe in saying that if
the tubecco and (tiger money spent
by even the members and adherent')
of Melville church was directed in
the proper channel it would bo sof
fielent to eupport a missionary in
the foreign field, and by so doing
they would erect a nionumenk
worthy of Christiana, that would
reaele higher than the heavens, and
more lasting than smoke. It is
estimated that Lite whole cost of
tobacco connive:1 in the world
yearly would be eufficiont to build
two railroads around tho world and
equip them in a complete manner.
dust think of the pour this would ,
elethe, of thu Diblee 11441)41111 gond to •
the heathen, of the Inieeionaeies and
toseliere it would support, of the
chnrches it world build, of the cob
loges it would liberally endow, and
all this is wasted, yea, worm) than
wrote& every year. People eons-
1 ;
.1,1 re
11. y y o sey, 114 $41:
"Tho'Ilou old, yet tun I s, -.11w and lusty
P0', in my youth, I hover did apply
Ho and rebellious liquors hi my blood;
Nor did 1, with unbesbfol forehodd, WOO
The 040414)4 01 weelee s and debility;
Therefor.., ra:, age is, as a lusty winter,
osty, bib kindly.
Salesmen Wanted I
es.0.414e toe tu,, 411,1 11 •uniery
Stos.11 ot44ol3y.41ont 4nera,2 J. 1, Stadorr
AND PalneltH10, PAM, 1.tm1y ••1, sisrlug
ago. (1t0111T 1.1 (418 oain.,•)
CHASM 44lItlITME118 Colborne, 11nE.
Money to Loan.
'Stoney 40 roan on Farm Pro-
perty, at
13r ussels,
30 ys
The Attention of the Public
is called to the fact that the
will give
C+ MI Uia-j
Tweeds, Yu 7'/28,
Blanko•,.§, lannek
for the next 30 days.
Special Dives
in Knitted Goods.
To Secure the
Big nedzotions I
you Must bring the
Try the Brussels
Alnacn 1), 1888,
u . Eivpui
41", 11 1 1 3110 41)1111111 th 1.4 hie stook of 1"nrtii.
trior awl 13e1!ro43t44 illites and
e • reetiiture tumidly kept itt
• lb et.i4lass etore, )(1144
tc)Ra )51,r, PLUIra
t of Pict:tee 1V4ou.10,12Lg,
• nee ill Pei oti•ees in stock. Al 1 now mantifiteture 1113'
014111 Puri titure, having
iTtiAli:] Ian Constantly IlmDloyad,
more liberal terms
ETU ill E. positiou to deal with the public on
ibex' ever. All timber used thoroughly seasoned in the first-class
dry kiln at our Factory.
Repatring Promptly A ttended to.
"Ti MRP Wcfs-7). dot et...A R.9 ft alb
atki 11D
First-elass stock of Undertaker's Goods always on hand. .13y
dealing with us you secure the host manufactured for the sante
price as you would pity for a 3104401111 (41 third rate article elsewhere.
.11,1 Good.' Deii,vered Free in the Country,
TQ (D]panmp„
We have gained a great reputation for the elegant fits and finish,
but especially for the Low Prices at WO take orders. All.
Our work is done on our (WM premises and cannot be excelled in
value by any dealer, and certainly not equalled in the village of
Brussels. Wo have an
ifigno Stock at
'THIS S....31ASO.N."
13; efeltons, Worsteds, Diagonals, Corkscrews, 'W est of Igneelnuel,
Scotch and Irish Tweeds, and an enormons variety or
the best Canadian makes.
range from $10, for a fairly good snit mad('
L) to your Order, to $12, $11, $15, $10, 17,
$1S, $19 and $20.
1141 11SO
aro strictly First -Class, and the Workmanship the best.
Some Spada] lines of
which we intend Selling Off at WONAKIWIth 13A1WAINS.
Woolen Mill IL OS'S Bros()
LE,-DJC1,01fFIlKIIS OttTFITTgite4,